Last Updated 25/11/2024 published 23/12/2022 by Hans Smedema
Legal help also denied by Lexforis International Law Albir!
Here is my email from Dec 7th, 2022 to Lexforis because I got a Spanish Embargo for 32.000 euro old taxes (2010/11/12) on my Openbank Account needed to be able to pay the Spanish taxes! Unlike in most countries, like Netherlands where you can simply transfer money directly to the Dutch Tax Bank Account, in Spain you had to have a Spanish Bank Account with only a few Banks allowed.
But I saw that they made it now possible to pay directly from my Dutch account to the Spanish Tax system. That is new information for me and I can use that next time. And used it already for 1000 euro tax. Was first refused and sent back, but another attempt a bit later worked well!
But the reason I could not pay the 32k Spanish taxes is the fact that the Dutch Crown persecuted me since 1972 and specifically since I found out in 2000 about this huge horrifying Cover-up and Conspiracy against me by the Crown, family, medici and even my own wife and her children! I spent 13+1=14 months in Dutch detention because my wife and her children refused to simply tell the truth! And another 15 months(2009, 2013/14 and 2016/17) in transition/detention for the crime of asking for Asylum against the persecution by the Dutch Crown/State. So I have been in detention for 29 months, being the innocent unaware victim! What is all published on this Blog.
See my earlier posts to the Spanish taxes:
Force Majeure Spanish Taxes Ministro de Hacienda!
Until now legal help is always denied, or they have to neglect everything I say in my documents about this case. Most likely because they took away my civil and human rights and a secret Dutch Omerta Organisation is controlling my life since 1972! Proof of that was the fact that when I married(de facto forced) on Feb 23th, 1973 in Leeuwarden, two officials from Justice secretly had to sign later! And even worse the fact that on the request if anybody had complaints about this marriage they should say it now: A man in the back stated he had a complaint about the fact that Hans Smedema was denied crucial information about my girlfriend Wietske Jansma and would probably never marry her if I knew!
Not knowing what the huge Omerta Organisation led by rapist Joris Demmink together with my corrupt brother Johan had done to hide crucial information about her being used as a hooker in Utrecht and Amsterdam, I ‘de facto’ was forced to marry her! Because they thought that nobody would marry her if they knew her sexual past which they hid from me.
But again also here in Albir they refuse me all legal help!
While I think this case is easy now because America has a good case ready and even started around May 2017 an UNCAT or Special Procedure complaint State America against State The Netherlands!
Here’s the email:
Concerns: Spanish tax problem 32k from 2010/11/12, but also entitled to huge damage payments of millions from the Dutch State!
1 See the latest Embargo on my Spanish Openbank account as an Attachment, which I already answered pointing to earlier communications.
2 To solve this case it is needed to contact the American DOJ who prepared my Hans Smedema asylum case 087-402-454 from Judge Rex J. Ford beginning of 2017 after a special pardon from President Obama himself, and started an UNCAT or Special Procedure case State America against State Netherlands with UN in May 2017.
I have the right to all information, but only through a Lawyer! Best from Spain, as Dutch Lawyers are not allowed to help me.
So that is just a letter requesting information and waiting for what happens! America wants to help me!
3. Another is the fact that KLM Co-pilot King WA blocked the Asylum I was offered in the air above Montana and put me innocent in detention for 13 months without a Lawyer defending my case. Dutch mr. Arnoud Comans, now Moscowitz Utrecht came and told me he could get me out in weeks if I asked King WA for Grace(Gratie) , which I refused as I never asked anything from the Dutch Royals.Later the Dutch King himself or high level officials came and offered the same in P.I. Heerhugowaard. So King WA wants this case to be settled quickly too!
I sent a letter keeping KLM responsible/accountable, but that was neglected of course.
So that is only a second letter! Best from Spain? A quick settlement with KLM should be possible!
I have top level help, but a Lawyer is needed. Is a settlement the best way? Or the UN UNCAT case? What happened to that? Probably canceled when Trump took America out of the Human Rights Council?
Because America has all the evidence ready in that UN case, this is now an easy case! No need to investigate anymore.
Added my letter to prof Nils Melzer UNHCR Geneva which explains the whole case.
Let me know if you are interested. Bonus can be huge as the Dutch offered in 2003 and again 2004 5 million if I kept certain things a secret.
We could start with point 2: the letter for information from the DOJ.
I can come over for a verbal explanation with much more info. The info I have is huge on my Blog and my written statements in my Ebooks.
Hans Smedema B. Sc. 6……
Carrer Manuel de Falla 4, Ap 2B
03581 Alfaz del Pi (Albir)
Attachments 3 • Scanned by Gmail
And the Dutch reply a few days later that they cannot help me:
Geachte heer Smedema,
Wij kunnen u in deze zaak niet bijstaan.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Roeland B.C. van Passel
Lex Foris International Law
Tel.: (+31) 40.8080143 (workdays 09.00 h – 14.00 h)
I asked another
- ‘Albir Abogados in Altea’ with an email too but no answer, and someone with the name
- Paco in Altea Hills where we talked for 2 hours. But who suddenly refused any contact!
- Noro America who stated on a chat that they could help me, but never gave a reply after that! Why? Manipulation or intimidation.
- And hundreds before that since 2003 see De laffe advocatuur.
I think they are contacted by the Spanish Justice or Secret Service (based on the Dutch request) and told not to help! Intimidation and/or manipulation! I know that Spain works together with the Netherlands. Several posts here point to that fact. Spain protects the Dutch King and Crown and not me the lonely defenseless victim!
See Hersenspoelen en martelingen 20 mei 2010 Benidorm chronologisch!
Brainwashed and tortured at Police Officer Villa in Catral!
Gemarteld in de Villa van André Gruters en Joke Laven!
Is it still possible that they do not believe it, or is it too complicated for them and with Royals involved too dangerous? Or the Dutch have Spain also making sure I can get no legal help? But why the new Embargo for the now 10 year old 32.000 euro?
I still after 22 years now have to guess the reason I can get no legal help which should be a human right for everybody! But not for Hans Smedema? Why?
But I do pay the normal Spanish taxes of around 2000 euro each year on an income of 20.000 euro. So a solution must be found for the Asylum and persecution related much to high taxes with nothing of the 300.000 euro extra costs deductible! So I paid ‘de facto’ too much taxes because I could not prove the Dutch Royals were involved in my case and therefore all extra costs should be paid by the Netherlands or be at least deductible even here in Spain?
In total I tried to get legal help since 2000, but hundreds refuse this unbelievably horrifying case.
Not my fault at all.
Hans Smedema B. Sc. in exile in beautiful El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain