I accuse Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart!

Please Share! Fight this 'Perfect' 40+ year (Royal) Crime!

I accuse Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart!

Example of electroshock therapy that turns people into half zombies to change undesirable behavior. How does secret(!) conditioning/torture happen at night? Also like this? Woman in La Nucia, and(!) 5 girls Nightclub Pretty Women warned after seeing gruesome medical instruments out of sheer fear(!) the Policia Local Benidorm who was not allowed to protect me(!) from Justice Madrid who therefore had to cooperate with corrupt Netherlands!

Update of previous post 4 Jan 2016! Last modified 27 Jan 2020. Traumatologist Prof. dr. Onno van der Hart, with my nickname ‘Onno the Devil’ , secretly appears to be the medical criminal mastermind behind the destruction of our lives, despite(!) warnings that it would completely destroy my/our lives from all(!) colleagues at GGZ Zwolle in 1975 who even warned(!) the Zwolle police and jointly filed a futile rejected complaint with the management of the national GGZ, and also from all those involved in the psychiatry department of Sofia Hospital Zwolle who jointly(!) also refused in advance to cooperate with his evil evil secret plan or trap for me as a completely unsuspecting naive positive thinking victim!

I was lured there unsuspectingly and under false pretenses (help) by corrupt family doctor HogenEsch from Harde! His wife warned me not to go and was later found dead at the bottom of the stairs under suspicious circumstances! In addition to later around 1981 the murder of neighbor Cees van Hoog who, according to witness/rapist Jan van Beek (father of our daughter) from Utrecht came too close to the truth (mind control via chemical submission) and was lured to Dronten, drugged and murdered.

On myself now 5 assassination attempts! See oa post 6th attack on my life in Altea Spain!

Gaslighting or Reality Manipulation is the Cause of the Horrific Cover-Up!

In fact, everyone, family, sisters, brothers, doctors, justice, deceived me! So reality was manipulated or twisted in such a way that I believed in the illusion that torture, sex slavery and infertilization had never taken place. I was forced to marry her because they were afraid that no one else would want to marry her after her whoredom in Utrecht. This is called gaslighting, twisting reality in such a way that the person starts to doubt his own health. What exactly has happened since 2000. See my article about this…

Gaslighting or manipulating my reality

American research proved my thesis! Joris Demmink involved!

Joris Demmink from 1982!

That all my statements are true was already very professionally proven in 2009 during my first asylum application in Florida via asylum judge Rex J. Ford and FBI/CIA. See my post…

Results of American Investigation into Hans Smedema Affair

They also identified Joris Demmink as the most likely perpetrator from 1972 in our gruesome case.

It has now been proven that Joris Demmink is the mastermind behind this conspiracy!

But in the meantime there is more than enough evidence(!) that Joris Demmink is the gruesome genius behind this Royal cover-up and conspiracy!

See my posts…

I Accuse Joris Demmink as the secret criminal and Mole within Justice!

Top civil servant Secretary General Joris Demmink was a seriously criminal MOL within the Ministry of Justice for 40 years with secret Royal protection!

How could serial rapist Joris Demmink manipulate Justice and the Crown since 1972, even become Secretary-General of the Ministry of Justice and thus deceive me and the entire Dutch state for 40 years?

Serious Fraud by Dutch Secret Service AIVD against Hans Smedema since 1972!

Complaints or comments content?

For complaints about content, see Complaint contents & Complaint content?

I have never received any official complaints about this ! Only via previous provider Strato, which immediately blocked my blog, or recently via a rented American server organization that rightly rejected their complaint of abuse. I have the right under American and International law to defend myself against the extreme persecution and serious human rights violations by the Dutch Crown! Government and Royal House!

Government tried to cover up this horrible case! See my post…

Cabinet offers 5 million as a buyout!

I Accuse Prime Minister and Royal House

Unique in the Netherlands: Horribly destroyed life with a woman with a secret extra emotional personality as a sex slave!

See my extensive article about my girlfriend, later wife against my will, and fortunately since June 29, 2015 ex-wife who was a pathologically lying girlfriend ever since I met her in 1971. So much malice in one person was incomprehensible to me and so I unsuspectingly fell into her trap. Which by the way was partly set up by her happily lying parents Jolle Jansma and Els and two equally criminal sisters Klazien and Betty.

Onno de Duivel was therefore instructed to continue with this in return for paid PhD research and ultimately a free professorship.

Unique in the Netherlands: Horribly destroyed life with a woman with a secret extra emotional personality as a sex slave!

Children falsified their own voluntary DNA test!

Devil’s contract extorted by Onno!

The contract that Onno the Devil presented to me without giving me the opportunity to read it beforehand turns out to be crucial!

