Latest Developments with Repeated Denial of Legal Representation!

Please Share! Fight this 'Perfect' 40+ year (Royal) Crime!

Last Updated 23/01/2025 published 09/01/2025 by Hans Smedema

Latest Developments with Repeated Denial of Legal Representation!

After my Doctor ‘Claudiu Gherman Salud Albir’ correctly(!) stopped my daily baby-aspirin telling me “you don’t need that”, I slowly in a week or two became more intelligent, assertive and Happy! But suddenly(why?) they were on again when I visited the Farmacia on Dec 27, 2024.

I just on Friday Jan 10, 2025 at 9.45 asked him about the fake-aspirin and he declared that he only prescribed me the aspirin and he knows nothing about an antipsychotic. Retired Carmen Montoya also denied knowing anything about an antipsychotic much earlier! When I told him about the warning from the anesthesist he specifically declared he did not know anything about it!

So most likely the aspirin is changed only at the Farmacia level into an antipsychotic? 

The anesthesist of Hospital La Marina Baixa must have looked into the Farmacia files because those must be correct! Logical and all other proof of this fits that possibility! Parcent in 2010 or so at the Farmacia warned me that they were not aspirin but an antipsychotic!

In the Netherlands around 2013 also an Farmacia closer to my new address refused(!) to give me that fake(!) aspirin! I had to go to the old Farmacia(De Drait) much further away! I found that very strange of course and asked there to why?

I was never officially made aware of those wrong medicines. I am not under any treatment by any psychiatrist or other medical professional! Was never necessary at all.

Long ago in 2000 I visited with my wife a psychiatrist for a few weeks based on her hysterical reaction when asked about her/our past, but I could still work when I did NOT take his Semap or so based on her mental dissociation, and nobody after that! I did some tests at the University Psychiatric Department and was declared sane. “Nothing wrong with you” in a report. We spoke also with a psychologist about our deteriorating marriage, that was all. So I am not aware of any psychiatric treatment at all and why would I need that? See my letters and documents published on my Blog which prove my top-level calm analytical behavior. Only my wife became hysterical when I asked her about her/our past together in 1972 and later. She has been betraying me with the secret Omerta Organisation of my brother since the end 1972, before(!) our marriage, which made that hysterical behavior logical. And I simply kept her out of my investigation.

And Nobody in Spain or the Netherlands told or warned me that some unknown psychiatrist decided to give me an aspirin-antipsychotica! Which are severe violations of medical ethical rules, there should be discussions and a diagnosis and treatment plan. But why would I need that? My case has been proven in America in 2009 also as the truth. So there is ample proof that I am not delusional at all in this blog and my eBooks. And I could have asked America to give Spain that information from their FBI/CIA investigation! But when you do not know that they are secretly treating you like a dog, you are unable to fight back of course.

The Omerta Organisation secretly decides over my life!

Most likely Queen Juliana manipulated by rapist-traitor Joris Demmink secretly took away my civil and human rights based on the secret accusations of my mentally sick(dissociation) wife. And so they decide over my life without informing me of that crucial my life destroying fact!

But at the same time Google presented AI- system Notebook LM which is a grounded(!) AI-system where you can present your own Sources to analyse. And it will learn from those explanations in Notes which you can keep and present as a source again. So it learns and gets a higher and higher understanding of your/my huge(!) complex horrifying decades-long conspiracy case.

I experimented with it and discovered that what took me 24 years in writing down everything that was (criminally) done to me on my Blog and eBooks, took NotebookLM only 10 seconds or so! And came with explanations and top-level analyses of my narrative, I myself could never do it!

Counter measures by the Dutch conspirators!

But of course the Top-level conspirators in the Netherlands panicked at my sudden assertive many many Posts on my Blog which I use to inform the world about how corrupt the Netherlands is in my case and to others as collateral damage. I know where the original antipsychotic came from as mentioned in this post:

J’Accuse corrupte Psychiater drs. Frank D. van Es UMCG

I accuse corrupt Psychiatrist drs. Frank D. van Es UMCG

And will have blamed Claudiu Gherman for the stopping of the aspirin-antipsychoticum! So when on Dec 27th I came for the next month’s medicine, suddenly without any warning or discussion(!) the aspirin-antipsychotica was added again. But I don’t trust the Spanish medical system anymore so refuse to take it. There were more warnings as mentioned in my post:

Broken arm leads to evidence of secret antipsychotic hidden as baby aspirin!

Spain helped corrupt Dutch with Antipsychotic hidden as Aspirin!

The fake-aspirin caused the death of a baby and her mother!

The Mother hanged herself after she got the aspirin for her baby with some pain! Apparently(hearsay) the baby died and this happened in America where I asked for Asylum in 2009 against the persecution by the Netherlands and specific psychiatrist Frank van Es and the Royals.

I was told by my asylum-only Judge Rex J. Ford that they ordered America wide that medicine coming into America by Immigrants were NOT to be used again as the chain of issuing could not be trusted! This happened in 2009 and should be easy to verify.

Who from the Netherlands is behind the deadly and totally wrong aspirin-antipsychotic?

So I asked again in vain 3 Spanish International Lawyers by email with this explanation:


1. Albir Abogados in Altea

To [email protected] Subject: Appointment needed in 3 international cases! Up to 150.000 euro lawyer fees possible. But no reaction at all.


To Alfonso Soler Alemany but no reaction at all.

3. Colas  International Lawyers Albir

To Hugo Gutiérrez Colás, at [email protected]. This was very interesting as their Lawyer Jasmine van Soom speaks Dutch also! And a lot has happened in the Netherlands. Although all evidence is already in America because of the official complaint at UNCAT or UNHRC and can be obtained by a Lawyer, Judge Rex J. Ford told me in 2009 and later. But he refuses my easy(a few letters asking for the evidence) case because he is too busy. But I think they cannot handle a top-level case like this. Easy or not.

The text as a PDF:

Law Firm request

Problem 1

A secretly given wrong(!) medicine hidden(!) as baby-aspirin 100mg in the official boxes. Which problem can be easily solved with legal letters to the 3 organisations involved. Not specific Lawyer needed? Legal help is enough?


To find evidence of the Dutch(Netherlands) secret hiding people/organizations who are criminally(!) behind this. Not(!) to prosecute anyone in Spain. Evidence also in the Netherlands.

Easy action!

Get all my Spanish official medical files in writing(!) as legal evidence(!) necessary to stop this wrong Dutch initiated medicine(Risperdal) that handicapped me severely for 2 decades: 

  1. From Salud: SIP 07585072, specific dossier Doctor Carmen Montoya, and Claudiu Gherman Albir.
  2. Hospital la Marina Baixa La Villa patient Hans Smedema NIE: X9881610M, specific for broken arm when arriving on Thursday March 24, 2022, and operation on Monday and released the same day.
  3. Farmacia Albir: Dra. Ana Ma Bartolome Gisbert, Bulevar de los Músicos 18 – El Albir

There was another Farmacia in Parcent in 2008 who told me you are not psychotic at all, you should stop taking these aspirins! It is only for very disturbed dangerous people which clearly you are not! This was confirmed in 2009 by an FBI/CIA investigation during the first Asylum request!  In the Netherlands also as a Farmacia even refused(!) me as a client for those false(!) dangerous aspirins!

