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Contents Sitemap en Inhoud blog
Posts by category
- Category: Dutch Royal Injustice
- 2025-03: Herhaald Inzage Verzoek AIVD Onwettelijk Geblokkeerd!
- 2025-03: Vaste Kamercommissie voor Justitie & Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2025-03: Smedema Allegations: Manipulation, Exploitation, and Paternity Deception
- 2025-03: Smedema: Allegations of International Obstruction to Justice
- 2025-03: Hans Smedema: Refusal of Royal Pardon
- 2025-03: Blind to Justice: Smedema and Dutch Systemic Failures
- 2025-03: Hans Smedema vs. The Dutch Government: A Conspiracy Allegation
- 2025-03: Smedema: Alleged FBI/CIA Validation of Asylum Claims
- 2025-02: Analyse Nederlandse Ombudsman ‘Behoorlijkheidswijzer’ op mijn totale Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2025-02: Smedema Case: Allegations of Impropriety in the Dutch System
- 2025-02: Hans Smedema: Allegations of Obstructed Justice by the Dutch Government
- 2025-02: Smedema vs. AIVD: Allegations of Conspiracy and Cover-Up
- 2025-02: Hans Smedema: Allegations of Electroshock Therapy and Mind Control
- 2025-02: Smedema’s Allegations: Demmink, Obama, and UNCAT Complaint
- 2025-02: Smedema vs. The Netherlands: Alleged UNCAT Violations
- 2025-02: Hans Smedema: Alleged Deprivation of Rights and Control
- 2025-02: Hans Smedema’s Allegations Against Johan Smedema and the “Omerta Organization”
- 2025-02: Hans Smedema: Allegations of Control and Isolation
- 2025-02: Hans Smedema: Alleged Medical Conspiracy and Abuse
- 2025-02: Smedema vs. Van der Hart: Allegations of Medical Abuse
- 2025-02: Nederlandse Justitie weigert sluw en corrupt de EU wetten uit te voeren!
- 2025-02: What specific UNCAT violations are alleged against the Netherlands?
- 2025-02: What is the role of the Dutch Royals in the suffering of Hans Smedema?
- 2025-02: How does Smedema characterize the Landsadvocaat’s behavior?
- 2025-02: El caso Mazan y el proceso Pelicot se parecen a mi horroroso caso Hans Smedema, que duró décadas.
- 2025-02: L’affaire Mazan et le procès Pelicot ressemblent à mon horrible et longue histoire, celle de Hans Smedema!
- 2025-02: Schendingen van de Nederlandse Grondwet in de Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2025-02: Violations of the Dutch Constitution in the Hans Smedema Affair
- 2025-02: Landsadvocaat Reimer Willem Veldhuis van Pels Rijcken in Zwaar Paradoxaal Dilemma!
- 2025-02: Hans Smedema: A Relentless Pursuit of Justice and Truth
- 2025-02: Hans Smedema: NotebookLM for Justice and Validation
- 2025-02: Landsadvocaat Pels Rijcken zond zeer correct mijn verzoek door naar Minister Justitie!
- 2025-02: Voorstel Geert Wilders: Snel Schikken Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2025-02: Quinto intento de asesinato en Altea 2016, Costa Blanca España
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations: International Ramifications
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Legal Battles: A Multifaceted Strategy
- 2025-01: Smedema Family Conspiracy Allegations
- 2025-01: The Schuhs and the Smedema Cover-Up
- 2025-01: The Grobben-Smedema Case: Abuse, Manipulation, and Conspiracy
- 2025-01: The Smedema Affair: Grobben and Timmermans’ Roles
- 2025-01: Cloudflare AI Audit Hans Smedema Affair Results
- 2025-01: Smedema Case: Corroboration, Investigation, and Accountability
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations of Absurd Dutch Obstruction of Justice!
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations: Legal and Political Ramifications in the Netherlands
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Asylum Case: Judge Ford and Alleged Dutch Interference
- 2025-01: Medische fouten en beroepsovertredingen in Spanje: een casestudy van medicijnvervanging
- 2025-01: Mala praxis médica y faltas profesionales en España: un estudio de caso sobre la sustitución de medicamentos
- 2025-01: Medical Malpractice and Professional Violations in Spain: A Case Study of Medication Substitution
- 2025-01: Gemini AI about Pels Rijcken taking on the Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2025-01: Hans Smedema: Kafkaësk gevangen in absurde paradox!
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Financial Claims Against the Dutch State
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Accusations Against the Dutch Royal Family
- 2025-01: Demmink Conspiracy Allegations: Smedema’s Account
- 2025-01: Systemic Corruption in the Dutch Justice System
- 2025-01: Las acusaciones de Smedema: control mental, abuso institucional y daños colaterales en los Países Bajos
- 2025-01: Beschuldigingen van Smedema: Mind Control, Institutioneel Misbruik en Collateral Damage in Nederland
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations: Mind Control, Institutional Abuse, and Collateral Damage in the Netherlands
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations of Dutch Government Obstruction of Justice
- 2025-01: Latest Developments with Repeated Denial of Legal Representation!
- 2025-01: Lavado de cerebro y tortura 20 de mayo de 2010 ¡Benidorm cronológico!
- 2025-01: El caso Smedema: una guía para periodistas de investigación
- 2025-01: Caso Smedema: caminos de investigación
- 2025-01: Las acusaciones de conspiración de Smedema: un análisis
- 2025-01: Las acusaciones de Smedema sobre el control mental del gobierno holandés
- 2025-01: Las acusaciones de abuso médico y conspiración de Smedema
- 2025-01: El papel del rey Guillermo Alejandro en la denegación de asilo a Smedema
- 2025-01: La paradoja de Smedema y las denuncias de violaciones por parte de la UE y la ONU
- 2025-01: La paradoja de Smedema: probar lo indemostrable
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations of Medical Abuse and Conspiracy
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations of Dutch Government Mind Control
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Conspiracy Allegations: An Analysis
- 2025-01: De zaak Hans Smedema: een verhaal over verraad, samenzwering en de strijd voor rechtvaardigheid
- 2025-01: The Landsadvocaat’s Dilemma: A Case Study in Obstruction of Justice
- 2025-01: Obstruction of Justice in the Netherlands: A Case Study of Potential Legal Violations
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations: A Dutch Conspiracy with the Unknown Zwolle Court case
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Financial Claims Against the Dutch State
- 2025-01: Mind Control and Relationship Destruction
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Alleged Mind Control and Personality Alteration
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations of Dutch Government Obstruction
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Allegations Against the Dutch Government
- 2024-12: Smedema Case: Investigative Pathways
- 2024-12: The Smedema Affair: A Media Guide for Investigative Reporting
- 2024-12: Wies Smedema: A Complex Web of Allegations
- 2024-12: The Demmink Cover-Up: Smedema and Kat’s Reports
- 2024-12: Al Rust’s Document: Independent Evidence of Conspiracy
- 2024-12: Dutch Government’s Violation of UNCAT
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Allegations of Dutch-Spanish Conspiracy
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Drugging Allegations Confirmed in Spain
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Asylum: A Dutch Conspiracy
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Lost Document: Betrayal and the Suppression of Evidence
- 2024-12: Radical Transparency: Exposing a Dutch Conspiracy
- 2024-12: Lessons from a Perversion of Justice
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Allegations of Mind Control
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Allegations of Dutch Government Conspiracy
- 2024-12: Smedema Accusations: Legal and Political Ramifications
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Allegations of Medical Persecution
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Catral Allegations Against the Dutch Government
- 2024-12: Electroshock Therapy: Medical Treatment vs. Torture Allegations
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Catral Account: The Role of a Former Dutch Police Officer
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Responses to Alleged Mistreatment
- 2024-12: Zijlstra Family Testimony and the 2009 Asylum Case
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Allegations of Rape and Manipulation
- 2024-12: The Ketamine Conspiracy: Hans Smedema’s Testimony
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Accusations Against the Dutch Royal Family
- 2024-12: Smedema and the Dreyfus Affair: A Case of Alleged Persecution
- 2024-12: Gemini Deep Research: The Hans Smedema Affair
- 2024-12: List of events that should have been present in police files and have triggered investigations!
- 2024-12: Analyse and discuss how my nephew Jack from Duiven did his duty as Rijkspolitie and on my specific request alerted his superiors about my case!
- 2024-12: Mastermind Joris Demmink’s Perfect Crime: No Legal Help for his Victim Hans Smedema Allowed since 1972!
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Accusations: The Alleged Roles of Demmink and Duijs
- 2024-12: Al Rust: Smedema’s American Advocate and Fellow Victim
- 2024-12: Is Arne The New Leader of the Omerta Organization?
- 2024-12: Google Notebook Guide FAQ, Timeline, Briefing Doc, Study Guide, Table of Contents in Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Paradox and Claims of EU and UN Violations
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Paradox: Proving the Unprovable
- 2024-12: Judge Ford’s Dilemma: Navigating Asylum Law and Potential Treaty Conflicts
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Strategies for Exposing His Allegations
- 2024-11: Mind Control and Mental Hostage in the Hans Smedema Affair
- 2024-11: Smedema’s Evidence: A Blend of Personal Records, Witness Accounts, and Allegations of High-Level Interference
- 2024-11: Klazien and Betty’s Alleged Obstruction of Justice in the Hans Smedema Affair
- 2024-11: Smedema’s Evidence of a Conspiracy
- 2024-11: Horrifying Gaslighting after Decades of Betrayal by Family and Friends!
- 2024-11: Panic at the Dutch Secret Service AIVD: They don’t dare to give ‘insight’!
- 2024-11: Several Google NotebookLM Insights about crucial events!
- 2024-11: First YouTube Audio Video Summary Discussion Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2024-11: Top AI Arguments for an Official Complaint at the European Commission!
- 2024-11: Paniek bij de Nederlandse Geheime Dienst AIVD: Ze durven geen ‘inzage’ te geven!
- 2024-11: The statement “Based on all the information, Hans Smedema argued that no fair trials can exist inside the Netherlands” is true!
- 2024-11: Contrasting Experiences: Smedema in the Netherlands vs. America
- 2024-11: Omerta Organization: Smedema’s Allegations of a Criminal Conspiracy
- 2024-11: Public Release of FBI Investigation: Independent Validation?
- 2024-11: President Obama’s intervention in the Hans Smedema Case
- 2024-11: King Willem Alexander’s Role in Smedema’s Asylum Denial
- 2024-11: The Purpose of the Alleged 5 Million Euro Buyout
- 2024-11: Tortured in the Villa of André Gruters and Joke Laven!
- 2024-11: How Google NotebookLM interaction about my decades-long quest for Justice suddenly made me a totally different Happy Person!
- 2024-11: Jaap Duijs: Smedema’s “Guardian” and “Cordon Sanitaire”
- 2024-10: Declassification request Asylum Case Hans Smedema A087-402-454
- 2024-10: The “Dutch Watergate”: One Man’s Fight Against a Corrupt System
- 2024-10: Orwellian and Kafkaesque terror by the Netherlands Government!
- 2024-10: How could serial rapist Joris Demmink manipulate Justice and the Crown since 1972, even become Secretary-General of the Ministry of Justice and thus deceive me and the entire Dutch state for 40 years?
- 2024-10: Google NotebookLM insights into my unbelievable Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2024-10: Unique in the Netherlands: Horribly destroyed life with a woman with a secret extra emotional personality as a sex slave!
- 2024-10: I accuse my girlfriend/wife and her(!) children of horrific psychological abuse and serious fraud!
- 2024-10: First Google NotebookLM Deep Dive Audio about my unbelievable Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2024-10: I accuse Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart!
- 2024-10: American Estimate of Damages in Gruesome Hans Smedema Affair at $50 Million!
- 2024-10: Cabinet offers 5 million as a buyout!
- 2024-10: The Monster of Drachten! Top criminal member of Omerta organization!
- 2024-10: The Decades-Long Horrific Medical Cover-Up!
- 2024-10: I accuse corrupt Psychiatrist drs. Frank D. van Es UMCG
- 2024-10: Potential for Classified Information in Smedema’s FOIA Request
- 2024-10: Hans Smedema’s 50+ years most emotional psychological and physical torture!
- 2024-10: Serious Fraud by Dutch Secret Service AIVD against Hans Smedema since 1972!
- 2024-10: Psychopath French teacher secretly appointed and protected by corrupt Secretary-General of Justice Joris Demmink, as a secret Justice Official destroyed the lives of victims for decades!
- 2024-10: Results of US FBI Investigation into Hans Smedema Affair
- 2024-10: American Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) request about Hans Smedema!
- 2024-10: The ‘Affaire Mazan’ and ‘Pelicot Trial’ resembles my horrifying also decades-long ‘Hans Smedema Affaire!’
- 2024-09: Ministerie Justitie WOO verzoek Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2024-09: Amerikaanse Schatting Schadevergoeding gruwelijke Hans Smedema Affair 50 miljoen!
- 2024-09: Wet Open Overheid WOO in de Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2024-08: Zware Fraude door Nederlandse Geheime Dienst AIVD tegen Hans Smedema sinds 1972!
- 2024-08: Hoe kon serieverkrachter Joris Demmink sinds 1972 Justitie en Kroon manipuleren, zelfs Secretaris-Generaal Ministerie van Justitie worden en zo mij en de hele Nederlandse staat 40 jaar bedriegen?
- 2024-08: Herhaald verzoek om openlijke inzage AIVD/Justitie files 52 jaar lange Koninklijke doofpot en gruwelijke vervolging Hans Smedema!
- 2024-07: Psychopaat leraar Frans heimelijk aangesteld en beschermd door corrupte Secretaris-Generaal Justitie Joris Demmink, vernietigde als heimelijk Justitie-Ambtenaar leven slachtoffers gedurende tientallen jaren!
- 2024-05: Hans Smedema’s 50+ years most emotional psychological and physical torture!
- 2024-03: Reactie Michiel van Nispen Voorzitter PEFD Blind voor Mens en Recht op mijn klacht!
- 2024-02: Rapport PEFD Blind voor Mens en Recht negeert grootste Nederlandse fraude in inmiddels Internationale Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2023-11: Comparison Kowalski Family Case with Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2023-10: Joris Demmink, Top Leader Secretary-General of Dutch Ministry of Justice, Orchestrates Decades-Long Criminal Cover-Up and Conspiracy
- 2023-08: First AI GPT 4 Blog Summary by Merlin!
- 2023-08: The Horrifying Hans Smedema Affair reopened when America rejoined the UN Human Rights Council In Jan 2022 for 3 years until Dec 2024?
- 2023-07: Welke Nederlandse Maatregelen in de Hans Smedema Affaire zijn in strijd met EU-recht?
- 2023-06: Preparing EU Commission Complaint against severe EU Law violations by Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and King Willem Alexander!
- 2023-05: Dutch Crown, Prime Minister Mark Rutte and King Willem Alexander keep betraying me and the Dutch People!
- 2023-03: Nederlandse Kroon blijft mijn ex-vrouw en heel Nederland gruwelijk bedriegen!
- 2023-02: FAQ Frequently Asked Questions English!
- 2023-01: ChatGPT – What is the Hans Smedema Affair?
- 2023-01: FAQ Veel gestelde vragen!
- 2022-12: Legal help also denied by Lexforis Albir!
- 2022-12: Pieter Omtzigt geïnformeerd over ontmaskering verkrachter-mol Secretaris Generaal Justitie Joris Demmink!
- 2022-09: Decades of Dutch Injustice by the rapist traitor who became Top Level Secretary General Ministry of (In)Justice protected by Royal ruling based on his fraud and betrayal!
- 2022-06: Militaire inlichtingendienst onderzoek geblokkeerd met gedwongen verhuizing door Joris Demmink!
- 2022-05: Broken arm leads to evidence of secret antipsychotic hidden as baby aspirin!
- 2022-03: Alle misdrijven chronologisch!
- 2022-02: Gaslighting of het manipuleren van mijn realiteit!
- 2022-02: Secretary General Joris Demmink was 40 years Royal protected(!) Rapist-Mole manipulating the Dutch Ministry of (In)Justice!
- 2022-02: Procedurele waarborgen voor kwetsbare personen in een strafprocedure!
- 2022-01: Civiele Claim tegen Kroon KLM en Verkrachters weer geblokkeerd door Justitie en weigerende Advocatuur!
- 2022-01: Topambtenaar Secretaris Generaal Joris Demmink was 40 jaar zwaar criminele MOL binnen Ministerie van Justitie met heimelijke Koninklijke bescherming!
- 2021-12: J’Accuse Joris Demmink als de heimelijke crimineel en Mol binnen Justitie!
- 2021-11: Petition No 0643/2021 by Hans Smedema (Dutch) on the alleged violation of his rights by the Netherlands (personal case)
- 2021-10: J’Accuse Psychiater B.T.(Bouke) Koopmans wegens gedwongen opname onschuldig weerloos slachtoffer!
- 2021-10: Joris Demmink blijkt verkrachter en MOL-X binnen Justitie in mijn Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2021-09: Mijn door Justitie beschermde tot seksslavin gemartelde vrouw drogeerde mij gedwongen tientallen jaren lang!
- 2021-07: Bizarre ongelooflijke combinatie van volstrekt unieke gebeurtenissen!
- 2021-06: Petition EU Parliament – Violation of EU Laws and Fundamental Rights by The Netherlands in Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2021-05: Severe Dutch Violations Against EU Charter of Fundamental Rights!
- 2021-05: Peter R. de Vries Misdaadverslaggever?
- 2021-04: Gruwelijk Decennia Lang Cordon Sanitaire Sydwende, Drachten!
- 2021-04: Demmink Affair verbonden met Hans Smedema Affair via Koninklijk huis!
- 2021-02: Uitnodiging bij Spaanse Guardia Civil Benidorm!
- 2021-02: Inhoud totale blog chronologisch met rond 500 posts en paginas sinds 2007!
- 2021-01: Probeerde Koning WA mij heimelijk via gratieverzoek te helpen?
- 2021-01: Vergelijkbare Dreyfus Affair: Boek door Robert Harris en Film door Roman Polanski!
- 2020-12: Kerkrat zwager Tjitte de Jong drogeerde mij in zijn woonboot!
- 2020-11: Vaste Kamer Commissie Justitie Tweede Kamer 2020
- 2020-10: Evidence, evidence and lots of witnesses!
- 2020-10: Uniek in Nederland: Gruwelijk verwoest leven met een vrouw met heimelijk een extra emotionele persoonlijkheid als seksslavin!
- 2020-10: Gemarteld in de Villa van André Gruters en Joke Laven!
- 2020-09: Schikkingsvoorstel Minister President drs. Mark Rutte!
- 2020-09: Embargo and again(!) cancelled Spanish Bank Account
- 2020-08: Resultaten Amerikaans FBI Onderzoek Hans Smedema Affair
- 2020-08: De decennia lange gruwelijke medische doofpot!
- 2020-08: KCOM – Geheime Koninklijke Criminele Organisatie Mengele!
- 2020-07: J’Accuse mijn vriendin/vrouw en haar(!) kinderen van mij gruwelijk psychologisch mishandelen en zware fraude!
- 2020-07: KLM Co-Piloot Koning Willem Alexander fraudeerde en blokkeerde het mij aangeboden asiel tegen Nederland boven Amerikaans grondgebied!
- 2020-05: Force Majeure Spanish Taxes Ministro de Hacienda!
- 2020-04: Prof. Nils Melzer UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
- 2020-04: Censuur Speurder Verbod Telegraaf!
- 2020-04: Duivels contract afgeperst door prof.dr. Onno van der Hart!
- 2020-03: Misdaadjournalist Hendrik Jan Korterink over Hans Smedema Affaire!
- 2020-02: KLM negeert laf en corrupt mijn aansprakelijkheidsstelling wegens fraude Koning Willem Alexander!
- 2020-02: Prof.dr. Onno van der Hart neemt advocaat, maar durft geen aangifte!
- 2020-01: J’Accuse prof. dr. Onno van der Hart!
- 2020-01: Medisch Tuchtcollege Groningen
- 2020-01: Request Access to classified records from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
- 2019-11: KLM Co-Pilot King Willem Alexander corrupt blocked my American Asylum against the Netherlands in American Airspace!
- 2019-11: European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
- 2019-10: Terror by the Dutch State caused my financial disaster!
- 2019-09: Not 3 but 5 Asylum requests!
- 2019-09: Global Magnitsky Act and Justice for Hans Smedema
- 2019-09: Cruciaal medisch dossier heimelijk onderschept en gestolen!
- 2019-08: Verkrachtingsfoto’s in geheim vak speciaal bureau!
- 2019-07: J’Accuse Minister President en Koninklijk huis
- 2019-06: AIVD Rapport met eindelijk vrijgegeven informatie!
- 2019-06: Timeline Crucial Criminal Events!
- 2019-06: AIVD klacht bij CTIVD ingediend!
- 2019-04: AIVD deel vrijgegeven dossier weer onderschept!
- 2019-03: J’Accuse – Jaap Duijs het Monster van Drachten!
- 2019-03: 6th attack on my life in Altea Spain 26-1-2019!
- 2019-01: Conspiracy against Hans Smedema explained!
- 2019-01: AIVD Doppelganger look-alike took my identity!
- 2019-01: Children deleted photo evidence of AIVD-rapist Jaap Duijs having 69-sex with MY wife!
- 2019-01: Saw 9 blanc lines on a full(!) page during official memory-test!
- 2019-01: Notice of European data protection removal from Google Search
- 2019-01: Mooi meisje/Jonge vrouw is doodsbang voor mij!
- 2019-01: My sperm was taken for a son in 1972!
- 2018-12: Eis Ministerie Financiën stopzetten beslag AOW!
- 2018-12: Spain helped corrupt Dutch with Antipsychotic hidden in Aspirin!
- 2018-12: AOW 100% ingehouden! Geen Kerst voor Hans!
- 2018-12: Justitie Maffia samenzwering met Ministerie Financiën?
- 2018-11: Broke up with my cheating girlfriend but forced to date and marry her!
- 2018-11: Beslag op AOW door Belastingdienst!
- 2018-11: Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts
- 2018-11: Human Rights Bodies – Complaints Procedures
- 2018-11: J’Accuse corrupte psycholoog drs. Janne Geraets Alfaz del Pi!
- 2018-10: Brainwashed and tortured at Police Officer Villa in Catral!
- 2018-10: Universal Declaration of Human Rights violated by Dutch Government and Royals!
- 2018-10: Hans Smedema Amnesia Foundation!
- 2018-09: Minister van Justitie en Veiligheid Prof. Dr. Mr. F.B.J. Grapperhaus
- 2018-09: Antipsychotic secretly since Sept 2003 by corrupt psychiatrist!
- 2018-09: Kinderen vervalsten zelf hun eigen vrijwillige DNA-test!
- 2018-09: Voorzitter Società Dante Alighieri Friesland blijkt serieverkrachter!
- 2018-08: J’Accuse broer Marinus Smedema Moraira Spain
- 2018-08: Fraude door psychiaters!
- 2018-07: Fifth Murder Attempt Altea 2016
- 2018-07: J’Accuse corrupte Psychiater drs. Frank D. van Es UMCG
- 2018-07: Thirth Asylum Request San Diego California! Deportation to Amsterdam with Dutch Secret Service!
- 2018-07: Book & Film Proposal horrifying ‘Fighting the Unknown’ true crime story!
- 2018-01: Dossier Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2018-01: Fighting the Unknown – Ebooks
- 2018-01: Vechten tegen het onbekende – Ebooks
- 2016-09: Laatste goud verkocht!
- 2016-09: Corrupt vonnis 2016 meervoudige strafkamer Rechtbank Leeuwarden!
- 2016-08: Jaap de Vaginajager als Informant Justitie in grootste Nederlandse doofpot en samenzwering ooit!
- 2016-07: Statement Hans Smedema zitting meervoudige strafkamer Rechtbank Leeuwarden 4 aug 2016
- 2016-07: Oproeping 4-8-2016 meervoudige strafkamer Rechtbank Leeuwarden
- 2016-07: Bod Kabinet 5 miljoen als afkoop!
- 2016-06: Commissie voor Veiligheid en Justitie 1e Kamer!
- 2016-06: Onethisch kwaadaardig gedrag Vaste Commissie Justitie!
- 2016-04: Vaste commissie voor Veiligheid en Justitie – Hans Smedema Affaire!
- 2016-04: Testimony about the Hans and Wies Smedema Affair, or Dutch Queengate!
- 2016-03: Cruciale informatie meisje-x, meisje-y zitting politierechter mr. Jeroen van Bruggen!
- 2016-03: Laffe mr. Johan Smedema vraagt Google om verwijdering Posts!
- 2016-03: Dwangbevel in naam van de Koning!
- 2016-02: Justitie manipuleert en fraudeert nog steeds, zelfs tijdens operatie Ziekenhuis Nij Smellinghe!
- 2016-01: Jaap de Vaginajager route bijna verdronken minderjarig meisje!
- 2016-01: Dutch Queengate, Royals & Cabinet involved in horrifying orwellian cover-up!
- 2016-01: J’Accuse – Open brief Minister President Koninkrijk der Nederlanden!
- 2016-01: J’Accuse prof. dr. R.J. (Robert) van den Bosch UMCG!
- 2015-12: Hersenspoelen en martelingen 20 mei 2010 Benidorm chronologisch!
- 2015-12: Heimelijk vogelvrij verklaard!
- 2015-10: Drogeren voor hersenspoelen in Benidorm bevestigd!
- 2015-09: Dief en oplichters Hans en Marian Stigter in Albir op oorlogspad!
- 2015-09: Koninklijk huis betrokken bij doofpot affaire en zware mensenrechten schendingen!
- 2015-09: Geert Wilders dilemma! Commissie Stiekem.
- 2015-08: Samenzwering binnen Justitie! Geheime afdeling voert moord, hersenspoelen en conditionering uit!
- 2015-08: Leven in Albir! Zoek leuk Speeltje!
- 2015-08: Smedemaësk definitie
- 2015-08: Verzoek aanhouding zitting politierechter 24-8-2015!
- 2015-08: Dagvaarding 24 augustus 2015 13.30 uur!
- 2015-07: Als mens vermomde ratten!
- 2015-07: Deurwaarder GGN pleegt alweer fraude!
- 2015-07: Financieel nu ook kapot gemaakt!
- 2015-07: Verhaal bijstand door Drachten!
- 2015-06: Deurwaarder GGN pleegt fraude!
- 2015-06: El Albir, Alicante, Spain
- 2015-05: Bezwaar Raad voor de Rechtsbijstand
- 2015-04: Advocaat trekt zich tijdens zitting plotseling terug!
- 2015-04: Politierechter 28-4-2015 Rechtbank Leeuwarden
- 2015-03: Scheiding gevolg verraad, oplichting en diefstal!
- 2015-03: Senator John McCain, request for help in Dutch Queengate!
- 2015-03: Scheiding op grond van fraude!
- 2015-03: Fraude Anker Advocaten Leeuwarden!
- 2015-03: Waarom is rechercheur Bart van Someren corrupt?
- 2015-02: Leuke nieuwe rechtszaak wegens smaad!
- 2015-02: Expertgroep klokkenluiders weigert ook hulp!
- 2015-02: Psycho rapport verkrachter drs. Jaap J. Duijs Drachten!
- 2015-02: College Rechten van de Mens
- 2015-02: Ban door, alle berichten gewist!
- 2015-02: Jaap de vaginajager & mind control!
- 2015-01: Drogeren verkrachten minderjarig meisje door drs. Jaap Duijs uit Drachten
- 2015-01: Uitnodiging Reclassering Nederland
- 2015-01: Beslag op AOW pensioentje!
- 2015-01: Laatste nieuws januari 2015
- 2014-10: Ook bedrogen door Hans en Marian Stigter!
- 2014-10: Aangifte Minister Justitie Spanje van diefstal 300.000 euro, 75.000 euro, documenten en hersenspoelen!
- 2014-10: Filing charges for 3 criminal cases with Minister of Justice, Spain
- 2014-10: Oplichting in Jalon chronologisch met alle betrokkenen
- 2014-10: Aangifte oplichting en diefstal 300.000 euro en achterhouden cruciale bewijzen!
- 2014-09: Ultimatum Minister Biza Plasterk! Aangifte vervolging accepteren!
- 2014-09: Ripped off by an Ukrainian crook in Benidorm! 300.000 euro lost!
- 2014-09: Opgelicht voor 300.000 euro in Benidorm!
- 2014-09: Opgelicht voor 300.000 euro in de Spaanse Jalon vallei!
- 2014-08: Gehersenspoeld in opdracht Justitie!
- 2014-08: Barracuda: Dutch Queengate!
- 2014-07: Expertgroep Klokkenluiders & Hans Smedema Affaire!
- 2014-07: Edwin de Roy van Zuydewijn and Hans Smedema Affair compared!
- 2014-06: Dutch Royal Criminal Organization against victim Hans Smedema!
- 2014-06: Request Dutch Minister of Health Care! Stop Cover-Up!
- 2014-06: Dutch Minister of Injustice! Pay 1,5 million!
- 2014-06: Rapist gets ‘Royal Order of Orange-Nasseau’!
- 2014-06: Weiger Incassobureau GGN te betalen!
- 2014-06: Ultimatum Dutch Minister of Injustice!
- 2014-05: Situatie rapport
- 2014-04: Mr. Hoekman OvJ OM Leeuwarden & mr. J.R. Eland HOvJ OM Groningen corrupt!
- 2014-04: Rechter mr. J.Y.B. Jansen Rechtbank Leeuwarden corrupt!
- 2014-04: Rechercheur Bart van Someren Politie Drachten corrupt?
- 2014-04: VVD Burgemeester Tjeerd van Bekkum Gemeente Smallingerland corrupt!
- 2014-04: Dutch Injustice: When Child Traffickers & Rapist Rule A Nation
- 2014-03: Verhoor Belediging Corrupte Ambtenaar in Functie!
- 2014-03: Verhoor 25-3-2014! Corrupte Politie Drachten weigert DNA-testje sinds 2004!
- 2014-03: Project ‘Gerede Twijfel’ VU Amsterdam!
- 2014-03: Unbelievable 5 grounds for asylum according to Judge Rex. J. Ford Miami court Florida!
- 2014-03: Centraal Justitieel Incasso Bureau naar deurwaarder!
- 2014-03: Nederlandse burgers bedrogen door Justitie & Kroon!
- 2014-03: Corrupt Openbaar Ministerie weigert DNA-testje en onderzoek!
- 2014-02: Political Asylum request President Obama
- 2014-02: America denies victim Hans Smedema Political Asylum against Netherlands!
- 2014-02: Rechtbank Leeuwarden weigert kopie heimelijk vonnis!
- 2014-02: Human Rights Watch Nederland – Case Hans Smedema
- 2014-02: Politie Drachten weigert Hans Smedema het doen van aangifte tegen verkrachters & meineed!
- 2014-01: Politiek asiel USA tegen Nederland in Texas voor Hans Smedema weer geweigerd!
- 2014-01: Fraude door Rechters!
- 2013-10: Onschuldig gevangen gezet P.I. Ter Apel door Politie Drachten & OM!
- 2013-10: Onrechtmatig aangehouden door OM Leeuwarden in opdracht Min. Justitie!
- 2013-09: Nieuw verhoor Politie Drachten wegens belediging!
- 2013-09: Canada Vancouver Airport Immigration denies entry to victim Hans Smedema!
- 2013-08: High Commissioner Human Rights refuses help!
- 2013-08: Interview with Hans Smedema!
- 2013-08: Comparison famous ‘Anne Frank’ with unknown Hans Smedema affair!
- 2013-08: Comparison George Orwell ‘1984’ & Hans Smedema affair!
- 2013-08: Interview with Hans Smedema!
- 2013-08: Comparison Gustl Mollath affair!
- 2013-07: Default Spanish taxes 2012!
- 2013-06: Centraal Justitieel incassobureau valt onschuldig slachtoffer Hans Smedema aan!
- 2013-04: Evaluatie Hans Smedema Affaire
- 2013-03: Belastingwetten ongeldig bij doofpot affaire staat zelf?
- 2013-02: Comparison Sergei Magnitsky & Hans Smedema cases!
- 2013-01: Defense against extradition by EAW!
- 2013-01: Appeal court sentences innocent Hans Smedema
- 2013-01: Europees Arrestatiebevel Hans Smedema?
- 2012-12: Huiveringwekkend Arrest Hof Arnhem
- 2012-12: Arrest Hof Arnhem Smedema/OM
- 2012-12: Corrupt Hof Arnhem veroordeelt Hans Smedema!
- 2012-08: Alle getuigen geweigerd!
- 2012-08: Ultimatum 1,5 mln Min. Alg. Z.
- 2012-06: Afgeluisterde telefoongesprekken Hans Smedema affaire!
- 2012-05: Verhoren Hoger Beroep 2012
- 2012-05: Opheffen pensioen eigen beheer!
- 2012-05: Geen eigen kinderen toegestaan!
- 2012-02: NIFP Deskundigenonderzoek!
- 2011-12: Regiezitting Hof 12-12-2011
- 2011-11: Mr. A. Moszkowicz zelf?
- 2011-11: Motivering onderzoek!
- 2011-11: Noodweer principe!
- 2011-11: Hoger Beroep Smedema Affaire 2011!
- 2011-11: Concept Appelschriftuur!
- 2011-11: Appeal case Court Arnhem!
- 2011-11: Fraude Tjitte de Jong Norg/Oudega
- 2011-10: Vooraf eerlijke rechtsgang!
- 2011-10: Ministeriële goedkeuring OM/Politie onderzoek geweigerd!
- 2011-10: Start Civiele Claim Staat!
- 2011-10: Oplossing Smedema Affaire?
- 2011-10: Mysterie op Rechtenforum!
- 2011-10: Beatrix versus Hans Smedema!
- 2011-10:
- 2011-09: Argusoog Radio!
- 2011-06: New York Times warning!
- 2011-06: Zware Politieke Samenzwering!
- 2011-06: High Commissioner Human Rights
- 2011-05: Casus voor advocaten
- 2011-05: Hans Smedema verstoten!
- 2011-04: Behoorlijkheidswijzer!
- 2011-04: Obstructie van recht!
- 2011-03: Klokkenluider Fred Spijkers
- 2011-03: Eed Tweede Kamerleden Fout!
- 2011-03: J’Accuse Koningin Beatrix vervolg
- 2011-02: J’Accuse Koningin Beatrix
- 2011-02: Franz Kafka & Hans Smedema
- 2011-01: Reason
- 2011-01: J’Accuse ‘De Kroon!’
- 2011-01: J’Accuse Politie!
- 2010-12: J’Accuse ‘De Kroon!’
