Last Updated 19/12/2024 published 26/10/2024 by Hans Smedema
Page Content
The Decades-Long Horrific Medical Cover-Up!
This is a Google computer translation from my original Dutch Post:
De decennia lange gruwelijke medische doofpot!
For this incredible criminal crime, multiple doctors are negatively and even criminally involved. Nobody helped me in this largest and longest cover-up and horrific even international conspiracy, because were attacked by Justice itself under secret (!) special cunningly fabricated Royal protection, directly.
Although the cause lies in the two rapists from 1972, Jan van Beek and Joris Demmink in Utrecht who secretly tortured my drugged girlfriend into a defenseless sex slave with an extra emotional personality!
These are the most crucial posts about it…
Joris Demmink turns out to be a rapist and MOL-X within Justice in my Hans Smedema Affair!
I Accuse Joris Demmink as the secret criminal and Mole within Justice!
It is a medical cover-up created by the original rapist from 1972 Jan van Beek and his friend in evil MOL-X (Joris Demmink) within justice, together with my corrupt brother Godfather Johan Smedema from Gennep. Where all doctors involved corruptly cooperate to only protect their own professional group. Not the interest of me/us as victim(s), Hans Smedema and my defenseless wife tortured to sex slave with an extra emotional personality was their first priority, no their cowardly own interest as a professional group came first in their considerations of the various interests. Their medical oath then simply does not count for 40 years. What collective corruption.
And that while there were many photos from 1972 taken by the rapists and given to her father Jolle Jansma for a lot of money, head of the accountancy service Noord Rabo Organisatie from 1972. But they were destroyed by the Omerta Organisation of my brother mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep with among others her sister Klazien Jansma physiotherapist from Steenwijk after they had found them with my unsuspecting drugged help. Also the letter from her parents to me with those photos in an envelope addressed to me Hans Smedema, was destroyed and of course I did not get to see it. Serious fraud and obstruction of justice!
Rape photos in secret compartment of special office!
FAQ Frequently asked questions!
FAQ Frequently asked questions!
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions English!
My brain is crippled!
See how badly I (my brain mutilated) was conditioned every 5 to 6 years to repress everything by prof.dr. Onno van der Hart and French teacher who secretly worked for justice/MOL-X drs. Jaap J. Duijs in the Villa of acquaintances who were hired by my brother mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep, in Murla early 2011 and already in 2008 in Catral…
Brainwashed and tortured at Police Officer Villa in Catral!
Tortured in the Villa of André Gruters and Joke Laven!
and Kerkrat brother-in-law Tjitte de Jong drugged me in his houseboat!
Unique! Woman with a double extra emotional personality!
Uniquely, it became clear to me within a year in 2000 that my girlfriend was deliberately tortured by her rapists into a sex slave in 1972 with an old (without points) electric stick for pigs. MOL-X in particular had read that in an Arabic book. The worse the trauma inflicted, the more willing and obedient the girl would become.
So she was defenseless for the rest of her life against rapists who knew this and this fact was simply ignored by all the cowardly arrogant doctors below and instead they started to hunt me down as a so-called delusional or delusional. Especially after her children, on the orders of planned neighbor French teacher rapist Jaap Duijs, falsified the voluntarily offered DNA paternity tests and knew 69-sex photo of Jaap and my defenseless wife! See my article with more explanation about that…
Children falsified their own voluntary DNA test!
Unique in the Netherlands: Destroyed life with a woman with a secretly extra emotional personality!
I accuse my girlfriend/wife and her(!) children of horrific psychological abuse and serious fraud!
The most serious crimes were psychiatrist drs. Frank van Es and Bouke Koopmans GGZ Drachten who simply assumed (without the right to a defense!) that I had a delusional disorder and secretly (!) through my own mentally ill wife with severe dissociation and even an extra emotional personality, administered an antipsychotic (Risperdal) to me from September 2003 to 2016 hidden (!) as and in official boxes and blister strips daily baby aspirin 100mg. I became unsuspectingly immediately incapacitated for work with a loss of 145,000 euros in income per year without realizing that if I had stopped taking that so-called aspirin, nothing was wrong with me and I could have just continued working!
Both even tried to have me forcibly treated with the consent of my insane wife in a psychiatric institution! See
I accuse Psychiatrist BT(Bouke) Koopmans of forced admission of innocent defenseless victim!
And psychologist expert prof.dr. Onno van der Hart who already in early 1975, after drugging me with a drug that causes memory loss and severe psychological torture, extorted a document from me as an unsuspecting victim that I could revoke, but refused me a copy, which is why I could not do that and had no idea what was in it! Afterwards, he was allowed to secretly(!) mentally mutilate me by torturing my brain with Electroshock(!) to a Pavlovian reaction that would repress any abuse of my wife and therefore had to continue to live defenseless for the rest of my life! So my top level personality changed to dog behavior! Every 5 to 6 years this was done via secret drugging, usually like a thief in the night by severe torture without me realizing it afterwards and therefore I could not do anything about it. Witnesses to this were Ad (former detective) and Marijke from a singing group on the Costa Blanca who told me that it was not brainwashing but severe torture. He chased away Onno van der Hart and Jaap Duijs with his service pistol and two dogs! See the exciting…
Brainwashed and tortured at Police Officer Villa in Catral!
I Accuse Psychiatrist drs. Frank D. van Es UMCG
I accuse Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart!
Devil’s contract extorted by Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart!
See also The Retarded Psychiatrists.
and for the psychiatrists involved with the written file(!) the mail
It is grossly corrupt and seriously abusive treatment of defenseless victims who were dependent on their ethical reasoning at crucial defenseless moments and could unsuspectingly rely on it.
Here chronologically the doctors still known to me and what their criminal decisions were to destroy my and our lives, and still (2020) Kafkaesque refuse to be open about the facts. I still have not been allowed to see my own complete (!) Medical file in 2020! That was always intercepted by Justice rapist drs. Jaap J. Duijs who abused my wife there through his mind control over her, or better. Everything carefully planned in advance, while I always unsuspectingly know nothing and therefore simply unsuspectingly fall into their trap again and again.
Only in 2007 the secretary of the Medical Disciplinary Board Groningen, the corrupt psychiatrist drs. Frank van Es GGZ Hospital Nij Smellinghe Drachten, who I also accused, forces me to provide unknown documents (dossier?) in writing. But they were intercepted several times on the orders of the original rapist from 1972 drs. Jaap J. Duijs. Who worked for Justice, received free drugs from the Drachten police via his corrupt girlfriend Sylvia te Wierik, free (100,000) Villa next to us to keep an eye on us since 1977 with a monthly allowance for mortgage, and had heavy mind control over my defenseless wife and myself via, among other things, a small daily amount of ketamine hidden as vitamins! He was an old customer of hers in Utrecht as early as 1972 and also came regularly for sex in ‘t Harde from 1973 to 1978 when I was away for a while. She was a defenseless woman with a dual personality as a sex slave, while I only saw her normal personality. A so-called easily summoned extra personality. DID. Dissociative Identity Disorder. The corrupt prof. dr. Onno van der Hart is a specialist in that!
See also Critical Medical File Secretly Intercepted and Stolen!
Also see the beautiful total overview in Timeline only most crucial events!
of Conspiracy against Hans Smedema explained!
All physicians involved are listed chronologically!
Not all doctors were corruptly involved. Of course, there are always exceptions that are also mentioned here. Kudos to those few heroes!
I also mention, for a good understanding of the total situation, the semi-medical people who acted seriously criminally. So much malice for decades against a single completely innocent, naive, and naive person is almost incomprehensible! Hans Smedema, and partly Wiesje who could now be abused by any man without being able to do anything about it. And thereby ruined my career.
1966 – Unknown psychologist Emmen
This psychologist (later Rotary member Emmen) was positively involved through his daughter, with whom I had something in Emmen during a sleepover. My father and mother blocked a sleepover in Leeuwarden and even every conversation, so he rightly filed a complaint with child protection against my corrupt parents. My corrupt parents withheld all information and even official letters and thus kept me innocently ignorant. Love letters from her were intercepted and my cousin Hans Jan Smedema received them to answer corruptly as if I were. Eventually my seriously corrupt parents even sued him legally with my forged signature, so supposedly as if I were. Only around 1989 did I find out about this and managed to rehabilitate him via Rotary friend and colleague director IHN Consultancy Emmen Onno te Nuyl. My cousin even went to child protection and corruptly pretended to be me! The backward idiots at child protection Leeuwarden never found out about this. Police and/or justice files about me are therefore incorrect, which later turned out to be the case when I became director IHN Leeuwarden!
He was the only one who tried to help me positively, even through child protection, against my corrupt, wrong parents, whose mother can be called retarded!
1971 – Corrupt Röben from the Röben Institute Leeuwarden
Earlier in 1971 I was forced by my mother through hypnosis and ketamine to continue with my lying and cheating girlfriend ( who I had fortunately already broken up with ) and to forget everything about her childhood boyfriend since she was 14 years old. My mother’s secret sex friend Röben, who had a lot of corrupt knowledge of hypnosis and ketamine, was forced to hypnotize me after she drugged me herself (her unsuspecting defenseless son) with ketamine. The aim to continue with my lying and cheating girlfriend Wiesje Jansma and her seriously corrupt family. As a reward she regularly slept with my father for the rest of her life until his death. Röben later confessed to me that he had been forced by my mother, but his son Wim Röben from Leeuwarden refused help and information to my American (Florida) asylum judge Rex J. Ford in 2009!
1972 – Veterinary Laboratory Technician Jan van Beek from Utrecht
Against my will, my forced girlfriend takes a room with Jan van Beek who drugged her with Ketamine and eventually, together with his friend MOL-X (at BVD/AIVD/Justice), abused her into a sex slave with an electric prod for pigs to save the high costs for the daily (!) necessary ketamine. To keep her as a slave, a daily light amount of Ketamine is necessary so that she carries out his orders. I was angrily secretly infertilized by both of them in the second half of 1972 after I had alerted the police, which I only found out about around 2005. I also obediently followed his orders, strangely enough, and was also hypnotized and brainwashed, he himself stated later. In 1977 he confessed a lot that I repressed on the spot in accordance with the horrible conditioning by Onno the Devil, and asylum judge Rex Ford contacted him via the FBI in 2009.
Severely abused and through hypnosis and drugging with Ketamine I obediently followed his orders, just like my girlfriend who he used as a whore. Her customers came at 11 o’clock and I had to be gone by then! Three to five in one evening, Jan proudly stated. He didn’t have to work anymore. I repressed everything about her sexual abuse. First through hypnosis by corrupt Röben and then here through Jan van Beek who controlled our lives. He had rape videos made of her (also with dog) and had already secretly made me infertile in the first half of 1972 because he wanted a child from her himself. An IUD was placed in her which only came out in 1974 and the first child is indeed not mine (made infertile by Jan and Joris), but Jan van Beek’s. See part 2 of my Ebooks for the gruesome details.
We were both now even more defenseless and dependent on the police who did nothing (Joris Demmink showed his special pass from Justice/BVD) and doctors who also did nothing. You can’t defend yourself against something you don’t know yet! Ketamine causes memory loss up to 10 minutes before it is administered and certainly after torture to repress everything. The greater the trauma, more torture with a worn-out (no more wounds) electric baton, the more obedient the girl according to Joris, later rapist Jan van Beek from Utrecht told me proudly in 1977.
1972 – Neurologist (cousin) Rob Smedema Martini hospital Groningen!

I was suddenly called by Rob (Robert Jan) Smedema my first cousin, the son of Jurjen Smedema (at that time Troelstraweg Leeuwarden) the brother of my father Hette Smedema. He was approached by my retarded mother (secretly valium just before an exam so you failed, and use ketamine to force me to remove my defenses for the slut Wiesje, and brainwashing so Dad could have sex with her) and much more, and it was about slut Wiesje. Who I had less and less contact with fortunately. He wanted to talk to me for a diagnosis!
“What business is that of yours?” I said. “That is my business and it is none of your business!”
“I heard otherwise from your mother!” said the arrogant scoundrel, treating me like a dog.
“He’s stupid and doesn’t understand what happened or what I want and what’s good for me. I decide my own life like everyone else.”
He was asked to give a second opinion. For what? Because I didn’t know anything about my mother’s cunning stupid plan (externally sent by an unknown woman via Joris?) to secretly have me given a sleep cure with such brainwashing via electroshock that I would continue to love the slut and marry her, because they were afraid that no one else wanted that anymore. So I was cunningly kept out of everything like a dog. So I angrily cut it off, but afterwards he drew up a positive report on the basis of which I, 24 years old, was later forced like a dog to undergo a sleep cure with brainwashing by…, Onno van der Hart??? Without any necessity, because I would have naturally broken with the slut Wiesje and still have my own children and a reasonably normal life. I had 20,000 guilders in my bank account and my own car R8 of 6500 guilders. I was furious that my brother Johan from Gennep was spoken to and not me, and I was already looking around for other nice girls, many of whom wanted to contact me. So again a corrupt acting doctor Rob Smedema who also feels like a god on earth without considering my interests.
Totally destroying my life till now!
Rob Smedema is therefore a crucial witness who also knows the name of the physician/neurologist from Leeuwarden and knows why Hans Smedema had to be tortured and given a different personality.
Also in that same time I was heavily drugged by my own brother-in-law Tjitte de Jong to sign an unknown document (which I was not allowed to see because then I would not want it anymore!) , which I refused for a day(!) and did not do either! Most likely necessary for that sleep cure and brainwashing and torture via Electroshock to marry the slut. See for those gruesome details…
Church rat brother-in-law Tjitte de Jong drugged me in his houseboat!
1972 – Unknown neurologist Deaconesses Hospital Leeuwarden
Neurologist corrupt Rob Smedema see above, knows the name of this corrupt scoundrel!
Against my will (24 years old!) I am subjected to a sleep cure, without being informed about it in advance. Someone had told my stupidly stupid mother that it was ‘so good’. At that moment I was processing everything that had happened in that horrible year 1972 in Utrecht. I knew nothing and was lured there to help Wiesje. When they discover that I know nothing, I (24 years old and perfectly capable of making my own decisions) am simply drugged against my will. I was warned by a nurse to leave immediately and NOT to have any dealings with this neurologist. ‘I definitely wouldn’t want that’ she said, but when I asked what specifically, I got no answer. If she had said that Onno was going to mutilate my brain with electroshock, I would have fled and filed a complaint against my mother and neurologist, or I would have emigrated. My HTS friend Paul Schuh had also warned me about my brother Johan and also said ‘I definitely wouldn’t want that!’ So twice they refuse to warn me about serious mutilation! During the sleep cure, hypnosis or mind control must have been applied by Onno van der Hart to make me continue with my lying girlfriend, whom I did not (!) want to continue with. So on 23-2-1973 I unsuspectingly and de facto against my will marry a lying and cheating slut who had worked as a whore in Utrecht and Amsterdam and was defenseless. Corrupt doctor/neurologist is unknown and nothing can be found in my medical files, but that has been standard my whole life. People lie and cheat like crazy. Around 1980 a staff member asks me how the sleep cure had gone and I am surprised to know nothing, but my brother Marinus, director and owner of the company Euro Routing in Leeuwarden, of course does. Omerta! What kind of nonsense my backward corrupt always lying mother lied to that doctor is unknown to me. The purpose of the sleep cure is also unknown, but probably ‘to forget everything.’ Asylum judge Rex J. Ford in Florida knew a bit more about it in 2009. It was only in 2020 that I vaguely remember a bit more about it myself and that I was forced against my will and without any prior knowledge.
Treated like a dog and no say in my own life at 24 years old! There was nothing wrong with me then and I didn’t want to continue with my lying and cheating girlfriend! But that’s still the case in 2020.
1973 – 1978 – General Practitioner Hogen Esch, Harde
This also corrupt GP did not tell me anything about my past (sleep cure), while he was informed of my Kafkaesque history via my wife and brother Marinus and Johan. Immediately after the secret assassination attempt on 29-1-1975 I was tense for months and had my first flashback. He cheated me for money and lured me unsuspectingly and defenselessly to the corrupt Onno van der Hart without indicating in advance what and what horrible things this devil (the Dutch Mengele) had planned with me. They already had a legal document of about 5 pages ready! His wife warned me several times (but much too vague) and was almost certainly murdered by supposedly falling down the stairs. In my life 5 assassination attempts in total. The first on 29-1-1975 after our daughter turned out not to be mine. Which was again kept secret from us. The fact that I had been made infertile in 1972 and therefore could not have children (!) was of course also kept secret from us.
I was denied a say in my own life again like a dog in 1975, 27 years old! Secretly that was with my corrupt brother Johan! How is that possible?
1975 – Emergency room at Boerhave Hospital after first assassination attempt
During the assassination attempt in Motel Bunnik Zeist I get a large almost lethal amount of Ketamine or equivalent which causes memory loss and has a strong hypnotic effect. Just before the last amount a woman sees the drugging and called the police, but the perpetrators flee and order me to commit suicide in the car. Exactly like my neighbor was murdered in 1980. Visit the emergency room of Boerhave Hospital (which is mentioned in the doctor’s card of HogenEsch!) with serious heart complaints and do NOT know what happened before that! So stupid and retarded doctor should have reported that, but did not do so because of the many papers that were needed. If he had reported it, a connection would have been made with the police report of Motel Bunnik with that deadly poison in that glass that they found and this first assassination attempt would have come to me, and I would have been warned. Very professional asylum judge Rex J. Ford Miami Florida contacted him in writing about this in 2009 (34 years later), and he admitted that he had done wrong.
Again no warning via involved (backward?) doctors!
1975/2000/2008/2010 – Devilish Clinical Psychologist Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart GGZ Zwolle
For this corrupt devilish man, a severe punishment would do justice. This man has single-handedly destroyed my/our life completely despite the fact that all his colleagues at Sofia Hospital Zwolle and at GGZ Zwolle refused to help him, filed a collective complaint with the GGZ management, even warned me of horrible consequences, and even called the Zwolle police. He extorted a document from me after heavy drugging and later corruptly denied everything. Even took a lawyer to thwart me. Prof.dr. Onno van der Hart takes a lawyer, but does not dare to file a complaint!

I was then conditioned to forget or repress everything if I would notice the abuse of my wife! So I was defenseless against these rapists such as the two serial rapists Jan van Beek and Jaap Duijs. My wife had already been treated like this in Groningen, most likely by the also corrupt prof.dr. Robert van den Bosch and we were both defenseless against all the rapists because afterwards we knew nothing more about the abuse or the rapes. So filing a report was made impossible. Both gentlemen received a lot of money for promotional research and were therefore bribed. Most likely via Interpolis from the Rabobank organization where she worked. They both became prof.dr.
The conditionings had to be repeated every 5 to 6 years. So I was secretly drugged again, among others by my own wife who obediently carried out the orders of her sister Klazien, Jaap Duijs and others as she was programmed. Only the secret conditioning in Benidorm on May 20, 2010 I know relatively much about and that was investigated by the justice department of America and Belgium. And in the Villa of Jaap Duijs early 2000 or so, and in 2008 in the Villa of former detective Ad in Catral. He even chased Onno the Devil and Jaap Duijs away with his service pistol after he had determined that it was not normal (?) conditioning, but torture! Everything like thieves in the night and without leaving any traces. According to Jaap Duijs who drove to Spain with Onno, everything was paid for in cash on the way and by car also in order not to leave any traces! Onno now denies it too, so he knows that it was all criminal! Note the date 15 days before my secret criminal conditioning/torture on May 20, 2010! He apparently gave me one last chance to stop attacking him on my blog. Intimidation and was probably needed for his own little(!) conscience?

Devils, and even camp doctor Mengele would have found this so unethical. So Onno the Devil is for me also ‘The Dutch Mengele.’
See crucial post Devil’s contract extorted by Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart!
and see J’Accuse prof. dr. Onno van der Hart!
What was in the heavily planned so-called contract that Onno de Duivel extorted from me in 1975 and refused to give me a copy of? After all his apparently much more honest colleagues GGZ Zwolle and Sophia Hospital psychiatry department warned me and even refused him any help? Why am I and therefore the Dutch people not allowed to see that? AIVD is still hiding my ongoing cases, they themselves state.
And why must Hans Smedema always be secretly(!) conditioned(via torture)? What must then always remain hidden via heavy repression?
In 2006/7, the corrupt Prof. Dr. Robert van den Bosch himself gave the gruesome answer by stating several times: ‘Your wife has the right not to know anything!’
Then of course that horrible contract unknown to me was abused to deceive Queen Juliana and the apparently backward politicians who advised her to make a special ruling that prohibited any prosecution of the rapists! So that exonerated us and made us fair game! Defenseless victims for decades! That is still the case in 2020 because AIVD is still hiding ongoing cases from me.
Onno the Devil took away all my authority over my own life like a dog and severely maimed or damaged my brain. Because I never reacted normally anymore but became a defenseless zombie at crucial moments. The perfect crime is dead simple with the help of this devil and apparently backward doctors!
If I had known all of the above earlier, I would of course have also seriously accused this Onno the Devil at the Medical Disciplinary College Groningen! But defense against something you do not (yet) know is impossible and this professional medical devil just made clever use of that.
1978 – 2010(?) – Justice rapist French teacher drs. Jaap J. Duijs
Semi-medicus was of course also the rapist from 1972 specially appointed by the rapists/MOL-X within the justice system Jaap Duijs. With the help of my corrupt brother mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep he got the Villa diagonally opposite us for free (100,000+ monthly allowance) and we had to wait with the purchase of the land until he had bought it! He also got a microphone in our Villa so that he knew everything we discussed, especially in my office. Also during my work he got a microphone in the telephone of my office as director IHN Leeuwarden. For all the gruesome details see J’Accuse Jaap Duijs the Monster of Drachten!
He was then trained by the criminals in the trade of how to drug girls and women with ketamine and hypnotize them heavily to mind control. My girlfriend later wife was already his sex slave and obediently followed his sex orders. But only much later did I find out that he had also hypnotized me and that I also obediently carried out all his orders! We both were his slaves since 1978! Unbelievable and in my opinion completely unique that this has been described by me in such detail. Never before published in the Netherlands in this way I think. See my Ebooks.
But also other assignments. He gave us both ketamine or an equivalent drug that he got for free via the Drachten Police. The secret contract with Onno de Duivel must have been used for that, in addition to MOL-X within Justice with its special department that apparently had to stop all prosecution of criminals in our case. With special royal approval from Juliana, later Beatrix and Willem Alexander.
Indeed I know that we took vitamins, and when I once got new ones myself that was wrong according to my wife. He could order her to drug me for another conditioning by Onno the Devil and many more things like accusing me, never having sex with her and pretending to be crazy. Also stealing crucial medical records early 2007. At least once I was conditioned by Onno the Devil in his Villa to repress things. He got a training for that as a drs. Italian UNi Groningen with all extra costs free he told me himself later. So from 1978 to at least 2010 he was paid by justice and/or Interpolis! we only got more rapes and more unnecessary costs, dismissal because of her sex and much more misery.
Jaap was a member of my brother’s KCOM (Kon Criminal Organization Mengele, or Criminal Omerta Organization), just like Wiesje herself and therefore partly responsible for the antipsychotic that Frank van Es secretly and underhandedly gave me in September 2003. As a result of which I became totally incapacitated for work with a benefit. Loss of 145,000 in income in 2004. Pure intent by semi-medical Jaap Duijs and others.
He was the one who always made sure that all the crucial documents disappeared before I got my hands on them. He simply directed my wife who obediently carried out his orders. Unfortunately, I never really understood that. See, among other things, Crucial medical file secretly intercepted and stolen!
Again I was brutally abused like a dog for decades without any say in my own life, just like my wife. My brother Johan was too stupid to realize that I assume, just like politicians, justice and police themselves.
1978 – 2009 – General Practitioner Lefering, Drachten
After moving to Drachten, GP Lefering also hid everything from me and even secretly prescribed me the antipsychotic in September 2003, hidden in the official boxes of baby aspirin 100 mg and blister pack! That secretly(!) continued until the end of 2016 when I was given the normal 81 mg in San Diego, California and so could use my normal IQ of 135 again. Before that time I was a stupid half zombie and didn’t realize it myself. He refused me all crucial information and knew that our three children were not mine and that I had been made infertile in 1972. Crucial information that I again did not receive in a Kafkaesque way so that I could not fight back against so much evil.
He had a letter about my case in 1978 when I first came. Only to be opened in heavy emotions and that everything was paid via Interpolis part of Rabobank organization where my girlfriend worked.
He became hysterically angry, but also refused to give me that crucial information!
“Have they gone mad? Never! The idiots.”
And so on for at least three minutes, so that clients came out of the waiting room to look and his wife tried to keep him calm.
He refused all information again in a kafkaesque way. In March 2000 I suddenly get multiple flashbacks that appear to be exactly right in the rest of my life and explain many things correctly, but family denies everything corruptly according to the agreed omerta and KCOM of my corrupt brother mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep. Johan helped to appoint a rapist from 1972 as our guard and to give us a free Villa (100,000 guilders and monthly allowance) diagonally across from us. Lefering refused to give me that crucial letter from Hogen Esch (?) and so I remained kafkaesquely defenseless. So then another child of a rapist Rieks Perdok from Roden.
When I flee to Spain, his assistant refuses to give me what appears to be a crucial part of my medical file. She says cryptically and Kafkaesquely ‘they want me to give you another file too, but you won’t get it from me!’
Treated like a dog for decades again without a say in my own life and crucial medical help and especially crucial information Kafkaesquely (!) refused again. You are powerless against so much malice and deception. If I had known all this earlier I would of course have also reported Lefering to the Medical Disciplinary Board Groningen in 2006/7!
2000 – Psychiatrist Oostveen Drachten
An initial attempt to discover the truth about my sudden flashbacks in March 2000 through psychiatrist Oostveen was a failure.
I had to take an antipsychotic because of my very hysterical wife BEFORE I HAD SEEN HIM MYSELF! Diagnosis by phone (!) via a mentally ill woman with DID! Unbelievable how stupid and backward psychiatrists are.
Semap and was immediately unable to work, so I slowly stopped in consultation and then continued working quietly until September 2003 when the also corrupt psychiatrist Dr. Frank van Es prescribed me Risperdal for so-called delusions that were real.
Oostveen quietly lied along and did not listen to my statements at all. He did listen to my mentally selectively ill wife and so I was declared (!) delusional. He supposedly had no file on me when I ask. So again subordinate to my very seriously ill wife with a dual personality.
Once again I was denied any say over my own life like a dog.
He lies to the Medical Disciplinary Board Groningen that he only prescribed me Semap AFTER I had spoken to him! But during written hearing 2012 during appeal Court of Arnhem my wife confirmed(!) that I had to take Semap BEFORE he had even spoken to me, solely because my wife herself(!) became hysterical at simple questions. How come honest and sincere has always remained with doctors like Hans Smedema? See Hearings Higher Appeal 2012
2001 -2002 Neurologist Van der Laar UMCG
He could not find anything (MRI scan of head and secretly penis due to secretly being infertile) but prescribed Depakine anyway. But later in 2009 he declared to American asylum judge Rex Ford that he had prescribed a placebo and supposedly knew nothing about MRI scans of penis/testicles. He only acknowledged that extra scans were often made, so that it was indeed true. But I became increasingly certain through my own secret research since 2000 that I had not suddenly gone crazy as my/our family wanted me to believe, but actually better because I could remember a lot again. I was still working at a top level as an Executive Searcher and had an income of 145,000 euros per year. So he referred me to…
2003 – Department of Psychiatry UMCG psychiatrists Bruggeman and Luttikhuizen
Did a proper outpatient (via appointments) investigation with tests and in a late report Luttikhuizen states that there is actually nothing wrong with me. That report is then destroyed everywhere, even stolen from Oostveen’s archive and replaced by Delusional. I am not allowed to file a report so no defense possible. Joris Demmink and Omerta Organization! So on behalf of a secret royal department at Justice and/or my corrupt brother Johan. Luttikhuizen was a good psychiatrist because he also secretly invited me to a secret meeting with my brother Johan, Justice employees and psychiatric employees UMCG Bruggeman and himself. But I let Johan send me away, dumbfounded. Wait outside for a moment. And hear nothing! Failed because of my own severe uncertainty about what was actually happening around me. They send me to the corrupt Van Es GGZ Drachten! Specifically Luttikhuizen was secretly helping me against the horrible Omerta.
Again I was denied any say over my own life (55 years old) and especially crucial missing information kafkaesque(!). You can’t fight something you don’t know yet. The perfect crime is dead simple with the help of psychiatrists. I sought help for my wife with DID!
2003 – Children falsify DNA paternity tests, erasing evidence.
Semi-medics and medics. Her three children were through Godfather brother Johan that they were not mine and after consultation with corrupt justice rapist Jaap Duijs, also falsified the DNA tests by exchanging the swabs with those of the Snieders family-in-laws. So three doctors are corruptly cooperating in destroying my life! Dirk Snieders was a disability doctor at Justice/AIVD and more. The other daughter was a general practitioner and son a urologist. Because after that no one took me seriously anymore and I was innocently convicted by corrupt police judge Mr. Jeroen van Bruggen on 9-2-2009. Complainant and rapist Jaap Duijs for defamation/insult also went free. In total, I was sentenced in 2011/12 and 2016 as a victim to pay a fine of 7000+8000=15,000 euros to the rapists (!) of my defenseless seriously ill wife who knows nothing! I then lose my income of 145,000 euros per year because I became disabled. Her children also delete a 69 sex photo of Jaap Duijs with my wife, while he corruptly declared during lawsuits that he never had sex with her. See J’Accuse Jaap Duijs the Monster of Drachten!
Children falsified their own voluntary DNA test!
Children deleted photo evidence of AIVD-rapist Jaap Duijs having 69-sex with MY wife!
I accuse my girlfriend/wife and her(!) children of horrific psychological abuse and serious fraud!
Again no say in my own life! Total corruption of doctors! Even in-laws (3 doctors!), who could have solved this case, happily cooperate corruptly in my deception again and with that total disability in 2004. Direct loss of 145,000 euros income from a top position as a successful businessman in the North of the Netherlands. Entire career completely destroyed in one horrible blow.
2003 – Corrupt Drs. Frank van Es GGZ Drachten later Head of the Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic UMCG
This scoundrel refused any conversation about my wife’s illness and wanted to give me a daily antipsychotic right away. He had no interest at all in my reason for visiting psychiatrists, namely that my wife was seriously ill with an easily triggered extra personality (DID Dissociative Identity Disorder). This is truly the worst idiot who calls himself a psychiatrist that I have ever had the privilege of speaking to. I first wanted a diagnosis about my wife and then from me why I repressed everything. That Onno de Duivel was the reason for this, I unfortunately did not know at that time. Only later did I discover this through progressive insight. He made me sign that he could speak to my wife, but with my explicit remark that she knew nothing about it due to repression and DID. Which I had already found out for myself. After I told him that I was going to report it to the police, he tried to stop me. But he corruptly abused her sick mind to get her to give permission for the treatment of my so-called(!) psychoses! Through GP Lefering, who just happily joins in, I secretly receive an antipsychotic hidden as a daily 100 mg baby aspirin. He secretly(!) prescribes Risperdal to the Medical Disciplinary College Groningen, which I only find out about in 2019.
See J’Accuse Psychiatrist drs. Frank D. van Es UMCG
And look at how sick my wife was, whom he found trustworthy and therefore secretly (!) diagnosed me with delusional disorder, my serious accusations:
I accuse my girlfriend/wife and her(!) children of horrific psychological abuse and serious fraud!
Bizarre unbelievable combination of completely unique events!
That secret antipsychotic made me almost immediately incapacitated. Direct loss of 145,000 euros income from a top position as a successful businessman in the North of the Netherlands. Entire career completely destroyed in one horrible blow. I was still working (after suddenly going crazy in 2000 according to the psychiatrists) at the top level until October 2003 and then you have to feel a lot of things that I could no longer do as a half zombie. I was told that I sat in crucial conversations like a zombie and suddenly could no longer read the top level Harvard-Holland Review. In January 2004 I simply declared myself incapacitated and received a benefit (4% increasing) via De Amersfoortse of a total of approximately 600,000 euros over 10 years. A 5000 per month.
Even worse is that Frank van Es (and all those idiots) was so convinced of his own rightness, namely that I was crazy, that he and Bauke Koopman (see below) were already busy having me committed by force, via the court! See Bauke’s letter about this.
I accuse Psychiatrist BT(Bouke) Koopmans of forced admission of innocent defenseless victim!
Antipsychotics were secretly supplied to me until at least 2016, perhaps even now via Dutch doctors such as Drs. Janne Geraets from Alfaz del Pi.
So still like a dog, no say in my own totally destroyed life and in particular Kafkaesque withholding of crucial information which prevented me from fighting back.
Horrible even now, every day again with fear and trembling to have to take your medication without being allowed to know whether there is not another antipsychotic in it, secretly given by unknown doctors. Or another assassination attempt? Or again secretly in a restaurant or bar innocently assessed by Dutch doctors?
2004 – psychiatrist Mutsaers Haren for De Amersfoortse
For the disability insurance assessed by psychiatrist Mutsaers from Haren who was most likely bribed, because a completely wrongly sought diagnosis of delusional disorder in 2004 that does not correspond to reality and was already proven in Florida in 2009 during my asylum application. He must have been bribed so that Justice could now legally tell everyone that Hans Smedema was crazy! In this way, all victim lawyers were already warned about me and when I contacted them, they all refused me! Still in 2023 I am looking in vain for a lawyer who wants to take on this top case. See J’Accuse psychiatrist drs. WHJ Mutsaers
2005 – Psychologist Ellert Nijenhuis GGZ Assen
The apparently honest Ellert Nijenhuis GGZ Assen already tells me by telephone that these are incorrect diagnoses, but can only help me after approval by a psychiatrist.
2005 – Psychiatrist Mirjam Veenema GGZ Assen
Psychiatrist Mirjam Veenema refuses to let corrupt psychologist Ellert help me to do despite my various letters and statements about the illness of my wife! I did not know yet that since 2003 the antipsychotic secretly administered corruptly and criminally hidden as a baby aspirin!
So again like a dog, every say over my own life and my own choice for expert DID psychologist Ellert Nijenhuis who offered help, corruptly denied. Are all psychiatrists backward?
2005/6 – Psychiatrist Bauke Koopmans
I could talk to him, but he threatened to lock me up in a psychiatric institution if I didn’t stop digging up and investigating this case. So again no openness and no explanation of what was going on. Complaint filed, but in the end I didn’t even dare to go to GGZ for an appointment about it. That’s how insecure I became then. He was team leader and therefore boss of the corrupt Frank van Es who secretly gave me the antipsychotic hidden as baby aspirin. So Bouke also kept that hidden from me despite the fact that I had become immediately incapacitated for work at the end of 2003! With a loss of 145,000 euros in gross income as a top-level headhunter in the North of the Netherlands. So no danger to anyone! So why act corruptly again? And make me think I was crazy? In English that is called gaslighting. Deliberately making someone crazy! Now in 2020 he sends me a lame note that it was sour for him, but I want correct answers to questions! He will most likely not answer and again corruptly refer to medical confidentiality.
For my very analytical, consistent and calm letters to this deadly idiot Bouke Koopmans see this detailed post.
I accuse Psychiatrist BT(Bouke) Koopmans of forced admission of innocent defenseless victim!
See his stupid letter to have me committed! While I had actually gotten better. Life-threatening idiots, because I would never have come out of a psychiatric institution again!
2006/7 – Complaint Medical Disciplinary Board Groningen
In 2006 I was fed up with the deceit and all the obstruction of doctors and filed a complaint against all doctors involved. During a hearing it was the corrupt prof.dr. Robert van den Bosch who questioned me. He was involved in the cover-up and conspiracy together with prof.dr. Onno van der Hart which was in the so-called Frankfurt Dutch intelligence files of about 30 pages.
I openly accused him and he did not deny any involvement but kept hammering on his corrupt position
“Your wife has the right not to know anything!”
So de facto he acknowledged that everything was being covered up to prevent her from finding out.
‘So she can never report rapists!’ I said, and who is supposed to protect her if I’m not allowed to know? We have three children from three rapists and I became disabled in 2004 with a loss of 145,000 euros in income!
The secretary then forces Frank van Es to provide me with crucial information! That information is intercepted several times in early 2007 by yet another justice rapist Jaap Duijs who even has it deleted from my email on my driveway and via my wife, and later very cunningly has my wife steal the entire car with that particular file at the Nij Smellinghe Hospital and thus destroy it after (!) I had signed for receipt! So legally I did receive it, but in reality I did not, due to the intervention of Justice/AIVD (Joris Demmink!). On special royal assignment.
See Critical Medical File Secretly Intercepted and Stolen!
and Medical Disciplinary Board Groningen
2009 – Police judge Jeroen van Bruggen already knew that I was supposedly crazy in Pro Forma hearing Leeuwarden
Also the apparently backward police judge Jeroen van Bruggen assumed that I had supposedly suddenly(!) gone mad in March 2000. It was secretly also a Pro-Forma session I heard at the entrance when I reported there. He always assumed that I was talking nonsense and the evidence had been erased by my own wife and her(!) children! So I could not show the photos and much more. Which later forced me to apply for asylum in April against the persecution by the Netherlands. See Fraud by Police Judge Jeroen van Bruggen court Leeuwarden
2009 – Psychiatrist Dr. S. Russo of Psyon Groningen
On November 20, 2009, he supposedly (? orally via my lying wife!) orders an Amersfoort re-examination (was not a re-examination at all!) and in an hour of chitchat (nothing of substance at all, while I sent him my short summary in advance) makes a secret (!) diagnosis because Hans correctly as always reported immediate publication of it. In retrospect, it was most likely not a re-examination at all, but a trick via my wife to have Psyon as an entity treat me against my will and therefore not at all delusional. Now they could always secretly prescribe me an antipsychotic! There was no longer a psychiatrist who had to do that, but Psyon and a psychiatrist on duty who only looked in his secret file for me at the incorrect statements of third parties with little to no knowledge of this largest cover-up in Dutch history. So most likely he wrongly assumed that I was crazy!
While I had told him that I had just returned from Miami, Florida and that I was NOT delusional or schizophrenic after 7 months of heavy FBI and CIA investigation! See Results of American FBI Investigation Hans Smedema Affair
There was also proof that I had a scar from sterilization with a written statement from a qualified doctor! And delusions leave no scar! And no dozens of photos of her abuse.
Fraud, maliciously cooperates in the cover-up of the Omerta org KCOM. Can the current physician continue to hide everything he wants, or perhaps reveal it? Why not then inform Hans in writing just as transparently? Intentionally incorrect report!
Cunning because I can’t fight it legally! I have nothing and no lawyer who could enforce it!
2009 – Memory test during Florida asylum application!
Semi medici. During my first asylum application at Miami Airport in Florida, the very professional asylum judge Rex J. Ford does a test and I indeed appear to see empty lines in a full diary during an official test. I also appeared to see an empty chair while my wife was in Italy with Jaap Duijs for Dante and he pretended to be his wife! She paid with her credit card and therefore my money, but she secretly did that more often at supermarkets, among other things. I also see an empty chair in a Mexican newspaper on the plane while I myself am sitting there, coincidentally interviewed by a journalist. I obediently suppress everything as conditioned by Onno de Duivel in 1975. Earlier in 1972 I see the text ‘you are being drugged’ disappear from my notepad!
On all points investigated I appear to be right in Florida! But he can only grant asylum if the Dutch state is involved. And there was not enough hard evidence for that. So still deported to the Netherlands.
See Results of US FBI Investigation into Hans Smedema Affair
2010/11/12 – Unknown psychologist and corrupt general practitioner Ward Waardenburg
In Parcent and Jalon I secretly got the antipsychotic again! A psychologist secretly(!) talks to me via corrupt acquaintances Andre Gruters and Joke Laven from Houten who pretend to be friends, but have been hired by Justice and/or my corrupt brother Mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep. In early 2011 I was tortured by the corrupt couple in their Villa in Murla! And Ward does not listen to my warnings, but to the couple of idiots who have been bribed for a lot of money. See…
Tortured in the Villa of André Gruters and Joke Laven!

My GP Ward Waardenburg obviously does not listen to me, his paying client, and will have assumed that given the fact that I have been secretly prescribed an antipsychotic since September 2003, that must be correct. Of course I warn him that in America I have already been proven right and the 3 children are not mine, but he simply ignores that. So he secretly prescribes that aspirin/antipsychotic again, hidden as a baby aspirin with the cooperation of Farmacia in Parcent. There I am warned that that is only for severely mentally disturbed people and therefore not for me, but unfortunately I repress that again. I only find out in 2016/17 during my third asylum application in San Diego when I do get a normal 81 mg aspirin there.
During some headache in 2012 I take 3 aspirins, so 300mg. But of course with 3x the amount of antipsychotic becomes a real zombie who is eventually rescued in Calpe by Policia Local! Life threatening!
My wife in 2013 ditto in Spain also takes 3 and is unconscious for hours! So she must have forgotten that the antipsychotic was hidden in it .
Brain damage? During my first asylum application in Florida they used my aspirins for me and for babies! There was something with a baby and later a woman who committed suicide. Result of my secret aspirins that were in reality strong antipsychotics? Prescribed by backward Dutch doctors! As a result, they no longer allow old brought-in medicines in America! Too dangerous because of the backward, life-threatening Dutch psychiatrists!
2013/15 – Corrupt GP Van Bracht in Drachten
Of course, the family doctor Van Bracht also continues with the secretly given antipsychotic that I should not have. Despite my urgent warnings, he believes my very ill wife and therefore secretly gives me the baby aspirins with antipsychotic via the pharmacy. No checks to see if it is correct. Even after I warned him again that I was proven right in America. In June 2015 we finally divorced at the request of my wife and I was sent away to Spain like a dog on June 1, 2015.
“You have to get out of here by June 1st at the latest. You can go back to Spain!”
I had about 5 weeks left to find an apartment there! While I had helped her with a new kitchen and much more. Weeks of work for me while she let me be brainwashed like a dog with no say in my own life.
See Children Falsified Their Own DNA Test!
Again treated like a dog or better abused and again wrong medication that was totally unnecessary, seriously wrong and only prolongs my case. Nobody comes up with the idea to check it via DNA testing which daughter confirmed verbally in 2014. Namely children had falsified DNA tests themselves.
2014 – Surgeon Ronald Zijlstra Hospital Nij Smellinghe Drachten
This was a positively involved physician. He was my neighbor and I had asked him during a meeting to provide me with my medical file and also operation file! That had to be done via a special form. On October 28, 2014 at 2:30 PM he removed a hemorrhoid and gave me the form that was needed to lift the file. But Justice had someone present during the minor operation (!) and he came to immediately and asked for that form that I had not yet read of course. You only do that at home in peace and she corruptly confiscated it immediately! In 2009 he had visited me with two daughters and his terminal wife at the request of asylum judge Rex J. Ford who did a very professional investigation. They could confirm everything I had stated exactly! They all gave a written statement and as a reward they received a special police car with an officer who gave them priority access to all events in Orlando Disney! His wife in a wheelchair. So no waiting in long lines for them. They also visited me but unfortunately I could not be found that quickly.
See Justice still manipulates and defrauds!
UNIQUE: They also confirmed in writing that I had already predicted very surreally in 2002 during a first meeting that his daughter would drown and had advised not to go into the water and to learn to swim better. She had written it all down and brought that evidence with her. The FBI checked it and it was authentic from 2002 and confirmed by everyone. So I predicted something that justice rapist drs. Jaap J. Duijs (Jaap the Vagina Hunter) forced her to do 2.5 years later and she drowned until he just resuscitated her. See detailed Drugging rape minor girl by drs. Jaap Duijs from Drachten
Tribute to this very honest doctor and to his family, especially daughter Sophie. Due to repression of all emotional matters (Onno the Devil) I only found out much later.
2016 – Corrupt Psychologist drs. Janne Geraets Alfaz del Pi

This corrupt psychologist makes me sign a Spanish document, which he takes away from me as incorrect and unnecessary, which he denies again in 2018! So apparently a crucial document. In this way he sees another corrupt opportunity to have me given the antipsychotic via my Spanish Dra Montoya. With whom I cannot communicate because she does not speak English and I do not speak enough Spanish. She does mention his name and I do get that secretly hidden as a daily baby aspirin antipsychotic also via apparently cooperating Farmacia. I secretly make a recording of the last conversation! See my post for that
See I Accuse corrupt psychologist Drs. Janne Geraets Alfaz del Pi!
Again, every say and defense denied like a dog by a corrupt doctor who apparently does not understand anything or who, bribed, is actually cooperating with the ongoing cover-up. He became abnormally nervous when I told him that he was working with the secret service. Or is he just normally retarded?
2017 – King Willem Alexander corruptly blocks the asylum offered to me!
Semi medical: On March 15, 2017, King Willem Alexander blocks the asylum offered to me by Rex J. Ford and/or DOJ/DOS in the air above American soil! Serious criminal malicious action as KLM Co-Pilot during my deportation to Amsterdam and then locked up in his dungeons for 13 months. Intimidation of a King against an innocent victim in which he and his parents were involved and therefore guilty. All doctors involved and other accomplices would have been publicly shamed at the very least.
The corrupt evil scoundrel deprives me of a fair asylum case that every normal world citizen is entitled to (except Hans Smedema), and blocks the offered asylum by lying. Two fighter jets were coincidentally (!) seen on a training mission around the plane and could have ordered the KLM plane to make a stopover to let me out to prevent my innocent 13 months of detention in the Netherlands.
Has the corrupt King WA ever been back to America after that? Afraid of arrest? Or was that arranged by purchasing that extra 9 F 35 for 1 billion? As a secret side thing? The Hans Smedema case remains hushed up? I did see the corrupt King flying to Paris with KLM as Co-Pilot. The scoundrel could have solved this horrible case in a few weeks with a simple conversation with me on that plane, but he was too cowardly and unethical! I curse you/you for what you (Crown since 1975) have done to us!
Total now 29 months (15 asylum + 13 + 1 Netherlands) innocent in detention while I am the one who keeps asking for a judicial investigation!
So he intervened there too to let the doctors involved go free! And again I, Hans Smedema, was the helpless victim without anyone to stand up for me.
Except for the Americans like Rex Ford and President Obama and other high gentlemen DOJ, White House Washington . Most likely former Vice President Biden is also familiar with this case. Which can help my case nicely when Trump is finally removed and America can recover from the damage done.
