San Diego Asylum Request
After I got the sentence from the corrupt Judges in Leeuwarden for my so called insult of the rapist of my wife, and the one who drugged, raped and drowned my neighbors daughter(she barely came back to life after minutes, brain damage likely), I of course planned to ask for Asylum for the third time. Sentence for 5 months in detention, 5 months extra if I didn’t remove the name of my corrupt planned(by secret service in 1977!) neighbor drs. Jaap J. Duijs from this Blog, and to pay 6500 euro as a fine for the trouble I(!) caused the rapist!
See post: Corrupt vonnis meervoudige strafkamer Rechtbank Leeuwarden OM/Hans Smedema!
Nothing about my suffering or all the others, or my neighbor Cees van’t Hoog who was murdered because he investigated my case at the Newspaper in Zwolle.
During the court case no lawyer present, nobody! Just like on Feb. 2nd 2009 before a police judge. They refuse(don’t dare to) to help me, or are not allowed because of the secret state security they use against me, and don’t have a clue what’s going on and how big, complex and sophisticated this case is. The largest conspiracy ever in Dutch history, only comparable to the famous French Dreyfus Affaire and Jason Bourne movies. And I am still defenseless only because all Dutch lawyers refuse this case! Only famous Dutch Lawyer mr. Bram Moszkowicz did the appeal case 2011/12, while refusing the main cover-up case(why?), but was totally destroyed and is no longer a lawyer. And even with him no defense was allowed against all human rights laws! Only the 5 plaintiffs who all filed false charges were officially interrogated and lied again!
Now Asylum request in San Diego California. The first was in Miami Florida in 2009, the second Texas in 2013/14. There in San Diego at least I could make sure I did what I could to have America help me. If not I would have the right to try elsewhere like Germany, France or Geneva UN Human Rights, or UNCAT again. United Nations Convention Against Torture, from the Netherlands.
I told nobody, specific the corrupt psychologist Janne Geraerts who of course wanted to speak to me on August 12th 2016 after the sentence to be able to inform the Criminal Gangsters who are behind all this torture since 1972, how I would react. I told him I would stay and wait what they would do to have me extradited to Netherlands prison.
By not paying the rent over July, and not paying more, I was just able to book a flight two days before from Alicante to Madrid and Mexico City to Tijuana on September 29th 2016. And back because that is cheaper, three days later.
I asked Asylum at San Diego San Ysidro border around 14.00 September 30th.
I was put in handcuffs and brought to the blue building in the picture and with a footcuff fixed on a stainless steel bench. Much later to a horrifying overcrowded temporary jail with 4 Asylum seekers on a floor of 2 by 3 meters including an open toilet. Later to a room with 3 toilets and about 50 inmates on a floor of 4 by 8 meters and an edge of 3 by 4 or so. No room to sleep, and I spent there in total two weeks or so. Horrifying, but it became not much better for 10 days with only burito’s 3 times a day. Then to Otay Mesa detention center which was much better and in fact heaven compared to the other two places.
The prison was okay in fact with nice guards and other helpful officers. This is how it looked inside with large rooms with in each edge a double bunk above each other.
I was there in San Diego for 5,5 months in total. But my mental health became worse and worse of course. No help, and a lawyer didn’t understand how big this case was. But I managed to tell them a lot and asked for President Obama to give me Asylum if he could before he left office. They can do special things I saw there on TV. But nothing happened and I decided to cancel and withdraw my request in California, to go to Germany.
Judge offered me an expedited(!) asylum case which would most likely be positive!
The Judge in San Diego just before making up the document below even offered me an expedited asylum case when he found out from FBI/CIA all evidence about my horrifying case! Which means I could have had asylum there in beautiful California in weeks!
But I promised Miami Judge Rex J. Ford a carte blanche and so decided to try my luck in Germany. Stupid in hindsight! In San Diego I would have had my asylum probably in weeks! 4 to 6 weeks. But I promised and always keep my word.
Therefore here is the official Withdraw document from California.
Deportation to Amsterdam and 13 months detention!
But I was deported to Amsterdam without they telling me why, but in Amsterdam three Police were waiting at the door of the plane and I was put in detention on Schiphol Airport for 6 weeks, then moved to Zuyderbos Heerhugowaard and had to be there for 5 months! Not being able and refusing to take the name of rapist drs. Jaap J. Duijs from my blog which was still working in March and May, I got another 5 months just before leaving. And later because I also refused to pay the 6500, by then almost 8000 euro, another 85 days. So I left on April 5th 2018, while I asked for Asylum on September 30th 2016. Or 5,5 + 13 = 18,5 months detention while I am the victim asking for an investigation in both the Netherlands and in America!
In America I was in detention in 2009 7 months, 2013 2,5 months and in 2016/17 5,5 months, or as innocent victim asking for legal help(!) against the persecution by the Dutch Crown and my family, medici, Justice and much more, 15 months total.
In the Netherlands without human rights and any defense from lawyers, prosecutors or Judges, One month innocent in Ter Apel and 13 months in Schiphol and ZuyderBos Heerhugowaard. Both in Schiphol and Zuyderbos I was treated well. In Zuyderbos I got one of the best rooms for me alone, with separate shower, toilet and sink, TV, Microwave, Fridge, table, and even money each day to buy some groceries. Guards were very helpful and when I needed anything, they tried to help me. I asked if I could come back later for my pension, but that would cost almost 300 euro a day! Only if I did something wrong it would be free.

Never any investigation, no defense allowed during the trial for these 13 months! Rapist goes free, victim to jail and paying the rapist for insult. Coward Royals and Dutch Cabinet and politicians who all even refused to talk to me.
But maybe not totally, it is possible the Dutch King tried to help me secretly see the post…
Probeerde Koning WA mij heimelijk via gratieverzoek te helpen?
Fraud by KLM Co-Pilot King Willem Alexander!
But on the KLM plane from Los Angelos to Amsterdam on March 15th, 2017 I was interrogated by a guy from Secret Service who said he was a retired pilot, who called himself Sjon, and a stewardess was his wife he told me. He knew everything about my case and was in fact the first to really talk more or less openly to me about my horrifying case.
Dutch King Willem Alexander who knew about my horrifying case was the KLM Co-Pilot! I saw him when entering the plane as the first passenger and later when he went to the back of the plane. His eyes looked at me but he cowardly held his face straight to the back of the plane. He was warned by President Obama during his visit to the White House in 2014 to look into my case which is the result of the involvement of 3 generations of Dutch Royals!
Above Montana while in the jurisdiction of Judge Rex J. Ford who very professionally investigated my first asylum case had reopened my case in Jan 2014 and now entering his jurisdiction(!) offered me in the air if I still wanted asylum! ‘Yes(!) I do want asylum here’ was my answer three times of course! I tried to go to Florida the whole 5,5 months in San Diego! But the corrupt Sjon and the corrupt King did not want me to get asylum at all!
So the King Willem Alexander lied to Rex Ford or the Justice department that I did NOT want asylum and therefore blocked my asylum offered to me while I was legally still in America! That was an criminal act by the Dutch King!
See detailed post KLM Co-Pilot King Willem Alexander corrupt blocked my American Asylum Request against the Netherlands in American Airspace!
When Sjon heard about my 5,5 months ordeal in San Diego he ordered food from first class for me. knowing of course I would have to spent another 10 months or more in detention as soon as we landed in Amsterdam. That became 5+5+3 or 13 months innocent detention in the Netherlands! For insulting the rapist(28 years long mind control as his sex-slave and much more evil) of my wife!
There is much more, but that will be in my Ebooks and movie.
See also post Not 3 but 5 Asylum requests!
Remembering much more without antipsychotics!
During my time in San Diego, And Netherlands detention, I was suddenly able to remember and connect the dots much more about what happened to me! I did not get the medicine from Spain where the baby aspirin 100 mg. was secretly changed into antipsychotic by the corrupt psychologist drs. Janne Geraerts from Alfaz del Pi and a psychiatrist, but a normal baby aspirin 81 mg from America. So I could suddenly use my normal brain again!

I was not sick, as I mistakenly thought, when I stopped working Januari 2004 at all! No the corrupt psychiatrist Frank van Es, an arrogant moron which I hated from the beginning and told several times to stay out of my life, secretly already in september 2003, when I was still working on a very high level, with the help of my sick(dissociation) wife and the mind control of Jaap Duijs(her mind controlling sex-master paid by the Secret Service) gave me secretly an unknown antipsychotic which caused my normal high intelligence to go down 50% or so. A kind of zombie state. Which of course caused me not being able to function on the high level needed for my Executive Search Company Human Power Services. The drug was hidden by this corrupt psychiatrist as a daily baby aspirin with help from also corrupt Farmacia, doctor and more insiders like my corrupt brother Godfather mr. Johan Smedema Gennep of course.
During(!) the court cases I was also drugged in fact, without knowing or being able to tell the judges or lawyers upfront! Wrong medicine because this is a true crime and not made up. But I had to defend myself in 2009, appeal 2011 and 2012 without a lawyer. Being officially declared insane and with secret brain damaging antipsychotic into half a zombie. Soon a special post to accuse him and make sure everybody is warned for this criminal.
J’Accuse Psychiater drs. Frank D. van Es UMCG
They must have been doing this since 2003 until 2016 when I asked Asylum San Diego. Also in 2009 and 2013/14 in detention in America I could remember much more, because I got real aspirin 81 mg! No secret zombie antipsychotic.
Drs. Jaap J. Duijs Drachten did much more horrifying things
And I know now much more about the corrupt rapist drs. Jaap J. Duijs, whose name I am not allowed to publish here on this blog! Soon more about this top criminal also. Here my latest posts about him.
Het Monster van Drachten! Top crimineel lid porno organisatie!
Jaap de Vaginajager als Informant Justitie in grootste Nederlandse doofpot en samenzwering ooit!
Jaap de Vaginajager route bijna verdronken minderjarig meisje!
Back to freedom in Spain?
After those long, long 13 months, and before that the 5,5 months in San Diego, I was released on April 5th and took the fast train to Paris, then the fast train to Barcelona where I stayed two days to recover a bit, and went on to Alicante and Albir looking for an Apartment to rent.
Case before UNCAT?
Also there were more investigations in Zuyderbos and much more which I think signal that President Obama must have done something like filing a complaint with UNCAT Geneva against the Netherlands. United Nations Convention Against Torture which is where my case belongs I knew from earlier discussions in 2009 Florida with Judge Rex J. Ford and my Lawyer Chandler Finley Miami. It could be that if the Dutch Government kept denying everything I would have to address the UN itself for 3 minutes.
5th murder attempt in Altea Costa Blanca Spain 2016
I told America about the 5th murder attempt on my life and that I had them on pictures before and after the attack! But I also I told Sjon from secret service about it and my photo’s of them. When I was free those photos of them were deleted of course. Psychologist drs. Janne Geraerts knew about the murder attempt because he made a secret picture of my bleeding ear where I was hit by a lot of luck. I would have died if the murderers had hit my neck. Got heart problems but survived. See my post about it…
Nephew Jack was fired from Police when he tried to help me!
In Dutch Onrechtmatige Inmenging! Or Unlawful interference. I was kept out of it by mind control from drs. Jaap Duijs who ordered my wife to make sure everything about it was blocked.
More about that soon also, and much more…
ing. Hans Smedema
El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain