Dutch Minister of Injustice! Pay 1,5 million!

Please Share! Fight this 'Perfect' 40+ year (Royal) Crime!

Dutch Minister of Injustice! Pay 1,5 million!

Ultimatum to pay 1,5 million euro at once!

See also Dutch Post about Wrong oath by Dutch Politicians & Ministers!

Posts on NuJij.nl by Hans Smedema NuJij Hans Smedema

For full info Royal Criminal Organization follow this link: Dutch Royal Criminal Organization against victim Hans Smedema and his defenseless wife!

No answer was given until now! I sense that they know they are committing criminal acts and severe human rights violations! mr. Ivo Opstelten doesn’t dare to give a streath answer anymore! During the last hearing at police Drachten, they also told me detective Bolier was NOT filing a complaint against me, just as judge Jeroen van Bruggen court Leeuwarden! Meaning my Blog, court cases  and letters is forcing them to act and expose themselves! Their horrifying cover-up is breaking apart!


Minister van Veiligheid & Justitie

Mr. I.W. Opstelten

Postbus 20301

2500 EH Den Haag


Drachten, June 5th 2014


Concerns: Persecution of Hans Smedema BSN 0784.30.410 – USA asylum case: 087-402-454


  1. Hans Smedema Affair: Cover-up by Dutch State, secretly and underhand performed by Ministry of Justice commissioned by Crown(Kroon) since 1972/75 according to witness Elise Boers, from Uden, Netherlands and among many other witnesses, mr. W.R. (Ruud) Rosingh former head prosecutor Leeuwarden.
  2. Financial effects are large and can only be solved by your direct involvement. Chairman Eurogroup and Minister of Finance mr. ir. Jeroen Dijselbloem on August 13th 2013 sent you a copy of my letter to the Minister of Finance of Spain, Don Cristóbal Montoro Romero about my default on the Spanish taxes over 2012 and now 2013, forced by your underhands and criminal Dutch cover-up.
  3. Fine by court of now almost 6800 euro, as a result of fake unlawful trials, no defense allowed, severe human rights violations, hiding, manipulating or deleting of evidence by your Ministry.  The matter is now collection agency/bailiff GGN and is therefore urgent.
  4. Not capable to pay the debt to our removed pension company of 300.000 euro.
  5. Advance of 1,5 million euro on the damages compensation estimated to be somewhere between 5 to 10 million.



Dear Sir mr. Ivo Opstelten,


I did not receive an answer to the letter sent to you by your colleague Dijselbloem on my letter about the default on my Spanish taxes over 2012, and now soon 2013.

So I have to assume you refuse to stop with the current cover-up which caused me and my defenseless wife to suffer since 1972 in a horrifying case that will one day be Dutch legacy.


I found out the hard way and with high costs of 250.000 euro(our pension fund!) since 2000, while suffering with my wife, that we are treated less then dogs! In fact being a dog would have given me more legal rights than I/we have now.

As a direct result of the conspiracy against me and my wife, and the Kafkaesque denial of any information about why and what this is all about, I didn’t know the following crucial almost certain facts:


  1. A special law must have been signed by Dutch Queen Juliana around 1975, demanding that no Dutch official is allowed to help me Hans Smedema in the case concerning my very sick wife with severe dissociation suppressing all the rapes done the her.
  2. No Dutch lawyer is allowed to give legal aid to us, or has to make sure he loses the case! They work with the cover-up against me their paying (!) client! Unlawful and human rights violations!
  3. No Dutch Judge is allowed to use any of the information provided by me in a court case! That is the reason I will always loose all Dutch trials! This has prolonged our suffering with now 14 years, and in fact since 1973!
  4. The Dutch Criminal Organization behind this conspiracy is hiding their actions for the Dutch people!  So they know they are wrong! Transparency is the last these cowards want!


To prevent any more damages as a result of your Royal cover-up/conspiracy, I asked Prime Minister Mark Rutte on July 27th 2012 to pay 1,5 million euro as an advance on the full compensation later. He refused also to do anything, but keep hiding the unlawful cover-up!

I repeat this demand again to you in the attached invoice of also June 5th 2014.

Pay at once 1,5 million euro tax free to prevent further damages in the case ‘Hans Smedema Affair’.

In the case of CJIB/GGN trying to collect the unlawful fine of almost 6800 euro based on fake unlawful trials where no defense was allowed, I demand that you reverse the verdict and inform CJIB about your decision without delay.

Paying the fine of 6800 euro would mean accepting(!) the verdict and fine to the rapist of my wife, which I will never do out of free will. This means GGN will have to collect by taking our pension directly.

Without any legal help, no fair trial possible in the Netherlands, all Dutch Officials ordered to lie or hide evidence; we will always lose any battle in this corrupt country.

I will sent a copy of this letter to GGN with my request to wait for your answer before collecting by force.

I asked America, who is deeply involved, twice for asylum against the Netherlands. But with the Dutch government and specific your Ministry of InJustice lying and hiding evidence, I was deported twice also. I will now involve Germany in this case and ask for asylum there soon.

High Office Human Rights Geneva several times in many years has also refused to act against the persecution by the Dutch nation, and help us.

As always I will publish everything openly on my Blog hanssmedema.info and hanssmedema.info, I have nothing to hide(!), you have. So this letter and your reply if I get one!

Both police and prosecutors again refuse to investigate my claim of false charges during the trials, and no dead simple DNA-test which would proof my case at once! I therefore can never ask the High Court to reverse the false fraudulent verdict myself! You will have to do that yourself if you can find enough courage to do so!

I would advise you to read again the book of George Orwell 1984 and Kafka’s Trial, because this case is worse or similar and no fiction but horrifying Dutch reality! There will be a movie about it!


With kind regards,


Hans Smedema B.Sc.


c.c.: CJIB/GGN


Attachments: Invoice 1,5 million, Letter of Minister ir. Jeroen Dijselbloem, Refusal former PM mr. JanPeter Balkenende, and refusal PM Mark Rutte.