Last Updated 25/10/2024 published 15/09/2013 by Hans Smedema
Canada Vancouver Airport Immigration denies entry to victim Hans Smedema!

On special request of the Dutch government justice department, Canada denied victim Hans Smedema entry to Canada to talk to an American immigration officer, thereby violating international human rights law which explicitly allow every human being to ask in any other country for Political Asylum against persecution by there own(Dutch) government! The Dutch government tries to keep Hans Smedema from entering the United States by every means possible to protect the former Dutch Queen Beatrix and now King, from severe negative publicity in an unbelievable and horrifying case of mistreatment and torture against innocent victim Hans Smedema.
Canadian immigration was warned by the Dutch government that they suspected Hans Smedema again(earlier in April 2009 asylum case Miami court A 087-402-454 with deportation and ban for 5 years) to ask for political asylum at the border to America.
On the Vancouver Airport Hans did NOT try to enter the USA(possible there), which would indeed have been an violation of his ban from entering the USA for 5 years, but he had planned Breakaway Motel in White Rock close to the border and next day simply take a taxi to the border and ask an immigration officer about new possibilities in his asylum case! After now 4 years, there is new evidence about the Dutch cover-up and conspiracy against victim Hans Smedema being persecuted and severely mistreated by his OWN government. Many human rights violations by the Dutch government. And help can only be given when ON American (or another country) soil! Which is only possible at the border! Any direct flight is not allowed with the normal Visa Waiver Program.
Hans then asked the Canadian officer to inform an American Immigration officer that he wanted to speak with him, who(according to the Canadian officer) simply denied to talk based on the old ban for Hans Smedema entering America for 10 years! Again Hans demanded to speak with him because of new evidence of human rights violations, but Canadian immigration refused to let Hans go there and told him not a chance, you have to leave immediately!
Or being forced, or voluntarily. Hans did not want Canada to get involved in this horrifying case, and had to sign a document that he left out of free will! See document ‘Allowed to leave Canada’. This is most certainly crucial for them to hide behind if problems arrive? Look he wanted to leave! What could we do?
I think the American immigration officer should at least have talked to me and ask his American superiors or a judge about this case, and he therefore violated American laws and/or human rights laws.
The same for the Canadian Immigration officers, they should at least have given me permission to go to the American Immigration Officer which is next door to them on the Airport! I specifically told them I would want to go to him and present my asylum case! But they denied me also that possibility! I suspect this to be a violation too.
But for any asylum help from any state, you have to be on their soil! Asking from another country is not possible!
From other evidence Hans Smedema knows that The Netherlands has officially asked the USA to help protect the Queen(now King)! They must have done so with Canada too! In Spain this could be also the case, but I can live there freely. But not solve this horrifying case. In the Netherlands when a Queen signs a law or special ruling, and it turns out to be based on fraud of criminals abusing the law like in this case, the victim will have NO chance to fight it! It has become official State Security and it is legal to betray the victim! And even other states have to help betray the victim based on bilateral contracts between states.
Horrifying 41.30 hour travel without sleep!
- Hans asked American Airlines and several others about the possibility to fly to Miami Airport to talk to an Immigration Officer ON USA SOIL, but because of the ban for 10 years they all denied him a flight.
- Hans left Madrid Hotel Serrano Royal at 4.00 in the night/morning to Madrid Airport on September 12th 2013.
- He traveled with KLM flight KL 1708 to Amsterdam.
- At Customs he was held to be read the sentence from the Appeal Court Arnhem December 3th 2012 who (against human rights and Dutch laws) denied him again any defense as 4 years earlier with a police judge, and gave him the Official Report about his case signed by both parties. This will give Dutch Justice the right to put Hans Smedema in a prison for over half a year and much more afterwards. Not being able to defend himself, lawyers are NOT allowed to help him(!), they can file charges against him on many other cases! Accusing the Queen of being involved and refusing to help, just one of them! It will be several years with no defense allowed! But he was allowed to leave the Netherlands and for the moment keep his passport too. Here the Proces-Verbaal Vonnis Hans Smedema in Dutch!
- He then traveled to Vancouver with KLM flight Kl 681 at 13.20 to arrive at Vancouver Airport at 13.55 the same day in their timezone.
- Canadian Customs and/or Immigration secretly being warned and asked to help protect the Dutch Queen/King, sent him to Immigration Officers who asked Hans the reason of his travel to Vancouver for only 3 days. Hans being as transparent and honest as possible(always!) told them exactly the truth! Wanting to talk to an American Immigration Officer on American SOIL about maybe new possibilities in his asylum case A 087-402-454 against the evil Dutch government and Queen/King. If nothing possible he would simply visit the beautiful town of Vancouver and fly back with KLM flight KL 9394 on September 15th 2013 at 16.00 back to Amsterdam and next back to Madrid with flight KL 9608 at 16.45 on September 16th 2013. No harm done and NO violation of the American ban! Or is it? Talking to an Officer at the border is NOT yet any violation!
