Last Updated 25/11/2024 published 01/05/2024 by Hans Smedema
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Hans Smedema’s 50+ years most emotional psychological and physical torture!

Preparing for a later documentary, movie or sequel about my unbelievable exiting horrible life, it is of course crucial to know the most important mistreatment’s that will be the essence of what will get the viewers watching it with heavy emotions. And my decades-long epic still ongoing ordeal of being treated less than a dog by everyone around me, has of course many of them! How that was possible, is explained in my Dutch(klick Google translate for English or other) post…
Not only that, but it is also very educational because some events are not yet known enough and could be even unique. Many girls have become victims just because the Dutch Royals and Prime Ministers find the name of the immune Royals of a higher value than the decades of suffering of me, Hans Smedema, my defenseless mentally sick wife, and the thousands of other victims because of the Omerta organised by the top-level rapist-mole-traitor Joris Demmink inside the Ministry of (In)Justice, Police and Secret Service.
Medici were bribed or misled to believe I, Hans Smedema, was involved in the torture and sexual abuse of my girlfriend in 1972, and now suddenly had become delusional and therefore all help was, legal, family, medical and much more was secretly(!) forbidden! A secret Criminal Omerta Organisation was founded in 1972 and all my normal civil rights were secretly(!) taken away from me. Prof. Dr. Onno van der hart was bribed and had to make sure I would never find out by torturing my brain into submission to my forced(!) wife by electroshock every 5 to 6 years. My lying wife, who secretly worked as a hooker, secretly was a member of this Omerta Organisation from before our Marriage on Feb. 23th, 1973. Rapist traitor Joris Demmink from 1972 organised all this and put my corrupt brother Johan Smedema from Gennep as the secret leader. I knew nothing about all this!
‘Life is not measured by the moments we breathe, but by the moments that take our Breath away!’
Below are some of those moments!
America made a special video about my time in detention/transition during 3 asylum requests in 2009, 2013/14 when 2009 was reopened and 2016/17 when at last I was granted that asylum in the air above Montana on March 15th, 2017 which was corruptly(!) blocked by KLM Co-Pilot King Willen Alexander (ab)using his top-level powers. They showed this video to people involved.
For a larger list of the most crucial posts see…
Timeline all most crucial events!
Gruwelijk Decennia Lang Cordon Sanitaire Sydwende, Drachten!
and for the unbelievably shorter one about all the crucial corrupt medici and criminal semi-medici involved in destroying my/our lives for decades…
De decennia lange gruwelijke medische doofpot!
And for all the chronological 400+ posts and pages on this blog see…
Contents Sitemap & Inhoud blog
This post is still under construction!
I will in the coming days and weeks list them here.
There are many many, but I will mention some of the most emotional mistreatment’s(torture) and keep updating this post.
Rapist-Teacher-French Jaap the Vagina-hunter in 1977 became the Ministry of Justice Official part of the secret Omerta Organisation tasked to protect victims Hans and Wies Smedema!
He was appointed directly or indirectly in 1977 by rapist-mole-traitor Joris Demmink to hide his own criminal torture of both his victims Hans and Wies Smedema in 1972 and later, but made it look as if he was helping to protect the victims. At first I thought he was just an informer, but he had an ID which he showed to the postman and who gave him the letters who were directed to me! And he showed his Justice ID-card to the Police who were warned by neighbors in 1979 during the raid on our Villa in Drachten who should have saved us from the torture and rape-video with a dog.
This was verbally confirmed during an official hearing by ‘The Review Committee on the Intelligence and Security Services (CTIVD)’ to Hans Smedema on April 29th, 2008 at their Headquarters in The Hague.
Out of 5 photos I picked immediately Joris Demmink as the one who tortured me and my girlfriend in 1972! But they told me
“that’s impossible because he is the one helping you!”
My wife knows him also and mentioned his name. And there are of course many more people involved who know him directly or indirectly. They were involved in auditing him for becoming Secretary-General in 2002 and before that for other high level positions they told me. So they(Hilda and Judge mevr. mr. I.P. Michels van Kessenich-Hoogendam were embarrassed for failing to do a good job.
They confirmed the cover-up and conspiracy and would ask PM Jan Peter Balkenende to stop the huge horrifying cover-up against me!
But he cowardly refused apparently to protect the name of the involved Dutch Royals.
This made me feel happy at first, but later very depressed as it proved I was up against the whole Dutch State and Crown! Even Police, OM, Lawyers, medici and other victim-organisations were not allowed to help me based on false and fraudulent information Joris Demmink and my family officially entered into the Justice records. Without legal help I would never be able to fight those fabricated for me mostly unknown events. I never got the information in those Justice files, nor did I get the secret information in the medical files.
I could only ask for Asylum against the horrifying decades-long persecution by the Netherlands.
Threw 15 cm stone through the double glass of my terras-door into my living room full with secret members of the always for me secret meeting of the Omerta Organisation gaslighting me, after being lured away and suddenly returning!

One mistreatment in the first months of 2010 while preparing to go to Spain again, was the fact that it was the only for me(!) secret Criminal Omerta Organization with my lying/betraying mentally sick wife as a for me secret member since 1972, organised a secret gaslighting(you are delusional Hans) meeting in my Villa at the Sydwende 97 in Drachten. Of course without informing me and even luring me away for hours to the Villa in Oudega of my corrupt lying brother-in-law Tjitte de Jong together with her son Jorrit to make sure I could not return suddenly. So I was suddenly angry at the door on a packed with cars driveway and on the streets, causing a panic by the for me secret visitors/members. Her son Arne also secretly(!) a member since 2004, refused to let me into my own Villa!

This happened only a few months after having been in detention(officially transition) in Florida for 7 months during my first asylum request April 23 to Nov 5th, 2009 at Miami airport. Which was also hugely emotional and degrading! Psychological torture. Instead of being a top-level business man I suddenly was just a number and every other asylum seeker had the same rights as me. Knowing how your own wife, her children, all family, former friends, medici, Justice, Lawyers and much more are betraying and isolating you in a huge criminal Cordon Sanitaire based on my wife’s false brainwashed accusations, makes you powerless angry and numb. Why do people do this to other human beings? Decades of betrayal! No empathy for me at all.Nobody defended my side of being also the victim.
- Orwellian Group-thought.
- Personality changing even as a member of top-level Rotary
- without legal help allowed,
- not allowed to file charges,
- police/OM not allowed to investigate,
- to be treated like all the other asylum seekers in America
- and without any legal help from the Netherlands.
- Not allowed, only to protect the name(!) of the corrupt involved Royals who were betrayed and lured into this,
- and the rapist-mole-traitor Joris Demmink inside the Dutch Ministry of (In)Justice
- Joris Demmink being the Secretary-General (SG) from 2002 until 2013 simply able to create havoc and Injustice by deleting or manipulating evidence, because he was only reporting to the unaware political(!) Minister of Justice wrongly assuming to be told the truth that I was delusional.
Her son Arne who already knew he was not my child, but from rapist Jan de Vries:
“You are not allowed to enter, it is a private meeting that you are not allowed to hear!”

Unbelievable, her son Arne therefore was also a member of the Omerta Organisation gaslighting me into submission, while my brainwashed mentally sick wife was also a secret member! Always lying to me since I met her, cheating with lots of men and even falsely accusing me(top ethical level) of being involved in her sexual mistreatment, as a member from before(!) our forced(!) marriage on 23-2-1973! By gaslighting or manipulating my reality and even by electroshock torture end of 1972 by bribed(by the rapists Joris Demmink and Jan van Beek) traumatologist Onno van der Hart!
Feeling hugely powerless, outcasted and neglected made me so unbelievably angry that I had tears in my eyes and so I took a 15 cm boulder from the drive-way and threw it through the double glazed window in a door from our living room to a small breakfast-terrace. But it was too dangerous to enter. But all that caused my brain so much pain and to get so emotional that a natural safety deleted the whole event and I drove back to the Villa of corrupt brother-in-law Tjitte de Jong in Oudega together with her son Jorrit Smedema (in reality ‘Perdok’ as a witness) not knowing what happened anymore. When much later I came back in my own(?) home, I even stupidly asked my wife who broke that door-window? You did she answered correctly, but I could not remember it. Too much for my tortured brain.
My betraying sister Rinneke(Rinske Smedema De Jong) paid quickly cash(no evidence!) for a new double glass next morning!

Because I interrupted their secret meeting in the first half of 2010 about me, they did it again a bit later and now I was lured to the Houseboat from Tjitte to make sure I could not escape anymore. This was ordered to me and arranged by my corrupt rapist neighbor Jaap Duijs as a member of the for me secret Omerta organisation! Everybody left me there alone for hours! Even Sietse de Jong the son of Tjitte and CEO of DJA Norg made sure I could not leave by taking my zodiac speedboat with him. Only by swimming or shouting for help I could escape, but I expected nothing corrupt about it yet. My wife of course made sure I got the secret ketamine anesthesia-drug in the morning to make me numb! How did the Omerta criminal organisation led by Joris Demmink, my brother Johan and Tjitte also, get everybody to treat only me as the enemy number one? And like a dog?
Not even a dog is treated like this for decades since 1972. The horrifying powerless feeling to be neglected as a top-level-ethical human being by decades-long lying and betraying by wife, family and friends, and outcasted like a dog made my brain protect me by suppressing the whole happening! Only after years of nightly repairing your brain and remembering something about it like the stone through the door, you suddenly remember more of the evil they did to me.
American Judge Rex J. Ford had placed conservatory seizures on their houses by UN Geneva!
Driving back to Oudega to the Villa of my brother-in-law with Jorrit I did not remember what happened but was very emotional and even damaged the right rear-view mirror of my car. Talking to Tjitte and a bit later my sister Rinske(Rin) I remembered that my American Judge Rex J. Ford was going to place UN Geneva conservatory seizures on the houses of all corrupt involved persons in my decades-long persecution, of which he/they/FBI/CIA had enough legal evidence! Everybody including of course Family, children and friends. I was not directly involved so I denied to be behind that at first. Until I remembered that Rex told me in 2009 during my first 7 months asylum request against the horrifying persecution by the Netherlands, that seizure could be done through UN Geneva, which I asked him to do! He told me that he would wait a few months to prepare all evidence first. I left America after 7 months investigation on November 5th, 2009, so this happened in the first half of 2010! Most likely May. So UN Geneva has lots of evidence about those seizures and even more important why, and American DOJ/DOS of course.
Even the Villa of my Family Doctor Lefering was part of at least 10. The house of her daughter Ilse and Renier Snieders, his sister Marieke and father Dirk Snieders in Oegstgeest, and corrupt brother-in-law Tjitte de Jong. More info will be in the official complaint State America versus State Netherlands at UNCAT or Special Procedure UNHRC or so, which was started by President Obama himself in Jan, in May 2017. But I never heard anything about it anymore. Strange and very wrong to leave the victim asking for help totally in the dark! See…
Human Rights Violations! UNCAT
Threw a big stone through the double glass in the front door of the house of my wife’s(!) daughter and her husband when I am not allowed(!) inside where a secret meeting took place!
Something similar happened In Groningen at the house of her daughter Ilse and her husband Renier. I came unaware with my wife(who secretly knew) and was not allowed inside I was told by her husband Renier Snieders! His father Dirk Snieders from Oegstgeest and family were already inside! The same as Arne told me while blocking the door to my Villa in Drachten.
“You cannot enter now, you must wait outside! We have a private meeting you are not allowed to hear!”
So they had again a meeting about me and the Omerta organization and that was secret and private! I had to wait outside like a dog again. In hindsight they were all most likely also given 20.000 euro each much earlier to help with the gaslighting and betrayal of me of course. They falsified the DNA father-ship tests in 2003 to make it look like my wife’s 3 children from 3 rapists, were mine. Here are the official DNA tests of the corrupt acting Snieders Family with 3 doctors.

Outcasted and not treated as a normal human being, no empathy at all for my feelings, I got so angry and emotional I could almost cry and already had tears in my eyes. And so in that powerless outcasted neglected, alone against the whole world feeling situation, I threw a big stone through the double glass of the front-door, got inside, took the key of her car, and drove back to our house in Drachten. Renier followed me in his car In Groningen and wanted me to stop and go back, but I refused of course. I am not a dog!
When they visited us later, I remembered nothing about it again. Suppressed again by my brain to protect me from the huge emotional events taking place around me since 1972. And more specific from the electroshock-brainwashing- torture with 500-volt through your brain-cells every 5 years by bribed Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart together with teacher French Jaap Duijs since 1977. See my post…
Brainwashed and tortured at Police Officer Villa in Catral!
That happened again later, but now they had our car first on the driveway and quickly the car of Dirk Snieders behind mine on the driveway. Making sure I could not escape! But after some talking about what I knew and again feeling being treated less than a dog by all in a full room led by Dirk Snieders, I went very angry outside, while walking called a taxi and so escaped again. They tried to stop me, but I refused to be treated like a dog. Everybody talks secretly about(!) or over me are members of the secret Omerta org, but nobody talks on an even-level with(!) me. While my own mentally sick wife betrayed me and gave all my info to her ‘master’ neighbor Jaap Duijs who also had a microphone in the center of our Villa and so knew everything I tried and could simply block it. Also a microphone on my desk as CEO of a Large Engineering company IHN Engineering Leeuwarden making sure everything I did went negative. I needed to be NOT successful.
Being treated like a dog I don’t accept of course after decades of mistreatment and psychological and psychical(electroshock) torture since 1972.
Neighbor Roelof Hamster puts me in his Kitchen, while informing a full house party about something he refuses to explain!
Again mistreatment like a dog now by my years-long neighbor when one evening he and my wife refuse to tell me what apparently my mentally sick wife told him and his wife earlier about me. Making me again defenseless like a dog. When we arrive later at a party in his new bigger Villa a bit further away, he even angry denies me entry to his living room full with guests and puts me like a dog in his kitchen! Several people came to me in that kitchen and asked
“you don’t know what he is talking about? Roelof is talking to everybody about your behaviour against your wife!”
And I had to answer “no, I don’t know. I would have to guess. Roelof and my wife refuse to tell me. I would have to guess!”
Only one couple came and offered to bring me home, the HR Director of Philips Drachten! Who also asked me earlier
“But who is helping you in this case?”
My lying me black-mouthing wife who had sex with every man she could find, was invited many times for an afternoon on his(Roelof) sailboat, but alone! I had to wait at home like a dog has to wait until his boss came home. Still do not know what she told him exactly and why he treated me like a rapist. Most likely something about me trying to solve my case of course which she doesn’t believe. She is made to believe I suddenly became delusional. Many people in Drachten were witness to this happening and know more about it than I do! See…
Nederlandse Kroon blijft mijn ex-vrouw en heel Nederland gruwelijk bedriegen!
My tortured brain short circuits when I suddenly remembered the reality which makes me faint and suppress everything.
Here are some cases about brain-short-circuits happening. It is crucial because it explains how I was never able to go to the police to stop this decades-long torture and crimes against us. There are of course many other victims who could use this crucial information. My Asylum Judge Rex J. Ford during the 7 months investigation also found this fact crucial in explaining why victims of severe crimes are at first not able to file charges. They did a test about me suppressing emotional events during a court session, which proved my horrifying story! See…
Resultaten Amerikaans FBI Onderzoek Hans Smedema Affair
My wife secretly lets her rapists into our Villa in Drachten for a porn-video with a dog!
Around 1979 late evening my forced mentally sick wife in bed gets a strange phone-call and lets our enemies Jan van Beek and Joris Demmink into our home! She tries to drug me first with a glass of water, but after the strange phone-call I suspect something and throw it under the bed. She gives me a punch but I react of course. ‘That isn’t good’ she says loudly. She comes back later and now I play dead. That’s better she said and a bit later both Jan and Joris storm into our bedroom and jump me, expecting me to be unconscious by the drug. But I fight back and tell them you have to kill me before I drink that drug in an other glass which they ordered me to do. Go ahead but all wounds will be visible and are evidence! So I knew even outnumbered by the two of them I was in a strong situation! They could not do a thing, even killing me, or that would be evidence later! Difficult to explain even for Joris Demmink working for Justice and Secret Service. Earlier in Utrecht Joris was able to show his ID card from Justice or Secret Service and was so able to manipulate the Police I was able to warn that my girlfriend was taken hostage and tortured.
But my wife tells me to drink it, “Drink it Hans, nothing will happen to you. I had that also.”
Which suddenly meant that she was raided and drugged, and brainwashed too! She thinks wrongly that nothing will happen to you.
Which caused my brain suddenly to remember that I knew more of her rapes by Jan or others and next remember more and ask myself why didn’t you go to the Police? Why did you suppress all those crucial crimes? And I did not know why not. Which caused my brain to a kind of short-circuit and next I cannot use my own brain anymore and faint! And next was forced to drink the drug ketamine(an anesthesia) and that makes you forget everything up to 10 minutes before. So next morning we both knew nothing anymore about the forced rape-video with a dog that night while rapist-neighbor-teacher Jaap Duijs with his Justice-id kept neighbors and even warned by other neighbors Police at bay on my driveway.

But I found a plastic bearing under the bed and missing on the bathroom door hinge they needed to remove to make the porn-video. So I knew the door had been removed and put back but the plastic bearing was dropped under the bed! They must have searched for it but could not find it just behind a leg. Also the smell of poop on the carpet like a dog had pooped there, what really happened after he had sex with my wife. My wife refused to go to the police! You are insane! Nothing happened! We would have noticed it of course.
Her father tells me the truth about my girlfriend being raped and abused.
Something similar happened end of 1972 when her father at last tries to tell me about her being raped and working as a hooker, but I also suddenly remember more about what happened and my brain kind of short-circuits and I faint at her parents home in front of her parents and sisters. This was legally confirmed in writing by her corrupt sister Klazien Jansma, when asked about it by my Asylum Judge Rex J. Ford during my 7 months FBI/CIA investigation in 2009 in Broward Transition Center.
Crying when in 2000 I found out about the huge grotesque decades-long Omerta since 1972 against me!
In March 2000 I got suddenly every morning one or more flashbacks about all the sexual crimes against my girlfriend later forced wife. I must have stopped taking the Vitamins and therefore did not get the by my wife and Jaap Duijs hidden low dose Ketamine that made me half a zombie, submissive to her and Jaap and numb sometimes stupid
But during the next months I secretly investigated everything I remembered and found photos about, or could find out by asking as if nothing happened. So every morning I had hours of flashbacks and at one time I knew I was the victim of one of the largest cover-up and conspiracy in the known history of the Netherlands. I was betrayed ans abused, even tortured by electroshock without knowing anything about it! While my girlfriend and wife had sex with almost everybody asking for it. And when she was afraid she transferred into her second personality and even asked the man “when are we having sex?” Like when she had driving lessons in “t Harde in 1973/4 and the man even warned me about it “do you know what your wife is doing?” And he did not want me to pay him! She got free lessons!
When all those things at last became clear in my tortured brain I got so angry and with that feeling of being alone against the whole world and all family, brothers, parents, sisters, friends who also were paid 20.000 end of 1972, and much much more, that I wanted to get all those criminals together and burn them all! While I am totally against all fighting and have never fought in my whole life. It was early in the morning when I was always at my best and Wiesje was still sleeping next to me, but I softly cried, which I never never did! Tears in my eyes when I see a good emotional movie, but never crying. But so much evil against only me, while nobody(!) helped me and Lawyers and Police were not allowed to help, was to much for my tortured brain. Tortured by the rapist Jan van Beek and Joris Demmink employee of the Secret Service who with his ID could block Police to investigate my warning about my girlfriend being taken hostage at St. Jacobstraat 83, Utrecht where she rented a room from Jan and could get a lower rent when she slept with him, which she secretly did for me. And I was secretly tortured end of 1972 by Traumatoloog Onno van der Hart in Leeuwarden too.
See my Ebook Part 2 for the details.
Asylum Judge found totally unique in America 5 good grounds for Asylum!
During my first asylum request in Florida against the grotesque persecution by the Netherlands against me, Rex J. Ford told me they(Department of Justice DOJ) found an unbelievable 5 good(!) grounds for asylum in my case, which had never happened before in the known history of America. Nothing in the files, and they even had asked older retired people, but nobody had ever heard about anything more than two grounds! And they all 5 would hold during a court case about my horrifying case. That gave me an unbelievably good feeling that I could get asylum in America and had help in my case against the Dutch Royals and State. It was healing for me and even while in detention between all those asylum seekers, I felt happy for a few weeks.
Many more later.
Hans Smedema, in forced exile in beautiful El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain