Last Updated 25/11/2024 published 17/11/2023 by Hans Smedema
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Comparison Kowalski Family Case with Hans Smedema Affair!
Take Care of Maya!

Everybody will have seen the news about this horrifying case and the sentence after a huge trial with damages for Maya and her family of 260 million US$.
Her family case against arrogant medical professionals(?) resembles my case for a large part! In fact it helps me in my fight against the Dutch Crown and also horrifying so called medical professionals who together still try to cover-up my unbelievable case. I was treated less than a dog with no rights anymore which were secretly taken away from me also! Of course a lot of differences too which I will explain. In my case people who tried to help were intimidated and neutralised, and some even murdered.
Therefore I am making this comparison to force me to learn from her/family case, and will add it to my list of other similar cases compared earlier like the famous Albert Dreyfus French case.
Which is the most comparable with my case.
See Dreyfus- versus Smedema-affaire!
and the Film and book about Dreyfus:
Vergelijkbare Dreyfus Affair: Boek door Robert Harris en Film door Roman Polanski!
In Frankrijk heet de film J’Accuse net zoals ik al hier gebruik voor al mijn openlijke beschuldigingen! Mijn deel 5 wat binnenkort uitkomt heet dan ook J’Accuse!
For more info about my Hans Smedema Affair see…
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions English!
De decennia lange gruwelijke medische doofpot!
Contents Sitemap & Inhoud blog
Timeline all most crucial events!
Netflix documentary ‘Take Care of Maya’
Netflix has the documentary ‘Take care of Maya’ which you can also find by clicking on the Netflix picture/link above. It explains the whole case perfectly.
Synopsis Netflix documentary ‘Take Care of Maya’
As a medical team tries to understand 10-year-old Maya Kowalski’s rare illness, they begin to question her parents. Suddenly, Maya is in state custody – despite a family desperate to bring their daughter home.
Same problems happen in both cases!
Maya real or fake pain?
It was real, but the arrogant so-called professionals knew better! In my case the same problem: I stated I was the victim of the largest cover up and conspiracy in the history of the Netherlands, but nobody believed me based on the fraud by the Omerta organisation who paid all members 20.000 Guilders end of 1972 in a civil contract which they had to pay back including interest(70.000 euro now in 2023!) by breaking the contract. So they declared me delusional and wanted me to take anti-psychotic Risperdal which I refused knowing I was not(!) delusional at all. In 2009 confirmed by the American FBI and CIA!
Maya was almost declared delusional!
Just like me 2 days away from being forced(!) into a Mental institute when arrogant ignorant Psychiatrists in 2006 declared me delusional based on the Omerta fraud hiding the truth and reality! And the rapist/traitor manipulating Justice.
Maya was forced to take the wrong medicine!
Just like me secretly(!) being forced to take anti-psychotic hidden as baby aspirin 100mg! The psychiatrist believed my mentally sick defenseless wife and she signed for the secret wrong medicine! This also happened during my exile in Spain in 2008 and for many years making me defenseless and a kind of zombie.
Father Jack was also forced not to protect his wife based on the wrong diagnosis and causing her suicide!
Just like me by being declared delusional by my betrayed wife, family and psychiatrists based on the Omerta organisation and the rapist-traitor inside Justice who was the top leader Secretary-General of the Ministry of Justice only reporting to the Political Minister of Justice. Making me defenseless without legal help and not allowed to file charges.
Maya was imprisoned for 3 months in the Hospital!
I was imprisoned during 3 asylum requests for a total of 15 months, and next 14 months in detention in the Netherlands based on fraudulent statements of my wife, her children and Family. All based on fraud and no good legal representation who also did not believe me of course. So never a fair trial was possible because of the secret(!) involvement of 3 generations of Dutch Royals manipulated by the rapist-traitor inside the Ministry of Justice. That is a total of 29 months of innocent detention! And 40 years of betraying and destroying my life.
Maya was secretly but later by a Judge put under Government control for 3 months!
I was secretly in 1973 put under Government control with all human and civil rights taken away from me without informing me. An Omerta organisation was secretly deciding over my life, founded with my corrupt brother leading and reporting to the Rapist-traitor inside the Ministry of Justice and Secret Service by a special hidden ruling by Queen Juliana.Nobody informed me until I asked Asylum in 2009 at Miami Airport and Immigration Judge Rex J. Ford told me about it during many Court sessions in 7 months. Decades of psychological torture and real torture(secret electroshock) by bribed Traumatologist. I found out some things since March 2000 but they falsely made me believe I was delusional. It took me 4 years before I knew 100% sure that I was not delusional as everybody tried to make me believe(severe gaslighting!), but the victim of an unbelievable complex decades-long cover-up and conspiracy!
In her case her family fought with and for her!
In my case the family was against me treating me less than a dog by hiding crucial information and forcing me to marry the wrong mentally sick toxic girl who I already broke up with. Causing the largest criminal Gaslighting or Reality-manipulating crime in the known history of the Netherlands and probably far beyond that.
I was declared delusional
Our family falsely declared me insane when at last I found out the horrifying truth after decades! I barely(two days) escaped being locked up in a mental institution while all based on fraud and false statements even during a defamation court case against me! I was not allowed to start a court case against them because of the special secret ruling of Queen Juliana end of 1972.
Omerta organisation Cordon Sanitaire and mind control to degrade me!
- They took away my right to file charges
- and a legal investigation by Police or Justice was NOT allowed!
- declared me delusional so people and Lawyers would NOT believe me anymore.
- Have my mind mutilated by Electro-shock every 5 to 6 years
- Use submissive Mind Control by a secret daily drug Ketamine given by my own wife
- Let the guard next door control my life who could simply order me to do things which were negative for my case against my/our enemies
- Let the guard have sex with my wife which she submissive(his sex-slave since 1972) also denied as instructed.
- Block all legal help by Lawyers legally! Still the case now!
The American legal judicial system still worked in Maya’s case!
Maya could get legal help and file charges which were secretly(!) forbidden in my case. So no legal representation, who behind my back probably misled that I was insane. Even the police were not allowed(!) to file my charges against rapists and others involved, by the corrupt Dutch Ministry of (In)justice where a rapist enemy was secretly infiltrated and so decades long manipulated my case against me. Destroying my life. I still cannot get legal help or file charges which are apparently blocked or not allowed.
She was a child but her mother did everything to protect her.
In my case I was around 23 when her and my/our family started betraying me by hiding crucial information about her cheating and criminal acts. In 1972 and later a rapist-traitor inside the Justice system manipulated everybody and secretly made me infertile and also secretly my girlfriend a defenseless sex-slave for the rest of her life resulting in 3 children from 3 rapists. What was also hidden from both of us. In 2022 she still believes I am the father as Psychiatrists state that ‘she has the right to know nothing!’ Destroying my life with millions in damages!
I was forced into exile in Spain when help in the Netherlands was impossible because Royals were involved since 1973!
Maya and her Family could stay in America but I was forced into exile when everybody denied me help and all evidence was manipulated or deleted by my wife, her children and Justice! And the threat of being forced into a mental institution.
Secretly(!) brainwashed by Electro-shock therapy and torture every 5 to 6 years!
I was every 5 to 6 years secretly brainwashed and tortured to suppress all sex of my wife making me defenseless and not able to protect my own wife. I never gave permission of course but it happened anyway mostly in the night after being drugged/spiked by my own mentally sick wife. Maya did not get that treatment. See Brainwashed and tortured at Police Officer Villa in Catral!
Secret Rapist of my wife as Guard since 1978!
In my case a secret rapist-guard was offered a de facto free Villa next to us to destroy my/our lives with a microphone in our Villa and on my desk as CEO of a Large Engineering Company. Making sure everything went wrong! Black Mouthing me and making sure I failed as much as possible. He was protected by his friend rapist-traitor inside the Ministry of (In)Justice. Raped many young girls with free drugs from Local Police, but therefore never prosecuted.
I had to ask for Asylum in America 3 times and at last I was offered Asylum!
Asked in 2009, 2013/14(case from 2009 reopened!) and 2016/17. But that Asylum which was offered on March 15th, 2017 was corruptly blocked by the Dutch King as KLM Co-Pilot in the air above Montana. So legally in America! Without the still blocked legal help I still cannot do anything against it!
America filed my case with UNCAT or UN Human Rights Council!
In Januari 2017 President Obama pardoned me for something which made filing my case with UNCAT or UNHRC possible in May 2017. That is evidence of my case being proven beyond doubt by the American FBI and CIA. American DOJ and DOS must have all the evidence and the whole case ready since 2017! But I never heard anything, so what happened? Without legal representation I cannot find out. Maya’s case was much easier to handle.
America found an unbelievable 5 good grounds for Asylum!
What never happened before in the known history of America! Normally not even one, and one good ground in some cases. But 5 good grounds after having DOJ searching for the files and even asking old retired officials, nobody thought it possible. What proves how severe and unique my case is, while in Maya’s case many more were found.
I made a proposal for a movie! See…
Book & Film Proposal horrifying ‘Fighting the Unknown’ true crime story!
Hans Smedema B. Sc., living in forced exile since 2008 in beautiful El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain.