Last Updated 25/10/2024 published 14/02/2014 by Hans Smedema
America denies victim Hans Smedema Political Asylum against Netherlands!
For the second time, America denies victim Hans Smedema Political Asylum against the persecution by the Netherlands! Although judge Rex J. Ford told me in Buffalo detention center in Jan 2014 that he was going to reopen my 2009 Florida case after he found too many mistakes.
Earlier in 2009 in Miami Florida victim of persecution by the Dutch government Hans Smedema after 7 months in detention was deported back to Amsterdam. Now again after only(!) 2,5 months detention, he was deported back to Amsterdam en being innocent faces 6 months or more in prison. He was already one month unlawfully in prison when the Dutch Justice made sure he could not ask for asylum through Vancouver, Canada, and a week later through Mexico.
Hans is the victim of a horrifying 30 years of crimes against him and his wife. The story is so unbelievable that most people don’t believe it. They simply cannot comprehend what happened to them and how it is still possible in the 21 century. The story is worse than the famous conspiracy against Alfred Dreyfus in France. It is Franz Kafka’s Trial, but this time not fiction, but the horrifying truth.
Here what happened to him in chronological order:
- The first request for Political Asylum was on April 23th 2009 on the Miami Airport in Florida. Hans was just sentenced to 3 months probational for libel and 3 months if he did not pay the rapist of his wife 5300 euro. Just for accusing them of rape and becoming fathers of three children! His only crime is asking for an investigation by the police/Dutch FBI! What was his duty to protect his wife with severe suppression, amnesia, and dissociation(DIS). She alone cannot protect herself against rapists because she suppresses what happened instantly! Hans found out after 28 years of cover-up by family and the Dutch justice system! Full horrifying story in his E-books! He was deported on November 4th to Amsterdam Airport after 28 weeks in detention! No help at all! Hans compared it with the worldwide famous story of Dutch Ann Frank who also was denied asylum with her family during world war two and died.
- The second trial was traveling to Vancouver Canada, but Dutch Justice had warned them that Hans Smedema was coming and I was denied entry and sent back to Paris and Amsterdam. See Post Canada denies entry to Dutch victim Hans Smedema!
- The third trial was booking a flight to Mexico City on September 18th, 2013, but Hans was suddenly and unlawfully jailed for one month! Three police officers came to his door the evening before his flight and took him without any warning! While asking for asylum is a basic human right for every human being! He was set free by three judges who told him it had been unlawful and should not have happened.
- The fourth trial was through Frankfurt Germany, then to Mexico City and so to Reynosa at the American border Texas, Hidalgo. There he asked for asylum for the second time on November 5th, 2013, after warning the CIA long before that he was coming and would try again. The next day he was brought to Port Isabel Detention Center where he stayed until December 12th. Here the Sworn statement at the border. SwornStatement180
- There he was interviewed again SecondMainInterview184 and he was denied asylum and asked for a judge to review. But the judge also denied him asylum on December 6th, 2013 although together with the asylum case from 2009 with judge Rex Ford there now was ample evidence that the Dutch government was behind the cover-up and conspiracy. So very strange! The Dutch must have asked America to help them with this cover-up!
- Thousands of immigrants get asylum or are allowed on bail so easy, but Hans with 5 grounds for asylum according to Immigration Judge Rex Ford Miami gets deported back and has to suffer from the ongoing persecution by the Dutch who don’t allow him to file charges, no defense allowed in court cases, and sentence him to pay the rapist and a father of a child! Which he denies but is easily proven with a DNA test. Dutch Justice falsified an earlier DNA-test, and deletes evidence, falsifies evidence, and created a ‘Cordon Sanitaire’ around him.
- Judge Rex Ford in 2009 found the 5 grounds for asylum to be probably unique or at least very high. So why no asylum?
- This case resembles the famous case of Gustl Mollath in Germany who spent 7 years in a mental institution and was proven innocent and released lat year. Here a picture and click on it for the whole story with more fine pictures from Steve Geshwister
- December 12th, 2013 transfer to Southern Texas Detention Center to wait for deportation. Christmas in a Texas detention center between hundreds of immigrants.
- On December 27th, 2013 transfer to Buffalo New York with hand and foot cuffs, and even a chain around the middle for about 6 hours.
- New years eve we had to go to sleep at 11 o’clock!
- I was deported by two nice guys, Alex and John on January 17th, 2014 to Amsterdam where I was not directly detained and went to my wife to help her cope with her severe dissociation and too expensive house alone. The two of us could stay in the house a bit longer until we are forced to pay the rapist.
- During my detention, the Dutch secretly held a trial with nobody defending me and there was a sentence, but until now February 14th, 2014 they refuse to give me a copy of the documents or the sentence.
- We only know about the secret trial because a police officer called my wife and told her that on December 4th there had been a trial and why I Hans Smedema was not there, and no lawyer too. I got a message from YouTube about a legal complaint making a video proving lying to the police by a rapist invisible to the Dutch people! Also, my hosting Strato A.G. took my Blog out because I was in detention and could not remove a name and/or several Posts. I later took the name of by leaving only the first letter, and refused to remove the 3 Posts which would be censorship! Google was also legally asked by the Dutch Justice to remove certain pages and Posts from my Blog! So the Dutch are panicking! They asked Chilling Effects to look into the case!
- Chilling Effects is a joint project of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley, University of San Francisco, University of Maine, George Washington School of Law, and Santa Clara University School of Law clinics. Chilling Effects aims to help you understand the protections that the First Amendment and intellectual property laws give to your online activities. We are excited about the new opportunities the Internet offers individuals to express their views, parody politicians, celebrate their favorite movie stars, or criticize businesses. But we’ve noticed that not everyone feels the same way. Anecdotal evidence suggests that some individuals and corporations are using intellectual property and other laws to silence other online users. Chilling Effects encourages respect for intellectual property law while frowning on its misuse to “chill” legitimate activity.
- So in total now over 7 months, these 2,5 months, and the one month in the Dutch jail, or 10,5 months detained! And I am innocent and my only ‘Crime’ is asking the Dutch to investigate my horrifying case, and ask America to protect me against the Dutch!
- Asked again the Dutch police to please allow after 13 years trying, to file charges for rape, false statements to the police and much more, and sent letters about that to the Mayor of Drachten, head of Police North Of Netherlands, Human Rights Watch, but to no avail! They refuse to act!
So I lost 5 golden years of my life now 65, waiting and hoping for Asylum in America! In fact much longer because I knew from a friend, former intelligence, that I should try to go to America and ask for asylum. But no asylum has been given! Shortly we will be broke losing a 250.000 euro since 2000 having to fight our own government and own family who are behind or ordeal!
I only have a suitcase, no car anymore and live at my wife’s place, planning to ask for asylum now in Spain, Germany or Switzerland.
More later…
Hans Smedema B. Sc., a fugitive living temporarily in Drachten Netherlands