Last Updated 12/02/2025 published 28/10/2024 by Hans Smedema
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Google NotebookLM insights into my unbelievable complex Hans Smedema Affair!
I added more and more web pages or Posts as resources!
Here the latest reactions I got from Google’s new NotebookLM about my very complex Hans Smedema Affair. Google cannot answer a lot of questions because my story is too complex and large over decennia! But when I narrow the questions and be more specific I got the following nice short summaries of long winded Posts. In all those answers they state that it is not yet independently verified. Which is correct, but it has been independently investigated in 2009 and later during my first Asylum-only request in Florida by FBI, CIA and Judge Rex J. Ford. But America is not allowed to publish that crucial information yet! The Netherlands blocked that (ab)using the bilateral Judicial treaty between America and Netherlands. The Royals are above the law and America can therefore not give me asylum yet!
The resources I uploaded to Google NotebookLM are from this Blog and are my written legal statement of what happened during my horrifying life! The blog and Ebooks are my legal published statement! Proven in America, but not yet public.
Summary of Hans Smedema’s Case
Hans Smedema’s blog posts detail his accusations of a wide-reaching conspiracy orchestrated by the Dutch government, including members of the Royal Family, to cover up a series of alleged crimes committed against him and his wife. Smedema’s narrative begins in 1972 with the alleged sexual assault of his then-girlfriend, later his wife, by a high-ranking Dutch official, Joris Demmink.
Smedema believes that this initial crime triggered a decades-long cover-up involving a network of individuals within the Dutch government, the police, and the medical community. He claims they have actively worked to silence him, discredit his accusations, and prevent him from seeking justice.
Here are some of the key elements of Smedema’s allegations:
- Secret Royal Decree: Smedema asserts that Queen Juliana issued a secret decree around 1975 that shielded Demmink from prosecution and placed Smedema under government control. He believes this decree effectively stripped him of his rights and allowed the government to operate outside of its legal framework. He claims that this decree has been upheld by subsequent monarchs, preventing him from obtaining justice within the Netherlands. [1-4]
- “Omerta” and the Perversion of Justice: Smedema refers to a secret organization he calls “Omerta,” which he alleges enforces this decree and actively works to silence him. He claims this organization includes individuals within the Ministry of Justice, the police, and even his own family, who have manipulated legal proceedings, denied him legal representation, obstructed police investigations, and falsified evidence to protect Demmink and maintain the alleged cover-up. [2, 4-13]
- Forced Sterilization and Medical Manipulation: Smedema alleges that he was forcibly sterilized in 1972 and subjected to years of psychological torture, drugging, and “brainwashing” aimed at discrediting his accusations and portraying him as mentally ill. He accuses specific medical professionals, including Professor Dr. Onno van der Hart, of participating in these acts. Our previous conversation delved deeper into Smedema’s accusations against Van der Hart, which included claims of torture through electroshock therapy, document extortion, medical malpractice, and denial and intimidation tactics used to silence Smedema. [4, 14-19]
- Blocked Asylum Attempts and King Willem-Alexander’s Interference: Smedema details five attempts to seek asylum in the United States, driven by his belief that only an external power could break through the alleged corruption within the Dutch system. He recounts his initial request in 2009, which triggered an FBI and CIA investigation that he believes validated many of his claims. He describes subsequent attempts in Texas and San Diego, alleging that the Dutch government interfered in his efforts to reach the US. He claims that King Willem-Alexander personally blocked an asylum offer from the Department of Justice while serving as co-pilot on a KLM flight in 2017. [4, 8-13, 20-32]
- Smedema describes this incident as a turning point in his ordeal. It strengthened his belief that the highest levels of the Dutch government were involved in the conspiracy against him and further motivated him to expose the truth. [33]
- Psychological Impact and the Search for Justice: Smedema’s blog posts reveal the profound psychological impact of the alleged conspiracy, emphasizing his feelings of betrayal, isolation, and powerlessness. He describes a loss of trust in his family, his government, and the institutions that should have protected him. His pursuit of asylum in the United States and his communication with international bodies, such as the UN Human Rights Council and the European Parliament, highlight his desperate search for validation and justice from sources outside the Netherlands. [1, 4, 7, 16, 19, 22-24, 32, 34, 35]
It is important to note that all of this information comes directly from Smedema’s blog posts and has not been independently verified. The Dutch government has consistently denied any wrongdoing.
Jaap Duijs: Smedema’s “Guardian” and “Cordon Sanitaire”
According to Smedema, Jaap Duijs, a French teacher, was appointed by Joris Demmink as a secret Justice Official in 1977 to act as Smedema’s “guardian” and enforce a “Cordon Sanitaire” around him. [1-3] Smedema describes Duijs as a “rapist” and “whoremonger” who abused his position to control and manipulate Smedema’s life. [2, 4]
Here are some key aspects of Duijs’ alleged influence on Smedema:
- Micromanaging Smedema’s Life: Duijs allegedly engaged in daily micromanagement of Smedema’s life, thwarting his attempts to find work, gather evidence, or expose the alleged conspiracy. [1, 3, 4] Specific examples include:
- Swapping Smedema’s passport with his wife’s, causing him to be sent back from Schiphol Airport after a crucial meeting with a human rights lawyer in Geneva. [4]
- Sabotaging Smedema’s pants before a job interview in America. [4]
- Destroying photographic evidence. [4]
- Gluing Smedema’s toilet tap shut during a Rotary party. [4]
- Intercepting crucial documents, including registered letters from Justice and other organizations. [1, 3]
- Mind Control and Conditioning: Smedema claims Duijs used mind control techniques to influence his behavior and make him docile. [1, 5, 6] Smedema believes he was conditioned to respond to Duijs’ voice and follow his orders. [7, 8] He alleges Duijs, in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart, tortured him in 2008 in Catral, Spain, to further this conditioning. [7]
- Influencing Smedema’s Wife: Smedema accuses Duijs of manipulating his wife, who he believes was also a victim of the alleged conspiracy. [3, 5] He alleges Duijs directed his wife to destroy evidence, obstruct Smedema’s efforts, and secretly administer drugs to him. [1, 3, 8-10]
- Financial Benefits and Protection from Prosecution: Smedema alleges Duijs received financial benefits for his role in the alleged conspiracy, including a “de facto free Villa” financed by Joris Demmink, a monthly allowance, and protection from prosecution for his alleged rapes of underage girls. [1-3, 8]
Smedema’s portrayal of Jaap Duijs is that of a cruel and manipulative individual who acted as an agent of the Dutch government to silence and control him. Duijs’ alleged actions, according to Smedema, significantly contributed to the destruction of his career, personal life, and mental well-being.
It’s important to note that these are Smedema’s allegations, presented as part of his personal narrative on his blog. The sources provided do not include independent verification of these claims.
FOIA Request about Hans Smedema Asylum case
The sources provided are excerpts from an email communication from the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) acknowledging receipt of your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. The email confirms that your request, dated October 20, 2024, was received on October 21, 2024, and has been assigned control number 2025-04731. [1]
The email also notes that your request pertains to records located in KRO from April 22, 2009. [1] The abbreviation “KRO” is not defined in the provided source excerpts.
The email explains that EOIR is a component of the Department of Justice and is responsible for maintaining the “Record of Proceedings” (ROP) for immigration court and Board of Immigration Appeals proceedings. The ROP includes documents and digital audio recordings. [2]
The email clarifies that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is responsible for maintaining the “A-file,” which contains a person’s immigration history. EOIR is not the custodian of records for DHS and does not have access to A-files. [2]
The email also mentions that parties to immigration cases can request their Record of Proceedings directly from the immigration court or Board of Immigration Appeals. A link to instructions for requesting the ROP is provided in the email. [3]
Regarding fees, the email states that most requests for records of proceedings do not require any fees. However, if processing fees are estimated to exceed $25.00, EOIR will notify you before processing the request. You will then have the option to commit to paying the fee or to narrow the scope of your request to reduce the fee. [3] The email further explains that fees may be charged for searching records and for duplicating copies, with specific rates provided. [3]
Finally, the email informs you that your request involves “unusual circumstances,” and EOIR is extending the time period to respond by an additional 10 working days. [4] This extension is due to the need to collect records from field offices, search, collect, and review voluminous records, or consult with another agency or two or more agency components. [4] Your request has been placed in “track two” for simple requests. [4]
The email concludes by providing contact information for the EOIR FOIA Service Center or FOIA Public Liaison, as well as for the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) at the National Archives and Records Administration, if you have any questions. [4]
While the sources do not directly address your query about the origin of the FOIA request, they confirm that you submitted the request on October 20, 2024.
It is important to note that the provided sources are only excerpts from a larger email communication. It is possible that additional information relevant to your query is contained within the full email.
