Results of US FBI Investigation into Hans Smedema Affair

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Last Updated 25/11/2024 published 25/10/2024 by Hans Smedema

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Results of US FBI Investigation into Hans Smedema Affair

Asylum Judge Rex J. Ford was part of DOJ and so the investigation must have been done by them like FBI/CIA. They did a very professional job while the Netherlands refused to investigate or simply give me the crucial information they are hiding for the Dutch people.

This is a google computer English translation of my earlier original Dutch Post:

Resultaten Amerikaans FBI Onderzoek Hans Smedema Affair

See also American Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) request about Hans Smedema!

Declassification request Asylum Case Hans Smedema A087-402-454

Before quickly finishing my last closing ‘Part 5 – J’Accuse’ of my E-book series ‘Fighting the Unknown’ about my horrific unbelievable life, I still appear to have no overview of what was investigated and found correct by the Department of Justice (DOJ) America on the basis of my statements and positions during my multiple asylum applications. That must have cost America a lot of money, most likely millions. And I am still trying to pay America back by filing the case here with the UN and EU.

That turned out to be almost everything and only because of the refusal of some people to cooperate, some unimportant matters have been left until finally a thorough investigation is conducted in the Netherlands. Which the Netherlands anxiously and corruptly tries to prevent. A parliamentary inquiry or something because the justice department and the Royal House are involved themselves and will therefore sweep their own streets clean.

Everything turned out even better than I apparently too modestly told them about the horrible persecution and psychological torture from and by the Netherlands, specifically involved ‘Crown’, so the Royal House and Cabinet. After all, America had to decide whether or not they would help me.

So here is what I can remember and this post may be adjusted later as insights change.

Rapist-MOL Joris Demmink as Secretary-General of Justice blocked me in everything!

The text below does not yet include that it was the notorious rapist-mole Joris Demmink who blocked me/us in everything and manipulated or made evidence disappear! See…

Top civil servant Secretary General Joris Demmink was a seriously criminal MOL within the Ministry of Justice for 40 years with secret Royal protection!

Joris Demmink turns out to be a rapist and MOL-X within Justice in my Hans Smedema Affair!

Character and other research Hans Smedema

For the decision in 2009 during my first asylum application at Miami Airport Florida in 2009, to grant me assistance or not, it was crucial whether I, Hans Smedema, had acted with integrity and ethical correctness in my life. So not only during the horrific persecution in the Netherlands. So my entire past was checked and proven on crucial points. I turned out to be honest as hell and to tell the truth, which is why they decided to help me against the horrific Royal persecution by the Netherlands.

Impossible(!) to predict the drowning of a little girl next door 2002

Incomprehensible and factually impossible was my prediction around 2002 of the later drowning of a neighbor girl (13) who came to introduce herself/us as the new neighbors with her parents and sisters. I predicted:

  • that she would be forced to swim across a canal towards evening
  • and that she would drown.
  • I felt myself that she was too cold and went under water and sucked in water.
  • That everything turned black.
  • I was even a little angry at her mother that she couldn’t swim well enough
  • and refused to give any of them a drink because I felt it would break my trance.
  • Wait a minute, this is unique, you will never experience this again in your entire life.
  • Now listen first and Sofie write everything down at home so you are warned!
  • Just refuse to swim across that canal! Whatever she did, but Jaap the Vagina Hunter furiously (he told me later) forced her to swim across that canal so they could walk home and his sex with the underage girl wouldn’t come out in Oudega when she wanted to call her parents!

Surgeon Ronald Zijlstra of hospital Nij Smellinghe. Two and a half years later, so 2004/5, she (15/16) really drowns when she is drugged for sex by neighbor serial rapist (many girls and women drugged and raped/abused) secretly working for the justice department (her) French teacher drs. Jaap J. Duijs (Jaap the Vagina Hunter) from Drachten and completely unnecessarily (simply walk 200 meters to Oudega and call the parents!) already severely hypothermic and furiously forced to swim across a cold canal. Only to prevent his (!) sex after drugging with the underage girl from being discovered, or his many secret video recordings in his sex boat with engine failure from being found by her. Or by the police who went looking for her when she wanted to wait while he had to get help.

At the last minute, the corrupt scoundrel only managed to find her under water after minutes (he first brought his clothes dry to the other side!) and bring her to the side and just resuscitate her with a final blow. But a night-time examination of the emergency room in the Nij Smellinghe Drachten Hospital showed no lung damage but that brain damage could not be ruled out and was perhaps even likely. He falls under a special royal protection program for a decades-long Cordon Sanitair against me and my wife, so he always went and goes free! Immune-made serial rapist and therefore all his victims defenseless outlaws! Drachten police had several cases against him, but they were all dismissed via his friend rapist MOL-X who had simply infiltrated the Justice Department! He could therefore easily sweep his own street and that of serial rapist Jaap Duijs clean.

In 2009, America investigated my impossible(!) remarkable story via Rex J. Ford and it turned out to be true. She had indeed written it down at my request in 2002 and all three of her sisters and both parents confirmed it in writing in Florida. Analysis of the paper and ink also showed that it must have been made around 2002 and graphologically matched her handwriting at the time. They also came especially to Florida where I was in detention for 7 months for asylum and spoke to judge Rex J. Ford several times and recorded everything in writing. They all wanted Hans Smedema to be helped by America as a person of great integrity.

No one in America could explain how I could have predicted that 2.5 years earlier!

Me neither, but I remember getting mad because she couldn’t swim well and angrily ordering her mother to do something about it right away, while I actually rudely refused to even provide them with drinks. That strange moment was so special that I didn’t want to interrupt it! I also ordered her not to go into the water! Refuse! More incredible details in my extraordinary ebooks . 

I think predicting the future is impossible, but this is very well established and irrefutably confirmed. See Jaap the Vagina Hunter route almost drowned minor girl!

Impossible(!) predict King WA is watching me in a plane! 2009

This prediction has not yet been confirmed by America, but I know that I stated it and that it did indeed happen exactly like that on March 15, 2017 (so 8 years later) during the flight from LA to Amsterdam over American soil. Rex Ford had just informed me in 2009 that for asylum I could only apply for asylum on American soil, so not outside America in my very special case. That was because the Netherlands made a (in my opinion false and disproportionate) appeal to bilateral Justice treaty. I stated that in my opinion it was even sufficient if I flew over America and if it could be legally correctly recorded!

During a hearing with Asylum Judge Rex J. Ford in 2009 at Broward Detention Center Florida, I suddenly had a strange inspiration, just like the girl next door had! So I even interrupted Rex Ford and asked for silence to tell him something important. I had an inspiration and told him as follows;

I see an airplane. “Can you see which airplane?” No, and a white or beige normal airplane without a name or anything. Boeing I think with one row of windows. I am sitting on a seat in the middle section at the back of an airplane with my back against a service module and on the second seat next to the aisle to my right and then there are seats next to the window. The seat to my right was empty. I see a pilot with a cap on walking past me from front to back. While he kept his face strangely straight ahead, he looked nervously(!) with only his eyes directly(!) at me! I recognized King WA who also sometimes serves as a KLM Co-Pilot on flights to maintain his minimum number of flying hours. And LA to Amsterdam ticks along nicely while you hardly do anything.

I could still tell that something important had happened that had not happened, but that the incident would be crucial much later.

That indeed happened exactly like that because King WA lied on March 15, 2017 that I did not want asylum and/or blocked it so the asylum offered to me (!) against the Netherlands and against the Royal House! Abuse of power, including obstruction of justice and unlawfully making KLM negatively liable and therefore liable for damages.

Perhaps a bit more, but I still remember this. So it has not yet been thoroughly and irrefutably confirmed by America as happened above with the girl. But it is recorded in the documents of the hearings during the professional investigation in 2009 by Rex Ford and DOJ into my statements and my past. I was stuck in Broward for 7 months. In my opinion, as a sober technician, it is totally impossible, but it happened exactly like that. How is that possible?

See KLM Co-Pilot King Willem Alexander committed fraud and blocked the asylum offered to me against the Netherlands over American soil!

Prediction by Arabs about a prophecy in the Quran 2009

A group of Arabs led by Mohammed from Tunisia apparently asked me crucial questions in 2009 during my asylum application because they suspected that I could be the western white man with a beard predicted in the Koran who would unite all religions, publicly attack kings and leaders, have a strange experience with an animal of more than 10 minutes, have an affair with a woman who would give her virginity to my enemy, and a few other things I thought. They mentioned the name mister Be which sounds like the English ‘be’ of ‘to be’ or to be. That all turned out to be true! I gave correct answers to all their questions and according to the prediction of their Koran all Arabs are obliged to help me then! When they later see my blonde beautiful neighbor girl who spoke to judge Rex Ford, they are completely convinced. After all, she was deflowered by my enemy justice-serial rapist-(her) teacher-French-(planned) neighbor drs. Jaap Duijs.

The large flying wasp-like 10 cm animal that sat on my penis for a good ten minutes was photographed by a 16 year old French girl from Paris who was in love with me and also wanted to be deflowered by me in Corsica around 1991 and was therefore also proven. Rex Ford tracked her down via me with direct help from a database in France during a hearing in Broward and they paid 10,000 euros that I would pay back for the right to use her diary with many photos about me for my character research. The part about me was translated from French to English and she got it back after everything was legally properly recorded. They also helped her with a criminal who was harassing her in a collaboration between American FBI and French investigators which also cost 10,000 and was successfully concluded. They caught him on the last day when he made a crucial mistake. I would also reimburse that from the compensation that the Netherlands had to pay, which according to Rex Ford could amount to US$50 million!

She, her husband and her parents also confirmed in writing exactly my own story about our holiday in Corsica and asked America to help me!

Judge Rex Ford also speaks with Mohammed from Tunisia who could confirm my story about the Koran. But I am an atheist and do not want religions with a non-existent god that no one has ever spoken to in 3000 years, which you could also call unifying. It is true that I dare to openly attack King WA, Queens and high leaders such as MP Jan Peter Balkenende and Mark Rutte, but also other ministers here on my blog.



Actually strange, but there have been many (approx. 20) young girls who asked me to deflower her/them or sometimes just for sex. Usually around 15, 16 or so, but also somewhat older. According to asylum judge Rex J. Ford it was a good thing that I refused all of them and sent them on to younger boys of their own age and somewhat older, or others. Because if I had deflowered an underage girl of 15, as the (drowned) girl next door specifically wanted, America would strangely enough not have been able to help me (!). Even though that had nothing to do with the persecution by and from the Netherlands and I had the permission and even urgent request of both parents, which I found strange and ethically incorrect.


Also the underage girl next door (15) who drowned later and could be resuscitated, wanted to be deflowered by me with the permission of both parents and even a special medical certificate. But justice serial rapist Jaap Duijs with listening equipment in our house heard her request directly, cunningly blocked me completely and drugged and misled her and both her parents. He thus gained mind control over her, just like over my defenseless sex slave wife and also later I found out about myself. I also obediently and unsuspectingly followed his orders until I found out and could develop some resistance. Her life was also ruined by Jaap the Vagina Hunter! He still had regular sex with her much later in Utrecht where she lived. See  Jaap the Vagina Hunter route almost drowned underage girl!

and  Horrible Decades Long Cordon Sanitaire Sydwende, Drachten!

Menuire from Paris

The 10 cm flying animal on my penis regarding prophecy Mohammed was photographed with my permission by my 16 year old French girl from Paris who also wanted to be deflowered by me (also with urgent permission of both parents) on Corsica and therefore also proven. Rex Ford tracked her down during a session with contact with database in France and paid 10,000 euros for the right to legally use her diary and photos about me. The part about me was translated from French to English and is therefore part of my enormous American file.

She and her parents and husband also confirmed my whole story about Corsica and asked America to help me! Her mother also confirmed as a gynecologist that I had a scar between my legs which must have been inflicted at an older age (1972) and matched my story of being made infertile by Jan van Beek and Joris Demmink in 1972 already.


Yet another woman now aged 19/20 asked me to deflower her, but that very personal conversation was listened to via the microphone in my telephone at the IHN office by my enemy justice-rapist-vagina hunter neighbour drs. Jaap Duijs with a free Villa and monthly allowance. Jaap lures her with his specific knowledge to Drachten, drugs her and rapes her in his Villa. After all, he was immune to prosecution by the justice system itself! Afterwards she no longer knew what had happened, but suddenly she was no longer a virgin. She was also approached by Rex Ford. She also confirmed everything I had told her in writing and also asked him to help me above all.

So it is always young women who want to help me, although during the first assassination attempt in Motel Bunnik on January 29, 1975, an older woman warned the police about the two men who drugged me to kill me.

Innovation of computer controlled engraving machine years before the first

Rex Ford confirmed in 2009 that I had already developed the first computer-controlled engraving machine many years before it was finally built in America. They had researched that. As a result, we in the Netherlands were also the first with such a flawless machine, purchased directly on my advice. Proof: It was listed on my final result HTS Electro Leeuwarden 1971 with a very high 9.

Philips word processor supposedly couldn’t calculate!

Rex Ford was also able to get confirmation of my story that in the early 1980s (?) I managed to get the Philips word processor to charge for invoices and such, even though they sold it as NOT possible. In one evening I had come up with a clever method that was followed by all of Philips and had led to hundreds of extra sales according to salesman Siegert de Graaf who lived near us on the Sydwende. Rex had contacted him and he confirmed how happy they had been with me. High-ranking gentlemen came to Leeuwarden especially for a talk with me.

Liberation Management Years Before It Appeared in America

I told that I already applied the so-called liberation management in 1988 at IHN Engineering in Leeuwarden, which was specifically mentioned many years later in America in the book entitled ‘Liberation Management by Peter Senge.’ Rex Ford of DOJ had contact with author Peter Senge about this and received confirmation that I could never have heard that from him, because I applied it years before he came up with it and the book was only just published. So there was not even a manuscript yet, he confirmed.

American telephone system changed according to my advice!

After I had reported in 2009 during my asylum application that my seriously mentally ill, insane wife had to sell our 600,000 euro villa because I could no longer get in touch with her and the telephone system in the Broward Detention Center was expensive and impossible, he asked how it should be. I told him that it could be much cheaper through a tender, with three minutes free to report that you are in detention, how people could deposit money if you could not do so yourself, and via a telephone card.

When I applied for asylum in Texas for the second time in 2013, my system was already in place for most detention centers. Rex Ford confirmed later in 2014 that it was my system and asked for some advice. I was highly regarded in America, unlike the cowardly corrupt Netherlands where I was rejected and abused. Also in 2016 San Diego Mesa my phone system was in place and working perfectly.

Completely unique business in America and the Netherlands!

In America, asylum judge Rex J. Ford stated in 2009 after thorough and professional research that this case was completely unique in their known history in America. Never before had someone like me had no less than 5 good grounds for asylum! Unfortunately, the Netherlands and others denied everything and you do not get asylum for criminal actions, but only if the Dutch Crown/state is involved!

Zie Unbelievable 5 grounds for asylum according to Judge Rex. J. Ford Miami court Florida!

By the way, it is also the biggest cover-up and conspiracy in known Dutch history in the Netherlands!

My unique complete openness was ‘amazing!’

‘You keep amazing me’ asylum judge Rex j. Ford often said to me when something was being investigated and was even better than I modestly stated. Or because I thought it had nothing to do with the cover-up and conspiracy against me, but he did find it important for their choice to help me or not against the horrible decades-long persecution by the Netherlands. I could also explain and solve various cases for him with my clear mind. He was very professional and empathetic towards me.

May 20, 2010 robbery in Benidorm thoroughly investigated

Later in 2014 when Rex Ford even reopened my asylum application from 2009, I heard that everything about this robbery on May 20, 2010 by the corrupt prof.dr. Onno van der Hart and our enemy drs. Jaap Duijs, had been investigated. I spoke to the girls who had been paid to lie, rented the entire nightclub Pretty Women, local police who were not allowed to intervene, and much more. I also spoke to Belgian investigating judges and three researchers, and Rex Ford also spoke to them. So my whole story was perfectly confirmed. See post  Brainwashing and torture May 20, 2010 Benidorm chronologically!

Right to publish everything!

Asylum Judge Rex Ford and DOJ confirmed my own position that given the extreme cover-up and conspiracy by the Dutch Crown, so King and Cabinet, who also deceived the whole of the Netherlands and sidelined all civil servants, I certainly had the authority to publish everything on my blog. Even to make assumptions that seemed logical to me and were a consequence of the fact that the Netherlands itself withheld all crucial information from me in a kafkaesque way! Even if that would later turn out to be an incorrect assumption. Then the Netherlands should have informed me better, after all, that’s what he said. 

Contact with children, brothers and sisters, and many others!

Rex also had written contact with her three children and my brothers and sister. He said little about that and what I heard was only negative nonsense that I could refute. Sister confirmed that my brother Johan had already abused me during my childhood and that out of sheer fear of him I had torn open a pillowcase and even crawled under a mattress! So that I would never appoint him to manage my life, which he succeeded in doing with the help of Justice and so my life was completely destroyed by him.

Conservatory attachment on the houses of brothers and sisters and possibly others!

At my request in 2009, the houses of my brothers and sister, and other accomplices, were also seized. That went via UN Geneva, who therefore have evidence about that case! My sister questioned me about that later when they found out. Her daughter also said that they could no longer get an additional mortgage and could not sell the house even if they wanted to. Whether I could do anything about that, but did confirm that they had falsified the paternity tests, but not in writing. That was not allowed! Not even from those who were not allowed to. Brother-in-law Tjitte, the church rat idem who could not get a second mortgage for help with his son Sietse in Norg, and could not sell the house, and whether I was behind that. I did not know directly, but yes, via the American justice department that was possible. I had given permission for that.

DNA Paternity Tests Turned Out to Be Falsified!

Rex Ford had DNA paternity tests done in 2009 and it showed that the three children were from three different fathers and not from me. The youngest son was indeed from Rieks Perdok from Roden who lied in court that he had never had sex with my wife. Just like Jaap Duijs by the way who had had sex with my wife hundreds of times. Perhaps more than I myself as just her official husband. Half of Drachten knows that, but keeps silent cowardly. He also had research done to see if those DNA tests in America had been falsified by Genetree, which turned out not to be the case. So already falsified in the Netherlands via the swabs. and in 2014 (!) her daughter Ilse suddenly revealed that the children themselves had falsified the DNA tests by swapping them with those of her husband and that identical Snieders family. Father Dirk Snieders was, mind you, a disability doctor for Justice and AIVD and Ministries. Stab in the back at a crucial moment because nobody believed me after that. See  Children Falsified Their Own DNA Test!

Frankfurt dossier! American friend Al Rust unfair dismissal investigated!

My statement about my American friend Al Rust was also investigated and found to be correct. After all, he was dishonorably discharged by lying and cheating by the Dutch justice system that there was NO file on me or my wife, and he died for almost 10 years until he won an appeal with a copy of that file at the Military Court, was rehabilitated, and was paid almost a million dollars and was allowed to return to the Military Intelligence Service, which he never did again. The crucial so-called 30+ page Frankfurt file of the Dutch intelligence service or Justice was erased within three days after it was found around 1983. Why erased? Because all evidence about this case of the Royal House is immediately erased. Al Rust or others could tell Rex Ford about the contents of that file, just like I myself from what I remember from the interrogations by the CIA in Frankfurt at the time. See my Ebooks. I assume that there is still a copy in America or elsewhere of that crucial file that proves everything. Incidentally, the Netherlands will, as corrupt as ever, do everything it can to erase that file. They can easily offer millions or buy 9 F35 and secretly and secretly include this, which has already happened. Our cowardly Royal House or Crown stands for nothing. Putin is nothing compared to it.

Secret compartment of specially made desk explored!

In my 2009 asylum application I of course also reported the fact that in a specially made desk a secret compartment had been made by my wife’s parents to ensure that I would later receive the sex photos that proved that I was not sick, but a victim of the biggest cover-up and conspiracy in Dutch history. They did not agree with my corrupt brother Johan from Gennep who wanted to destroy all evidence and hence this action. Secret organization set up by my corrupt brother Mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep and secretly MOL-X within the Ministry of Justice.

Rex had the office tracked down and they did indeed find the secret compartment which was unfortunately empty with a note saying ‘Mis Poes!’. Betty and Klazien, her corrupt sisters, destroyed the rape photos meant for me and a special letter addressed to me, so they could lie that I was crazy during official interrogations at the Leeuwarden and Arnhem courts and their false reports. See Rape photos in secret compartment of special office!

Research Dutch Healthcare System on my advice!

On my advice, the White House of America, so Obama and his cabinet, contacted my old Rotary friend Leeuwarden-Zuid who at that time was director of the healthcare institution Zilveren Kruis I think. He knew a lot about the Dutch system and could relatively easily inform and advise America on how to improve their poor healthcare system. He did not have time for that himself, but passed the assignment on to a consultant who did indeed advise. So the American new Obama system in and after 2009 partly (!) resulted from my advice and the Dutch system. That’s how highly I was regarded in America! While I was unscrupulously rejected in the Netherlands, especially by the Royal House that secretly took away my civil rights and refuses to stop doing so. King WA who corruptly even blocked the asylum offered to me.

See blank lines or empty chair at crucial evidence!

In America I also tell that I saw the text ‘you are being drugged’ disappear from my notepad as early as 1972 while I was sitting next to my friend Ronald Wester in Dordrecht at the HTS Economic Business Administration in 1972.

A friend in Broward Transitional Center in 2009 notices that I see blank lines in my diary while of course I had written text there. You don’t leave blank lines open! This is thoroughly investigated with official witnesses and they determine that I repress things and that I see those blank lines. When I then hold the back of that page up to a light I myself also see that the page was full of writing and therefore no blank lines! So proof of my handicap as a result of the traumas and as it turns out later by the conditioning/torture by prof. dr. Onno van der Hart. See post Saw 9 blanc lines on a full(!) page during official memory-test!

Confirmation Baker Bros. Stoughton Massachusetts

Because I was fired in 1987 by Systems Engineering in Heerenveen because my wife had sex with a staff member in Paris in her dual personality, that story of course had to be investigated. At the time I received 84,000 guilders in damages and the whole case was investigated, partly via my copy of Chamber of Commerce data about the parent company Baker Bros in Stoughton Massachusetts, Rex Ford even had contact with Steve Baker I think. One of the two brothers Neil or George had died in a car accident. Not murder they thought because he knew a lot about my business and therefore posed a danger to the Netherlands. Again all my statements turned out to be exactly right.

Conditioning and torture in Catral

I also mentioned the conditioning in 2008 which according to former police officer Ad in Catral was in reality torture! He chased away the corrupt devil Onno van der Hart and justice serial rapist planned neighbor Jaap Duijs with his service pistol which he showed me in advance when he hid it under a cushion on their couch. But why did I have to be conditioned? How did he get that request to cooperate? Rex Ford had contacted him and he said that he had warned me in advance and I had told him myself that cooperating first would give me/him the chance to find out what exactly is the purpose of their conditioning of me every 5 or 6 years. While I had already refused that in 1975 and wanted to know everything to be able to protect myself and Wiesje against crimes. That is indeed correct, I said that. It was Ad and Marijke from the singing group that performed a lot there on the Costa Blanca at the time in 2008 and with whom I got along well. Wiesje also knew them from a holiday there in the summer. Much later Hans Stigter tells me that he had spoken to them about me. Why? What? Omerta! See post Brainwashed and tortured at Police Officer Villa in Catral!

Text of book secretly changed by order of Justice!

Also investigated and found correct was the fact that my editor had warned me that she was offered 3000 euros to add some text to my physical book from late 2007! I had given her permission for that because that is a lot of money for her, and because of that I actually got proof from Justice (?) who prosecuted me. Rex Ford had contact with her and she confirmed everything in writing. Rex, FBI and DOJ found 3 forgeries on behalf of Justice. I myself only two. It was about the text that I had signed something during torture by Onno van der Hart after all his colleagues at Sophia Hospital and GGZ Zwolle had refused to cooperate. They even warned me to flee and never want to have anything to do with this dangerous man again. They also added that I would have signed something at my family doctor Hogen Esch in Harde, which I know nothing about. In both cases I wanted that through that hypnosis I would find out more (!) about the abuse of my girlfriend of which I had just had a first flashback. So that SIGNING was apparently crucial for Justice! Such that they proceeded to fraud and forgery after bribing for 3000 euros. See also  Devil’s contract extorted by prof.dr. Onno van der Hart!

Members of the Criminal Organization!

I had evidence of the secret Omerta Criminal Organization that was set up by my brother Mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep with the help of the MOL-X infiltrated within the Ministry of Justice and who was given the lead of a special Royal approved and protected secret (!) department. One morning around 2003 (?) I accidentally received an email from Johan that was addressed to the following persons. Including two from the justice department itself!

Members (email addresses) of this horrible secret (!) Kafkaesque organization led by my corrupt brother Johan from Gennep in his email in question were:

  1. Wies Jansma , so you my lying and cheating corrupt wife!
  2. Klazien Jansma , your corrupt sister who loved to deceive me, wrongly assuming that I was behind your abuse and porn!
  3. Jaap Duijs , the rapist from 1972 with secret (?) contact with MOL-X at Justice and who received free drugs (ketamine and others) via Sylvia te Wierik (later corruptly rewarded as manager Drachten) at the Drachten Police.
  4. Ans Schuh , the wife of Paul Schuh who falsely pretended to be our friends!
  5. email address1 of justice! Who was this first corrupt Justice employee who apparently had to keep an eye on this case?
  6. email address2 of justice! Who was this second corrupt Justice employee who apparently had to keep an eye on this case? But never did?
  7. Marinus Smedema, also a committed brother who cheerfully and pleasantly lied along and deceived me.
  8. Brother-in-law Tjitte de Jong and/or my sister Rinske(Rinneke)! Around 2003 Tjitte even becomes leader when my corrupt brother Johan’s wife Anjo is terminally ill.
  9. Henk Kamstra , our so-called friends from ‘t Harde who also happily participated for the 20,000 guilder reward and 500 guilder reward if they were present at yet another secret meeting to deceive Hans Smedema (your unsuspecting and defenseless abused husband) and sometimes to have him conditioned apparently! You yourself were also conditioned often with Klazien as help. But with me that was always secretly after drugging and at night.
  10. Perhaps others as needed of course, but Johan was apparently the leader because the email came from him!

So the original assignment and the goal must have been relatively honest(?). Protect Wiesje from any prosecution because she would not be able to handle it mentally? It turned out that America had a copy of that email that I had to delete from Johan and the neighbor Jaap Duijs sent by him. Which I obediently did and therefore destroyed crucial evidence myself, which proves that I was under heavy mind control of Jaap Duijs. Namely electroshock and even torture according to former detective Ad in Catral who chased Onno and Jaap away with his service pistol. Which I only understand well later and flee to Spain in 2008. See oa

Brainwashed and tortured at Police Officer Villa in Catral!

Very strange was the fact that my own wife was part of it, unless and sometimes had to join in. See my post  J’Accuse my girlfriend/wife and her(!) children of mine horribly psychologically abuse and serious fraud!

All my 1 Gigabyte Emails examined

I had brought my 16 Gigabytes of documents, including 1GB of emails and other things, and they were examined at my request. They also found the emails of Menuire from Paris, whom I knew from Corsica and who wanted to be deflowered by me there and later in 2001 wanted two children from me. And probably many more things that I cannot remember or have not been mentioned.

97th General army Hospital Frankfurt dossier

Of course, it was also investigated how Al Rust came into possession of the so-called Frankfurt Dutch Intelligence Service 30+ pages of documents about me and Wiesje! When I did business with that hospital for 100,000 marks around 1983, I was screened and they found that enormous file about me. Klaus Mäurers from Rümmeln near Duisburg was involved. Rex Ford said that he had been tracked down and that he had confirmed the things I mentioned. This Frankfurt file alone proves that the Dutch State and Royal House are involved in my destroyed life and in it were mentioned, among others, the corrupt psychologist Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart, and his accomplice Prof. Dr. Robert van den Bosch who were bribed to make us forget everything through conditioning.

Assassination attempt Motel Bunnik 29-01-1975

Of course, the first assassination attempt on me was also investigated two weeks after her first child, daughter, was born (which was hidden from us!). According to my doctor’s card, I had been to the emergency room of Boerhaave Hospital Nijkerk on 29-01-1975 with serious heart complaints. Rex Ford investigated that and they tracked down the doctor in question who indicated that he had not reported the case to the police because it was so much work to report that I seemed drugged and did not know where I came from, and that my heart had raced. Advertisement in the Telegraaf from the police about a dangerous drug found in a glass in Motel Bunnik could not be found in the Telegraaf and not at the Police, which is logical because all evidence is erased by the Justice Department itself on the basis of Omerta! So certainly those of the assassination attempts on my life. Now 5! 1975, 1980 (2x) and neighbor Cees van ‘t Hoog murdered, May 20, 2010 in Benidorm and 2016 in Altea. See  Fifth Murder Attempt Altea 2016

And 6th attack on my life in Altea Spain 26-1-2019!

Murder of Cees van ‘t Hoog

Cees came too close to the truth according to Jan van Beek from Utrecht (and Joris Demmink) and so he had to be murdered just like me! They lured him to Dronten and me to Elburg and brainwashed him with ketamine so that he had to crash into my car because I supposedly had an affair with his wife! But I was just in front of a bridge so he saw me just too late and drove off the road behind me and it was wrongly dismissed as a normal heart attack. But according to Jan van Beek an assassination attempt from Justice! So Joris Demmink who went over dead bodies to keep his own street clean within Justice. Cees was our neighbor Zudendorpweg 3, ‘t Harde. We were on 3a. Zwolle police knew a lot about our case.

FBI/CIA, on behalf of Rex Ford, contacted his family and they confirmed some things, but refused to exhume their murdered father! There was also little chance that they would have been able to determine the large amounts of ketamine 29 years after his death.

Client: NOM Groningen

Of course, Rex Ford also had contact with my largest client NOM in Groningen. He heard that ir. Klaas Keestra and drs. Ed van de Beek, both vice-presidents of the Northern Development Company in Groningen (NOM) would land in Miami for business appointments.

He had them picked up from the plane by Guards and they were questioned about my asylum case against the Netherlands! I was in detention at the time in Broward detention centre. Klaas Keestra could confirm a lot, but could not answer specific questions about the offer of up to 5 million in Beaune in France because it was secret of course. But he too was full of praise for my abilities in finding high level directors and management team members. He also confirmed that Grontmij had offered me that job after the fraud of their director North was revealed and I had refused. I could have named my own salary he said and they had offered to heal my huge pension gaps. That alone would have cost at least 200,000 I think.

They had been angry because they had missed their rental car and had driven to their hotel in the back of a much too small patrol car. Where they as big guys could not even fit their feet. As compensation I had told them that they could be crucial for big investments and so they got special VIP treatment in the future and doors were opened for them. Investment Google Data center in the Eemshaven is most likely a result of that.

Order million from Kuwait!

Rex Ford was also able to determine very simply that my story about winning the largest order at that time, the order for all hospitals in Kuwait, was correct. Because by divine coincidence I was placed in the room of the son of a big shot in Kuwait. Mohammed Tarqic I think. And I had spoken to him about that order. So when Rex was working with him about his case he was able to determine that with a phone call to Kuwait. Here too major problems later I heard because the company Euro-Routing Nederland in Leeuwarden could not handle the high quality. Botched, so to speak.

Order million Basrah International Airport

Same with Basrah International Airport which I had obtained in Germany also for a million via Strabag Bau in Cologne. Also that my corrupt brother Marinus then kicked me out of Germany by suddenly charging much too high prices and after buying my 50% of the shares did not want to pay because he had no money left at all due to his own stupidity. The company could not handle the large orders that I obtained! With major problems.

Corrupt neighbor Jaap Duijs investigated!

Of course, everything I had said about my planned neighbor Drs. Jaap J. Duijs and that was in my books was also investigated. Rex Ford confirmed that there was a microphone in our meter cupboard and that it had been looped through via a collection box nearby to the home of Jaap Duijs! So Jaap could hear everything I said in my office next door. Telephones and emails were also tapped on behalf of the justice department. There is more, but enough is that Rex Ford told me that they had more than enough evidence to prosecute him!


American assistance for a Dutch citizen who is a victim of:

  • the Royal House,
  • State itself,
  • Ministry of Justice,
  • Police ban on rape prevention assistance
  • and a ban on filing a report,
  • Kafkaesque remember crucial information
  • so no chance during court and court hearings.
  • All lawyers refuse this case without giving good reasons! So only Dutchman without legal assistance.
  • Corrupt blocking of offered asylum by King WA
  • Refusal of any conversation by Cabinet and Politicians
  • 5 Assassination Attempts on Hans Smedema That Are Not Being Investigated
  • Rapists who deliberately go free,
  • while Hans Smedema has to spend a total of 29 months in prison, innocent (!) asking for justice
  • doctors who deceive Hans and secretly (!) drug him for 17 years with the wrong anti-psychotic drug so that he becomes incapacitated for work.
  • Family that deceives Hans and destroys or manipulates evidence
  • etc.

While in the Netherlands I was rejected, especially by the Royal House!

Of course, many more things were mentioned and if I remember them and they are important enough, I will add them here.

Hans Smedema B.Sc. in exile in beautiful ‘El Albir’, Costa Blanca, Spain

Published by

Hans Smedema

High level Dutch man(Rotary member) who became the victim of an unbelievable conspiracy set up by a criminal organisation of rapist inside the Ministry of Justice. Making me De Facto Stateless! Now fighting for 24 years but the Dutch government and specific corrupt King refuse to open an investigation to protect themselves! America investigated after my asylum request and started an UNCAT or special procedure in 2017. View all posts by Hans Smedema

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