Evidence, evidence and lots of witnesses!
See especially…
Children falsified their own voluntary DNA test!
Rape photos in secret compartment of special office!
Results of American Investigation into Hans Smedema Affair
I accuse my girlfriend/wife and her(!) children of horrific psychological abuse and serious fraud!
And crucially, it now appears that it was indeed Joris Demmink who was involved in our torture as early as 1972 and who, through his high positions in the Justice Department, was able to repeatedly block my investigation and that of others!
Joris Demmink turns out to be a rapist and MOL-X within Justice in my Hans Smedema Affair!

Also crucial is that former detective Ad in Catral had to drug me for money and then condition me. But it was not conditioning, but torture he determined as a crucial witness!!!
See my post…
Brainwashed and tortured at Police Officer Villa in Catral!
Owners from 2013 Mussel House Calpe, Costa Blanca, Spain
This happened weeks before my departure back to the Netherlands around June 1, 2013 in the presence of my wife! He knew that my wife had sex with my father and was a whore who had sex with her childhood boyfriend since she was 14 and slept with her almost every night with the permission of her retarded parents. Kept everything hidden from me, she was supposedly still a virgin. So he (from May 2013) has crucial information and evidence.
Judge offered me an expedited(!) asylum case which would most likely be positive!
The Judge in San Diego just before making up the document below even offered me an expedited asylum case when he found out from FBI/CIA all evidence about my horrifying case! Which means I could have had asylum there in beautiful California in weeks!
But I promised Miami Judge Rex J. Ford a carte blanche and so decided to try my luck in Germany. Stupid in hindsight! In San Diego I would have had my asylum probably in weeks! 4 to 6 weeks. But I promised and always keep my word.
The following has become a somewhat confusing whole of points that have been added to time and again following my slowly evolving insight since 2000.
- The last heavy evidence is the fact that King WA in the air above America as KLM Co-Pilot corruptly blocked the asylum offered to me by Rex J. Ford and/or DOJ! See KLM Co-Pilot King Willem Alexander committed fraud and blocked the asylum offered to me against the Netherlands above American soil!
- The strongest evidence is that President Obama filed this case of serious human rights violations with UNCAT or equivalent against the Netherlands just before leaving in January 2017. America against the Netherlands! Suddenly serious secret investigations! What transparency? Can take a maximum of 2 years if the Netherlands cowardly obstructs and so a report should be available around May 2019.
- Most crucial evidence is the fact that in 2009 during in-depth investigation Miami Florida Asylum application according to judge Rex. J. Ford it was indeed found that our three children were NOT mine! My DNA was taken and they also had the data of our three children. So the previous DNA test from 2003 was falsified which I had already mentioned and tried to report! In 2014 daughter Ilse acknowledged verbally (not in writing!) that the three children together with in-laws Snieders had swapped the Swabs with those of the same (!) family Snieders! See post .
- Second is the brainwashing in Benidorm and earlier failed in La Nucia La Rambla where the Belgian owner warned me about Onno van der Hart and his medical instruments! And about another man who never left his room and two motorcyclists. That turned out to be Drs. Jaap J. Duijs who I had seen a day or so earlier in Benidorm! Later examined by a Belgian investigating judge and spoke to me! Also confirmed by bartender John from Heartbreak. Just in time warned by girls together with photographer Policia Local was NOT allowed by Madrid to intervene to protect me! See post Brainwashing in Benidorm
- Also strong is the fact that on behalf of Minister Veerman and the Balkenende Cabinet, business associate ir. Klaas Keestra, Vice President of the NOM Groningen with high-level contacts, offered me 5 million euros in Groningen on August 12, 2004 as a buyout with confidentiality restrictions!
- It is now also known that Drs. Jaap J. Duijs, the whoremonger from 1972 in Utrecht and serial rapist from Drachten, was already deliberately given the opportunity in 1977 to buy the piece of land Sydwende 97 diagonally opposite our piece of land just BEFORE us, while we were previously stopped until he had bought it. As an informant, he received 100,000 guilders from the Ministry of Justice and a monthly allowance of 1,000 guilders for a free Villa diagonally opposite us, to listen to us with a microphone in our meter cupboard and to drug us regularly so that his/their mind control over me and my wife would continue. He abused and raped my wife almost weekly! Witnesses were the Mayor, land affairs manager and land affairs employee who, of all people, warned us about Jaap the Vagina Hunter!
- Crucial witness Cousin Rob Smedema neurologist Martini Hospital Groningen who believed my retarded mother and not me! He was the second opinion for the corrupt neurologist in Leeuwarden and therefore knows his name and that they secretly planned to change my top level (IQ 135) personality through Electroshock and torture based on false statements from my tortured girlfriend at the end of 1972! Brother-in-law Tjitte de Jong also ‘pleasantly’ cooperated in this. See The decades-long gruesome medical cover-up! and Kerkrat brother-in-law Tjitte de Jong drugged me in his houseboat!
- Note that in front of Hans Smedema, several perpetrators and accomplices have already confessed and acknowledged the gruesome story, each for their part. Of course, they do not want to get themselves into trouble in writing and so they remain silent.
- The amount of details, witnesses, perpetrators and verifiable facts is so great that never before in history and crime has been documented in such detail and consistently. That in itself rules out ‘delusions’ because no one can make this up.
- All rapists and therefore fathers of our three children are known and have confirmed this verbally. Jan van Beek from Utrecht, Jan de Vries from Leeuwarden, Rieks Perdok from Roden and Jaap Duijs from Drachten aborted fetus. They now deny in writing, except Jan de Vries, but Justice and Public Prosecution Service are not interested in finding the truth given the unscrupulous cover-up (false appeal state security) attitude of Queen Beatrix! Omerta!
It is very strange that all witnesses are silent as the grave. Unless you lure them into a trap and then some know things that confirm it.
How do you get people of integrity to the point that they are prepared to lie, although it is actually silence, about crimes? Presumably by telling them that I – Hans Smedema – am a bastard who will just point out his wife’s past? Then they are told that my wife voluntarily allowed herself to be abused and voluntarily had children with rapists? I cannot understand it. My wife wants to know if it is true! That is also recorded in writing, but is of course ignored by the judiciary.
Or one is not allowed to do so on behalf of the judiciary, which could be consistent with the fact that my unscrupulous brother Johan has a special collaboration and conspiracy with them according to crown witness and heroine Elise B. from Uden, at the time employed by Johan Smedema and part-time at the judiciary as an official charged with the cover-up! That is perhaps why lawyers are not allowed to do anything either? But they are independent, and can therefore calmly tell me the truth. Right?
Understand that all warnings in the past were lost because of our immediate repression of it. And there have been many. If we had not both had immediate repression, this could never have happened. A few weeks of therapy could have easily solved this for me at least.
That repression did not come from illness/trauma as I first wrongly assumed, but from the horrific secret illegal conditioning and torture of me mostly like a thief in the night by prof.dr. Onno van der Hart since 1975! Who denied that and refused me any help! See extensive post
I accuse Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart!
Crucial verifiable detailed facts with 51 police files (!) are listed in the Page 1.2 Crimes chronologically
Complete overview of the most crucial facts are given in my English (translation possible) article
Timeline of only the most crucial events!
And for how it could be strategically a somewhat shorter English summary in
Conspiracy against Hans Smedema explained!
For full info Royal Criminal Organization follow this link: Dutch Royal Criminal Organization against victim Hans Smedema and his defenseless wife!
- The most important written evidence so far is the fact that I have an unknown scar of 7 cm exactly between my legs. Which I now know appeared around 1972 when I was often in my girlfriend’s room. I now know that Jan van Beek and his friend secretly drugged me there and made me furiously infertile. Jan van Beek also confirmed this to me. Surgeon Hermsen called it a poorly stitched scar and surgeon Van Looyen suddenly a skin fold, although it was clearly a scar. That is already suspicious. Then I have it burned away by dermatologist De Groot, who has a police photographer take a picture that I was NOT allowed to see! Strange, isn’t it? And why should a skin fold be burned away from front to back? And why does a police photographer have to take a picture of a skin fold? Strange, isn’t it?
- Also evidence is the fact that according to my flashbacks an assassination attempt took place on me in Motel Bunnik near Zeist with the drug Ketamine in a high lethal dosage! And then it turns out that my old doctor’s card from that time of general practitioner Hogen Esch indeed states that I came from Zeist with anxiety and palpitations, he thought it was hyperventilation, and even visited a cardiologist at the emergency room at the Boerhave Hospital in Harderwijk! ECG made! Symptoms such as palpitations and anxiety correspond exactly with a high dosage of Ketamine! The mention of course excludes delusions! See doctor’s card!
- Also proof that Hans is right is that according to Hans her sister Klazien had aborted a fetus in 1976 because she did not want her sister to have a child with a rapist again! Apparently she did NOT think it was necessary to just confess the truth and therefore seek therapy! Klazien denies that and my wife thinks it was a normal miscarriage, but on the above doctor’s card it says under the heading 16-5-1977 that an abortion took place on December 5, 1976! So GP Hogen Esch aborted the fetus together with Klazien! Without warning us! Then we could have had our own children! The unscrupulous scoundrels!
- Crucial but unfortunately only verbal is the fact that all three rapists and fathers of our three children, Jan van Beek from Utrecht, Jan de Vries from Leeuwarden and Rieks P. from Roden, have confessed to me their sex with my defenseless wife and the fact that those children are most likely theirs. This can be determined with a very simple DNA test! First that the three children are not mine and therefore the previous own test in 2003 was indeed falsified!
- Prime Minister JanPeter Balkenende states that he ‘hopes that the parties will work it out together!’, but cowardly and Kafkaesquely does not indicate who those parties are! So he does not deny the conspiracy! Likewise, Chief Public Prosecutor Leeuwarden states that my wife is indeed a ‘victim’! So he does not deny it either!
- Justice has or has had the photos of the many rapes/abuse from 1972 taken by Jan van Beek in Utrecht. Hans thinks he knows where those photos are still, but Police/AIVD would destroy them immediately on the grounds of false appeal of state security due to involvement of unscrupulous Queen Beatrix!
- And then to Urologist Smorenburg who determines that I have an interruption in both vas deferens, which is not from a sterilization! The place is unusual and he is very sure of his case verbally. But suddenly he does not want to continue with determining and proving the secret sterilization. Strange, isn’t it? For ethical reasons he says, but is very nervous!
- Then during an MRI scan, radiologist Frank Kempers who was supposed to do this especially for me, is suddenly called away! And the report shows nothing is seen!
- A urologist in Spain does an investigation and determines that in each facade one testicle is abnormally hidden! So MRI scan falsified! Statistically it is impossible, that all these things happen by chance after delusions on my part.
- Furthermore, it is evident from the many conversations and is more or less confirmed by her sister Klazien J. from Steenwijk who told me that she had been to lawyers for a long time and was advised to remain silent! So out of fear of the consequences of their criminal and malicious actions!
- Researchers also state that this incredible story is so well and consistently worded, with so many verifiable facts, that something like this could never have been made up by a psychotic.
- Psychologist Joseph James in Miami Florida confirms that the unbelievable story is indeed possible and that Hans Smedema is healthy!
- Psychiatrists Bruggeman and Luttikhuizen UMCG confirm that the story is unbelievable, but certainly possible! Extensive tests in 2003 at UMCG Psychiatry confirmed that I was healthy and therefore not schizoid or delusional! That 3-page report by psychiatrist Luttikhuizen was subsequently deleted everywhere! Also from my computer and email! And with psychiatrist Oostveen the same, which he confirmed to the Groningen Disciplinary Board!
- Judge Rex Ford confirms that he finds the unbelievable story credible, that indeed the three children are NOT mine (after DNA research), but only if the government is behind it, he can grant asylum! Much was investigated by the FBI and CIA and everything that was investigated was confirmed in America!
- A simple DNA test can of course also prove it, but it must be requested by a judge or UN Human Rights, so that it cannot be falsified by the Dutch state with the signature of the backward, ignorant Queen Juliana who unscrupulously made this cover-up possible!
- In 2014 her daughter Ilse confessed that the three children had falsified the voluntary DNA tests by swapping the swabs with those of her in-laws Snieders with no less than three doctors! But they cowardly and corruptly do not want to confirm this in black and white!
mr. Ruud Rosingh perfect witness! Mr. Ruud Rosingh on January 12, 1991 Chief Public Prosecutor in Leeuwarden declared to Hans Smedema that he had to stop the already started investigation on the orders of the College of Attorneys General in The Hague in response to a letter from a Smedema! But I have NOTHING to do with Justice! Who was that letter from then? Verifiable fact!
- The names of the three fathers/rapists are all known and easy to check. Jan van Beek from Utrecht, Jan de Vries from Leeuwarden, Rieks P. from Roden and Jaap Duijs from Drachten with an aborted fetus. Which is categorically refused! Cover-up! The unscrupulous scoundrels!
- The Royal House, with their special law or decree, is the best witness in this case!
- Ir. Klaas Keestra Vice President NOM who speaks with Hans Smedema on Thursday 12 August 2004 and reports to Minister Veerman at 16:00 in a restaurant in Groningen. The next day, Friday 13 August, he reports again in the Council of Ministers chaired by MP JanPeter Balkenende, and then consults with Queen Beatrix in their weekly (underhand) Monday afternoon talk of 16 August 2004. Where Queen Beatrix maliciously and unscrupulously decides to make her already inviolable name more important than the ruined lives of the unsuspecting victims Hans & Wies Smedema. The Public Prosecution Service of Leeuwarden and the police of Frieslang/Drachten are ordered NOT to investigate the complaint filed by Hans Smedema on 26 April 2004 with the police of Drachten against dozens of rapists and accomplices. This detailed report with a compliment from detective Haye Bruinsma was already forwarded to the public prosecutor Mrs. Duinhoven and strangely enough had to wait 5 months (!) for ministerial approval! Rejected as ‘untrustworthy’ in September 2004! While the police in Utrecht, Zwolle, Leeuwarden and Drachten are aware of more than 50 files since 1972! Hundreds of witnesses!
- Other proof is the fact that I, Hans Smedema, am not allowed to file a complaint and there is no investigation against the rapists, while discriminatingly those same rapists and even father son and another offspring, are allowed to file a complaint against me for insult, slander and libel! Legal inequality and violation of human rights! During the hearing of police judge Mr. Jeroen van Bruggen, Leeuwarden court, any defense is corruptly prohibited in accordance with the cover-up affair. So judges here are involved in the cover-up affair and NOT independent! Another serious violation of human rights. I even offered 10,000 euros for a dead simple DNA test that could have immediately proven that rapist Rieks Perdok from Roden (complainant) had lied in his complaint and is the father of the youngest son! But according to him he never had sex with my defenseless sick wife with serious dissociation.
- Also during the appeal of the Arnhem Court of Appeal no defense was allowed, despite Mr. A. (Bram) Moszkowicz and his right hand Mr. Arnoud Comans as lawyers! So again evidence of serious human rights violations and civil/criminal law! See the left column for all the gruesome unlawful details of the criminal case. This is strong evidence of the cover-up! See the verdict of the Arnhem Court of Appeal and the many Posts about it that year! Verdict of the Arnhem Court of Appeal
- Also of course proof is the fact that Moszkowicz lets this (no defense) happen without publicly rebelling against it! So he was forced (FIOD sent after him/tax problems and such) to cooperate in the cover-up, otherwise it cannot be explained! He will wait for the right moment to come into the public eye with this case, the crime of the century or Dutch Queengate? Because he is no longer a lawyer, he is no longer bound by the oath of allegiance to our cowardly Royal House? Other lawyers are obliged to cooperate?
- Later evidence is the fact that they tried twice to help me by giving me 300,000 in cash together with documents that provided evidence about this case. See last posts summer 2014. André Gruters and Joke Laven stole those 300,000, in which justice was involved and did NOT prosecute or warn me/us! Justice helps criminals in this case to protect the cowardly Royal House from negative publicity. Several excellent witnesses, but filing a report is prohibited again. Corruption not allowed since 2000.
These facts prove with a chance of 1 in 100,000,000 that the undersigned is right and therefore that this is the crime of the century. See also the Post ‘Proof!’ and Pages 4.0 Research and evidence.
Many witnesses here, some of them are part of the ‘Royal Criminal Organization Mengele (KCOM)’
So any of the people below can confirm my point within a second, but they eagerly refrain from doing so! More later:
- Crown witness Elise B. former employee of brother Johan Smedema from Gennep and also part-time employee of the Ministry of Justice with the assignment to destroy or manipulate all evidence of the cover-up and rapes. In 1999 she warns me and hands in her resignation! Children are not mine, and my unscrupulous brother Mr. Johan Smedema is deceiving me together with the justice department! Secret service/BVD involved. Heroine! Should get a medal! But falls under official secrecy. So incitement to crimes by my unscrupulous brother Johan from Gennep together with ‘KCOM’ at the justice department! A pure criminal organization that works on behalf of ‘The Crown’ and now specifically Queen Beatrix. She finds her name more important than rapes and children thereof. An unscrupulous scoundrel who must be immediately deposed and expelled from the country.
- Crown witness Mr. Ruud Rosingh, acting chief public prosecutor in Leeuwarden in 1991 and Rotary friend of Hans Smedema at Rotary Leeuwarden-Zuid. He hears directly from witnesses about the multiple rape of Hans Smedema’s wife and immediately and correctly starts an investigation! He is immediately called to the College of Attorneys General in The Hague and has to stop the investigation on the basis of a letter from Mr. Johan Smedema! After all, the name of the Queen is much more important to her than the suffering and rape of victims!
- Landlord Jan van Beek from Utrecht with his unscrupulous friend who now probably holds a high position within the justice system. A traitor and criminal within the justice system who maintains contacts with the porn industry. That is why the police are sometimes never allowed to investigate anything in that direction!
- My wife’s colleagues at Rabobank training courses from 1972, such as her boss Ben van Tol.
- Colleague Yvonne Stuivenberg who referred my wife to that ‘horror’ room. Then just married to Jan van Beek the unscrupulous perpetrator.
- Utrecht police, who turned a blind eye and were also allowed to have some girls…, corrupt according to Jan van Beek.
- Tiny Timmermans-Grobben old colleague woman from 1972. Also became innocent victim of Jan van Beek and his porn gang when she accompanied my wife at her request. Now deny together with her husband Arie Timmermans.
- Brothers Johan (Judas and leader to justice!), Marinus and Ruud. All members of ‘Group Mengele’. Denying vehemently and ice cold on 1-2 2004 in Epe. Even trying to drug me with hypnotic agent, which fails. I change the glass.
- Sisters-in-law Klazien from Steenwijk and Betty from Wijk bij Duurstede. Deny it vehemently and icily. Member of ‘Group Mengele’.
- Mutual parents, now deceased. Denied, but probably know very little. Deception. Bought dozens of photos by Jan van Beek.
- Old (study) friends Roland (warned lightly and initially refused to participate in the conspiracy for years!) and Tea Wester, Paul and Ans (warned in 1972 but later participated in the conspiracy anyway) Schuh. Deny.
- Neighbors ‘t Harde like Anneke van ‘t Hoog who heard the fights at the door and warned me! husband left an hour later and my poor wife knew nothing!
- Henk and W. Kamsma, our friends from ‘t Harde deny it, but his brother is head of the morals police in Zwolle and knows much more. They must have known about the ‘robbery’ on us where a rape movie was made, after drugging. Police were alerted and have hunted the perpetrators.
- Zeist police after assassination attempt and heavy drugging in 1975, article in Telegraaf!
- Employees of GGZ ZWolle from 1975 who witnessed the fact that psychiatrist Onno van der Hart from Amersfoort was temporarily placed with them and therefore had the power to deceive and drug me/us and have a document signed. An employee wanted to go to the police with me to report the drugging and deception. Together with others they filed a complaint against this ‘camp doctor Mengele’ (Onno van der Hart). That is verifiable!
- Poor neighbor Cees van ‘t Hoog after some own research via Tijl, murdered in 1980. Also two attacks on myself! Three times in total! His family is partly aware of this, in addition to people at the old Tijl.
- Police ‘t Harde/Zwolle due to robbery (rape movie made) on us for which they were warned and probably general by the Utrecht police.
- Neighbors Keizerskroon 72? from 1977 in Leeuwarden who heard arguments at the door again and recognized Hans van der Heide who left an hour later! My poor wife knew nothing later! She immediately repressed it again.
- Hans van der Heide himself as a gruesome rapist and old friend of brother Ruud.
- Staff Hans van der Heide, as a staff outing (!) to my poor ignorant wife in ‘t Harde! Ring, the bell, who could that be… and that’s all the poor guy knew.
- Two employees of Hans van der Heide (H. (Rieks) P. and Jan de Vries) as rapists and fathers of her two sons.
- Some neighbors Drachten who know limited things. Keep quiet.
- Jaap Duijs from Drachten, years of abuse of my defenseless wife and who fathered a fetus with her in 1980 on a boat. His wife Wimke knows that I am right, but keeps quiet. Both deny it, they have never been on that boat. Photos of it, especially the photo that his wife Wimke took of my daughter alone with armbands on deck, are of course suddenly gone! Get rid of the evidence quickly!
- My old lawyers Wim Winkel and Gerrit Ham both collaborated in the cover-up. Now deny it in writing.
- The three judges of procedure 337/87 Leeuwarden mr. Holz, Van der Meer and Van der Vinne. Not yet able to reach. Are kept out of sight by vice president court. And must remain silent by the government, thus hiding crimes.
- The entire staff of Systems Engineering from Heerenveen from 1987. Not yet asked.
- The unsurpassed secretary Stella van Arkel at Euro-Routing from 1977-1985. My poor five-year-old daughter called her several times about ‘angry man’ (! my poor wife tried to defend herself a bit against rapist Rieks P.). Frits Hoekstra, author of BVD book, knows their whereabouts, but does not want or may not help us. Intimidation and state terror by ‘Group Mengele’ probably within AIVD itself and the College of Attorneys-General, with the support of ‘backward’ politicians.
- Brother Marinus who, together with manager Joop de Boer of Euro-Routing in Leeuwarden, caught rapist Rieks P. red-handed and threw him down the stairs. Blood ran from the wall and has yet to be proven. They also established that my wife knew nothing afterwards, but no action for medical help! We were just trying to have a child, not knowing that I had been made infertile and so Rieks P. accidentally became the father as a rapist (!)! He knows that and offered money, by the way, on behalf of his very honest wife!
- Many construction workers from our house in Drachten. One confessed it to me, but it was immediately suppressed.
- Contractor Jan van der Sluis who warned me ‘keep your wife away’ because all my employees want to ‘work’ at your place, but very little is happening at the house.
- Some employees and management of the holding company of IHN when my poor wife was taken away by someone from outside (friend of psychopath Hans van der Heide) during my Christmas speech and had to satisfy him.
- Police Drachten and Leeuwarden who (must?) remain silent. No traffic jams! Secretly removed on orders from above.
- Justice and Public Prosecution Service that remain silent. Leader of ‘Group Mengele’ is somewhere there. College of Attorneys General themselves?
- General practitioner Hogen Esch from ‘t Harde who concealed the children of rapists and secretly deceived me/us and committed forgery with a blank document from 1975 which should probably still exonerate them!
- Captain Rust and family of General Army Hospital Frankfurt who could see a lot of me in the intelligence files during a screening in 1984! It could only be solved at Ministerial level and I should not think that I could win it from the psychiatrists! He warned much later, after his own drama in 1987 and later, that my enemy was a Professor and mentioned the name Onno van der Hart! Go to America was his advice. No longer able to track down, CIA may not help, that is intervening with an ally who deceives its own citizens!
- George Baker director Baker Bros Boston who was warned by the CIA that I may have something to do with the porn industry and had amnesia! And several members of his staff. Still haven’t been able to track down.
- Family doctor Lefering read out a secret document, became furious ‘have they gone completely mad, two adults, never’ but now supposedly knows nothing anymore.
- Rotary friends Herman van Kesteren, Hans Boosman and his wife Fredy, and Ruud Rosingh and his wife Willy. Coincidentally (partly) witness abuse by ‘two friends’ of Hans van der Heide in garage Oranje hotel on January 12, 1991 at party Commercial Club Leeuwarden. First two are silent now, no answer to urgent (!) request for help from old Rotary friend! In addition, Rotary member and acting Chief Public Prosecutor Leeuwarden public prosecutor Mr. WR (Ruud) Rosingh started an investigation, but was immediately forced to another position on orders from higher up (!). He already started on February 25, 1991 in Zwolle. His transfer had to do with me, I was told! Drama in itself? My unscrupulous brother Johan later managed to steal the 1991 agenda from me, to cover up evidence. Brother and co-leader of the ‘Group Mengele’ knew that Herman van Kesteren had asked me if I knew what had happened in the garage of the Oranje Hotel! Presumably in consultation with Ruud Rosingh. Fear of coming out! The power of this ‘Group Mengele’ is clearly visible here. The Leeuwarder Courant also had to change their archive of the newspaper!
- Silent physicians such as Van Looyen (scar is suddenly a skin fold, but according to surgeon Hermsen it was a scar), De Groot (silent but fortunately had the police take a photo). Urologist Smorenburg who diagnosed interrupted sperm ducts, but for ‘ethical’ reasons does not want to do anything further! Also ‘in the name of the Queen’ put under pressure to do nothing? Or just cover each other as standard? The patient is secondary and subordinate in this?
- Radiologist Frank Kempers DiaSana in Mill, who was probably ordered by the justice department to lie ‘in the name of the Queen’ in the report!
- Psychiatrists who lie such as Oostveen, Bruggeman, Luttikhuizen, Mutsaers, Van Es, Koopmans, Kootstra-Venema.
- Head of psychiatry at the University Center Groningen, Prof. Dr. R. van den Bosch, as Bruggeman’s boss, probably knows more. Just like Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart who refused to help us medically and carried out the brainwashing in 1975. Ellert Nijenhuis who is not allowed to speak to us also knows much more.
- Leo den Hollander in 2004 Chief Public Prosecutor who apparently is not allowed to do anything from above! So also a witness!
- Presumably lawyer Johan Verwilligen who must have been visited by ‘Group Mengele’ with misleading information to prevent him from assisting me. He already knew in 2004 that no lawyer would want to assist me! Which indicates voluntariness and therefore also deception with the documents unknown to us! Presumably also signed by my own wife in the double personality. Her evil sister Klazien brings her there and makes her sign and give statements. She also went to the University of Groningen with my wife. With me she no longer remembers that in her normal personality.
- Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart himself, who brainwashed me and my wife in 1975.
- The unknown brain at Justice! Called ‘The Fuhrer’ by me. The legal ‘Dutch Mengele’? Probably a criminal who infiltrated justice and an old friend of perpetrator Jan van Beek. Who came up with the idea to use an electric stick, which was cheaper than expensive drugs, to keep my wife mentally hostage! Probably thousands more afterwards! (but politicians refuse help, because it is always only about one person after all. For decades now!
- And of all the above people, there are indirect acquaintances who also heard it and can testify that others told them.
- Many perpetrators sent by Jan van Beek and others.
- Rimmer Mulder editor-in-chief of Friese Pers and John van den Heuvel with editor-in-chief Telegraaf who probably made agreements with the government not to give publicity to this case! Censorship and concealment of crimes from Dutch citizens! Omerta. This Dutch Watergate is being hushed up! Or banned ‘in the name of the Queen’? State secret? State security is at stake? The newspaper was even changed in February 1991 on the orders of the State, to stop their criticism of stopping an investigation into the rape of my wife!
- An unknown person who had access to the files in Drachten at GGZ. They must have been informed since we came to live in Drachten. So they could have prevented two pregnancies and many times abuse of defenseless women, legal rapes. She wrote a letter with the whole story, but we could not believe it and thought she was crazy. Her sister Klazien took the letter with her and will have tracked down the poor ‘honest’ person via the justice department. Ellert Nijenhuis first worked in Drachten and went to a lower level in Assen. Could that be the reason? Dismissal or transfer? Who was this hero? Or heroine? In any case, there are many witnesses at GGZ Drachten. The files are NOT provided to me/us! State secret!
- The permanent parliamentary committee of justice itself and therefore many politicians! Around 1976 I was there for my work and they knew through a very honest politician, that I knew NOTHING. She tried to stop it (what I don’t know). So more than twenty politicians were aware in 1976! Now too!
- The residents of Rangerville near Harlingen in Texas, USA, who read in their newspaper ‘Valley Morning Star’ in 1996 or so, that their neighbor Al Rust and his family had to die for years, because of deception by the State of the Netherlands/Queen Beatrix, but who eventually managed to get a copy of the disappeared secret files and were proven right. He was fully rehabilitated and a hero there! So many witnesses, because his story proves mine at the same time!
- Ambassador Paul Bremer who made a special secret appointment on June 14, 1996 at 18:30 and brought me to ‘De Industrieele Groote Club’ in Amsterdam via Floris Kappelle. He questioned me about what I knew about Al Rust and whether he had warned me, which was not allowed by the Dutch government! He found that I knew nothing and then helped Al Rust to get the copy of the missing files from Germany. Al then won his reopened lawsuit and was fully rehabilitated and compensated.
- And many others….
There are so many witnesses that it is incomprehensible that people still calmly say they do not believe the story. How stupid are they then? This can be proven in a day for any detective.
The above is not or insufficiently contested and will therefore be considered established in the future. The fact that justice does nothing also proves this case. They are not allowed to do ANYTHING on the basis of a Royal Special Decree!
More later…
ing. Hans Smedema, Dutch refugee. January 19, 2007
Copyright 2007-2011 Hans Smedema, Xalo/Jalon, Spain.