How could serial rapist Joris Demmink manipulate Justice and the Crown since 1972, even become Secretary-General of the Ministry of Justice and thus deceive me and the entire Dutch state for 40 years?

This post is a Google computer translation of the much better Post:
Joris Demmink’s Perfect Crime of 40 years of misleading gruesome reality manipulation!
This Post is still under construction to record the cunning genius gruesome strategy of Joris Demmink as best as possible for Dutch history!
So only the most strategically crucial facts!
For a more complete overview of all the crucial events see…
Timeline all most crucial events!
For many gruesome actions of serial rapist Jaap the Vagina Hunter, see…
I accuse Jaap Duijs of being the Monster of Drachten!
and how all (semi) doctors corruptly cooperated in this…
The Decades-Long Horrific Medical Cover-Up!
Summary of his cunning genius strategy!

Rapist/Mole/traitor Joris Demmink simply used his powers as a Secret Service BVD employee in 1972 and later (slyly via Defense) to manipulate and mislead everyone! He went over dead bodies to do so! It was made possible because everyone blindly (?) trusted him (and therefore my falsified file) (mostly for money) and the few who did not were immediately attacked, murdered and assassinated, thwarted and intimidated after Queen Juliana made him immune at his own cunning misleading (!) request at the end of 1972.
In 2009 during my first asylum application against my horrific persecution, Judge Rex J. Ford of Miami Immigration Court stated that it was indeed a UNCAT case! And in May 2017 President Obama himself initiated an official State America vs. State Netherlands complaint! UNCAT or UNHRC Special Procedure! But Trump took America out of that organisation what will have stopped that case as I warned Judge Rex J. Ford in 2009! That is politics, keep it with the UNCAT system I warned him.And I was right as always in this case.
AIVD mission was not used to stop Joris! Outright fraud!
Here is the mission in brief:
For the safety of the Netherlands
We are the AIVD. We stand for the safety of the Netherlands. Ever since our foundation, shortly after the Second World War, we have protected democracy against national and international threats. So that we can live in freedom.
We do what is necessary to prevent states, organisations or individuals from obstructing, undermining or attacking our constitutional state. We watch over the Netherlands and its people, often invisibly, sometimes visibly. We do this from a rock-solid trust in democracy, a precious and vulnerable asset.
We want to be the best. We want to be trusted. We achieve our goal by excelling. With the best resources and with the best people, who share our values.
How do you prevent people from obstructing, undermining or attacking our constitutional state? Joris has done nothing else since 1972!
- Cousin Jack Rijkspolitie from Duiven who reported criminal acts against me around 1990 at my urgent request, was fired by Joris for so-called unlawful interference! Whereby I, as a crucial victim, was kept out of the game and out of the legal cases. Huh, reporting criminal acts against Hans Smedema is unlawful interference in criminal actions? Outright fraud because Hans should have had input in those legal cases that led to Jack’s dismissal. It was not for nothing that, via a heavy Cordon Sanitaire, Hans was denied all crucial information about that case, partly by his own corrupt wife on behalf of Jaap Duijs as an AIVD/Justice official.
- Backdoor neighbor Military Intelligence Service 1975 had to move due to unlawful interference after he discovered that Hans Smedema was drugged daily by his corrupt wife via rapists such as Joris Demmink! also lawsuits in which again Hans was denied all information via the heavy unlawful Cordon Sanitaire and Joris.
- Rotary friend and acting chief public prosecutor Mr. Ruud Rosingh was quickly transferred from Leeuwarden to Zwolle by Joris in 1991 when he first refused to stop the prosecution of two rapists of Hans’ defenseless wife with witnesses from the Justice Department because of so-called unlawful interference again!
- American friend Al Rust was innocently convicted in 1987, had to pay damages, sold his house for it after the Dutch Ministry of Justice (Joris Demmink) lied to America that there supposedly was no (!) file on Hans Smedema! But he won that case on appeal in 1997 with a copy of the Dutch Intelligence file of 30+ pages and received almost a million US$ in damages! In addition to rehabilitation. What integrity and mission AIVD?
- Hans Smedema had to apply for asylum in America three times, with a total of 15 months of detention/transition, and 14 months of innocent detention in the Netherlands, because the AIVD and Justice refused to simply tell the truth about the corrupt involvement of Justice and three generations of the Royal Family.
- CTIVD confirmed the cover-up and Omerta verbally on 29 April 2008, but Politics would decide! From 5 photos, Hans immediately pointed out Joris Demmink as the perpetrator from 1972 and later. Why wasn’t Joris stopped and prosecuted? Fraud! So MP Jan Peter Balkenende and Cabinet refused to act with integrity and let Hans Smedema and his defenseless wife continue to die in peace! What do you mean, integrity?
- And much more…
AIVD has been and continues to be seriously corrupt!
For more detailed information on fraud by AIVD, see:
The next post.
Joris Demmink abuses his BVD training!
Joris Demmink learns in 1972 during his Secret Service BVD training (via defense) the trade of drugging, raping and mind control via serial rapist Jan van Beek and manipulates with his special ID card Justice/BVD, police, family and justice by portraying victim Hans Smedema as the perpetrator. Joris deliberately tortured Hans’ girlfriend (much cheaper than expensive ketamine) into a sex slave with an extra easily callable personality who obediently carried out all their orders or with an electric prod for pigs just as forced as sex with a dog. When Hans warns the police, Joris cunningly uses his ID card and deceives the police that it is part of the BVD investigation! Then Hans is secretly made infertile after drugging with the anesthetic ketamine!
Joris has Hans’ brain mutilated!
Joris also has Hans, who was too dangerous (IQ135), regularly, every 5 to 6 years, mutilate his brain via bribed and threatened traumatologist Onno van der Hart so that he became defenseless via heavy illegal Electroshock and torture! The first time already at the end of 1972 during secret forced (!) sleep cure. See crucial Dutch detective witness of that torture in Catral, Spain and that he chased Onno and Jaap away with his service pistol because it was illegal torture: Brainwashed and torture at Police Officer Villa in Catral!
Joris deceives and manipulates Queen Juliana into a special decree and becomes immune!
He also manipulates Queen Juliana together with misled mutual family who believe false accusations girlfriend, but Hans of course not, at the end of 1972 to a special decree which secretly (!) forbade any prosecution from Justice and assistance to Hans from the Ministry of Justice itself! He himself was given the leadership of this special Omerta department within Justice and thus gained virtually unlimited power! Immune!
Joris places victim Hans under lifelong secret guardianship!
Hans is secretly(!) and unsuspectingly placed under guardianship of Justice and the Omerta organization of family of which his sly lying girlfriend was already secretly a member before(!) their de facto forced(!) marriage on 23-2-1973 in Leeuwarden! Everyone receives the enormous sum of 20,000 guilders at the end of 1972 to hide the horrific reality from Hans for decades. Gaslighting.
Joris drugs his superiors and eliminates everyone, if necessary by murder.
Joris drugs his superiors during evaluation interviews with a small amount of Ketamine which makes them mentally weak and obedient according to Jan van Beek! During the interview, the result was immediately given in black and white so that they could not come back to it later when the ketamine had worn off! Often arguments according to rapist Jan van Beek. In my case, everyone who could pose a danger was immediately sidelined and attacked so that they would run away like a dog! Joris went over dead bodies! 5 assassination attempts on Hans, and neighbor Cees van’t Hoog who was doing the investigation was immediately murdered in 1981. And many more over the decades. See… Military intelligence investigation blocked with forced relocation by Joris Demmink!
Corrupt Joris takes charge of Omerta Organization within the Ministry of Justice!
Supposedly to protect Hans’ girlfriend from even more trauma, Joris, because of his great knowledge of criminal acts, also gets to lead that Omerta organization against the too intelligent (IQ135) and therefore too dangerous Hans Smedema who had already warned the police in 1972. And Joris was thus able to keep himself and other criminals involved for decades, such as the rapist teacher Frans Jaap Duijs, who was appointed by him in 1977 as an official Justice official, who supposedly(!) had to guard us but in reality was destroying us, beautifully out of the firing line!
Joris turns rapist French teacher Jaap Duijs into our civil servant Justice guard with virtually unlimited power over Hans Smedema and his defenseless wife!
Jaap, as a French teacher, rapist and whoremonger, became in 1977 the leader of the largest ‘Cordon Sanitaire’ around the unsuspecting Hans Smedema via the Omerta organization in known Dutch history!
Through even daily micro-managing by Jaap, the still unsuspecting Hans was thwarted in everything! Passport swapped with that of wife, so that at Schiphol he was sent back after a crucial appointment with a human rights lawyer in Geneva! Crotch of pants sabotaged for a job application in America! Photo evidence destroyed! Toilet tap slyly glued shut by Jaap during a crucial Rotary party. Crucial documents intercepted. For decades! Horrific and the most serious cause of his repeated dismissal and broken-off, ruined career.
Rapes by Jaap as a French teacher of dozens of underage girls who blindly trust him as their teacher, were always (!) dismissed by/via Joris Demmink from Justice. Parents and girls were lied to and together with the Police were powerless against the coldly lying Jaap. There was NO control possible by protection involved manipulated Royal House!
Victim Hans is portrayed as crazy through the Omerta organization that manipulated and destroyed all evidence!
During legal cases (ECHR 2006, 2009, 2011/12 and 2016) Hans had no chance without legal help through the falsified and manipulated file that portrayed Hans as a confused lunatic, in combination with the gruesome Omerta organization that hid all information from Hans since 1972. His girlfriend/wife was already a member of the Omerta organization before (!) their marriage and therefore cheated on Hans for decades. Royal ‘Obstruction of justice’ since 1972 without anyone intervening!
Joris or Kroon offered 5 million in 2003 and 2004 to keep quiet!
Twice I get through my business friend Klaas Keestra and his fellow student Wageningen Minister Veerman the offer of 5 million to keep quiet about crucial matters in this horrible cover-up! So at high Kroon level people were indeed aware of this horrible cover-up and conspiracy! See…
Cabinet offers 5 million as a buyout!
Joris wants to have victim Hans forcibly admitted to a psychiatric institution!
In 2006, Joris even managed to use the Omerta Organization and manipulate evidence to almost (!) have Hans forcibly admitted to a psychiatric institution! Two more days! But by quickly filing a complaint with the Medical Disciplinary Board Groningen against all doctors involved, Hans was able to stop it just in time and only then received the secret documents against him! See… J’Accuse Psychiatrist BT(Bouke) Koopmans for forced admission of innocent defenseless victim! and Medical Disciplinary Board Groningen
Joris as Secretary General of Justice manipulates official ECHR research with false information that Hans would be crazy!
Around 2006 Hans filed a complaint with ECHR without legal assistance but it was rejected because after investigation by the Dutch Justice Department there appeared to be no file and Hans was apparently crazy! Horribly simple, while there was an official Omerta Organization with many members and witnesses! That Omerta organization should have protected me in a fair constitutional state! See…
Proof of cover-up and conspiracy! Joris deceives unsuspecting Guusje ter Horst Minister BIZA! My CTIVD complaint.
Joris manipulates all evidence in such a way that even Minister BIZA Guusje ter Horst after archive research (!) can find NOTHING about this gruesome Hans Smedema Affair! According to special decree Queen Juliana end of 1972 or so. See evidence via Inspection request AIVD…
and my complaint to CTIVD The Hague.
CTIVD Investigation Hans Smedema Affair!
Apparently the complainant was confused according to unsuspecting Guusje ter Horst, so Joris had slyly made all the evidence disappear as ordered by apparently backward Queen Juliana at the end of 1972 who forbade any investigation and even gave serial rapist/mole/traitor Joris herself the order to take care of it! How stupid and out of touch are these royal idiots?

CTIVD confirmed cover-up and conspiracy against Hans, but stated ‘Joris is actually helping you!’