2018 – Unknown Secret Reviews!
Early 2018, right after 13 months of innocent detention in the Netherlands and 5.5 months of detention/transition in San Diego for a 3rd asylum application, I returned to Albir with only the clothes I was wearing and my pension of 1530 euros per month that I had to set up again with SVB. I am sitting at Sunshine bar for a cup of coffee with apple pie for 2.90, when two men quickly walk up, apparently warned. One asks questions about my situation, asylum application and detention, and the other sits a bit in the back and apparently has to secretly listen to my answers. It is clearly an interrogation for the purpose of yet another secret diagnosis that apparently has to be passed on to the Netherlands. Perhaps that secret Spanish document is involved that was extorted from me under false pretenses by the corrupt psychologist Drs. Janne Geraets from Alfaz del Pi and a copy was taken back, and later in July 2018 totally denied as being nonsense! ‘Why would I need a signed document from you Hans?’ See 2016!
But these kinds of things keep happening in my life like a dog. Because later in 2018 or so at Restaurant Bohemia again a woman (Rita) and a man who did not want to tell me his name and also did not want to ask why they were there. ask questions and apparently have to judge again. They must have been warned by Alina from Bohemia who must have received money for that. Hans is allowed to know nothing again like a dog and especially not defend himself! Rita does ask Alina to tell me who they were! But Alina, the wife of Gabi who manages Bohemia, then says in English These people are here to…. And then she remains silent strangely enough. So I still do not know anything and angrily tell Rita that they are making fun of me here in Spain! Restaurant owners are secretly and underhandedly approached to warn if Hans Smedema is there and they know more than I do as a victim. I accuse the corrupt duo of being Salvation Army idiots? And she is shocked so that was apparently a hit. I say idiots who are out of touch with reality, always sneaky and sneaky, not like me, acting openly and ethically at the highest level. She even asks if I had worked in Germany and if I could prove it? After some more idiotic questions that showed that they had no idea about the FBI/CIA investigation and the results of the investigation as early as 2009. Or about the 97th General Army Hospital Frankfurt secret Dutch intelligence service 30+ pages file that actually proves everything! They were not allowed to look at this blog or the books about my case! Blind, backward idiots. I hope that I can ever make you Salvation Army idiots pay for this and I walked away angrily. Don’t go to Bohemia anymore either. They are no longer trustworthy to me and sneaky!
After all, around 2011, this also happened to an unknown psychologist who was introduced to me by the corrupt André Gruters. Why was this necessary? Who gives the order for this and pays her? See above.
How do you defend yourself against this kind of underhanded behavior of the apparently backward corrupt doctors and/or witnesses? Or Salvation Army idiots? After all, you NEVER give a stranger all your very personal information on an open terrace! Only in an official conversation! Horrible these corrupt underhand lying and cheating idiots and semi-doctors.
But later I remember that it was my brother-in-law Tjitte who told me after 2000, you should not talk to the Salvation Army! To which I exploded ‘Those idiots? In the biggest cover-up and conspiracy in Dutch history? Worse than Anne Frank? Never!’
So much ignorance among so many doctors and listening so horribly one-sidedly to my own seriously ill wife, is almost incomprehensible and indescribable. But I did it anyway here and in my Ebooks. Are doctors backward? You rarely come across an honest one. See also my accusations to my wife and her children, who are believed and apparently are allowed to decide about me like a dog, in my post
I accuse my girlfriend/wife and her(!) children of horrific psychological abuse and serious fraud!
I can only advise anyone who ever comes into contact with psychiatrists and sometimes psychologists to, if at all possible, NOT do business with these corrupt, arrogant idiots who have destroyed my entire life! I have nothing left, no wife, no children of my own, no right to file a complaint, no justice that protects me, no family that should protect me, no money left, loss of 145,000 euros in income per year since 2004, 300,000 euros in totally unnecessary costs due to the omerta, only a much too low pension of more than 1500 euros per month, withholding of 5000 euros from AOW by the tax authorities up to the attachment-free amount (so social minimum) and still debts of about 30,000 euros that I can never pay as a result of the deception by doctors!
Every day I look at my (blood pressure) medication with fear and keep wondering in which medicine the Dutch doctors or Justice secretly and corruptly give me an unknown antipsychotic to put me out of action. The perfect crime!
Or always look around me to see who is going to assassinate me again(5).
Or which doctor will now secretly(!) interrogate me and send a report to people who are also secretly(!) hiding in the Netherlands.
Here in Albir I am seen as ‘that crazy person’ and laughed at behind my back.
Horrible psychological torture and nothing is transparent with them like I (royally) am.
I have never been able to find a (victim) lawyer for the main case. They all still refuse! Which makes me defenseless. Even UN refuses any help. Only America has tried to help me. Very professional even, but I have not heard anything anymore so that must have failed.
Civil rights secretly taken away, thus serious human rights violations:
- I am not allowed to file a report
- Lawyers refuse help so defenseless
- Doctors lie and cheat and keep medical records and therefore crucial information secret!
- Children and wife lie and cheat in collaboration with justice and corrupt brother Johan
- and during trials for insulting rapists no defense was allowed against human rights.
- And all evidence is destroyed or manipulated by secret departments within the justice system itself.
- Rapists and accomplices were exempted from prosecution by special Royal Decree of 1975, so we were declared outlaws!
How grotesque everything the Netherlands is collectively doing to me is, is also evident from the fact that already in 2009, after the professional investigation by Rex J. Ford, he informed me that he and DOJ had found no less than 5 good grounds for asylum, which had NEVER happened before in the entire history of America.
Horrific abuse or rather mistreatment that makes ‘Diary of Anne Frank’ and ‘The Trial’ by Franz Kafka seem like child’s play compared to this incredible decades-long Kafkaesque story.
No permission given!
It goes without saying that I never gave permission for all these horrific actions to be carried out against myself.
- I did NOT want to continue with the slut, let alone marry her!
- I just didn’t want my brain messed with!
- I actually wanted to be informed about everything.
- I wanted to decide about my own future and the crucial decisions in my own life.
Revoke documents unknown to me!
If there are written (unknown to me) documents that do not match the above, then they were obtained unlawfully by deception, falsification, or torture and therefore invalid. I therefore revoke those documents unknown to me, as I have done here much earlier.
Claim for compensation and rehabilitation!
I also demand that justice is done and that I am compensated, rehabilitated as certainly not crazy but a victim and more as described in the UNCAT rules of which the Netherlands is supposedly a part.
- My right to file a report must still be restored!
- My right to legal assistance must still be restored.
- My right to defense during hearings must still be restored!
- My right to compensation and rehabilitation under UNCAT rules must still be restored.
But defense against something you don’t know yet is not possible. The perfect crime carried out by corrupt doctors!
As insights progress, this post may be slightly improved.
Eng. Hans Smedema, an exile in El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain.