Joris Demmink, Top Leader Secretary-General of Dutch Ministry of Justice, Orchestrates Decades-Long Criminal Cover-Up and Conspiracy

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Last Updated 06/10/2023 published 04/10/2023 by Hans Smedema

Joris Demmink, Top Leader Secretary-General of Dutch Ministry of Justice, Orchestrates Decades-Long Criminal Cover-Up and Conspiracy

Here is the Merlin AI summary of my earlier post on my blog:

Secretary General Joris Demmink was 40 years Royal protected(!) Rapist-Mole manipulating the Dutch Ministry of (In)Justice!

Merlin Summary!

1. Huge criminal cover-up and conspiracy involving Joris Demmink:

– Joris Demmink, the top leader Secretary-General of the Dutch Ministry of Justice, orchestrated a massive criminal cover-up and conspiracy that lasted for decades.

– Millions of guilders and later euros were stolen from the Dutch people to fund the cover-up and manipulate or delete evidence.
– Demmink ordered secret murder attempts and maintained a secret department inside the Ministry of Justice to hide all evidence and prevent prosecution.
– He also established a Cordon Sanitaire around the victims to ensure they had no support and could not file charges.
– Victims, including the author, were subjected to mind control techniques and brain mutilation to suppress their memories and keep them submissive.

2. Key acts by Joris Demmink:

– Manipulated the family of the author’s girlfriend to not prosecute her abusers, who were secretly Demmink himself and his associates.
– Secured a special royal ruling by Queen Juliana to protect the girlfriend and prevent the author from discovering her history as a prostitute and sex slave.
– Established a secret department within the Ministry of Justice, which he controlled directly or indirectly, to hide evidence and ensure immunity for himself and others involved.
– Placed the author and his girlfriend under secret government control, with the Omerta Organization led by his corrupt brother and others, preventing any help or charges.
– Bribed individuals, including a specialist in mind control, to torture and condition the author’s brain to suppress memories and keep him submissive.

3. Life-long persecution and attempts for justice:

– The author’s career was intentionally sabotaged, involving surveillance, office micromanagement, employee manipulation, and constant persecution from the Ministry of Justice.
– When the author finally discovered the cover-up in 2000, Joris Demmink was the top leader Secretary-General, obstructing any attempts to uncover the truth.
– In 2007, the author fled to Spain to escape the persecution, but even there, the Dutch Justice and Secret Service pursued him with the help of individuals like Jaap Duijs.
– The author spent time in detention, depleted his pension fund, and sought asylum in the United States to expose the conspiracy and gain protection.
– Ultimately, the author received a special pardon from President Obama and filed a case against the Netherlands with the UNCAT and Special Procedure UN.

4. Corrupt involvement of King Willem Alexander:

– King Willem Alexander, serving as a co-pilot for KLM, lied and blocked the author’s asylum in American airspace, committing fraud.
– Despite being offered asylum by a judge, the author was unfairly detained and denied legal help, while the rapists enjoyed freedom due to a special ruling by Queen Juliana.
– The author’s case involving King Willem Alexander’s corruption was supported by evidence and eventually led to a special pardon granted by President Obama.

5. Warning to Prof. Nils Melzer:

– The author warned Prof. Nils Melzer about his case, but it is uncertain if it will be mentioned during Melzer’s visit to the Netherlands in March.
– The author suspects that Joris Demmink, a Secretary-General, used his immunity and manipulated evidence to incriminate innocent individuals.

6. Unethical behavior by the Dutch Crown:

– The Dutch Ministry of (In)Justice, supported by the Dutch Crown, has done everything possible to block America’s UNCAT case against them.
– The author criticizes the unethical behavior of King WA and Ministers involved in the case.

7. Immunity of Joris Demmink:

– Joris Demmink, protected by the Royals since around 1972/3, was immune from investigations into his crimes.
– He used this immunity to delete or manipulate evidence, making innocent individuals like ‘Al Rust’ and the author look guilty.

8. Silence and cover-up by Prime Ministers:

– Prime Ministers Jan Peter Balkenende and Mark Rutte are aware of Joris Demmink’s guilt but have remained silent.
– PM Balkenende even offered the author 5 million euros to keep everything hidden in 2003 and 2004.

End of summary

At first glance this looks to be a great summary by Merlin AI.

AI will be a great help for me finishing the last part 5 of my Ebooks about this horrifying unique case.

Hans Smedema B.Sc. in forced exile surviving in beautiful El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain


Published by

Hans Smedema

High level Dutch man(Rotary member) who became the victim of an unbelievable conspiracy set up by a criminal organisation of rapist inside the Ministry of Justice. Making me De Facto Stateless! Now fighting for 24 years but the Dutch government and specific corrupt King refuse to open an investigation to protect themselves! America investigated after my asylum request and started an UNCAT or special procedure in 2017. View all posts by Hans Smedema