Fifth Murder Attempt Altea 2016

Please Share! Fight this 'Perfect' 40+ year (Royal) Crime!

Fifth Murder attempt Altea 2016, Costa Blanca Spain

Murder attempt hit my ear. Later it became black spot and now and then blood coming out. Also around it more red and some pain. It needed to be removed, see below for other picture after an operation.

The first very sophisticated of 5 total, very professional murder attempt on my life happened in the beginning of 2016. Which I saw coming, and barely survived because they missed my neck by millimeters but hit the back edge of my ear! They kept waiting 15 meters away for me to collapse from a heart attack resulting from the tiny poison pill blown(air pressure no gunshot) into my neck.

I reacted like a zombie because of the fraudulent and corrupt psychiatrist Drs. Frank van Es since 2003 and with help from Drs. Janne Geraets in 2016 totally unnecessary secretly and against my will gave me an antipsychotic hidden as official boxes of baby aspirin 100 mg since sept 2003! In fact, I became handicapped and unable to work because of his secret antipsychotic! I could have been working as I did after finding out from 2000 until September 2003.

I was mostly looking for therapy for my sick wife with dissociation DIS! But instead of helping me and her, they attacked me when they didn’t believe me because of the Omerta organised by my corrupt brother Johan together with rapist MOLE-X(Joris Demmink) infiltrated inside the Dutch Ministry of (In)Justice. 

I could still work from March 2000(when I found out about the conspiracy) until the secret(hidden as daily baby aspirin 100mg) antipsychotic Risperdal in sept 2003! Normally only for people who are a danger for others, while I was NO DANGER at all! Most of my own problems I much later found out, came from the conditioning/brainwashing or programming by the corrupt devilish prof.dr. Onno van der Hart. They always secretly(!) many many times forced me to live without knowing what really happened around the abuse of me and my poor defenseless wife.

See my Dutch post:

The Farmacia who worked with the criminals to secretly give me an antipsychotic hidden in official boxes of baby aspirin 100 mg. Very dangerous when I took 3 for a headache and became a zombie driving!

And Drs. Janne Geraets from Alfaz del Pi beginning 2016 did the same by luring me to sign a Spanish document, of which I demanded and got(!) a copy, but he took back that copy a few minutes later after getting a mobile call! Lying that it was the wrong document and he would give me another one later. Which I never got off course and he must have used it to make a report authorizing a psychiatrist in the Netherlands(still after all those years the corrupt Frank van Es? Or Psion?) to give me again the antipsychotic! I also had to sign something at my doctor Montoya, who asked if a knew and talked to psychologist Janne Geraets(!) and sign something(that they were not responsible for the prescribed medicine) at the Farmacia too, not understanding why because in Spain nobody speaks English(the common second language in the EU) and it was also kept a secret of course for me. You don’t tell a psychotic(which I am NOT!) that he gets secretly an heavy antipsychotic. So I could never fight against it! Orwellian and Kafkaesque.

Of course the corrupt Janne now cowardly denies everything, when I talked with him on Friday July 20th, 2018 at 11.00 at the ‘Anchor’ in Albir. He told me he would never ask me to sign anything! But I secretly made a recording of that conversation so you can hear it, it starts after almost 5 minutes waiting…

He lied “why would I need anything to just talk to you Hans?” But he got very nervous when I accused him to work for the Dutch Secret Service and receiving a lot of money for handicapping me with an antipsychotic and to be a soft almost defenseless murder target!

In total now 5 assassination attempts!  I was very lucky! If I die soon of a heart attack, look for the poison! It is a secret murder!

Dutch Justice system refuses to investigate, to protect the reputation of the immune(!) and above the law Royals. And because of the rapist-mole Joris Demmink inside the Justice system blocking all investigations as ordered by Queen Juliana around 1973.

And because on the edge of the back of my ear they hit the soft bone and there are not much direct blood vessels, I got only some heart rhythm problems, but was still able to get home. Heart rhythm problems for many hours, even that night when sleeping on that ear caused more poison to be released in my blood. 

Just the same feeling as when I survived the first murder attempt in 1975 where I visited an emergency department in a Hospital because of the same heart problems. There I was drugged in glasses of a drink several times. But a woman warned police in 1975, and said it was a drug causing heart problems and even death with those high levels they found in the glass Motel Bunnik near town Zeist in the Netherlands. It was in a newspaper ‘De Telegraaf.

