The ‘Affaire Mazan’ and ‘Pelicot Trial’ resembles my horrifying also decades-long ‘Hans Smedema Affaire!’

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The ‘Affaire Mazan’ and ‘Pelicot Trial’ resembles my horrifying also decades-long ‘Hans Smedema Affaire!’

Just like I did, she forced everything into the public view! I publish all the crimes against me since 2007!

Amazing is how this ‘Affaire Mazan’ and the current ‘Pelicot Trial’ at the Courthouse in Avignon resembles for a crucial part my also decades-long Chemical-Submission Hans Smedema Affair! But in my/our case also by torture in 1972 with a Cattle-Prod for Pigs! Which made both(!) of us submissive and defenseless, unable to fight back. Until I slowly(!) found out since 2000, but was ‘gaslighted’ by an ‘Omerta Org’ led by rapist-traitor Joris Demmink himself into believing I was delusional for 4 years and all evidence was manipulated or deleted since 1972! He even was Secretary-General Ministry of Justice from 2002 until 2013 and could block everything I tried to protect my wife from still being forced into a sex-slave who had sex with almost anybody, destroying my career and life. And even falsely accusing me of being involved as she was being brainwashed and tortured(!) into believing by the rapists!

Resulting in 2008 fleeing into exile from the Netherlands to Spain to escape the horrifying persecution in the Netherlands! Nobody believed me and everybody was against me trying to expose the rapist traitors. Spain also drugged me and forced me to take a chemical-submissive hidden(!) daily-baby-aspirin-antipsychotic! All without informing me or talking to me as is normally obliged!

Huge difference with the ‘Mazan’ case was the fact the Dutch Royals were manipulated and betrayed into issuing a secret(!) special decree or some ruling, taking away all my civil and human rights! Without ever(still today) informing me or checking the false accusation by my own brainwashed wife and by the rapist-traitors. That caused state security and made all rapists ‘untouchable’ and immune!

Even resulting in the Dutch King Willem Alexander corruptly blocking the asylum I was offered on March 15, 2017 after a special Pardon by President Obama himself Jan 2017 and initiating a UNCAT or UNHRC Special Procedure State America vs. State Netherlands!

KLM Co-Pilot King Willem Alexander corrupt blocked my American Asylum against the Netherlands in American Airspace!


That crucial part is the fact that Gisèle Pelicot just as my girlfriend, later wife, now forced ex-wife was continuously raped in 1972 after chemical-submission with Ketamine for years without knowing and remembering those horrifying crimes because of mind-changing-torture into a sex-slave. And therefore not able to warn me or her parents and file charges against her rapists for decennia! Even today she denies it and accuses me of being delusional.

In her case with Temesta and ketamine and in my girlfriends case with the much better Ketamine anesthesia that causes memory-loss! Which is also a great drug to make people submissive when used in daily(!) small doses. In fact it is causing ‘Mind control’ or ‘Mental-kidnapping’ like a dog in my her case! But I as her boyfriend was also tortured into submission, but was only a few times able to warn Police and others, who were shrewdly and criminally blocked by one of the rapist ‘Joris Demmink’ working for the Dutch Secret Service.

Unbelievable and horrifying because I was submissive to my girlfriend/wife/ex-wife and two rapists from 1972 until 2016 or so! And not able to file charges until I found out and stopped taking the Vitamine pils which were secretly the Ketamine pils. 

For the rest of her ordeal my case is much different and much more horrifying, but still not in the Media. Only America after my first Asylum request against my horrifying persecution investigated my case and easily proved that indeed I am the victim of the largest cover-up and conspiracy in the known history of the Netherlands. The Netherlands blocked all investigations I requested to secretly protect the involved betrayed and manipulated Royals.

When I tried to explain my case about my wife to others, they laughed at me and stupidly stating:

‘A woman cannot be raped for years without knowing that, because she will notice that the next day already!’

France is a Republic! Netherlands is a horrifying evil Monarchy!

Dutch media and most people still do not believe my case and therefore there are no real good articles about it. Dutch people know almost nothing about my/our horrifying case which is being hidden from them to protect the involved three generations of Royals. Also Dutch Royals are far above the Laws, and block or legally attack anyone who dares to write about it, or was trying to help me solve this case.

Resembles the famous France Dreyfus Affaire also!

Just as did the famous Dreyfus Affaire which resembles my Hans Smedema Affaire much better. See…

Dreyfus- versus Smedema-affaire!


Advantages for Gisèle Pelicot compared with my case:

  • France is a Republic! The Netherlands is a Monarchy where the Royals are above the Laws and therefore victims have much less legal rights.
  • her family helped her! While our family from both sides accused me and hid all the evidence.
  • she had legal help, while lawyers were not allowed to help me! Forbidden! Apparently I was secretly, based on fraudulent/false accusations from my own wife and rapists, placed under unknown(!) government control.Which I cannot fight against without evidence.
  • she has publicity and the help from the Public!
  • she has video/photo evidence, which in my case was deleted by the Mole-traitor Joris Demmink.
  • she has confessions, while in my case people were paid 20.000 guilders to keep lying!
  • she has media attention and journalists analyzing the case which stimulates witnesses to come out too. In my case witnesses are threatened!
  • she has a real Criminal Court case in Avignon against the perpetrators, while I was not allowed to start a Court case and therefore had to lure the rapists to file charges against me by publishing on this blog! Which was much more dangerous without enough evidence and I lost all of them having to pay the rapists 7000+8000=15.000 euro damage while being the victim and 13 months in innocent detention.
  • she knows who her enemies are, which in my case still cowardly hide!
  • Dutch Royals are far above the Laws and therefore all Dutch Officials have to protect them, not(!) the victims Hans Smedema and his still(!) unaware ex-wife.
  • Her husband confessed, while my unaware brainwashed gaslighted wife accused me!
  • She has the help from France and does not have to go into exile, while I had to leave the Netherlands in 2008 and flee into exile in Spain still(!) without legal help. Because a rapist was secretly a member of the Dutch Secret Service BVD/AIVD and was able to mislead the Police in 1972 after I warned them my girlfriend was taken mental(!) hostage by chemical-submission drugs.
  • She did not have to be in detention, while I had to ask for Asylum 3 times with 15 months detention, and because no legal victim help allowed, 14 months in Dutch detention. Or 29 months total!Rapists went free!
  • She did not, like me have to ask for Asylum in America, which I had to do in 2009, 2013/14 when 2009 was reopened, and in 2016/17 when on March 15th, 2017 KLM Co-Pilot King Willem Alexander corruptly blocked the Asylum I was offered(!) by Pres. Obama and Judge Rex J. Ford Miami Immigration Court in the air above Montana, America!
  • She did not, like me have a bribed traumatologist who was since 1972 after drugging me secretly(!) mutilating my brain every 5 to 6 years by Electroshock-torture to make sure I was no longer capable to fight back at the rapists and suppress all sexual abuse of my wife! Every 5 to 6 years because your/my brain repairs itself!
  • She did not, like me have a secret guard next door who was given a de facto free(!) Villa and daily drugs (ketamine) by Dutch Police ordered by Joris Demmink/Justice to keep Hans Smedema secretly submissive like a dog. Severe mind control by chemical-submission. This happened from 1977 until 2016 or so. Even in Spain!
  • She was not, like me given secretly(!) in 2004 an anti-psychotic by stupid psychiatrists who did not believe(!) my unbelievable case because of the huge paid bribed gaslighting!
  • As far as I know, she had no murder attempts on het life like I had 5, first in 1975 in the Netherlands and the last in 2016 in Altea, Costa Blanca and very professional. See Fifth Murder Attempt Altea 2016

Temesta and Ketamine!

I as also the victim was prescribed Temesta too without the doctor understanding the horrifying torture and rapes that were happening to my defenseless wife and sometimes to me also. Like a rapist making me secretly(!) infertile so he himself could father a child with my charming beautiful girlfriend/wife, who became our daughter in 1975. We got three children from 3 rapists without being told those crucial facts. Severe Gaslighting!

My girlfriend, later wife was secretly drugged with the much better(?) Chemical-Submission drug Ketamine by her rapists in 1972 when renting a room! Ketamine is an anesthesia drug that prevents the victim from remembering anything! Also called the Party-drug.

As her husband I tried to warn everybody about my wife being unaware(!) a sex-slave, but was not believed and even declared Delusional!

But I was the victim of those same rapists too and also made submissive by drugs and torture, while in her case it was her husband Dominique who is now standing trial in Avignon on Oct 8th, 2024.

She had legal help from Lawyers which was in my case not allowed in the main case.

She was allowed to file charges against the perpetrators, while I was not allowed to file charges. And even worse the Dutch Police and Prosecutors were forbidden to make up the Dutch legal paper (Proces-verbaal) by a letter from the Dutch Ministry of Justice! In hindsight from one of the rapists/Mole himself Joris Demmink who was Secretary-General Ministry of (In)Justice from 2002 until 2013! And therefore could block anything that would bring himself or others in danger.

In her case her family helped her after they found out at last, but in my case the family conspired against me by gaslighting, hiding and denying all the many sexual abuse cases and the fact she worked as a prostitute forced by the rapists. This forced me to marry her while I was kept unaware of the dangers surrounding us! She did not remember either, which made us both defenseless!

When I found out and tried to protect my wife, (almost) nobody believed me until this very day! I was only two days from being forced into a Psychiatric Mental Hospital for the rest of my horrifying life because everybody gaslighted me that I was delusional. Without legal help it took me 4 years from March 2000 until December 2003 before I knew for sure I was NOT delusional, but the Victim of the largest Royal protected(!) cover-up and conspiracy in the Dutch known history. made possible only because the Dutch Royals refused to stop the conspiracy.

Dutch Royals blocked me from filing charges and all legal help!

The involvement of the Dutch Royals makes charging the perpetrators impossible because they block filing charges. And the main rapist became Secretary-General (SG) of the Dutch Ministry of Justice with the protection from the Dutch Royals since 1972! see…

KLM Co-Pilot King Willem Alexander corrupt blocked my American Asylum against the Netherlands in American Airspace!


I will give more detailed information later.

Hans Smedema B. Sc., in forced exile living in beautiful ‘El Albir’, Costa Blanca, Spain