How stupid can these people be? That help was in reality serial rapist Jaap Duijs to destroy me for decades. There were already many complaints against Justice and Jaap the Vagina Hunter, so CTIVD could and should have prosecuted Joris, but didn’t it do that to protect the Royal House? Advice to Politics to stop the cover-up April/May 2008, but Politics decides, they told Hans during an official oral hearing in The Hague.
So after the above letter, Guusje did indeed receive written evidence of the CTIVD’s cover-up and a request to stop it, and therefore that Hans was NOT a confused mind.
And that request to finally stop the cover-up and must have decided together with JanPeter Balkenende and Queen Beatrix to continue the horrible cover-up! Hans was too dangerous and was therefore allowed to continue to die! Just like his defenseless sex slave wife who now received no treatment. And I therefore not even compensation!
Although there was an offer 2x Cabinet Offer 5 million as a buyout!
Those crucial letters are missing from the 41 pages provided by AIVD. On the contrary, CTIVD states corruptly(!) that there is no evidence of mistakes by AIVD! While by not solving the case quickly, the Royal House is now in serious trouble! So AIVD and CTIVD should have intervened and stopped the horrible cover-up.
AIVD Report with finally released information!
Joris’ Omerta organization launched the largest ‘Cordon Sanitaire’ in Dutch history and so cunningly banned:
- Hans filing a report
- Police themselves draw up crucial official report
- and even banned any research
- even the Public Prosecution Service had a ban on investigation and prosecution from the Justice Department
- through micro-managing, still unsuspecting Hans was almost daily thwarted by Jaap and his own brainwashed wife who obediently followed all of Jaap’s orders. This is the worst cause of all the misery inflicted on Hans.
- Total Advocacy is not allowed to assist Hans in the main Omerta case!
- Any other assistance to Hans, such as victim support, was prohibited!
- Doctors were not allowed to tell Hans the horrible truth
- medical file was partly hidden from Omerta
- evidence was immediately falsified or destroyed
- When Hans made appointments for his research after 2000, they were visited beforehand and had to remain silent, or the appointment was slyly and secretly cancelled to both(!) parties because the other party supposedly(!) did not want to attend anymore!
- Manuscript Book was forged and manipulated by bribery (3000 euros) and adding 3 texts that Hans supposedly had signed something! Proven in 2009 by warned FBI/CIA. Every dangerous action was immediately blocked by Justice and Secret Service and still in Spain!
- Hans was kept under light anesthesia daily using the drug Ketamine and thus made completely wrong decisions in his career for decades!
- His wife was also kept stupid and docile by Joris appointed Justice officer in 1977, a Justice ID card holder, serial rapist French teacher Jaap Duijs, a regular customer since 1972. Who in reality had to destroy Hans’ life by belittling, smearing, obstructing, misleading Hans’ environment, and much more. See Psychopath French teacher secretly appointed and protected by corrupt Secretary-General Justice Joris Demmink, as a secret Justice Officer destroyed the lives of victims for decades!
- The woman also dutifully destroys all photos that could provide evidence and regularly secretly gave her husband Hans a drug so that Onno van der Hart could once again mutilate Hans’s recovering brain via Electros-shock before he could become too dangerous.
- Only in 2000 after stopping vitamin pills (ketamine) Hans slowly discovers the horrible truth, but due to the Omerta and gaslighting of the entire family, doctors and justice he thought until December 2003 that he had suddenly gone crazy. Which weakened him terribly and led to complete incapacity for work in January 2004. ECHR, CTIVD and Justice itself receive manipulated false (!) data about Hans Smedema and his wife which makes Hans hopeless and thus unsuspectingly loses all provoked lawsuits by rapists and accomplices against him for defamation as so-called (!) that crazy person! Horribly evil.
- In 2003 and again in 2004 Hans is offered to keep everything secret for 5 million! See Offer Cabinet 5 million as buyout!
- Post for Hans was intercepted by Jaap after showing Justice ID card and when Postman warns Hans, Post is fired or moved via the listening microphone. Horrible cordon sanitaire!
- In 2008 Hans therefore flees into exile to Spain and in 2009 he requests asylum in America/Miami against the horrific persecution since 1972 by Justice itself (Joris Demmink) and the Dutch State/Crown specifically the Royal House. Later twice more. Which was the only last option that Joris could do little about, but did try in Canada as well as in Mexico and Spain. Heavy investigation FBI/CIA proved that Hans was telling the truth and the Netherlands was lying! Results American FBI Investigation Hans Smedema Affair
- In Jan 2014, asylum application from 2009 is reopened due to errors and on March 15, 2017 Hans is finally offered that asylum in the air above Montana, but it is corruptly cunningly blocked by KLM Co-Pilot King WA to cowardly protect himself(!) from negative publicity. KLM Co-Pilot King Willem Alexander committed fraud and blocked the asylum offered to me against the Netherlands above American soil!
Horrific lifelong Royally protected ‘Cordon Sanitaire’ around the dangerously intelligent Hans Smedema!
Joris Demmink received training for an operational position at the Dutch BVD in 1972, which was always done slyly via the Ministry of Defence. Then no one knew about it. So he had a Justice ID card that he could beautifully abuse to manipulate the police and others out of the game. At the end of 1972 he was rejected for this and received an even better higher staff position also at the BVD (later AIVD) where he could slyly block any investigation into his own (and that of serial rapist Jan van Beek) criminal acts against my girlfriend and me. What do you mean control? What do you mean transparent actions? He maintained close contacts with the porn industry and sold the rape videos made of my girlfriend (also with a dog) via contacts with Prague, which he then sold on to America. A corrupt NOS (?) video crew made perfect recordings.
Most likely Joris Demmink used his secret service ID card to manipulate the police away when they found us drugged and naked in bed!
Joris Demmink continues to slyly put me out of action for the rest of my life through the criminal actions below. That is still the case in 2023. All my attempts are blocked. Despite my many, many warnings with names of dozens of perpetrators and many witnesses.
Apparently without any effective control Joris Demmink could manipulate and deceive everyone around him. Shows how bad the internal control since 1972 at Justice and Secret Service BVD (later AIVD) has been for decades and still is! And how easily those idiots let themselves be manipulated.
Please see my warnings to the CTIVD Intelligence and Security Services Oversight Committee and how they, together with the AIVD, deliberately blocked every investigation, whether or not forced by Politics and Prime Minister Jan-Peter Balkenende and later Mark Rutte!
CTIVD Investigation Hans Smedema Affair!
With certainty due to the involvement of three generations of the Royal House and the cunning ingenious abuse (by rapist MOL Joris Demmink) of the fact that so-called (!) the Unity of the Crown, so King and Council of Ministers, should not be endangered by the leaking of the largest Kafkaesque and even Orwellian cover-up and conspiracy against an unsuspecting and defenseless (!) couple! The largest ‘gaslighting’ or reality manipulation known to me in Dutch history. Probably even far beyond and therefore internationally. See…
Probably even far beyond since in America after a well(!) direct(!) proper investigation by CIA/FBI in 2009 during my first asylum application against the horrific persecution by the Netherlands, Asylum Judge Rex J. Ford and DOJ (Ministry of Justice) found no less than 5 good grounds for my asylum, which had never happened before in the entire known American history. They even asked old retired ‘prosecutors’, but no one had experienced more than two. See…
Unbelievable 5 grounds for asylum according to Judge Rex. J. Ford Miami court Florida!
For more info about the summary below see my posts…
Joris Demmink turns out to be a rapist and MOL-X within Justice in my Hans Smedema Affair!
1972 – Joris Demmink works for the secret service via Defense
Joris comes into contact with rapist and landlord Jan van Beek, St. Jacobstraat 83, Utrecht and is secretly allowed to abuse my ketamine-drugged girlfriend Wiesje Jansma, who rented a room there against my advice and warnings, without my knowledge. Joris himself is involved in torturing my girlfriend into a defenseless sex slave with a so-called easily accessible extra emotional personality and making rape videos! These were sold via Prague, mainly to America. Jan van Beek also forces her to give him her salary and confiscates all earnings from sex. She even had to hand over her 10,000 guilders of silver fleet that she had saved for years to him without her parents finding out first. Wiesje told me nothing at all and neither did her parents and two sisters!!! The brainwashing was that bad! So I live on unsuspectingly and could not protect her until she warned me one time.
They both also see the opportunity to brainwash me and make me defenseless. I obeyed orders from Jan van Beek to, for example, leave unsuspectingly at 11 o’clock because she had to sleep, but secretly because that was when the first customers arrived, 3 to sometimes 5 in one evening, as he proudly stated later in 1977 during confession. She was brainwashed to think that she had sex with me because she was more passionate then and Jan received compliments from the customers. That is how I was also slyly falsely accused by her later, which is still the case. See Dutch Crown continues to horribly deceive my ex-wife and the whole of the Netherlands!
1972 – Joris Demmink learns the trade of Mind Control with ketamine from rapist Jan van Beek!
By abusing ketamine via Jan van Beek which has a heavy hypnotic effect and how to torture mostly young beautiful girls to sex slaves with a (here worn out so no visible wounds anymore) electric stick for pigs. Which made my girlfriend a defenseless sex slave who couldn’t even warn me anymore!
1972 – At the end of that year he protects his criminal rapist friend Jan van Beek and with that himself by manipulating the family who finally discovered the abuse in such a way that they see me as her still completely unsuspecting ignorant friend as an accomplice. My girlfriend was also brainwashed to assume that I was behind it and approved of her sex with men. My girlfriend also became a member of the Omerta Organization led by my corrupt brother Johan Smedema from Gennep who hated me. So I was also deceived by her to marry her so unsuspectingly. While I had already broken up with her earlier because of her lying, cheating and sex with everyone.
1972 – Joris Demmink forces Onno van der Hart to secretly(!) mutilate my brain regularly using electroshock.
During a forced and drugged sleep cure with ketamine at the end of 1972, I secretly receive a treatment via Elektroshock to repress all the abuse of my girlfriend. Almost certainly Onno van der Hart who was offered a million to ensure that I marry her after all. And I would immediately repress all sex from her, so I was made completely defenseless. Despite the fact that I had already broken up with her earlier because of her lies and deceit and sex with everyone who asked for it. I married a defenseless slut and whore on 23-2-1973, unsuspecting and brainwashed.
1972/3 Royal secret(?) decree or ruling by Queen Juliana prohibiting prosecution!
End of 1972 – Joris Demmink manipulates family and especially my hating brother Johan Smedema to use a special Royal regulation not to prosecute the perpetrators, but to prohibit any investigation! Supposedly to prevent even more trauma for my girlfriend, but in reality to make himself and Jan van Beek immune. So we were made fair game and defenseless because this happened secretly, while the two perpetrators Jan van Beek and Joris Demmink themselves became immune to any prosecution. Moreover, the case became State Security and State Secrets because the Royal House must never receive negative publicity in order to maintain the ‘Unity of the Crown’.
1972/3 – As a rapist, Joris is given leadership of the Omerta Organization within the Justice Department and the secret service!
Joris sees a sly opportunity to appoint himself as leader through his great knowledge of the case (logical as a perpetrator)! He thereby obtained virtually unlimited power through state secrecy and state security (therefore immune) through the involvement of the Royal House. So he directed my brother as leader of the family part of the Omerta Organization. My own girlfriend was already a member of the Omerta Organization at the end of 1972 and before our marriage on 23-2-1973 where two civil servants of Justice secretly had to sign the marriage certificate and were also members of the Omerta organization who therefore manipulated my reality. And thus made me defenseless and stupid. So I knew absolutely nothing about that! I would have immediately requested asylum in America at the end of 1972 or the beginning of 1973.
1973 – Joris Demmink takes on leadership position of secret service
He was rejected for an operational function at the end of 1972, but according to Jan van Beek, he was given a much better and more influential leading position at the secret service via the Ministry of Defence as of 1 January 1973, due to his extensive knowledge of Mind Control and sexual abuse. There was apparently no effective control.
1975 – First assassination attempt on my life by Joris Demmink and again Electroshock by Onno van der Hart
On January 29, 1975, almost immediately after the birth of her daughter Ilse, who turned out not to be mine, Joris Demmink tried to have me murdered. That I was infertile and the child was not mine was kept hidden from us.
1975 – My next door neighbor is forced to move out when he finds out that I was being drugged with ketamine by my own wife and was behaving so stupidly!
Joris was regularly together with original rapist Jan van Beek in our house Zudendorpweg 3a, ‘t Harde and saw a neighbor behind who almost certainly worked for the Military Intelligence Service. Heard that he tried to help me and had the pills that my own wife had to give me every day examined. Because I was strangely stupid which was a result of the Ketamine which was an anesthetic. So I was drugged by my own wife, which she thought was quite normal on the orders of Jan van Beek from Utrecht, her pimp. Joris was able to block that beautifully from his staff position at Defense, in reality secret service BVD, and when the neighbor refused and started asking questions he was forced to move and therefore sell his house at a loss!
Cunning, cunning, cunning and obstruction of justice by rapist-traitor Joris Demmink.
See Military Intelligence Investigation Blocked with Forced Relocation by Joris Demmink!
1977 – Joris makes rapist Jaap Duijs our guard in Drachten!
Joris could now manipulate everyone and knew psychopath teacher French from Drachten where we were going to live, Jaap Duijs. He was a regular customer of my girlfriend from 1972 and wife since 23-2-1973 in ‘t Harde. So psychopath Jaap was manipulated as a high-ranking man and even BVD believed everything Joris told them! In 2008 during official hearings at CTIVD in The Hague I chose Joris Demmink from 5 photos and they told me that Joris was actually helping us! How stupid can you be? See…
1991 – Joris blocks investigation by Rotary friend Ruud Rosingh, acting head of the Public Prosecution Service in Leeuwarden, into the rape of my wife by 2 men with witnesses!
He appealed to the backward decree of Juliana, arranged by himself(!), which slyly prohibited any investigation and thus forced the initially correct refusal of Ruud to move to Zwolle so that he would no longer be a danger to himself and other criminals involved! In The Hague, Ruud saw a letter from a Smedema that was unknown to me and that was apparently crucial! And supposedly from me! Sly, sly, sly…
2006 – Forced admission to a psychiatric institution for Hans!
In April 2006, Joris almost has victim Hans committed to a psychiatric institution by the lying Omerta Organization! Only 2 more days! Hans forces crucial information just in time via the Medical Disciplinary College Groningen. See…
I accuse Psychiatrist BT(Bouke) Koopmans of forced admission of innocent defenseless victim!
2007 – Joris has Manuscript Book cunningly forged by Hans with 3 extra texts!
Joris cunningly lets two men of Justice (?!) after bribing with 3000 euros manipulate the manuscript by secretly adding three crucial legal points! In 2009 FBI/CIA prove this fact! Supposedly Hans Smedema had signed something! But that is invalid according to UNCAT rules!
Article 15 UNCAT
Each State Party shall ensure that any statement which is established to have been made as a result of torture shall not be invoked as evidence in any proceedings, except against a person accused of torture as evidence that the statement was made.
2017 – The Omerta Organization set up by Joris sends retired/AIVD Sjon to Los Angeles to help protect KLM Co-Pilot King WA!
I was deported on my own request on March 15, 2017 after an offer of an expedited asylum case in San Diego (almost certainly an offer of asylum in California!), and only 24 hours before departure my name Hans Smedema was made known. All the alarm bells went off at AIVD/Justice of course. Sjon had to fly to LA immediately and was informed about my very special secret case on the way. He had to sit next to me to Amsterdam Schiphol and interrogate me! He knew a lot!!! Too much for coincidence.
Justice and AIVD still have the incorrect data produced by Joris in their systems. In this way they mislead the whole of the Netherlands and therefore also judges and all victim care providers.
More later…
ing. Hans Smedema, living in exile in the beautiful El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain