I accuse corrupt Psychiatrist drs. Frank D. van Es UMCG

Please Share! Fight this 'Perfect' 40+ year (Royal) Crime!

Last Updated 06/02/2025 published 26/10/2024 by Hans Smedema

I accuse corrupt Psychiatrist drs. Frank D. van Es UMCG

This is a Google computer translation of my earlier Dutch Post:



‘Anyone who voluntarily goes to a psychiatrist should have their head examined!’

The fraudulent corrupt life-threatening idiot psychiatrist Drs. Frank van Es Head of the Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic at the UMCG.

I accuse psychiatrist drs. Frank van Es, at the time in 2003 at GGZ Drachten, now as a reward (for his corrupt cooperation in the conspiracy against Hans Smedema) head of the outpatient clinic at UMCG psychiatry, of completely destroying my life. By fraud and completely ignoring all my statements and the many proofs or easily verifiable facts. I also did not ask for treatment because I could process everything perfectly calmly and calmly analytically, but help for my wife who was tortured into a defenseless sex slave and who, as a whore, destroyed my life and career!

It wasn’t until 2016 during my third asylum application in San Diego California that I found out that he was secretly(!) officially ‘treating’ me without my consent as a result of my very(!) mentally seriously ill wife who secretly(!) had sex with everyone and destroyed my career! Fired twice because of her sexual excesses and false statements. I, as the biggest victim, was kept out of there like a ‘dog’ and therefore had NO say whatsoever, Kafkaesque ! Life-threatening, out-of-touch idiot!

Damn Frank van Es lies cunningly, which is why I unsuspectingly(!) gave my mentally ill wife the right to decide over my life for the rest of my life (during marriage?)!

Frank cunningly lied that I had to sign a form so that he could also briefly (!) talk to my wife about this matter, but in reality it was a form that I gave my wife the right to decide about my life! So I unsuspectingly fell into his cunning trap, partly because of the ketamine hidden as vitamins every morning via my wife, which already made me half a zombie and therefore made wrong decisions. He was an expert in schizophrenia, not in dissociation and DID which was necessary for my wife. NEVER go to a psychiatrist, not even for help for your own wife! They destroy you and everyone! A dog had more rights than I did!

“You have to sign otherwise I can’t talk to her Hans and I can’t go on.”

While I had already warned him that she had a double extra emotional personality with all the examples such as hours of wasted time, sex with everyone, and children not from me! Another horrible example of the backwardness and criminality of those damned psychiatrists! Total ignoring of my statements that were only checked in 2009 by the FBI on behalf of asylum judge Rex J. Ford during my first asylum application against the Netherlands and the horrible life-threatening idiots such as Frank van Es. See…

Results of US FBI Investigation into Hans Smedema Affair

and  FAQ Frequently asked questions!

Because I was still working at a top level from March 2000 until the end of 2003 until I was unsuspectingly(!) given his seriously flawed antipsychotic Risperdal secretly(!) hidden as daily baby aspirins 100mg by family doctor Lefering. With the permission and on behalf of my very own(!) insane wife, for whom I was seeking help! Without warning me! She had sex with everyone. A runaway sex slave who completely destroyed my career as a whore. I read the top level Harvard Holland Review for years, but suddenly I couldn’t do that anymore! I didn’t understand it anymore. Suddenly I didn’t dare to climb the stairs for some painting outside.

So I wrongly(!) assumed that everything was getting too much for me and declared myself (wrongly!) unfit for work without involving the life-threatening idiot Frank van Es. I had wanted nothing to do with him for a long time and I did not know that he secretly(!) and underhandedly treated me on the basis of my very selectively(!) mentally seriously ill wife who had been tortured into a sex slave with an extra emotional personality by Joris Demmink and Jan van Beek with a worn-out (no points, so visible wounds anymore) electric prod for pigs as early as 1972. Which was also kept hidden from me in the biggest cover-up and conspiracy in Dutch history known to me.

As a Headhunter the top level very sensitive work for searching for top leaders is crucial and does not want more when you secretly (!) get a strong antipsychotic and sometimes for a headache two! When I accidentally took 3 for a headache (life threatening!) in Jalon, Spain I became a zombie that had to be rescued by the police Calpe on the Costa Blanca! I went to eat by car in Calpe, after I had already eaten at home, stayed in the restaurant waving like a zombie and could not order anything, they already wanted to call an ambulance, could not find my car that was right in front of the door (!) and so reported it stolen to Policia Local, etc. For hours and the police checked via breath test that I was NOT drunk but drugged as they could see from my eyes. But I had only taken 3 aspirins I told them correctly. They even asked if they were aspirins, but unfortunately (!) that was not checked. Later my wife also takes 3 during a holiday with me in Spain and is unconscious for hours! Also, Frank’s/my aspirin was used for babies during my first asylum application in Miami Florida in 2009 and a woman hung herself! There were also problems with babies. The mother after her baby……..?

Based on that event, it was decreed throughout America that medications brought by asylum seekers were NO LONGER to be used! So all by that damned unworldly-psychiatrist-idiot Frank van Es! 

The out-of-touch, life-threatening psychiatrist idiots have absolutely no insight into the horrific consequences of their wrong decisions.

For a complete overview of all medical idiots see my gruesome article…

The Decades-Long Horrific Medical Cover-Up!

Was secretly given TWO drugs!

Even worse is that it turns out that almost my entire life I was secretly given a daily light dose of ketamine by my own girlfriend and wife on the orders of her pimp Jan van Beek and Joris Demmink who kept me doglike and obedient with it! If you want to control someone’s mind, which they also did to my wife, then that is necessary! Drug free via Drachten Police corrupt Sylvia te Wierik (arranged by Joris from Justice) later rewarded for this as district chief of Drachten police. So when the retarded life-threatening idiot Frank van Es in his divine omniscience also prescribed me the antipsychotic Risperdal hidden as daily baby aspirins, I was given two (!!!!) wrong medications! Which is correct because at that time I hallucinated at night until they must have done something about it after weeks. That also explains why I showed doglike behavior my entire life with an IQ of 135 and did not take action against these criminals including my brothers and corrupt life-threatening wife!

They are personality altering drugs! Just like the antipsychotic later via the retarded Frank van Es!

And the conditioning/torture every 5 years by Onno van der Hart is also a personality changing method via secret(!) electroshock torture with 500 volts through your poor brain after your own wife supposedly lets you drink a glass of ‘water’. So she knew that I had to be treated secretly all the time. Horrible, and all secretly en masse against the poor therefore defenseless Hans Smedema!