- 2010-11: Bio CV Hans Smedema
- 2010-11: KCOM misdrijven chronologisch!
- 2010-11: Kon. Criminele Org. Mengele
- 2010-11: Wet Openbaarheid Bestuur WOB
- 2010-10: Rapport Morand Juridisch advies
- 2010-08: Hervonden herinneringen!
- 2010-08: Levenswerk Hans Smedema!
- 2010-07: Stasi cultuur Justitie!
- 2010-07: Zwartmaken!
- 2010-07: J’Accuse Ministerie van Justitie
- 2010-06: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights & Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2010-06: Politie faalt!
- 2010-06: Beschuldigingen Prof.dr. Onno van der Hart
- 2010-06: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
- 2010-06: Never in history!
- 2010-05: Convention against Torture! UNCAT Denied!
- 2010-05: Trauma, Dissociatie en Hypnose!
- 2010-04: Nog eigen kinderen?
- 2010-04: No justification for torture!
- 2010-04: Komende strafzittingen!
- 2010-04: Human Rights Violations 2!
- 2010-04: Human Rights Violations! UNCAT
- 2010-03: J’Accuse Koninklijk huis
- 2010-03: J’accuse Staat der Nederlanden!
- 2010-03: Hoogverraad?
- 2010-03: Smedema’s ultimatum en eisen!
- 2010-03: Smedema Declaration of Independence!
- 2010-03: Meesterlijke strategie?
- 2010-03: Koninklijk huis betrokken?
- 2010-02: Dreyfus- versus Smedema-affaire!
- 2010-02: PV zitting Politieslager!
- 2010-02: Bewijs betrokkenheid overheid!
- 2010-02: Reward 50.000 euro!
- 2010-02: Verdwenen bewijs! €50.000,-
- 2010-02: Maatschappelijk belang?
- 2010-02: Valentijnpost voor Wies!
- 2010-02: Dilemma Hans Smedema
- 2010-02: Geheime informatie verstrekken?
- 2010-01: Gevangen BTC Miami
- 2010-01: Statement Hans Smedema
- 2010-01: Smedema Official Coat of Arms
- 2010-01: J’Accuse KCOM
- 2010-01: J’Accuse ‘De familie’!
- 2010-01: Asylum case Court BTC
- 2010-01: Behandeling in BTC
- 2010-01: Official website of the ‘Hans Smedema Amnesia Foundation’
- 2010-01: Political Asylum Miami Florida
- 2010-01: Final Statement Asylum Court
- 2009-12: Politiek Asiel Florida!
- 2009-12: Politiek Asiel Miami Florida!
- 2009-11: Going to Spain!
- 2009-11: Spanje en psychiater
- 2009-11: 7 maand gevangen Florida USA!
- 2009-04: Opzettelijke vernieling woning!
- 2009-04: Nationale Ombudsman weigert.
- 2009-03: Rapport Morand!
- 2009-03: Convention against torture!
- 2009-03: Corrupt Openbaar Ministerie!
- 2009-03: Vonnis politierechter!
- 2009-02: Moszkowicz accepteert via mr. A. Wolffs de ‘Hoger Beroep zaak!
- 2009-02: Naschrift strafzaak!
- 2009-02: Wagenaar: Slapende rechters!
- 2009-02: Vonnis corrupte Politierechter zitting 9-2-2009 rechtbank Leeuwarden
- 2009-02: Hier een aantal belangrijke Proces Verbalen of PV’s genoemd
- 2009-02: Politierechter: Bizarre smaad moet afgelopen zijn!
- 2009-02: Parabel: Wat zou Jeroen van Bruggen geantwoord hebben in een zelfde soort situatie bij Anne Frank?
- 2009-02: Fraude door Politierechter Jeroen van Bruggen rechtbank Leeuwarden
- 2009-02: Dagvaarding en Proces Verbalen Hans Smedema Affaire!
- 2009-02: Voorloop strafzitting corrupte politierechter Jeroen van Bruggen!
- 2009-02: Paradigma verschuiving nodig!
- 2009-02: Ministerie van Justitie!
- 2009-02: Moszkowicz Hoger Beroep
- 2009-02: Bizar en ongeloofwaardig!
- 2009-02: Hoger Beroep smaad!
- 2009-02: Krant: Bizarre smaad!
- 2009-02: Toeval of samenzwering?
- 2009-02: Fraude door politierechter!
- 2009-02: Prof. dr. Wagenaar over rechters!
- 2009-02: Strafzaak politierechter!
- 2009-02: De Nederlandse Watergate!
- 2009-02: Smaad, laster & belediging?
- 2009-02: Mijn lieve dappere vrouw
- 2009-02: Wagenaar over psychiaters
- 2009-02: Jaap Duijs valse aangifte!
- 2009-02: Valse aangifte Klazien Jansma
- 2009-02: Justitiemaffia
- 2009-01: Status strafzitting
- 2009-01: Strafkamer 9 februari 2009
- 2009-01: J’Accuse Politierechter Jeroen van Bruggen!
- 2009-01: J’Accuse De Media!
- 2009-01: Aanslagen 1000+20.000 beloning!
- 2008-12: Terreur 1.000/10.000 beloning!
- 2008-12: Nationale ombudsman!
- 2008-11: K2-Recherchebureau rapport A.J.A Sander van Betten!
- 2008-09: Bewijs bedrog Jaap Duijs!
- 2008-09: Open brief Koningin Beatrix 2008
- 2008-09: Verraders van Hans & Wies
- 2008-08: Koningin Juliana samenzwering?
- 2008-08: Ministry Internal Affairs denies!
- 2008-06: Min. Biza wijst zaak af!
- 2008-06: Ervaringen in Spanje positief
- 2008-06: Dag Gjalt,
- 2008-06: Laffe media! Collaboreren!
- 2008-06: Spanje – Dolores
- 2008-06: Crucial Investigations CTIVD!
- 2008-05: Spanje – politiek asiel!
- 2008-05: Rapport Morand Juridische hulp!
- 2008-05: Drama gaat rustig door!
- 2008-05: Historisch moment CTIVD?
- 2008-04: Travel to Harlingen Texas again.
- 2008-04: Laatste nieuws 2008!
- 2008-04: Hoe gewaarborgde DNA test?
- 2008-03: Ambassadeur Paul Bremer!
- 2008-03: Advocaten nog mogelijk?
- 2008-03: Terror by the Dutch State!
- 2008-03: Casus Elise Boers uit Uden
- 2008-03: Casus Rieks P. uit Roden
- 2008-03: Casus Jaap Duijs Drachten
- 2008-03: Verhoor als verdachte!
- 2008-03: Zieke lieve echtgenoot!
- 2008-03: Police hearing 21-03-2008!
- 2008-03: Verklaring bij Politieverhoor!
- 2008-03: Verhoor Politie 21-3-2008!
- 2008-03: CTIVD Onderzoek Hans Smedema Affaire!
- 2008-03: Scheiding toestaan?
- 2008-03: Politiek steunt doofpot!
- 2008-03: Proof beyond reasonable doubt!
- 2008-03: K2-Private investigator report!
- 2008-03: Besluiten & Emigreren!
- 2008-02: Rapport K2-Recherchebureau!
- 2008-02: Acties advocaten?
- 2008-02: Bewijs!
- 2008-01: Procedure Smaad 2008/9!
- 2008-01: Rapport PD Recherche!
- 2008-01: Cruciale feiten, de Clue?
- 2008-01: Geen nieuws uit het Westen!
- 2008-01: Rapport PD Recherche Rijssen!
- 2008-01: Recherche bureaus
- 2008-01: J’Accuse oud vrienden
- 2008-01: J’Accuse de Medici!
- 2008-01: J’Accuse schoonzuster Klazien Jansma
- 2008-01: J’Accuse zwager Tjitte de Jong uit Norg/Oudega!
- 2008-01: J’Accuse mr. Johan Smedema uit Gennep!
- 2008-01: J’accuse ‘Hans vd Heide’!
- 2008-01: J’Accuse meedogenloze verkrachter H. Rieks Perdok
- 2008-01: Verkrachter Jaap Duijs!
- 2008-01: J’Accuse psychiater drs. W.H.J. Mutsaers
- 2008-01: Tot € 1.000.000 beloningen!
- 2008-01: Censuur & Ongeloof!
- 2007-12: Dutch (upside-down) thinking!
- 2007-12: Fractieleiders Tweede Kamer
- 2007-12: Lieve Wiesje
- 2007-12: Scheiding in aantocht
- 2007-12: Ambassador Paul Bremer
- 2007-12: Hans Smedema Amnesia Foundation
- 2007-12: Nieuws!
- 2007-12: Sluwe broer! God bestaat echt?
- 2007-12: Onderzoeksrapport te bestellen!
- 2007-11: Veel komend nieuws!!!!
- 2007-11: Update per november 2007
- 2007-09: Broers met ‘God-syndroom’!
