Dutch Crown, Prime Minister Mark Rutte and King Willem Alexander keep betraying me and the Dutch People!

During my first ‘asylum-only’ request at Miami Airport in 2009 against the horrifying decades-long(since 1972) Kafkaesque and even Orwellian persecution against me as an innocent gaslighted unaware Dutch citizen I was told that they could NOT immediately give me asylum which they wanted to do, because of the (wrong?) bilateral judiciary contract between the Netherlands and America! Which puts the world-strange Royals above the people and victims like me!
This has huge consequences also internationally! And they still in 2023 are cowardly hiding the horrifying thruth for unaware Dutch Citizens and other countries like Spain, Belgium. America, Canada, France, Mexico, Germany, UN, UNCAT, and much more!
This is the largest known Dutch Royal Cover-up and conspiracy in the history of the Netherlands!
Dutch King Willem Alexander violated his oath to protect Dutch People!
Clear is that King Willem Alexander as KLM Co-Pilot violated his oath to the Dutch people and me on March 15th, 2017 in the air above Montana by lying and blocking the Asylum I was offered by Immigration Judge Rex J. Ford. They refused to land and let me out!
Only the famous horrifying Dutch Ann Frank story, that is the Dutch part of that, not the Holocaust of course, or the famous horrifying Dutch Eduard Douwes Dekker Multatuli stories are known and are worse. See…
Comparison famous Anne Frank with the unknown Hans Smedema affair!
Procedural safeguards for vulnerable persons in criminal proceedings not applied!
Justice, Public Prosecution Service and Judges have not applied the EU recommendation from 2013 for more help to vulnerable people like myself! Apparently I was seen as a delusional dog again, so wasn’t that necessary? Even after CTIVD told me I was right! Horrifying! See my Dutch post…
Procedurele waarborgen voor kwetsbare personen in een strafprocedure!
My Dutch Persecution Summary UNCAT case!
My persecution started in 1972 with my girlfriend secretly being tortured into a sex slave and made totally submissive to the rapists, as was I myself! She was on purpose tortured into a sex slave with an extra emotional personality! DIS, Dissociative Identity Disorder. Without understanding that herself, and not able to file charges because of that. Severe dissociation! Your mind deletes all emotional stuff immediately. Time loss is the most important symptom. Mind control which they did to me also after drugging me with ketamine. You become submissive like a dog. I was de facto forced to marry her because they hid all evidence of her abuse and work as a hooker in 1972. And after the end of 1972, before marriage being brainwashed by electroshock by traumatologist Onno van der Hart into submission and forced to suppress all sexual abuse of my girlfriend. Making me defenseless against the rapist who hired and bribed him.
And after marriage that happened for decades with family and friends being paid 20.000 guilders end of 1972 to lie to me nothing happened. Gaslighting. A huge Omerta criminal organization was set up by Rapist Mole Joris Demmink together with my corrupt brother Johan who hated me for having an IQ of 135. At only the end of 1972, her parents found out about her sex with lots of men with photos but decided to hide all her sex with men and work as a hooker, for me. So I would marry her unaware. This made me even more defenseless, just like my wife who was also treated to forget all sexual abuse, making her helpless against the rapists. The rapists bribed two Psychiatrists with a million or more to become Prof. Dr. and had both of us tortured, me by Electroshock every 5 to 6 years to suppress all her sexual abuse. Criminal Mind control by mutilation. So Joris Demmink himself and other rapists were made immune by world-strange Royals! See…
J’Accuse prof. dr. Onno van der Hart!
J’Accuse prof. dr. R.J. (Robert) van den Bosch UMCG!
Huge Criminal Kafkaesque Cordon Sanitaire around me!
The Omerta organization was initiated by rapist-mole Joris Demmink end of 1972 together with my brother Johan and with 2 officials from the Ministry of Justice as members! So a legal-looking Dutch Criminal Omerta Organisatioen. In 1977 rapist(against her will) teacher French Jaap Duijs was secretly made our guardian with a de facto free Villa next to ours Sydwende in Drachten. He was ordered to drug me/us with ketamine into defenseless submission like a dog. I became half a zombie and he made sure with a microphone in our house and controlling my wife as his sex slave, that everything I did went wrong! Decades-long persecution. He had mind control over my brain! I followed his orders which destroyed my career several times for decades. See…
J’Accuse Jaap Duijs het Monster van Drachten
Gruwelijk Decennia Lang Cordon Sanitaire Sydwende, Drachten!
And after decades of sexual abuse with 5 murder attempts on my life and 3 children from 3 rapists, me secretly being made infertile in 1972, and even the top-level CTIVD which I warned in 2007/8 asking to stop that, the corrupt politicians(PM JanPeter Balkenende and later PM Mark Rutte) decided to do nothing!!! Which is still the case. I am still not believed and many times declared delusional while being the victim of the largest cover-up and conspiracy in the known history of the Netherlands. And everything was kept a secret from me to make sure I could never defend myself and file charges! I knew(suppressed) nothing until 2000. Next, I was offered 5 million in 2003 and 2004 to keep everything a secret, which I refused. See the Dutch post…
Bod Kabinet 5 miljoen als afkoop!
The Dutch let a rapist mole manipulate the Ministry of (In)Justice since 1973 for decades! They even made him, Joris Demmink the top-level Secretary-General! Many hundreds of victims despite my many warnings, even to Queen Beatrix in 2008, the CTIVD, Justice, Police, and the Secret Service since 2000. They still treat me less than a dog by having secretly taken (!) all human and civil rights away from me. Legal help is apparently forbidden as I never got that at first. Lawyers obviously have to neglect anything I say or write in hundreds of documents, kafkaesque without telling me that crucial fact. So I spend 300.000 euros to try to find out what happened, while Justice and Family simply could have told me the truth when I slowly found out since 2000! See…
I am fighting an Unknown enemy! So I named my Ebooks about this horrifying Orwellian and Kafkaesque almost lifelong case ‘Fighting the Unknown!’
I also recently warned Dutch politician Pieter Omtzigt…
ECHR 2005 Complaint denied!
Verzoekschrift ECHR afgewezen!
UNCAT case in 2010 denied!
Without any legal help, I filed a complaint with UNCAT which was denied because of the manipulation by Dutch traitor rapist mole Joris Demmink who was at that time Secretary-General of the Dutch Ministry of (In)Justice himself!
See… Human Rights Violations! UNCAT
Petition EU Parlement also denied!
See my posts…
All legal help was denied! As the victim, I have to defend myself in the largest cover-up and conspiracy in the history of the Netherlands, without any legal help! All organizations apparently were manipulated to assume I was Delusional. Everything on this Blog and in my Ebooks I had to do myself. And all documents asking for help or complaints. This is 2023 still the case because of the involvement of 3 generations of Dutch Royals.
Even 3 times Asylum requests, 2009, 2013/14 with 2009 reopened(!), and 2016/17 with Asylum was offered on March 15th, 2017 which was corruptly blocked by King WA, with in total of 15 months of detention/transition. And the next 13 months of detention + 1 month = 29 months of detention as the victim of the largest cover-up and conspiracy(gaslighting!) in the known history of the Netherlands! And an unbelievable 5 good grounds for asylum which was unique in known American history. See…
Unbelievable 5 grounds for asylum according to Judge Rex. J. Ford Miami court Florida!
Warned in 2007/8 the Dutch Review Committee on the Intelligence and Security Services that a Rapist-Mole was hiding inside the Dutch Ministry of (In)Justice!
In my documents, I warn the top-level Dutch Review Committee on the Intelligence and Security Services(CTIVD) that a Rapist-Mole is hiding inside the Dutch Ministry of (In)Justice and destroying my/our lives! And at an official hearing in The Hague on April 29th, 2008 I picked out of 5 pictures of possible men, instantly Joris Demmink as the one who tortured my girlfriend into a sex slave and made me secretly infertile!
This means that top-level Officials and Ministers were aware of his treason around 2007/8. But did apparently nothing or not enough to stop him. While I gave them lots of witnesses who also could identify him! Crucial was the fact that they told me…
“But he is the one who is always helping your case!”
So he of course made everything look as if it was to help me/us. Like making rapist teacher French Jaap Duijs, who according to rapist Jan van Beek was a regular paying customer of my drugged girlfriend since 1972, our secret guardian in 1977 in Drachten. With a de facto free Villa(got 100.000 guilders) next to us with a microphone in our house and access to all email, post, and phone records. He controlled my wife completely without me knowing as the Omerta Organisation needed that to keep all decades-long crimes against my wife and me hidden. And so a decades-long Omerta was possible with the many rapists going free, and we the victims suffering immensely. And with 3 children from 3 rapists. Blocking everything I tried, not allowing me to file charges, the Police itself not allowed to make up those official charges, blocking all legal help, intimidating or legally attacking unaware people who tried to help me/us, blocking media/journalists to publish about this case, and much more. Leaving me defenseless while lying about my case that there were no files at all.
This caused me to have to flee into exile in Spain in 2008 and prepare to ask for asylum in America when nobody believed my case and I was declared delusional when all investigations were forbidden, and while our family Kafkaesque lied they knew nothing about her abuse at all. Which was obstruction of Justice!
This is proof that the CTIVD was not independent enough because they only asked(!) Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende to stop this horrifying conspiracy! Not CTIVD was in charge but PM Jan Peter Balkenende together with the other Ministers. Dutch: Ministerraad. Severe obstruction of Justice by the Dutch Crown!
AIVD Rapport als PDF van 13 MB!
The AIVD and CTIVD decline my complaint that the Dutch Secret Service AIVD should have investigated my case. Could it be that the AIVD had no knowledge about it? Did Rapist Mole Joris Demmink hide, delete or manipulate all files so well that nobody later was able to find anything? Even in 2013, the Dutch military Secret Service could not find anything.
The AIVD stated that because my case has nothing to do with National Security they did not investigate and have no information! But the American ’97th General Army Hospital Frankfurt’ Dutch 30+ pages file from around 1983 contained the whole case and is crucial evidence! My American friend ‘Al Rust’ in 1997 won his case with a copy of that (not existing?) file and got paid damages of almost 1 million US$, after the Dutch Ministry of (In)Justice(rapist Joris Demmink) lied that there was no file in 1987.
And of course, a Rapist Mole inside the Ministry of Justice and Secret Service since 1972 is a case of National Security! And should have been investigated after my many warnings since 2000. Also, a UNCAT investigation should have been started when I asked for it. And why did they offer me in 2003/4 5 million to keep everything a secret? See Bod Kabinet 5 miljoen als afkoop!
PDF (13MB): aivd41pagraport
I warn other politicians also of course, but they all refuse to talk to me or help me with this legal case. I have to do everything by myself without any legal help! Now for 23 years. See…
Also, my complaint at UNCAT failed because apparently all evidence was hidden by rapist mole Joris Demmink and he was the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Justice when I filed my complaint! The Netherlands should have started an investigation immediately when I mentioned it after 2000 and for sure after I warned the top-level CTIVD and The Dutch Crown was warned also! Severe violations of Human rights, my civil rights, and UN rights.
See my Dutch posts…
AIVD klacht bij CTIVD ingediend!
Gaslighting of het manipuleren van mijn realiteit!
America would be legally forced to falsify or manipulate all evidence I found of the Dutch Human Rights Violations!
Based on that ancient(?) contract America would be legally forced to protect the Dutch Royals(Beatrix, later in 2013 King WA) and therefore make sure that I could never legally win my case against the horrifying decades-long human rights violations against me by the Dutch Crown/State! The American FBI/CIA would even have to manipulate or delete any evidence fraudulently!
I was warned of this by both my friend Al Rust and Paul Bremer( former ambassador USA in Holland, and former Governor of Iraq) during an official hearing about ‘Al Rust’ on June 14th, 1996 around 18.00 hours in the Top-Level Industrial Club in Amsterdam of which I was a member.
America in 2009 during my first Asylum request found an unbelievable 5 good grounds for my Asylum if they could find more hard evidence that the Dutch Crown(Royals and Prime Minister) were criminally involved in my persecution! Which had never before happened in America’s known history!
Unbelievable 5 grounds for asylum according to Judge Rex. J. Ford Miami court Florida!
That is of course proof of the huge severe and horrifying treatment by the Dutch of me and my wife.
See also all the evidence the FBI and CIA found during my first asylum request in 2009. In my Dutch post…
Resultaten Amerikaans FBI Onderzoek Hans Smedema Affair
Dutch Ministry of (In)Justice lied to Al Rust in 1987 that they knew nothing about my case causing him to be dishonorably fired from Military Intelligence!
This was necessary to be able to legally help my American friend ‘Al Rust’ who was innocent and dishonorably fired from Military Intelligence because the Dutch Ministry of (In)Justice in 1987 lied that there was no file about me or my wife and therefore that Al Rust lied! This is because all evidence about the many decades-long criminal acts against me and my defenseless wife was deleted or manipulated(by rapist-mole Joris Demmink) by the special ruling of Queen Juliana around 1973. Obstruction of Justice for my friend ‘Al Rust’ and me of course.
Which is very unethical and not allowed generally in America and so they refused to do it! But that forced American Judge Rex J. Ford from Miami Immigration Court/Krome to keep me on neutral(!) ground inside Broward Transitional Center(7 months FBI/CIA investigation) where that evil contract that placed the Royals above the Law, is not yet valid!
That very professional investigation proved my innocence and the fact I spoke the truth! I was a top-level high-ethics victim. See Dutch Post Resultaten Amerikaans FBI Onderzoek Hans Smedema Affair
Dutch Ministry of (In)Justice kept betraying me and the Dutch People again in 1997!
In 1997 Al Rust won his appeal case with a copy of that not-existing(!) Dutch Justice file from around 1983, and got paid damages of almost 1 million US$.
So The Netherlands knew this and corruptly still did nothing to protect me and my defenseless wife from more and more rapes and mistreatments. Like the Electroshock Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart and mostly teacher Jaap Duijs gave me to damage my brain into submission. See posts…
Brainwashed and tortured at Police Officer Villa in Catral!
Gemarteld in de Villa van André Gruters en Joke Laven!
Hersenspoelen en martelingen 20 mei 2010 Benidorm chronologisch!
Rapist teacher French Jaap Duijs was made our guardian(!) in 1977 with a free Villa for decades, protected secretly by the rapist-mole Joris Demmink and the Royals he was able to lure into this horrifying case.
On March 15th, 2017 Dutch King Willem Alexander as KLM Co-Pilot in the air above Montana corruptly blocked the Asylum I was offered by Judge Rex J. Ford!
Causing me to be put totally innocent as the victim in detention when I arrived at Schiphol Airport for 5+5+3= 13 months when I refused to take down my Blog, and refused to pay out of free will 8000 euro to the decennia long rapist Jaap Duijs who was secretly given a free Villa next to us to manipulate everything! He used my wife as his sex slave for decades. All investigations I asked for(!!!!) were forbidden because of the involvement of the Dutch coward Royals.
See his evil acts in my post…
To be very honest he secretly did try to get me out of detention! See the Dutch post…
Probeerde Koning WA mij heimelijk via gratieverzoek te helpen?
Horrifying is the fact that both Traumatologist Prof. dr. Onno van der hart who tortured me secretly every 5 years criminal into submission and lying rapist Rieks Perdok get a Royal medal even after I warn Justice and CTIVD/AIVD!
J’Accuse meedogenloze verkrachter H. Rieks Perdok
J’Accuse prof. dr. Onno van der Hart!
Now in 2023 the Dutch Prime Minister and King Willem Alexander still betray me, my wife, and all the Dutch Citizens!
This is of course unheard of and a massive violation of Human Rights, EU Laws, and much more. The fact that I am not allowed to get any effective legal help against the cowardly hiding Dutch King Willem Alexander is absurd.
And don’t forget that many innocent people were intimidated, murdered, fired, or had to move to another town only because they saw something and started to investigate. What Joris Demmink not wanted of cause and therefore criminally blocked. Also, America was now put in a dangerous situation after I asked for Asylum against the decades-long persecution! They were not allowed to give me that based on the Dutch corrupt bilateral Judicial contract with the Netherlands. Which put the Royals above the People! Severe violation of Human Rights and EU rights too.
Several times I warned Queen Beatrix and Prime Minister Mark Rutte and former PM Jan Peter Balkenende to solve this ongoing evil case by openly making excuses and paying damages. Also, on my specific request, President Obama/ DOJ warned King WA on his official state visit to the White House on June 1st, 2015.
But the Dutch keep lying and betraying!
There is this saying about ‘The Flying Dutchman’, but now we have to add
‘The Lying Dutchman!’
Huge violations by the Netherlands
Huge violations by the Netherlands against me, many people who tried to help, thousands of unknown other victims of rapist mole Secretary-General Justice Joris Demmink, betrayal of his oath to the Dutch people by now King Willem Alexander, and now the largest Orwellian case in the history of the Netherlands.
More about this later…
Hans Smedema B. Sc., in forced exile, living in beautiful El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain