Last Updated 25/11/2024 published 07/08/2023 by Hans Smedema
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The horrifying Hans Smedema Affair reopened when America rejoined the UN Human Rights Council In Jan 2022 for 3 years until Dec 2024?
My horrifying Hans Smedema Affair Asylum case became an official complaint case with a ‘Special Procedure’ around May 2017 ‘America vs Netherlands’ at the UN Human Rights Council. Not yet public. It was a UNCAT case, but America decided to file it at UNHRC. What was made possible and started by former President Obama in Jan 2017 just before leaving office using his special pardon powers!
Not hearing anything after a normal 2 to 3 years, I suspected that when President Trump stupidly took America out of the UNHRC on June 20th, 2018 it was automatically halted. But I never found any evidence about that because the case is not public! The Netherlands will secretly have put pressure on Trump/DOJ/DOS to stop the case!
But President Joe Biden who knows my horrifying case also from his days as Vice President, immediately(2021) rejoined the UNHRC in Jan 2022 for 3 years until Dec 2024.
Has my Hans Smedema Affair case now automatically been reopened?
What happened to my case? Do I have to ask America to reopen that case? Or did it automatically start again? Write Joe Biden to reopen it?
I am just preparing a new complaint case for the EU Commission. See my former posts. But maybe better first to find out what happened with the UNHRC case. That case is of much more importance than the EU case.
Welke Nederlandse Maatregelen in de Hans Smedema Affaire zijn in strijd met EU-recht?
All crucial questions I should never have to look for without legal help!
Case has already been reopened?
There are indications my Hans Smedema Affair case has indeed been reopened!
- Sudden interest for this Blog about my horrifying case of foreign(not Dutch) people going directly to a certain page. Which is only possible when they get that specific link from somebody like a Worldwide UNHRC Special Procedure.
- Sudden deep investigations in 2022 into my financial damages and sudden 22 years old restitution because of a mistake of 1761 euro, another about a fault from 2015.
- Suddenly people were asking me questions in 2022 about my Hans Smedema Affair while hiding(!) who they are and why they are so interested! Specific English who came specially to El Albir after an appointment by a friend who did not warn me, to see and hear me!
- A sudden friend who was asking me questions, but refused to talk about it claiming or lying he was not interested in my past. But while doing everything to block me from investigating and publishing on this blog. Blocking legal help also.
So something looks to be brewing? What would be great for me and this horrifying case. And for World knowledge about this case of severe mind control and mental hostice taking without anybody noticing and investigating.
Thousands of innocent young girls would have been saved and rescued when the Dutch Royals and Crown would have simply stopped this horrifying decades-long violation of Human Rights. And their parents would not have seen their daughters suddenly change their personality into abnormal strange submissive behaviour.
More later…
Hans Smedema B. Sc. living in forced exile in beautiful El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain.