American Estimate of Damages in Gruesome Hans Smedema Affair at $50 Million!

Please Share! Fight this 'Perfect' 40+ year (Royal) Crime!

Last Updated 25/11/2024 published 26/10/2024 by Hans Smedema

American Estimate of Damages in Gruesome Hans Smedema Affair at $50 Million!

This is a Google computer translation of my Dutch post:

Amerikaanse Schatting Schadevergoeding gruwelijke Hans Smedema Affair 50 miljoen!


US Department of Justice estimated my right to compensation in 2009 during my first (3x total) asylum application Miami Airport, Florida and after 7 months of heavy thorough FBI/CIA investigation, 50 million short of settlement, would probably start at 100.

I applied for asylum for the second time in Texas in 2013/14 because the Netherlands cowardly kept refusing to respond! In addition, the case from 2009 was reopened in Jan 2014 due to too many mistakes. And after even more threats and persecution, I applied for asylum again in 2016/17 in San Diego, California. Whereby the asylum was offered to me after a pardon by President Obama Jan 2017, on March 15, 2017 in the air above Montana by my asylum judge Rex J. Ford when I suddenly flew into his jurisdiction with KLM. That was again cunningly and maliciously blocked by KLM Co-Pilot King Willem Alexander.

KLM Co-Pilot King Willem Alexander committed fraud and blocked my offered asylum against the Netherlands over American soil!

Evil because indifferent to grave injustice! 

See also…

How could serial rapist Joris Demmink manipulate Justice and the Crown since 1972, even become Secretary-General of the Ministry of Justice and thus deceive me and the entire Dutch state for 40 years?


Serious Fraud by Dutch Secret Service AIVD against Hans Smedema since 1972!

More than 50 years of psychological and physical torture!

Unbelievable, but nevertheless true, is the more than 50 years of physical and especially psychological torture that Hans Smedema had to endure after rapist-mole-traitor Joris Demmink was appointed by Queen Juliana at the end of 1972 as the so-called ‘guardian’ of the unsuspecting defenseless couple (23-2-1973 in Leeuwarden) Hans and Wies Smedema!

His own girlfriend and de facto forced(!) wife was already a member of that Omerta organization against(!) her boyfriend/husband Hans Smedema before(!) their marriage on the basis of false accusations that were NOT told to Hans!

Hans Smedema’s 50+ years most emotional psychological and physical torture!

Compensation for Hans Smedema?

Here is a first attempt to name the enormous damage that Hans suffered almost his entire life due to serious fraud at government agencies such as Justice, AIVD and in particular the corrupt, but deceived and misled three generations of apparently backward, ignorant Royal House.

  • By making Hans think that he had suddenly gone mad, together with Electroshock by corrupt Onno van der Hart, psychologically destroying the already serious matter was only made worse and Hans had to go into exile in Spain in 2008 to better defend himself against the horrific persecution by the Netherlands with unnecessary payments for two households!
  • Lost my ability to earn income Jan 2004 due to gaslighting/Omerta! So 145,000€ per year + inflation and cumulative interest until at least 2014 is already 2-3 million.
  • No own children allowed after sterilization by Joris and Jan themselves after I warned the Utrecht police in 1972! So lying, mutilating and obstruction of justice by Defense/BVD official Joris Demmink!
  • Police sidelined on false grounds from Justice (so Joris Demmink who protected serial rapist French teacher Jaap Duijs) according to Haye Bruinsma Drachten Police!
  • Hans Smedema secretly(!) block the right to report! So own criminal cases impossible! Only through provocation!
  • Omerta criminal organization let Hans control his life! So secretly placed under guardianship without informing Hans with great financial and especially psychological damage! During lawsuits provoked by Hans (!) (own prohibitions!) the Omerta organization or brother Mr. Johan Smedema / children falsified DNA tests, were NOT present! Obstruction of justice and withholding evidence (!) that Hans was NOT crazy at all but a victim of a Royal conspiracy.
  • Mutilate brains (disabled) every 5 years to repress all emotional matters, by corrupt Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart, usually together with French teacher official(!) Justice/AIVD official Jaap Duijs appointed by Joris!
  • Drugging daily by woman and on order of Jaap Duijs almost whole life with anesthetic ketamine free of charge from Drachten Police on order of Joris Justice! So IQ from 135 to less than 100 so mentally no longer able to fight back and protect woman!
  • Micro-managing the life of Hans Smedema by smearing him, making everything go wrong, gluing the toilet tap shut, replacing wine with a bend, having the wrong jacket bought, sabotaging a cross costume during a job interview in America, making luggage disappear, and so on hundreds of times almost weekly for decades, protected by rapist French teacher, Justice/AIVD official Jaap Duijs by Joris and the gruesome secret kept Royal Decree!
  • 15 months unnecessarily in detention for 3x asylum application in America against the severe persecution by the Netherlands!
  • 14 months of innocent detention because evidence was destroyed by Omerta organization Joris Demmink from Justice!
  • Having to go through life as the village idiot since 2000 and being made seriously stupid since 1972. Still here in Spain.
  • Pension fund of 400,000 euros unnecessarily lost to investigate this matter!
  • Secretly and underhandedly heard by 2 (Rita) Salvation Army idiots in Restaurant Bohemia, Albir! No information in advance, no names, no organization mentioned and therefore received NO correct information! Horrible idiots without any knowledge of blog or books! They were NOT allowed to read! They still thought I was crazy. Severe psychological torture! Salt in the decades long horrific wounds!
  • Because of the denials and lack of compensation I could not live a normal life in Spain. Constant lack of money and had to turn down the many offers from women who wanted to care for me and help me! Hopeless and how much compensation for that since 2000 alone! Or even since 1972?
  • Everything is so horrible that America found no less than 5 good(!) grounds for the asylum! Never before in the entire known history of America this has happened. 
  • Unbelievable 5 grounds for asylum according to Judge Rex. J. Ford Miami court Florida!
  • Etc.

America estimated that in 2009 during first asylum application Miami, Florida and heavy solid FBI/CIA investigation, after 50 million settlement, would start with 100.

Compensation for all other victims who acted ethically and reported this gigantic fraud against me, usually at my request!

And all the other Dutch people who were also deceived, falsely accused and sometimes even innocently lost their jobs because of the fraud of Justice official Joris Demmink? They too have suffered lifelong damage due to a lack of control!

  1. As early as 1972, Joris abused his special authority as a trainee BVD officer to manipulate and block any further investigation and even caught in the act rapists Joris Demmink, Jan van Beek and members of the porn organization with a special film crew, during (!) recordings for a Rape movie. How do you mean act with integrity? How do you mean protect the Dutch from attacks?
  2. Cousin Jack Rijkspolitie from Duiven married to a sister of brother-in-law Peter Rijsmus who around 1990 at my urgent request reported criminal actions from Justice against me, was dismissed by (via) Joris for so-called unlawful interference! Whereby I, as a crucial victim, was kept out of the game and completely out of the legal cases (police union!). Huh…, reporting criminal actions against Hans Smedema is unlawful interference in criminal actions? Outright fraud because Hans should have had input in those legal cases that led to Jack’s dismissal. It was not for nothing that, via a heavy Cordon Sanitaire, Hans was denied all crucial information about that case (media/TV?) partly by his own corrupt wife on behalf of, among others, Jaap Duijs (and Joris Demmink) as a corrupt (!) civil servant AIVD/Justice.
  3. Back neighbor Singel 8, ‘t Harde (Teun Keuzenkamp???) Military Intelligence Service 1975 had to move after an assassination attempt (29-1-1975) on my life in which the Bunnik police were involved, due to so-called unlawful interference after he discovered that Hans Smedema was drugged daily with ketamine by his corrupt wife Wies via her rapists such as Jan van Beek and in particular Joris Demmink! Also there were lawsuits in which again Hans was denied all information via the serious unlawful Omerta Cordon Sanitaire and Joris. What integrity? What protection Dutch citizens against attacks?
  4. Rotary friend and acting chief public prosecutor Mr. Ruud Rosingh was threatened by Joris in 1991 and immediately transferred from Leeuwarden to Zwolle when he first refused to stop the prosecution of two rapists of the defenseless woman Wies van Hans on January 12, 1991 in the Oranje Hotel Leeuwarden with witnesses, from Justice because of so-called unlawful interference again!
  5. American friend ‘Al Rust’ who tried to help Hans, was innocently convicted in 1987, and had to pay my(!) 85,000 guilders in damages, selling his house at a loss after the Dutch Ministry of Justice (Joris Demmink) lied to America that there supposedly was no(!) file on Hans Smedema! But he won that case on appeal in 1997 with a copy of the (non-existent!) Dutch Intelligence file 97th General Army Hospital Frankfurt of 30+ pages and received almost a million US$ in damages! In addition to rehabilitation. What do you mean integrity and mission AIVD? Total lack of control and integrity! Royal house refused to stop cover-up? Please provide a copy of that file that is available in America!
  6. Hans Smedema had to apply for asylum in America three times (2009, 2013/14 where 2009 was reopened and 2016/17) against the horrific persecution by the Dutch state with a total of 15 months detention/transition, and 13+1=14 months of innocent detention in the Netherlands, solely because AIVD and Justice refused to simply tell the truth about corrupt involvement of Justice and three generations of cowardly silent Royal House. So more and more (!) danger for the unworldly Royal House and unsuspecting deceived Dutch people! And NO help at all for victim Hans Smedema! Where was the AIVD? What decisions were made by MP Jan Peter Balkenende/Mark Rutte and the Royal House?
  7. CTIVD confirmed to Hans verbally on April 29, 2008 the cover-up and Omerta and would recommend stopping, but Politics(!) would decide according to them! From 5 photos, Hans immediately pointed out Joris Demmink as the original perpetrator from 1972 and later, and said that his wife also knew the name Joris and part of the surname. Why was Joris not immediately stopped and prosecuted in 2008? Serious fraud! So AIVD, MP Jan Peter Balkenende and Cabinet refused to act with integrity(!) and transparency and let Hans Smedema and his tortured defenseless wife continue to die in peace! What integrity? What protection citizens from attacks? What decisions were made by Kroon at the time? 
  8. A beautiful sweet girl/woman wanted to help as a partner of Hans in December 2015 at his request to solve this horrible cover-up and conspiracy from Justice, family and royal house. But she was immediately raped by someone with a passport with the name Hans Smedema and who pretended to be the undersigned! Police Alfaz del Pi was alerted and CTIVD was also alerted by me. Because this sperm donor son from 1972 worked for the BVD/AIVD! Why did AIVD take no action again? What conclusion? Because they were involved in a serious political Royal (!) conspiracy! See Beautiful girl/Young woman is scared to death of me!
  9. At the end of 2007 I have my manuscript of my later banned(!) book ‘Vechten tegen het Onbekende’ linguistically checked for 3000 euros by BruTaal, Soest. She later warns me that she was offered 3000 euros to secretly add two extra texts! In order to get proof of this I tell her to do that and to keep what and how well. Later in 2009 the American FBI/CIA contacts her and she confirms the manipulation of my manuscript with my permission! Rex finds not two, but three added texts that I had supposedly signed voluntarily! What did the AIVD/Justice do to her then? Compensation! It must have been the Justice/AIVD who bribed her and thus encouraged her to commit forgery(?) and just to make the still unsuspecting, defenseless Hans hopeless.
  10. Around 2000, Elise Boers from Uden was employed as a civil servant by the Ministry of Justice (via Joris Demmink) as an employee at Makelaardij mr. Smedema (of brother mr. Johan Smedema, leader of the criminal Omerta organization), and almost immediately resigned when she became aware of the unethical evil Omerta organization and the serious deception of victim Hans Smedema, and blackening of Hans that did not match reality. By coincidence, Hans Smedema placed her as a senior salesperson at VDM. She was attacked and accused of unlawful interference or something. Please confirm documents in the service of the Ministry of Justice while she worked at my brother’s Makelaardij and her resignation!
  11. And many many more of course. Many dozens.

Of course, all these people are also entitled to compensation! 

Hans Smedema B. Sc., living in forced exile in the beautiful warm ‘El Albir’, Costa Blanca, Spain

Published by

Hans Smedema

High level Dutch man(Rotary member) who became the victim of an unbelievable conspiracy set up by a criminal organisation of rapist inside the Ministry of Justice. Making me De Facto Stateless! Now fighting for 24 years but the Dutch government and specific corrupt King refuse to open an investigation to protect themselves! America investigated after my asylum request and started an UNCAT or special procedure in 2017. View all posts by Hans Smedema
