Last Updated 25/11/2024 published 25/10/2024 by Hans Smedema
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Psychopath French teacher secretly appointed and protected by corrupt Secretary-General of Justice Joris Demmink, as a secret Justice Official destroyed the lives of victims for decades!
This is a computer Google translation of the original Dutch Post:
Gruesome and malicious is the way in which in 1977 Joris Demmink managed to slyly mislead everyone at Justice and the secret service BVD (later AIVD and CTIVD) to hide his own criminal past, and at the same time to completely destroy the lives of his own (!) victims Hans Smedema and his wife for decades undisturbed (!) cunningly and brilliantly! In 1977 he slyly appointed a regular customer of my girlfriend from 1972 (!) French teacher Jaap Duijs as an official civil servant of Justice and so-called guardian of me Hans Smedema and my defenseless sex slave wife! Who he could abuse at will because she could not defend herself after horrific torture and brainwashing. In addition to many other mostly defenseless underage schoolgirls who also reported rapes to the Drachten Police in vain for years, but which was slyly dismissed and blocked again and again by the Royally protected Joris from Justice. According to detective Haye Bruinsma, Drachten police could not do anything to him in 2004 and all investigations, despite evidence, were prohibited by Justice (via BIZA)! Tolerated rapes by Jaap de Vaginajager via his friend rapist Joris Demmink.
Sly, sly, sly.
He already saw an opportunity at the end of 1972 to cunningly involve the Royal House to prohibit any prosecution of all perpetrators, such as himself, via a special decree (?) Queen Juliana. The Ministry of Justice and he himself were cunningly and ingeniously appointed to prevent any prosecution and evidence via a special Omerta Organization, together with the entire mutual family who were each bribed with the abnormally high amount of 20,000 guilders via a civil contract with confidentiality or repayment with cumulative interest. As of January 1, 2024, approximately 70,000 euros to be repaid in the event of non-compliance with confidentiality! Supposedly to protect the female victim from emotional investigations and lawsuits, while at the same time victim Hans Smedema was secretly (!) blackened and falsely accused of involvement in the torture and abuse of his girlfriend. Without properly informing him of this. On the contrary, he was de facto forced to marry her on 23-2-1973 via heavy secret (!) Electro Shock therapy, which partly destroyed his brain and thus his personality was ‘temporarily’ adjusted by bribed specialist mind-control traumatologist Onno van der Hart. That must have happened at the end of 1972 during forced secret sleep cure in Leeuwarden without my permission and after precisely refusing (!).
Please see my post…

In collaboration with my then unethical cousin neurologist Robert Smedema, Martini Hospital Groningen who totally ignored my objections at the end of 1972 and gave written permission in the second opinion to torture me during the sleep cure I refused, and who can now confirm this verbally and in writing! Also that it was traumatologist Onno van der Hart who tortured me in Leeuwarden during the refused sleep cure via totally wrong unnecessary Electroshock. Rob also completely ignored the torture in 1972 by rapists Jan van Beek and Joris Demmink with an electric stick for pigs and many more serious traumatic criminal actions against my girlfriend and me that resulted in serious repression and selective amnesia. Simple conversations with a psychologist could have solved that in a few weeks if they had only involved me in my girlfriend’s case with even photos (!). As her husband I could have protected her much better!
During the wedding, secretly (!) and afterwards, two civil servants of Justice and members of the Omerta Organization had to co-sign. Hans knew nothing about all this and was also placed under special guardianship via the Omerta Organization itself! Joris was now totally protected and could manipulate everything, such as appointing a regular sex client of my girlfriend from 1972 in 1977 (which I knew nothing about), psychopath rapist French teacher Jaap de Vaginajager as official Civil Servant of Justice with a de facto free Villa diagonally opposite our Villa via an enormous (!) gift of 100,000 guilders at the time and a monthly allowance for the mortgage, security and information. My corrupt brother Johan was involved in this! All this to supposedly protect Hans’ wife from Hans and other dangers. But Jaap also secretly had to keep Hans small and stupid via a light dose of the anesthetic Ketamine, which was provided to him free of charge via the Drachten Police on behalf of Joris Demmink/Justice/BVD! That makes someone submissive, defenseless and docile because the anesthetic disables the long memory (low dosage/partly). And thus thwart him in everything and blacken him, whereby his brainwashed wife also had to thwart her husband Hans. Both Jaap and my wife were members of the horrible criminal royally protected Omerta Organization! My wife already before (!) our de facto forced marriage 23-2-1973 because no one else would want her after her whore and brainwashed brain with a double personality as a sex slave.
See also: I Accuse Jaap Duijs the Monster of Drachten!
I Accuse Joris Demmink as the secret criminal and Mole within Justice!
Hans, through the gruesomely stupid Omerta, was still unaware of anything and after the secretly stupid ketamine he made many totally wrong stupid decisions because his normally high IQ of 135 could no longer be used cunningly since 1973 via Ketamine and regular brain destroying Electroshock via corrupt ‘pleasantly’ cooperating Onno van der Hart, to protect the perpetrators Joris and all other people involved, such as Jaap the Vagina Hunter in particular, from dangerous prosecution! All this was made possible undisturbed by the backward unethical officials who apparently neglected any control, wrongly trusting the Omerta organization led by my corrupt brother Johan Smedema from Gennep who hates me and Joris Demmink. Especially when Joris could appeal to the Omerta organization, which he himself had cunningly arranged, Royal protection and therefore state security! He only had to wave it and everyone left of course. Justice itself is involved so it is in order and good! No protection for me Hans Smedema or my defenseless sex slave wife because that was supposedly done by himself through his own Omerta Organization.
Later in April 2008, CTIVD declares after my complaint against AIVD during an official hearing in The Hague and I immediately pointed him out from 5 photos as the perpetrator from 1972, that this man (later Joris) actually helped us! How stupid can you be? Appointing Jaap the Vagina Hunter, rapist of several underage defenseless girls in 1977 as our guard was helping? With official appointment as Civil Servant of Justice and secretly protected by Joris Demmink himself who immediately blocked any danger to himself and Jaap by dropping the case and appealing to state security?
So the backward Royal House protected rapists Jaap the Vagina Hunter (Duijs) and Joris Demmink!
Later on March 15, 2017 King WA also blocked me with 13 months of innocent (precisely victim) detention as a result! See…
Hans had no chance to intervene for decades, until he suddenly, much too late after stopping so-called (!) vitamin pills (ketamine) in March 2000, slowly discovered the horrible truth through flashbacks. But because of all the denials and ‘gaslighting’ by family and doctors, he thought for 4 years that he had suddenly gone crazy, although all the flashbacks matched photos and previously inexplicable events suddenly made sense and pointed to a horrible conspiracy! Horrible traumatic personality changing years to do that to someone. Evil manipulation of reality by corrupt family because indifferent to decades of injustice.
Even worse was that Psychiatrist Frank van Es, did not believe me, but my very own (!) mentally seriously ill wife with severe dissociation, and so slyly prescribed me an anti-psychotic Risperdal hidden (!!!) as daily officially packaged baby aspirins 100mg! So then I had been given two drugs since 2004 to keep me small and defenseless and even got hallucinations because of the totally wrong secretly given medication.
Horrible arrogant deadly stupid bastard!
I accuse corrupt psychiatrist drs. Frank D. van Es
Cunning, cunning, cunning!
Orwellian and Kafkaesque evil behavior!
My case is certainly Kafkaesque and resembles Franz Kafka’s fiction The Trial. But certainly also worse because it is partly Orwellian George Orwell’s 1984 with Groupthink, Newspeak, thought…, etc. See my previous comparisons…
Comparison George Orwell 1984 & Hans Smedema affair!
Jaap the Vagina Hunter had to smear Hans and secretly work against him!
This is how a French teacher suddenly became rich and gained unlimited power through the secret protection of Joris Demmink who in 2002 even became Secretary-General of Justice! Only the politically stupid dead easy to manipulate Ministers and Royal House (The Crown) above him. Only in 2021 does Hans discover the fact that Joris Demmink was his lifelong enemy. Jaap became a member of the Omerta Organization and could continue to sexually abuse Hans’ wife in peace and quiet, because she was not allowed to tell anyone about her sexual escapades, and moreover had already been tortured by Joris Demmink in 1972 so that she got a double extra easily callable emotional personality as a sex slave. So she repressed all sexual rapes. Legal rapes because it was against her normal will!
This became the largest Royal ‘Cordon Sanitaire’ in Dutch history that I know of!
Also in America in 2009 already during my first asylum application against this horrible decades long secret persecution since 1972, it was determined that this case was so horrible and abnormal that DOJ found no less than 5 good (!) grounds for my asylum! Which had never happened before in the entire known American history!
But in the Netherlands it is still being cowardly and corruptly hushed up by the cowardly media! While the total cowardly lawyers also refuse me all legal assistance, even in Spain which was apparently forced by the Netherlands.
Horrible Decades Long Cordon Sanitaire Sydwende, Drachten!
Unbelievably gruesome examples of profoundly cunning obstruction! Jaap loved it!
Note that we were both tortured after drugging and via electroshock or electric baton to such an extent that we obeyed Jan van Beek and later Jaap Duijs! Heavy electroshock of even 500 volts creates a so-called pavlov reaction. And it was torture according to crucial witness former detective Ad from Catral who was present once and chased Onno and Jaap away with his dog and service pistol in 2008. In 2009 my asylum judge Rex J. Ford still had contact with him and everything was confirmed. See…
Brainwashed and tortured at Police Officer Villa in Catral!
Here are just a few examples:
- Slyly instructing me to cancel my decades-long DAS legal assistance insurance, because it was all nonsense and would cause problems for innocent family and other parties involved. Cost us, together with more cases, our entire pension pot of 300,000 euros!
- Ordering my wife to secretly swap my passport for hers so that I would look like a fool at Schiphol and a crucial appointment with a human rights lawyer in Geneva, Switzerland about my horrific persecution by the Netherlands could not go ahead. Unnecessary costs of many hundreds of euros, while he was also laughing at the window when I came back!
- Ordering my wife to destroy all photos of bedroom in Harde after daughter was born because a porn rape video had been made there!
- Ordering my wife to sabotage the crotch of my suit so I would look ridiculous at a job interview in Boston, America.
- During a party in our Villa, blocking the tap in the toilet with superglue so that everyone had to go upstairs and I looked like a fool. Rotary: Why do you have a non-working tap in your toilet? He also changed the selected wine for a cheap, crooked version, which La Provence in Drachten later approached me about. He said it was Jaap’s order by the Justice Department. The whole party with many top-level Rotarians failed dramatically. I looked like a fool afterwards, because it was badly organised. Jaap loved to smear and belittle.
- Through my wife and salesman shop Van der Zee, Drachten ensure that I bought an incorrect Gala costume which negatively portrayed me for years at crucial moments! Same wrong costume wedding day daughter.
- My wife visibly abused for many Tennis members so that everyone thought Jaap had an affair with my wife. I was warned but could do nothing about it. Very negative for my image in Drachten.
- Secretly taking my wife to Italy on a trip for his Italian studies with a bus full of members, and telling them it was his wife. Letting her pay for everything with her credit card which I had to pay for later. Found out through members who knew me from Rotaract and gave me a photo of my wife next to Jaap in the bus and told me about them sleeping together and walking arm in arm. She was supposedly on a trip to Greece with a few girlfriends.
- Misleading the unsuspecting girl next door (15) after she had asked me to deflower her, that I did not want to do that by listening in with a microphone in our meter cupboard in the hall. From where he could listen in on many conversations for years and use them against me. Just like via the microphone in my office as director of Engineering Bureau IHN Leeuwarden.
- Through my wife who obeyed him to go to a special restaurant where a minor girl abused by him was going to celebrate her birthday with almost 20 guests, but who had unsuccessfully (dismissed by Joris Demmink) sued him for rape at the Drachten Police. I knew nothing but the entire birthday group left that restaurant! Jaap was loudly accused, but was above the law via corrupt Joris Demmink! I was made a fool of without understanding what was happening by cunning corrupt Jaap the Vagina Hunter who I obeyed like a dog.
- Taking my wife to his specially bought sex motorboat so she could blow him and much more. Also for weekend with other French teacher from Drachten for threesome. Also neighbor girl had such threesome with both French teachers and suddenly got high marks French, because both teachers ignored the mistakes for sex with her.
- He arranged special grape picking vacation in France, but picked the worst one with only one bedroom, rest on air mattresses and such. But picked a different underage girl every day who was allowed (had to) sleep next to (!) him in the only (!) big bed, but drugged her with the anesthetic ketamine via a manipulated can of coke and then raped her. The next morning many knew nothing because ketamine causes memory loss. Many were deflowered by him in this way, which he flatly denied to parents.
- Instructing me not to sell shares so that I lost 75,000 guilders!
- Through his microphone in my office as Director IHN Leeuwarden, eavesdropping on me for 7 years and obstructing me in everything. He was able to listen to all important conversations and use them against me. Passing on quotation amounts to a company in The Hague (acquaintance Joris?) so that the assignment did not go through, contacting department heads behind my rig and thus belittling and denigrating me, and even sabotaging assignments. Misleading and manipulating my Holdings director so that I would be negatively portrayed, etc. Dozens of cases there alone. I knew nothing and of course they were not allowed to inform me who they were in contact with. His Justice ID made him trustworthy and me a liar.
- Coincidental aerial photo with Jaap and my wife in 69 position on his lawn, was forbidden by Jaap as an official Justice officer and was deleted from my camera and email by her children Arne and Jorrit. As a ‘dog’ I of course had no say! So crucial evidence of Jaap lying during the hearing of the Police Judge was lost. Obstruction of justice. But several people have seen him and can testify.
- All evidence was made to disappear by my wife so that I, innocent as the only victim, was imprisoned for 13 months at Schiphol and PI Heerhugowaard! Horrible injustice! He enjoyed it while my wife quietly cooperated and did not help me, just like her (!) 3 children happily deceived me. Horrible malicious behavior. I am still being denied any information like a dog, while they are corruptly involved in my suffering without any compensation. So that I have to try to get by on AOW+. Would have had a much better retirement life with more money. Damage amounts to millions in lost income and unnecessary costs if only I had been informed! And many missed opportunities with nice young women who wanted to help me.
- Drugging me in his home and having me tortured by Onno van der Hart in such a way that I repressed everything, specifically an appointment to temporarily give advice to a top company at the top level in America. When they called me two days later for the already agreed free trip to America, I didn’t know anything anymore and everything was cancelled. Someone who forgets everything was too dangerous for this top level. He received money as a reward and the full Italian education at the University of Groningen reimbursed!
- Fraudulently accusing me in 2008 of libel and slander, by giving false statements that were demonstrably wrong! But biased police judge Mr. Jeroen van Bruggen did not believe me, but lying Drs. Jaap Duijs did! I was there as a victim without a lawyer who was not allowed to represent me, but that idiot thought I could! I was also secretly drugged with ketamine and knew nothing about legal cases. Still challenged, but did not know the difference between appearance of bias and bias. Two women wanted to testify against Jaap the Vagina Hunter but I had to ask questions without knowing what they wanted to say. No postponement allowed. Horribly humiliating for me and again very traumatizing! Because I still knew too little on 9-2-2009.
- and so many hundreds of cases over dozens of years! Jaap had more sex with my wife, his sex slave, than I did myself.
Will add more to this with the most serious unbelievably gruesome cases.
No aid allowed since 1972!
It is also unbelievable that since Joris Demmink started his horrific torture and abuse of my girlfriend, there has been no help for me as their victim besides my girlfriend/wife/ex-wife (June 2015).
After all, Joris was able to use his Justice ID card and thus sideline the police I had warned him in Utrecht in 1972. During interrogation at the Utrecht police, this was kept secret, but I was warned which my girlfriend refused because according to her drugged and brainwashed brain, nothing had happened. She still believes that! See… Nederlandse Kroon continues to horribly deceive my ex-wife and the whole of the Netherlands!
But that this 50+ year long cover-up and conspiracy is still being hushed up, is incomprehensible. Here in Spain I am still seen as that idiot and I get no help at all. Only America investigated it immediately very thoroughly, but is not allowed by the Dutch Crown (King and Cabinet) to intervene in Dutch affairs where King WA could receive negative publicity. Horrible idiots!
I, Hans Smedema, may continue to die, just like my defenseless wife, whom I was not allowed to protect for decades. My life and hers were completely destroyed! I am still ethically top-notch, but that only helped in America through the intervention of Asylum Judge Rex J. Ford. Kudos!
See also my posts…
I accuse Jaap Duijs of being the Monster of Drachten!
Children deleted photo evidence of AIVD-rapist Jaap Duijs having 69-sex with MY wife!
Psychological report of rapist Drs. Jaap J. Duijs Drachten!
Jaap the Vagina Hunter route almost drowned minor girl!
More later…
Hans Smedema B. Sc, living in exile in beautiful ‘El Albir’, Costa Blanca, Spain