Book & Film Proposal horrifying ‘Fighting the Unknown’ true crime story!

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Book & Film proposal horrifying ‘Fighting the unknown’ true crime story!

Fighting the Unknown part 1 - horrifying betrayal
Fighting the Unknown part 1 – horrifying betrayal

‘Live is not measured by the moments we breath, but by the moments that take our Breath away!’

  1. Concept statement
  2. About the book
  3. About the Author
  4. About the Market
  5. About the Competition
  6. Production Details
  7. About Promotion
  8. Sample – Full part I
  9. Blogs & contact info

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Smedema alleges a multitude of actions taken against him to silence him, often orchestrating a narrative of a grand “Cordon Sanitaire” organized to obstruct his pursuit of justice and truth.

  • Manipulation of legal proceedings: Smedema asserts that he was denied the right to file reports and seek legal assistance against his alleged abusers [1]. He believes that the Dutch legal system, including police, prosecutors, and judges, was manipulated by the “Omerta Organization,” led by Joris Demmink, to obstruct justice in his case [1-3]. He also claims that he was denied access to legal representation during trials, particularly those concerning defamation charges brought against him [4, 5]. These trials, he believes, were politically motivated and aimed at silencing his accusations [4].
  • Financial inducement: Smedema claims he was offered a 5 million euro bribe in 2003 and 2004 by the Dutch cabinet, led by Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, to keep silent about his experiences [1, 6]. His refusal to accept this offer, he believes, led to an escalation of the persecution against him [7].
  • Forced medical interventions: Smedema alleges that he was subjected to forced medical interventions, including brainwashing sessions using electroshock therapy, intended to repress his memories and make him appear mentally unstable [8-13]. He claims that these interventions were carried out every five to six years by Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart, often with the unwitting assistance of his wife who was allegedly instructed to drug him before the sessions [12, 14].
  • Drugging and physical abuse: Smedema claims to have been repeatedly drugged with ketamine, an anesthetic, to keep him docile and submissive [1, 14, 15]. He accuses his wife and Jaap Duijs, a French teacher whom Smedema believes was an agent of the Dutch government, of administering this drug under the direction of Joris Demmink [1, 14, 15]. He also alleges experiencing physical torture at the hands of Duijs and others, including being tortured at a villa in Catral, Spain, in 2008 [13, 16].
  • Assassination attempts: Smedema alleges that there have been five attempts on his life, directly linked to his efforts to expose the truth about the alleged conspiracy [17-19]. He believes these attempts were orchestrated by the Dutch government to silence him permanently [17].
  • Micromanaging and controlling his life: Smedema describes a pervasive effort by the “Omerta Organization” to control his life and thwart his attempts to expose the truth [1]. He accuses Jaap Duijs of being a key player in this effort, alleging that Duijs engaged in daily micromanagement and sabotage [1, 16]. Some alleged examples of this micromanagement include intercepting his mail, sabotaging his attempts to find work, and manipulating events to his detriment [1, 16].
  • Social isolation and smearing: Smedema claims that he was systematically smeared and isolated to discredit him [1, 12]. He alleges that information was spread to make him appear delusional and unreliable, discouraging others from believing his story or offering him help [10, 12]. This alleged smear campaign extended to his social circle, with friends and acquaintances allegedly being bribed or intimidated into silence [14, 20, 21].
  • Obstructing access to information: Smedema asserts that the Dutch government has consistently blocked his attempts to access information that could prove his claims [22-24]. He alleges that his files were deleted from the Dutch Secret Service, key documents were withheld from him, and his requests for public access to information were denied [23, 24]. He believes that this obstruction is intended to prevent him from gathering evidence to support his accusations [23, 24].

Smedema sees his efforts to expose this alleged conspiracy as a lonely battle against a powerful and entrenched system. He uses his blog as a platform to share his story, present evidence, and accuse those he believes responsible. He believes that public awareness and international pressure are his only hope for obtaining justice and holding the Dutch government accountable for its alleged actions.

Conspiracy and Cover-up in the Hans Smedema Affair

The sources depict Hans Smedema’s conviction that he is a victim of a vast, long-running conspiracy and cover-up orchestrated by the Dutch government, involving high-ranking officials and possibly even the Royal family.

  • Smedema’s belief in this conspiracy stems from a series of events dating back to 1972, which he believes were manipulated to protect a high-ranking official, later identified as Joris Demmink, from accusations of sexual assault against Smedema’s then-girlfriend, later his wife. [1]
  • He claims Demmink orchestrated a cover-up, involving the Dutch government and the Royal family, that effectively stripped him of his civil and human rights, leaving him under government control without his knowledge or consent. [1]
  • This alleged conspiracy has impacted Smedema’s life in various ways, leading to false accusations, unfair trials, forced medical interventions, and obstruction of his asylum attempts in the United States. [2]

Smedema’s narrative revolves around a few key elements that he views as proof of this conspiracy and cover-up:

  • Suppression of information and evidence: Smedema alleges the Dutch government manipulated evidence, hid crucial documents, and bribed individuals to keep the truth hidden. [3, 4] He cites the deletion of his files from the Dutch Secret Service after being discovered by an American friend, Al Rust, as evidence of this. [5, 6]
  • A mole within the Ministry of Justice: Smedema accuses Joris Demmink of being a “rapist-traitor” and a mole within the Ministry of Justice, capable of manipulating the legal system to his advantage. [3, 7, 8] He believes Demmink used his position to obstruct justice, silence witnesses, and maintain the cover-up.
  • Royal involvement: Smedema contends that the conspiracy might have originated from a secret decree by Queen Juliana around 1975, aimed at protecting the reputation of the Royal House. [1, 9] He believes the subsequent monarchs, Queen Beatrix and King Willem Alexander, continued this cover-up. [9, 10]
  • Falsified evidence: Smedema asserts that crucial evidence, such as paternity tests and medical records, were falsified to support the conspiracy’s narrative. [11, 12] He claims that even his attempts to expose this manipulation were thwarted by the authorities.
  • Unwillingness of authorities to investigate: Smedema laments the lack of cooperation from the Dutch police, the Public Prosecution Service, and the justice system in general. [5, 13-15] He argues that their refusal to investigate his claims and their attempts to silence him further prove the existence of the conspiracy.
  • Media silence: Smedema criticizes the Dutch media for their complicity in the cover-up, alleging they prioritize protecting the Royal House over exposing the truth. [16, 17] He believes their silence keeps the public unaware of the injustice he has suffered.

Smedema sees his blog and his book, “Fighting the Unknown,” as his primary weapons against this alleged conspiracy. [18, 19] He hopes to expose the truth and gain justice by publicly sharing his story, accusing individuals, and presenting evidence he has gathered. [18, 19] He believes that public pressure, especially if the case gains international attention, is the only way to force the Dutch government to acknowledge the conspiracy and grant him redress. [19]

Smedema’s fight against what he perceives as a powerful, entrenched system reveals a deep sense of betrayal and frustration. [20] He expresses feelings of isolation, anger, and helplessness in the face of what he believes is a coordinated effort to silence him and deny him justice. [13, 20-22]

It is important to note that these are Smedema’s allegations, presented as part of his personal narrative. While the sources offer his perspective and interpretation of events, they do not include independent verification of his claims.

A True Crime Story of Betrayal, Conspiracy, and the Fight for Justice

The sources detail a complex and disturbing true crime story as told by Hans Smedema. He alleges to be the victim of a decades-long conspiracy orchestrated by the Dutch government, involving high-ranking officials, including the Royal family. This conspiracy, he claims, led to false accusations, unfair trials, forced medical interventions, and obstruction of his attempts to seek asylum in the United States.

Central to Smedema’s narrative is the alleged sexual abuse and exploitation of his former wife, Wiesje Jansma, whom he believes was manipulated and abused by a network of individuals, including a man named Jaap Duijs, a French teacher with alleged ties to the Ministry of Justice. Smedema claims his wife was tortured into becoming a sex slave with an “extra emotional personality,” a condition he refers to as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). He alleges that she was subjected to mind control techniques, including drugging and electroshock therapy, which enabled her abusers to exploit her without her conscious awareness.

Smedema further claims that Joris Demmink, a high-ranking official within the Dutch Ministry of Justice, played a central role in orchestrating and covering up these crimes. He alleges that Demmink was involved in the initial abuse of his wife in 1972 and later used his position of power to block any attempts by Smedema to seek justice or expose the truth. Smedema’s accusations extend to his own family, whom he believes were bribed and coerced into participating in the cover-up, further isolating him and hindering his efforts to prove his claims.

Smedema’s story, as presented in the sources, is characterized by a sense of urgency and desperation. He describes years of emotional, psychological, and physical torture, multiple assassination attempts, and a constant fear for his life. He has dedicated himself to exposing this alleged conspiracy, documenting his experiences in detail on his blog, in eBooks, and through legal complaints. He believes that his case, which he refers to as the “Dutch Watergate,” has far-reaching implications, exposing a corrupt system that prioritizes protecting powerful individuals over upholding justice.

While Smedema’s narrative is compelling and disturbing, it’s crucial to acknowledge that his claims, as presented in the sources, lack independent verification. The sources consistently highlight the difficulty he faces in convincing others of the truth of his story, with many dismissing his claims as delusional. The lack of concrete evidence, coupled with the extraordinary nature of his accusations, poses a significant challenge to the credibility of his narrative.

Despite these challenges, Smedema remains steadfast in his pursuit of justice. He believes that the truth will eventually come to light, citing the thorough investigation conducted by American authorities during his asylum requests, which, he claims, confirmed the veracity of his allegations. However, he expresses frustration at the silence of American officials, who, he believes, possess substantial evidence but have chosen not to publicly disclose it, potentially due to political pressure from the Dutch government.

Smedema’s story, as told in the sources, is a stark reminder of the potential for abuse of power, the complexities of trauma and memory, and the challenges individuals face when confronting systems of authority. Whether or not his claims are ultimately proven true, his narrative raises important questions about accountability, transparency, and the pursuit of justice in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

1.   Concept statement

‘Never in world history…

has a single loving couple…

been betrayed so badly …

for so long…

by so many…!  Hans Smedema

This horror story, a biographic reconstructed diary and ‘Life-work’ of former successful high level business man, Hans Smedema B. Sc., is an eye-opener for ‘World Community’ and ‘Psychiatrists’ by proving currently still controversial recovered memories after 28 years, and the existence of an also still controversial mind controlling ‘double or emotional personality (dissociation & DIS)’ And these already unbelievable facts, in a mind blowing combination with rape and children from rapist, without the defenseless woman realizing that herself (in her normal personality). And with an horrifying Orwellian and Kafkaesque cover-up where the corrupt Dutch psychiatrist and other medici even used brainwashing or brain-programming to make sure the victims would never find out and therefore never could file charges against them!

It resembles the several famous Jason Bourne movies, but those were psychological action movies, these movies will be dramatic psychological thrillers. And now no fiction, but true crime lasting from 1972 until now. Several movies, or a sequel.

Mind control, brainwashing(by torture) and her and mine selective amnesia and severe suppression prevented a learning process and filing charges.  Made even worse by the unscrupulous cover-up and conspiracy from family, physicians and Dutch officials. In fact a ‘Royal (approved) Criminal Omerta Organization’ as Hans named it.

All controversial facts are still denied by most psychiatrists, so very educational and the mind control an eye-opener for anyone affected by sexual abuse or rape, which is the majority of all people.

Nobody can believe or understand that his wife still doesn’t believe she was raped and has children from rapist, as her brainwashed mind and cover-up tells her she never had sex with others than her own husband Hans Smedema!

This story can prevent young girls or woman from being forced into a defenseless mind controlled sex slave most used by lover boys or criminals, without herself, family and friends, police, judges and prosecutors, realizing and understanding that cruel fact.

The book is an accusation against the Dutch Crown (Queen & Cabinet) Ministry of Justice, Psychiatrist and a criminal unethical thinking family permitting over 30 years of rape, and everybody still unscrupulously hiding the truth for the married couple! Omerta!

The cruel story takes us from the Netherlands to Germany, Middle East, America (political asylum Miami airport) and Spain where Hans Smedema still lives as a fugitive in exile and outlaw. An American military CIA man was involved and suffered also for 10 years, before with help from former USA ambassador in the Netherlands Paul Bremer(later governor Iraq), he won his case with the secret files from Hans Smedema and his wife, which were quickly and unscrupulously deleted by the Dutch! They denied the existence, but paid him one million US dollar within a week after he won his appeal case with a copy of the ‘not existing’ Dutch file about Hans Smedema and his wife.

For sure this story is completely unique and is worse than ever happened before to an innocent loving couple in world history! It is much worse than the famous French Dreyfus- affaire and even resembles partly the famous Alexander Solzjenitsyn story!

The ‘Dutch Watergate’ or in this case ‘Queen-gate’, because her involvement made it ‘State security’ and her refusal to help makes life for both victims a long torture and mistreatment.

The name of the Dutch Queen and hiding criminal acts for Dutch community is evidently and unscrupulously worth more than the lives of both victims who still suffer badly now for over 45 years!

In 2003 and again in 2004 the Dutch Cabinet with Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende offered me upto 5 million euro if I would keep silent about what happened! Which I of course refused, as publishing will safe and resque tens of thousands of girls and it is Dutch historic legacy.

In total there were 5 murder attempt on Hans Smedema and his neighbor was murdered. Probably more victims.

2.      About the book

A thousand times worse than an enemy, is a friend who turns out to be an enemy!’

2.1.   What

The book ‘Fighting the unknown’ is an autobiographic reconstructed extremely openly written diary of the horrifying life of former successful Dutch entrepreneur and high level business man, Hans Smedema B. Sc.

Exceptional because of the involvement of two Queens and now a King, Dutch Prime Ministers and other high level officials, a mole and traitor inside Dutch Justice/secret service, an American secret service man Al Rust, Paul Bremer former Ambassador in the Netherlands, rapist and porn industry, and unscrupulous corrupted and ignorant psychiatrists, family doctors, media and more! Because of three Asylum request this case went to the highest levels in America also.

Judge Rex J. Ford told me they had found an unbelievable 5 grounds or Nexus for Asylum if could be proven that the Dutch Government was involved. Unique he said, never happened before in American history.

2.2.   Genre

Albert Dreyfus 1900

Dramatic Psychological thriller and eye opening educational true crime. Mystery, trafficking, cover-up and much more. Resembles the famous Jason Bourne movies, but not fiction, but sinister true crime.

It also resembles a lot the famous French Albert Dreyfus Affair around 1900 with the famous Emile Zola journalist who wrote J’Accuse. His letter to the French President. There the traitor was inside the Ministry of Defense, here inside the Ministry of Justice and Secret Service.

According to Immigration Judge Rex J. Ford Miami this case is very rare and unique because they found 5 good grounds for Asylum if involvement of the Dutch Government could be proved. That never happened before in American known history.

Translator from Dutch to American English:

‘It is a story that will arouse horrified fascination. I stayed up late reading last night; I had to force myself to stop. Yes, it’s hard to believe these things could really be happening to someone. I like your writing style; it is very direct and very accessible to the reader, like you’re right there, talking, and this makes it very compelling to keep reading. The dark world of pornography is permeated through our culture and has so many hidden layers that would shock the average person. We’ve all heard the expression “truth is stranger than fiction”; this goes beyond all sinister imagination…’

2.3.   Goals

With the book, Hans Smedema wants to open up and end the cover-up and conspiracy against him and his wife, and warn world community for the Dutch Government and Royal house, which betray and mistreat their own people by hiding crimes and denying them medical treatment during over 45 years against both their amnesia and suppression, but used brain programming to make sure the victims could never defend themselves or win the case against them.

He also wants to educate world community about the controversial but extremely important ‘mind control’ and ‘double or emotional personality’. Rape and children from rapist for over 40 years, without the woman realizing this, being possible. This story also proofs the controversial but extremely important ‘recovered memories’ after 28 years.

Priority is not getting as much money as possible with these books and movie, but getting as much people as possible to read about this cruel but very educational story! This case is NOT about money! Hans will put all revenues into his Foundation and will only receive an allowance to live on and maybe some extra to compensate for a horrifying life. If Hans can find a nice woman who gives him one or more children, she will get a financially independent life. Being 70 now time is running out.

First blowing up this Dutch cover-up and unscrupulous conspiracy against Hans Smedema and his poor still unknowing wife, and against all Dutch and American people, has the ultimate priority. Breaking the cover-up and proving this unbelievable story, will generate hundreds of thousands of books sold worldwide, probably millions, if written on a high enough level. The movies or sequel will be great also.

And in the process, getting enough funds to compensate those who suffered from this Dutch conspiracy, or tried to help, and after that funding the Hans Smedema Amnesia foundation which will give grants for studying and investigating Amnesia, Suppression and Double or Emotional personalities. Also help others under the same cruel conditions.

2.4.   Summary

The life of Hans Smedema, who after a normal but very interesting life, gets impossible flashbacks during three weeks in March 2000.

The memories were denied by all involved, but after three years of investigation, proof still controversial ‘recovered memories’ after three decennia which is still seen as impossible by most psychiatrists!

He discovers slowly, how he and his beautiful girlfriend and later wife, were drugged, raped, secretly used in rapemovies, he made infertile, she made into a mind controlled sex slave with a double or emotional personality and abused during 28 years by rapist who knew about this cruel fact. The criminals placed a rapist as a paid neighbor next to them in 1978 with a microphone so he could make sure the cocer-up and crimes would never surface.

During all those long years they were betrayed by their Family, Psychiatrists,   Physicians, Ministry of Justice, Police and Prosecutors, and even two Dutch Queens, Juliana and Beatrix, and now King Willem Alexander who all refused to help the victims, but only made things worse because it made the case State Security. So no defense is ever allowed as it would make the immune Royals still look bad.

Both families and the government never did anything to protect them, which resulted in three children from rapist, and three pregnancies without children born.

He himself suppressed all abuse or rapes he saw, and was thus unable to warn or protect his own completely defenseless wife until March 2000! Later he found out this was caused by the brain-programming! Mind control.

The fact his brother Johan Smedema was able to protect his own cruel and unscrupulous behavior by involving and betraying the Ministry of Justice and Dutch Queen Juliana in 1973 and 1975,  made the cover-up and conspiracy ‘State security’  and therefore official state business for a cover-up.

Hans is because of that involvement of the Dutch Royalty, not allowed to have any help from any Dutch organization for victims, and every investigation about the many rapes during 30 years, was immediately blocked by the highest Dutch officials(College Procureurs Generaal) with a demand on the ‘State security’ being threatened. Police and prosecutors are not allowed to investigate and even lawyers are defense denied. Filing charges is also denied.

Only because of the continued conspiracy, secretly given anti psychotic and cover-up after his memory came slowly back, Hans became fully incapacitated and has to live as a fugitive in exile and outcast in Spain from an insurance income.

Evidently, in the Netherlands, protecting the name of the Queens/King and high officials from earlier mistakes and unethical criminal decisions is more important than the ruined and traumatic lives during over 30 years of victims Hans and his poor still unknowing and still (!) defenseless wife.

Among the many crimes are:

  • Having Hans secretly conditioned(tortured) every 5 to 6 years by traumatologist prof.dr. Onno van der Hart to forget all rapes so he became defenseless as was his wife. Which caused the over 30 years of rapes and children of rapist.
  • Five attempts to murder Hans Smedema, 1x 1975, 2x 1980 and a neighbor was murdered in 1980, brain programming and murder attempt May 20th 2010 in Benidorm nightclub Pretty Woman and Altea Spain 2015/16 by shooting some poison into his ear! If they would have hit his neck, he would have died by an heart attack and nobody would have known about it! Psychologist Janne Geraerts who was specifically told NOT to get involved, from Alfas del Pi was involved in the murder attempt! This corrupt psychologist also lured me into signing something, which he shrewdly took back, what gave him to right to secretly give me an antipsychotic hidden as an baby aspirine.  Which made my high level intelligence go down 50% or so. So I could not win against them. Spanish doctors and Farmacia worked with him to betray me.
  • making Hans secretly infertile in 1972 by the rapist, and have this repaired also secretly in 1998, to make sure Hans could not proof this fact!
  • mind control and sex slave of his wife with a double or emotional personality, which is impossible according to most Psychiatrists.
  • using his wife and him in illegal rapemovies, also with dogs.
  • permitting (stimulating?) many rapes during over 30 years,
  • police not acting after being warned about his wife being taken hostage by rapist,
  • children from rapist and hiding that crucial fact for them,
  • not prosecuting and therefore stimulating rapes,
  • secretly set aside the Dutch ‘Freedom of Information Act’ (WOB) to make sure Hans would never be able to proof these many crimes against them and look insane or paranoid,
  • manipulate and falsify evidence(DNA-test, MRI scan, etc.) so Hans and the Dutch people will never find out about how they are betrayed by their own Government and Queen, and the rapist porn gang.
  • delete all police and other files about these crimes and witnesses,
  • change the laws so all officials have to help with this cover-up and conspiracy,
  • using secretly millions of Dutch taxpayers money to hide the crimes against innocent civilian victims, only to protect the Queen and high level officials,
  • letting his wife and the Dutch people think Hans Smedema is delusional, while knowing he is right about the conspiracy,
  • forcing and torturing the married and still loving couple to live separate by hiding the truth for his wife with still amnesia, DIS (double personality) and severe selective suppression!
  • Forcing Hans Smedema in 2009 to ask for Political Asylum in Miami Florida, USA. Judge Rex Ford found the story true and an unbelievable 5 good grounds for asylum, if Dutch government was behind this. Unique he told Hans. Hans was deported after 7 months detention back to Netherlands only because the Dutch government hides their involvement!
  • In 2013 Hans asked again Asylum in Texas, but was deported again after 2,5 months detention because the Dutch still denied everything and kept lying about it. But judge Rex J. Ford from Miami Court reopened his 2009 case 087-402-454 in jan 2014 while specially visiting Hans Smedema in Buffalo detention center NY.
  • In 2016 again request for Asylum in San Diego California and deportation after 5,5 months detention.
  • When being deported on March 15th 2017 still in American airspace Hans got offered asylum, but KLM Co-Pilot King WA lied and blocked that asylum and put Hans in detention for 13 months with an unfair(several for defamation of the rapist) trial with no lawyers present and no defense allowed. No witnesses a decharge allowed in all trials! Unique!!!
  • Total 15 months detention only asking for legal help in America, and 14 months in Dutch detention for insulting the rapist of his wife, because they don’t believe his story and refuse an investigation to protect the immune(!) Royals.
  • The rapist neighbor drs. Jaap J. Duijs is still free and protected by the corrupt Dutch Royals and Government. He got a 100.000 guilders and monthly allowance for a de facto free Villa next to ours to keep a cordon sanitaire around us since 1977. He had a microphone in the Villa of Hans who still tries to survive in Spain. Also all email and telephone calls were captured for probably the largest ‘cordon sanitaire’ ever in Dutch history, since 1975 until now. He also had a microphone on the desk of IHN Engineering in Leeuwarden where Hans was CEO and tried to destroy him there too.
  • It is certain that President Obama ordered a complaint about this case at the UNCAT or special procedure at UN just before he left office in Jan. 2017.
  • Because suddenly the Dutch were investigating my case when Hans was deported back to Amsterdam, and when Hans spent 13 months in detention. Not to help him of course, but to fight back at the complaint! Low level unethical behaviour by the Dutch! The only help I ever got came from America! For more details see…
  • Resultaten Amerikaans FBI Onderzoek Hans Smedema Affair
  • FAQ Frequently Asked Questions English!
  • J Accuse Jaap Duijs het Monster van Drachten!
  • De decennia lange gruwelijke medische doofpot!
  • Timeline all most crucial events!

2.5.   Important controversial items

Current ruling (wrong) thoughts are:

  • Recovered memories after 28 years are impossible!
  • A double or emotional personality with selective amnesia and severe suppression which can be wakened or called by mind control and criminals, is impossible!
  • A woman being abused and raped for over 30 years with children from rapist, but not realizing those facts still thinking she was never raped or had sex with others than her own husband after marriage , is impossible!
  • The Dutch don’t do this kind of cover-up and conspiracies!
  • The Dutch Queen or Royals can never be involved in this case of rape and hiding of all the crimes for all the Dutch people!
  • Dutch Justice doesn’t do criminal act or protecting rapist and others involved.
  • Dutch Justice doesn’t pay rapist to watch over there victims for 40 years.
  • Dutch don’t lie to America about not existing files.
  • America would have given Asylum in 2009 and not waited for 10 years.

2.6.   Versions

The book will be issued in three versions, movie in a sequel like Jason Bourne:

  1. Legal version and written statement of Hans Smedema about all what happened. For Investigators, Crime fighters, Lawyers and Judges, or Psychiatrists and students. Almost ready, 1500 pages, over 750.000 words.
  2. Novel version for selling and bookshops, 650 pages maximum, 250.000 words. Almost ready, leaving out the many legal documents will shorten the legal version a lot.
  3. Movie version, dramatized and maximum 500 pages or in case of several movies or a sequel much more. Like famous Alfred Dreyfus movie!
  4. Documentary like Netflix Kowalsky family case! Take Care of Maya!

2.7.   Parts

The book has 5 parts, but there will be one total Ebook later:

  1. Fighting the unknown, Part I – Unscrupulous betrayal. Legal version ready, 389 pages. The life of Hans Smedema until March 2000 when his memory came slowly back. They lived unknowingly of all the rapes and betrayal happening to them.
  2. Fighting the unknown, Part II – Impossible Flashbacks. Legal version ready, 236 pages. His life from March 2000 until he became fully incapacitated in January 2004.
  3. Fighting the unknown, Part III – Outcast. Legal version ready, 481 pages. His life of being rejected by all, but finding out more and more about the truth, from January 2004 until January 2008.
  4. Fighting the unknown, Part IV – Asylum Denied. Legal version almost ready, end of 2010. About 200 pages. 2008 until 2010, when Hans accuses openly and very dangerously al people and criminals involved in this cover-up and conspiracy and asked for political asylum in Miami Florida, USA after being sentenced by an unethical Dutch Police Judge without a Lawyer present and with every defense denied!
  5. Fighting the Unknown, Part V – J’Accuse, UNCAT, divorce, 5th murder attempt Altea Spain, 14 months detention Netherlands and much more. Soon!

2.8.   About: Fighting the unknown, Part I – Unscrupulous betrayal!

In this first part, author Hans Smedema describes how he lived unknowingly with a wife that could be raped at will from 1972 until March 2000. Using memory blocking chemicals, she was by the rapist transferred into a sex slave by forcing her into severe traumatic situations, and she developed a so called extra ‘double or better emotional personality’ (DIS).

He takes the reader very openly through his feelings being in love with his beautiful girlfriend, how they were misled and betrayed by both criminals and family during those first horror years, but also for the best part of their lives until in March 2000 he got his impossible recovered memories.

So it is his life until he found out about the cruel truth. He tells about the many, many warnings he got from several people involved among which the rapist themselves, and how he did not believe them or his mind suppressed everything told to him at once, as it was too much for his sick brain at that moment.

Being very sick during 28 years with a mind that suppresses every rape or abuse of his wife, without his own family, physicians or government warning him and getting him a simple therapy, is unbelievable cruel, unscrupulous and disgusting. But makes this story unique.

The story is also very educational for people with similar experiences about suppression or a double or emotional extra personality, because it describes very open how he saw his world after suppression kicked in every time an abuse or rape happened.

Still this part tells in 389 pages about 28 years of a very interesting live, being a successful entrepreneur and high level businessman.

2.9.   About: Fighting the unknown, Part II – Impossible flashbacks!

In this second part, Hans writes about the sudden flashbacks which were impossible and emotionally shocking. How everyone concerned denied everything and how he slowly discovered the cruel truth from March 2000 until he became fully incapacitated in January 2004 and had to stop with his successful ‘headhunting’ or ‘executive search’ business in the North of the Netherlands. How their lives became more and more impossible, being betrayed by everybody concerned as their own Families, Physicians and more specific Psychiatrist. How Dutch officials betrayed them by lying and hiding the cruel truth.

His slow but certain mental deterioration was deliberately forced upon him by the leaders of what he later called the ‘Royal Criminal Organization Mengele’ or in short RCOM, working closely (or a member) with the unscrupulous Dutch Psychiatrist Prof. dr. Onno van der Hart, which Hans gave the nickname ‘The Dutch Mengele’.

The part II is 236 pages and covers the horror story, mostly abuse and rape, from ‘no impossible’ until ‘yes it is true!’

2.10.  About: Fighting the unknown, Part III – Outcast!

In this third part Hans tells how he investigated what happened and who were behind this cover-up, and tried to get proof. Also how he started writing his diary, keeping track of all important happenings and started with his first part of the book. The book is most of all a legal written statement of what he knows about what must be the greatest cover-up and conspiracy against a single loving couple ever in world history.

It covers his life from 2004 until 2008 when he had found enough facts to openly accuse the rapist and other people involved. How he was denied the right to file charges against all his enemies, which is the right of all other Dutch citizens.

In 2007 he started his Blog, which very slowly became more and more known to Dutch readers, but never got any media coverage.

He talked to journalists and crime fighters like the famous John van den Heuvel working for the largest Dutch Newspaper ‘De Telegraaf’ and the even more famous and well known Dutch TV crime fighter ‘Peter R. de Vries’, and a head editor from the largest Newspaper in the North of the Netherlands he personally knew being both a Rotary member, but no one dared publishing about this horror story, which is still the case end of 2010. He thinks it is forbidden because of ‘State security! ’Many more memories and facts are in this timeframe filling in the gaps, and more and more he finds out about how this unscrupulous conspiracy had developed into the ‘Dutch Queengate’ because of fraud and betrayal of his brother mr. Johan Smedema and other family members.

He found that after a life of helping other people, nobody ever helped him when he desperately needed help and most of all information!

From 2004 until end of 2010 he never found a Lawyer willing or daring to help them to end this conspiracy based on all hidden special legal rulings!

The part consists of 481 pages and ends when he openly started accusing his enemies.

2.11.  About: Fighting the Unknown, Part IV – Asylum Denied!

In this last part Hans writes about the accusations he openly and legally dangerously made against all his enemies on his Blog and now in his book and legal written statement.

How in 2009 he was sentenced without a Lawyer present and while not allowed any investigation, no witnesses heard under oath and no simple DNA test of 500 euro or so, which could proof his innocence of being not insane, but the victim of the largest conspiracy ever in world history against a single loving couple. It would proof one of the complainants being the rapist and father of their youngest son.

But how his strategy of openly forcing his enemies into the open to file charges against him, caused him to get for his appeal one of the most famous Dutch Lawyers available, mr. Bram Moszkowicz. Well known from defending among many others, Bouterse and Dutch politician Geert Wilders.

How he was forced to ask for political asylum in Miami Florida because of the persecution of the Dutch Government, but after 28 weeks in detention in BTC Broward Transitional Centre, Pompano Beach, Florida was cruelly deported back to the same Netherlands who betrayed and persecuted him for then 36 years! America had the proof in their secret CIA files, but was not allowed to use that information by the Dutch, who based on fraud and betrayal asked America for help with this legal(?) conspiracy.

2.12 Part V – Fighting the Unknown, Part V – J’Accuse

For the Book and the movie 4 or 5 parts will be needed. A sequel for several 50 minutes parts, is very possible and educational too. But several movies would be more emotional and therefore educational.

3.      About the Author Hans Smedema

Here a short bio about who was Hans Smedema:

  • Born in the Netherlands, Leeuwarden on March 27th 1948.
  • Studied at two Technical High Colleges, one B.Sc. for electronics and the other B. Sc. for technical business administration.
  • Married February 23th 1973 and has 3 children.
  • In 1993 followed the ‘Advanced Management Program AMP-4’ of the Nijenrode University, only for certain allowed CEO’s.
  • Followed lots of seminars and management workshops.
  • Spent around 13 years working in a family business Euro-Routing which produced and sold Signage and Routing Systems to Hospitals and Airports. Experience in export to Middle East. Last position Commercial Manager/ CSO.
  • Was the CEO and 50% owner of a German company also in Signage for 3 years.
  • Was CEO and Member of the Board of Systems Engineering Heerenveen, Netherlands, 100% daughter of Baker Brothers Stoughton, Massachusetts USA.
  • Was outplacement consultant for a year and
  • next 6 years CEO of IHN Engineering Leeuwarden with 100 professional employees, part of the larger holding with 350 employees and later Grontmij Engineering and Consulting Group with 2200 employees.
  • Last position was (successful) headhunter or ‘Executive Searcher’ in Drachten, Northern Netherlands for 10 years. Last income 145.000 euro a year.
  • Member of Rotary Int. District 1590 club number 124. Int. Nr. 10454 Leeuwarden-Zuid, and Chairman 1998/1999, left 2003.
  • Was member of most commercial clubs in the North of the Netherlands.

Had to stop working in January 2004, only later in 2017(!) he found out that was because he was secretly given antipsychotic medicine end of 2003 by the corrupt psychiatrist Frank van Es GGZ Drachten hidden as an aspirine. In 2000 his memory came slowly back about this horror cover-up and conspiracy, but everything was denied. One big Omerta. Because of the secret wrong medicine he could no longer hold his top position(145.000 euro/year) as a high level headhunter or executive searcher. Even in Spain they were able to give him secretly the antipsychotic with help of corrupt doctors and Farmacia. This time corrupt psychologist Janne Geraerts from Alfaz del Pi falsified documents and misled Hans also.

Was declared insane (not true of course) by corrupt psychiatrists in 2004 and slowly was able to reconstruct most of what happened about all the lying and betraying done to him and his wife. An unbelievable large long lasting conspiracy by the Dutch Government, Family, Medici and misled politicians.

Until March 2013 living of an insurance payment 60.000 /year, then retirement 30.000 with his wife, after divorce 20.000 and still fighting the (unknown) crimes against them and doing research for his memoirs or autobiographic reconstructed diary  ‘Fighting the Unknown’ and writing it.

Because his wife still didn’t believed him, betrayed by her own family, they divorced on her request based on lies and the large Omerta.

4.      About the Market

4.1.   Unique selling points:

  • Only a few books worldwide exist telling about a woman being raped because she was forced into being a sex slave in combination with having a double or emotional personality. Sybil is one, but written by her Psychiatrist, not by the victim itself and all files are sealed!
  • The story is both Orwellian and Kafkaesque and not fiction, but horrifying reality! Probably worldwide unique!
  • Without precedence in this combination and with two Queens, a King and high level officials from both Netherlands and America involved! Meaning much more interest than normal books. Not counting the Americans involved.
  • Unbelievable true crime story! Even after now 10 years of telling about it and 6 years on the internet en 3 years a Blog, still almost nobody believes this is possible! Not even close friends!
  • A woman being abused and raped for 28 years, and having children from rapist, without realizing that cruel fact herself even after being warned, is too much for 99,99% of world community to grasp. So more selling and reading.
  • Family betraying their own brother and sister, allowing rape and abuse for over 28 years with children from those rapist, is too much to comprehend for 99,99% of world community. It will generate of course more selling.
  • The Dutch Government ordering the Ministry of Justice and a secret service to hide all evidence about criminal acts of mostly rape, blocking every investigation even when one was already started in January 1991 by the Head Prosecutor mr. Ruud Rosingh, is too much to comprehend for most people! Netherlands is not a banana republic they say mostly and mistaken in this specific case.
  • The Dutch Government blocking and forbidding all help for victim Hans Smedema from Lawyers, organizations for victims, Police, Prosecutors has never in history been published before.
  • Falsifying of evidence as a father DNA-test by the children on request of the family and others, MRI scan falsified by the Ministry of Justice, deleting of police and other files about this case, moving of officials when refusing to do unethical things, falsifying of medical files of physicians and using ‘State security’ as a reason for victims Hans Smedema and his still unknowing wife, who have never in their lives done anything wrong! Unbelievable and unscrupulously!
  • Using ‘State security’ to betray the whole Dutch community, only because a brother and Dutch officials advised and betrayed the Dutch Queen and she signed a special secret ruling for Hans Smedema and his wife. That fact together with protecting high level officials like Ministers is the only reason for this cover-up which is the Dutch Watergate, or Queen gate.
  • Using secretly millions of Dutch tax money to betray the Dutch people and hide the mistakes they made themselves.
  • 5 grounds for Asylum which is unique in American history!
  • The controversial items mentioned in item 2.5 and there is a Dutch post about how unique and bizarre this case is… Bizarre ongelooflijke combinatie van volstrekt unieke gebeurtenissen!

4.2.   In short this story is:

  • A conspiracy from the Dutch government
  • Educational because  a new way of looking at things
  • Has something to explain
  • Exiting and a mystery
  • Captures the imagination of readers, specific young woman
  • Unexpected, never happened before
  • Unbelievable
  • A mystery
  • A tearjerker
  • A low cost movie or Sequel & probably cash generator
  • No high level actors needed, they would destroy authenticity.

Which are exactly the success factors used by famous Dan Brown (The Da Vinci Code) for deciding on a book to write.

4.3.   Markets

  • For the movies world wide like the Jason Bourne sequel.
  • Dutch language market for books is most important because the need to inform the Dutch people about this conspiracy against them and blow this cover-up sky-high.
  • Next is most important the English language American market as America is involved and also suffered badly by Military CIA official Al Rust and involvement of former USA ambassador in the Netherlands, Paul Bremer, also known as former Governor in Iraq. ‘Ladies and Gentleman, we got him!’ For certain the largest market to sell the books both digital and physical. And for the movie. Will generate most of the cash.
  • Germany where the involvement of America started will be next important, also because Germans follow and know much about the Dutch.
  • Rest of the world, with the largest languages like French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese of course most important. Depending on interest but the books could easily be of worldwide interest.

5.      About the competition

Books like this with all the unique selling points simply don’t exist! A story like this has never been published before! The involvement of family, the Dutch government and the two Queens, Juliana and Beatrix,  makes it one of its kind.

Only a few(ten or so?) books exist about people having a double personality.

  • Non fiction but controversial book ‘Sybil’. Over 6 million sold. Sybil is a 1973 book by Flora Rheta Schreiger about the treatment of Sybil Dorsett for Dissociative Identity Disorder (then referred to as multiple personality disorder) by her psychoanalyst, Cornelia B. Wilbur. The book was made into two movies of the same name, once in 1976 by NBC and again as a television movie in 2007 by CBS. Also a TV mini series. Files are sealed and both persons with knowledge died.
  • Non fiction but controversial book from 1979: I am Eve, with movie from 1957 ‘The three faces of Eve’.
  • Billy Milligan Multiple Personality Disorder with a book and Movie and a lot of publicity. But my story is about what I endure while my wife denies to have an extra personality as a sex slave. But there were pictures of her abuse and rape movies.
  • Fiction(!): The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, by Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Lots of scientific books explaining DIS.
  • The Jason Bourne books and movies come close, but this is non fiction true crime dramatic psychological thriller.
  • The famous French Dreyfus Affair looks a lot like this case. There are many books, documentaries, films about that famous affair. Lately Roman Polinsky made a great new movie called J’Accuse! Which became forbidden in the Netherlands.

For author Hans Smedema competition is not important, because he will publish this story one way or the other. But he expects a lot of interest later after he and his ex-wife have died.

Already publishers are interested, but Dutch and to small with not enough marketing power to handle a bestseller like this which needs a lot of media coverage and promotion. Better to publish first in America, to counter any cover-up and blocking by the Dutch Government.

There will be legal fights over publishing of course, but will help getting a lot of attention for the book and are in fact wanted by Hans Smedema to help blowing up this cover-up. He himself is NOT allowed to file charges and still has NO Lawyer for the main case! Which is against all known International laws! So having others filing charges against him, is the only way to get the Justice departments involved, force investigations and maybe getting a Lawyer to defend their case!

6.      Production details

Depending on promotion and media coverage. POD for a legal trial is always possible at first. But the Ebooks will give a lot of information about the legal status of the contents. A large enough publisher to handle marketing, production, movies and translations is necessary.

A first legal trial version of part I with 500 books was printed in December 2007 and only offered through the Blog of Hans Smedema after approving to a disclaimer, to force his enemies to come into the open and file charges. It was used for feedback, Lawyers and other legal matters only. His enemies indeed did file charges, which was allowed by the cover-up. People were interested in the book! Two publishers told Hans it was written well enough, and only needed some editing.

This is only a draft and will be changed and updated when more insight and information about the case and UNCAT comes available.

7.      About promotion

When this cover-up and conspiracy is not yet blown up, a lot of marketing and promotion is needed.

After this case has been before UNCAT being big news at least in the Netherlands and America, promotion will be done by stimulating interviews, articles and more, among other things. The author is willing to do a lot to talk about this case to promote this book and movie.

Keeping a Dutch and English Blog is only one of them. More have to be made as soon as translations are started into more languages.

8.      Sample – Full Part I, II, III and IV

Available in Dutch and English. And later can be decided who will do the condensing into a smaller commercial book and the translation into English and other languages! That is important and should be done after consultation with the agent, publisher and editor.

Remember the full legal & Investigation Parts I, II and III are ready and 1100 pages long with about 520.000 words. Part IV is available and V ready december 2021. Condensing the legal statement books with lots of crucial dialogs into an interesting more commercial shorter ‘Diary?’, is then easy. Mini series is possible and very interesting as they call this a psychological thriller so much happened.

The samples can be bought from any Ebook provider or by asking me to sent them as Epub. Soon they will be put into one big Ebook. Hans is planning to finish the 5 parts now before the end of this year 2018.

9.  Blog, Ebooks & Contact info


Email: [email protected]

Ebooks published only the first 4 parts to keep the crucial info for real publishing after making a contract with a publisher later this year.

These early parts only present my written statement about what was done to me and my wife until now. More will be added as soon it comes available in the coming months.


Hans Smedema

Carrer Manuel de Falla 4

Ap. 2-B

03581 Alfaz del Pi

Alicante, Spain

Email: [email protected]



Hans Smedema, El Albir, Alicante, Spain