More background details

  1. This also happened in the Netherlands based on false information from my former mentally sick(dissociation) wife, who accused me of being delusional about her sexual abuse long ago. We divorced on June 29, 2015 in agreement of both. No problems. 
  2. But apparently the Netherlands has sent that wrong information in medical files to Spain. Causing the wrong diagnosis(!) to me secretly, without any information(!), getting the wrong medicine. In the Netherlands Antipsychotic Risperdal, based on the wrong information by my wife, what a psychiatrist Frank van Es not believing me, confessed in writing(!) to a disciplinary Court when I confronted him.
  3. This led to our divorce and me going safely to Spain. But apparently they keep secretly(!)  giving me that or equal without my consent or approval and totally wrong for me as I am not psychotic at all.
  4. When arriving with a broken arm in Hospital La Marina Baixa the anesthetist checked the medical file about me and told me: “Are you aware that the aspirin you take daily is no aspirin, but an antipsychotic?”
  5. So even safely in Spain and a completely normal peaceful person, the negative influence of my former wife is hunting after me. 
  6. Confronted Carmen Montoya, but she denied knowing anything, while I kept telling her that I was not delusional at all and did not need that wrong antipsychotic which made me lethargic! She was nervous! 
  7. Claudiu Gherman after riterement of the very sympathetic Carmen, a few weeks ago told me you do not need that aspirin at all and I felt much better/energetic of course. Also I myself stopped it earlier and felt much better. 
  8. Suddenly when collecting my new medicine on Friday December 27, 2024 by my Farmacia she told me that the Aspirin was suddenly added again, without my consent or talking about it. Horrifying and all based on a Rapist-Traitor Joris Demmink manipulating the Ministry of Justice, and the wrong information from a mentally sick wife apparently keeping to harash me even when in beautiful sympathetic Spain.

This is insanely terrifying treatment like I am a dog, while not informing me at all. I need to stop this! With evidence in legal documents(!) specific about who ordered it and why, based on what? Nothing verbally!!!

Problem 2

Now easy Problem 2 about getting evidence from American FBI/CIA investigation confirming my case.


AI – Google NotebookLM

This problem is now suddenly relatively easy because of the recent AI Google NotebookLM  Insights, which is able to do much better investigations than any Lawyer in 10 seconds, which took me 24 years(!) of painstaking writing down every crime or important event that happened to me with dates, names and more. I can grant direct access to that AI system with all my sources!

This second much larger problem about millions in damages is based on the huge decades-long Human Rights Violations by the Netherlands because they violated the UNCAT rules, to investigate my, and my former wife’s, persecution case by the Ministry of Justice/AIVD since 1972. 

In that case America investigated my claims and confirmed it verbally through Miami Immigration Court/DOJ Judge Rex J. Ford after an FBI/CIA investigation during 3 Asylum requests in 2009, 2013/14 when 2009 was reopened, and 2016/17, when President Obama pardoned me(or for the case?)! I was offered that Asylum by my Asylum-only Judge Rex J. Ford on March 15, 2017, but it was fraudulently  blocked by KLM Copilot King Willem Alexander in the air above Montana. So the King committed a severe crime(!) legally in America. 

As the victim without legal help I was put in detention for 13 months when arriving at Schiphol. In total I was in innocent(victim) detention in America for 15 months and 14 months in the Netherlands after unfair trials where no defense was allowed. Apparently the Omerta Org as I call it, was secretly able to take away my legal rights and appoint that Omerta Org as responsable and in charge of me, without ever telling me about it. 

The King wants this huge case to be settled himself, so somebody should try that possibility.

I was able to get a lot of files from 3 agencies  by using the American Freedom of Information Act(FOIA), but those stopped when the crucial FBI/CIA investigation into my persecution started! So those crucial FBI/CIA report files are not yet available to me, because that must be done by an American(!) Lawyer, as Rex Ford told me. 

President Obama’s Pardon initiated a special complaint State America vs. State Netherlands which started in May 2017 I was told. It is a UNCAT case, but most likely they filed it with the UNHRC as a special procedure. And when Trump suddenly took America out of the UNHRC in 2018 it stopped. 

The DOJ prepared that complaint in 3 months according to Rex Ford. But I heard nothing anymore. DOJ estimated the damages in a settlement at 50 million!

So an American contact of you should look into that. 

Problem 3

I am preparing an official complaint for the European Commission and could use some help for that.  My European Parliament Complaint and ECHR failed because of no legal help.  And because the Dutch Ministry lied that there is no dossier about me or my wife. But America has a copy of that file! My betrayed by the Dutch Ministry of Justice, no dossier existed about me and my wife, an American friend used it in his appeal case and won with almost a million(10 years salary) damages. So based on Fraud by rapist-traitor Joris Demmink.

The Payment

As the Dutch victim(!) I have the right to free legal aid from the Netherlands:

‘Raad voor de Rechtsbijstand’

who also paid my enemy Joris Demmink, who is my main counterpart in this case, 154.000 euro for his legal expenses in a separate case, but a bit related.

I contacted them years ago and they confirmed that for very special cases they can do that. But they need a request from a Lawyer! Maybe a Dutch intermediate necessary? Lawyers in the Netherlands are not allowed to help me, as are Police and Prosecutors. Huge Human Rights Violations! The Dutch also refused a UNCAT investigation since 2000. That/those requests just as everything else, needs to be in written legal documents, not worthless verbal nonsense. Payment will only happen for legal evidence, also if they deny! Both are perfect evidence.

So I need you to prepare a request with(!) my help. I will prepare a draft with the crucial information for you.  Also America earlier paid some legal help, if I ask them.  

I have lots of documents, but at the moment that is not necessary anymore because America has the complete complaint file ready since May 2017 and filed that with UNHRC as a special procedure, which is NOT public, only the outcome is public. So I only need help getting it by an American Lawyer acting on your/my combined request.

I need a legal person or Law Firm with a retired Abogado or an intelligent intern(?) who organizes these things, mostly  by putting others at work. Great case for half a year for an intern as a graduation research?

This case is unique in many parts. Rex Ford/DOJ found 5 good(!) grounds for Asylum that had never happened before in the known history of America. And 24 years of Dutch betrayal and UNCAT violations is unique also, as is the mind control and daily(!) drugging used in this horrifying case. The Dutch King fraudulently involved is also unique. People involved in this case could get famous. 

I need a written, motivated answer to my email address, so if you refuse I can use that for a request for help to the Alicante/Benidorm Bar association. 

Payment up to 150.000 will not be a problem! And/or a huge bonus later is no problem either. Don’t ask questions by telephone which can be listened to, just make a cita! In Albir would be great. Verbally I can give much more information with the relevant documents you need later. Speaking English(fluent?) is a must. 

Hans Smedema B. Sc., 

Carrer Manuel de Falla 4, Ap. 2-B, 03581 Alfaz del Pi (El Albir)

email: [email protected] Mobile xxxxxx


Reactions to my 3 requests!

Only Colas International Lawyers correctly answered that they have no time for a complex case like this. But most likely they cannot handle a complex case like this.

Although the first part collecting the Medical dossier should be easy? And this Lawyer would have been perfect because I can walk there in a few minutes and they have a Lawyer Yasmine van Soom with Criminal Law as her specialty and she speaks Dutch and could read all the Dutch stuff behind this also and could have helped with the free legal aid case.

My request would have exposed the fact that the aspirin was changed at the Farmacia level. But who? Must be from the Dutch Government Omerta Organisation.

So they keep hunting after me, even in Spain where I live quietly and happily!

How do I fight those Dutch criminals from Spain, without a Lawyer or legal advice?

Secretly(!) and illegally(!) under Dutch Government Control!

But this is the normal reaction as always in the Netherlands! But there I also have evidence that a forced(!) Dutch Lawyer Ad Speksnijder was NOT Allowed to help me!

So it could be the Lawyers after I sent them my email, immediately get an email from the Dutch Government that orders them NOT to react to my email, as I am under Government control and I am watched all the time secretly by (unknown) people? The crucial unknown secret Zwolle court case after our marriage on 23-02-1973 could have been to take away my civil and human rights and replace it secretly for me(!) by the Omerta Organisation! But why has nobody ever told me that crucial fact?

Not even in America? I am now fighting an Unknown enemy for 24 years and with millions of unnecessary costs and loss of income, and loss of time. And psychological torture and psychical torture by Electroshock torture too! see…

Brainwashed and tortured at Police Officer Villa in Catral!

Apparently, legally I am under Dutch Government control! Secretly so I cannot fight against it! Shrewd, but illegal and against many Human Rights Laws! See my posts:

Top AI Arguments for an Official Complaint at the European Commission!

Obstruction of Justice in the Netherlands: A Case Study of Potential Legal Violations

How did the Omerta Organization secretly take away my Civil and Human Rights?

By using my Wife and my Brother Johan to make sure I would never know about a special Court case in Zwolle! My wife was apparently hiding and intercepting all legal papers to make sure I knew nothing, and I remember my brother suddenly calling me and strangely asking me “why are you not here?” and my astonished answer “where?” and his reaction “so you are not coming?”

Most likely he did that from a Courtroom so more people were witnesses that he called me and confirmed that I was not coming! I do remember that somebody told me “I would never stay out of such an important case about my own life”  And next he was perplexed as I asked him “about what?”

I never was able to find anything about this crucial Court case against me. But my American friend Al Rust did and the evidence is in the American UNCAT case prepared by the FBI/CIA. But to do that I first need a Lawyer, who are all blocked or manipulated.

See this posts:

Smedema’s Allegations: A Dutch Conspiracy with the Unknown Zwolle Court case

Voorloop strafzitting corrupte politierechter Jeroen van Bruggen!

Farmacia Albir – Request of evidence secret aspirin-antipsychotic!

Here is my email of Jan 10, 2025 at 17.01 which was opened at 17.02, to the normally perfect Farmacia:

D Ana María Bartolomé Gisbert con CIF 48317514-B,

I am a client from your Farmacia since 2018 with SIP 7585072 Name: Hans Smedema

When I broke my arm on March 24, 2022 the Anesthesist of course checked my medicine before the operation.
And told me that the information I gave them about the daily baby aspirin 100 mg was totally wrong as it was in reality an antipsychotic.

And asked if I knew that? No I did not know that, but later remembered that it was also a nice hero(!) woman at another Farmacia R. Ferra in Parcent around 2010 told me that the daily baby aspirin 100 mg I got there, was not an aspirin at all but an Anti-psychotic! But she knew me and told me that is wrong for you, because it is only for very disturbed people what you are clearly not! Don’t take it buy aspirin somewhere else or double. So I bought two sets of aspirin. The real and the antipsychotic and used only the real one.

In the Netherlands the same problems and much more, but I am not psychotic at all! I was even forced into exile here in beautiful El Albir and was hoping to be safe here.
Nobody asked me anything, no doctors, no psychiatrists, nothing at all. So the question is who is prescribing those wrong antipsychotics? Most likely from the Netherlands!

I need from you a copy as evidence(!) of the entity and/or the people behind this totally wrong antipsychotic which made me lethargic and stupid. Without it now for a month or two I feel much more energetic, assertive and happy!

So I can confront those criminal(!) acting people and stop this dangerous medicine. When In America in 2009 it was used for a baby who died and her mother hanged herself.
My wife used 3 and became unconscious for hours! I myself took 3 and had to be rescued by the Local Police in Calpe who asked me what I took. Only 3 baby-aspirin 100 mg. They even asked me if that really were aspirin? But to bad it was to far for them to have a look!

With kind regards,

Hans Smedema B. Sc., in forced exile surviving in beautiful El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain

Today Jan 23, 2025 I repeated the question now also in Spanish! And asked for a Cita. As they never in over 10 days gave an answer. 



More later…

Hans Smedema B. Sc., in forced exile, surviving in beautiful El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain

Published by

Hans Smedema

High level Dutch man(Rotary member) who became the victim of an unbelievable conspiracy set up by a criminal organisation of rapist inside the Ministry of Justice. Making me De Facto Stateless! Now fighting for 24 years but the Dutch government and specific corrupt King refuse to open an investigation to protect themselves! America investigated after my asylum request and started an UNCAT or special procedure in 2017. View all posts by Hans Smedema
