Last Updated 28/10/2024 published 18/06/2014 by Hans Smedema
Request Dutch Minister of Health Care! Stop Cover-Up!
Request to stop with the Dutch horrifying cover-up which totally destroyed our lives since 1972!
Why do we as defenseless victims have to pay for health care, we never got since 1972? Why do we have to pay taxes when the Dutch Government itself is betraying us? Why are the very high costs of 250.000 euro not deductible? Why did I loose my high level position and 100.000 euro a year, trying to investigate and find out what the Ministry of InJustice already knew since 1972? Total cost over 1,5 million since 2000!
See Post Ultimatum Dutch Minister of InJustice!
Why now we are almost broke, do we still have to pay the Dutch Health Care Organization thousands a year without getting aid, because I fled to Spain and paid taxes there as long as I could? We are (de facto) stateless!
On my Dutch Blog see Post Belastingwetten ongeldig bij doofpot Staat zelf?
See also Dutch Post about Wrong oath by Dutch Politicians & Ministers!
Posts on by Hans Smedema NuJij Hans Smedema
The refusal to stop with the horrifying cover-up came with letter from July 10th 2014, stating I have to pay. While ignoring part 1 about the persecution with all crucial other questions about the cover-up, the fact no medical treatment has ever been given to us against our severe suppression of rapes and dissociation, we are almost broke now because of the high costs of 250.000 euro since 2000 to fight our own government, costs of 7000 euro only trying to get to America to ask for asylum but not allowed by the Ministry of InJustice, and much more! Nothing about my letter to Minister Of Injustice Ivo Opstelten also.
The Dutch Minister of Health Care Edith Schippers acts evil because she is indifferent about the suffering we have to endure! She ignores totally all crucial questions! She only answers part 2 about the payment, while ignoring the crucial question part 1. Here the letter she wrote back! This is brutal cowardice! She ignores her dity to the Dutch people, but protects the former Queen Juliana, Beatrix and now even King Willem Alexander, who all don’t need any more protecting because they are all immune! Disgusting behavior. She should have called me and asked how to solve this problem! Minister Ivo Opstelten of Injustice also refuses to answer! Both know by now when they answer they could be prosecuted later by an international court.
Minister van VWS Mevr. Edith Schippers Postbus 20350 2500 EJ Den Haag
Drachten, June 13th 2014
- Persecution of Hans Smedema BSN 0784.30.410 – USA asylum case: 087-402-454
- Payment of Zorginstituut Nederland 1345,59 over 2012, 2013 will follow soon.
Dear Ms. Edith Schippers,
Please find enclosed my letter to your colleage mr. Ivo Opstelten explaining about the cover-up of the Dutch Government in the case of me, Hans Smedema and my defenseless wife with severe dissociation. His Ministry of InJustice is executing the horrifying cover-up since 1973.
By special order of the Queen Juliana around 1975, Queen Beatrix 1991 on WOB(right to Information act) and probably much more, all normal civil rights and human rights have secretly be taken away from us, without any warning or informing us. Full info about this horrifying case is on my English Blog or in Dutch and much more detailed
There will be a movie about this appalling case and our unbelievable ordeal. My autobiography EBooks are already published both in Dutch and English worldwide.
Because of also your(!) cover-up by the Dutch Crown(Kroon: Koninklijk huis & Ministerraad) my wife cannot get the therapy she needs. I hold you together with all other involved, specifically the Dutch State responsible and accountable for all damages done to us.
Please find enclosed a copy of the bill from the Dutch Zorg Instituut from June 10th 2014 ordering to pay the last 1345,59 euro over the year 2012 when I lived as a fugitive for the Dutch in Spain!
As we have never received any Health Care from the Dutch for both our severe suppression, repression, amnesia and for my wife even DIS, I refuse to pay until I receive an advance of at least 1,5 million euro, on all damages currently estimated between 5 to 10 million euro.
My thesis in this case is, that paying taxes to a country that took away all our rights to a normal life for over 40 years, is abnormal.
- A country which protected rapist,
- even three children from rapist,
- hides all those crucial facts,
- took secretly away the right to fair trials,
- secretly made judges not independent(!) therefore corrupt,
- made it impossible to get therapy(!) or medical help,
- made us spend 250.000 euro to try to proof what you and others already know,
- and now leaves us without enough money to pay our debts of around 325.000 euro.
After emotionally breaking us for over 40 years with all the new trauma’s of repeated rapes and mistreatment, you are no financially breaking us too. We will be broke soon.
So I demand you to immediately have the Dutch State or Ministry of InJustice pay the 1,5 million advance, after which I can pay, or make sure the ‘Zorginstituut Nederland’ does not force collecting the payment. Several Dutch organizations are now trying to collect money from us, which is both impossible and unfair! We are the victims, not the perpetrators!
As no lawyer is permitted to legally assist us, and there will never be a fair trial possible, no laws have been made taking into account fraud by the Dutch Royals and Ministers, we are defenseless!
America deported me twice now, just because the Dutch deny this cover-up to protect the Royals! The only ones NOT needing any more protection in the whole world!
This horrifying case will afterwards be Dutch legacy and be compared to the famous Dutch ‘Anne Frank’ story! Also Multatuli and Dreyfus come close.
So don’t tell me afterwards that I didn’t warn enough!
I strongly advise you to put this horrifying case on the Agenda on the Ministerraad/Cabinet and order them to stop with this conspiracy against me, my wife and the whole Dutch nation! And America involved!
This letter and your answer, if I get one, will be published on my Blogs.
With kind regards,
Hans Smedema B. Sc.
- copy letter to mr. Ivo Opstelten Ministry of InJustice
- copy of invoice 1,5 million
- copy letter from Minister of Finance ir. Jeroen Dijselbloem
- Refusal former PM JanPeter Balkenende
- Refusal PM Mark Rutte
C.c.: Zorginstituut Nederland