- But both Canadian and American Immigration Officers told(through the Canadian Officers!) him that even talking at the border or with an Immigration officer would be a violation and he could be arrested, therefore he had to leave Canada immediately! Between Canada and America there are special arraignments to sent back everybody asking for asylum, so they told Hans Smedema. He could take the flight KLM next day at 16.00 but would be put in detention for all the time!
- Hans again demanded to be allowed to talk to an American Immigration Officer because he explicitly wanted to be arrested and have legal opportunities with an American Judge in his case with much more evidence of the Dutch conspiracy against him in which even Judges have to betray Hans Smedema and protect the Queen! I will take my chances with America! But again they denied him to talk to an immigration officer! Human rights violations?
- Hans of course took the opportunity to leave as soon as possible and signed a document stating he left out of free will.
- Which was a big mistake in hindsight. Waiting and having more time would maybe have given the time to get high American Officers to look into his horrifying case of Dutch torture and/or sever mistreatment and many, many human rights violations! Hans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and now severe mental fatigue after 13 years of fighting his OWN government was mentally not capable to fight officers who know exactly how to quickly force unknowing helpless people to leave. They don’t help, they only remove people asap! And Hans did not want any trouble with Canada, nor ask for asylum there. Spain or Switzerland would be better choices.
- They rushed Hans onto Air Transat flight TS 0408 on September 12th at 18.00 ( extra costs for victim Hans Smedema 650$) which arrived in Paris De Gaule Airport the next morning September 13th at 12.45.
- Still in the plain Hans was taken out before everyone else by 3 French Border agents and taken in a police car to a station. He was then suddenly told to be free and leave! Hans told them he was already free and asked why? But no answer was given!
- Hans there took a room in the Ibis Hotel at the Airport and tried to cancel his flight back from Vancouver with The Dutch but on their website was only a phone number which can be reached by from inside Netherlands! They hide the international number somewhere below the website. Also nothing to cancel the flight. No restitution will be given and they told him later in Netherlands that he could have changed the flight from Vancouver with KLM easily to another one next day paying 165 euro.
- Total time from 4.00 on September 12th until Paris September 13th 12.45 was 32.45 hours(!) without sleep, and getting a Hotel trying to cancel and inform his wife, book a new flight back to Amsterdam next morning KL 1224 which arrived in Amsterdam Schiphol at 10.00. He was with his wife at 13.30 by train to Heerenveen and car to Drachten next day 14th.
- Before able to sleep for the first time at was 21.30 in the evening of September 13th! Or 41.30 hours! As a victim only seeking help and/or asylum against his own Dutch government and Queen/King! Horrifying and not able to take any medicine for his high blood pressure until in his Ibis Hotel!
- Until now this ordeal of fighting your own country and government has cost us around 250.000 euro since March 2000!
- But the evil Dutch Queen, now King still betray the Dutch citizens by hiding their mistakes/crimes. In fact high treason against the whole Dutch nation!
- Total cost to organize everything: Madrid Hotel 500 euro, 990 euro KLM flight to Amsterdam and Vancouver and return flights, 650 $ for forced flight back to Paris, 487 for KLM flight back to Amsterdam, 100 euro Ibis Hotel Paris and 90 $ for Breakaway Motel. Or total 2607 euro! Meals and taxis excluded. So most certainly around 3000 euro, or almost 4000 $. Only being victims of a Queen since 1972! In weeks maybe months we will be broke!
This ordeal to innocent victims of rape and torture is going on since December 1971, and more in detail since March 2000! Never has anyone told us the horrifying truth, or has anyone offered us any help! Not one lawyer can help us, and it looks like they are not allowed to help us based on fraud and betrayal of an ignorant Queen and Politicians! But I paid 10.000 euro to the famous mr. A. (Bram) Moszkowicz to help in the appeal case. But lost only because the Judges refused all defense and Bram excepted that without any defense! Nothing in the Dutch Newspapers about severe human rights violations! Mr. Bram Moszkowicz also refused to help me with the main case!
- I was not allowed to file charges against the rapist and fathers of two sons, one daughter and the rapist who was the father of an unborn aborted child.
- Police and Prosecutors were not allowed to investigate this Criminal Organization because the coward evil Queen Beatrix finds her immune name more important than the horrifying suffering of victims Hans Smedema and his defenseless wife!
- Hans Smedema and his wife were never told about their severe suppression or dissociation, so never could have it treated with simple therapy!
- They were not allowed to know that their children were from rapist and that Hans was made infertile in 1972! A crucial fact of course!
I will try two other possibilities to enter the USA in the coming days. As soon as they fail again based on the evil Dutch government/justice or Royals, I will of course publish it here. You will never see any other newspaper publish about this horrifying story! If successful I will publish too of course.
Hans Smedema, victim and fugitive currently without any fixed home! Seeking political asylum outside and against the Netherlands.