I accuse my girlfriend/wife and her(!) children of horrific psychological abuse and serious fraud!

Please Share! Fight this 'Perfect' 40+ year (Royal) Crime!

Last Updated 19/12/2024 published 28/10/2024 by Hans Smedema

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I accuse my girlfriend/wife and her(!) children of horrific psychological abuse and serious fraud!

This is a Google computer translation of my earlier post:

J’Accuse mijn vriendin/vrouw en haar(!) kinderen van mij gruwelijk psychologisch mishandelen en zware fraude!

Wiesje in 1972 during a holiday in Costa Brava! She had already been secretly(!) tortured (with an electric prod) into a defenseless(!) sex slave, who went along with everyone.

Up until now I have always tried to ethically correct to keep her and her children out of this blog and Ebooks as much as possible, but my life is coming to an end with now 2020 72 years old and I want to end my horrific story with the last ‘Part 5 – J’Accuse’ of my series Ebooks! Also what they did to me was crucial for my years of extra unnecessary suffering. My wife is both guilty of seriously cheating on me, as well as the victim of torture to a defenseless sex slave (a callable extra emotional personality!) in 1972 and then for decades (!) defenseless rape victim. See my post

Unique in the Netherlands: Destroyed life with a woman with a secretly extra emotional personality!

Thereby completely destroying her own, but also my life. Due to the horrible criminal omerta (KCOM) set up by my brother Mr. Johan Smedema together with Justice I could never protect her! After all I was deceived by all the doctors involved and even abused (Onno the Devil), and thus mentally and financially destroyed. And eventually had to flee to Spain with an incredible three (or 5) asylum applications in America with a total of 15 months of completely innocent detention (officially not detention but transition) as a victim, who did want to help me (!) and everything was thoroughly investigated (!). For those details see:

Results of American Investigation into Hans Smedema Affair

I have given everyone and all of the Netherlands every opportunity for 20 years to stop this horrible omerta and just openly and transparently finally(!) tell the truth after 20 years (actually since 1972!), but no one in the Netherlands was willing to do so. I am ‘De Facto’ stateless and collectively psychologically abused by the Netherlands and secretly banished and also secretly placed outside the normally applicable laws by three generations of the Royal Family. Doctors such as prof.dr. Onno van der Hart (Onno the Devil) were crucial in this and therefore responsible for destroying my/our life.


For that the (horrific) truth is necessary and I am therefore obliged to also accuse my life partner Wiesje Jansma and even her 3 children Ilse, Arne and Jorrit, so also victims of the 3 different rapists, Jan van Beek, Jan de Vries and Rieks Perdok! For 20 years now I have tried to keep them out of it as much as possible. Their unbelievably ruthless criminal unethical actions against me, their unsuspecting abused for decades (since 1971), trained/conditioned like a dog by prof.dr. Onno van der Hart (tortured according to witness former detective Ad in Catral, Spain), and therefore also defenseless father.

What possesses children to deceive their supposed father and therefore also defenseless mother like this? Resulting in a direct loss of 300,000 euros from our pension fund due to completely unnecessary expenses to try to investigate matters or evidence that were simply known to the justice system, family and therefore children later. And since January 2004 my income loss of 145,000 euros per year after I was secretly (!) drugged with an antipsychotic in September 2003? If I had simply stopped taking it, I would have been able to continue working! But you can’t stop taking something that you Kafkaesquely don’t even know you’re getting! I had to wrongly (!) assume that I had suddenly become mentally ill.

So in 2000 I supposedly(!) went crazy, while I was still able to continue working at the highest level until September 2003 because I kept everything as secret as possible and looked into things myself in peace and analytically.

Joris Demmink was a rapist and traitor within Justice!

But especially rapist Joris Demmink from 1972 who could control and manipulate me and us his entire life. My wife still knew the first name Joris and his last name something with the sound èm or something. I myself had also heard Joris when I called home, and rapist Jan van Beek sometimes called him Joris too. From 2002 to 2013 Joris was even the top man Secretary General Ministry of Justice with only the Minister himself above him! In the following his name has not been mentioned sufficiently. See for example my post…

Top civil servant Secretary General Joris Demmink was a seriously criminal MOL within the Ministry of Justice for 40 years with secret Royal protection!

She secretly gave me the anesthetic Ketamine!

It turns out that on the orders of her landlord who had mind control over her since 1972, she gave me a light dose of Ketamine as so-called vitamins before marriage and always after marriage 23-2-1973. My whole life! That explains a lot, because I was much too doggy and obedient towards her and others like my brothers. She turned me into a half zombie with a light anesthetic. So my normal iQ of 135 went down to less than 100! I became obedient and docile exactly as her sex boss Jan van Beek together with his friend Joris Demmink wanted it! Because otherwise I would certainly notice her sex with everyone around us and divorce her immediately.

Later in 1977 Jaap Duijs was appointed as our guard in Drachten and we were given vitamins again and therefore the light anesthetic Ketamine and were thus kept under mind control. For decades and no one noticed! See…  J’Accuse Jaap Duijs the Monster of Drachten!

I was actually forced to be with her and marry her. I had already broken up with her twice but through mind control I was forced to continue. Horrible lifelong injustice!

Very Kafkaesque or better Smedemaesque!

