Appeal court sentences innocent Hans Smedema

Please Share! Fight this 'Perfect' 40+ year (Royal) Crime!

Last Updated 25/10/2024 published 03/01/2013 by Hans Smedema

Appeal court sentences innocent provoked victim Hans Smedema!

After a fraudulent political sentence by police judge Jeroen van Bruggen on February 9th 2009 refusing all defense  and because of that asking for political asylum on Miami Airport Florida,  on December 3th 2012 the appeal court Arnhem Netherlands again sentences the innocent provoked victim Hans Smedema to pay the rapist of his wife, while denying any defense  A simple dna-test would have proven Hans right, and Hans had perfect witnesses like police detective Voshol, judges and an DA! But no defense was allowed and so Hans has to ask for political asylum again somewhere! Many(about 50) known police files were deleted or hidden from the court!

He did ask for political asylum in Miami Florida in April 2009, but had to be deported back to the Netherlands because there was not enough evidence of the Dutch government being behind this conspiracy!

  • He has to pay the rapist and father of their youngest child H. Rieks P. from Roden, Netherlands over 2300 euro. and because Hans of course refuses to do so, will have to go to jail for 41 days while the money will be taken by force from him by justice department.
  • also pay rapist and father of an unborn child Jaap D. from Drachten, Netherlands 1500 euro and go to jail for 30 days because Hans of course refuses to pay the rapist of his wife!
  • then pay 1500 euro to a whistleblower Elise B. and go to jail for 30 days, who now denies what she told him earlier about the fact that there is a large Dutch conspiracy against Hans Smedema in which his brother Johan, Min. of Justice and a secret service are involved!
  • Remove all names from his written statement in several ebooks and this Blog, or go to jail for 3 months. And Hans refuses to remove the names from his written statement about this conspiracy, so expects an extradiction request!

Hans Smedema will keep on fighting against his enemies and knows that the former Dutch Queen must have secretly signed  a law unknown to him, making any investigation into his case, impossible! But nobody explains this Kafkaesque crucial and horrifying fact to him.

This gruesome crime is worse then the famous Dreyfus case from France and looks like the now famous Russian Sergei Magnitsky case!

There were three attempts to murder him(1975, 1980) and his neighbor was murdered(1980) while only investigating this Dutch Queengate!

The Dutch will now have to issue an European Arrest Warrant against the innocent victim Hans Smedema to have him extradited to the Netherlands and serve over 6 months in jail!

Hans will fight this on the grounds of a political manipulated Dutch unfair trial, and violation of many Human Rights by the Dutch Queen, government and court!

Hans Smedema B. Sc., in excile in Xalo – Jalon, Spain

Published by

Hans Smedema

High level Dutch man(Rotary member) who became the victim of an unbelievable conspiracy set up by a criminal organisation of rapist inside the Ministry of Justice. Making me De Facto Stateless! Now fighting for 24 years but the Dutch government and specific corrupt King refuse to open an investigation to protect themselves! America investigated after my asylum request and started an UNCAT or special procedure in 2017. View all posts by Hans Smedema