Last Updated 25/11/2024 published 11/09/2019 by Hans Smedema
Global Magnitsky Act and Justice for Hans Smedema
I sent the following letter to the American Committee on Foreign Affairs asking for sanctions against the Netherlands for the severe Human Rights Violations against me Hans Smedema, and refusing to investigate and compensate my damages.
- I sent a copy to Nancy Pelosi on Sept 11th, 2019, Speaker of the House with also a request for any help she can give in this horrifying case.
- Also a copy to tips NYT on 19th and
- a bit later on 20th to tips CNN.
- Nothing to the coward Dutch media who refuse to help victims when Dutch Royals are involved.
- On Oct 8th, 2019 a copy went to Vaste Commissie voor Justitie Tweede Kamer Voorzitter Paul van Meenen who reacted on Oct 15th, 2019 that all members got it and it will be discussed in a meeting.
- On Oct 9th, 2019 a copy to Mr.drs. M.M. de Boer voorzitter Vaste Com Justitie Eerste Kamer.
Letter to Committee on Foreign Affairs
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Attn Chairman Eliot L. Engel
2170 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515 America
Concerns: Global Magnitsky Act and Justice for Hans Smedema
El Albir, Sept 9, 2019
I write to you on a matter of severe Human Rights Violations by the State of the Netherlands against me, my wife, Dutch people, American Al Rust and America itself among many other very high level people involved.
Americans who know a lot about this horrifying case of high level cover-up and conspiracies destroying my life, that of my wife and American Al Rust are the following:
- Former President Barack Obama who most likely ordered a Special Procedure at UNCAT
- Former Ambassador to the Netherlands and Governor Iraq Paul Bremer who saved Al Rust
- Miami Immigration Court(Krome) former Judge Rex J. Ford in Asylum case A087-402-454
- DOJ officials because of the UNCAT special procedure State America against Netherlands
- Dutch Royals King Willem Alexander and his mother Queen Beatrix
- Prime Minister Mark Rutte and former PM Jan Peter Balkenende
- Dutch Ministers of Justice since 1975 or so who were ordered by special Royal ruling to make sure no investigation against the rapist of my wife and also abuse against me would ever take place, causing the rapist and others to be protected by Justice itself! While we were defenseless since 1972!
- High level officials from Police, prosecutors and many more who with severe dilemmas were ordered not to protect us, but the name of the Dutch immune(!) Royals!
- A big Omerta was set up in 1972 by my corrupt brother Johan Smedema together with Justice in which everybody was paid at once and monthly to deny knowing anything and even manipulating or destroying evidence!
Judge Rex J. Ford and DOJ during my first Asylum request in 2009(7 months innocent detention) found 5 good grounds for Asylum if enough hard evidence could be found! Unique they thought, never happened before in America as far known! I asked again in Texas in 2013/14 with 2,5 months detention and in San Diego in 2016/17 with 5,5 months detention. During the last one just before leaving office Obama must have brought the case before UNCAT or equal special procedure.
I have the following requests:
- I kafkaesque do not get any information against human rights and would of course like to know if that case is still running or abandoned when America left UNHRC? Can you give me any information on my case? I request all the files!
- Also I request that my case is brought before your Committee in a special hearing and after studying, the Global Magnitsky act on Human Rights Violations should be declared on the Human Rights Violators in the Netherlands who still refuse to follow up on the UNCAT rules. They had me declared insane on purpose to make sure nobody believed me which isolated me socially of course. I am also divorced as she could not stand it any more in june 2015.
- I also request that you ask or demand DOJ for all the files about my asylum case and UNCAT or equal to make sure all the evidence is not destroyed automatically after some time! Or even worse by request from the Netherlands based on fraud and conspiracy.
- I have lost a lot of money trying to get asylum and investigating myself, and cannot pay all the older taxes. I will need a loan or advance on damages which could be tens of millions according to Rex J. Ford in 2009. The Dutch refuse to do so and refuse to talk too.
- If possible I would like to be heard at that hearing to help but have no money to travel!
I am almost broke, have no lawyer who all refuse this case of false State Security and almost nobody has offered help but America during the Asylum case in 2009. Judge Ford and DOJ must have by now a lot of evidence in the case. But not having the evidence makes it impossible for me to get a lawyer even if I could pay him. I still had about 200.000 euro in 2009 during the asylum case, but was deported and in 2013 the same. Now I have only credit card and mostly Spanish tax debt of about 30.000 euro and a retirement monthly income of 1500 euro. Dutch should stop all claims until after an investigation and after compensation, but refuse to do so as demanded by UNCAT.
The Dutch refuse to pay me an advance of 1 or 1,5 million euro, although they secretly offered 5 million in 2003 to keep everything a secret when I didn’t ask or know what was going on yet!