That attack in 1975 was confirmed by rapist Jan van Beek later in 1977 and done by people from Justice(Joris Demmink) he told me. Secret Service BVD/AIVD was or is part of that department and the rapist friend Joris Demmink of Jan had gotten a staff position at the Dutch Secret Service then called BVD. That guy and rapist was denied an operational job! He quickly got promoted by using the same drug Ketamine to mind control his bosses into his higher positions. He still controls this whole conspiracy by using the State Security because of the signature of Queen Juliana around 1975. He was able to lure the Queen into this cover-up by paying psychiatrists and using my ruthless brother mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep who was in charge of the Criminal Organisation betraying me also.

Secretary General Joris Demmink was 40 years Royal protected(!) Rapist-Mole manipulating the Dutch Ministry of (In)Justice!

Topambtenaar Secretaris Generaal Joris Demmink was 40 jaar zwaar criminele MOL binnen Ministerie van Justitie met heimelijke Koninklijke bescherming!

Joris Demmink blijkt verkrachter en MOL-X binnen Justitie in mijn Hans Smedema Affair!

5th Murder attempt beginning 2016 Altea

It felt exactly like a sting from a wasp!

This time no drug in a drink. It was also no gunshot, but a spring or silent air gun which shot a very tiny ball or spear of poison into my right ear. When I felt…, there was no blood or the sting from a wasp, who were not there of course in early 2016.

It happened here just next to the parking lot and a few meters south of the Italian Ristorante. I had a beer at a lounge bar 250 meters further north where this man was watching me from 15 meters and therefore warned me something bad was coming. A week before he was at Beach Bar Brew Rock asking who I was! But refused to talk to me, so strange also and I secretly took a picture of him.

At that time I was drugged with the antipsychotic secretly hidden in the aspirin 100 mg, so do not know what poison Drs. Janne Geraets or some secret psychiatrist gave me against my will and never really talking to me about my case. But remember feeling like a zombie and not even realizing that it was a murder attempt on my life, so not even filing charges. The brainprogramming from the corrupt Onno van der Hart was the cause I forgot it soon and felt like a zombie. I completely suppressed everything until I was in San Diego end of 2016 and did NOT get the antipsychotic anymore, but the real aspirin 81 mg.

So I suddenly could use my normal own brain with IQ 135 and EQ 145 again!

And started to understand what the corrupt psychologist Janne Geraets 2016, psychiatrist Frank van Es 2003, but also others in 2010/11 had done to handicap me into half a zombie since sept 2003!

Also during trials against me I was not aware of being drugged and could not warn the Judges about the antipsychotic! If I was really insane or thought so they should and would have set me free and NOT sentence me for first 3+3=6 months and 5400(7000) euro fine, next 5+5=10 months and 6500(8000) euro fine of total 15000 euro to pay to the rapist of my wife!

In total I was in Dutch detention for 14 months only asking for an investigation and protection by Justice itself and the RIGHT to file charges against rapists and others involved! 

And in total 15 months detention for the ‘crime’ to ask America Asylum to investigate this horrifying conspiracy and warn the Dutch people what has been done to them, and me. 

Still counting of course because a new court case will come soon, but total now 15+14=29 months detention as an innocent victim only asking for an investigation and some Justice!

6th attack to cripple me on Jan 26th, 2019 at BrewRock Altea/Albir

(On Jan 26th, 2019 the 6th attack on my life:

6th attack on my life in Altea Spain!)


Asylum request San Diego & the murder attempt

When I was in San Diego asking for the third time(2009,2013/14 and 2016/17) for Asylum against the persecution by the Dutch porn criminals, family, Medici, government and Royals protecting the criminals by making it State Secret, I gave on March 1st 2017 the deportation officer this handwritten page below and mentioned that on my smartphone were several pictures of the man and the woman who shot at me. So I had the exact time and date of the attack!

But I was already deported on March 15th, 2017 and Sjon from AIVD Secret Service who had to protect the immune(!) Dutch Queens/King from negative publicity, NOT ME THE VICTIM, had the same info and my verbal statement about the photos! So they must have been deleted soon after that! But CIA had a two-week advantage to save the photos of the murderers. I am almost sure they still have them if needed. And of course, I mentioned it to the doctor who sent me to be operated much end of 2016 because of my bleeding ear. See further below…

Also on March 15th, 2017 the Dutch King corruptly blocked the asylum I was offered in the air above Montana, therefore legally in America! See my crucial post…

KLM Co-Pilot King Willem Alexander corrupt blocked my American Asylum against the Netherlands in American Airspace!