He had the legally life-threatening document ready, so he had decided much earlier what horrible things he was going to do to me! Things that no one else from Sofia Hospital and GGZ Zwolle wanted to cooperate with, because it would completely destroy my life! Which exactly came true. So it was not a mistake, but pure malicious intent from Onno the Devil. In America it turned out that document that was unknown to me, that I was not allowed to see and not have a copy of, was crucial to not immediately receive asylum in 2009. So this information is crucial and I have mentioned it in this special post. In my opinion that contract was obtained by drugging and torture and therefore legally invalid according to UNCAT rules.

Devil’s contract extorted by Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart!

Tortured in the Villa of André Gruters and Joke Laven!

Last secret conditioning known to me was after being drugged in the Villa of the Rat Couple Joke Laven and André Gruters disguised as humans in Murla. Horribly unscrupulous and ruthless bunch of idiots. Judases who would betray or torture their parents for money.

So here was Onno the Devil, or the Dutch Mengele, again in the night with serial rapist/justice worker, French teacher drs. Jaap J. Duijs present while I was unsuspectingly tortured again and afterwards I knew nothing more by the amnesiac drug Ketamine or equivalent. Also called a party drug to make young girls defenseless. While the royal house was criminally involved by protecting the perpetrators by forbidding any prosecution and thus making us fair game for every rapist and such. Gruesome and merciless.

Onno was also the one who, together with his accomplice Drs. Jaap J. Duijs, secretly tortured me again in André and Joke’s Villa for many thousands of euros in Judas coins in Murla…

Tortured in the Villa of André Gruters and Joke Laven!

Onno the Devil received a medal for his ‘services’!

On Saturday, April 16, 2011, Mayor Van Zanen presented a Royal Decoration ‘Officer in the Order of Orange Nassau’ during the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Dutch Hypnosis Association to Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart, born October 31, 1941.

In 2018 my corrupt brother also got a medal and earlier the serial rapist and father son Rieks Perdok from Roden. So all criminal involved were appreciated and rewarded for their horrible acts against me and especially my defenseless girlfriend/wife/now fortunately ex-wife since June 2015. Our otherworldly Royal House is horribly stupid and criminal. See also…

KLM Co-Pilot King Willem Alexander committed fraud and blocked my offered asylum against the Netherlands over American soil!

Doctor’s oath broken by Onno!

I swear/promise that I will practice medicine to the best of my ability in the service of my fellow man . I will care for the sick, promote health and alleviate suffering. (lied)

I put the patient’s interests first and respect his views. (lied) I will not harm the patient. (lied) I will listen and inform him well. (lied) I will keep secret what has been entrusted to me. (I don’t want that, you lout! Openness and transparency!)

I will promote the medical knowledge of myself and others. I recognize the limits of my possibilities. I will be open and testable, and I know my responsibility to society. (???) I will promote the availability and accessibility of health care. I do not abuse my medical knowledge, not even under pressure. (Lied! Bribed! Million!)

I will keep the profession of doctor in honor. (On the contrary! The Dutch Mengele!)

Present. dr. Onno van der Hart

On all points indicated in red, ‘Devilish Onno’ lied and horribly deceived and abused me, despite overwhelming opposition! Onno the Devil had the document of almost 10 pages ready in advance (!), was secretly and corruptly (!) seconded to GGZ Zwolle for 2 weeks and I was only allowed to see it after being drugged three times with poison that caused memory loss ( an honest colleague was a witness ) so that I could hardly read anymore and did not understand it at all! I did not understand a single sentence that I told him!

A more honest psychologist would(!) have sent it to me earlier and also explained what he was planning and why it would be good for me! But Onno was devilish, so he didn’t do that to get the million or more from the Rabo organization (Interpolis?), so he could become a professor, together with his accomplice professor Robert van den Bosch!

Why wasn’t something so crucial sent a week in advance and discussed in detail first??? And why did I have to make an appointment at Sofia Hospital via also corrupt GP Hogen Esch Harde? To prevent me from knowing afterwards that he would treat and deceive me at GGZ! And why did all his colleagues at Sofia Hospital and GGZ Zwolle refuse to cooperate and even alert the police???

Because everyone knew in advance that it was a criminal devilish action! Even ‘Mengele’ could learn from that! I also call Onno ‘The Dutch Mengele!’

Why did Onno the Devil refuse me a copy the next day after his colleagues had warned the police and explicitly asked me to ask for it so that I could still revoke the (completely unknown document to me)? Because a million(s) from Rabo/Interpolis would make him and his corrupt accomplice Robert van den Bosch both professors! High level cronyism where money no longer played a role !

Human rights state that all evidence obtained under pressure and torture is invalid! But judges and Justice completely ignore that here because it suits them better. Even in America that signature obtained under torture turned out to be crucial and negative for me! Why? Under those horrible circumstances, anyone would have signed after heavy drugging and mental torture. Even my own death warrant (which would have been less bad) I would have had to sign. He is a specialist in mind control!

Complaint Lawyer of Onno van der Hart

For the sake of legal clarity Onno is NOT really the (non-existent) Devil of course. It is only a nickname, nickname and expression for his to me(!) devilish actions! ‘Onno the Devil’ or ‘The Dutch Mengele!’ is also fun and appropriate. Everything on my blog/written factual(!) statement is of course my opinion and a lot of facts for my self-defense! Much of it confirmed after FBI and/or CIA check by Judge Rex J. Ford in Florida during my first(!) asylum application in 2009. See also page Disclaimer & Summary

He implicitly (De Facto) admits that he committed the crimes listed below because, despite my urgent request, he cowardly did not (!) file a complaint for slander or even libel against the very old posts from 2007 (attempted complaint), 2010 and also 2016!

The fact that Jacqueline Schaap dares to state without proper research that everything I write is ‘obviously’ not true, is pure horrific slander against a victim who has been defenseless (!) since 1972!

However, he makes desperate attempts to keep his name out of search engines such as Google and now on January 7, 2020 he is suddenly corrupt to have this entire(!) blog or 3 posts cowardly removed via lawyer Jacqueline Schaap from Amsterdam! 

Scandalous and shows how corrupt, ruthless and unscrupulous the Devilish Onno is still trying to damage his victim Hans Smedema! What he has done to me through his horrible deceit, and my wife, and 3 generations of Kon. Huis, is beyond description, but I have done it here and in my Ebooks! His criminal actions are at least a million times worse than so-called ‘defamation or insult of a criminal’ and only my written (20 years) weak defense without the right to legal assistance by the cowardly Dutch lawyers , cowardly Dutch doctors and cowardly Dutch media . See, among other things, the horrible Fraud Anchor Lawyers Leeuwarden!

Too much legal information for this article so a new specific post made for this legal discussion! Am I allowed to defend myself openly or not! Is self-defense allowed?

So see my new legal post about Onno and his lawyer…

Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart hires a lawyer, but doesn’t dare to press charges!

Abuse complaints in America already dismissed!

In the meantime, America has fortunately and very correctly rejected both abuse complaints! A victim is allowed to defend himself!

Positions of the Dutch Press Council:

Archives must be protected in principle against “corrections”. Society must be able to trust their integrity. … An unsound message must be rectified, but an unwelcome article is not removed from the archive, any more than articles can be added to the archive retroactively because they give a “better” picture of the past. The journalist serves the truth, even retroactively.

This has now been translated into this advice from the  Council’s Guidelines :

The public interest in archives that are as complete as possible and reliable, the content of which cannot be changed, in principle outweighs the interest that individuals may have in removing or anonymizing archived articles with content that they find objectionable. Only in special cases can this socially important principle yield to a private interest.

And in the absence of journalists and media to publish about this biggest cover-up and conspiracy in Dutch history , I am the journalist myself! Just like with Multatuli and Anne Frank!

Onno van der Hart has also been convicted

He has also been convicted of another crime.

Also mentioned on the website Misdaadjournalist.nl Hendrik Jan Korterink:

Onno and Epe: the long tail
Hendrik Jan Korterink March 9, 2020 1 Comment

And my own reaction to that  Crime journalist Hendrik Jan Korterink about the Hans Smedema Affair!

See also my own post Medical Disciplinary Board Groningen

Below is the strategy of this chilling criminal expert in hypnosis, trauma and dissociation, so ‘mind control’, who even received a Royal distinction for it!

Together with Prof. Dr. Robert van den Bosch UMCG

Onno received help from (current) prof. dr. RJ (Robert) van den Bosch UMCG, nickname Robert the University Rat who must also have been secretly (nothing in medical files!) involved in the treatment of my wife around 1972/73 and me in 2003. His name also appeared in the secret ‘Frankfurt file’ about me and my wife according to the American intelligence service of the 97th General Army Hospital Frankfurt around 1983 with whom I did business and was therefore legally screened.

Complaint and hearing 26 March 2007 at Medical Disciplinary Board Groningen against several physicians and special psychiatrists became a farce because of Robert’s criminal conduct and fraud. Was also never published, just like all the lawsuits! Cover-up in full horrifying glory.

See my post  Medical Disciplinary Board Groningen

Prof. Dr. Robert van den Bosch, who also trapped me during the hearing of the Groningen Disciplinary Board due to a conflict of interest, with his chilling and apparently crucial (!) statement “your wife has the right not to know anything!”

‘And so to be raped defenselessly(!) for the rest of her life!’ I replied!

Implicitly(!) admitting that I was not ill at all, as I first wrongly assumed because of the omerta, but my wife! And that there was indeed a cover-up to keep her from knowing anything.

So an unreal world, her delusional world that she had never been raped, to create for her! So every new rape was a surprise for the thereby(!) defenseless(!) woman.

Horrific consequences!

That I, as the only earner of income, became incapacitated for work in 2004 with a loss of 145,000 euros in income, and could therefore never defend her since 1972, did not matter to the cowardly corrupt scoundrel prof. dr. Robert van den Bosch and Onno van der Hart in 1975 of course. His own skin was much more important than the dying victims. See below under ‘Research’. They both received a million from Rabo organization and Interpolis where my girlfriend worked!

Onno worked closely with justice serial rapist Drs. Jaap J. Duijs!

My girlfriend and later wife, just like myself, were defenseless since 1972 against rapists like Jaap Duijs who, as a rapist from 1972, also received 100,000 guilders in 1977 to build a villa diagonally across from us so that we could work against it for the rest of our lives! And a monthly allowance of 500 to pay the mortgage.

He worked closely with the corrupt Onno van der Hart and I was tortured to such an extent that I responded to the voice of French teacher Jaap Duijs and obediently carried out his orders! Mind control! Which I only started to realize around 2007 (30 years later!) or so. According to Jaap Duijs himself, he went to Spain in 2008 together with Onno the Devil by car to condition me. But was chased away by witness (!) former detective Ad (of Ad and Marijke singers Costa Blanca) in Catral because it was not conditioning, but torture!

See about that Brainwashed and tortured at Police Officer Villa in Catral!

and right after that about my torture in Murla…

Tortured in the Villa of André Gruters and Joke Laven!

See also very detailed post J’Accuse Jaap Duijs the Monster of Drachten!

Yet, after 2000, I was unscrupulously portrayed as a psychotic or paranoid! Also in 2003 by Robert van den Bosch, his psychiatry department of the UMCG, where my wife and I spoke to psychiatrists Bruggemans and Luttikhuizen about this remarkable case a few times. So he hid his criminal involvement! Although my later tests showed that there was NOTHING wrong with me! Repression is namely NOT a disease at all, but in fact a natural protective process, so normal and eventually restores itself after about five years, if there is NO conditioning! That is why conditioning was applied here by Onno van der Hart to prevent the natural healing process and thus the revelation of their crimes! Horrible royally decorated monster. The cowardly and corrupt royal house will stop at nothing!

The positive report of Luttikhuizen for me that there was nothing wrong with me was, on the order of the cover-up/Justice, secretly destroyed directly in several places (!) and changed by a negative one! Namely that I would supposedly be delusional. Also with psychiatrist Oostveen who openly acknowledged that (!) during the disciplinary board case.

See also post

Devil’s contract extorted by Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart!

Accusations of Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart

Secretly declared an outlaw!

Tortured in the Villa of André Gruters and Joke Laven!

and my (!) futile attempt to file a complaint (which is forbidden to me and the police themselves!) against the royally protected Onno van der Hart

Report of Fraud by Psychiatrist Van der Hart

For information about his otherwise excellent book Trauma, Dissociation and Hypnosis in relation to me (he refused me any help!), see my post

Trauma, Dissociation and Hypnosis!

and for the horrific consequences of his conditioning or better torture

Saw 9 blanc lines on a full(!) page during official memory-test!

and for an overview of all involved psychiatrists and psychologists

The Decades-Long Horrific Medical Cover-Up!

Fraud Psychiatrists

Innocent 29 months in prison!

The consequence of the devilish actions of Onno and Robert was that I became completely defenseless and had to look for justice outside the Netherlands myself due to the total omerta. I applied for asylum in America three times with a total of 15 months of detention. 2009 7 months, 2013/14 2.5 and in 2016/17 5.5. And then innocent as a victim 13 months for so-called insult of serial rapist and justice employee drs. Jaap Duijs from Drachten! No lawyer and no defense allowed because of State Security. And 1 month innocent because of so-called mistake in 2013, so 14, or together 29 months! Without any defense and I am not allowed to file a complaint in this case! Horrific human rights violations. And much more as described in my digital Ebooks.

6 (assassination) attempts on my life!

Direct consequence of the devilish corrupt actions of Onno and Robert was of course that the case was signed by State Security Queen Juliana on the basis of their false diagnoses. That in turn resulted in the rapist perpetrators and porn criminal organization wanting me dead immediately. Much too dangerous to let live. The Royal House also had an interest in that. In any case, there are 5 assassination attempts, 1 attempt to cripple my hip, and an estimated 10 times secretly conditioning at night via torture by Devilish Onno!

Zie o.a. post 6th attack on my life in Altea Spain! en Fifth Murder Attempt Altea

King WA refused to pass on my affirmative answer for asylum!

How corrupt the actions of Onno the Devil were and how even the Royal House was heavily involved by his fraud and corrupt actions since 1975 is evident from the crucial fact that King WA as KLM Co-Pilot on March 15, 2017 corruptly refused to pass on my request in American airspace above Montana and lied that I did NOT want that. There were two American jets around the plane ready to force it to land, but because of his corrupt lies I did NOT get asylum and was then innocently locked up in his dungeons for 13 months upon arrival in Amsterdam. See detailed English post (translation from English to Dutch and other languages ​​possible). KLM refuses any contact, just like their Customer Service!

KLM Co-Pilot King Willem Alexander committed fraud and blocked my offered asylum against the Netherlands over American soil!

Just before his departure on January 20, 2017, President Obama filed my case with the United Nations Convention Against Torture. Hence the sudden panic among King WA, Cabinet, Politicians and his corrupt Ministry of Justice that was supposed to thwart me! Most likely United Nations Convention Against Torture (UNCAT) and as a Special Procedure! Which actually proves my point in this whole horrible case. President Obama would never have done that if it were not true.

How backward and life-threatening psychiatrists are is evident from my article or post

The backward psychiatrists

For a nice overview of the most crucial issues of the entire conspiracy, see post

Timeline of only the most crucial events!

and only strategic overview of the whole conspiracy see post

Conspiracy against Hans Smedema explained!

Prof.dr. Onno van der Hart UU

Please understand that the following happened to me as an unsuspecting naive victim after I

  • although forced by hypnosis to marry the wrong woman,
  • was heavily drugged (ketamine) and traumatized in Jan van Beek’s apartment in Utrecht who made my girlfriend a sex slave with an electric prod and made rape movies including ones with dogs which made a lot more money!
  • I had received no information at all about what had happened,
  • and at the end of 1972 or beginning of 1973 a secret criminal organization was founded by my corrupt brother Godfather mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep who deny everything and secretly hid, manipulated or destroyed all evidence for me! Among others Ans Schuh received 20,000 guilders to participate in the Omerta (Hans and Wies cheating) and 500 guilders for each meeting!
  • In Jan 1975 it turned out that her newly born daughter was not mine, which was kept hidden from me/us! And there had just been an assassination attempt on my life after heavy drugging, which had left me 100% disabled for months. Hyperventilation and pure fear.
  • So I was a helpless victim!

For the greatest terror by him see post

Accusations Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart

He lured me already in 1975 unsuspectingly to Sofia hospital in Zwolle which refused to cooperate in his terror and already warned me not to go with this man and to refuse! Go home and just do not do business with this man! GP Hogen Esch had therefore received corrupt money afterwards to have me conditioned! This was all very carefully planned in advance because the document that he forced me to submit after heavy drugging and mental torture was already ready in advance! Sofia hospital refused to cooperate and all GGZ colleagues also refused and had even jointly filed a complaint against him with GGZ management! Which of course was rejected by high-ranking people involved! They even warned the police who called me later, but I already did not know what had happened because of his drugs! Memory loss!

But I was naive and still unsuspecting, he took me to GGZ and drugged me there three times to sign a document! I refused for two hours because he wanted that he did not have to tell me anything that I knew but had repressed due to the traumas after hypnosis session.

And I actually DID want that to find out what else I knew and then protect my wife.

Without knowledge of what had been done to her I could of course not protect her! He drugged me three times with a drug that caused amnesia (according to an angry colleague) so that I could not even read the document anymore! I did not understand anything(!) of the text anymore because your normal mind no longer worked! I asked for a copy to take home and to look at it there calmly, just like with the mortgage contract, I said relatively clearly, but that was not allowed. Locked the door when I just wanted to leave. He later also refused the promised copy so that I could never revoke it as he corruptly told me at first! Angry mental health colleagues warned the Zwolle police and they called about it but I knew nothing(!) anymore about what had happened there and therefore not about the crucial document! He locked the door and he was, mind you, completely alone(!) with me, his defenseless yet totally unsuspecting victim! He corruptly spoke a text into a recorder that I no longer understood and continued with that text in a room that I could no longer hear(!) All his temporary colleagues refused to cooperate and filed a joint complaint against him in advance(!) because it would destroy my/our lives, they already knew then in 1975! Which was exactly correct, but below the corrupt scoundrel denies everything!

But ‘Devilish Onno’ corruptly refused me and my wife any help and did not give any reference as he corruptly states in this email fraudulently. But in the super secret Frankfurt Dutch Intelligence file of the 97th General Army Hospital Frankfurt it was stated that both prof.dr. Onno van der Hart UU and his accomplice prof.dr. Robert van den Bosch UMCG were professionally involved with both my defenseless wife and myself! That is why the criminal scoundrel does not dare to file a complaint against me! Too many people know that he is lying in the above email!

While I saw him on May 20, 2010 (so only 15 days after email) in Restaurant La Rambla in La Nucia where the owner warned me to flee (!) despite the fact that they were given 3000 euros to lure me upstairs and keep quiet!

