Fraude door Rechters!

Please Share! Fight this 'Perfect' 40+ year (Royal) Crime!

Last Updated 12/02/2020 published 16/01/2014 by Hans Smedema

Fraude door Rechters!

GGN als organisatie zou moeten staken en weigeren om mee te werken aan fraude en bedrog van Hans en Wies Smedema en het Nederlandse volk.
GGN als organisatie zou moeten staken en weigeren om mee te werken aan fraude en bedrog van Hans en Wies Smedema en het Nederlandse volk.

Several secret Judges since 1973

Since 1973 judges must have been involved in the hiding of all crimes for us as the main victims. The trail leads to Zwolle where we lived in 1973, but until now without a lawyer willing to help us, no documents or trials have been found!

Art. 12 Judges, mr. Kalsbeek chairman, mr. Palman, mr. Zwerver

Denied! No investigation allowed in spite of several tens of witnesses, DNA-test possible, and much more very detailed facts! Hundreds of facts! So they worked with the cover-up! As is visible later, but I didn’t understand it then! See my open letter in Dutch Post Obstructie van recht!

Medical Board Judges Groningen

mr. J.D.S.L. Bosch chairman, mr. J.Sj. Dijkstra secretary, J.U.R. Nieveld, R. van der Eijk. All complaints denied. So working with the cover-up! Fake trial again! At the time I didn’t understand!

mr. Jeroen van Bruggen, Court Leeuwarden Febr 9th 2009

gerechtshof-arnhem-leeuwardenHe betrayed me by not allowing me any defense at all conform the secret cover-up and conspiracy! He should have told me so I could flee the Netherlands and ask for asylum with that proof! But now I am fighting an Unknown enemy since 2000, or in fact 1972! This happened in 2009 after 9 years of severe horrifying suffering for both of us! Also in the appeal case no defense was allowed! What made clear the cover-up and conspiracy! The sentence was never published conform the cover-up!Pre-Trial 3 Judges, Chairwoman mr. M.L.H.E. Roessingh-Bakels , mr. A.E. Harteveld,  mr. M. van Seventer  High Court Arnhem 2011
During the pre-trial no defense was allowed and the chairwoman ordered me to be investigated by a psychiatrist Kemperman! Which I refused having seen 15 or so and only two or so believing my unbelievable story! First do a dead simple DNA-test I advised her! The sentence was never published conform the cover-up!

Trial 3 Judges, mr. R.W. van Zuilen chairman, mr. C.G. Nunnikhoven and  mr. A.W.M. Elders High Court Arnhem Dec 3th 2012

During the high court case also no defense was allowed! Despite my famous lawyer mr. A. (Bram) Moszkowicz, no Dead simple DNA-test was allowed which would proof my case instantly! Also none of the 12 witnesses a discharge were heard! Only the 5 plaintiffs! Even God himself would be sentenced under these circumstances which violate all civil and human rights! The sentence was never published conform the cover-up!

Secret Trial court Leeuwarden

During my detention in Texas for again asylum, my wife was called and asked why nobody appeared during the court-session in Leeuwarden? She asked for the verdict, but got no answer. I asked when back, but also no answer was given! So we still don’t know what the sentence was and about what the trial was about? So who was the judge, or judges? And why is it a secret for me? My providor Strato A.G. and Google and Youtube, all mentioned a notice from a Dutch government department which demanded the removal of certain pages about police Drachten and the name of detective Bart van Someren! So their must have been a court sentence!

mr. J.Y.B. Jansen court Leeuwarden

He sentenced me to 1 month in prison, while he knew I was was innocent and that was disproportionately with a sentence based on fraud and for 3 months probational. And after 31 days in prison I found out he was not qualified, it was unlawful  and I was set free by 3 other unknown judges. See my Post mr. Jansen corrupt!

Published by

Hans Smedema

High level Dutch man(Rotary member) who became the victim of an unbelievable conspiracy set up by a criminal organisation of rapist inside the Ministry of Justice. Making me De Facto Stateless! Now fighting for 24 years but the Dutch government and specific corrupt King refuse to open an investigation to protect themselves! America investigated after my asylum request and started an UNCAT or special procedure in 2017. View all posts by Hans Smedema