It was NOT at all secret conditioning at night that they had lied to him about according to former Dutch detective Ad in 2008 in Catral in Spain, but torture! See my detailed English post for that…

Brainwashed and tortured at Police Officer Villa in Catral!

and the also secretly horrible thing at night…

Brainwashing and torture May 20, 2010 Benidorm chronological!

and because that failed by not forgetting the warned Policia Local and a few months later after secretly (!) drugging them like a dog again via bribed Dutch idiots…

Tortured in the Villa of André Gruters and Joke Laven!


Secretary General Mr. Joris Demmink turns out to be the rapist MOL within Justice!

See how cunningly the Omerta could all happen from the Ministry of Justice and how in retrospect it was Joris Demmink, top official Secretary General of Justice, who had been involved in my/our downfall since 1972, my recent 2021 article…

I Accuse Joris Demmink as the secret criminal and Mole within Justice!

From his top position and as leader of the Omerta Organization within Justice since 1973 he could manipulate everything to his own advantage. He simply blocked me and the Police from filing a report! Presumably because I was supposedly crazy. And via the neighbor French teacher rapist from 1972(!) drs. Jaap J. Duijs with de facto free Villa, he could block me in everything directly.

Gaslighting or Reality Manipulation is the Cause of the Horrific Cover-Up!

In fact, everyone, family, sisters, brothers, doctors, justice, deceived me! So reality was manipulated or twisted in such a way that I believed in the illusion that torture, sex slavery and infertilization had never taken place. I was forced to marry her because they were afraid that no one else would want to marry her after her whoredom in Utrecht. This is called gaslighting, twisting reality in such a way that the person starts to doubt his own health. What exactly has happened since 2000. See my article about this…

Gaslighting or manipulating reality

Crucial 2 wrong diagnoses for forced admission to a psychiatric institution!

Shudder to see how this corrupt Frank van Es and his team leader BT (Bouke) Koopmans wanted to have me forcibly admitted to a psychiatric institution without any danger to those around me, because I continued to work until 2004 and analyzed and wrote everything down neatly!

I was 2 days away from life imprisonment, because my cover-up and conspiracy story is something the arrogant, backward, ignorant psychiatrists can never understand.

Especially since the Omerta Organization manipulated or destroyed all evidence since 1972. Hans was not allowed to know anything so that I innocently married my sex slave girlfriend who had worked as a whore in 1972, but also pathologically lied before that. For example, she was supposedly still a virgin at 20 while she had already been sleeping with her childhood boyfriend since she was 14 with permission from her parents. When I arrived there unsuspecting and naive, her boyfriend who slept with her every night was briefly hidden in the attic by her corrupt parents and sisters! Incredibly corrupt scoundrels, while her father Jolle Jansma was Head of the Accountancy Service of the Northern Netherlands, and Chairman of the national works council of the Rabobank organization in 1972.

So they would never have released me again just like what happened in Germany with the Comparison Gustl Mollath affair!

See  J’Accuse Psychiatrist BT(Bouke) Koopmans for forced admission of innocent defenseless victim!

Examples of my mentally ill wife!

I sought help for my mentally seriously ill wife who had sex with everyone which got me (!) fired 3 times, and during a gala dinner in Groningen due to a merger with IHN Holding Groningen, during my absence in 1993 I kept asking my Holding director Grontmij “and when are we going to have sex?” She was apparently scared and went over into the emotional sex slave personality! Which I was not allowed to know anything about by the royally regulated Omerta Organization of my brother mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep (at that time Makelaardij mr Smedema). They had to put her in a taxi and drive her home to prevent worse. And it was told to me later by my director Ger de Vries and was again (!) very negative for me of course. I didn’t understand it of course and my wife didn’t know anything about it later either, but she did know about the taxi. I had the top level farewell dinner of Advanced Management Program Nyenrode Breukelen which made me a member of the VCV Alumni!

And during another opening party at Raadgevend bureau Claessens Hereborg also in Groningen she asked someone ‘when should I start dancing naked on the table? She didn’t respond to me anymore then, so her dual personality which I didn’t understand then because of the Royal Omerta. She secretly destroyed my career again and again! Because I hardly got that information.

She also had sex in the toilet with a staff member in 1986 in Paris and I was subsequently fired as a result, with a compensation of 84,000 guilders through a lawsuit with lawyer Gerrit Ham, who specialized in civil service law (! Justice cover-up!)

During the construction of our house 1977/78 Sydwende 97 Drachten she was lured there several times by the construction workers and raped by all of them in an orgy that lasted for hours, but had only been gone for half an hour according to her poor brain, tortured by Jan van Beek and Joris Demmink! Her parents lost the Friesland bridge championship because of it, because they were looking after her daughter Ilse and she only came back after 6 o’clock (to Drachten at 12 o’clock)! Loss of time is the most important symptom of easily called up severe dissociation DID or an extra emotional personality as a sex slave.

Since 1972 I was drugged by my girlfriend and wife on the orders of her pimp Jan van Beek with a low dose of ketamine. Which is an anesthetic. So I was half under anesthesia my whole life after that, or a half zombie. That also explains why I obeyed her so docilely and obediently. That must have remained like that for twenty years or more! Unbelievable and no one noticed and helped me. 

I also never signed for treatment by this idiot Frank van Es of course! Because what would I be treated for, I would always ask angrily and rightly. I could analyze everything well and calmly, still worked at a top level (145,000 euros income/year, member of Rotary, member of all Commercial Clubs in Groningen and Friesland, Dutch Center of Directors, and much more) and therefore did not need anything! Nobody noticed anything about me professionally, so absolutely NO danger to anyone! Only my wife herself of course always became hysterical when I asked something simple about our past.

Never got a diagnosis from him or a treatment plan as required by this corrupt scoundrel. It didn’t matter if it was true or not, he stated it very corruptly. I kept everything private and professionally no one knew about my own in-depth research during the first years (March 2000 to 2004). I also refused in writing to even speak to this idiot (Frank), mistakenly thinking that I was not being treated and that this could not be done without my permission. That they are allowed to hide antipsychotics as baby aspirins as psychiatrists was of course completely beyond my comprehension. Far too dangerous if they are given to babies. With psychiatrist idiots you are already guilty without the right to a defense. What life-threatening scoundrels.

And didn’t even know that I was still under his treatment for years and secretly received an antipsychotic Risperdal! Well, that I could think so slowly and not clearly, but thought that was just because of the whole stressful situation.

But through my mentally seriously ill and always pathologically lying wife he saw the opportunity to secretly(!) completely destroy my life. Apparently I was secretly(!) declared insane and so my very(!) mentally ill insane wife could decide about me. I, as a ‘dog’, was not involved in this.

He clearly committed fraud by withholding all crucial information from me as a victim of the biggest cover-up and conspiracy in Dutch history in a Kafkaesque manner and secretly(!) administering a strong antipsychotic Risperdal to me as a top businessman (top level executive search) in the North of the Netherlands, hidden(!) as a daily baby aspirin in the official(!) boxes and blister pack! I immediately became 100% incapacitated for work with a loss of 145,000 euros in income per year. Totally unnecessary!

Forced admission to a psychiatric institution requested!

It is absolutely idiotic that there was practically nothing wrong with me, but Frank together with the also retarded team leader Bauke Koopmans GGZ Drachten in 2006 secretly started a forced admission to a psychiatric institution! On the grounds of my own mentally seriously ill wife!

One more conversation with a Psychiatrist Van der Plas in Heerenveen a few days(!) later and I was admitted by the judge! If that was the same type of backward judge as Mr. Jeroen van Bruggen during the libel case at the Court of Leeuwarden in 2009, I would certainly have been locked up. Only by quickly filing a complaint with the Medical Disciplinary College Groningen (see below) did I escape at the last minute! Horrible, because with all the professional opposition I would NEVER have gotten out of there. In 2007 I already explored Spain to flee (!), and on June 1, 2008 I actually fled and became a Resident in Spain.

De facto forced by the backwardness and corruption of the Dutch psychiatrists Frank van Es and Bouke Koopmans.

Then quickly applied for asylum at Miami Airport in 2009 and then I was reasonably safe again! Because there my statements were proven! I was certainly not schizophrenic.  Results American Research Hans Smedema Affair


I accuse Psychiatrist BT(Bouke) Koopmans of forced admission of innocent defenseless victim!

But for God’s sake NEVER do business with these backward idiots! Life-threatening! You are immediately less than a dog and will never get a lawyer again because they are not allowed to assist lunatics.

Frank van Es is a rat disguised as a human!

He believes a pathologically lying woman with DID (double personality as a sex slave) and not Hans Smedema, who has been working at a top level (!) since March 2000 to 2004. But I was immediately incapacitated for work by his erroneous Risperdal, which seriously weakened me, with a loss of income of 145,000 euros per year, so now in 2021 millions in damages. I became half a zombie and of course no longer received any assignments. The backward idiot did not even know that I had a top position and was still performing well. So NEVER do business with idiots like Frank and most of them are. They are strange to the world.

How all doctors, especially psychiatrists, have deceived me is mentioned in this article. Unbelievable that something like this could happen in the Netherlands…

The Decades-Long Horrific Medical Cover-Up!

See also…

Bizarre unbelievable combination of completely unique events!

Tortured in the Villa of André Gruters and Joke Laven!

In 2009 during my first asylum application all my statements were also proven by asylum judge Rex J. Ford through very professional FBI/CIA research. Including that the three children were NOT mine as my wife claimed, but from three different rapists including the lying Rieks Perdok from Roden. He supposedly had never had sex with my wife, but was (!) the father of our youngest son from June 1980. He goes free because no investigation or prosecution was allowed by Juliana around 1973, which was again cunningly arranged by rapist Joris Demmink who by then was in charge of the Omerta organization himself! And who could therefore manipulate everything to his own advantage.

Results of American Investigation into Hans Smedema Affair

A dog would have had more rights than I got from him.

Guilty without right to defense!

While it is actually simple see my very educational unique article…

Unique in the Netherlands: Destroyed life with a woman with a secretly extra emotional personality!

I accuse my girlfriend/wife and her(!) children of horrific psychological abuse and serious fraud!

And see how the crucial evidence photos of the many rapes in 1972 and later were destroyed by her corrupt ‘pleasantly’ lying sisters Klazien from Steenwijk and Betty Jansma from Wijk bij Duurstede! So much evil is almost incomprehensible and certainly not when you are secretly drugged with a hidden (!) antipsychotic!

Rape photos in secret compartment of special office!

and also very ‘nice’ of her three ‘pleasantly’ co-conspiring children and the Snieders in-laws with three(!) doctors who also ‘pleasantly’ break their medical oath…

Children falsified their own so-called voluntary DNA test!

or how her fraudulent children destroyed the coincidental crucial (!) evidence 69-sex aerial photo in the sun on the lawn of the denying rapist and justice informant Jaap Duijs, so that I could not defend myself on 9-2-2009 during the session of a corrupt biased police judge against the accusations of my own wife, her master sex boss teacher French serial rapist drs. Jaap Duijs and others. So innocently convicted and as a result applied for asylum at Miami Airport, Florida against the horrific decades long persecution since 1972 by the Netherlands …

Children deleted photo evidence of AIVD-rapist Jaap Duijs having 69-sex with MY wife!

Also horrible is that through the deceit of Frank van Es a swarm of Dutchmen calmly let me be conditioned by torture in the Villa of André Gruters and Joke Laven in Murla, Costa Blanca by prof.dr. Onno van der Hart and again Jaap the Vagina Hunter (Duijs) for thousands of Judas pennies! Probably 20,000 euros. To make me obey André’s voice and commands. Which I indeed did later like a good dog! Drugged, traumatized, conditioned, lied to, deceived, withheld crucial information, etc.

Tortured in the Villa of André Gruters and Joke Laven!

Guilty without right to defense!

Frank van Es declared me without any defense to allow, as suffering from a delusional disorder! So-called delusional, while that was not the case at all and there was already sufficient evidence for it, but the corrupt scoundrel did not look at that. He was not a detective, he stated simplistically.

So ‘Guilty without right to defense!’

This is the reverse of the famous innocence principle, namely:

Innocent until proven guilty!

America established this very simply in 2009 during my first asylum application with 7 months of innocent detention against this Dutch persecution.

The three children turned out not to be mine and the youngest was indeed that of rapist Rieks Perdok from Roden!

See my special detailed article about the very professional FBI/CIA investigation by Asylum Judge Rex J. Ford in Florida after my initial asylum application at Miami Airport on April 23, 2009…

Results of American Investigation into Hans Smedema Affair

Cover-up and conspiracy proven in America!

While in the meantime in America this cover-up and conspiracy was thoroughly and very professionally investigated by Judge Rex J. Ford in 2009 during my first asylum application, which was subsequently reopened by him in January 2014 due to errors made, and I was then actually offered asylum in the air above American territory on March 15, 2017 from the horrific persecution by the Dutch Crown and the medically incorrect prosecution.

KLM Co-Pilot King Willem Alexander committed fraud and blocked my offered asylum against the Netherlands over American soil!

While UMCG department of psychiatry (psychiatrists Bruggemans and Luttikhuizen) determined in a thorough investigation with tests in 2003 that there was nothing wrong with me! And that my unbelievable story could indeed be true! But that diagnosis was secretly quickly erased or even stolen everywhere, also from me, and secretly replaced by Delusional without informing me! Cunning, cunning, cunning! Juliana’s assignment from 1973 ‘No investigation or prosecution!’

See my detailed article with all documents…

Fraud by psychiatrists!