Lots of info is on my Blog in Dutch and a lot also in English. I can of course provide more specific info if needed.
Special and unique in this case is also:
- Kafkaesque since 1972 I am not allowed to know why and how this cover-up and conspiracy was set up with millions of stolen tax money! A severe human rights violation.
- Queen Juliana around 1975/6 must have issued a special secret ruling ordering no prosecution of the criminals involved and Ministry of (In)Justice was commanded to secretly watch over that totally against their mission to protect us!
- Since 1975 there were 5 murder attemps on my life! 1975, 1980(2x) and neighbor Cees van ‘t Hoog murdered, May 20th 2010 and 2016! Several others must have been murdered as all witnesses die suddenly!
- In 1975 and every 5 to 6 years a corrupt prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart secretly(!) against my will conditioned me into submission to suppress everything emotional and/or connected with the abuse of my girlfriend, later wife. Also with torture to follow orders from rapist Jaap Duijs who also had mind control over my wife, who was his sex slave since 1972!
- I and police itself are not allowed to file charges by special order from the Dutch Ministry of Justice, making me defenseless! There must have been secret court cases without me/us involved! Apparently my brother Johan secretly took over control of my life and destroyed it.
- During court cases no lawyers dare to help and/or don’t understand or believe the unbelievable case. Could be they are misled also or a result of State Security protecting the Royals. So no legal aid which is again a severe human rights violation.
- No defense is allowed during court cases despite perfect witnesses! Simple DNA fathership test proves my case but was not allowed. Judge Ford confirmed the 3 children are not mine, but DNA test in Netherlands was ordered falsified and stated I was! Photos of the rapes are deleted!
- So a fair trial in the Netherlands is impossible but I was sentenced to 3+3 months and a fine of 7000 euro, and later 5+5 and 8000 euro for insulting(?) the lying and denying rapist of my wife and abuse of me.
- So I spent 14 months in detention in the Netherlands after being deported from San Diego/LA to Amsterdam on March 15th, 2017. And 15 in America! Innocent as a victim kafkaesque not knowing what is going on! I never received any official information.
- Rapist teacher French drs. Jaap J. Duijs from Drachten working for Justice and a Criminal Organisation with Jaap and other people from Justice led by my corrupt brother Johan Smedema from Gennep was paid 100.000 guilders in 1977 with a monthly allowance to build a Villa next to us. To keep a severe Cordon Sanitaire around us for over 30 years! Microfoon in our Villa and all telephone and email tapped. Even as CEO of a large Engineering Company they harassed me secretly. He raped my defenseless wife since 1972 until recently and had mind control over her and myself after conditioning/torture into submission like in the famous Jason Bourne movies! Of course there is much more, but this should be enough especially with all the names and evidence available at DOJ. Around 2000, he was paid a full Itallian education at University Groningen for drugging me again and letting me be conditioned secretly at his Villa next to us by the same Onno van der Hart.
- Dutch taxes will now seize part of my low state pension and not being able to pay 108 euro for certified translation of two documents proving I was in 2014 in the Netherlands are the reason I will have to pay 5600 euro taxes also in Spain, even after paying that amount in the Netherlands! And much more of that still coming! My debt will go up a lot in the coming months! I cannot defend myself anymore due to lack of money!
- I live in beautiful sympathetic Spain, but Spain didn’t protect me when on May 20th, 2010 I was again conditioned/tortured by Onno van der Hart and rapist teacher Jaap Duijs! Warned Policia Local Benidorm was not allowed(!) to protect me from Justitia Madrid which proves the involvement of the Dutch Justice and the persecution is still going on! America has evidence about that and a Belgian investigation Judge I talked to also!
The Dutch are legally trying to go after American Al Rust. Prof.dr. Onno van der Hart lied and denied in America knowing me or my case, when asked by Al Rust in his official capacity as Military Intelligence around 1986. But in the so called Frankfurt Dutch intelligence file of over 30 pages about me and my wife they confirm he was involved together with psychiatrist prof. Dr. Robert van den Bosch. The Dutch file disappeared after 3 days, but there still was a copy!
Also I fear Judge Rex J. Ford could be legally attacked as by deporting me he put me in harms way as I warned him several times. Only months after deportation in 2009 I was conditioned/tortured again by Onno van der Hart and Jaap Duijs. So I urge you and the Committee to start an official hearing openly!
Retired Judge Rex J. Ford should be a crucial part of any investigation about the severe Human Rights Violations in this horrifying kafkaesque and even orwellian case.
Please inform me as much as possible which would help me mentally a lot of course after now fighting unknown hiding high level enemies alone for 19 years without any legal help.
I again ask for Asylum as I am still persecuted by the Dutch and denied any help! Also I asked to become American Citizen in 2009 and repeat my request here now!
With kind regards,
Hans Smedema