In America Kings or Queens have NO ADVANTAGE over victims and Judges are really independent! Not like the secret fake corrupt Judges in Netherlands who have to protect the Dutch Royals first! NOT THE VICTIMS. They not even warn you or the Dutch people. Apparently this is a big secret!

The woman protected him with a heavy beige long coat. Abnormal in hot or warm Spain and heavy! A protective coat. He used her shoulder to aim something at me and shot just when I bend out of the line of fire. So he hit my ear and not my neck which would have meant me being dead from a very sophisticated poison causing a heart attack, for sure. Nobody would have cared! No investigation at all. Maybe from America.

The information about the murder attempt given to the deportation officer to give to CIA or FBI.
My best-handwritten page about the murder attempt in Altea Spain.









Fifth assassination attempt!

This was the 5th assassination attempt on my life! The first was in 1975, the second and third in 1980 when my neighbor Cees van ‘t Hoog from Zudendorpweg 3, ‘t Harde was murdered, then May 20th, 2010 in Nightclub Pretty Woman Benidorm, and this one in Altea being the 5th. in 2016. There could have been more murders, like the director of the Dutch Newspaper Leeuwarder Courant, but I don’t know about them. I do know about that brainwashing or torture attack in his home with retired police officer Ad in Catral in 2008, when he said it was no conditioning, but torture and therefore chased them(prof.dr. Onno van der Hart and rapist Jaap Duijs? Like later on May 20th 2010 in Nightclub Pretty Woman) away at gunpoint. But why did he trick/betray me for brainwashing/conditioning in the first place? Making it look as a diner? When his partner Marijke was in the Netherlands?

Hersenspoelen en martelingen 20 mei 2010 Benidorm chronologisch!

Here the Dutch Post about the Brain programming and fourth murder attempt by trying to let me fall from the high stairs(5 meters). But the girl who secretly stayed behind when everybody had to leave, heard me scream for 4 hours had already warned the strong doorman who saved my life by making sure I didn’t fall head down the stairs she told me afterward! I was unconscious of course until they gave an anti-drug to wake me up in a chair on ground level. The drug caused memory loss so I didn’t expect anything to be wrong at the time. Only much later talking to the Belgian investigators I found out it was a murder attempt and brain programming act by torture(!) for 4 hours. They tell everybody else it was conditioning me. Drs, Jaap Duijs was there too according to witnesses and prof.dr. Onno van der Hart apparently made sure I became the mental slave(mind control) of rapist Jaap Duijs. More about that later in posts about this vagina-hunter.

Just before, the girls and a photographer together warned the Policia Local Benidorm, who came just in time, but were NOT ALLOWED from Spanish Ministry of Justice Madrid(!) to protect me from being tortured and brainwashed by prof. dr. Onno van der Hart who must have misled them it was just normal procedure and conditioning? What is normal about that?

That also means that the Dutch Secret Service AIVD had an official request and permission to brainwash/condition me in Spain! One of the guys must have been from the AIVD. Policia Local took all the names from their official ID’s!

Just as with the secretly given antipsychotic drug hidden as an normal official baby aspirin 100 mg secretly against my will arranged by corrupt drs. Janne Geraets working with the Dutch Criminal Organisation.


Brain programming by torture and electroshock

Volgens een oud politieman Ad, die in 2008 getuige was van een sessie met prof.dr. Onno van der Hart in zijn woning in Catral, ging het niet om mijn conditionering zoals hem was voorgehouden, maar om martelen! Hij joeg daarom Onno en Jaap Duijs AIVD man weg met zijn dienstpistool. Zie post…

Brainwashed and tortured at Police Officer Villa in Catral!

Like in the famous Jason Bourne movies they used brainwashing or brain programming on me several times, just like on my wife. That was torture and no conditioning according to a retired Dutch Police Officer Ad who chased prof. dr. Onno van der Hart and his criminal help away in his villa in Catral in 2008 at gunpoint!

That also proves the psychiatrists or psychologists involved are apparently allowed to condition me when they feel like it, without any control from me or others! How is that possible? Several times it was Onno van der Hart and my enemy rapist Jaap Duijs who were alone torturing my brain! Severe mind control!

My brother mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep and the Mole inside Justice or Secret Service arranged that? I am not allowed to use my normal brain? That needs to be ‘damaged’ (tortured) into another one?

Why is that necessary if it is all for my/our good and wellbeing?

On May 20th, 2010 after deportation on Nov. 4th, 2009 to Amsterdam by Judge Rex Ford from Miami Court that criminal help was Drs. Jaap J. Duijs from my town Drachten. Several people saw him in Benidorm and in La Nucia at Hotel Restaurant La Rambla! I saw him a day or so earlier on the Boulevard along the Beach Levante in Benidorm myself, but he got away when I tried to meet with him. Strange, then…, but logical now! I should not have seen him! According to the Woman who together with her husband owned Restaurant La Rambla in La Nucia he always stayed in his room! Almost never got out! Prof. dr. Onno van der Hart, my enemy since the first brainwash in 1975 at GGZ Zwolle was there too and when I saw the criminal he hid behind a Menu and quickly left the dining hall.

That neighbor Drs. Jaap J. Duijs who was planned to live next door to us, in 1977 he was paid 100.000 Dutch guilders to buy the lot and a monthly allowance at the time until recently,  to keep an eye(control) on us, so we could never file charges without them knowing it and making sure that everything I tried to proof this horrifying case, went wrong. In fact, everything I did professionally was also black-mouthed to make me look bad! They destroyed my career on purpose!

Probably the largest ‘Cordon Sanitaire’ to protect the Royals(!) ever in Dutch history, maybe Worldwide. Tens of millions of stolen tax money not to protect the victims!

See more posts about Top Criminal drs. Jaap Duijs:

10. Drs. Jaap J. Duijs Drachten

Jaap de Vaginajager als Informant Justitie in grootste Nederlandse doofpot en samenzwering ooit!

J’Accuse Jaap Duijs het Monster van Drachten!

They hit my ear!

Criminal kept an eye on me when I was having a drink here at the Lounge bar. He was standing just before the blue bicycle road. The original picture with him on it has been deleted by the Dutch Secret Service.

But this time I saw first another man looking at me in a strange way when I was having a drink in the Lounge bar, who asked my name a week earlier in Brew Rock, so I kept an eye on him and made secretly a picture from a distance at the lounge bar. And when he later suddenly walked straight up to me, he talked into his phone and looked at the couple standing 15 meters further away.


Here where the criminal who knew who I was marked me to the murderer couple. He came from left straight to me talking on his mobile and looking to the murderer couple who were standing on the right side near the traffic light.I came walking towards them. The couple then went quickly in front of me to the place where they attacked me. The original picture with the criminal guy and murder couple on it has been deleted when  I was in detention by the Dutch Secret Service to protect the coward Dutch Royals for negative publicity!

She with this abnormal strange heavy(!) protecting long beige coat which she later used to shield the murderer from me! They are apparently prepared for defense by a gun or so! Really hired professional murderers most likely by the Dutch AIVD secret service to protect the coward Dutch Royals, who still refuse to stop these severe human rights violations.

I walked further back south where my Scooter was parked, but they went

Here where the picture was taken, was the exact place the couple tried to murder me! To the right and 3 meters lower is the parking near the sea. Far left the window the murderers were looking at just after they shot in my ear, waiting for me to collapse! I had a picture of them waiting there for me to die but it is deleted by the Dutch Secret Service AIVD to protect the coward Dutch Royals.

quickly in front of me, and then suddenly turned around and came straight towards me.

Which made me afraid they were going to shoot me with a gun, but they don’t want murder, but a natural looking dead from a heart attack of course. So when next and behind me, they turned again to my back! She was in front of him and he took that shot into my neck/ear over her shoulder. I saw that just after the shot into my ear!

In a clinic in San Diego they took away the poison and small parts from my ear and you can see it from my now somewhat mutilated ear.

You can see how they took out pieces of my ear to get the poison out in a Clinic in San Diego California.

I took pictures before and after of them trying to make it look as if I took pictures of the sea and boulevard. They were waiting for me to collapse I think, trying to make it look as if they both were looking at the window on the far left on the picture above. But at first, I felt nothing on my heart so I took pictures of the boulevard with them on the left edge. In total before and after the attack, there must have been over 10 photos, which are now gone! But I felt like a zombie and know now that the Dutch secretly gave me an antipsychotic since 2003! Also in Spain! Hidden as a normal daily aspirin.

Not sure what San Diego guards or ICE did with those pictures who were also uploaded in my Google Drive account, but when deported back to Amsterdam I told Sjon from Dutch AIVD about it too! Sjon and his stewardess KLM wife secretly gave me a truth serum. And I should not have done that, because when in Paris after release April 5th, 2018 I found no pictures anymore of the murderers! That can only mean that the Dutch themselves deleted them while I was in prison and that they were involved and ordered the assassination attempt and quickly deleted all evidence I had. Dutch Justice system working against(!) me the victim of murderers and torturers! No defense allowed at all! How royal is that?

Killing me will not help them because in my last will before Judge Rex J. Ford all my rights to damage payment, or book- and film rights will go into the Panama Private Interest Foundation named ‘Hans Smedema Amnesia Foundation’ or its legal successor. With the request to keep charging all Dutch criminals involved, and reward those who did try to help.

That Foundation will reward those people who have tried to help me. As the Dutch Government offered 5 million in 2003 and 2004 if I would keep everything confidential and covered-up, the Foundation could end up with tens of millions depending on publicity and/or a deal settled.

Psychologist Drs. Janne(Johannes) Geraets

Psycholoog Janne Geraets who corrupt drugged me secretly to handicap me as much as possible just before the assassination attempt a month or so later. How much money was involved to buy this corrupt criminal? Here he is the Badminton Club Calpe!

Psychologist Drs. Janne(Johannes) Geraets from Alfaz del Pi and Nijmegen Netherlands later on Tuesday, July 12th, 2016 took secretly a picture of my ear pretending to take a picture of the harbor and sea from Restaurant Bar Difference in Altea. Before that, he paid the waitress to secretly give me a drug to talk more.

I met Janne in January 2016 what was of course arranged by the Dutch Secret Service, when he wanted to talk with me and did on January Friday 29th, 2016 at first at Restaurant Ritz and then Restaurant Bar Brew Rock but both refused to give me secretly(!) his drug(creating memory loss? Or truth serum?) and they both even told me about it. I saw the small bottle with clear fluid in it when I paid at Brew Rock. Witnesses! I explicitly told him to stay out of my life and not to try to treat me before we had an agreement to do so! But apparently, he did it anyway! Secretly! So you cannot defend yourself!

Antipsychotic hidden in official boxes of Aspirin! Very bad for your health and causes early dead and much more health problems.

Unbelievable what they do to handicap me only to protect the criminal behaviour of coward Dutch Royals, Ministers, Politicians and Officials. And the rapist!

Would a baby have survived if I gave some of my baby aspirin/antipsychotic to a mother unaware that it could kill the baby? Or brain damage? And the parent never knowing how their child became a kind of moron or zombie?

This really happened in 2009 when I was in Broward Transition Center and the medical department used my baby-aspirin-antipsychotic for a baby! I heard that the baby died after getting a second, and the mother hanged herself! This all because of the arrogance and world-strange behavior of the Psychiatrist-idiots!

And once I took three aspirin or 300 mg and became a zombie driving and sitting in a Restaurant where everybody was looking at me looking drunk, but I had nothing to drink before! Policia Local Calpe checked and found no alcohol and stated I was drugged(!). They helped me find my car which was parked directly in front of that restaurant and made sure I was not driving for several hours until I was much better. When my wife came for holidays she took 3 also and was unconscious for hours and I could not speak to her anymore. For her, the 300 mg were like 5 for me being 100 kg and her 60. They would have liked me/us to die of course. All their criminal problems solved.

That means Janne Geraets is involved in the murder attempt on my life in 2016, just as he was involved in secretly getting me antipsychotic to make sure I was severely handicapped and NOT capable to fight back at them. He works for the Dutch mole and traitor inside the Ministry of Justice and Secret Service AIVD.

I barely survived the assassination! How much did he get for my murder and handicapping me with an antipsychotic?

See post J’Accuse corrupte psycholoog drs. Janne Geraets Alfaz del Pi!

More later…

Hans Smedema Albir Costa Blanca Spain