It is very Kafkaesque and even worse than Franz Kafka’s famous book ‘The Trial!’ That is child’s play compared to this incredible decades long case. Kafkaesque is an understatement here, because only during a trial. There is no word for it yet, it is Smedemaesque ! Dystopian to a single(!) individual! Here an entire country collectively that hides or manipulates all crucial information;

  • family, specifically mutual family who seriously and even criminally deceived Hans Smedema. See the current very detailed 4 Ebooks about that.
  • her children who deleted crucial 69 sex photo and falsified DNA paternity test
  • Snieders in-laws, 3 doctors who happily falsified DNA paternity tests against their medical oath
  • police who were not allowed to help me by Justice and who cowardly did not do so
  • Public Prosecution Service that was not allowed to conduct an investigation (!) and cowardly failed to do so
  • Justice that, on special Royal orders, deceived me as a victim, prohibited any prosecution (!) and therefore protected rapists and also paid tons of money and even provided free drugs.
  • the cowardly Dutch politicians who refuse me any help, never even (!) had a conversation!
  • the cowardly corrupt doctors who Kafkaesquely hid and continue to hide all crucial information
  • the cowardly corrupt Royal House and Prime Ministers who secretly took away our civil rights and protections!
  • the cowardly legal profession , who refused me any legal assistance!
  • the cowardly media , who refuse to help me as a victim and, moreover, keep the entire Dutch people ignorant of a case in which the famous Anne Frank is child’s play!
  • the cowardly journalists, who are apparently too stupid and cowardly to investigate this matter and to inform the people who have been kept innocent for 20 years!
  • the cowardly corrupt judges who, in a biased manner, refused to give me any defense and, moreover, withheld crucial information in a Kafkaesque manner!
  • our so-called friends who cowardly and Kafkaesquely cheated us for money (20,000) and monthly allowance!
  • 5 assassination attempts on my life (several other murders) without the perpetrators being prosecuted! Omerta!

See also comparison  Franz Kafka & Hans Smedema .

May publish anything according to America!

After twenty years of waiting (2000 to 2020) for justice and waiting for someone to finally tell the truth in writing and openly, it is certainly my right to reveal the truth as I know it myself! It may also be necessary for new lawsuits against me as Onno de Duivel plans through his lawyer Jacqueline Schaap.

According to the American Justice Department, under these extreme circumstances I also had every right to publish everything I know and even to take cases due to a lack of openness from my enemies such as the Dutch State and the corrupt Royal House involved that even destroyed or manipulated evidence, and specifically King WA who blocked the asylum offered to me by lying !

Later in 2009 during my first asylum application against the persecution by the Netherlands, the very professional Immigration Judge Rex J. Ford and high officials of the Department of Justice (DOJ/FBI/CIA) stated after 7 months of thorough investigation that America had no sympathy for my wife at all and if this would come out in the news hardly anyone would feel sorry for you either!

After all, you got exactly what America said you deserved after all your lies and deceit since 1971 and specifically your horrific deceit of me that you didn’t care about at all!

You went through a horrible year in 1972 because of your own lies and deceit and I got the blame because that’s how psychopath Jan van Beek had programmed you. He made me look bad so that he himself would go free, which he succeeded in doing because of the stupidity of our mutually stupid family. Supposedly I had incited and forced you to have sex, which were lies. So you, but also I, were victims of rapist and pimp Jan van Beek from Utrecht who had mind control over both of us!

You wanted to rent that room from Jan van Beek, a recently divorced young man, I didn’t want that! But already around New Year’s Eve 1971/72 I was already forced to continue to deal with you through mind control/hypnosis via Röben and you manipulated me like a dog.

Psychological torture is also torture according to Nils Melzer OHCHR!

What was and is being done to me here by my own wife and even children is according to the famous prof Nils Melzer OHCHR psychological torture! Incidentally, physical torture has also been applied by prof. dr. Onno van der Hart, but also by Jan van Beek! Psychologically by my own wife, her children and my corrupt brother mr. Johan Smedema. In addition by the MOL-X within Justice and by three generations of the Royal Family who corruptly refuse to stop their cover-up and my torture.

See his draft report A_HRC_43_49_AUV

and see my letter to him  Prof. Nils Melzer UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

Completely unique business in America and the Netherlands!

In America, asylum judge Rex J. Ford stated in 2009 after thorough and professional research that this case was completely unique in their known history in America. Never before had someone like me had no less than 5 good grounds for asylum! Unfortunately, the Netherlands and others denied everything and you do not get asylum for criminal actions, but only if the Dutch Crown/state is involved!

Zie Unbelievable 5 grounds for asylum according to Judge Rex. J. Ford Miami court Florida!

By the way, it is also the biggest cover-up and conspiracy in known Dutch history in the Netherlands!

Heaviest known Cordon Sanitair ever in Dutch history!

Your lying and cheating, hypnosis and mind control, mutually corrupt lying and cheating family, specifically my corrupt jealous brother Mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep, together with the MOL-X (rapist from 1972) who infiltrated the Ministry of Justice/AIVD, and in 1977 rapist Jaap Duijs who received a free Villa next to us via Joris Demmink with a monthly allowance to listen to us and keep an eye on us for decades (manipulate and drug us), have ultimately led to the biggest cover-up and conspiracy in known Dutch history.

So most likely the heaviest and/or longest Cordon Sanitair ever in Dutch history.

In 2009 during my first asylum application in America (Florida/Miami) against the horrible persecution of me/us by the Netherlands, judge Rex J. Ford told me after a thorough very professional investigation, that ‘no one could have done a better job than you under those extreme circumstances, with such a family, doctors and even the Ministry of Justice and the Royal Family involved! They already suspected Joris Demmink in 2009!

Hans Smedema was and is always completely transparent and ethically correct!

After all, with me, Hans Smedema, everything is always completely transparent and ethically sound. Always honest and sincere, even when it was to my disadvantage! In stark contrast to my wife, who was also a defenseless victim, her children, her sisters, my brothers and sister, the many corrupt doctors involved, justice, politicians, ministers, prime ministers and specifically three generations of the Royal Family!

See J’Accuse Prime Minister and Royal House

of Timeline only most crucial events!

It looks very much like the famous gruesome French ‘Albert Dreyfus’ crime with the famous letter ‘J’Accuse’ from writer Emile Zola to the French President around 1600. There the traitor was in the Ministry of Defense and here in the Ministry of Justice! And here even after 20 years of fighting alone against the Dutch State and the corrupt Royal House, no Emile Zola has yet stood up! Dutch journalists and specifically ‘De laffe Telegraaf’ all appear to be far too cowardly and/or stupid to dare to stand up against this gruesome decades-long injustice!

See comparison Dreyfus versus Smedema affair!

Anne Frank’s diary is child’s play compared to this gruesome decades-long case. Just like with Anne Frank, the Netherlands does not give a home! Only when you are dead do they dare to come out of their hiding place and hypocritically they even worship the tree that Anne probably only looked at! Without conscience.

Zie Comparison famous Anne Frank with unknown Hans Smedema affair!

Some(!) Specific Accusations

The following matters are only a tiny part of what happened to me with my Wiesje and her children. In the current 4 parts Ebooks everything is described excitingly. See  1.0 Ebooks Hans Smedema

1971 – So-called virgin!

My wife Wietske(Wies) Jansma immediately betrayed me terribly when I met her in September 1971 by pretending to be a 20 year old virgin while she had been sleeping with a boyfriend since she was 14 and was on the pill! I didn’t believe you because I had seen you having sex with yet another doorman on Vlieland. I also met two people in bar 69 in Leeuwarden (doorman and bartender) who had had sex with you and even warned me not to continue with ‘that slut’. I should have listened better, but I was soon put under hypnosis/mind control by my corrupt, backward, stupid mother and her sex friend the corrupt Röben (from the Röben Leeuwarden institute), and thus ‘De Facto’ made defenseless with the drug ketamine and torture into obedience.

Before I ever really had sex with you, but we were already seeing each other in a steady(!) way, you secretly and sneakily had sex with that childhood friend, and the random boy in Utrecht in your first room, and also the random boy who lived next to my room in Dordrecht (while you refused me sex!) and certainly many others. You were rightfully one of the biggest sluts from Leeuwarden, if not the biggest. You rarely come across such a low level girl/woman in a lifetime.

1971 – Sex with my father as a reward for my hypnosis!

As a reward for the hypnotization arranged by my mother in October or November 1971, which made me suddenly forget your deceit with your childhood friend, you regularly slept with my father and you continued to do so quietly throughout our false marriage! Even after 2000 when I slowly began to discover your deceit and the horrible omerta you still had sex with him regularly. In our holiday home an afternoon supposedly cleaning with him, while you had sex the entire afternoon. Also in the storage room of Aldlanstate until probably just before his death! Fortunately I was no longer at the funeral of my corrupt father and mother in 2006!

1972 – Sex with pimp Jan van Beek and many others as a paid whore!

In January 1972 you offered your landlord Jan van Beek who later made me infertile in September and years later the (carefully planned) father of your daughter, sex in exchange for lower rent he told me years later around 1977 when he confessed everything to me. Which I unfortunately repressed again due to the abuse/conditioning of the corrupt prof. dr. Onno van der Hart who was even awarded a Royal distinction for his ‘services’! You were used by Jan van Beek as his whore in 1972 and that was not your fault because you were forced via secret drug Ketamine and by torture with electric prods for pigs, and associated conditioning by MOL-X (justice/BVD) and Jan van Beek. I don’t think you received any money yourself.

He didn’t have to work anymore! Videos (also with dogs) were sold via porn contacts in the Netherlands and Prague, Jan van Beek told me later. His power over you continued right after our marriage when you had to work men in his room for two weeks straight away. While you lied to me that you were temporarily filling in at the Rabobank on request! Your parents eventually found out through me, but they kept that crucial information from me in a Kafkaesque way despite the presence of the police! So that I, unsuspecting and also conditioned, could not protect you again and learn to protect myself! The beginning of three children from three rapists and three more abortions! Which could have been prevented simply by the truth!

1971 to 2006 – Corrupt Jansma family!

Her entire corrupt family Jansma (Jolle, Elske, Klaziena and Bettina) worked corruptly in 1971 and later on your supposedly being a virgin, and always quickly hid the corrupt boyfriend upstairs as soon as I came. Who then stayed in her bedroom for months , ate with their family every day and with whom she slept every night, while we had not even had sex in the first few weeks. It was not about sex for me, I was of a much higher level. That corruption was completely beyond my comprehension, so much unscrupulousness and ruthlessness was completely unknown to me at the time, and so I innocently fell into their horrible trap.

Her father was Jolle Jansma, the chief accountant in the North of the Netherlands for the Rabobank organization! He was also Chairman of the entire works council of Rabobank Nederland, which was called something else at the time. So I wrongly assumed that I was dealing with an ethically correct family of high standing. But because of his high position he could take care of the concealment (omerta) and the many tons if not millions to make sure that I would know nothing about Hans Smedema! Obstruction of justice and much more. Gruesome and seriously criminal.

Which eventually led to the biggest cover-up and conspiracy in Dutch history and totally destroyed my life. And with Queen Juliana, Beatrix and King Willem Alexander negatively involved. The Dutch State and Prime Ministers negatively involved. Many countries involved made this case international. The Netherlands itself, America, Spain, Belgium, Germany, France, Canada, Mexico And Switzerland and UN Geneva.

In addition, only in America President Obama and others such as Biden and Department of Justice, so CIA, FBI and more are positively involved.

1973 to present? – Member of secret (Criminal) Organization KCOM with Justice!

You were, mind you, a member of the (criminal) Organization set up by my brother Mr. Johan Smedema, called KCOM by me – Royal Criminal Organization Mengele – at the end of 1972 or the beginning of 1973, even before our marriage, together with Justice, in which the rapist from 1972 and friend of Jan van Beek had infiltrated as Mol-X. Because of his great knowledge of this case (logically as a perpetrator), he was later given the leadership of the special department by special decree (?) of Queen Juliana around 1975 to not allow any prosecution of the perpetrators! Most likely supposedly to protect my wife from mental re-traumatization? Or to unmask me as the perpetrator, as Jan van Beek had conditioned you to say? With a false and disproportionate appeal to state security! How stupid was Justice? Very stupid and apparently never checked him.

So he (friend Jan van Beek from 1972) himself (!) went free as a rapist/martyr/pimp from 1972! Cunning, cunning, cunning and very stupid and foolish of our mutual family and specifically my corrupt brother Johan. And of course Justice itself who appointed a rapist as leader of a special department to allow NO prosecution! You can’t get any better! You were also defenseless then with an extra emotional personality as a sex slave.

Due to a mistake by Johan, I received a copy email from my corrupt brother Mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep around 2003 with the date of a meeting planned for me secretly(!) at the normal location (probably in ‘t Harde, De Vale Ouwe), which was addressed to several people! In the past in 1973 you didn’t have a car when I was away for work, and so those meetings with my wife were simply held there secretly and in a Kafkaesque way! Later in Drachten I was lured away to, among others, my corrupt brother-in-law the church rat Tjitte de Jong while my sister Rinneke was then as innocent as ever at the meetings and again kept everything Kafkaesque from me. Horrible!

Members (email addresses) of this gruesome secret (!) Kafkaesque organization in the email in question included:

  1. Wies Jansma , so you my lying and cheating corrupt wife!
  2. Klazien Jansma , your corrupt sister who loved to deceive me, wrongly assuming that I was behind your abuse and porn!
  3. Jaap Duijs , the rapist from 1972 with secret (?) contact with MOL-X at Justice and who received free drugs (ketamine and others) via Sylvia te Wierik (later corruptly rewarded as manager Drachten) at the Drachten Police.
  4. Ans Schuh , the wife of Paul Schuh who falsely pretended to be our friends!
  5. email address1 of justice! Who was this first corrupt Justice employee who apparently had to keep an eye on this case?
  6. email address2 of justice! Who was this second corrupt Justice employee who apparently had to keep an eye on this case? But never did?
  7. Marinus Smedema, also a committed brother who cheerfully and pleasantly lied along and deceived me.
  8. Brother-in-law Tjitte de Jong and/or my sister Rinske(Rinneke)! Around 2003 Tjitte even becomes leader when my corrupt brother Johan’s wife Anjo is terminally ill.
  9. Henk Kamstra , our so-called friends from ‘t Harde who also happily participated for the 20,000 guilder reward and 500 guilder reward if they were present at yet another secret meeting to deceive Hans Smedema (your unsuspecting and defenseless abused husband) and sometimes to have him conditioned apparently! You yourself were also conditioned often with Klazien as help. But with me that was always secretly after drugging and at night.
  10. Maybe others, but Johan was apparently the leader because the medal came from him!

In everything I was Kafkaesquely kept out! Apparently I was seen as a perpetrator just as you were programmed by rapist Jan van Beek to blame me for everything and therefore obediently told your family falsely!

When you found out, the email was deleted from my archive, as so many things were deleted from my emails. Often secretly by you, sometimes by others who had access because they corruptly pretended to be friends.

In 2009, during my first 7 months of detention (!) due to a gruesome asylum application in Florida, it turns out that the American CIA or FBI had a copy of this crucial email! 

That you were part of that and kept that hidden from me is also horrible, stupid and criminal. Because with your double personality and mind you the sex slave (so under mind control) of the rapist from 1972 (your regular sex customer Jaap Duijs, who later in 1977 also became a member when he got his free Villa diagonally across from ours on the Sydwende in Drachten), the original perpetrators from 1972 could also secretly(!) control that entire organization that was secretly(!) set up especially for me! Your corrupt sisters and backwardly stupid parents (just like mine) were no match for so much cunning.

My corrupt jealous brother Johan thought it was fine if my life was ruined. In 2000, specifically on February 1, 2004 in Epe, and to this day he refuses Kafkaesque and ruthless(!) to reveal the simple but gruesome truth since 1972. Which has cost me/us completely unnecessary millions in income (145,000 per year since 2004) and our pension pot of 300,000 euros in direct costs because I again did not receive the crucial missing information in a Kafkaesque way.

What was the original purpose of that corrupt KCOM organization?

23-2-1973 – De Facto Forced Marriage!

When I met you in September 1971 you were already a slut like few in Leeuwarden! You were the type of slut/girl that I never wanted to see or even talk to. I despised types like you, and still despise you, and could have many other nice girls. I rejected many with my high ethical thinking as too low level if they slept with everyone. Only your lying and cheating, together with the horrible omerta of your parents and sisters, together with later my corrupt family have unfortunately made me defenseless against you after coercion and drugging! Specifically Roland and Tea Wester (your girlfriend) cheated on me by hiding all your sex and sluttyness from me in a Kafkaesque way .

Already in 1971 after I caught you having sex with your childhood boyfriend in your bedroom, after being warned by your sister Betty who could no longer stand your corruption, I wanted nothing more to do with you and even kicked your mother a broken arm, but my corrupt parents, specifically mother, had me hypnotized and tortured by Röben to continue with you and forget everything about your sex with your boyfriend and the many other men. Heavy mind control where my balls squeezed and hurt until I became obedient. A testicle therefore still retracts in case of danger or sudden cold water!

In 1972, when your stupidly stupid parents finally realized how you were being forced to have sex with men, including through your equally corrupt sister Klazien, a sleeping pill that I absolutely did not want and was totally unnecessary was  forced upon me by my stupidly stupid mother.

While at that time I did NOT want to continue with you for the second time , I unfortunately wanted to after that sleep cure and mind control treatment in Diakonessen Hospital Leeuwarden at the end of 1972. I only remember that around 2019!

1975 – First(5) assassination attempt on my(!) life!

On January 29, 1975, two weeks after the birth of your daughter with a criminal planned father, Jan van Beek from Utrecht, the first assassination attempt on my(!) life was already committed. Your lying and cheating with landlord Jan van Beek, in addition to the fact that you had been tortured into a sex slave with an electric prod which you could do nothing about, and the Omerta Criminal Organization (end of 1972 beginning of 1973) of which you were a member, also made me defenseless against any assassination attempt. You can never defend yourself against something you don’t know yet!

There are now 5 assassination attempts counted by me, namely 1975, 1980 2x murdered with neighbor Cees van ‘t Hoog, May 20, 2010 in Benidorm, and early 2016 in Altea, Costa Brava! See also the attack to cripple me on January 26, 2019!  6th attack on my life in Altea Spain!

1978/79 – Year-long sex with rapist Rieks Perdok with his son in June 1980 as a result!

Rieks Perdok, Jorrit’s father (June 1980) secretly had sex with you for a year (1979) because of the omerta, again as a direct result of both our horrible omerta and conditioning/torture by Onno the Devil to hide, repress and forget everything in a kafkaesque way. You were defenseless because we tried to make a child, kafkaesquely not knowing that I had already been made infertile in 1972 by Jan van Beek and MOL-X in training BVD/AIVD, later Justice!

‘Angry mister, mommy take off your clothes. Daddy come quickly and chase away the angry mister!’ Desperate daughter of 4 or 5 years old several times, during yet another rape by the royally decorated Rieks Perdok from Roden, while her daddy could NEVER come with his immediate repression in combination with the gruesome cover-up by family, doctors and justice itself!

My brothers, parents and justice therefore found it unimportant to warn me/us that I was infertile! Omerta! It was easy to repair by removing the blockade of Jan van Beek and his friend MOL-X (Justice) from 1972. Without the omerta we could have had three children of our own!

1979 – You opened the door for a robbery and rape video with a dog for Jan van Beek with the help of Jaap Duijs!

Around 1979 we were robbed again for a new rape movie (with dog), just like what happened earlier in ‘t Harde! According to Jan later because you were so real as an actress according to Americans in an earlier one. But that was logical because you were drugged and the rapes were real! I was threatened with murder and forced to drink drugs so we both knew nothing afterwards. But we did find a bearing from the bathroom door, so that door had been removed! Also dog poop that had not been cleaned completely. You refused to call the police. After all, nothing had happened that we could remember.

1985 – Quarrel with brother Marinus via your pimp Jan van Beek!

Because of your pathological lying and cheating, which was your first nature, your pimp Jan van Beek was given the opportunity to make my brother Marinus obedient through mind control. In this way he also managed to have 40,000 euros transferred several times from my brother Marinus’ company, which almost went bankrupt and eventually had to be saved by the NOM. On the orders of Jan van Beek I was also banished from the Netherlands to Germany, which led to the end of Euro-Routing. And the theft by Marinus of my 50% ownership of Euro-Routing GMbH! Marinus also turned out to have falsified our pension by not stating the gross salary, but the net, which was about half. As a result, we now have a much too low pension! If you had been honest from 1971 onwards, none of this would have happened. You are the devil himself!

1986 – Sex with multiple consultants and dancing naked on the table!

During a gala party at the opening of Raadgevend bureau Claessens in Groningen, where I was a consultant, the wife of Robert Knook, director of Groningen, was also present! There you got into a fearful situation because of all the hustle and bustle and because of that apparently in your extra emotional personality and you asked his singing wife, of all people , ‘if you had to dance naked on the tables again!’ 

It also turned out to me that you had sex with multiple consultants, apparently because you came into your extra emotional personality through fear and therefore wanted sex with everyone! I could never protect you through the conditioning and omerta!

That brought my level down again immediately. You were a devilish block to my leg without me realizing it through the omerta and conditioning. 

1987 – Fired for having sex with a staff member!

I was fired on the spot around 1987 after you almost openly had sex with a staff member in Paris! Through Gerrit Ham who was an expert in civil service law (!!!) (arranged through brother Johan) , I eventually received 84,000 guilders in damages that poor Al Rust, my American friend at the Military Intelligence Service, had to pay by selling his house. After the Dutch Justice Department lied to the American DOJ/DOD that there was supposedly NO file on Hans and Wies Smedema! He received almost 1 million dollars in damages in 1997 when he won his case on appeal with a copy of that supposedly non-existent 30-page file!

1992 – You corruptly blocked all information about cousin Jack’s lawsuit!

During a secret interrogation at your corrupt sister Betty in Wijk bij Duurstede I ask cousin Jack who works at the National Police if he should not report my cover-up and conspiracy case, which I learned more about. After all, knowledge of crimes must be reported. But he is attacked for so-called unjustified interference in my case! Which is not right, because at my express request. During the next court case I am completely kept out of that case by you, even though it was about my case and at my request! TV on another channel, newspaper missed a page, telephone, email and letters blocked. Only later do I hear something about it via his father. He was convicted completely innocently and dismissed because of your corrupt actions. Of course on the orders of Jaap Duijs who organized everything perfectly! Unsuspectingly I fell into the trap again by Justice MOL-X and my corrupt brother Godfather Johan, set up by Jaap Duijs. Of course I did NOT realize that you were his slave because of the Omerta!

1993 – ‘When are we going to have sex’ during gala dinner with top Grontmij director!

During a party in 1993 you apparently asked in your extra emotional personality at the table with various top people my director of Grontmij (which had acquired IHN) when you were going to have sex! Several times and so they sent you home in a taxi! Partly because of that I was fired earlier, after I had made it clear that I did not want to continue. But the holding management of IHN did not continue for me because of you being a horrible sex slave! Also another top position as director of Batavus Heerenveen was stopped after they found out about your sex with everyone.

You were a millstone around my neck! My whole life has been completely ruined by your lies and deceit, together with the omerta. I still suffer here in exile in Spain from things that were caused by the omerta.

So you had rapist Jaap Duijs, member of a secret organization and with contact with a special department within the Ministry of Justice, a microphone in our home but also in my phone as director of IHN Leeuwarden. He misused that information to smear me and to obstruct me in everything! All a direct result of your lying and cheating! And because I knew that in advance, I wanted nothing more to do with you after I discovered your lying and cheating with your childhood friend at the end of 1971! I was far too intelligent to want to continue with you, but was forced by backwardly stupid people who cheated on me horribly. Our neighbor girl was also drugged by him and even drowned, although she could just be resuscitated. All horrible things because of your backwardly stupid criminal unethical attitude.

1999 – Trip to Italy with criminal rapist Jaap Duijs!

Around early 2000 or in 1999 you went to Italy for 10 days with our enemy drs. Jaap J. Duijs, the planned justice-neighbor-rapist with free Villa! You lied to me that you went with a girlfriend, and you slept with him as you were used to since 1972. With many witnesses who told Jaap that you were his wife! Later in 2009 you lie to Police Judge mr. Jeroen van Bruggen and later on appeal that you had NEVER had sex with him! Jaap made you pay for everything with your credit card, so my money. How honest and sincere? Or forced again through conditioning? You made my life a living hell!

You had sex every week with my enemy Jaap Duijs, who was rewarded for this with a free Villa and a monthly allowance!

2003 – DNA Paternity Tests Falsified!

And her(!) children, of whom we both innocently assumed that they were all three mine due to the gruesome cover-up and conspiracy, deceived me immediately from 2000, when I started to discover the cover-up, by falsifying the DNA paternity tests that they had voluntarily offered, in particular in 2003 , by secretly exchanging the swabs with those of the identical Snieders family of her husband, of which no less than three doctors were part! And who therefore broke their doctors’ oath and simply acted seriously criminally!

Although I was of course not a patient of theirs, but with horrific Kafkaesque consequences for me, namely being declared insane or delusional and subsequently incapacitated for work with a loss of income of 145,000 euros per year!

And seen as crazy by everyone, had to continue living in total isolation and in 2008 even had to flee helplessly from the heavy persecution with lying, cheating, manipulating, falsifying or destroying evidence! There was NO ONE who stood up for me! Nobody! No help whatsoever! No victim advocate with free legal aid who all refused me (misled?) (!), no victim support, no police (forbidden!), no Public Prosecution Service (forbidden!), no Justice that was actually involved itself and even directed the cover-up and conspiracy with special secret underhanded Royal approval. See  Children falsified their own DNA test!

2003 – Aerial photo with 69-sex Jaap Duijs and my defenseless wife destroyed!

Also an aerial photo with 69 sex of drs. Jaap J. Duijs (planned neighbor with free villa who secretly cooperated with justice and police) with my defenseless wife was quickly deleted by her (!) three children so that I could not prove anything during the hearing of police judge mr. Jeroen van Bruggen on 9-2-2009 and on appeal in 2011 and 2012, and later again in 2015 and 2016 and was convicted innocently as being insane with a total of 14 months in prison as a defenseless, completely innocent victim in the Netherlands with a total fine of 7000 + 8000 = 15,000 euros forced to pay to the rapist (Jaap Duijs) of my wife! Nobody took me seriously in the Netherlands anymore, except America later. To this day, this case has been completely hushed up in the Netherlands. Apparently it is not allowed to be published? See  Children deleted photo evidence of AIVD-rapist Jaap Duijs having 69-sex with MY wife!

See also detailed J’Accuse Jaap Duijs the Monster of Drachten!

2003 – You secretly signed for my(!) secretly given anti-psychotic which made me(!) incapacitated for work!

Around September 2003, the corrupt and backward psychiatrist Dr. Frank van Es, with whom I wanted NOTHING to do and who could therefore never give me a diagnosis of the hysterical problems I had with YOU (!), had you sign for a secretly given anti-psychotic hidden as a daily baby aspirin 100mg in the official boxes and blister pack. So I fell into your and his trap again! And could therefore never defend myself without knowledge of that wrong drug that turned me into a half zombie and led to my complete incapacity for work after only weeks. That lasted until the end of October 2016 until I received a real third asylum application against the persecution by the Netherlands, of which you were also secretly part!

See  J’Accuse Psychiatrist drs. Frank D. van Es UMCG

It could have led to my and your death because it made you half a zombie and I therefore made decisions for investments that were therefore wrong! Normally I would not have made those. And I lost my top income of 145,000 euros per year. And our pension pot of 300,000 euros was also spent completely unnecessarily on finding out how all this could happen, while you were part of the secret Omerta organization to defraud me of my corrupt brother mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep.

2006 – You declared me insane and forced me into a psychiatric institution!

Because of your false statements, together with those of your children, a forced admission to a psychiatric institution was started! One more conversation a few days later and I would have spent the rest of my life in a psychiatric institution. Because of all the denials with the Omerta Organization, none of the backward psychiatrists would ever have believed me. Only by quickly filing a complaint with GGZ Drachten and with the Medical Disciplinary College Groningen, I was able to save myself just in time! Horrible and via my asylum application in 2009 at Miami Airport I was finally able to prove everything!

But Bouke also spoke to your corrupt son Arne! And Arne must have lied to Bouke(!) that I had indeed gone mad! Horrible deception to have me innocently locked up in a psychiatric institution! Because already in 2003 Arne, together with the other 2 children and in-laws Dirk Snieders from Oegstgeest, falsified my DNA paternity tests by simply exchanging the swabs with previously ‘cosy’ made fake ones from the Snieders family! So your children knew for a long time that they were not(!) mine, and therefore that I was NOT MAD, and were members of the Omerta Org of my corrupt brother Mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep! See article…

I accuse Psychiatrist BT(Bouke) Koopmans of forced admission of innocent defenseless victim!

2007 – You intercepted MY documents and medical records!

After all the horrible deceit, you also intercepted several crucial documents, many on the orders of your justice rapist Jaap Duijs and refused to give them to me. Also emails were simply deleted by you because of my innocence before I saw them. You thought that was quite normal with your pathological lying since your youth?

Among other things, crucial medical files given to me (!) by Drs. Frank van Es and Ziekenhuis Nij Smellinghe after signing, were simply taken by you in my car (spare key card) with a telephone trick on behalf of Jaap Duijs (who was hanging around at that parking lot) and I was allowed to walk home. You simply refused to give those documents to me and of course gave them to my enemy Jaap Duijs. So legally I had them and legally you stole them! Where I could no longer do anything without a lawyer and drugged with that secret antipsychotic. You have made me powerless my entire life. Still now in 2020 fled to Spain where I am not safe either.

2007 – Your sisters together with justice and Jaap destroyed sex photos and crucial letter!

Your sisters drugged me in my own home and found that a second set of your sex photos had been hidden by your parents in a secret compartment of a specially made desk for me(!)! Their(!) letter addressed to me was also destroyed without a second thought after their death and not given to me! Obstruction of justice and pure theft! At my request, Rex Ford investigated this during my asylum application in 2009 and confiscated the desk from Klazien. They did indeed find the secret compartment, so proof that I was right, but it was empty except for a piece of paper with ‘Mis Poes!’ written on it by your sister Betty’s daughter, Nienke! America found DNA on the paper. So strong evidence of obstruction by both your sisters! See Rape photos in secret compartment of special desk!

2009 – Conviction at the Leeuwarden District Court and Arnhem Court of Appeal!

Because of the omerta and your concealment of being a member of the secret criminal organization (with justice) to withhold from me all crucial information in a Kafkaesque way! And with the secret antipsychotic that made me half a zombie, I was sentenced without (!) a lawyer (you did not think it was necessary to be corrupt, nonsense and refused to release my money for a lawyer) to a suspended prison sentence and a fine of 5400 euros to be paid to, among others, your rapist Jaap Duijs.

While you were part of the secret Criminal Organization Johan Smedema of which Jaap was also part since 1977! You had sex with Jaap more often in your life than with me, your defenseless husband.

Why was I not given legal help (!) by that secret organization KCOM (Royal Criminal Organization Mengele) in which the justice department had two people?

Later in 2011 and 2012 again because you again declared that I was crazy and secretly got an antipsychotic! Which was seen by the judges as proof of my being crazy. In the end I, so we, had to pay 7000 euros to the rapists with whom you happily hung out! You happily went to his birthday party, because I was supposedly crazy and he was a very honest nice man. Read what he did to my defenseless neighbor girl in Jaap the Vagina Hunter route almost drowned minor girl!

While you recently asked me again for more pension on June 29, 2020! You yourself (!) have ensured our downfall, together with your corrupt sisters and my corrupt brother Johan, other brothers, and many other corrupt scoundrels such as drs. Frank van Es! But also at the time prof. dr. Onno van der Hart UU and prof. dr. Robert van den Bosch UMCG. See 8.0 Higher Appeal Libel 2011/12!

2010 – Assassination attempt and conditioning in Benidorm!

Also as a direct result of your lying and cheating, the conditioning by prof.dr. Onno van der Hart together with your rapist Jaap Duijs on May 20, 2010 in Nightclub Pretty Women. I saw Jaap hours before on the Boulevard in Benidorm and hid in his room according to the then Belgian owner of La Rambla in La Nucia! See Brainwashing and torture May 20, 2010 Benidorm chronologically!

2013 – Lying so I could enter Ter Apel PI for a month without guilt!

You lied to the also corrupt Bart van Someren that I was planning to ‘kick up a fuss’ during Arne’s wedding to Ineke! While I had already gone to Canada/America weeks before in September 2013 for my second asylum application and therefore could not do that at all! I had also stated that I did not want to be present at weddings or funerals anymore because of the amount of lying corrupt family members that I would then be obliged to meet! Which I absolutely did not want anymore! Justice warned Canada who refused me and sent me back, then booked a new flight and put me in preventive detention Ter Apel and then via Frankfurt and Mexico to Texas! Total unnecessary costs for me/us a small 10,000 euros to reach America because of your lying and cheating, and the horrible Kafkaesque omerta!

2009 to 2017 – Three asylum applications with 15 months of innocent detention!

Lying and cheating so that I had to apply for asylum in America three times in total! The only country that wanted to help me but was not allowed to by the Dutch government and justice! In total in 2009 7 months, in 2013/14 2.5 months and in 2016/17 5.5 months, or a total of 15 months of innocent detention as, mind you, most likely the largest victim in Dutch history! That is all because of your lying and cheating! And by conditioning via Jan van Beek and probably prof. dr. Robert van den Bosch UMCG and/or prof. dr. Onno van der Hart UU at that time. So partly you were an innocent victim just like me, but you NEVER helped me and always worked against me. I certainly did not! I tried to help you until the very end but was collectively worked against by the whole of the Netherlands.

In 2009 you yourself warn De Amersfoortse that I was in detention, which in America is called transition and is not a normal detention , with the result that 5000 euros per month was stopped! Fortunately only 2 months, so only 10,000 euros loss for me/us! Later AOW withheld and also 30,000 euros. So in total 40,000 euros less income while I am, after all, a defenseless victim.

2016 – Judgment of the Leeuwarden District Court!

During yet another court hearing I could no longer defend myself financially and mentally. The antipsychotic and the then 16-year-old omerta to make me think I had gone crazy, with justice and mutual family, doctors, and much more, had become too much for me and so I was sentenced again without a lawyer present and with no one else (!) present to 5+5 and 6500 (later 8000) fine to be paid to the rapist Jaap Duijs and corrupt detective Bart van Someren for insulting me! Both lie and/or declare me crazy! In total I had to pay 7000+8000=15,000 euros to the rapists and accomplices of my own wife!

See Corrupt verdict 2016 multi-member criminal chamber of the Leeuwarden District Court!

2017 to 2018 – King WA lied and committed fraud! Detention in the Netherlands for another(!) 13 months!

In total, because of your lies and deceit, I had to spend 14 months in detention in the Netherlands, while the rapist Jaap J. Duijs went free and even received money and a free Villa!

Due to the lying and deceit of King Willem Alexander as KLM Co-Pilot on March 15, 2017 in the air above Montana, I did NOT get the asylum offered to me by Immigration Judge Rex J. Ford and therefore had to spend 13 months in his ‘dungeons’ before I was released with only the clothes I was wearing. See  KLM Co-Pilot King Willem Alexander committed fraud and blocked the asylum offered to me against the Netherlands above American soil!

2018 – Flights to Spain!

I immediately fled back to Spain and had to build a new life! The umpteenth time because of the lies and deceit of my now ex-wife and her three co-lying and deceitful children. I had given up hope of being able to get her help through therapy and/or proving my point. You can’t win against a corrupt state without a lawyer and with all the opposition from everyone(!) around me! Everyone! Even 5 assassination attempts and the total ignoring and exclusion of Hans Smedema!

So a total of 29 months of innocent imprisonment while I received no help whatsoever, partly due to your lies and deceit!

Do you have any idea what you have cost me and therefore us(!) with all your pathological lying and cheating? Millions and severe traumas! And a completely destroyed life. Pure devilish actions! While I have always done everything ethically correct despite your lying and cheating. And despite Justice and other organizations that cowardly and corruptly refused to assist a defenseless victim!

Children who criminally deceive and thwart their father of many years!

What do you call children who deceive their suspected father for years and even criminally obstruct him to such an extent that the defenseless poor thing goes to prison for a total of 29 months without any guilt? While the rapists go free? And Jaap Duijs even got a free Villa and a monthly allowance?

DNA tests falsified and defenseless during hearings!

Children who unscrupulously and ruthlessly falsify their so-called voluntary DNA paternity test? As a result of which their father (not biological) has no chance during court and court hearings, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016, and is therefore innocently (!) defenselessly convicted? Even the Snieders in-laws eagerly and happily cooperated in my total destruction as a human being by supplying the swabs that were criminally exchanged with ours and thus falsified! Three doctors who also lie and cheat.

Aerial photo 69-sex with Justice rapist Jaap Duijs deleted!

Children who also just destroy crucial evidence? A coincidental aerial photo of justice rapist drs. Jaap J. Duijs who had 69-sex with my (still defenseless?) wife on his own lawn? Crucial evidence that had to be destroyed in my own house on the orders of justice rapist Jaap Duijs, and therefore wrongly! Jaap Duijs, as the perpetrator, had no such authority at all!

Children who refuse to provide information in a Kafkaesque manner!

Children who, like Kafkaesque , never wanted to talk to their father about this case. Cruel! For me, severe re-traumatization and for 4 years I even thought that I might have suddenly gone mad! Unconscionable and merciless. Silence like the Omerta of my corrupt brother Johan Smedema from Gennep.

Her children also refused, in a Kafkaesque way, to tell me why they did not want to give me information, and also from whom it was not allowed. My brother? Justice? Royal family?

Mad at me the victim!

Arne and Ineke were angry that I didn’t want to be present at their wedding, but Arne was crucial in falsifying the DNA paternity tests and erasing my only proof of my Wiesje’s sex with her criminal rapist Jaap Duijs! And everyone refused to support me in the most difficult period of my life! Nobody wanted to help me! Nobody!!!

So how can you expect me to quietly join in on a wedding day? While Arne was already informed in 2000 by my brother about this horrible case of torture and psychological torture by my corrupt brother Mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep!

Secretly speaking with his father Jan de Vries!

And then secretly with his father Jan de Vries appointments under the guise of an appointment with a godfather somewhere near Assen! While of course you drove to Leeuwarden and were having a nice drink with his father and his wife Jan and Jannie de Vries about how you could lie and deceive Hans Smedema even more in a Kafkaesque way.

Huge losses!

I lost 145,000 euros per year starting in 2004 in income by lying and cheating her (!) corrupt criminal acting children. Apparently eagerly cooperating with my brother and secret department within justice with MOL-X. In addition, our pension pot of 300,000 euros that also went to completely unnecessary investigations and asylum applications because you, your children and our mutual family, and justice refused to simply tell me the truth.

Furthermore, I made investment decisions that I would never have made if I had known that I was getting a strong antipsychotic. If justice had not also secretly given another poison. Tens of thousands in losses! Probably towards two hundred thousand! But you also often paid for the purchases that Jaap Duijs did, because he had no money for that! Or his bar bill every Friday while you lied to me. Or the 7000 guilders that you had to give to Rieks Perdok! Jorrit’s father. Etc.

It’s Domestic Violence and Abuse!

What you did to me, and partly to your children, but also to innocent outsiders, falls under domestic violence by me, your husband, by his girlfriend, later wife and fortunately now ex-wife!

Mentally I was badly damaged and saw an empty chair while you were sitting on it!

A picture of you next to justice rapist drs. Jaap J. Duijs in the bus to Italy for Dante, I saw an empty seat, but you were sitting next to him. And you paid with your credit card, so my money, his trip and dinners! That happened many times and also that I repressed everything on the spot and continued to live unsuspectingly. See  Saw 9 blanc lines on a full(!) page during official memory-test!

Crucial questions!

  1. Which doctors have the authority to make decisions about me without involving me since 2003 or so?
  2. Who in the family decides about my life without involving me? First my corrupt brother Johan Smedema from Gennep via KCOM, then certainly brother-in-law and church rat Tjitte de Jong in 2003, and I suspect that they have now secretly burdened her corrupt lying and cheating children with it. Arne would be logical, he never wanted to talk to me so he is prepared to disown me!
  3. How do I get rid of this? I am now 72 years old and still not allowed to decide for myself about my own life? Horrible.
  4. What was in the document that prof.dr. Onno van der Hart extorted me by torture? He denies it, so it is crucial! AIVD/Justice give NO answer and without a top lawyer I can do nothing. Cunning, cunning, cunning all.
  5. What documents were in the A4 stolen by you and Jaap Duijs that the corrupt psychiatrist drs. Frank van Es was forced to send to me by the secretary of the Medical Disciplinary Board Groningen in early 2007? Who got them from you! Jaap and therefore Justice? Why is a victim not allowed to read his own medical file? What am I absolutely not allowed to read?


My Wiesje was both a perpetrator and a pathologically lying 19 year old girl, as well as a victim of her wrong unethical choices that led to her torture into a sex slave! Perpetrator and victim.

It is also an ongoing crime that cannot expire as so many stupid people wrongly assume. Even now I am still dealing with this case every day with debts that I can never pay, and trying to find out if I am still being drugged with antipsychotics or worse, to ensure that I remain disabled and can never solve this case without help! If I had never met Wiesje, I could have had a wonderful life!

Explain in writing!

Do you acknowledge this? Then confirm it in writing! And have your corrupt children put it in writing too! Without that I don’t want to have anything to do with you anymore. So don’t send any more emails about parties or something like that, like Ilse did weeks ago.

I will make a list of all the doctors involved who have deceived me since my youth! Incredibly long list and shows how corrupt these people protect themselves and let the victims die!

So far, more will be added as insights progress!

Hans Smedema B.Sc., in forced exile surviving in beautiful Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain.

Published by

Hans Smedema

High level Dutch man(Rotary member) who became the victim of an unbelievable conspiracy set up by a criminal organisation of rapist inside the Ministry of Justice. Making me De Facto Stateless! Now fighting for 24 years but the Dutch government and specific corrupt King refuse to open an investigation to protect themselves! America investigated after my asylum request and started an UNCAT or special procedure in 2017. View all posts by Hans Smedema

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