Last Updated 25/10/2024 published 21/06/2011 by Hans Smedema
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The Dutch Queengate!
Warning to the ‘New York Times’ about Dutch political conspiracy.
This Dutch conspiracy and cover-up is directed against victim Hans Smedema and his wife, and the Dutch nation as a whole. Also against former Military CIA employee American Major Al Rust, his family and the American people. ‘The Dutch Queengate’, or ‘Crime of the Century’.
Proof on Wiki-leaks Cablegate?
It could very well be, that in the cables from the American embassy in ‘The Hague’, Netherlands there will be proof about this Dutch conspiracy against Dutch Hans Smedema and his wife Wies Smedema-J., and/or about American ‘Al Rust’ who was with the Military CIA and also suffered for almost 10 years!
- 1987, Al Rust asked help and information from the Dutch government about Hans Smedema to proof his case.
- 1996, June 14th Interrogation by mr. Paul Bremer in Amsterdam
- 1996/7 Al Rust wins his appeal case and the Dutch are proven to have hidden crucial evidence from an American judge and the CIA!
- 1997-1999 The Dutch ask America for assistance in their case against Hans Smedema and his wife, which has been made legal by betrayed politicians and the former Dutch Queen Juliana.
- 2008, June 1st Hans Smedema fled to Spain.
- 2009, February 9th Hans Smedema was sentenced by a police judge and an American watched the trial and reported to America CIA, what judge Rex Ford knew later and asked questions about.
- 2009, April 20th Hans Smedema asked political asylum in Miami airport. Judge Rex Ford.
Goal of the conspiracy and cover-up
To make sure that victims Hans Smedema and his wife both with severe suppression/selective amnesia of all abuses, would never find out they were horrifying betrayed by their own family, Ministry of Justice and Physicians. By special order of former Queen Juliana in 1975, on request of the family based on fraud and a set up, every official investigation about the many rapes of the wife of Hans Smedema and even children from rapist during 30 years, were forbidden. The Ministry of Justice because of that criminal special ruling worked ‘upside down’ by helping the rapist and betraying the victims. A horrifying story which will be Dutch legacy. Much more information is on my English Blog: and very detailled on the Dutch Blog:
Horrifying still ongoing Human Rights abuses!
This case has been brought before the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, Ms. Navanethem Pillay.
See the Post High Commissioner for Human Rigths.
Crucial is the fact that the Dutch Queen is negatively involved, which makes this case look legal and ‘State security’. Politicians have sworn to protect the Queen and therefore can’t help the victims. All officials have to obey the law and help hiding all evidence to protect the Queen, even if they have to commit crimes! Ministry of Justice helping the rapist and betraying the victims! Even America is helping.
- The normal civil right to file charges against the rapist of his wife has been denied. Since 1972 nobody has been prosecuted although hundreds of years in prison involved.
- The right to know that Hans Smedema and his wife had severe suppression and selective amnesia was denied. Medical treatment by therapy was denied.
- The right to be warned for the rapes of his wife from 1972 until now has been denied.
- The right to have children of his own was denied by hiding the fact he was maid infertile in 1972 and so all their children were from rapist!
- The right to a normal family life has been denied. Hans lives as a fugitive in Spain and his wife still betrayed lives unknowingly with selective amnesia in the Netherlands.
- Right to an honest government and physicians. She is maid to believe her husband has suddenly become ‘Delusional’ after his memory came slowly back in 2000.
- Right to have legal help from a lawyer. Since January 2004 no lawyer and they are known not allowed to help Hans Smedema because of state security with the Dutch Queen involved!
- Right to assistance from victim organisations is denied based on state security and other still unknown reasons.
- The normal justice system has been secretly changed in reverse! They helped the rapist by not prosecuting and hiding all evidence, while betraying the victims!
- The right to political asylum has been denied because of hiding evidence from judge Rex Ford Miami Florida by both the Netherlands and America!
- This all is discrimination and torture in the form of still ongoing(!) severe mistreatment
- The wife of Hans Smedema is STILL DEFENSELESS AGAINST ANY RAPIST OR ABUSER! Hans has NO means to defend her just because Queen Beatrix is a coward and finds her own immune(!) name more important than the suffering of Hans and his wife SINCE 1972! Disgusting and she needs to be removed as Queen asap!
American victims!
This Dutch conspiracy by special order of the Dutch Queen Beatrix and Ministers has deliberately(!) made American victims also, because it was directed against an employee of the military CIA, Major Al Rust and his family. He was innocent and only trying to help victim Hans Smedema, but the Dutch Queen refused to simply tell the truth when he was put on special trial. Baker Brothers in Stoughton filed charges against him and the CIA in December 1986. He was dishonorably dismissed from CIA and although innocent, even had to sell his house to pay damages to Baker Brothers. He lived for 10 years in Harlingen, Texas. He then was able to get help from an unknown senator and was able to proof his case with a copy from the file of Hans Smedema and his wife. Former Ambassador Paul Bremer in the Netherlands interrogated Hans Smedema on June 14th 1996 in Amsterdam at 18.30 hours to proof the story of Al Rust.
America had to help!
According to former Ambassador to the Netherlands mr. Paul Bremer on June 14th 1996, America would have to help the Dutch with this political conspiracy when asked to because it looks to be legal. And later they must have asked which must have left evidence and maybe a cable about it. The special ruling of the Dutch Queen Juliana around 1975, never to allow an investigation or prosecution, made this horrifying criminal story (look) legal. But because it was all based on fraud end betrayal, it is not legal and everything should be reversed. The Dutch Crown(De Kroon) which means all Ministers together with the Queen are involved and are trying to keep this criminal story covered-up in what must be the greatest political conspiracy ever on this planet? The request for official help from the Dutch government/Ministry of Justice must have been after 1996, probably 1998/99. There could be cables about this, which would proof this case also.
Political Asylum denied because of hiding evidence from a Judge!
On April 20th 2009 victim Hans Smedema asked on Miami airport Florida for political asylum against the Dutch Government. After 28 weeks in detention it was denied because the Dutch government kept the (secret) information and proof from Judge Rex Ford. Also the American government kept (secret) information and proof about the trials against Al Rust in the CIA files, hidden. Therefore Hans Smedema could not proof the involvement of the Dutch government and asylum was denied. Very strange, because America had the proof and could have given the asylum to solve this inhuman mistreatment.
- A couple with both severe suppression for any sexual abuse since 1972 is unbelievable, and most don’t understand how cruel this works.
- The woman so severely raped and tortured she got a double re-callable emotional personality, which made being raped easy and she could never file charges in her normal personality. The rapist knew this and raped as much as they could with six pregnancies and three children from rapist born. Also unbelievable and not understood at all unless psychologists.
- A family who hided all rapes and refused to file charges for the defenseless still unknowing victims. Being made infertile was hidden from Hans Smedema and his wife. Unbelievable for most people.
- A Dutch Queen who with a special ruling ordered that never there would be any investigation or prosecution of the rapist. Which caused the victims to be defenseless for the rest of their lives.
- Ministry of Justice was ordered not to investigate or prosecute and therefore help the rapist because they knew this fact and raped her even more. Three children from rapist and for hundreds of years jail were left free.
- Police and Prosecutors were not allowed to start investigations against their own normal mission.
- The victims lived in an upside down world without being allowed knowing these cruel and crucial facts.
- America involved and asked to help with this anti-justice, which it did! Al Rust suffered for 10 years also! And he still is fighting the Dutch Government to my knowledge.
- Hans Smedema got his memory back in 2000, but nobody believes him and he is declared delusional. Just because of the cover-up and cruel conspiracy.
- Hans asked for political asylum against the Dutch Government! Hans has the right to political asylum!
- A cowardly Queen Beatrix who finds her own immune(!) name more important than the suffering of Hans Smedema and his defenseless wife since 1972! Disgusting!
Publish this case!
Please look into this ‘Crime of the Century’ or ‘Dutch Queengate’!
More info is on the English Blog: or Dutch:
You can contact me with my email [email protected]
Sent to the ‘Foreign department’ of the ‘New York Times’ today June 21st 2011
Hans Smedema, Apartado 1114, 03727 Xalo/Jalon, Spain