Last Updated 06/02/2025 published 28/10/2024 by Hans Smedema
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Unique in the Netherlands: Horribly destroyed life with a woman with a secret extra emotional personality as a sex slave!
This is a Google computer translation from my earlier Dutch Post:

I lived innocently for 28 years with a 19 year old girlfriend later wife and now since 2015 ex-wife who in 1972 was deliberately tortured by her rapists until she developed a double or extra easily callable emotional personality as a sex slave ! That was after all much cheaper than the expensive drugs! She became defenseless against every rapist and could never report afterwards because then she knew nothing in her normal personality. If she did notice something she immediately repressed it.
When I tried to help her with a psychiatrist so she could protect herself, that was not allowed and I was declared crazy because no one legally assisted me. Everyone lied as agreed in the Omerta organization at the end of 1972 for 20,000 guilders. I was de facto forced to marry a slut and a whore because no one else would want that anymore.
The reason was apparently what Prof. Dr. Robert van den Bosch UMCG told me during the Medical Disciplinary Board Groningen case, namely the stupid thing:
“Your wife has the right not to know anything!”
To which I stated:
“so that made her defenseless against those same rapists her whole life and even now. Which has totally destroyed my life!”
But he refused to confirm the Omerta organization. So that is behind this decades long largest cover-up and gruesome Royal conspiracy in Dutch history. And therefore of course three children of the three different father rapists. Jan van Beek from Utrecht, Jan de Vries from Leeuwarden and Rieks Perdok from Roden.
See Medical Disciplinary Board Groningen
and The Decades-Long Horrific Medical Cover-Up!
She was also conditioned to repress and forget everything that had to do with her rapes. So she was made even more defenseless. Prof.dr. Onno van der Hart UU and prof.dr. Robert van den Bosch were both bribed with a lot of money to provide that conditioning by again Joris Demmink, the friend of Jan van Beek from 1972, who was given a high position within the Ministry of Justice and could thus beautifully sweep his own street clean and that of all others involved.
Joris Demmink turns out to be a rapist and MOL-X within Justice in my Hans Smedema Affair!
Silenced to death!
And all this hushed up by the cowardly Dutch journalists and media like De Telegraaf who would rather lick the ass of the criminal(!) involved King Willem Alexander, than do their duty and warn the people about the biggest cover-up and conspiracy in the Dutch history known to me. Completely unique in the Netherlands and also in America where I desperately asked for help via 3 asylum applications with a total of 15 months of completely innocent detention among thousands of other asylum seekers and immigrants!
In January 2014, the 2009 case was reopened in Florida due to errors made, and on March 15, 2017, I was finally granted asylum by Asylum Judge Rex J. Ford in his jurisdiction in the skies(!) over US soil!
Which was blocked by KLM Co-Pilot King WA by lying and/or committing fraud!
Still no news in the cowardly evil (indifferent to injustice) Netherlands!
No one from the Netherlands has previously applied for asylum in America 3 times against the horrible persecution by the Dutch State and specifically the Royal House! With a total of 15 (2009 7, 2013/4 2.5 and in 2016/17 5.5) months of innocent detention in America in the hope of legal help and 14 months of innocent detention in the corrupt cowardly Netherlands for so-called insulting serial rapist French teacher drs. Jaap J. Duijs who worked for Joris Demmink within the justice system, where I was forbidden any defense and all cowardly Dutch lawyers did not even dare to help me. Which made me (!) defenseless and I had to flee to Spain in exile in 2008 so that the Netherlands was forced to involve Spain in their cover-up and conspiracy. Which again leaves nice criminal traces that can later be used against the Netherlands.
See under among others article about his book by the himself criminally(!) involved royally distinguished prof. dr. Onno van der Hart who is also called here by me ‘Onno the Devil’ or ‘The Dutch Mengele’. Because I think even Mengele would have found this too devilish.
Loss of time is the most crucial symptom!
The main symptom is that such a person has a waste of time , which can only be determined by others. For example, she was raped several times by many construction workers of our Villa on the Sydwende in Drachten for hours an entire afternoon, but according to her herself she had only been there for half an hour and nothing had happened! But in my entire life there have been dozens of such cases about her that I have all described in my Ebooks! Of course, in her normal personality she knows nothing and can therefore never report herself, which the rapists such as Jaap Duijs and Rieks Perdok cleverly and cunningly took sexual advantage of.
For more about the symptoms, see the otherwise excellent book by my horrible enemy Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart, my article…
Trauma, Dissociation and Hypnosis!
Already 4 books in Dutch and 4 in English about her dual personality and my own repression!

For all, see 4 unique parts that are very educational for parents who struggle with a daughter who suddenly does strange things and cannot remember anything afterwards…
and my heavy open heavy accusations
I accuse Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart!
And see how cunning, unscrupulous and ruthless Onno the Devil psychologically tortured me to sign a document that is still unknown to me without the right to properly read it beforehand and which he now cowardly and corruptly denies…
Devil’s contract extorted by Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart!
Horrifying because of the scale and the fact that a rapist Joris Demmink from 1972 was able to infiltrate the Ministry of Justice as MOL-X and was given a high position and was thus able to dismiss everything that would point to him and other people involved such as Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart or Drs. Jaap J. Duijs as criminals. Demmink!
Of course, both accomplices concealed the fact that she was a defenseless woman in her dual personality!
Completely unique in the Netherlands and America!
After proper research, I am not aware of any other cases of a dual personality (DID) in the Netherlands, and certainly not as well described by the victim’s husband! There are only a few books about it worldwide, such as Eve, Sybil and some others on Netflix, but not as detailed by me chronologically described over almost my entire life! So most likely unique! Ebooks!
Also, asylum judge Rex J. Ford told me back in 2009 that my case had no less than 5 good grounds for asylum if there was more hard evidence of Kroon’s involvement. Yet this case is kept secret by the media from the still unsuspecting Dutch people. This blog is the only one about this case together with my Ebooks. 1.0 Ebooks Hans Smedema
Unbelievable 5 grounds for asylum according to Judge Rex. J. Ford Miami court Florida!
This case is almost guaranteed to be unique worldwide!
This case was also completely unique in America, because never before in the entire known history of America had someone like me had no fewer than 5 good reasons for asylum!
And on March 15, 2017, during deportation from Los Angeles to Amsterdam, this was also officially offered to me by asylum judge Rex J. Ford in his jurisdiction, still in the air (!) above America, which was criminally and corruptly blocked by KLM Co-Pilot King WA, whereby he broke his oath of allegiance to the Netherlands and specifically me as a citizen.
Civil Claim against Crown KLM and Rapists blocked again by Justice and refusing Lawyers!
And there are many more factors that make my case even more unique than just a double personality, which many people find too unbelievable and do not understand at all. Silly Joke Laven and Andre Gruters from Houten “I only see one person?” :
Tortured in the Villa of André Gruters and Joke Laven!
- The dual personality of my defenseless wife herself! Because in itself it is already life-threatening if you dare to say something like that to the backward Dutch psychiatrists, psychologists and doctors! Especially if everyone already agreed in 1972 for 20,000 guilders (civil contract via my corrupt brother Mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep) to remain silent and lie collectively. You are almost immediately threatened with the diagnosis of schizophrenic, or delusional! Which is what happened and because of which I could never help my own wife! I eventually fled the Netherlands in 2008 (!) and live in exile in El Albir, Costa Blanca where 2 assassination attempts were made on me and 300,000 euros were stolen twice. 6th attack on my life in Altea Spain 26-1-2019!
- the backward horrible omerta set up by family, parents, sisters, brothers, in-laws. No one is allowed to know about it Kafkaesque! They lied since 1972 that none of it was true, that she was never raped and that I was therefore crazy. How stupid can you be with a defenseless(!) mentally ill woman since 1972 and me as her husband also defenseless if I was also not allowed to know anything! So I was never allowed to protect her myself! A deliberately defenseless couple!
- Justice infiltrated by rapist Joris Demmink/MOL-X from 1972! He could obstruct everything with impunity and mislead everyone, also by falsifying my file at Justice with incorrect information. He sent my corrupt brother Mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep again and again in the wrong direction he wanted. He simply blocked every investigation that I or others requested. Even Ministers sometimes assumed that I was delusional or confused.
- Royal special decree by Juliana at the request of the family cunningly arranged by rapist Joris Demmink which the Ministry of Justice (himself) himself ordered to prevent any investigation or prosecution of her rapists or accomplices via a secret department within Justice itself. Presumably on medical grounds. Where MOL-X Joris Demmink cunningly took charge again through his great knowledge of all his own crimes! So the case became a State Secret and State Security because the Royal House must never be in danger. Joris was able to so cunningly organize that the Crown Unit was never in danger by manipulating and destroying all evidence!
- Reporting her rapists in 2000 and 2004 was forbidden to me by the Justice Department itself! The police themselves were also strictly not allowed to draw up an official report by letter from the Justice Department (Joris Demmink) via BIZA. So I/we are defenseless with our direct repression of any abuse, and rapists such as French teacher, rapist since 1972 Jaap Duijs from Drachten, are released and even made immune by Joris Demmink, just like the Royal House.
- All lawyers refused me legal help! Only Mr. A. Bram Moszkowicz did the part about defamation or insult against me by rapists and lying sisters, but refused the main case about the cover-up and conspiracy since 1972, which is crucial because of the extreme context and would have acquitted me! According to an in-depth FBI/CIA investigation in 2009 in America, I have every right to publish everything given the extreme unique circumstances. Results American FBI Investigation Hans Smedema Affair
- During sessions at the Leeuwarden District Court in 2009 and the Arnhem Court of Appeal in 2011/12, any defense, DNA testing, and any witnesses were prohibited ! I was usually without a lawyer or De Facto without an effective lawyer who left out the main case. Probably because everyone wrongly assumed that I was delusional, just as Joris Demmink had planned since 1972. It also seems as if I was placed under a secret TBS with my corrupt brother Johan (and Joris Demmink) as leader, who hated me.
- My wife was the sex slave of her master drs. Jaap Duijs from Drachten (rapist already from 1972), so he could order her to do anything. Like that I was the one who had incited her, and that she reported me that I was crazy and she never raped, the only one who still defended her! He also had her destroy all evidence such as photos, emails and steal the medical file I had retrieved before I could read it. Children obediently falsified their voluntarily offered DNA paternity tests together with in-laws, and knew a 69 sex photo of my defenseless wife with rapist Jaap Duijs. He worked closely with his fellow rapist MOL-X Joris Demmink within Justice and was part of the secret criminal organization of my brother Johan since 1977! He received 100,000 guilders already in 1977 for a free villa and monthly allowance with microphone in our meter cupboard and all email and telephone tapped. We were defenseless for 28 years without realizing it! And by the way, he abused many other girls and women from Drachten, via the free drugs of the Drachten Police on behalf of MOL-X at Justice. The police investigated but were NOT allowed to prosecute him because everything was dropped by or via Joris Demmink himself! State secret and state security! Unit Kroon must never be in danger!
- Bribing psychologist prof.dr. Onno van der Hart UU in 1975 or earlier 1972 to have me conditioned and indoctrinated every 5 to 6 years to immediately repress everything I saw of her abuse! Torture according to witness former detective Ad from Catral! The same thing happened to my wife by prof.dr. Robert van den Bosch UMCG. You are made even more defenseless and therefore even more traumas! Brainwashed and tortured at Police Officer Villa in Catral!
- Secretly giving an antipsychotic hidden as daily baby aspirin 100mg, by bribed or backward psychiatrist drs. Frank van Es GGZ/UMCG. That made me immediately incapacitated for work with 145,000/year since 2004 loss of income! Life-threatening when my wife and I once took three for a headache and she was unconscious for hours and I became a half zombie who was saved in Calpe by Policia Local. During my asylum application in 2009 in America, the baby aspirins and other medicines I brought were also used and there were also babies! Psychiatrists and doctors are life-threatening cowardly corrupt idiots! Out of touch with reality. I Accuse corrupt Psychiatrist drs. Frank D. van Es UMCG
- Brother Mr. Johan Smedema, MOL-X and both professors together misled Queen Juliana and Ministers/politicians so that a special secret department was established within the Ministry of Justice (led by MOL-X) to ensure that there would never be an investigation into this case and therefore never a prosecution of the many rapists who became immune as a result. We as both victims were just fair game and defenseless! State security was at stake so all civil servants were obliged to protect the royal family and not us as victims of horrific serious crimes. It is therefore forbidden in the Netherlands to help us. Even judges refuse any defense so they also ‘pleasantly’ participate in the Kafkaesque omerta.
- America that wanted to help me was also not allowed to do so by the Netherlands on the basis of a bilateral judicial contract between the Netherlands and America in which Unity Kroon was never to be endangered. So they could not just give me asylum in 2009 despite a lot of evidence via finally(!) professional investigations by asylum judge Rex J. Ford and FBI/CIA. Only in 2017 could President Obama personally intervene through his special pardon powers just before his departure and on March 15, 2017 I was finally offered asylum in the air with two fighter jets to attack the KLM plane, which was then corruptly blocked by the cowardly KLM Co-Pilot King WA. KLM Co-Pilot King Willem Alexander committed fraud and blocked the asylum offered to me against the Netherlands above American soil!
- My own severely traumatized and conditioned (mutilated) brain which made it very difficult to quickly get to the truth! Only after years did it begin to dawn on me how cunning and grotesque this perfect crime had been set up by everyone including Kroon! I have NEVER had any open help and almost only by young women but who did not dare to put anything in black and white to me. Later I did to asylum judge Rex J. Ford in America! So I was defenseless during court hearings for supposedly insulting (!) the rapists of my wife and I had to pay them damages of 7000 + 8000 = 15,000 euros in total, so far. Horrible and I was NOT allowed to file a complaint against them, but the criminals were allowed to file a complaint against me! Serious human rights violations and unequal treatment.
- 29 months of detention for the fact that I dared to openly ask for asylum in America three times with 2009 7 months detention, 2013/14 2.5 months and in 2016/17 5.5 months, or 15 months completely innocent as a victim in the Netherlands of the biggest cover-up and conspiracy in Dutch history. And then 1 month because of a so-called mistake by judges, and 13 months because no lawyer dared to give me legal assistance! So 15+14=29 months of completely innocent detention as an ethically very high level businessman and even a 13 year Rotary member. During detention my disability benefit Amersfoortse and pension were also withheld, a total of approximately 40,000 euros less income! And millions less income (145,000/year) due to secret (!) antipsychotic via the corrupt, innocent psychiatrist Dr. Frank van Es based on statements made by my own mentally ill wife. I Accuse corrupt Psychiatrist Dr. Frank D. van Es UMCG
- I have been living for years on a social minimum or seizure-free amount because I could no longer pay all taxes (without deduction for high extra costs of 300,000 euros, no proof). Now also in Spain. See Embargo and again (!) cancelled Spanish Bank Account
The hunt for defenseless citizen Hans Smedema!
So I was hounded by all these factors. That is why I also mention ‘persecution’ by the Netherlands. How do you defend yourself then?
Because of these factors that were all to my disadvantage, it was actually impossible for me to blow up this conspiracy and cover-up. Because even the justice system itself worked against me and in the beginning I did not know how everything fit together perfectly. In all the years after I slowly found out in 2000, I had to find out everything myself through trial and error. Horrible of the bribed professor Onno van der Hart in particular, who completely destroyed my life, together with drs. Frank van Es and drs. Jaap J. Duijs, the French teacher who became much richer because of me and could rape as much as he wanted without any chance of prosecution.
Watch the crucial Tortured in the Villa by André Gruters and Joke Laven!
See J’Accuse Psychiatrist drs. Frank D. van Es UMCG
Timeline all most crucial events!
I accuse my girlfriend/wife and her(!) children of horrific psychological abuse and serious fraud!
Omerta by Joris Demmink!
But then, in the biggest cover-up and conspiracy in Dutch history known to me, her family, sisters and my family deny everything, even though there were many photos of it and the Justice Department itself was involved through Joris Demmink, her rapist from 1972. I only found out about that around 2020!
Just like with the Mafia, Omerta was mutually agreed upon for which everyone received 20,000 guilders in 1973 and 500 guilders for attending a meeting to coordinate everything via a cunning civil contract and that they had to pay back with cumulative interest if they ever decided to tell the truth. So nobody ever does that. Very cunning of my brother Mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep.
See J’Accuse Joris Demmink as the secret criminal and Mole within Justice!
Drugging with Ketamine and later torturing!
For this she was heavily drugged with Ketamine, an anesthetic also called Roofie or party drug. But that became too expensive for them, he had already been fired because he had stolen too much from his boss, and this was according to his friend-rapist much easier! Just torture her with an old (no more points and therefore no pricks and blood visible) electric stick for pigs until she performed the sexual acts that she normally refused. The advantage according to rapist and room renter Jan van Beek from Utrecht was that the worse the trauma inflicted the more willing and obedient she would become. So a party for psychopaths and the backward police, doctors and Public Prosecution Service understand absolutely nothing about such a cunningly set up crime.
It is therefore ‘The Perfect Crime’.
After some coercion she moved into another extra personality also called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). And afterwards I don’t remember anything in her normal personality when I was there again or her daughter asked why she didn’t react and chased away the angry mister Rieks Perdok! Horrible all and my brother who must have seen that calmly kept everything hidden.
Horrific consequences with 6 pregnancies and 3 children from 3 rapists!
Because she could not defend herself due to the omerta of her and my backward family in combination with such conditioning and torture that she repressed everything afterwards, we had three children from three rapists! And three more abortions. I was already made infertile in 1972 by both rapists so that Jan van Beek himself could father a child with her later. Which also happened without us being allowed to know about it by the family doctor, the justice department and family. We lived on unsuspectingly and were therefore repeatedly victimized! If you know nothing, you cannot defend yourself against it. In fact, since I finally found out in 2000, I was the one being persecuted by family and the backward psychiatrists and other stupid doctors. And by the justice department and stupid biased judges who corruptly forbade me any right to defense.
My Ebooks are filled with the horrific events that could have easily been prevented.
So I stood powerless against almost the entire Netherlands while I bravely kept shouting that she was being raped and was defenseless in her dual personality.
I was therefore seen as crazy and by everyone including the lying insiders, especially her sisters and my brothers, called delusional. While I was the only one who told the truth and even made the correct diagnosis of DID and also pointed it out to psychiatrists at the end of 2000!
Does anyone else fancy some peas?
Hans Smedema B. Sc., surviving in forced exile in the beautiful El Albir , Costa Blanca, Spain.