Cabinet offers 5 million as a buyout!
This is a Google computer translation of my earlier Dutch post:
Bod Kabinet 5 miljoen als afkoop!
I becameapproached through a business relationship by his fellow student from Wageningen, Dutch Minister Veerman, to discuss buying out this case with certain restrictions!
Restrictions that of course have to do with secrecy of involvement of the Dutch Royal House in the largest conspiracy and cover-up in Dutch history as far as I know. But later it also turns out to be MOL and traitor Joris Demmink who as SG Justice could manipulate everything beautifully to his advantage. So no (!) investigations!
In fact, here seen involvement Royal House so not the Cabinet, but the Crown itself who had come up with this offer. After all, they were increasingly pressured by me and had to make crucial decisions in the dark. Do we make a deal with Hans Smedema, or do we go for more lies and deceit, and in doing so nicely keep the Royal House and our own evil decisions out of sight for the Dutch people?
In particular, the report of the bribed psychiatrist and my report via the Drachten police and the Public Prosecution Service that was with the Justice Department in The Hague, required a crucial decision. A serious dilemma for the Crown! Are we now suddenly honest and upright, or are we simply continuing to lie and cheat since 1973?
Fortunately, with me everything is completely transparent, top-level ethical and therefore predictable.
Everything, even what is to my disadvantage, I publish openly or simply share it honestly with judges. You will not easily find someone who is as honest, open and upright as I am.
Offer to buy out 5 million with confidentiality restrictions
A few months earlier I fly with ir. Klaas Keestra and two Rotary friends who are pilots with a four-seater plane from Eelde for a few days to Beaune in France for wine tasting and such. But Klaas speaks to me again so regularly and makes the proposal with an amount of first 1 million, then 2 million to solve it. But in 2004 I know almost nothing and am severely mentally affected and say that it is not about money and that I cannot do anything without first knowing exactly what is going on. Then he states that the maximum bid is 5 million, and whether I want to think about it. Of course there were some restrictions attached to it.
I said I thought the 5 million was a fair amount, but I had to know more first. I was not primarily interested in money, but in justice and especially in the crucial information that was withheld from me in a Kafkaesque way by my and her lying family! They were all bribed with 20,000 guilders to remain silent, as early as the end of 1972! The Omerta Organization led by my corrupt brother Mr. Johan Smedema from Gennep as Godfather. My story is strikingly similar to Franz Kafka’s ‘The Trial’.
But I repress this, because I am not after money and later conversations unfortunately go wrong again.
I knew this crucial fact and offer much earlier, but did not find it ethical to burden my business friend with it. But now that our lives have been completely destroyed, both mentally and financially, this needs to be mentioned for the book and the movie later.
Too bad because in retrospect this would have been the solution at that time. 5 million would have enabled us to continue living well and I could have had my own children.
- I had declared myself unfit for work on January 14, 2004, in view of the lying and deceit through the agreed Omerta and the cover-up.
- On April 23, 2004 I again (previously April 2000 Voshol police Leeuwarden) report this horrible cover-up and conspiracy to Haye Bruinsma Police Drachten. She immediately forwards it to the public prosecutor Leeuwarden Mrs. Duijnhoven, who immediately forwards it to the Ministry of Justice in The Hague. Only at the end of September (so AFTER AN ATTEMPTED BUY-OFF) the Public Prosecution Service and the Drachten Police receive a message from the Ministry of Justice (Joris Demmink) that no official report may be drawn up and that no investigation may take place on the grounds of state security.
- I have to be assessed for disability insurance by order of Amersfoortse by drs. WHJ Mutsaers from Haren. This corrupt psychiatrist is bribed by the secret Stasi department of the Ministry of Justice itself with tons (millions?) to draw up a false report and thereby sideline me Hans Smedema. After all, they can then pretend that I have gone mad and ignore everything I say. Conversations take place on 29-7-2004 and 11-8-2004 in Haren. The report is issued on 24 September 2004 AFTER AN ATTEMPTED BUY-OFF and is simply character assassination. My normal life actually ends with that, because I suddenly have to live as a completely innocent victim, as the village idiot. Even my own wife with a double personality, therefore seriously ill, does not believe me, but the police and justice do. See J’Accuse psychiatrist drs. WHJ Mutsaers!
- Much earlier, Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart and Prof. Dr. Robert van den Bosch UMCG both also had me brainwashed in 1975 and later, and after drugging extorted a crucial document. These two also bribed gentlemen (both 1 million according to Jan van Beek from Utrecht) of course also definitely do NOT want it to come out, just like involved Ministers such as Lubbers and later many others. See Heavy political conspiracy! (on May 20, 2010 again conditioned by Onno in Benidorm with the help of Spain!!! Many witnesses including warned local police and even Belgian investigating judge)
So all crucial matters that supposedly(!) could endanger the unity of the Crown, thus the Royal House and the Council of Ministers involved. So state security at stake. Fallacy, because the result is fraud and bribery. And specifically Joris Demmink SG Justice himself who wants to keep his past from 1972 and thereafter hidden! I had warned CTIVD in 2006/7 that a MOL was operating within Justice.
So an attempt must be made to see if I am also willing to make a deal!
Business relationship with government contacts
I did a lot of good business with the NOM in Groningen, Vice President ir. Klaas Keestra with whom I got along very well. He studied in Wageningen and had a lot of contacts with Ministries and government for large million projects. So he is asked to talk to me and see what I know and what I plan to do. Also whether I would still like to make a deal. See previous comments about that at Heavy political conspiracy under 2004.
During a very sudden lunch (in a hurry) I talk to him very openly and honestly as always and he asks if I would be willing to have a conversation and possibly a deal about this matter.
Yes, I suppose, talking is always possible and if it is very open and I am told what is going on, I would be prepared to work on a solution. So very nice and solution-oriented of him! I am very grateful to him and those involved in the Cabinet (JanPeter Balkenende 2004).
It might have worked if I hadn’t been so traumatized by the Omerta and didn’t have the knowledge I have now 12 years later.
Minister Veerman’s appointment goes wrong
On August 12, 2004, I have another impromptu lunch with Klaas and he wants me to talk to Minister Veerman, a good friend of his from his student days in Wageningen, right after at 16:00. He will introduce us first and then leave us alone for a while. He will call Veerman on the spot to say that it can go ahead.
But strangely enough I repress everything and when we are standing in front of the door of the restaurant I do not want to talk to him. Because I did not remember anything about the conversation about a possible solution! Too traumatized at that moment! As a victim I had to arrange everything myself! Normally a lawyer or something does that, because the victim is much too emotionally involved.
Klaas unfortunately doesn’t understand anything! Veerman had come especially for me, but with the excuse of something else in Groningen! That someone can forget something like that or better repress it is beyond anyone’s understanding. After all, it has just been told and is crucial!
So I miss the chance to solve it! At that moment there would have been a solution possible! Amounts were not discussed yet.
Current situation
Under the current circumstances that is far too little. After all I was brainwashed on May 20, 2010 by prof.dr. Onno van der Hart in Benidorm, total two times asylum with 28 and 10 weeks detention, and a month innocent fixed PI ter Apel, years mentally destroyed. We have been through hell! Several countries are now involved, and read my blog.
Now forced to divorce and wife lives on welfare and I live on my credit card.
So now it can’t be done anymore and there are other victims. The amounts as compensation for me and others will now amount to tens of millions I’m afraid.
But a solution must be found!
This post should have been published in 2004, but I didn’t have a blog back then. So here it is for the annals.
Hans Smedema B. Sc., in forced exile in beautiful El Albir, Spain