The Decades-Long Horrific Medical Cover-Up!

So even before I spoke to the corrupt scoundrel Frank van Es, I was hopeless! A dog had more rights than I did.

And therefore no lawyer is possible anymore because those lunatics are not allowed to provide assistance, see below.

So NEVER go to a psychiatrist!!!! You will destroy your own life and will be helpless against their divine omniscience for the rest of your life. You will NEVER get a lawyer again! Because they ask ‘do you see a psychiatrist?’

‘Do you know the difference between God and a psychiatrist? God does not consider himself a psychiatrist!’

Contact asylum judge with Frank van Es in 2009!

At my request and to give Frank van Es the opportunity to tell his story, in 2009 my American asylum judge Rex J. Ford Miami Immigration Court contacted him in writing and informed him that my statements were not schizophrenia, but the horrific reality!

So the corrupt, unethical Frank van Es should have written to me immediately and revealed that I had been given the wrong antipsychotic and offered his apologies and those of the entire GGZ Drachten and UMCG!

What the corrupt scoundrel never did, because I continued to unsuspectingly receive that seriously flawed, life-threatening drug Risperdal hidden in the official boxes of daily baby aspirin 100mg until the end of 2016 when I received a real one in San Diego during my third(!) asylum application.

He has once again violated his professional oath, because after 2009 he unnecessarily let me continue to die for years without any conscience and without mercy via an incorrect antipsychotic.

You deadly idiot!

As in September 2003 secretly(!) and therefore corruptly given completely wrong anti-psychotic hidden as daily(!) baby aspirin 100 mg in the official boxes and blister pack! Which I only found out about at the end of 2016 during my third asylum application in San Diego, California.

My normal IQ of 135 and even EQ of 145 was immediately lowered to 90 to a maximum of 100! I reacted like a half zombie and had to declare myself unfit for work! While if I had simply known that I was taking an antipsychotic and had simply stopped taking it, I would have been able to continue working, which I had been doing since I started to discover the cover-up in March 2000! Which already proves that I had not suddenly gone crazy, but was actually better and was not at all a danger to those around me. But I was to the criminals and accomplices, but I did not know that at the time.

He should be removed from his profession immediately! Our entire life has been ruined, never taken seriously since 2000 and with millions in less income just because he thinks he is God himself. A delusional disorder in himself.

For the gruesome consequences such as the professional 5th assassination attempt in Altea on the Costa Blanca, see also…

Fifth Murder Attempt Altea 2016

See also my last article about Spanish taxes going up like crazy as a direct result of his secret completely wrong antipsychotic! My costs to defend myself against his conviction amounted to almost 300,000 euros, or our entire pension pot. So I could no longer pay the taxes in Spain for 2012 and 2013 and look how much that has now increased with bank accounts seized and stopped twice…

Embargo and again(!) cancelled Spanish Bank Account

Examples of life-threatening danger from this rat!

  1. In 2012 I accidentally take 3 aspirins for a light headache, so 300mg, which is not much for a headache, but for 3x heavy antipsychotic was almost fatal, and immediately becomes a real zombie who after I had already eaten drives to Calpe again (like a zombie) to eat! There I sit like a zombie in the restaurant unable to order anything, could not find my car that was right in front of the door   , and was eventually rescued by Policia Local in Calpe who determined that I had not had any alcohol and was therefore drugged! I had only had three baby aspirins, I tell them honestly. They even drive around with me to find that car. Life-threatening! 
  2. My wife also took three in 2013 and was unconscious for hours, couldn’t wake her up because she is much lighter than me. She could have died or got brain damage! That doesn’t matter to the idiot Frank van Es of course! 
  3. During my first asylum application in Florida in 2009, they unsuspectingly used my medication with my permission. While there were babies there who might have gotten my aspirin (strong antipsychotic)? Brain damage!
  4. In Paris an acquaintance sees the opportunity to arrange a plane ticket to America which I had promised to do. But with a jetlag from Vancouver and loss of time I had taken two aspirins and another for a slight headache. So three and they could hardly wake me up after banging on the hotel room door for ages. The next day I again innocently took a daily aspirin and did not remember anything about the agreement to fly directly to America! So I went to the corrupt Netherlands by mistake and then spent 31 days in detention in PI Ter Apel.
  5. During all the sessions of the court and the Arnhem Court of Appeal, I was secretly drugged with a strong antipsychotic and could therefore never properly defend my case myself. Which ruined my life even more and is therefore also life-threatening.
  6. And not to forget the forced admission to a Psychiatric Institution that Frank was starting up together with his team leader Bouke Koopmans. I was days away from life-threatening admission by backward psychiatrists who had never heard of a cover-up and conspiracy! I would NEVER have gotten out of there again due to the divine omniscience of psychiatrists. J’Accuse Psychiatrist BT(Bouke) Koopmans for forced admission of innocent defenseless victim!

While at that time I had virtually NOTHING wrong with me and since I slowly started to uncover the cover-up from March 2000 onwards, and until the end of 2003 I simply continued to work at a top level as an executive searcher for directors and other management team members of companies in the Northern Netherlands and in particular for the NOM Groningen.

I simply told no one about my secret own investigation into how and why everyone refused me the crucial information in a kafkaesque way and even lied and manipulated and erased evidence! So there was no danger to my environment and therefore no need to secretly use such a heavy and life-threatening drug. Wife also took three during vacation and was unconscious for hours! In Broward Detention Center because of my first asylum application against the Netherlands, the baby aspirin/strong Risperdal was probably unsuspectingly used for babies! Guaranteed brain damage!

Many backward doctors corruptly involved!

For the long list of almost all corruptly involved doctors see

The Decades-Long Horrific Medical Cover-Up!

As a result, I became completely defenseless in September 2003 and was declared completely unfit for work in January 2004 because I had suddenly (i.e. unsuspectingly) turned into a half zombie!

Whereas if I had simply stopped taking that normally harmless aspirin, I would NOT have been disabled and could have continued working for years! But you can’t defend yourself against something you don’t know yet!

Three generations of the Royal Family involved

Even three generations of the Royal Family were involved in this case through fraud, but cowardly and corruptly refused to simply correct their mistakes (secretly taking away civil rights). Even King Willem Alexander on March 15, 2017 lied and thus prevented the KLM plane from landing in Montana to give me asylum in America! A serious criminal action by King WA also as a result of the corrupt and backward acting arrogant drs. Frank van Es!

See post…

KLM Co-Pilot King Willem Alexander committed fraud and blocked my offered asylum against the Netherlands over American soil!

And already in September 2003, he innocently corruptly secretly(!) administered to me a still unknown antipsychotic (later turns out to be Risperdal) hidden in the official(!) box and blister(!) for daily baby aspirin 100 mg , which was supposed to be good for the elderly. He had my mentally ill wife sign, after I had just warned that she was seriously ill with dissociation and did not even know that her three children were from three rapists. And via my GP Lefering in Drachten who quietly and happily committed fraud along with me. So you don’t realize it yourself!

See my later crucial(!) accusation against her and her corrupt children:

I accuse my girlfriend/wife and her(!) children of horrific psychological abuse and serious fraud!

That is normally only allowed if the person would be a serious danger to the environment and then continues to refuse any medication! I have never refused any medication except his antipsychotic, proposed on the wrong assumption of delusional disorder! UMCG had declared me completely healthy, but that positive diagnosis had secretly disappeared in several places and corruptly (!) replaced by the wrong delusional. I was not that danger at all because I worked without any problems from 2000 to 2004, but afterwards of course I was for the corrupt Royal House involved and high-ranking gentlemen involved, such as all the doctors involved!

At that time, until September 2003, I still had a top position as ‘Executive Searcher’ in the North of the Netherlands with a gross income of 145,000 euros, which I had to report almost immediately as incapacitated for work because, according to clients and candidates, I sat there like a half zombie during crucial (!) interviews! Without understanding why at the time! I only understood that in 2017 during my third asylum application in San Diego and I received a normal real baby aspirin of 81 mg!

In his secret(!) letter to the Medical Disciplinary College Groningen he writes that he assumed delusional disorder and secretly(!) prescribed me Risperdal. But leave out that it was hidden in official boxes of baby aspirin 100mg including the blister strip! I did not receive that letter then, much later. Someone put it between my documents later. So secret service, because I lived unsuspectingly until I found out during my third asylum application in San Diego in 2016/17!

See post  Medical Disciplinary Board Groningen

Which, by the way, also GP Lefering in Drachten secretly cooperated with, while he knew from his secret file about my wife and the ‘conditioning by Onno van der Hart’ of her and myself that I was not crazy. Kafkaesque and also Orwellian. Dystopian? See his letter below. He also corruptly omits that I had to give up my top position because of that (!) with millions in damages! During that disciplinary case I did not yet know anything about the secret antipsychotic and so I could not even blame him for that and so he himself omitted crucial matters!

This happened already in September 2003 and I could not think effectively anymore and had to resign from my high position with an income of 145,000 euros! I wrongly assumed that I had become ill and was also declared unfit for work, but was made ill (!) by the corrupt Frank van Es without being allowed to know about it. If I had simply (!) stopped taking that so-called aspirin (unknown antipsychotic/risperdal?) I could have just continued working while I calmly investigated this horrible case!

And this is based on the statements of my own seriously mentally ill wife with severe selective dissociation and most likely an extra(double) emotional personality. DID. She has three children from three rapists, proven in Miami Florida during my asylum application, but has never had sex with anyone but myself according to her sick or by psychiatrist also secretly conditioned(?) brain.

My urgent advice: Never go to a psychiatrist because they are not to be trusted! They just do whatever and secretly(!) play with (and/or destroy) the rest of your life! You will never be a normal person for your environment again! A dog has much more rights than you.

Also, don’t sign anything without first getting a written(!) diagnosis and treatment advice and keeping it at home! And NEVER leave without a copy and never sign before you know exactly what it’s about. His explanation is NEVER correct and is always what he wants you to believe. So lies and not facts.

In fact, I came for help to my mentally ill and therefore irresponsible wife with even an extra emotional personality, but I was declared innocent (!) crazy (delusional) with secretly hidden wrong (!) medication!

If I had not known this corrupt Van Es or had simply never gone to a psychologist or psychiatrist, or had immediately divorced my own mentally ill wife, I would not have been imprisoned in the Netherlands for 14 months and much less than 15 months for my 3 or even 5 asylum applications in America against this horrible persecution by the Netherlands! He destroyed my entire life since September 2003! See also post Not 3 but 5 Asylum requests!

I wrote to him that in 2004 in this very correct letter…

No lawyer on the grounds of fraud Frank van Es!

I never got a lawyer again! They all refused! No lawyer on the grounds of a wrong secret diagnosis by Frank van Es, who I hardly spoke to, so he acted on the wrong falsified diagnosis Delusional by UMCG? Now in retrospect it is logical and easy to understand that lawyers were warned in advance by Jaap Duijs and/or my wife that I had been secretly given an antipsychotic since 2003 because I supposedly refused medication. So that is why they refused me any help?

Here’s what Sander Betten of Detective Agency K2 heard from a lawyer friend about why I didn’t get legal assistance!

‘Regarding your question. Lawyers are regularly approached with such stories. The fact that he has already been shown the door by many is telling. I would not hire him (based on what I have seen) and I suspect that you will not find a lawyer who would. I have looked around on the website and see an incoherent story that I cannot and will not believe is true. The fact that he has been declared paranoid (I assume: diagnosed) means that as a lawyer you cannot rely on his story and then you cannot accept a case either. I think that you can only refer the man to the Bar Association. They will then have to appoint someone, if there is a case in it.’

For the most crucial events see post

Timeline of only the most crucial events!

For an explanation of how this could happen, see this post

Conspiracy against Hans Smedema explained!

Drugged in court hearings and without a lawyer!

The manager of the UMCG Psychiatry department, Prof. Dr. Robert van den Bosch, the boss of Frank van Es, who rewarded him for his fraud with a promotion to Head of the Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic at the UMCG!

During a defamation lawsuit on 9-2-2009 I could not tell the biased corrupt police judge Mr. Jeroen van Bruggen, who already knew in advance(!) that I was supposedly crazy , why I had really become incapacitated for work (namely due to incorrect secret medication with the permission of my very ill wife with dissociation) and that this corrupt psychiatrist Frank van Es secretly and underhandedly gave me an antipsychotic with the cooperation of family doctor Lefering who had proof that I was right. I was there without(!) a lawyer who all refused to effectively represent me.

So then acquittal. Now after appeal 2011/12, 3+3=6 months detention and 5400 euro fine (later 7,000) for the rapist drs. Jaap J. Duijs and accomplices. And in 2015/16 multiple criminal chamber Court Leeuwarden on August 4, 2016 again without any defense 5+5=10 months and 6500 (later 8000) euro fine for insulting top criminal serial rapist of my defenseless wife and among others underage neighbor girl, drs. Jaap Duijs from Drachten. Specialist in rape after drugging and mind control! For an extensive overview of this top criminal and serial rapist who worked for and with justice (and my brother Johan omerta organization) see my post

I accuse Jaap Duijs of being the Monster of Drachten!

I thank Prof. Dr. RJ (Robert) van den Bosch UMCG!

Antipsychotic to put me out of action!

An antipsychotic weakens your mind and intelligence (IQ 135 EQ 145) severely, I became incapacitated and let everything go. Let everything go and you avoid confrontations. What Frank and all others involved needed to maintain this horrible cover-up!

So NO active defense as a normal person would do. So also in the 2016 trial of the multi-member criminal chamber I neglected to look for a lawyer from exile in Spain! After all, every defense had previously been refused. If I had known that I had been drugged with an unknown antipsychotic since 2003, I would have been able to defend myself and would have gone free! So most likely NOT 13 months in prison as a completely INNOCENT VICTIM!

Proof of discharge PI Noord Holland, ZuyderBos Heerhugowaard. 13 months for allegedly insulting rapist of my wife Jaap Duijs and among others minor girl next door! But this blog is just a factual report of what happened to me! My written statement of everything I know.

What I just had to actually spend in PI Heerhugowaard ZuyderBos in March 2017 until April 5, 2018. Total 5+5 and extra 85 days for not voluntarily paying fine 6500 (later 8000), so 13 months and another month innocent PI Ter Apel in 2013 which they later called a mistake. But that was a planned cunning action by Justice (Joris Demmink!) who deliberately created a mistake and thus made the entire lawsuit and appeal with all the lied (!) incorrect declarations and statements, INVALID! Later in January 2014 my asylum judge also stated that he could NO LONGER prosecute my enemies! Cunning, cunning, cunning! And my corrupt brother Johan from Gennep, no less a Master of Law, let it all happen nicely. And then in a next verdict I was sentenced to 5+5 months and 6800, later 8000 euros fine for insulting rapist planned(!) neighbor French teacher Jaap Duijs. Without the presence of lawyers! I had given up by then because I could NOT get a lawyer!

And then also because of three(!) asylum applications PRECISELY AGAINST this persecution from the Netherlands BY Frank van Es and others, 2009 Miami 7 months, 2013/14 Texas 2.5 months and just now 2016/17 San Diego 5.5 months! Total also 15 months detention, or

together 15+13+1=29 MONTHS of detention as a victim of a criminal organization/psychiatrists/doctors and a mentally ill (dissociation) woman who falsely accused me of being crazy!

Promotion for corrupt cooperation!

It is remarkable that all the criminally involved corrupt scoundrels who cooperated are later rewarded with promotion!

Here the corrupt psychiatrist GGZ Frank van Es as head of the UMCG Psychiatry outpatient clinic, because the Manager of the entire UMCG Psychiatry department is Prof. Dr. Robert van den Bosch who is my greatest enemy because of his involvement in my brain programming/torture together with Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart!

and at the Drachten police corrupt Sylvia te Wierik as Manager of the Drachten Police while she corruptly supplied Jaap Duijs with drugs and even warned the criminal when her OWN Drachten police went to look for drugs at his place, so that they found nothing more!

But also Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart and psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Robert van den Bosch Manager Psychiatry UMCG (so boss Frank van Es) who received a lot of money for my/our torture and brainwashing or brain programming since 1973 and so both became Prof. Dr. for free! Bribed!

And a rapist since 1972, Jaap Duijs himself of course, who received 100,000 guilders through a criminal organization in 1977 to buy land, a monthly allowance until recently and later fully paid for his studies as a doctor of Italian because he had me tortured/brainwashed in his villa Sydwende 107 Drachten  when I came too close to the truth!

See post J’Accuse prof. dr. Onno van der Hart!

and see post about Jaap Duijs  Chairman of Società Dante Alighieri Friesland turns out to be a serial rapist!

This totally wrong medicine, completely unnecessary, secretly given in September 2003 , apparently with the permission of my own insane wife, and apparently until October 1, 2016 in San Diego, was the reason that I could no longer think clearly and therefore had to give up my top position as Executive Searcher or Headhunter and was also officially declared 80-100% incapacitated for work on January 14, 2004. Loss of 145,000 euros in income! But investing our money also went completely wrong because of that secret antipsychotic! Heavy losses of tons in total! My wife’s inheritance of 95,000 euros was also almost completely lost. The poor guy didn’t understand it and I didn’t know anything about the antipsychotic. I myself wrongly thought that I had simply become ill because it all became too much for me due to all the traumas and opposition due to the agreed omerta! But certainly not crazy because there was already enough evidence that this scoundrel deliberately did not look at, because he knew(!) that the three children were not mine according to me! So that I was NOT crazy, but why then that antipsychotic…?

To severely weaken me because I went to the police and promised to fight until the death against these corrupt scumbags!

There have been many cases where I have left everything as it was because of that wrong means, which is not possible with taxes, investments, lawsuits and other crucial matters. You no longer have the full intellectual capacity and react slowly like a half zombie or just let it be. No more fighting spirit, which is exactly what the corrupt scoundrels needed to maintain this gigantic Kafkaesque and Orwellian cover-up!

It has been very negative for me, investments wrong and cost a few tons, and it has prolonged my/our suffering with at least 10 years. Totally unnecessary! Because without his antipsychotic this case would have been solved much earlier.

But that was NOT what the fraudulent corrupt Frank van Es wanted!

He only managed to persuade me after drugging me in his office (!) to give written permission for a conversation with my seriously ill, insane (!) wife with dissociation! Which I warned him about very clearly. And also the sex slave of AIVD rapist Drs. Jaap Duijs who could order her to do anything through his mind control over her, including giving me antipsychotics to weaken me! It wasn’t necessary in my opinion, but after drugging I did sign that he could speak to her to determine that she was seriously ill! Nothing more and he would send me a copy! But later he refused that coldly!

It shows the gigantic corruption of psychiatry in the Netherlands. Horrible idiots who destroy entire lives with their backward ideas. Despite my repeated demand that he should NOT interfere with this case and that I wanted nothing more to do with him, he must have done so anyway. So he refused to stop and of course he did not tell me!

Psyon negatively involved via psychiatrist Dr. S. Russo!

Later, psychiatrist Dr. S. Russo of Psyon Leeuwarden must have secretly taken over at the end of 2009 where I suddenly had to go according to my wife after a phone call(!) supposedly(!) for the reassessment of the Amersfoort disability insurance and to maintain benefits! There too, of course, NO copy of the signed statement that I gave permission for his examination and according to me a statement to Amersfoortse, but it was secretly and underhanded of course that he was allowed to drug me(!) with antipsychotic! And who was the top man at Psyon again? Exactly, the same corrupt psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Robert van den Bosch, manager of psychiatry at the UMCG who promoted the corrupt Frank van Es to head of the UMCG psychiatric outpatient clinic!

So never just go to a psychiatrist without good guarantees and copies of all documents and then do not trust the medicines anymore. I myself wanted nothing to do with psychiatrists or psychologists for a long time because I could better find out for myself how the horrible cover-up and conspiracy was put together. You should never involve psychiatrists!

Doctor’s oath broken!

I swear/promise that I will practice medicine to the best of my ability in the service of my fellow man. I will care for the sick, promote health and alleviate suffering.

I put the patient’s interests first and respect his views. I will not harm the patient. I will listen and will inform him well.  I will keep secret what has been entrusted to me.

I will promote the medical knowledge of myself and others. I recognize the limits of my possibilities. I will be open and testable, and I know my responsibility to society. I will promote the availability and accessibility of health care.  I do not abuse my medical knowledge, not even under pressure.

I will thus uphold the profession of medicine.

Exceptional re-traumatization & secondary victimization!

See my detailed post about the fraud by psychiatrists:


Here is what I wrote at the time, NOT KNOWING THAT Frank van Es secretly and underhandedly gave me an antipsychotic since September 2003, which immediately made me 100% incapacitated for work with a loss of income of 145,000 euros!

Filed a complaint against him with BIG or something, but never heard anything back. They only corruptly protect their own profession!

2004 – psychiatrist FD (Frank) van Es Mental Health and Addiction Care Drachten.

Chitchat no substantive conversations, avoids own diagnosis because whistleblower around 1983 in letter confirmed Hans was right, and children not his and that in secret medical file everything was known at GGZ Drachten! No treatment necessary because Hans reacts completely normally and calmly continues his research and writes autobiography about this case. At the request and initiative of Hans himself (!) referral to expert Ellert Nijenhuis GGZ Assen who did offer me help after advice from client association (!) and business relation ir. Klaas Keestra NOM via a psychologist known to him! But that was blocked again by a psychiatrist who also assumed that I was crazy on the basis of my wife and years of secret antipsychotic.

So NO good advice (cover-up) from psychiatrists or psychologists! He refuses unscrupulously to confirm in writing that he is NOT aware of the cover-up and intent! So he is aware!


Here is my complaint to the Groningen Medical Disciplinary Board  TuchtVanES 

See my detailed post Medical Disciplinary Board Groningen

Here is a link to the consequences of incorrect medication:


So NOT as I wrongly assumed that it all became too much for me and therefore sick, but because of the wrong drug that deliberately made me a half zombie, high blood pressure and overweight, breast development, and therefore I could no longer work professionally at a top level. Loss of income 145,000 euros/year!

While earlier psychiatrist Oostveen Drachten also BEFORE he had spoken to me , on the basis of my own mentally ill (dissociation) hysterical wife, prescribed ME an antipsychotic in 2000 and because of that I could NOT work for two weeks! Half a zombie. When I stopped taking it again, I continued working without any problem until September 2003 the corrupt lying Frank van Es secretly administered it to me through statements and permission from my own mentally ill wife, and I unsuspectingly (not knowing why) became incapacitated for work!

I no longer understood things well and no longer responded alertly to top-level clients or candidates! Normal IQ of 135 and EQ of 145 dropped to 90 or so. So incredibly stupid and foolish. Assignments were already being reduced because of that of course. My own sick (dissociative) wife and the corrupt GP Lefering and the Pharmacy De Drait in Drachten must have cooperated in this conspiracy against me. Owner of Pharmacy De Drait spoke to me specifically because the drug was for confused people and I was still working and not confused at all, so abnormal according to him! But he did NOT tell me that it was hidden in the aspirin! So I took that naively and unsuspectingly from September 2003 to October 1, 2016 in San Diego. Maybe they are doing it again here! Exactly what the nice pretty girl at Farmacia in Parcent also told me and warned me is not true because you are not confused at all. That is only for seriously ill people!

Like so many who have deceived me and also Kafkaesquely(!) refused to simply tell me the reality so that I could defend myself.

So Frank van Es DID believe (or at least pretended to believe) my seriously ill wife with dissociation, as a sex slave defenseless against rapists, via mind control the slave of planned (!) neighbor / rapist drs. Jaap Duijs member of the Criminal Porn Organization. So she turns out to be a pathological liar just like her sisters and parents. Incidentally, just like my own family who were no less! Unbelievable what a lying (corrupt / criminal) family that was! And so he did not believe me, the income (145,000 euros) generating top level businessman who had already produced some evidence and a lot of verifiable facts.

But Frank van Es was indeed aware of the medical cover-up, Royally approved and protected, which later (2006) became apparent from the Medical Disciplinary Board Groningen procedure initiated by me. He wanted to put me out of action to prevent the cover-up from coming out via half zombie by secretly giving antipsychotics. Which I had refused earlier because I already had proof that my story was true and not made up. And I was calmly investigating and figuring everything out BESIDES MY WORK , so no threat to my environment and therefore no need for medication! I was able to put it aside well as I always have been. Looking at the case analytically and staying calm.

I always had a fight with the corrupt scoundrel and didn’t want to see him anymore, but apparently he secretly(!) continued his corrupt wrong ‘treatment’ for years(!) without my permission and without a treatment plan and a good diagnosis. Also secretly while I was already working with GGZ Assen for psychologist expert Ellert Nijenhuis, which the scoundrel just blocked again!

I would also report this to the Drachten police, which is what happened on April 23, 2004. So he became afraid of the discovery of this horrible medical criminal torture and so he deliberately destroyed me!

He also blocked the conversation with the expert psychologist Ellert Nijenhuis GGZ Assen about dissociation and my wife’s dual personality who OFFERED to help me! First a psychiatrist had to approve it, then it was only reimbursed!

He also corruptly failed to make a good proposal for PTSD treatment as I requested him. With clear what his (wrong/schizophrenia?) diagnosis was and why which treatment could help me. According to me mild PTSD and according to him Delusional/schizophrenic.

A huge 100% difference of course. Now much later it turns out that my reactions were precisely the result of brainwashing and programming by psychologist prof.dr. Onno van der Hart and manager psychiatrist prof.dr. Robert van den Bosch UMCG! So no(!) disease, but deliberately done to prevent the revelation of their own criminal acts. Serious fraud!

Here are links to his current position and my serious accusations against his corrupt manager Prof. Dr. Robert van den Bosch UMCG:

I thank Prof. Dr. RJ (Robert) van den Bosch UMCG!


Psychologist Drs. Janne Geraets Alfaz del Pi also involved

Psychologist Janne Geraets who corruptly secretly drugged me with strong antipsychotic to weaken me for a lot of money! After all, as a half zombie you can’t do much against a criminal superiority.

Frank van Es together with others like psychologist Janne Geraets from Alfaz del PI Costa Blanca Spain must have administered this wrong drug to me since September 2003 until September 30, 2016 when I applied for asylum in San Diego California against the ongoing persecution by the Netherlands without the right to normal defense. Serious human rights violation. Horrific since 1972!

Here in Albir I was also deceived by doctors such as Dr. Dra Carmen Montoya, Farmacia and the supplier of the counterfeit box of Aspirin 100 mg including the blister strip! According to Janne he could NOT prescribe medication, a psychiatrist has to do that! Who did that then? Frank van Es still? Has he been working with me since 2003 while I know nothing about it? I did check but found nothing suspicious at first. I did notice that they took the aspirin box from a special drawer where it was on a note and that the staff themselves also found that strange. But I could not find anything special so I continued to take the wrong stuff. That the owner and supplier of that aspirin would be prepared to risk his name and replace their product with a wrong antipsychotic was still beyond my comprehension at the time.

Not anymore, because my friend Hans Bauerlein in Jalon also warned me that I should NOT take that aspirin there in 2010/11/12/13 and buy others myself! Precisely because I took it I remained like a zombie doing nothing after that warning that I also got from a girl at the Farmacia! Only in San Diego did I understand it WITHOUT antipsychotic. I could think again!

My ear September 2016 many months after the assassination attempt and just before leaving for San Diego third Asylum application against the persecution by the Netherlands. Became increasingly larger, redder and black point from the impact of the poison. Also started to bleed often and started to hurt.

Incorrect medication was the cause of wrong decisions to just leave everything. For example, I failed to defend myself during yet another lawsuit by rapist Drs. Jaap J. Duijs against me for so-called insult! No slander! So I was convicted again without any defense for insulting the rapist Jaap Duijs of my wife! A total of 13 months later it turns out. On July 12, Janne Geraets thought that I should have warned him about the lawsuit! Why, I had no contact with this corrupt so-called psychologist. Is he even a psychologist? Someone who is crazy should not be convicted?

Of course, deceived by psychologist Janne Geraets, a vague figure who was into astrology and dreams, who was probably bribed. You don’t just give someone an anti-psychotic without necessity.

He also tried twice in a restaurant, Ritz Albir and Brew Rock Albir/Altea, to secretly inject me with a drug so he could better interrogate me about my plans! I lived here in peace and enjoyed the Spanish country and the hospitality.

So no need for antipsychotics!

My somewhat mangled ear after surgery dermatologist Clinic San Diego! Pieces had to be taken out to remove the poison and affected parts.

More about that later, because Janne knew about the assassination attempt on me in Altea! So involved! On July 12, 2016 at 10:30 he had me drugged at Restaurant Difference in Altea with a substance in a glass of beer to interrogate me, and took a picture of my ear specifically, although he said he was taking a picture of the sea and such. But I had to look away so that my full face wouldn’t appear! So my ear was! Here is a picture of my ear after surgery in America. That conversation was probably to make a report for the Netherlands. For whom? On Friday, July 20, 2018, I spoke to him, after having accused him by email, which he denies in writing and verbally. More about him later here and in my book and film.

See later post

I accuse corrupt psychologist Drs. Janne Geraets Alfaz del Pi!



Corrupt psychiatrist drs. Frank D. van Es

But all this was made possible by the corrupt psychiatrist drs. Frank D. van Es! Even a total of 5 murder attempts (2 after 2003) while I walked around like a half zombie, unsuspecting and defenseless and therefore could not defend myself against something you do not yet know.

My sick wife with three children of rapists without understanding it because of her dissociation, was also secretly involved and caused my disability herself! We went from 145,000 to 60,000 euros income and later had to sell our Villa.

It is also the reason that I felt that I was being deceived on all sides in the Netherlands, including my own wife and the non-biological children who, according to my daughter, cooperated in falsifying the DNA paternity test by exchanging the cotton swabs later! Because of that, no one believed me anymore and I could not get a lawyer. I was without a lawyer before the corrupt biased police judge Mr. Jeroen van Bruggen on 9-2-2009.

So I was forced into exile and moved to Spain, mistakenly thinking I would be relatively safe there! Not so see Post:



Medical Disciplinary Board Groningen and Frank van Es

During the hearing, which I attended again without any help and not knowing that I was secretly being given an anti-psychotic, so without a lawyer and with a severely reduced intelligence/zombie, the secretary promised me that he would force Frank van Es to inform me in writing of his actions. Unfortunately, I was not told what they consisted of! That happened after I had told them that I was going to ask for asylum against the human rights violations by the Netherlands, probably in America.

Shouldn’t that informing always happen? Why is coercion necessary?

See  Medical Disciplinary Board Groningen

All these documents were intercepted again by rapist French teacher drs, Jaap J. Duijs, who even intercepted the postman and withheld documents in collaboration with Justice/AIVD, with whom he collaborated as the rapist of my wife.

Documents resent by email were also intercepted on his behalf and the AIVD, I assume.

Even worse that Jaap Duijs had my wife as her sex master intercept and destroy the documents from Frank van Es and/or Hospital Nij Smellinghe that I had just picked up at the Nij Smellinghe Hospital after signing for them(!) via mind control. So I never saw them! Still in the envelope! 

For that exciting story, see  Crucial Medical File Secretly Intercepted and Stolen!

So Frank van Es knew for sure that I was NOT sick, but made sick by his corrupt unnecessary actions. That must have been in those papers!

Because I could still continue working at the top level in 2000/1/2/3 with an income of 145,000 euros per year. I only did some research on this case and wrote everything down neatly chronologically.

But according to the also heavily biased and corrupt police judge Mr. Jeroen van Bruggen in 2009, Jaap Duijs was a high-ranking person and I was a madman.

I just spent 2016/17/18 18.5 months (5.5 asylum application + 13 detention insulting serial rapist Jaap Duijs) in detention just because I want to defend myself against these serious human rights violations and ask for judicial investigation! And in total with the rest in 2009, 2013/14, 2016/17/18, no less than 29 months completely innocent as a true victim in detention!

You can understand that I hate this Frank van Es terribly! What a corrupt arrogant scoundrel. He did not listen to my story at all, which was proven relatively easily in Florida in 2009! So not schizophrenic, but a victim of the biggest cover-up and conspiracy in Dutch history known to me!

See…  Results of American Investigation into Hans Smedema Affair

Complaints about text? Complaints about content?

So far, there have never(!) been any complaints received on this Blog(!)!

As soon as they come, they will be openly mentioned here of course. Completely transparent and according to my very high ethical level.

Complaint contents & Complaint content!

ing. Hans Smedema, (sur)viving in exile in the beautiful sensual El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain

Published by

Hans Smedema

High level Dutch man(Rotary member) who became the victim of an unbelievable conspiracy set up by a criminal organisation of rapist inside the Ministry of Justice. Making me De Facto Stateless! Now fighting for 24 years but the Dutch government and specific corrupt King refuse to open an investigation to protect themselves! America investigated after my asylum request and started an UNCAT or special procedure in 2017. View all posts by Hans Smedema