- 2007-09: Krant achteraf gewijzigd!
- 2007-09: Crime of the Century!
- 2007-08: Important interrogation!
- 2007-08: Current status august 30
- 2007-08: Reis naar Texas!
- 2007-08: Declaration
- 2007-08: Travel to Harlingen TX
- 2007-08: Omerta in Nederland!
- 2007-08: Vluchteling status!
- 2007-07: Zoicite & Al Rust
- 2007-07: Nieuwe cruciale feiten!
- 2007-07: Staatsterreur!
- 2007-07: Lieve Wiesje
- 2007-07: Zoicite!
- 2007-04: Political asylum?
- 2007-04: Emigreren of Politiek Asiel?
- 2007-04: Huidige stand van zaken
- 2007-03: Hoe op te lossen?
- 2007-03: Verzoek om kamervragen
- 2007-03: Aangifte Fraude psycholoog Van der Hart
- 2007-02: Hoofdredacteuren
- 2007-02: Verzoek ‘De Onderzoeksraad’
- 2007-02: Aangiftes volledig genegeerd!
- 2007-02: The cruel dilemma!
- 2007-02: Justice dept intimidates wittnesses!
- 2007-02: Statement hoorzitting Hof van Discipline Assen
- 2007-01: De laffe advocatuur.
- 2007-01: De ‘achterlijke’ psychiaters.
- 2007-01: Nog te bewijzen feiten
- 2007-01: Een duivels dilemma.
- 2007-01: Help asked with bizarre crime!
- 2007-01: Hulp gevraagd bij oplossen misdrijven!
- 2006-05: Verzoekschrift ECHR afgewezen!
- Category: English
- 2025-03: Smedema Allegations: Manipulation, Exploitation, and Paternity Deception
- 2025-03: Smedema: Allegations of International Obstruction to Justice
- 2025-03: Hans Smedema: Refusal of Royal Pardon
- 2025-03: Blind to Justice: Smedema and Dutch Systemic Failures
- 2025-03: Hans Smedema vs. The Dutch Government: A Conspiracy Allegation
- 2025-03: Smedema: Alleged FBI/CIA Validation of Asylum Claims
- 2025-02: Smedema Case: Allegations of Impropriety in the Dutch System
- 2025-02: Hans Smedema: Allegations of Obstructed Justice by the Dutch Government
- 2025-02: Smedema vs. AIVD: Allegations of Conspiracy and Cover-Up
- 2025-02: Hans Smedema: Allegations of Electroshock Therapy and Mind Control
- 2025-02: Smedema’s Allegations: Demmink, Obama, and UNCAT Complaint
- 2025-02: Smedema vs. The Netherlands: Alleged UNCAT Violations
- 2025-02: Hans Smedema: Alleged Deprivation of Rights and Control
- 2025-02: Hans Smedema’s Allegations Against Johan Smedema and the “Omerta Organization”
- 2025-02: Hans Smedema: Allegations of Control and Isolation
- 2025-02: Hans Smedema: Alleged Medical Conspiracy and Abuse
- 2025-02: Smedema vs. Van der Hart: Allegations of Medical Abuse
- 2025-02: What specific UNCAT violations are alleged against the Netherlands?
- 2025-02: What is the role of the Dutch Royals in the suffering of Hans Smedema?
- 2025-02: How does Smedema characterize the Landsadvocaat’s behavior?
- 2025-02: Violations of the Dutch Constitution in the Hans Smedema Affair
- 2025-02: Hans Smedema: A Relentless Pursuit of Justice and Truth
- 2025-02: Hans Smedema: NotebookLM for Justice and Validation
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations: International Ramifications
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Legal Battles: A Multifaceted Strategy
- 2025-01: Smedema Family Conspiracy Allegations
- 2025-01: The Schuhs and the Smedema Cover-Up
- 2025-01: The Grobben-Smedema Case: Abuse, Manipulation, and Conspiracy
- 2025-01: The Smedema Affair: Grobben and Timmermans’ Roles
- 2025-01: Cloudflare AI Audit Hans Smedema Affair Results
- 2025-01: Smedema Case: Corroboration, Investigation, and Accountability
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations of Absurd Dutch Obstruction of Justice!
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations: Legal and Political Ramifications in the Netherlands
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Asylum Case: Judge Ford and Alleged Dutch Interference
- 2025-01: Medical Malpractice and Professional Violations in Spain: A Case Study of Medication Substitution
- 2025-01: Gemini AI about Pels Rijcken taking on the Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Financial Claims Against the Dutch State
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Accusations Against the Dutch Royal Family
- 2025-01: Demmink Conspiracy Allegations: Smedema’s Account
- 2025-01: Systemic Corruption in the Dutch Justice System
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations: Mind Control, Institutional Abuse, and Collateral Damage in the Netherlands
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations of Dutch Government Obstruction of Justice
- 2025-01: Latest Developments with Repeated Denial of Legal Representation!
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations of Medical Abuse and Conspiracy
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations of Dutch Government Mind Control
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Conspiracy Allegations: An Analysis
- 2025-01: The Landsadvocaat’s Dilemma: A Case Study in Obstruction of Justice
- 2025-01: Obstruction of Justice in the Netherlands: A Case Study of Potential Legal Violations
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations: A Dutch Conspiracy with the Unknown Zwolle Court case
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Financial Claims Against the Dutch State
- 2025-01: Mind Control and Relationship Destruction
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Alleged Mind Control and Personality Alteration
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations of Dutch Government Obstruction
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Allegations Against the Dutch Government
- 2024-12: Smedema Case: Investigative Pathways
- 2024-12: The Smedema Affair: A Media Guide for Investigative Reporting
- 2024-12: Wies Smedema: A Complex Web of Allegations
- 2024-12: The Demmink Cover-Up: Smedema and Kat’s Reports
- 2024-12: Al Rust’s Document: Independent Evidence of Conspiracy
- 2024-12: Dutch Government’s Violation of UNCAT
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Allegations of Dutch-Spanish Conspiracy
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Drugging Allegations Confirmed in Spain
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Asylum: A Dutch Conspiracy
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Lost Document: Betrayal and the Suppression of Evidence
- 2024-12: Radical Transparency: Exposing a Dutch Conspiracy
- 2024-12: Lessons from a Perversion of Justice
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Allegations of Mind Control
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Allegations of Dutch Government Conspiracy
- 2024-12: Smedema Accusations: Legal and Political Ramifications
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Allegations of Medical Persecution
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Catral Allegations Against the Dutch Government
- 2024-12: Electroshock Therapy: Medical Treatment vs. Torture Allegations
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Catral Account: The Role of a Former Dutch Police Officer
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Responses to Alleged Mistreatment
- 2024-12: Zijlstra Family Testimony and the 2009 Asylum Case
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Allegations of Rape and Manipulation
- 2024-12: The Ketamine Conspiracy: Hans Smedema’s Testimony
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Accusations Against the Dutch Royal Family
- 2024-12: Smedema and the Dreyfus Affair: A Case of Alleged Persecution
- 2024-12: Gemini Deep Research: The Hans Smedema Affair
- 2024-12: List of events that should have been present in police files and have triggered investigations!
- 2024-12: Analyse and discuss how my nephew Jack from Duiven did his duty as Rijkspolitie and on my specific request alerted his superiors about my case!
- 2024-12: Mastermind Joris Demmink’s Perfect Crime: No Legal Help for his Victim Hans Smedema Allowed since 1972!
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Accusations: The Alleged Roles of Demmink and Duijs
- 2024-12: Al Rust: Smedema’s American Advocate and Fellow Victim
- 2024-12: Is Arne The New Leader of the Omerta Organization?
- 2024-12: Google Notebook Guide FAQ, Timeline, Briefing Doc, Study Guide, Table of Contents in Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Paradox and Claims of EU and UN Violations
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Paradox: Proving the Unprovable
- 2024-12: Judge Ford’s Dilemma: Navigating Asylum Law and Potential Treaty Conflicts
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Strategies for Exposing His Allegations
- 2024-11: Mind Control and Mental Hostage in the Hans Smedema Affair
- 2024-11: Smedema’s Evidence: A Blend of Personal Records, Witness Accounts, and Allegations of High-Level Interference
- 2024-11: Klazien and Betty’s Alleged Obstruction of Justice in the Hans Smedema Affair
- 2024-11: Smedema’s Evidence of a Conspiracy
- 2024-11: Horrifying Gaslighting after Decades of Betrayal by Family and Friends!
- 2024-11: Panic at the Dutch Secret Service AIVD: They don’t dare to give ‘insight’!
- 2024-11: Several Google NotebookLM Insights about crucial events!
- 2024-11: First YouTube Audio Video Summary Discussion Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2024-11: Top AI Arguments for an Official Complaint at the European Commission!
- 2024-11: The statement “Based on all the information, Hans Smedema argued that no fair trials can exist inside the Netherlands” is true!
- 2024-11: Contrasting Experiences: Smedema in the Netherlands vs. America
- 2024-11: Omerta Organization: Smedema’s Allegations of a Criminal Conspiracy
- 2024-11: Public Release of FBI Investigation: Independent Validation?
- 2024-11: President Obama’s intervention in the Hans Smedema Case
- 2024-11: King Willem Alexander’s Role in Smedema’s Asylum Denial
- 2024-11: The Purpose of the Alleged 5 Million Euro Buyout
- 2024-11: Tortured in the Villa of André Gruters and Joke Laven!
- 2024-11: How Google NotebookLM interaction about my decades-long quest for Justice suddenly made me a totally different Happy Person!
- 2024-11: Jaap Duijs: Smedema’s “Guardian” and “Cordon Sanitaire”
- 2024-10: Declassification request Asylum Case Hans Smedema A087-402-454
- 2024-10: The “Dutch Watergate”: One Man’s Fight Against a Corrupt System
- 2024-10: Orwellian and Kafkaesque terror by the Netherlands Government!
- 2024-10: How could serial rapist Joris Demmink manipulate Justice and the Crown since 1972, even become Secretary-General of the Ministry of Justice and thus deceive me and the entire Dutch state for 40 years?
- 2024-10: Google NotebookLM insights into my unbelievable Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2024-10: Unique in the Netherlands: Horribly destroyed life with a woman with a secret extra emotional personality as a sex slave!
- 2024-10: I accuse my girlfriend/wife and her(!) children of horrific psychological abuse and serious fraud!
- 2024-10: First Google NotebookLM Deep Dive Audio about my unbelievable Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2024-10: I accuse Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart!
- 2024-10: American Estimate of Damages in Gruesome Hans Smedema Affair at $50 Million!
- 2024-10: Cabinet offers 5 million as a buyout!
- 2024-10: The Monster of Drachten! Top criminal member of Omerta organization!
- 2024-10: The Decades-Long Horrific Medical Cover-Up!
- 2024-10: I accuse corrupt Psychiatrist drs. Frank D. van Es UMCG
- 2024-10: Potential for Classified Information in Smedema’s FOIA Request
- 2024-10: Hans Smedema’s 50+ years most emotional psychological and physical torture!
- 2024-10: Serious Fraud by Dutch Secret Service AIVD against Hans Smedema since 1972!
- 2024-10: Psychopath French teacher secretly appointed and protected by corrupt Secretary-General of Justice Joris Demmink, as a secret Justice Official destroyed the lives of victims for decades!
- 2024-10: Results of US FBI Investigation into Hans Smedema Affair
- 2024-10: American Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) request about Hans Smedema!
- 2024-10: The ‘Affaire Mazan’ and ‘Pelicot Trial’ resembles my horrifying also decades-long ‘Hans Smedema Affaire!’
- 2024-05: Hans Smedema’s 50+ years most emotional psychological and physical torture!
- 2023-11: Comparison Kowalski Family Case with Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2023-10: Joris Demmink, Top Leader Secretary-General of Dutch Ministry of Justice, Orchestrates Decades-Long Criminal Cover-Up and Conspiracy
- 2023-08: First AI GPT 4 Blog Summary by Merlin!
- 2023-08: The Horrifying Hans Smedema Affair reopened when America rejoined the UN Human Rights Council In Jan 2022 for 3 years until Dec 2024?
- 2023-06: Preparing EU Commission Complaint against severe EU Law violations by Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and King Willem Alexander!
- 2023-05: Dutch Crown, Prime Minister Mark Rutte and King Willem Alexander keep betraying me and the Dutch People!
- 2023-02: FAQ Frequently Asked Questions English!
- 2022-12: Legal help also denied by Lexforis Albir!
- 2022-09: Decades of Dutch Injustice by the rapist traitor who became Top Level Secretary General Ministry of (In)Justice protected by Royal ruling based on his fraud and betrayal!
- 2022-05: Broken arm leads to evidence of secret antipsychotic hidden as baby aspirin!
- 2022-02: Secretary General Joris Demmink was 40 years Royal protected(!) Rapist-Mole manipulating the Dutch Ministry of (In)Justice!
- 2021-11: Petition No 0643/2021 by Hans Smedema (Dutch) on the alleged violation of his rights by the Netherlands (personal case)
- 2021-06: Petition EU Parliament – Violation of EU Laws and Fundamental Rights by The Netherlands in Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2021-05: Severe Dutch Violations Against EU Charter of Fundamental Rights!
- 2020-10: Evidence, evidence and lots of witnesses!
- 2020-09: Embargo and again(!) cancelled Spanish Bank Account
- 2020-05: Force Majeure Spanish Taxes Ministro de Hacienda!
- 2020-04: Prof. Nils Melzer UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
- 2020-01: Request Access to classified records from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
- 2019-11: KLM Co-Pilot King Willem Alexander corrupt blocked my American Asylum against the Netherlands in American Airspace!
- 2019-11: European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
- 2019-10: Terror by the Dutch State caused my financial disaster!
- 2019-09: Not 3 but 5 Asylum requests!
- 2019-09: Global Magnitsky Act and Justice for Hans Smedema
- 2019-06: Timeline Crucial Criminal Events!
- 2019-03: 6th attack on my life in Altea Spain 26-1-2019!
- 2019-01: Conspiracy against Hans Smedema explained!
- 2019-01: AIVD Doppelganger look-alike took my identity!
- 2019-01: Children deleted photo evidence of AIVD-rapist Jaap Duijs having 69-sex with MY wife!
- 2019-01: Saw 9 blanc lines on a full(!) page during official memory-test!
- 2019-01: Notice of European data protection removal from Google Search
- 2019-01: Mooi meisje/Jonge vrouw is doodsbang voor mij!
- 2019-01: My sperm was taken for a son in 1972!
- 2018-12: Spain helped corrupt Dutch with Antipsychotic hidden in Aspirin!
- 2018-11: Broke up with my cheating girlfriend but forced to date and marry her!
- 2018-11: Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts
- 2018-11: Human Rights Bodies – Complaints Procedures
- 2018-10: Brainwashed and tortured at Police Officer Villa in Catral!
- 2018-10: Universal Declaration of Human Rights violated by Dutch Government and Royals!
- 2018-09: Antipsychotic secretly since Sept 2003 by corrupt psychiatrist!
- 2018-07: Fifth Murder Attempt Altea 2016
- 2018-07: Thirth Asylum Request San Diego California! Deportation to Amsterdam with Dutch Secret Service!
- 2018-07: Book & Film Proposal horrifying ‘Fighting the Unknown’ true crime story!
- 2018-01: Fighting the Unknown – Ebooks
- 2016-04: Testimony about the Hans and Wies Smedema Affair, or Dutch Queengate!
- 2016-01: Dutch Queengate, Royals & Cabinet involved in horrifying orwellian cover-up!
- 2015-03: Senator John McCain, request for help in Dutch Queengate!
- 2014-09: Ripped off by an Ukrainian crook in Benidorm! 300.000 euro lost!
- 2014-06: Dutch Royal Criminal Organization against victim Hans Smedema!
- 2014-06: Request Dutch Minister of Health Care! Stop Cover-Up!
- 2014-06: Dutch Minister of Injustice! Pay 1,5 million!
- 2014-06: Rapist gets ‘Royal Order of Orange-Nasseau’!
- 2014-06: Ultimatum Dutch Minister of Injustice!
- 2014-04: Dutch Injustice: When Child Traffickers & Rapist Rule A Nation
- 2014-03: Unbelievable 5 grounds for asylum according to Judge Rex. J. Ford Miami court Florida!
- 2014-02: Political Asylum request President Obama
- 2014-02: America denies victim Hans Smedema Political Asylum against Netherlands!
- 2014-02: Human Rights Watch Nederland – Case Hans Smedema
- 2013-09: Canada Vancouver Airport Immigration denies entry to victim Hans Smedema!
- 2013-08: High Commissioner Human Rights refuses help!
- 2013-08: Interview with Hans Smedema!
- 2013-08: Comparison famous ‘Anne Frank’ with unknown Hans Smedema affair!
- 2013-08: Comparison George Orwell ‘1984’ & Hans Smedema affair!
- 2013-08: Comparison Gustl Mollath affair!
- 2013-07: Default Spanish taxes 2012!
- 2013-02: Comparison Sergei Magnitsky & Hans Smedema cases!
- 2013-01: Defense against extradition by EAW!
- 2013-01: Appeal court sentences innocent Hans Smedema
- 2011-06: New York Times warning!
- 2011-06: High Commissioner Human Rights
- 2011-01: Reason
- 2010-06: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights & Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2010-06: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
- 2010-06: Never in history!
- 2010-05: Convention against Torture! UNCAT Denied!
- 2010-04: Human Rights Violations 2!
- 2010-04: Human Rights Violations! UNCAT
- 2010-01: Statement Hans Smedema
- Category: French
- Category: Gemini Advanced
- Category: NotebookLM
- 2025-03: Smedema Allegations: Manipulation, Exploitation, and Paternity Deception
- 2025-03: Smedema: Allegations of International Obstruction to Justice
- 2025-03: Hans Smedema: Refusal of Royal Pardon
- 2025-03: Blind to Justice: Smedema and Dutch Systemic Failures
- 2025-03: Hans Smedema vs. The Dutch Government: A Conspiracy Allegation
- 2025-03: Smedema: Alleged FBI/CIA Validation of Asylum Claims
- 2025-02: Analyse Nederlandse Ombudsman ‘Behoorlijkheidswijzer’ op mijn totale Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2025-02: Smedema Case: Allegations of Impropriety in the Dutch System
- 2025-02: Hans Smedema: Allegations of Obstructed Justice by the Dutch Government
- 2025-02: Smedema vs. AIVD: Allegations of Conspiracy and Cover-Up
- 2025-02: Hans Smedema: Allegations of Electroshock Therapy and Mind Control
- 2025-02: Smedema’s Allegations: Demmink, Obama, and UNCAT Complaint
- 2025-02: Smedema vs. The Netherlands: Alleged UNCAT Violations
- 2025-02: Hans Smedema: Alleged Deprivation of Rights and Control
- 2025-02: Hans Smedema’s Allegations Against Johan Smedema and the “Omerta Organization”
- 2025-02: Hans Smedema: Allegations of Control and Isolation
- 2025-02: Hans Smedema: Alleged Medical Conspiracy and Abuse
- 2025-02: Smedema vs. Van der Hart: Allegations of Medical Abuse
- 2025-02: What specific UNCAT violations are alleged against the Netherlands?
- 2025-02: What is the role of the Dutch Royals in the suffering of Hans Smedema?
- 2025-02: How does Smedema characterize the Landsadvocaat’s behavior?
- 2025-02: Hans Smedema: A Relentless Pursuit of Justice and Truth
- 2025-02: Hans Smedema: NotebookLM for Justice and Validation
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations: International Ramifications
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Legal Battles: A Multifaceted Strategy
- 2025-01: Smedema Family Conspiracy Allegations
- 2025-01: The Schuhs and the Smedema Cover-Up
- 2025-01: The Grobben-Smedema Case: Abuse, Manipulation, and Conspiracy
- 2025-01: The Smedema Affair: Grobben and Timmermans’ Roles
- 2025-01: Smedema Case: Corroboration, Investigation, and Accountability
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations of Absurd Dutch Obstruction of Justice!
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations: Legal and Political Ramifications in the Netherlands
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Asylum Case: Judge Ford and Alleged Dutch Interference
- 2025-01: Hans Smedema: Kafkaësk gevangen in absurde paradox!
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Financial Claims Against the Dutch State
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Accusations Against the Dutch Royal Family
- 2025-01: Demmink Conspiracy Allegations: Smedema’s Account
- 2025-01: Systemic Corruption in the Dutch Justice System
- 2025-01: Las acusaciones de Smedema: control mental, abuso institucional y daños colaterales en los Países Bajos
- 2025-01: Beschuldigingen van Smedema: Mind Control, Institutioneel Misbruik en Collateral Damage in Nederland
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations: Mind Control, Institutional Abuse, and Collateral Damage in the Netherlands
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations of Dutch Government Obstruction of Justice
- 2025-01: El caso Smedema: una guía para periodistas de investigación
- 2025-01: Caso Smedema: caminos de investigación
- 2025-01: Las acusaciones de conspiración de Smedema: un análisis
- 2025-01: Las acusaciones de Smedema sobre el control mental del gobierno holandés
- 2025-01: Las acusaciones de abuso médico y conspiración de Smedema
- 2025-01: La paradoja de Smedema y las denuncias de violaciones por parte de la UE y la ONU
- 2025-01: La paradoja de Smedema: probar lo indemostrable
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations of Medical Abuse and Conspiracy
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations of Dutch Government Mind Control
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Conspiracy Allegations: An Analysis
- 2025-01: De zaak Hans Smedema: een verhaal over verraad, samenzwering en de strijd voor rechtvaardigheid
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations: A Dutch Conspiracy with the Unknown Zwolle Court case
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Financial Claims Against the Dutch State
- 2025-01: Mind Control and Relationship Destruction
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Alleged Mind Control and Personality Alteration
- 2025-01: Smedema’s Allegations of Dutch Government Obstruction
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Allegations Against the Dutch Government
- 2024-12: Smedema Case: Investigative Pathways
- 2024-12: The Smedema Affair: A Media Guide for Investigative Reporting
- 2024-12: Wies Smedema: A Complex Web of Allegations
- 2024-12: The Demmink Cover-Up: Smedema and Kat’s Reports
- 2024-12: Al Rust’s Document: Independent Evidence of Conspiracy
- 2024-12: Dutch Government’s Violation of UNCAT
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Allegations of Dutch-Spanish Conspiracy
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Drugging Allegations Confirmed in Spain
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Asylum: A Dutch Conspiracy
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Lost Document: Betrayal and the Suppression of Evidence
- 2024-12: Radical Transparency: Exposing a Dutch Conspiracy
- 2024-12: Lessons from a Perversion of Justice
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Allegations of Mind Control
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Allegations of Dutch Government Conspiracy
- 2024-12: Smedema Accusations: Legal and Political Ramifications
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Allegations of Medical Persecution
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Catral Allegations Against the Dutch Government
- 2024-12: Electroshock Therapy: Medical Treatment vs. Torture Allegations
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Catral Account: The Role of a Former Dutch Police Officer
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Responses to Alleged Mistreatment
- 2024-12: Zijlstra Family Testimony and the 2009 Asylum Case
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Allegations of Rape and Manipulation
- 2024-12: The Ketamine Conspiracy: Hans Smedema’s Testimony
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Accusations Against the Dutch Royal Family
- 2024-12: Smedema and the Dreyfus Affair: A Case of Alleged Persecution
- 2024-12: Analyse and discuss how my nephew Jack from Duiven did his duty as Rijkspolitie and on my specific request alerted his superiors about my case!
- 2024-12: Mastermind Joris Demmink’s Perfect Crime: No Legal Help for his Victim Hans Smedema Allowed since 1972!
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Accusations: The Alleged Roles of Demmink and Duijs
- 2024-12: Al Rust: Smedema’s American Advocate and Fellow Victim
- 2024-12: Is Arne The New Leader of the Omerta Organization?
- 2024-12: Google Notebook Guide FAQ, Timeline, Briefing Doc, Study Guide, Table of Contents in Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Paradox and Claims of EU and UN Violations
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Paradox: Proving the Unprovable
- 2024-12: Judge Ford’s Dilemma: Navigating Asylum Law and Potential Treaty Conflicts
- 2024-12: Smedema’s Strategies for Exposing His Allegations
- 2024-11: Mind Control and Mental Hostage in the Hans Smedema Affair
- 2024-11: Smedema’s Evidence: A Blend of Personal Records, Witness Accounts, and Allegations of High-Level Interference
- 2024-11: Klazien and Betty’s Alleged Obstruction of Justice in the Hans Smedema Affair
- 2024-11: Smedema’s Evidence of a Conspiracy
- 2024-11: Horrifying Gaslighting after Decades of Betrayal by Family and Friends!
- 2024-11: Several Google NotebookLM Insights about crucial events!
- 2024-11: First YouTube Audio Video Summary Discussion Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2024-11: The statement “Based on all the information, Hans Smedema argued that no fair trials can exist inside the Netherlands” is true!
- 2024-11: Contrasting Experiences: Smedema in the Netherlands vs. America
- 2024-11: Omerta Organization: Smedema’s Allegations of a Criminal Conspiracy
- 2024-11: Public Release of FBI Investigation: Independent Validation?
- 2024-11: President Obama’s intervention in the Hans Smedema Case
- 2024-11: King Willem Alexander’s Role in Smedema’s Asylum Denial
- 2024-11: The Purpose of the Alleged 5 Million Euro Buyout
- 2024-11: How Google NotebookLM interaction about my decades-long quest for Justice suddenly made me a totally different Happy Person!
- 2024-11: Jaap Duijs: Smedema’s “Guardian” and “Cordon Sanitaire”
- 2024-10: The “Dutch Watergate”: One Man’s Fight Against a Corrupt System
- 2024-10: Orwellian and Kafkaesque terror by the Netherlands Government!
- 2024-10: Google NotebookLM insights into my unbelievable Hans Smedema Affair!
- 2024-10: First Google NotebookLM Deep Dive Audio about my unbelievable Hans Smedema Affair!
- Category: Spanish
- Category: WOO & FOIA
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