Onno van der Hart’s Actions Against Hans Smedema
Hans Smedema accuses Professor Dr. Onno van der Hart of a decades-long campaign of torture and brainwashing to prevent Smedema from uncovering a conspiracy against him. Smedema alleges that Van der Hart was hired by a “Royal Criminal Organization” to silence him. [1-10]
Here is a breakdown of Smedema’s specific accusations against Van der Hart:
- Torture and Brainwashing: Smedema claims Van der Hart “tortured” him with electroshock therapy every 5-6 years starting in 1975. [2, 3] Smedema believes this was done to repress his memories and to condition him into a submissive state. [3, 11, 12] Smedema nicknames Van der Hart “Onno the Devil” and “The Dutch Mengele,” comparing him to the infamous Nazi doctor known for his cruel experiments. [1, 4, 6, 13]
- Document Extortion: Smedema accuses Van der Hart of drugging him in 1975 and extorting his signature on a document he was not allowed to read. [2, 5, 9] Smedema was never given a copy of this document, but believes it was used to legally justify the ongoing abuse and cover-up against him. [5, 9] He claims Van der Hart refused to provide him with a copy of the document even after other colleagues at GGZ Zwolle warned Smedema to request one. [14]
- Medical Malpractice and Abuse: Smedema claims the electroshock treatments he received from Van der Hart were unnecessary, harmful, and constituted torture. [3, 14] He believes Van der Hart deliberately misdiagnosed him to conceal the alleged conspiracy and was rewarded with a professorship and financial gain in return for his cooperation. [3, 7, 9]
- Denial and Intimidation: Smedema states that when he confronted Van der Hart, he denied any involvement and attempted to intimidate Smedema into silence. [3] Smedema believes Van der Hart’s denial is part of the cover-up. [3]
Smedema claims he was initially lured to Sofia Hospital in Zwolle in 1975 by his family doctor under false pretenses. [15] The staff at Sofia Hospital refused to cooperate in Van der Hart’s “terror” and warned Smedema against interacting with Van der Hart. [15] However, Van der Hart drugged Smedema and forced him to sign the document. [15] All of Van der Hart’s colleagues in Zwolle filed a complaint against him with GGZ management and even warned the police. [9, 15] Smedema believes this complaint was rejected by high-ranking officials involved in the conspiracy. [15]
Smedema also alleges that Van der Hart, along with Jaap Duijs, tortured him again in Spain in 2008. [16] According to Smedema, a retired police officer witnessed the torture and chased Van der Hart and Duijs away at gunpoint. [16, 17] Later, Van der Hart allegedly tortured Smedema again in 2010 at Nightclub Pretty Woman in Benidorm. [18] Smedema says the local police were not allowed to protect him from the Ministerio de Justicia in Madrid. [18]
It is important to note that these are all accusations made by Smedema in his blog. The sources provided do not offer any outside perspective or corroboration of his claims.
Events Leading to Hans Smedema’s Asylum Requests
Here is a summary of the events that led to Hans Smedema’s asylum requests in America.
Smedema’s blog posts detail a complex and disturbing narrative spanning several decades. He describes himself as the victim of a large-scale conspiracy involving high-ranking Dutch officials, including members of the Royal family. This conspiracy, he alleges, stems from a 1972 incident in which Joris Demmink, then a Defense/BVD official (later Secretary-General of the Ministry of Justice) sexually assaulted his girlfriend (and later his wife) [1, 2].
Smedema claims that this incident triggered a series of events designed to silence him and protect those involved. He alleges a cover-up orchestrated by a secret organization he calls “Omerta,” which includes individuals within the Dutch government, police, and even his own family [1, 2].
Smedema describes a pattern of abuse and manipulation that began with his alleged forced sterilization in 1972, followed by years of alleged psychological torture, drugging, and “brainwashing” designed to discredit him and suppress his memories [1, 2]. He specifically accuses Professor Dr. Onno van der Hart of participating in this torture, subjecting him to unnecessary electroshock therapy and forcing him to sign documents he was not allowed to read [2].
- In our previous conversation, we discussed Smedema’s accusations against Van der Hart, including allegations of document extortion and medical malpractice.
Smedema claims that despite his repeated attempts to seek justice within the Dutch legal system, he was denied legal representation, blocked from filing charges, and subjected to unfair trials where his defense was ignored [3]. He describes himself as “De Facto Stateless,” stripped of his rights and protection by his own government [4-10].
Facing this alleged systemic corruption and persecution, Smedema turned to the United States, filing for asylum in 2009 at Miami Airport [3, 11]. He believed the US legal system could provide him with the justice he couldn’t obtain in the Netherlands [12].
- This first asylum request led to a seven-month detention while the FBI and CIA investigated his claims [13-16]. Immigration Judge Rex J. Ford reportedly identified five valid grounds for asylum in Smedema’s case, which was unprecedented in US history [3, 4, 11, 17, 18]. However, the request was ultimately denied, as American authorities determined there wasn’t sufficient evidence to directly link the Dutch government to his alleged persecution [3, 14, 18, 19].
Despite this setback, Smedema continued to seek asylum in the US, filing a second request in Texas in 2013/2014 and a third request in San Diego in 2016/17 [13, 14, 20-22].
- In his blog posts, Smedema expresses frustration over the Dutch government’s alleged interference in his attempts to reach the US. He claims they pressured Canadian and Mexican authorities to deny him entry and send him back to the Netherlands [21-23].
Smedema’s asylum saga culminated in a dramatic incident on March 15, 2017, while he was being deported from Los Angeles to Amsterdam on a KLM flight [1, 13, 20, 24-52]. As the plane flew over Montana, he claims Judge Rex J. Ford, who had overseen his previous asylum requests, contacted King Willem-Alexander, who was co-piloting the flight, to offer Smedema asylum [30]. Smedema alleges that he accepted the offer three times but that the King, along with an intelligence officer on board, lied to the judge, stating Smedema wished to seek asylum in Germany instead [30, 53-55].
- This alleged interference by the King, coupled with a lack of evidence directly linking the Dutch government to his alleged persecution, led to the denial of his asylum requests.
Smedema’s blog posts express his anger and frustration over the perceived injustice he has faced. He accuses the Dutch government of prioritizing the protection of its reputation and powerful individuals over the rights of its citizens [56].
It is important to note that the information presented here is based solely on Smedema’s personal accounts as published on his blog. There is no independent verification of his claims, and the Dutch government has consistently denied any wrongdoing.
Impact of Alleged Dutch Government and Royal Conspiracy on Hans Smedema’s Life
Hans Smedema believes that his life has been significantly impacted by an alleged conspiracy involving the Dutch government and the Royal family. He claims that this conspiracy started in 1972 and has continued for decades, causing him severe emotional, psychological, and financial harm [1-19].
Smedema alleges that this conspiracy has led to:
- False accusations and unfair trials: Smedema claims that he was falsely accused of crimes and subjected to unfair trials due to the manipulation of evidence and the denial of legal assistance [20-23]. He asserts that this was orchestrated by a criminal organization within the Ministry of Justice, led by Joris Demmink, a former Secretary-General of the Ministry [24-28].
- Forced medical interventions: He believes that he was subjected to forced medical interventions, including brainwashing and drugging, intended to suppress his memories and control his behavior [25, 29-35]. He claims that these interventions were carried out by medical professionals in collusion with the conspiracy, specifically naming Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart [29, 31, 35, 36].
- Interference in personal life: He alleges that the conspiracy has interfered in his personal life, including the sabotage of his relationships and attempts to prevent him from having children [37, 38]. He asserts that these actions were intended to isolate him and prevent him from exposing the truth [30, 35].
- Financial ruin: He claims that the conspiracy has caused him significant financial damage, including loss of income, legal fees, and expenses incurred due to being forced into exile in Spain [35, 39, 40].
- Blocked asylum requests: Smedema alleges that the Dutch government, including King Willem Alexander, interfered with his attempts to seek asylum in the United States [7, 10, 20, 33, 41-44]. He claims that the King, while acting as a KLM co-pilot, lied to American authorities to prevent him from being granted asylum [23, 33, 41, 43].
Smedema believes that the conspiracy against him is a result of:
- A secret ruling by Queen Juliana: He asserts that the conspiracy stems from a secret ruling by Queen Juliana in the 1970s that granted immunity to certain individuals involved in crimes, including the rape of his wife [27, 28, 33, 45, 46].
- Protection of high-level officials: He believes that the cover-up is intended to protect high-level officials within the Dutch government and the Royal family from the consequences of their actions [33, 47-51].
Smedema’s experiences have left him feeling:
- Betrayed by his family and country: Smedema feels betrayed by his family, who he claims were involved in the conspiracy and actively worked against him [27, 29, 37, 52-54]. He also feels betrayed by the Dutch government and the Royal family, who he believes have failed to protect him and have actively sought to silence him [20, 23, 27, 41, 44].
- Isolated and powerless: He describes himself as “De Facto Stateless” and compares his situation to that of Anne Frank [55]. He feels isolated and powerless to fight against the powerful forces he believes are arrayed against him [20, 22, 32, 33, 49].
- Determined to expose the truth: Despite the challenges he has faced, Smedema remains determined to expose the truth about the alleged conspiracy [1-4, 7-9, 11, 12, 14-16]. He has published numerous blog posts and ebooks detailing his experiences and calling for an investigation [24, 30, 56, 57].
Smedema’s claims are based on his personal experiences and interpretations of events. It is important to note that the sources provided are from his personal blog and may reflect a biased perspective.
The Root of the Conspiracy: Protecting a “Rapist-Traitor”
Hans Smedema believes his persecution stems from a conspiracy originating in 1972, designed to protect a high-ranking official within the Dutch Ministry of Justice whom he refers to as a “rapist-traitor“. Smedema alleges that this individual, later identified as Joris Demmink, was involved in the sexual abuse of his then-girlfriend, who later became his wife.