That heavily planned robbery failed after warning by owners who saw heavy medical instruments and did not want to cooperate anymore! Jaap Duijs I had seen hours before in Benidorm and was a guest hiding in his room! Everything was paid in cash to prevent coming out later. They had both driven to Benidorm by car according to Jaap later to me, so there was no proof via aircraft data.

And later that day in a specially rented closed(!) nightclub Pretty Women in Benidorm where he tortured me together with French teacher Jaap Duijs and conditioned or better programmed me like a dog! Mind control that this scoundrel knows all about professionally and I, unsuspecting and naive, did not know then because of the omerta of my brother and the justice mole himself. Policia Local, warned by girls, was not allowed to protect me by Justice Madrid! Most likely because it was normal(!?) conditioning that I had supposedly given permission for in his secret document at GGZ Zwolle! Secretly left behind girl, who had seen the gruesome medical instruments again, heard me shout and scream in pain for 4 hours!

Corrupt Onno now enjoying his ribbon and ‘well-deserved’ pension, while his victims Hans and Wies Smedema are now forced(!) separated, dying and have to live on welfare because of his horrifying criminal actions since 1972! Not to mention all the rapes, children from them and much more here. That happens in my Ebooks.

‘ Onno the Devil’ turns out to be the criminal who has completely destroyed the lives of the defenseless, unsuspecting Hans and Wies Smedema with the following terrifying strategy.

For evidence and many perfect witnesses torture in Benidorm see the Post



Later I heard that America had investigated the case on my earlier requests during my asylum application in 2009 and had more than enough evidence of the robbery on May 20, 2010. I also spoke to a Belgian investigating judge in Restaurant La Rambla and the Belgian owners shortly after the robbery about this horrific robbery and the mental mutilation that was deliberately inflicted on me later in Benidorm!

Presumably at the request of family, after the horrors of 1972 they did NOT prosecute the rapists, but by prohibiting any investigation, supposedly to protect my girlfriend/wife, to protect those same rapists in combination with keeping hidden from us, the many serious crimes against us. In particular jealous brother Mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep, together with the Bible-waving brother-in-law and church rat Tjitte de Jong, and Prof. Dr. JR van den Bosch UMCG who, together with Onno, was also involved in the treatment of my wife with DID according to the American intelligence service in the 30+ page Dutch justice report about me and my wife. Which was erased three days later!!! But there are copies that prove the lying by the Dutch Justice Department!

The cowardly corrupt politician who made all this possible was initially Lubbers! Later on he became the great friend of ‘Beatrix the Terrible!’

For all other accusations see my Page: 5 J’Accuse!

Prime Minister drs. mark Rutte refuses, just like his cowardly and corrupt predecessor drs. Jan peter Balkenende, to stop this horrible conspiracy and thus protects this serial rapist Jaap Duijs and also Onno and Robert! And even worse, he lets this injustice continue coldly and ruthlessly, cowardly and corruptly for years. In fact, he deceives the Dutch people with this. High treason or treason!

No conditioning but torture!

It also turns out not to be conditioning but torture to mutilate my brain! That was told to me by former detective Ad in Catral immediately after he lured me to his Villa for dinner and had me conditioned (why?) by Onno van der Hart! He chased Onno and most likely Jaap Duijs away with his service pistol and two dogs! He had contact with the Spanish Justice Department, he also told me. Spain cooperates in the gruesome mutilation by this corrupt psychologist and always secretly and underhandedly like thieves in the night! Why not openly ask me if I wanted to cooperate? Because I would refuse and apply for asylum against the Netherlands!

It wasn’t conditioning but torture because he had experienced that before, he told me immediately when I woke up again!

See extensive post about this in English

Brainwashed and tortured at Police Officer Villa in Catral!

Consequences of torture was mental mutilation!

The result of course was that my normal intelligence IQ of 135 and EQ of 145 were nullified because I immediately repressed all the abuse and heavy emotional issues! So I was defenseless when the rapists were at work!

I was trained and abused like a dog by Onno the Devil!

For example, I saw on a photo of evidence an empty chair next to French teacher Jaap Duijs, who was raped by the justice department, while my wife was sitting there as Jaap Duijs’ sex slave during a bus trip to Italy. She had to come along for his (!) sex and to pay all the costs via her credit card. See post Chairman Società Dante Alighieri Friesland turns out to be a serial rapist!

Heavy mind control! Same during asylum application in 2009 and during special session judge Rex J. Ford in research into my brain! I saw 9 blank lines in a diary, while of course it was written in! Confirmed by everyone in the courtroom! Heavy evidence of my handicap that was deliberately inflicted by the corrupt psychologist Onno van der Hart!

And that happened since 1972 and made me defenseless and unable to fight those scoundrels alone. Lawyers refuse this case because they don’t dare, or are not allowed to because of false disproportionate appeal to state security because of signature deceived and misled Queen Juliana around 1975. Dutch cowardly media such as Telegraaf ditto.

For that, see my post

Saw 9 blanc lines on a full(!) page during official memory-test!

Is repression through torture a disease?

I always called it and therefore on this blog a disease that my wife and I repressed everything that had to do with rape and such! But is that true? In retrospect I think not! So I am not sick at all because of the traumas as I always wrongly assumed, but was programmed to repress and forget everything just like in the famous Jason Bourne movies!

Which is also true because if I am forced to talk about it, which happened a lot during asylum application Miami in 2009 by Rex J. Ford, I could and can do that without any problem and very analytically! Whereas if that were an illness I would be very nervous and would not want to talk about it. But I wanted to talk about it with Rex Ford who did an excellent job! Kudos to this judge! He investigated my case very thoroughly just like the CIA and/or FBI!

Here are the photos of the main perpetrators

Joris Demmink in 1982!
Godfather mr. Johan Smedema Gennep, Omerta!
Godfather mr. Johan Smedema Gennep, the Family Rat, Omerta! Helped his youngest brother mercilessly to destruction!
Kerkrat Tjitte de Jong, Norg Oudega
Bible-waving brother-in-law and church rat Tjitte de Jong, Norg Oudega
Ruud Lubbers was asked by Tjitte de Jong to cooperate in the conspiracy against the unsuspecting, defenseless couple!

And the followers for millions of Judas pennies to give it a legal touch!

Onno van der Hart, psychologist. Stasi methods with torture!
Onno van der Hart, psychologist. Stasi methods with torture and brainwashing!
prof. dr. JR van den Bosch UMCG, heavily involved in cover-up!
Prof. Dr. JR van den Bosch, manager of psychiatry at the UMCG, heavily involved in the cover-up!







Onno the Devil

Onno de Duivels made me/us think that rapes had NEVER taken place and, through conditioning and ‘mind control’ in combination with the agreed Omerta, ensured that if I saw or noticed anything of the abuse of my own defenseless wife that continued for many years (certainly still in 2003), I immediately repressed it and continued living as if nothing had happened.

So that also meant that I could NEVER protect my own wife, who was therefore increasingly abused by the rapists who DID know about her defenselessness .

A chilling example was that in 1978 I twice unsuspectingly sent my defenseless wife at their request (knowing full well that she was defenseless!) to the construction workers at our house on the Sydwende in Drachten, where the poor thing was raped twice by several construction workers who were standing in rows, so gangbang. According to her she was only there for half an hour from one to half past one, but in reality she was gone for more than 5 hours! Leaving her mother who had a whether or not Champion bridge match at four o’clock in panic and when she came back the poor thing didn’t know anything anymore. Loss of time, which points to a dual personality. Made possible by Onno de Duivel!

Having children of your own was made impossible! This is still the case today.

Result: three children from three rapists and three terminated pregnancies, because we were not allowed to know that I had already been secretly and illegally infertilized in 1972 by Jan van Beek and his friend, now the traitor/mole within the justice system itself! He could manipulate everything to their advantage from within the justice system!

So the children were supposedly mine, Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart and thus the family, police and justice, wanted us to believe!

For the sake of historiography, I will only list here the crucial strategic crimes in which Onno the Devil was involved.

Onno is personally responsible for the Royal House being very negatively and even criminally involved in this rape case. Treason or perhaps even high treason to the Royal House, which in turn also commits treason and high treason! See recent post

KLM Co-Pilot King Willem Alexander corrupt blocked my American Asylum Request against the Netherlands in American Airspace!

See also Posts

Accusations Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart

and my futile attempt to file charges against him

Report of Fraud by Psychiatrist Van der Hart

and his good(!) book Trauma, Dissociation and Hypnosis!

Strategy prof. dr. Onno van der Hart

This strategy was devised and implemented together with Prof. Dr. JR (Robert) van den Bosch, head of psychiatry at the UMCG.

Just make sure everyone keeps the crimes hidden. Like rapes and the crucial fact that her boyfriend, later husband Hans Smedema had already been made infertile in 1972. So a total omerta!

Together with severe torture that leads to conditioning, combined with the natural defense reaction of the traumas, the victims will never be able to find out the truth. And if they do, just deny everything!

Justice itself should be charged with the implementation, after all, it can easily stop lawsuits and investigations! And manipulate or make evidence disappear.

With special Royal protection via law or regulation it will become a nice state security and even politicians will not be able to do anything about it! Because they have sworn allegiance to the Royal House again.

Strategy Onno and Mol/traitor within Justice, with Mr. Johan Smedema and others who together form the Royal Criminal Organization Mengele:

  • Hiding rapes and abuse from 1972 to the present from the couple who already repressed them,
  • malicious refusal of therapy that would have led to improvement within weeks,
  • so after the marriage on February 23, 1973 a defenseless (!) unsuspecting couple against all the rapists who DID know,
  • hiding three children of rapists from the unsuspecting couple,
  • kept hidden made infertile(!) his Hans in 1972 (surgically repaired 1998),
  • Hypnotizing and torturing us to condition and brainwash us into a pavlov response that would further repress any abuse to prevent the cover-up from coming out, so NO medical help!
  • Hans, by torture in 1975, to force a document that gave Onno the right not to have to provide information and to use that for a Royal special arrangement, whereby any investigation by the judiciary was prohibited and is still prohibited,
  • thereby endangering the Royal House, the State of the Netherlands and especially the Dutch and American people,
  • refusal by Onno to provide medical assistance to Hans at his request, with therapy for his wife in particular, when she finally discovered the cover-up after 2000,
  • Hans, because of this and the pre-arranged cover-up and Omerta, innocently (!) with malicious intent, to go through life as a psychotic, and therefore no one will believe him. Which made him completely unnecessarily (!) incapacitated for work with a loss of income of 140,000 euros.
  • Providing a hypnotic agent to prevent the conspiracy from coming out and to push Hans and Wies into the zombie state as much as possible. Many involved had this crucial agent and used it against me, such as Mr. Johan Smedema, sister-in-law Klazien Jansma, neighbor Jaap de Vaginajager drs. Jaap J. Duijs from Drachten who also had listening devices in our meter cupboard and was an informant for Justice.
  • enable and involve in murder and assassination attempts to prevent his criminal behavior from coming out,
  • Everyone involved is offering money for cooperation in the conspiracy of the century.
  • To employ Jaap the Vagina Hunter or Vagina Rat , drs. J. Jaap Duijs, as our neighbors at the Sydwende in Drachten, as an informant for the justice department, with listening equipment and thus thwarting all of Hans Smedema’s actions.
  • Set up a heavy cordon sanitaire around Hans Smedema to prevent him from getting out. Block everything he tries.
  • Through Mol, obstruct and block all actions within the justice system, the Public Prosecution Service and the police.
  • Secretly destroy all files and dossiers so that nothing can ever be proven later.
  • and much more.

Bribed by the Rabobank board, where my girlfriend’s father was chairman of the works council and head of the accountancy department of the Northern Netherlands, to ensure that my girlfriend, later wife of February 1973, would not notice anything of her years of rape and even her children from it. After all, it could have negative publicity for the Rabobank organization, and her mother definitely did not want any lawsuits that would bring even more trauma to her poor, still ignorant and therefore unsuspecting daughter.

Onno received more than a million from the Rabobank which was then called something else. That made it possible for him to become a professor in later years, so torturing was no ethical problem for him. For the family my jealous brother Mr. Johan Smedema stepped in who could never stand me. Because he thought he had had it harder than I did in his youth.

Because without therapy we could never stand up for ourselves. We suppressed any abuse by the severe traumas deliberately inflicted by Jan van Beek and his friend and later mole with a high staff position within the justice department (Demmink?). So the beginning of the perfect crime!

So my wife remained a sex slave for everyone who knew of her defenselessness, and I could not protect her without knowledge of the crimes. That was only possible 28 years later, slowly, a little bit after 2000. Especially slowly because of the opposition and 28 years earlier apparently mutually agreed ‘omerta’ of the family, justice and doctors.

Lawyer Mr. Johan Smedema, the Family Rat had, after all, set up a legal Royal cover-up through a politician with the help of the document extorted from me by Onno the Devil!

The perfect crime in its full glory, because politicians would never endanger their own skin, and therefore remain silent! Omerta too! And the Royal House, which was endangered and deceived by all the deceit, also had no interest at all in the revelation of this largest conspiracy in Dutch history. So hides cowardly and corruptly as an ‘innocent bystander’ behind the responsible Council of Ministers, which in turn hides behind the medical advice that my wife has the right to know nothing , and state security.

Own fictional(!) research, almost literally from research by Fred Spijkers!


“Some authorities have, according to the researchers, grossly violated their political responsibilities and natural duties towards Hans Smedema in a number of ways.” The researchers emphasize that they are also referring to ministers and state secretaries of Justice and Home Affairs, from 1972 to the present.

They should have informed Smedema immediately about what had gone wrong at the Ministry of Justice since 1972 on behalf of Kroon, the researchers state in their findings. The authorities involved lack ‘moral courage and dignity’. “They have used constitutional means to commit injustice for 42 years and are therefore ‘bad’ or even ‘malicious’ because of their apparent indifference to that injustice.”

“They were not guardians of justice and the rule of law; on the contrary, they used the powers at their disposal to trample on the rights of a citizen and a couple.”Ministers, state secretaries, senior civil servants, judges and even the National Ombudsman ignore the principles and procedures of the rule of law when it suits them. They do so to save their own skin or to protect the alleged interests of their ministry or their political party.”

Hans Smedema B. Sc., refugee in exile surviving in beautiful El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain