Last Updated 21/12/2024 published 02/11/2024 by Hans Smedema
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Tortured in the Villa of André Gruters and Joke Laven!

For some time now I have known that I too have been drugged, then tortured and conditioned, or programmed and brainwashed (just like in the famous Jason Bourne movies), early 2011 in the Villa of the horrible con-artist couple André Gruters and Joke Laven in Murla, Spain, and with a Villa in Houten, the Netherlands. But there is no specific article about it yet, so here it is.
“Give credit where credit is due” as I say
Please also see what was proven by the FBI and CIA in 2009 in my case on behalf of my asylum judge Rex J. Ford of Miami Immigration Court! So what I had already partly told André de Rat and Joke de Onnozele. But it was far beyond their very limited intelligence (and the large amount of money they received), because my mentally ill wife, conditioned and tortured into a sex slave, had told them that nothing of my gruesome story was true. All nonsense. Despite the fact that I mention many witnesses, but an investigation in the Netherlands is prohibited by the cunningly manipulated by traitor rapist Joris Demmink, apparently backward Royal House. How stupid are you if you take away all my normal rights without involving me and hearing me? And to this day you have cunningly left it that way? ‘Wir haben es nicht gewusst?’
Results of US FBI Investigation into Hans Smedema Affair
What they found was so bad that they could use no less than 5 good(!) legal grounds for my asylum as soon as there was more evidence of involvement of three generations of the Royal House. If I had not come from the Netherlands I would have been granted asylum in America long ago, Rex J. Ford told me. This could only happen in a monarchy where the King is placed above the law!
and for answers to all frequently asked questions…
FAQ Frequently asked questions!
I accuse my girlfriend/wife and her(!) children of horrific psychological abuse and serious fraud!
Children falsified their own voluntary DNA test!
Ministry of Justice WOO request Hans Smedema Affair!
Serious Fraud by Dutch Secret Service AIVD against Hans Smedema since 1972!
Rats disguised as humans!
I now call the corrupt, deadly dangerous bunch of criminals the ‘rat couple’ and also ‘rats disguised as humans’! And there was a whole ‘swarm’ in Jalon who all ‘pleasantly’ participate in the hunt for the defenseless victim Hans Smedema. Just like with Anne Frank back then.
Comparable to kicking a victim who is still Kafkaesque (with all information remembered) and yet is already defenseless (secretly drugged daily and severely traumatized) on the ground.
For the entire ‘swarm’ of Dutch people, see also
and for their brazen theft of the 300,000 euros intended for me:
Fraud in Jalon chronologically with all involved
They were secretly paid by my corrupt brother Mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep!
They worked together with my corrupt brother Mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep who took care of all contacts (with traitor rapist Joris Demmink) with the secret royal (Juliana) slyly arranged department within the Ministry of Justice. There was again the original friend justice official Joris Demmink of the first rapist of my girlfriend and later wife, landlord and room renter the recently divorced Jan van Beek. So they got paid for all the information about me that they pass on.
That must have been tens of thousands. Previous traitors alone received 20,000 in one go and a monthly allowance, or per attendance at Omerta meetings about how do we deceive Hans Smedema! Witness is Ans Schuh van Kesteren from Alphen a/d Rijn who was involved since 1971 and has a lot of knowledge and was a member of the secret Omerta Org. since the end of 1972, with my corrupt brother Mr. Johan Smedema secretly as leader. I knew nothing about it until after 2000.
Rapist and whoremonger from 1972 became in 1977 planned(!) neighbor Jaap Duijs via my brother and rapist/traitor within Justice Joris Demmink with a 100,000 gift(!) and also monthly allowance(mortgage) for ‘de facto’ a free villa to listen to us with a microphone in our meter cupboard, and access to all telephone conversations and emails, and free via Police Drachten(!) provided with a daily amount of drug ketamine to keep us doglike and obedient. I was under semi-anaesthesia for years! Which explains my stupid decisions. Also professionally a microphone in my office as director IHN Leeuwarden. See…
I Accuse Jaap Duijs the Monster of Drachten
And later around 2000 Jaap the Vagina Hunter had me drugged in that Villa and also conditioned and tortured by again (since 1972) Prof. dr, Onno van der Hart, the complete study of Italian University Groningen plus all travel expenses and dinners reimbursed (tens of thousands) by Justice and / or KCOM the secret Criminal Omerta Organization led by my brother mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep (later corrupt brother-in-law Tjitte de Jong) together with the mole-x (Joris Demmink) the horrible friend of landlord and rapist Jan van Beek from Utrecht. That it was not just conditioning that I knew nothing about (!) but torture, witness former detective Ad from Catral already told me in 2008! See crucial details …
Brainwashed and tortured at Police Officer Villa in Catral!
Unbelievable. Here is the latest info that it was indeed Joris Demmink who tortured my girlfriend into a sex slave with an old worn-out (no more points, so no more visible wounds that would catch my eye or that of her family) electric rod for pigs. Which I even saw there and held in my hand, behind the stove without understanding what it was for! If they had warned me in advance about her mental illness instead of the horrible Omerta, I could have intervened then, because she immediately started to undress and said “You too!” So she knew the thing it was used on her! She was a defenseless victim which still did not get through to me!
See my detailed Ebooks. Fighting the Unknown Ebooks
Joris Demmink turns out to be a rapist and MOL-X within Justice in my Hans Smedema Affair!
Dutch Injustice: When Child Traffickers & Rapist Rule A Nation
He, Justice official Joris Demmink as MOL-X, was offered a staff position within Justice or AIVD as a rapist and the mentally mutilating of my wife to a sex slave with an extra emotional personality, also officially called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) . After he was rejected for an operational position at the BVD (later the AIVD) in 1972, according to Jan van Beek. There he could always sweep his own street (and that of serial rapist Jaap Duijs and my brother Mr. Johan Smedema) clean as soon as it threatened to be in danger.
Drachten Police (Haye Bruinsma) already told me that they could never prosecute Jaap the Vagina Hunter because the case was always immediately dismissed by Justice (so Joris!)! Many more complaints were filed against Jaap Duijs. The fact that within Drachten Police the girlfriend of Jaap Duijs, the corrupt Sylvia te Wierik (via Joris) who even warned him about a Drachten Police house search and later manager, always secretly and corruptly helped him, will have helped a lot.
Because of his great knowledge of crimes (logical as a rapist and user and specialist of ketamine at the time) he was quickly promoted. And he used ketamine again and hypnosis or mind control to get higher what Jan van Beek had taught him through his experiments (! Mengele) with my girlfriend. Cunning, cunning, cunning!
In America during my first asylum application with 7 months of innocent defenseless detention they thought at Department of Justice/FBI/CIA that it had to be Joris Demmink who was the MOL traitor! See also my post about Demmink and the video about him, unfortunately without my much more gruesome case yet…
See also my post about that…
Dutch Injustice: When Child Traffickers & Rapist Rule A Nation
Coincidence or not, but I heard from Jan van Beek that the rape videos were sold via Prague! Top porn criminal ‘Bik’ was involved. Coincidentally(?) exactly where Demmink often was.

Lured to their Villa for a so-called dinner!
The rats disguised as humans lured me to that Villa with the excuse of a dinner. I didn’t want that and to a restaurant, but they kept insisting strangely! That I was also given an antipsychotic via GP Ward Waardenburg and the Farmacia in Parcent through their statements and help, I didn’t know then either. So you are a defenseless half zombie who would normally never deal with this kind of low-level people without any education and as stupid as oil. My normal IQ of 135 dropped to 90-100 I estimate, so you are defenseless against the biggest cover-up and conspiracy in Dutch history and especially prof. dr. Onno van der Hart who, as a top specialist in trauma, dissociation and hypnosis, secretly and like a thief in the night tortured me to change my personality and reactions! Since 1975 or earlier.
So mentally mutilating victims into another behavior desired by him (Onno!)
The Dutch Mengele! Even worse than Mengele because he would have found even that too horrible. It had been happening since 1975 or earlier end of 1972 every 5 or 6 years to put me out of action so I could not report it.
André was an alcoholic who slyly hid it and let others pay for his dozens of beers. Which I fortunately refused quickly, but he kept trying to train others to become alcoholics. Here is a picture of the corrupt couple right after the theft of my 300,000 euros which took place a few months after my mental mutilation through torture in early 2011, end of 2011.

And here is their driveway with their Jaguar, bought for 300,000 euros, just after the theft (end of 2011/beginning of 2012) of my 300,000 euro, and that of his helper Hans Stigter before that, ditto. My Renault Vel Satis from 2002 had to be scrapped early 2013 due to lack of money and I was forced to leave Spain in order not to abandon my mentally ill wife! Which I should not have done in retrospect, because I was immediately deceived by her again and secretly provided with the antipsychotic with the help of backward doctors. A woman who always lies is believed and the top ethically thinking and acting husband Hans Smedema is not. Unbelievable how stupid people are. See especially this post about how this could all happen…
See The Decades-Long Horrific Medical Cover-Up!

The same thing was done to me by my corrupt religious brother-in-law church rat Tjitte de Jong from Norg/Oudega already at the end of 1972! But then without the corrupt Onno the Devil. See my recent post
Church rat brother-in-law Tjitte de Jong drugged me in his houseboat!
The torture by Onno the Devil and Jaap Duijs
I was lured to their Villa where there was still an ancient Renault Laguna, bought in 2010 for 750 euros, for a so-called (!) dinner. But during that dinner André already received phone calls from someone asking how to drive to find their Villa. That apparently turned out to be too difficult! They, Onno the Devil and serial rapist and justice employee French teacher rapist drs. Jaap Duijs were not there yet! So I was kept talking by the corrupt criminal couple. I thought it was strange, but I thought that about a lot of things by now and so it became ‘normal’ for me.
As an explanation they lied that a few friends would be staying in the apartment below them! A little later we hear that something falls over downstairs. André goes to look, I was not allowed to come along, and they could not find the light switches because it was much too dark. ‘Why didn’t you leave a light on then?’ says Joke reproachfully. I should have taken all that as a danger! But the antipsychotic and the conditioning by Onno the Devil made that impossible. So I remained sitting quietly, unsuspecting, naive and stupid, while the trap closed around me! Here the same table and on the right that open kitchen of theirs. I was sitting in the place in the middle and André was sitting just like now to the right of it now with his glass in the air. Joke just like here on the left. I was again unsuspectingly and naively invited to their Christmas dinner. But this was a year later.

Then I see Joke chatting with André in the open kitchen and Joke then tries to slyly distract me to my right. So I do look and I see André on the left in their open kitchen making movements as if he is grinding something in a cup. Afterwards the pills with Ketamine (or equivalent) to drug me so that I became defenseless and also could not remember anything later because ketamine causes memory loss. It is an anesthetic. It is also called the party drug to drug unsuspecting girls and rape them ‘nicely’. Onno van der Hart or Jaap Duijs had given it to him of course because I first had to be made unconscious and my memory stopped which is what ketamine does. Afterwards you don’t remember anything just like after an operation under anesthesia.
But of course I don’t expect something so horrible to happen, because I’m sitting in Spain, unsuspecting and safe, I thought naively. I also got the antipsychotic secretly hidden in the official boxes of daily baby aspirin 100 mg and that made me half a zombie. So at that crucial moment I was already defenseless in advance against so much horrible malice by André the Rat, Joke the Silly, Onno the Devil and Jaap the Vagina Hunter (Duijs) whose name I’m not allowed to mention here! And in fact my entire environment of so-called friends and family including children from whom you would not expect that.
Children falsified their own voluntary DNA test!
The conditioning in Benidorm on May 20, 2010, so months before that I had still repressed in accordance with the conditioning at that time by Onno de Duivel and also Jaap Duijs who I had seen in Benidorm just before it happened. During that torture session a ‘Policia Local’ was present on the orders of Justicia Madrid! American FBI has thoroughly investigated that with written statements.
Results of US FBI Investigation into Hans Smedema Affair
So they couldn’t really torture me that badly back then. So now quickly again apparently via the Mengele couple.
See Brainwashing and Torture May 20, 2010 Benidorm chronologically!
I am given a glass of water for the wine we had, which for me was almost nothing I had said, and suddenly I become very tired.
Then the horror of the situation dawns on me! André and Joke have drugged me for Onno who is waiting downstairs, to be conditioned by Electroshock!!! I get angry again and say it too “you drugged me… scoundrels!”
And I still want to run to the door outside, or break something or knock Andre’s false teeth out of his mouth with a bottle so that it will come out later, but Andre has me by my left arm and it is already too late I know. No more strength in my muscles! This has happened to me before. You only have seconds left and completely forget what happened because of that drug Ketamine or similar that causes memory loss up to 10 minutes beforehand! Walking to my car or breaking a window and escaping like that is no longer possible!
I still curse my stupid naivety and while I already found it so strange and did not trust them ! Who trusts an alcoholic? But by a godsend (which I have a lot of) I had to poop and that saved me by remembering it later ! See below.
They want me to lie down on their couch so that I could be tortured by Onno the Devil (the Dutch Mengele) and serial rapist Jaap Duijs, but instead I sit down in the loose chair to the right of it. And fall asleep immediately, so a high dose of the anesthetic ketamine. At least I don’t remember anything until I wake up when they call me and see them just entering the door. Apparently Onno the Devil had given me an antidote and they had most likely waved goodbye to their luxurious cash-paid (no traceable traces) luxury Hotel probably in Calpe. Where Jaap Duijs had asked me about earlier in Drachten! If I knew a good Hotel for friends who were going to Calpe! Sly, sly, sly. Strangely enough Andre wants me to go to that Hotel around lunchtime the next morning and I see two men fleeing there immediately! Why did he do that? They were Onno the Devil and Jaap the Vagina Hunter themselves! If I had expected it I could have made a video and had proof of their presence. Now only Andre and Joke are the crucial witnesses who can testify to that in writing!
Their nice chair under my poop!
But at the end of their dinner to have me mentally mutilated for a lot of Judas money (tens of thousands?) I actually had to go to the toilet, but I thought I could hold that until I was back home. I wanted to leave because it was an unpleasant and forced dinner. But when someone drugs you, you become weak and relax all your muscles, including those of your anus! That is why you have to be sober and not have eaten 24 hours before anesthesia and surgery.
So what happened I found out a week or so later when I was unsuspectingly invited by the swarm of corrupt Dutch people and specifically scammers André and Joke to demonstrate their power over me as their ‘house dog’ to everyone. Everyone laughed, such a great thing to do to an unsuspecting, defenseless, drugged and traumatized victim. Almost certainly I was conditioned and tortured in such a way, just like with Jaap Duijs, that I followed all their orders (alcoholic André) like a dog, doglike! For that you have to be given a small amount of ketamine (or equivalent) every day.
André did that sometimes too, which made me suddenly feel very sleepy in a bar or during dinner and it looked like I was drunk. Which was exactly what they wanted to achieve. I had to be denigrated as much as possible, which André then showed as the winner. He thought he was great of course. He got free power and money, who wouldn’t want that? That’s how they would have betrayed Anne Frank.
When I enter André wants me to sit on that chair to the right of their couch! But it turns out to be completely covered in brown stains! So everyone was already informed in advance about my conditioning apparently and about my poop on their chair. What they found bad, my torture not apparently despite the fact that I lived there in exile as a refugee and they knew a lot about what had been done to me.
So I say innocently, not knowing anything about the torture anymore and falling asleep, ‘what happened to that? It looks like poop!’
“Yes, someone has pooped all over him,” says Joke the Silly angrily , “he could have gone to the toilet a bit earlier, couldn’t he?”
and I answer innocently and naively without suspecting anything anymore…
‘Yes, I think so too, you don’t wait too long with that. Unless you go home anyway, but he or she should have done that sooner. You have to ask for compensation! Everyone is insured for that through WA!’
She then remains silent…, and asks are you insured for that? Which I found strange and say…
‘What do you mean I…, that has nothing to do with me? You should ask that person with that shit!’
At that moment everyone laughs, who of course had been happily informed about my poop and conditioning.
‘No, that’s not possible because André had given him something!’ says Hans Bauerlein who had already warned me about the criminal André and Joke and the package with 300,000 euros in Casa Aleluya! He had apparently had enough of the criminal lying and cheating con artists.
For that, see my post Scam in Jalon chronologically with all those involved
‘What did you give him then André’ I ask him still innocent, naive and stupid, still not making a combination with what was done to me there in their Villa by Onno the Devil and Jaap the Vagina Hunter. My secret antipsychotic and all the traumas and regular conditioning to repress all emotional matters, took care of that. Only much later does your brain process that, that is why every 5 or 6 years again drugging and conditioning by Onno the Devil, the Dutch Mengele.
But everyone laughs strangely and starts another conversation, I feel left out again as luckily always happens, and I grab another loose chair and sit down on it! If I want to know more I shouldn’t leave, but stay!
In English they say: Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer!
Now that I’m thinking about everything in 2020 for the last part 5 ‘J’Accuse of my book ‘Fighting the Unknown!’ I must have pooped under that chair myself. And even more fun Joke and/or André, or Onno and Jaap must have washed my ass and replaced my underwear and pants in their Villa! Because when I drove away hours later and came home everything was clean! However, I remember that my belt was on the wrong way, which I didn’t understand. Apparently they had picked up different pants and underwear from my Villa and brought them back later. What I still remember that Joke once put on my bed. While I still didn’t understand anything because of the torture and the heavy antipsychotic that later turned out to be Risperdal according to a letter from Frank van Es to the Medical Disciplinary College Groningen. See about that…
I accuse corrupt Psychiatrist drs. Frank D. van Es UMCG
I could not yet comprehend that I had been tortured there by them because I naively thought I would be reasonably safe in Spain. Just right for the corrupt Judas bastards, those shits of mine! And then afterwards they blamed me, the unsuspecting, defenseless victim drugged by them, for not having gone to the toilet earlier! There were more Dutch people like Hans Bauerlein who were all witnesses and therefore already knew about this! So they thought it was fine to drug me and have me conditioned and tortured so that I would show different behavior! So not finishing my book part 3 for example and not doing any further in-depth research into this biggest cover-up and conspiracy in Dutch history. By the way, all questions about my case came from the rat couple themselves! They were hired by the Omerta Organization to check me for a lot of Judas money. I myself enjoyed Spain and did almost nothing about my research.
So everything like criminals on the sly and underhanded at night, so they knew that they were carrying out a pre-planned criminal(!) action for a lot of Judas money.
It was already very late and they corruptly claim that I had fallen asleep and that they had supposedly just gone for a walk. Never associate with low-level people! He who handles pitch will be smeared with it!
But when I drive home I am strangely insecure and dizzy and have to drive strangely slowly to not cause an accident, which makes sense after being conditioned and tortured for hours(!) after heavy drugging according to former detective Ad in Catral in 2008! It was not conditioning but torture according to him and he chased them away with his service pistol which he had shown me earlier! See Brainwashed and tortured at Police Officer Villa in Catral!
Also it was very late when I arrived in Jalon and I must have slept (conditioned) for a very long time and certainly longer than an hour of so-called walking. Of course I don’t remember anything of what happened, just like with anesthesia, because ketamine is an anesthetic. Your long memory is switched off and you don’t remember anything afterwards. That’s why it is also called the party drug Rohypnol to rape young unsuspecting girls.
Earlier Jaap tells me to the Sydwende that he had driven to Spain with a professional (so Onno) in 2008 and that everything had been paid for in cash on the way, because flying left traces! In 2009 asylum judge Rex Ford could indeed find no evidence of that car trip to Spain in 2008 during my first asylum application! He did find evidence of many other things and more than enough to be able to prosecute Jaap Duijs, he stated!
For that, see J’Accuse Jaap Duijs the Monster of Drachten!
More often drugged by André the Rat with ketamine!
I suspect that I have also been conditioned to respond to the voice of André de Rat and to follow his orders. That was certainly the case with Jaap Duijs and with my defenseless wife. For that you need a regular daily light dose of ketamine which makes you docile. And indeed I sometimes suddenly became very sleepy and once heard Joke say to her André ‘you gave him way too much!’ But of course André didn’t have any problem with that. He was the big guy who made me look drunk like a zombie and he was my boss. Once I couldn’t even find my car and stood for hours like a zombie by the roadside in Jalon until the anaesthetic Ketamine had worn off and I could think reasonably normally again. Extremely dangerous, but André didn’t care of course. Judas pennies!
That mostly happened in Bar 23 in Jalon, where by the way the owner had already warned me once about André for a substance in my beer and even sent me away just before I got his beer with ketamine. Kudos to her integrity. And it proves that almost everyone was aware of the fact that I apparently often had to be drugged and even conditioned. How is that possible? What idiots just let that happen without intervening? And without me knowing about it!

My girlfriend in 1972 got daily pills (to be taken in the evening) for white teeth and when I didn’t trust that, free vitamin pills! We also bought them in Drachten, but when they ran out and I got new ones myself, they were supposedly(!) the wrong ones! So my wife as his slave got those vitamin pills directly from Jaap who got them from the Drachten police via his girlfriend Sylvia in Wierik, and they were not normal vitamin pills, but their drug ketamine or an equivalent drug to make us submissive and obedient. A daily light amount is necessary for that and that explains the fact that my life went so docilely. Why I accepted so much docilely (dogishly) for decades! Here is another photo of myself from 1972 in her room in the horror flat of Jan van Beek and where Joris Demmink was also a lot.

So I even got two drugs, ketamine narcotic as vitamin pills and since 2003 the hidden Risperdal! So even before the antipsychotic of the corrupt psychiatrist drs. Frank van Es in September 2003, I was already lightly drugged and controlled in Drachten since 1978 by serial rapist neighbor Jaap Duijs member Omerta Org, just like my defenseless wife. See also J’Accuse Psychiatrist drs. Frank D. van Es UMCG
For an overview of all apparently backward or criminal doctors involved, see
The Decades-Long Horrific Medical Cover-Up!
And about how all this could happen my article…
or specifically Children falsified their own voluntary DNA test!
Antipsychotic was the worst cause of all!
If I had not been secretly given that ketamine and later that antipsychotic, this would most likely never have happened. Because then I would have had my normal IQ of 135 and even EQ of 145 at my disposal and would therefore have been able to fight back much better. At least if I had not been given that small amount of ketamine every day! So I was doubly drugged with both ketamine and Risperdal. Both make you half a zombie. I would also have gotten better and better, which had been happening naturally since 2000. Hence the necessary conditioning by Onno de Duivel every 5 to 6 years to prevent that danger for him and other people involved!
Joke the Silly also tries to give me free(!) vitamin pills (ketamine)!
I also remember that Joke later offered me vitamin pills (ketamine!) that they had received for free (!) she said. Of course via Jaap and Onno and for free via corrupt Sylvia te Wierik Police Drachten.
They just gave it to me as their good friend. The backward paid Judases! But at that moment I was apparently quite clear and told her that the rapists had drugged my girlfriend like that in 1972! And she quickly put the plastic bottle away whereupon I asked her ‘just give it to me so I can have it checked by the police and I have proof of the drugging! Who gave it to you? But she quickly took it away, but André often put a pill or two in my drinks later in a bar or during dinner, which made me seem drunk. But in reality too much ketamine party drug. I stood outside for hours heavily drugged by André and Joke and tried to open the wrong car! It was only towards morning that it had worn off enough that I could get home and did not understand how I had gotten so drunk. Although the owner of Bar 23 had secretly warned me earlier! But I was already too far gone with my traumas and the drugs (ketamine and Risperdal) that I was secretly given. And my electroshock torture by Onno van der Hart every 5 years or sometimes in an emergency like this in Spain.
There were several ‘friends from Jalon’ present in their Villa! And that’s why André had to give me as much of that drug as possible in a beer and he just gave a little extra which caused a half narcosis! The swarm of corrupt Dutch people knew about it! Horrible!
For a complete overview, see Timeline all most crucial events!
Owners of Mussel House in Calpe testify!
What has not yet been mentioned anywhere is the fact that in June 2013 the owner with contacts in Leeuwarden had collected information about my girlfriend, later wife, and told this loudly and jokingly to me, my wife and the entire swarm of Dutch people involved via André and Joke.
Apparently to prevent me from going back to Drachten with Wiesje! They wanted me to stay in Spain! The Rat Couple even wanted me to rent a house near them so they could look after me! It was pathetic, the idiots.
But the owners couple from that time June 2013 had crucial information about the lying and cheating of my wife and her sex with everyone who wanted, like my father, the painter (her childhood friend who she hid from me) and much more horrible. Wies apparently recognized it and walked away humiliated. So did I without fully understanding it yet, which only really dawned on me later.
Saw their Mussel House in Calpe in July 2022, but it may have been bought by others?
Crucial witnesses who can prove I’m right.
Witnesses(!) Cambuur football players from Leeuwarden abused my wife!
Also important witnesses are the footballers and coaches of Football Club Cambuur from Leeuwarden who were all allowed to use my mentally ill defenseless wife. I was even unsuspectingly offered money and was allowed to go to Alicante for free where they were going to train while on the plane my own defenseless wife was secretly abused by several footballers! At first I didn’t realize that my wife was also on that special Transavia flight to Alicante! Long story that I still have to publish in a post. I don’t remember which year that was, but I went to Spain in 2008 so either in that year or later but before 2013, so 2012 at the latest. I’ll find out. But also as director of IHN Leeuwarden my wife was already the whore of Cambuur when I was unsuspectingly offered money. IHN was a sponsor and had 2 places where I saw my wife do strange things, such as going to the toilet several times where she apparently had sex with men who asked for it! See my Ebooks. I immediately repressed everything with drugs, electroshock, traumas and much more.
But that’s a lot of crucial witnesses who know my wife as a whore! Which is crucial information, just like owners Mosselhuis Calpe in 2013.
My wife gets paid for sex with André, while Joke watches!

When I am in Drachten in 2013/14 we still go to the corrupt couple unsuspectingly and Wies secretly gets money, which she later lies that she borrowed from her son Jorrit. But Joke states that I don’t have sex with Wiesje anymore?, No, not since 2003. Just after Wies and Andre had to go to the toilet! So I want to go and see what they are up to, but the owner won’t let me in! It’s about this bar above but not with Hans and Marjan Stigter, so later or earlier? It’s about thousands of euros, so someone (who?) must have given Andre and Joke money for my wife! Guaranteed the Salvation Army idiots who Andre already said something about and my brother-in-law Tjitte de Jong who wanted me to talk to the Salvation Army when I started asking questions! Later I meet a couple in Restaurant Bohemia who were most likely from the Salvation Army and who were slyly trying to interrogate me! One called herself Rita! The man refused to tell me his name and I cursed them! They were secretly warned by owner Alina and Gabi of Bohemia about money(!) I think those idiots are very capable of doing something so stupid! Giving money to an alcoholic who then abuses my defenseless wife for sex! I could have done that much better. I have always taken care of her financially. I never got a cent, but all the criminals around me tens of thousands!
Grotesque consequences!
The consequences of more and more lying, cheating, conditioning or torturing and no action by the Dutch Cabinet or Royal House to stop this quickly, are of course also getting worse! A child can predict that, right?
See in particular my letter to Prof. Dr. Nils Melzer about this case at UNCAT…
And my post about the corrupt Dutch King WA…
Does anyone else fancy some peas?
The above and this entire blog are my written statement in self-defense about what happened to me and what was done to me by corrupt Dutch people!
Greetings from the beautiful warm, sensual El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain!
ing. Hans Smedema, in forced political exile by the apparently corrupt Royal House and the Crown, and swarms of Dutch people!