Broken arm leads to evidence of secret antipsychotic hidden as baby aspirin!

Please Share! Fight this 'Perfect' 40+ year (Royal) Crime!

Last Updated 25/11/2024 published 20/05/2022 by Hans Smedema

Broken arm leads to evidence of secret antipsychotic hidden as baby aspirin!

On March 24th I broke my arm after lots of rain in my apartment and with a fast only 7 minutes waiting Ambulance was brought to Hospital Marina Baixa La Villa. During the intake and planning of the operation(metal pin into bone) the anesthetist told me that among the medicine I got from dra. Carmen Montoya Salud Albir the daily baby aspirin 100 mg was not really aspirin but an antipsychotic for insane people! He pointed to his head and asked if I was aware of that? No of course not, and I am not delusional but the victim of top level cover-up and conspiracy in the Netherlands who want to put me out of the fight by slowing down my brain. My normal IQ of 135 will have been down to less than 100, and even more crucial the antipsychotic makes you avoid the case and therefore not fight back against the high level Royals involved who are above the law! Lifelong persecution since 1972 when they secretly(!) took away my civil rights.

I got a strange double wrapped baby aspirin which I didn’t trust anymore and did not take. Also at home I do not dare to take the baby aspirin anymore. In fact I don’t trust any medicine anymore. This looks strange with a double wrapped simple baby aspirin, but was made days before I broke my arm. But if they use baby aspirin which is in fact an dangerous antipsychotic for more people, it would be normal to protect babies and have it in a special extra wrap! I don’t know that. The aspirin I always got was in normal aspirin boxes! But there is much more evidence they always gave me an antipsychotic and NOT a baby aspirin! See Dutch post…

J’Accuse corrupte Psychiater drs. Frank D. van Es UMCG

I explained the crucial situation to dra. Carmen Montoya in writing as she doesn’t speak English and my Spanish is not enough for high level stuff, on May 18th, 2022. She denied that the baby aspirin was an antipsychotic and knew nothing about it!  She also did not recognise the name Janne Geraets which she mentioned to me in 2016 after I spoke with Janne Geraets naively thinking he maybe could help me! Not yet knowing he was a criminal asked to force me to sign an unknown apparently very crucial document. Which he criminal denied on July 20th, 2018 in El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain. See my letter to her…

Wrong hidden medicine – antipsychotic!


Could it be that the Spanish Secret Service working with the Dutch Secret Service who confess still working on my case, secretly change the baby aspirin after it leaves the computer and digital system from Dra. Carmen Montoya? If so that could explain her denial. But in the Hospital Marina Baixa digital system it was mentioned that the baby aspirin was an antipsychotic! The anesthetist could not have known if it was not there.

The broken arm and the metal pin into my arm, and pain, made adding to this blog difficult and so I took two months off.

But all the above is proof that I am still being under severe persecution by the Dutch working together with the Spanish Secret Service and Justice system!

Main culprit 2016 Janne Geraets also involved in murder attempt!

Corrupt lying psychologist drs. Janne Geraets Alfaz del Pi, Costa Blanca, Spanje

Main culprit in this secret criminal act is the Dutch Psychologist(?) Johannes (Janne) Geraets from Alfaz del Pi, Spain and Nijmegen, Netherlands.  But he was not in the Dutch legal system BIG where all professionals within the medical profession must be mentioned.

He forced me to sign an unknown document in Spanish knowing my Spanish was not good enough to understand it. I mentioned it but he said it was nothing and I could retract it simply later! But he took my copy later and on July 20th,  2018 he criminal and corrupt denied everything that I recorded in this file which starts just before 5 minutes waiting…


Janne Geraets must have been working with a Dutch for me secret hidden organisation like Intelligence Secret Service AIVD who recently confessed that I am part of an still ongoing investigation of which they refuse to give me any information. They have to protect the negative involved Dutch Royals and now King Willem Alexander who as KLM Co-Pilot illegally and criminally blocked the Asylum I was offered in the air from LA to Amsterdam on March 15th 2017 after President Obama just before leaving office Jan 2017 ordered an official complaint with United Nations Convention Against Torture UNCAT or a special procedure America contra Netherlands on a State level! See my posts…

J’Accuse corrupte psycholoog drs. Janne Geraets Alfaz del Pi!

Fifth Murder Attempt Altea 2016

KLM Co-Pilot King Willem Alexander corrupt blocked my American Asylum against the Netherlands in American Airspace!

Rapist Secretary General Joris Demmink above the Law!

Joris Demmink around 1986.

Dutch Secret Service still involved in me is very strange because I am only the victim(!) of the largest Cover-up and Conspiracy in the known history of the Netherlands with rapist and porn connected Joris Demmink infiltrated into the Dutch Ministry of Justice, and even top level Secretary General from 2002 until 2012. Only reporting to the Minister of Justice himself. And before that on several top level positions too from where he could manipulate or delete files to hide his own rapist past from 1972 and for others involved. So they should have contacted me for evidence and investigated Joris Demmink. Many witnesses available who knew him, like myself. I called once to my wife and got a man on the phone saying intimidating short: Joris! She of course also remembered his first name Joris and the main part of his last name which sounded like ‘Em’. And there are many more of course, also inside the Ministry of (In)Justice.

Secretary General Joris Demmink was 40 years Royal protected(!) Rapist-Mole manipulating the Dutch Ministry of (In)Justice!

So after talking to me I could have given the secret service the name of Joris Demmink decades ago! And the reason Joris Demmink was above the law and never prosecuted for my/our case is simply because he was protected by my special case with a special ruling from Queen Juliana around 1973. Which he of course himself geniusly arranged to hide his involvement as a rapist and taking control of the mind of my girlfriend in 1972.

Hans Smedema, in exile from the Dutch persecution in beautiful El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain


Published by

Hans Smedema

High level Dutch man(Rotary member) who became the victim of an unbelievable conspiracy set up by a criminal organisation of rapist inside the Ministry of Justice. Making me De Facto Stateless! Now fighting for 24 years but the Dutch government and specific corrupt King refuse to open an investigation to protect themselves! America investigated after my asylum request and started an UNCAT or special procedure in 2017. View all posts by Hans Smedema