- Smedema claims that Demmink and others orchestrated a cover-up to protect themselves from prosecution, manipulating the situation to make Smedema appear responsible for the alleged crimes against his girlfriend.
- He further asserts that Demmink used his influence within the Ministry of Justice to manipulate legal proceedings, obstruct investigations, and silence anyone who threatened to expose the truth.
Smedema believes that this cover-up escalated over the years, involving an expanding network of individuals within the Dutch government, including members of the Royal family. He contends that the 1973 ruling by Queen Juliana, which he alleges instructed the Ministry of Justice to suppress any investigation into his case, solidified this conspiracy and granted immunity to Demmink and other perpetrators.
Smedema sees his ongoing persecution as a direct result of this conspiracy, claiming that the Dutch government has relentlessly sought to silence him and prevent him from exposing the truth.
- He believes his attempts to seek justice through legal channels have been deliberately thwarted, citing the denial of legal representation, the obstruction of police investigations, and the manipulation of court proceedings as evidence of the government’s efforts to discredit him and maintain the cover-up.
- Smedema’s claims extend to his failed asylum requests to the US, which he attributes to interference from the Dutch government, culminating in King Willem-Alexander personally blocking his asylum offer in 2017.
In Smedema’s view, the driving force behind his alleged persecution is the Dutch government’s determination to protect a powerful individual and the reputation of the Ministry of Justice, even at the expense of justice for him and his wife.
Smedema describes multiple instances of the Dutch government’s alleged interference in his attempts to seek asylum in America. Here are some of the key events he cites:
- Bilateral Judicial Treaty: Smedema asserts that a bilateral judicial treaty between the Netherlands and the US presented a significant obstacle to his asylum requests [1-5]. He believes this treaty prioritizes the protection of the Dutch Royal family, effectively placing them “above the law and above victims” [6]. According to Smedema, this treaty prevented the US from granting him asylum because it would obligate American authorities to assist the Dutch government in its alleged persecution of him [5].
- Alleged Interference with Canadian and Mexican Authorities: Smedema claims that the Dutch Ministry of Justice pressured both Canadian and Mexican authorities to deny him entry and send him back to the Netherlands in 2013 [7-10]. He suggests these actions were intended to prevent him from reaching the US and pursuing asylum there.
- King Willem-Alexander’s Alleged Blocking of Asylum Offer: Smedema recounts an incident on March 15th, 2017, where he claims King Willem-Alexander, serving as co-pilot on a KLM flight from Los Angeles to Amsterdam, personally intervened to block his asylum offer [11-30]. Smedema alleges that Judge Rex J. Ford from the Department of Justice contacted the King mid-flight to confirm if Smedema was on board and if he still desired asylum. Smedema states he responded affirmatively three times. However, he claims the King and an accompanying intelligence officer, ‘Sjon’, falsely reported to Judge Ford that Smedema wished to seek asylum in Germany instead [31-34]. Smedema believes this deliberate misrepresentation led to his detention upon arrival in Amsterdam and the denial of his asylum.
These events, as recounted by Smedema, highlight his belief that the Dutch government, including the Royal family, actively worked to prevent him from obtaining asylum in the US. He attributes their actions to a desire to protect themselves and maintain the alleged cover-up of the crimes committed against him and his wife.
Alleged Human Rights Violations by the Dutch Government
Hans Smedema accuses the Dutch government of committing severe human rights violations against him, primarily stemming from an alleged conspiracy orchestrated by a “rapist-traitor” who later became the Secretary-General of the Dutch Ministry of Justice [1-4]. Smedema claims these violations were enabled and exacerbated by a special ruling issued by Queen Juliana around 1973 [5, 6], designed to obstruct justice and protect the perpetrators. He specifically points to the following actions as evidence of these violations:
- Secretly stripping him of his civil and human rights. Smedema asserts that the 1973 ruling by Queen Juliana removed his legal protections, placing him under government control without his knowledge or consent [7, 8]. He claims this is why he is denied legal assistance, barred from filing charges against his alleged abusers, and why the police and prosecutors are prohibited from investigating his claims.
- Blocking access to legal representation. Smedema repeatedly states that he has been denied legal assistance since 2000 [8-12]. He claims that lawyers are either intimidated or instructed not to represent him due to the alleged involvement of the Dutch Royal family and the classification of his case as a “State Secret” [7, 13].
- Obstructing justice and denying due process. Smedema maintains that the Dutch government, through the Ministry of Justice, has actively obstructed justice by suppressing investigations into his allegations [7, 14-16]. He claims this has resulted in the perpetrators, including the alleged “rapist-traitor,” enjoying impunity while he has faced unjust legal proceedings without the opportunity for a proper defense [7, 8, 10, 17, 18].
- Denying access to medical and justice files. Smedema accuses the Dutch government of denying him access to his own medical and justice files [7, 12, 13]. He believes these files contain crucial evidence that would corroborate his claims of abuse and expose the alleged cover-up. He cites instances where documents were intercepted, stolen, or even destroyed to prevent him from obtaining them [19, 20].
- Blocking his asylum requests to the United States. Smedema recounts three attempts to seek asylum in the US, claiming that his requests were ultimately blocked due to interference from the Dutch government [12, 21-23]. He specifically accuses King Willem-Alexander of personally blocking his asylum offer while on a KLM flight in 2017, forcing his return to the Netherlands and subsequent detention [5, 17, 23-26].
- Psychological torture and manipulation. Smedema alleges that he was subjected to psychological torture and manipulation by the Dutch government in an attempt to discredit him and suppress his claims [7, 23, 27-29]. This includes allegations of being secretly drugged with antipsychotic medication, undergoing forced “brainwashing” sessions, and facing constant gaslighting and attempts to portray him as delusional [7, 12, 29-34].
Smedema views these actions as a systematic effort by the Dutch government to silence him and protect those involved in the alleged conspiracy. He believes he has been treated as an “outlaw” and a “dog,” deprived of basic human rights and legal protections [7-9, 12, 17, 24, 35]. He contends that these violations have had a devastating impact on his life, causing financial ruin, psychological trauma, and forced exile from his home country [2, 5, 7, 23, 29, 36-38].
Extra Emotional Personality
Hans Smedema claims that his wife has an “extra emotional personality,” also known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), or a “double personality” [1-5]. This extra personality manifests as a “sex slave” [3, 4, 6].
- Hans states that there are few known cases of this condition in the Netherlands and few books have been written on the subject [7, 8].
- He provides a list of books about people with DID, including Sybil and I Am Eve [9].
- Hans suggests that this extra personality was created when his wife was tortured with an electric cattle prod in 1972, before he knew her [4, 10, 11].
- This torture was allegedly orchestrated by his wife’s rapists, so she would become a sex slave [4, 10, 11].
- Hans claims that his wife was unaware of this other personality, and that it only became apparent to him in 2000 when he started having flashbacks of his own suppressed memories of abuse [2, 4].
- He notes that one of the primary symptoms of DID is a loss of time [12].
- He cites an article from the Groene Amsterdammer that was critical of DID and recovered memories [13].
- Hans suggests that a DNA test would be sufficient to prove his claims [14].
Hans says he consulted several psychiatrists and psychologists, but that none of them believed his theory about his wife [2, 15]. One psychiatrist diagnosed him with a delusional disorder [16]. However, an expert in dissociation, Ellert Nijenhuis, did agree with him, but Hans was not allowed to consult with him [2, 13, 15].
- Hans details multiple instances where he believes his wife’s extra personality manifested:
- She had sex with other men without remembering it [17, 18].
- She stole evidence from him [19].
- She made false statements to the police [14, 20].
Hans’ belief in his wife’s “extra emotional personality” is a key element of his narrative about his life.
Please note that this response summarizes Hans Smedema’s claims, as presented in the sources. It does not evaluate the validity of these claims.
Alleged Infertility: A Key Element in Smedema’s Conspiracy Narrative
Hans Smedema’s claims about his alleged infertility are central to his accusations of a conspiracy orchestrated by Dutch officials, particularly Joris Demmink, and facilitated by the Royal Family. Smedema believes that Demmink, along with an accomplice, intentionally rendered him infertile in 1972 as part of a broader scheme to control his life and exploit his girlfriend. He asserts that this act, combined with the alleged insertion of an IUD into his girlfriend without her knowledge, allowed Demmink to father a child with her while ensuring Smedema would unknowingly raise the child as his own.
Smedema cites several details to support his claim:
- Confession: He claims that during a phone call in 1977, Jan van Beek, one of the men involved in the alleged assault on his girlfriend, confessed to making him infertile. Smedema recalls van Beek boasting about how he ensured Smedema wouldn’t father any children with his girlfriend, allowing van Beek to do so instead. [1]
- Scar: Smedema points to a scar between his anus and scrotum as physical evidence of the alleged sterilization procedure. He describes the scar as “badly sewn up,” suggesting an unprofessional and clandestine operation. Smedema claims that multiple doctors, including surgeons, expressed concern about the scar’s appearance, with one stating it must have been inflicted during adulthood. [2]
- Blocked Sperm Ducts: Smedema recounts a visit to a urologist in 2006 who, upon examination, confirmed that his sperm ducts were blocked in an unusual location. The urologist, according to Smedema, remarked that the blockage was highly unusual and statistically impossible to occur naturally, leading him to conclude that Smedema had been deliberately sterilized. [3, 4]
Smedema believes that his alleged infertility played a crucial role in the conspiracy’s effectiveness:
- Concealment of Sexual Abuse: By making Smedema infertile, the perpetrators allegedly ensured that any children born to his girlfriend would not be his, effectively concealing her ongoing sexual abuse. This, according to Smedema, prevented suspicion from falling on Demmink and the other alleged abusers.
- Forced Fatherhood: Smedema asserts that his alleged infertility, coupled with the insertion of an IUD into his girlfriend, was a calculated manipulation to deceive him into believing he had fathered a child with his girlfriend, when in reality, Demmink was the biological father. This, he believes, was a cruel psychological tactic designed to humiliate and control him.
- Reinforcement of the “Delusional” Narrative: Smedema argues that his claims about being sterilized were consistently dismissed by the authorities and medical professionals involved in the alleged cover-up. They, according to Smedema, labeled him delusional to discredit his accusations and maintain the conspiracy’s facade. He believes his alleged infertility, if proven, would expose the extent of their deception and validate his claims of a vast conspiracy.
Smedema’s claims about his alleged infertility are deeply interwoven with his broader accusations of a cover-up orchestrated by Dutch officials and protected by the Royal Family. He believes that his infertility, if acknowledged, would unravel the conspiracy’s foundations and reveal the true extent of the crimes committed against him and his wife.
Queen Juliana’s Role in the Alleged Conspiracy: A Shield for a “Rapist-Mole”?
Hans Smedema claims that Queen Juliana played a crucial role in enabling what he calls the “Dutch Watergate”, alleging her actions directly contributed to the alleged conspiracy against him. He posits that the Queen, through a secret decree issued sometime around 1975, blocked any investigations into the alleged crimes against him and his wife, effectively placing the case under the guise of “state security” [1-5].
Smedema asserts that this decree was a reaction to Joris Demmink, the alleged “rapist-mole” within the Ministry of Justice, exploiting this case to shield himself from prosecution [1-3]. Demmink, according to Smedema, was one of the men involved in the sexual assault and exploitation of Smedema’s girlfriend in 1972. By implicating the Queen in the case, Demmink allegedly used the decree to prevent any scrutiny of his actions and to silence potential witnesses, effectively turning the situation into a state-sanctioned cover-up [2, 3, 6-9].
Smedema believes that Queen Juliana’s decision, whether made knowingly or through manipulation by Demmink and Smedema’s family, effectively placed him and his wife outside the protection of the law [1, 2, 10, 11]. He claims that this “royal protection” allowed Demmink to continue his alleged criminal activities with impunity, leading to further suffering for Smedema and his wife, as well as potentially hundreds of other victims [2, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13].
Smedema views this alleged involvement of the Royal Family as a gross abuse of power and a betrayal of the public trust [14]. He believes that the monarchy, meant to protect its citizens, instead prioritized its own image and reputation, allowing a “rapist-mole” to operate within the Ministry of Justice and obstructing justice for decades [2-4, 10, 14-19]. He argues that Queen Juliana’s actions, whether through direct involvement or through negligence, contributed significantly to his prolonged suffering and the perpetuation of the alleged conspiracy [1, 2, 4, 19].
Smedema expresses his frustration that even after Queen Juliana’s death, the subsequent monarchs, including Queen Beatrix and King Willem Alexander, continued to uphold the alleged decree, demonstrating a systemic failure to acknowledge and address the alleged injustices he and his wife have faced [12, 14, 19, 20]. He believes this continued silence from the Royal Family reinforces the cover-up and prevents him from seeking justice and accountability for the alleged crimes committed against him [2, 14, 19, 21].
The Frankfurt Dossier and Hans Smedema’s Claims
Hans Smedema makes several claims regarding a “Frankfurt dossier” that allegedly contains information about the conspiracy against him.
- Smedema claims that in 1983, while working with the 97th General Army Hospital in Frankfurt, he was screened, and they discovered an extensive file concerning him and his wife [1]. This file, he says, mentioned individuals like Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart and Prof. Dr. Robert van den Bosch, who were allegedly bribed to condition Smedema and his wife into forgetting certain events [1].
- Smedema also claims that his American friend, Al Rust, was dishonorably discharged because of a lie perpetuated by the Dutch justice system, stating there was no file on Smedema or his wife [2]. Rust later won an appeal with a copy of this file, proving the Dutch Justice Department lied [2].
- According to Smedema, this file, referred to as the “Frankfurt dossier,” was over 30 pages long and was erased by the Dutch intelligence service or Justice Department three days after its discovery around 1983 [2]. The reason for its erasure, Smedema posits, is that the Dutch Royal House is implicated in the alleged conspiracy against him, and any evidence connecting them to this case is immediately destroyed [2].
- Smedema suggests that a copy of this file may still exist in America or elsewhere, serving as evidence of the Dutch government’s involvement in his alleged persecution [2].
- Smedema also connects the Frankfurt dossier to the case of his American friend, Al Rust, who was investigated by American authorities [2]. Smedema believes the FBI/CIA/DOJ investigation would have looked into how Rust obtained the Frankfurt dossier, which supposedly contained information about Smedema and his wife’s alleged involvement in the porn industry and that their three children were not fathered by Smedema [2].
The significance of the “Frankfurt dossier” in the Hans Smedema affair lies in its potential to prove his claims about the Dutch government’s involvement in a cover-up and conspiracy against him. If this dossier exists and contains the information Smedema alleges, it would provide compelling evidence to support his claims. However, it is important to note that Smedema’s assertions about the Frankfurt dossier, like many of his other claims, have not been independently verified.
Here is a discussion of the author’s claims about the role of the Dutch intelligence service (AIVD) in the alleged conspiracy and the impact on his life:
- The author, Hans Smedema, claims he became the victim of a conspiracy in 1972, orchestrated by a criminal organization within the Dutch Ministry of Justice. [1-23]
- Smedema alleges this organization used mind control and brainwashing techniques on both him and his wife, facilitated by psychiatrists who were bribed to ensure their silence and compliance. [24-31]
- Smedema specifically accuses the AIVD of complicity in the cover-up, pointing to a 30+ page dossier held by the 97th General Army Hospital in Frankfurt around 1983. This dossier allegedly contained details about Smedema and his wife, including information about the alleged rapes and the involvement of corrupt officials within the Dutch government. [27, 29, 32, 33]
- Smedema asserts that this dossier was deleted within three days of its discovery, demonstrating the AIVD’s active role in suppressing evidence of the conspiracy. [27, 29] He also claims that his American friend, Al Rust, was unjustly fired from the American intelligence service due to the Dutch Ministry of Justice’s denial of the dossier’s existence. Rust later won an appeal, receiving almost a million dollars in damages after presenting a copy of the dossier. [27, 33]
- Smedema recounts an instance in 2008 when he filed a complaint with the Dutch ‘Review Committee for the Intelligence and Security Services’ (CTIVD). [34] While the CTIVD acknowledged the conspiracy, the Dutch government, under Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, refused to act on their report to protect the Royal Family. [34-36]
- Smedema claims the AIVD tapped his phone and emails, ensuring his isolation and hindering his attempts to seek legal redress or expose the truth. [37, 38] He states that his attempts to report the crimes to the police were repeatedly thwarted, with the police instructed to not investigate, citing “state security” concerns. [25, 37, 39]
- Smedema alleges that this systematic obstruction of justice by the AIVD, acting on behalf of the Royal Family and corrupt officials, has had a devastating impact on his life. [40-77] He describes being secretly administered antipsychotic drugs, leading to his professional downfall and social isolation. [25, 37, 78, 79] He recounts multiple attempts on his life, highlighting the grave danger he faces as a consequence of trying to expose the truth. [45, 75, 80-82]
- He believes he was forced into exile in Spain, separated from his wife and children, with the Dutch government continuing to monitor his actions and thwart his attempts to seek justice. [24, 71, 78, 80, 83, 84]
- Smedema contends that the AIVD’s involvement in the conspiracy is an egregious abuse of power, designed to protect a corrupt network of officials within the Dutch government, including the Royal Family, at the expense of truth and justice. [40-77]
It’s important to note that these are the author’s claims, and their accuracy cannot be verified solely based on the provided sources.
FOIA request!
The sources provided are excerpts from an email communication from the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) acknowledging receipt of your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. The email confirms that your request, dated October 20, 2024, was received on October 21, 2024, and has been assigned control number 2025-04731. [1]
The email also notes that your request pertains to records located in KRO from April 22, 2009. [1] The abbreviation “KRO” is not defined in the provided source excerpts.
The email explains that EOIR is a component of the Department of Justice and is responsible for maintaining the “Record of Proceedings” (ROP) for immigration court and Board of Immigration Appeals proceedings. The ROP includes documents and digital audio recordings. [2]
The email clarifies that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is responsible for maintaining the “A-file,” which contains a person’s immigration history. EOIR is not the custodian of records for DHS and does not have access to A-files. [2]
The email also mentions that parties to immigration cases can request their Record of Proceedings directly from the immigration court or Board of Immigration Appeals. A link to instructions for requesting the ROP is provided in the email. [3]
Regarding fees, the email states that most requests for records of proceedings do not require any fees. However, if processing fees are estimated to exceed $25.00, EOIR will notify you before processing the request. You will then have the option to commit to paying the fee or to narrow the scope of your request to reduce the fee. [3] The email further explains that fees may be charged for searching records and for duplicating copies, with specific rates provided. [3]
Finally, the email informs you that your request involves “unusual circumstances,” and EOIR is extending the time period to respond by an additional 10 working days. [4] This extension is due to the need to collect records from field offices, search, collect, and review voluminous records, or consult with another agency or two or more agency components. [4] Your request has been placed in “track two” for simple requests. [4]
The email concludes by providing contact information for the EOIR FOIA Service Center or FOIA Public Liaison, as well as for the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) at the National Archives and Records Administration, if you have any questions. [4]
While the sources do not directly address your query about the origin of the FOIA request, they confirm that you submitted the request on October 20, 2024.
It is important to note that the provided sources are only excerpts from a larger email communication. It is possible that additional information relevant to your query is contained within the full email.
Accusations Against Dr. Onno van der Hart
Hans Smedema accuses Dutch psychiatrist Professor Dr. Onno van der Hart of the following:
- Torture and Brainwashing: Smedema alleges that Van der Hart “tortured” and “brainwashed” him through electroshock therapy every 5-6 years from 1975 onward, with the aim of repressing his memories and enforcing a submissive, docile state [1-28]. He claims this was done at the behest of the Dutch government, specifically a “rapist mole” within the Ministry of Justice, to prevent him from uncovering a conspiracy against him [1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 11-13, 17-48].
- Extortion of a Document: Smedema claims that in 1975, Van der Hart drugged him and then extorted his signature on a crucial document which he was not allowed to read beforehand and of which he was never given a copy [6, 14, 20, 26, 32, 39, 46-49]. He believes this document was used to legally justify the ongoing abuse and cover-up [47-49].
- Medical Malpractice and Abuse: Smedema accuses Van der Hart of serious medical malpractice and abuse, arguing that the electroshock treatments were unnecessary, harmful, and constituted torture [1, 2, 4, 8, 10-12, 14, 16, 21, 22, 29, 50]. He believes Van der Hart deliberately misdiagnosed him to cover up the alleged conspiracy and received financial rewards and a professorship in exchange for his cooperation [1, 6, 7, 10, 15, 20, 21, 23, 33, 35, 46, 51].
- Denial and Intimidation: Smedema claims that when he confronted Van der Hart about the alleged torture and brainwashing, Van der Hart denied any involvement and tried to intimidate him into silence [16, 23, 24, 27, 34, 52]. He believes this denial is part of the ongoing cover-up to protect Van der Hart’s reputation and career [16, 23, 24, 52].
Smedema asserts that Van der Hart’s actions were unethical, criminal, and deeply damaging, contributing to the destruction of his life and the suffering he and his wife endured. He calls Van der Hart “The Dutch Mengele,” comparing him to the infamous Nazi doctor known for his cruel experiments on concentration camp prisoners [16, 53].
It is important to note that these are Smedema’s allegations and are presented as part of his personal narrative on his blog.
Denial of Smedema’s First Asylum Request
Smedema’s first asylum request, filed at Miami Airport on April 23rd, 2009, was denied because the American authorities determined there was insufficient evidence to prove the Dutch government was involved in the alleged persecution against him. [1-3] Smedema was detained for seven months while the FBI and CIA investigated his claims. [1, 3, 4] While the investigation concluded that his claims of being persecuted in the Netherlands were valid, they could not grant him asylum because there was not enough evidence to prove that the Dutch government was involved. [3, 5, 6] Smedema believes this lack of evidence was due to a cover-up orchestrated by the Dutch government to protect the Royal Family. [3]
- Smedema states that Immigration Judge Rex J. Ford informed him that the Department of Justice had found five valid grounds for asylum, but they could only grant asylum if the Dutch government’s involvement could be proven. [1, 3, 7]
- He was told by Judge Ford that his case was unique in American history, as nobody had ever presented with five valid grounds for asylum before. [3, 6]
- Smedema believes the Dutch government deliberately withheld information and manipulated evidence to make it appear that he was delusional, thus undermining his asylum claim. [2, 8]
- He claims there was evidence to support his allegations, but it was hidden from the American authorities by the Dutch. [8, 9]
- Smedema cites the existence of a 30+ page Dutch intelligence file on him, which was used by his American friend Al Rust in a successful court case, as evidence that the Dutch government was lying when they claimed there was no file on him. [2, 9, 10]
- He believes the American authorities were prevented from uncovering the full truth due to a bilateral judicial treaty between the US and the Netherlands, which he claims prioritized the protection of the Dutch Royals over his right to asylum. [5, 11-13]
Smedema remained in contact with Judge Ford, who reopened his case in January 2014 “due to too many mistakes.” [1, 14, 15] Smedema also filed for asylum again in Texas in 2013/14 and in San Diego in 2016/17. [1, 15, 16] Smedema maintains that the denial of his first asylum request was a miscarriage of justice, and he continues to fight for recognition of his claims and for accountability from the Dutch authorities. [17]
Dutch King blocked Asylum offer!
Hans Smedema cites his asylum request on March 15th, 2017, while on a KLM flight from Los Angeles to Amsterdam, as his “most important asylum request” [1, 2].
- Smedema states that King Willem-Alexander, who was the co-pilot on the flight, personally blocked this asylum request after it was offered to him by Judge Rex J. Ford, who had overseen Smedema’s previous asylum requests [1, 3, 4].
- Smedema was in the jurisdiction of Judge Rex J. Ford when the plane was flying over Montana, and the judge contacted the King, who was co-piloting the flight, to inquire if Smedema still desired asylum [4, 5].
- Smedema claims he answered “yes” three times, but the King and an intelligence agent on board lied to the judge, saying he did not want asylum [4, 6].
- This incident is significant because it directly implicates the Dutch King in the alleged cover-up, adding weight to Smedema’s claim that the highest levels of the Dutch government are involved [1, 7-43].
- It also serves as a dramatic turning point in his narrative, as it demonstrates the alleged lengths to which the Dutch authorities would go to silence him [44].
- Smedema calls this a betrayal of the oath the King swore to protect the Dutch people [45].
- He also states this incident provided proof to America that the Royal family was involved in the alleged cover-up, validating his previous claims [27].
- He believes they lied because the asylum case from 2009 had been reopened in 2014, and President Obama had brought his case to the UNCAT (United Nations Committee Against Torture) in January 2017, making it a dangerous situation for the Dutch government and Royals [27].
- He demands that the King and the intelligence agent who lied to Judge Ford be prosecuted and barred from entering America [46].
It is important to note that the sources provided are from Smedema’s personal blog, which details his personal account of events and his beliefs about the situation.
The sources frequently state that the Dutch government refused to investigate Hans Smedema’s case.
- Hans Smedema states that in 2008, the Dutch Review Committee on the Intelligence and Security Services (CTIVD) confirmed to him that there was a cover-up, but it was a “political decision” and they would not stop it [1-3].
- The CTIVD asked the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Justice to stop the cover-up, but they refused [4].
- Smedema believes the CTIVD was not independent enough to expose this conspiracy [3, 5, 6].
- Smedema states that America investigated his claims when he requested asylum, and they began a UNCAT (United Nations Convention Against Torture) investigation in 2017 [7-15].
- He was offered asylum “in the skies over Montana” in 2017, but it was corruptly blocked by a KLM co-pilot who knew about his case [6, 16, 17].
- The FBI and CIA investigation in 2009 proved that Smedema’s claims were true [16, 18-21].
- Smedema had to apply for asylum in America three times because the Dutch government, including the AIVD, refused to tell the truth about the case [1].
- The AIVD declined Smedema’s complaint, stating that his case had nothing to do with national security [22].
- Smedema believes that a rapist mole within the Ministry of Justice is a matter of national security and the AIVD should have investigated his claims [23].
- Smedema claims the Dutch government lied to America when they said there was no file on him, which is evidenced by the fact that his American friend won a court case with a copy of a 30+ page Dutch intelligence file [1, 22].
- Smedema was declared delusional in the Netherlands because all investigations were forbidden [3].
- Smedema believes the reason for the cover-up is that the Dutch Royal Family is involved, and an investigation could lead to negative publicity for them [16].
- Smedema’s EU Parliament petition and UNCAT complaint failed because of the cover-up [24].
- He was detained for a total of 29 months, just for asking for an investigation [6, 25].
- Lawyers and judges ignored his evidence and witnesses, and he was denied legal assistance [26-29].
- A secret court case was held in Zwolle without his knowledge, and he was denied access to crucial information [30].
It is important to note that the sources provided are from Smedema’s personal blog, which details his personal account of events and his beliefs about the situation.
Here is a rewritten version of the KLM web page in shorter numbered points with the most important points first:
- King Willem-Alexander, as KLM Co-Pilot, allegedly blocked asylum offered to Hans Smedema in the United States, intensifying his suffering. [1, 2] This is the most recent piece of evidence in Smedema’s case.
- President Obama reportedly filed Smedema’s case of human rights violations against the Netherlands with the UN before leaving office in 2017. [2]
- Smedema’s children are not biologically his, contradicting a previous DNA test from 2003. [2] According to Smedema, his daughter Ilse admitted the children falsified the 2003 DNA test. [2]
- Smedema was allegedly brainwashed in Benidorm. [2] The owner of an establishment in La Nucia La Rambla warned Smedema about a Dr. Onno van der Hart and his medical instruments. [2] Smedema later saw Dr. Jaap J. Duijs, who he believes was involved in his torture, in Benidorm. [2]
- Smedema was allegedly offered 5 million euros as a buyout in exchange for his silence about the conspiracy. [2] The offer was made by a business associate, Klaas Keestra, on behalf of the Dutch government. [2]
- Dr. Jaap J. Duijs, who Smedema alleges was involved in his torture, was intentionally given the opportunity to purchase land across from Smedema in 1977. [2] Duijs allegedly received compensation from the Ministry of Justice to “listen to” Smedema and his wife. [2] Duijs also allegedly abused and raped Smedema’s wife. [2]
- Smedema was allegedly scheduled to undergo personality-altering electroshock therapy based on false statements by his girlfriend. [2] His cousin, neurologist Rob Smedema, allegedly collaborated in this plan. [2]
- Many individuals allegedly confessed to Smedema about their roles in the conspiracy but refuse to provide written confirmation. [3] Smedema believes people are afraid to speak out. [3]
- Smedema believes his repression of traumatic memories was due to “conditioning and torture” rather than illness or trauma. [4] He blames this on Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart. [4]
- Smedema claims he has an unexplained scar between his legs. [5] He believes the scar appeared around 1972 when he was drugged and made infertile. [5]
- Medical records allegedly show that Smedema was treated for symptoms consistent with a high dosage of Ketamine. [5] This incident allegedly took place at Motel Bunnik near Zeist. [5]
- Smedema’s wife’s sister, Klazien, allegedly had an abortion in 1976. [5] Smedema believes this was done without his knowledge and that the abortion prevented the couple from having their own children. [5]
- The three men Smedema believes are the fathers of his children allegedly confessed to him. [5] Smedema claims they refuse to confirm this in writing. [5] He believes a DNA test can easily prove his claims. [5]
- Smedema alleges the Dutch government is withholding photos of his wife being raped. [5]
- Smedema claims he was secretly sterilized. [5] He suspects medical professionals involved in his care were pressured to cover this up. [5]
- Smedema’s allegations were allegedly deemed credible by psychologist Joseph James in Miami, Florida, and psychiatrists Bruggeman and Luttikhuizen at the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG). [5] A 3-page report by psychiatrist Luttikhuizen confirming that Smedema is healthy was allegedly deleted. [5]
- Judge Rex Ford in the United States believes Smedema’s story is plausible but can only grant asylum if the government is involved. [5]
- Smedema lists dozens of people who he believes could confirm elements of his story. [6, 7]
This list highlights the key claims made by Hans Smedema on his website. It’s important to remember that these are just allegations and have not been independently verified.
Here are some of the most crucial items Hans claims, which point to this unbelievable story being a true crime:
- A high-level political (Royal) conspiracy destroyed his and others’ lives, including murder. It also put hundreds of innocent officials internationally into severe, dangerous ethical dilemmas [1-18].
- KLM Co-Pilot King Willem Alexander corruptly blocked the American Asylum Hans was offered on March 15th, 2017 in the air above Montana. This resulted in more years of horrible suffering for Hans [1-18].
- Hans asked for political asylum in Miami, Florida in April 2009, but was deported back to the Netherlands because there was not enough evidence of the Dutch government being behind the conspiracy [19].
- The Dutch Cabinet with Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende offered Hans up to 5 million euro in 2003 and 2004 if he would keep silent about what happened. Hans refused because publishing this information will save and rescue tens of thousands of girls and it is Dutch historic legacy [20].
- There were 5 murder attempts on Hans’ life, and his neighbor was murdered while investigating this Dutch Queengate [20, 21].
- Hans’ wife was his sex slave with a double personality for over 30 years. She was used in illegal rape movies, also with dogs [22, 23].
- The Dutch government used brainwashing or brain-programming to make sure the victims would never find out about the rapes and would never be able to file charges. The Dutch psychiatrist and other medical professionals used this to make sure the victims could never defend themselves or win the case against them [22-24].
- The Dutch government secretly set aside the Dutch ‘Freedom of Information Act’ to make sure Hans would never be able to prove these crimes against them and look insane or paranoid [23].
- The Dutch government falsified evidence, such as DNA tests and MRI scans, so that Hans and the Dutch people would never find out about the conspiracy [23].
- The Dutch government deleted all police and other files about these crimes and witnesses [23].
- The Dutch government changed the laws so that all officials have to help with this cover-up and conspiracy [23].
- President Obama ordered a complaint about this case at the UNCAT or special procedure at the UN just before he left office in January 2017 [23, 25].
Hans believes that the Dutch government is trying to silence him and prevent him from exposing the truth. He has been fighting for justice for over 20 years, and he is determined to see his story told [19, 23, 26].
Role of AIVD and Impact on Author’s Life
The author, Hans Smedema, claims that the Dutch intelligence service (AIVD) has been involved in a conspiracy against him since 1972. [1] He alleges that this conspiracy was initially set up to protect his wife’s rapists and later expanded to protect high-level officials, including members of the Dutch royal family. [2-5] He claims that the AIVD has engaged in various activities to silence him and prevent him from exposing the truth, including:
- Suppression of Evidence: Smedema alleges that the AIVD has erased crucial files, including a 30+ page dossier about him and his wife found by the 97th General Army Hospital in Frankfurt around 1983. [2, 6] This file, which Smedema believes contained evidence of the conspiracy and the involvement of high-level officials, was allegedly erased within three days of its discovery. [6]
- Obstruction of Justice: Smedema claims that the AIVD has interfered with police investigations into his allegations, ordering officers not to investigate and even causing the deletion of crucial files. [7-9] He also alleges that the AIVD has manipulated legal proceedings against him, ensuring that he was denied legal representation and that witnesses were prevented from testifying. [8]
- Surveillance and Harassment: Smedema believes that the AIVD has been monitoring his communications and activities. [10, 11] He describes instances where his phone calls were tapped, his mail was intercepted, and even a listening device was planted in his home. [12] He suggests that the AIVD has used this information to sabotage his relationships and prevent him from finding support. [11, 13]
- Psychological Manipulation: Smedema alleges that the AIVD has used psychological tactics to discredit him and make him appear delusional. [14, 15] He claims that this includes spreading false information about him and manipulating people around him to believe that he is mentally ill. [3, 16]
Smedema believes that the AIVD’s actions have had a devastating impact on his life, leading to:
- Financial Ruin: Smedema claims that the conspiracy and the AIVD’s actions have caused him significant financial damage, including the loss of his business and a substantial decrease in his income. [17-19]
- Social Isolation: Smedema feels that the AIVD’s attempts to discredit him have isolated him from his family and friends. [3, 12, 20, 21] He alleges that they have convinced people around him that he is delusional, making it impossible for him to get support or assistance. [3, 16, 17, 22, 23]
- Forced Exile: Smedema claims that he was forced to flee the Netherlands and seek asylum in Spain due to the persecution he faced from the AIVD and other parties involved in the alleged conspiracy. [17, 24, 25]
- Psychological Trauma: Smedema describes experiencing severe psychological distress as a result of the AIVD’s alleged actions. [26] He mentions feeling betrayed, helpless, and constantly under threat. [17, 19, 20]
It’s important to note that Smedema’s claims are just that—claims. They have not been independently verified, and the Dutch government has consistently denied any wrongdoing.
Potential for Classified Information in Smedema’s FOIA Request
It is possible that the FOIA request, which has been split into three parts and sent to three different agencies, will include classified information. Here’s a breakdown of the factors contributing to this possibility:
- Nature of Smedema’s Claims: Smedema alleges the involvement of high-ranking officials, including members of the Dutch Royal Family and individuals within the Dutch government, in a decades-long conspiracy to cover up crimes and silence him. His claims include allegations of secret agreements, intelligence operations, and potential violations of international law. These types of allegations often involve information that governments consider sensitive and potentially damaging to national security or diplomatic relations.
- Smedema believes there was a secret Royal decree issued by Queen Juliana in the 1970s, which he calls “TBS,” that stripped him of his rights and placed him under government surveillance. This decree is central to his allegations of a cover-up and his belief that the Dutch government is operating outside its legal framework. [1-3]
- He claims that his initial contact with the US government occurred in 1983 when he was doing business with Captain Al Rust at the 97th General Army Hospital in Frankfurt, Germany. He was interrogated by the CIA, and they discovered a 30+ page file on him, which was subsequently deleted. This file allegedly contained information about his then-girlfriend’s involvement in the porn industry, medical treatments she received, and the existence of a special ruling by Queen Juliana and the Dutch State Security to cover up evidence and protect the perpetrators. [2, 4]
- Smedema also references a secret Dutch intelligence file known as the “Frankfurt 97th General Army Hospital Dutch Intelligence file,” which his American friend Al Rust used to win an appeal case in 1997. This file allegedly contradicted claims by the Dutch Ministry of Justice that no such file existed. [5, 6]
- Involvement of Intelligence Agencies: Smedema’s FOIA request specifically seeks records related to his asylum requests, which he states involved investigations by the FBI, CIA, and US embassies in the Netherlands and Spain.
- Smedema’s first asylum request in 2009 in Miami, Florida, triggered a thorough investigation by the FBI and CIA into his claims. He mentions Immigration Judge Rex J. Ford and the Department of Justice (DOJ) as key figures in this investigation. [7-12]
- He also alleges that President Obama, possibly with the involvement of then-Vice President Biden, ordered the DOJ to prepare a complaint against the Netherlands to be submitted to the UNHRC or as a special procedure under the UNCAT. This complaint was based on evidence gathered during the FBI/CIA investigation into his asylum claims. [6, 9, 13-15]
- US Government Actions and Potential Diplomatic Sensitivities: Smedema’s allegations involve potential diplomatic conflicts between the US and the Netherlands.
- The complaint filed by President Obama against the Netherlands, based on evidence from the FBI/CIA investigation, created a diplomatic situation between the two countries. Smedema believes this action led to his being questioned and detained in the Netherlands after his third asylum attempt was denied. [14, 15]
- Smedema believes that former US Ambassador to the Netherlands and Governor of Iraq, Paul Bremer, and Immigration Judge Rex J. Ford are “American heroes” who supported him and his case despite pressure from the Dutch government. He sees their actions as evidence of the US government’s willingness to challenge the Dutch government’s alleged misconduct. [5, 6]
- Smedema’s Explicit Mention of Classification: In his FOIA request, Smedema acknowledges that “some information was classified” during his previous asylum requests and expresses uncertainty about whether this classification remains in effect. This suggests an awareness that the records he’s seeking might contain information deemed sensitive by the US government. [16]
Given the nature of Smedema’s claims, the involvement of intelligence agencies, the potential for diplomatic sensitivities, and his acknowledgment of previous classification, it is likely that his FOIA request will include information that is currently classified or was classified in the past. The extent of classified information and whether it will be released to Smedema remains to be seen. It will depend on the specific records held by the three agencies, the applicable classification guidelines, and the FOIA process, which allows for redactions and exemptions to protect sensitive information.
Based on the sources provided, here’s what they indicate about the legal procedures and actions taken by President Obama in Smedema’s case:
- UNCAT Complaint (or Special Procedure) Initiation: Sources consistently state that President Obama, just before leaving office in January 2017, initiated a legal action against the Netherlands related to Smedema’s case. [1-11] Smedema refers to this action as a complaint filed with the UNCAT (United Nations Convention Against Torture) or possibly a special procedure through the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC). [1-11] This complaint is described as “State America against State Netherlands” and was likely based on evidence gathered during Smedema’s first asylum request in 2009, which involved a thorough FBI/CIA investigation. [2, 5, 9]
- Possible Pardon: One source suggests that President Obama may have issued a pardon to Smedema in connection with this complaint. [8] However, the sources do not elaborate on what this pardon might have entailed or its specific purpose. It’s unclear whether this refers to a legal pardon within the US legal system or a broader action intended to address Smedema’s situation within the context of the UN complaint.
- Limited Information and Lack of Follow-Up: Smedema expresses frustration over the lack of information he has received regarding this complaint. [2, 4, 6, 12] He questions whether the change in administration, with President Trump’s subsequent withdrawal of the US from the UNHRC in 2018, might have impacted the progress of the case. [2, 12] The sources don’t provide concrete information about the current status of the complaint or any outcomes resulting from President Obama’s actions.
Key Insights:
- Smedema perceives President Obama’s intervention as a significant validation of his claims against the Dutch government.
- The sources emphasize the unusual nature of the US government taking legal action against a fellow constitutional state on behalf of a foreign citizen. This suggests that Smedema’s claims were considered credible and serious enough to warrant such extraordinary measures.
- The lack of clear information about the complaint’s progress and outcomes highlights the challenges Smedema faces in navigating international legal systems and seeking accountability from powerful entities.
It’s important to note that all the information regarding President Obama’s actions comes from Smedema’s personal blog posts and writings. It’s possible that his interpretations of events and legal procedures might not accurately reflect the official actions or positions of the US government. Further research and verification from independent sources would be necessary to confirm Smedema’s claims and gain a more objective understanding of the situation.
Here is a list of the legal procedures and actions Smedema has taken in the United States and internationally to seek redress:
- Asylum Requests in the US: Smedema has filed for asylum in the United States on five separate occasions, driven by his belief that the US legal system offers him the best chance of obtaining justice against the alleged persecution by the Dutch government [1-3].
- First Asylum Request (2009): This request, filed in Miami, Florida, led to a seven-month detention and a thorough investigation by the FBI and CIA into Smedema’s claims [4, 5]. He mentions that Immigration Judge Rex J. Ford identified five valid grounds for asylum in his case, which was unprecedented in US history [2, 6, 7]. However, the request was ultimately denied [4, 5, 8].
- Second Asylum Request (2013/2014): This attempt occurred in Texas, and during this time, Judge Rex J. Ford reopened Smedema’s 2009 case [4]. Smedema doesn’t provide details on the outcome of this request.
- Third Asylum Request (2016/2017): This request, filed in San Diego, California, was ultimately canceled by Smedema after his legal counsel showed him documents suggesting the involvement of Judge Rex J. Ford and the ongoing investigation into his 2009 case [4].
- Asylum Offer During Deportation (March 15, 2017): Smedema alleges that while being deported from the US in 2017, Judge Rex J. Ford offered him asylum while the flight was over Montana, but King Willem-Alexander, who was co-piloting the KLM flight, corruptly blocked this offer [4, 9-14]. He claims to have accepted the asylum offer three times [4].
- Fifth Asylum Request: Smedema mentions a total of five asylum requests [1, 11]. However, details about the fourth and fifth attempts are not provided in the sources.
- Complaint to the UN Human Rights Council: Smedema states that in January 2017, shortly before leaving office, President Obama used his executive power to file a complaint on his behalf with the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) or possibly as a special procedure under the UN Convention Against Torture (UNCAT) [1, 9, 15-18]. This complaint framed Smedema’s case as “State America against State Netherlands” and highlighted the alleged human rights violations committed by the Dutch government [9, 16, 19]. He hasn’t received updates on the status of this complaint [9, 15].
- Communication with UN Special Rapporteur on Torture: Smedema sent a letter to Professor Nils Melzer, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, requesting his involvement in the case, particularly regarding the evidence he believes the US government possesses [17, 20, 21]. He received a cryptic response stating, “This is well received with thanks,” but no further action has been taken [20, 21].
- Petition to the European Parliament: In June 2021, Smedema filed a petition with the European Parliament to pressure the Netherlands to address his claims [16, 22, 23]. He requested the EU Parliament to use the EU Magnitsky Act to impose sanctions on the Dutch Crown, King Willem-Alexander, and Prime Minister Mark Rutte if necessary [24]. This petition was initially accepted for consideration [23] but later declared inadmissible due to a lack of legal clarity regarding specific violations of EU laws [23].
- Complaint to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR): Smedema filed a complaint with the ECHR in 2005, but it was rejected [16]. The court reportedly concluded that Smedema had not exhausted all legal options in the Netherlands [16]. He claims the ECHR’s decision was based on false information provided by the Dutch Ministry of Justice, concealing the alleged cover-up and his inability to secure legal representation [16].
- Engagement with Lawyers and Investigators: Smedema has repeatedly sought legal representation in both the Netherlands and the United States, facing consistent refusals and encountering lawyers who withdrew from his case due to alleged pressure, conflicts of interest, or the perceived complexity of his claims [20, 22, 23, 25-39]. He hired a private investigator, A.J.A. van Betten, to gather evidence and produce reports supporting his claims [40, 41].
Smedema consistently frames his struggle as a battle against a powerful and corrupt system that is actively working to silence him. His pursuit of justice has led him to seek redress through various international bodies and legal avenues. He faces significant challenges in navigating these systems, particularly the lack of legal representation and access to evidence he believes is being withheld. He emphasizes the alleged involvement of the Dutch Royal Family and high-ranking officials as a key factor in his inability to find justice within the Netherlands.
Asylum attempts
Smedema explains his repeated asylum attempts in the United States, despite the Netherlands being a constitutional state, by arguing that the Dutch government is operating outside of its own legal framework and is actively persecuting him to protect a corrupt system. Here’s a breakdown of his reasoning:
- Secret Royal Decree: Smedema claims that Queen Juliana issued a secret decree in the 1970s, which he refers to as “TBS,” that placed him under government control and stripped him of his basic human and civil rights [1-3]. He believes this decree was intended to prevent any investigation into the alleged sexual assault of his then-girlfriend, later his wife, by Joris Demmink, who subsequently became Secretary-General of the Ministry of Justice [2, 4, 5]. Smedema argues that this decree has been upheld by subsequent monarchs, including King Willem-Alexander, making it impossible to achieve justice within the Dutch legal system [1].
- “Omerta” and the Perversion of Justice: Smedema believes a secret organization, which he calls the “Omerta,” enforces this decree and actively works to silence him and discredit his accusations [6]. He alleges this organization includes individuals within the Ministry of Justice, the police, the medical community, and even his own family [2, 7-9]. He claims they have manipulated legal proceedings, denied him legal representation, obstructed police investigations, and even falsified evidence to maintain the alleged cover-up [10-14].
- Seeking External Validation and Protection: Smedema’s repeated attempts to seek asylum in the United States stem from his belief that only an external power can break through the alleged corruption within the Dutch system [1, 3]. He sees the United States as a country that upholds human rights and has the legal authority to challenge the Dutch government [1, 15]. He cites the FBI investigation into his case, during his first asylum request, which he claims validated many of his accusations, as evidence that the US can provide him with the justice he seeks [9, 16-20].
- King Willem-Alexander’s Alleged Interference: Smedema claims King Willem-Alexander personally blocked his asylum offer from the Department of Justice while serving as co-pilot on a KLM flight in 2017 [11, 21-27]. He sees this as a blatant abuse of power and a clear demonstration of the Dutch government’s determination to silence him, even violating international law to do so [28-31].
- Constitutional State in Name Only: Smedema acknowledges that the Netherlands is a constitutional state but argues that the alleged existence of a secret Royal decree, the “Omerta” organization, and the King’s actions demonstrate a blatant disregard for the rule of law and the principles of justice [1, 23, 28]. He believes that the Dutch government is prioritizing the protection of its reputation and powerful individuals over the rights of its citizens, making it impossible for him to find redress within his own country.
Smedema’s asylum attempts highlight his deep distrust of the Dutch government and legal system, driven by his belief that they are actively working against him. He portrays himself as a victim of a powerful and corrupt system that is willing to violate its own laws to maintain its power and reputation. His pursuit of asylum in the US is a desperate attempt to escape this system and find a place where he can safely expose the truth and obtain justice.
Here’s how Smedema connects the alleged attacks on his life to the Dutch government’s refusal to investigate:
- Smedema sees the attacks as a direct consequence of the Dutch government’s efforts to silence him and maintain the alleged cover-up. He believes the government is actively trying to harm him to prevent him from exposing the truth about his claims, which he believes would implicate high-ranking officials, including the Royal Family. [1-4]
- He links the attacks to his attempts to seek justice and expose the alleged conspiracy. Smedema lists five specific assassination attempts, some occurring after he began publicly accusing individuals and demanding investigations. [2, 5] He suggests these attacks were intended to intimidate him and deter him from further pursuing his case. [1, 3]
- Smedema implies the attacks were orchestrated by individuals with connections to the government or the alleged “Omerta” organization responsible for the cover-up. He accuses specific individuals, like “Drs. Janne Geraets (AIVD?)”, of being involved in both the attempts on his life and the broader conspiracy to silence him. [6] This connection strengthens his argument that the government, through its agents, is actively trying to harm him. [5]
- He cites the lack of investigation into these attacks as further evidence of the government’s complicity. Smedema emphasizes that despite reporting these incidents, the Dutch authorities have consistently failed to investigate them adequately, which he sees as a deliberate attempt to protect those responsible. [4] This reinforces his perception that the government is not only covering up the original alleged crimes but is also actively participating in his ongoing persecution. [1]
- Smedema connects the attacks to his attempts to seek asylum in the United States. He claims that the Dutch government, through King Willem-Alexander, actively blocked his asylum offer, which he believes put him in further danger upon his return to the Netherlands. [7, 8] He argues that this act demonstrates the lengths the Dutch government is willing to go to silence him and prevent him from finding safety and justice elsewhere. [9, 10]
Smedema portrays the alleged attacks on his life as a desperate attempt by the Dutch government to protect itself and its reputation. By highlighting the timing of these attacks, connecting them to individuals allegedly working for the government, and emphasizing the lack of official investigation, Smedema builds a narrative that positions him as a target of a powerful and ruthless entity determined to silence him at any cost.
Your note focuses on the psychological impact of the alleged conspiracy on Hans Smedema, particularly his feelings of betrayal and distrust. Here are a few related facts and ideas from your sources that can enhance this aspect:
- Distrust Fostered by Alleged Medical Manipulation: Smedema’s claims extend beyond feeling betrayed by family and authorities; he alleges a deliberate effort to manipulate his mental state through forced medical interventions. He mentions being drugged, subjected to electroshock therapy, and repeatedly misdiagnosed to discredit his claims. This alleged medical manipulation reinforces his feelings of betrayal and isolation, making him question the integrity of institutions meant to help him.
- Connect this to: The note detailing the alleged infertility and the medical evidence he presents. Highlight how doctors dismissing his concerns as “delusional” contribute to his distrust of medical professionals.
- “Reality Manipulation” and “Gaslighting”: Smedema uses these terms to describe how his family and social circle were allegedly bribed to maintain a false reality around him, reinforcing the official narrative that he was mentally unstable. This systematic effort to undermine his perception of reality adds another layer to his feelings of betrayal, as it involves those closest to him actively participating in his alleged persecution.
- Connect this to: The note about his wife’s alleged role in the conspiracy. This can be a powerful illustration of how deeply the alleged betrayal runs, affecting even his most intimate relationships.
- Seeking Validation from External Sources: Smedema’s pursuit of asylum in the US and the alleged blocking of his asylum offer by King Willem-Alexander highlight his desperate search for validation from sources outside the allegedly corrupt Dutch system. This can be interpreted as a direct consequence of feeling betrayed and unheard by his own country, driving him to seek recognition and protection from a foreign power.
- Connect this to: The note about the American investigation and the five grounds for asylum found by the US. This emphasizes his belief that only an external investigation can uncover the truth and provide him with the justice he seeks.
Here is a 5-bullet point summary of Hans Smedema’s claims:
- Smedema believes he is the victim of a decades-long conspiracy involving high-ranking Dutch officials, including the Royal Family. He claims this conspiracy originated in 1972 to cover up the sexual assault of his then-girlfriend (later his wife) by Joris Demmink, who later became Secretary-General of the Ministry of Justice.
- He accuses the Dutch government of orchestrating a cover-up to protect Demmink and maintain its reputation. Smedema alleges this involved manipulating legal proceedings, denying him legal representation, obstructing police investigations, and even blocking his attempts to seek asylum in the US.
- Smedema claims he was subjected to forced medical interventions, including drugging and brainwashing, intended to discredit his accusations and portray him as mentally ill. He accuses specific medical professionals of complicity in these acts.
- He believes Queen Juliana issued a secret decree in the 1970s that provided immunity to Demmink and obstructed justice in his case. Smedema alleges this decree has been upheld by subsequent monarchs, including King Willem-Alexander.
- Smedema’s experiences have left him feeling betrayed by his family, the Dutch government, and the medical community. He describes himself as isolated, powerless, and financially ruined, yet remains determined to expose the truth about the alleged conspiracy.
Study Guide: Hans Smedema’s Allegations of Conspiracy
This guide explores the complex claims made by Hans Smedema regarding an alleged conspiracy orchestrated by Dutch officials and institutions.
Central Questions:
- What are the core elements of Smedema’s conspiracy theory?Who are the key actors and institutions involved?
- What are the alleged motivations behind the conspiracy?
- How does Smedema connect his alleged infertility to the broader conspiracy?
- What role does Smedema believe Queen Juliana played in the alleged cover-up?
- How does Smedema portray Joris Demmink, and what specific accusations does he make against him?
- What evidence does Smedema present to support his claims, and how credible is this evidence?
- How do Smedema’s allegations of torture and brainwashing factor into his narrative?
- What are the potential consequences of Smedema’s accusations, both for himself and for the individuals and institutions involved?
- How does Smedema’s case highlight the potential for abuse of power within governments and institutions?
- What are the challenges of assessing the validity of Smedema’s claims, given their subjective nature and the lack of independent verification?
Glossary of Key Terms and Ideas:
- “Rapist-Traitor”: Smedema’s term for Joris Demmink, highlighting his alleged criminal behavior and betrayal of public trust.
- Joris Demmink: Former Secretary-General of the Dutch Ministry of Justice, accused by Smedema of being a key perpetrator in the alleged conspiracy.
- Queen Juliana’s Decree: A purported secret ruling issued by Queen Juliana around 1975, alleged by Smedema to have blocked investigations into his case and provided immunity to Demmink.
- “State Security”: The alleged justification used to classify Smedema’s case and prevent investigation, implying a threat to national security.
- Bilateral Judicial Treaty: An agreement between the Netherlands and the US that Smedema claims obstructed his asylum requests.
- “Dutch Watergate”: Smedema’s comparison of the alleged conspiracy to the Watergate scandal, emphasizing the perceived scale of corruption and cover-up.
- Forced Sterilization: Smedema’s claim that he was deliberately rendered infertile as part of the conspiracy to control him and conceal sexual abuse.
- Brainwashing and Torture: Smedema’s allegations of undergoing psychological torture and manipulation, including forced medication and electroshock therapy, to discredit his claims.
- Professor Onno van der Hart: A psychologist accused by Smedema of participating in his alleged torture and manipulation.
- “De Facto Stateless”: Smedema’s description of his situation, feeling stripped of his rights and protection by his own government.
Important Notes:
- This study guide is based solely on Smedema’s personal accounts, which may present a biased perspective.
- It is crucial to approach these claims with a critical eye and consider the lack of independent verification.
- Further research and analysis are needed to assess the validity of Smedema’s accusations.