The Hans Smedema Affair: Allegations of Abuse and Conspiracy

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Last Updated 26/03/2025 published 26/03/2025 by Hans Smedema

The Hans Smedema Affair: Allegations of Abuse and Conspiracy

The provided sources extensively detail the harrowing allegations surrounding the abuse of Wietske Smedema-Jansma (referred to as Wies) within the broader context of the Hans Smedema Affair, a complex and deeply disturbing narrative of alleged conspiracy and obstruction of justice perpetrated by the Dutch government and other powerful entities. These allegations, primarily presented from the perspective of Hans Smedema, paint a grim picture of prolonged and systematic abuse against his wife, beginning as early as 1972 and continuing for many years thereafter.

Sexual Assault

At the heart of these allegations is the purported sexual assault of Wies in the second half of 1972 by Jan van Beek, an event that Hans Smedema claims marked the beginning of a long and devastating ordeal for his wife. Smedema alleges that this initial assault resulted in Wies becoming pregnant and him being made infertile, suggesting a deliberate act intended to harm their family. This traumatic event in 1972 is consistently presented as the catalyst for the subsequent decades of alleged abuse and the overarching conspiracy to silence Hans Smedema.

Jaap Duijs as a central figure

The sources further implicate Jaap Duijs as a central figure in the ongoing abuse of Wies. Smedema describes Duijs as a “rapist” and “whoremonger” who allegedly exerted significant control and manipulation over Wies, facilitated by drugging and what Smedema refers to as “mind control” techniques. According to Smedema, Duijs turned Wies into a “sex slave” with a “double personality,” rendering her vulnerable to exploitation and turning her against her husband.

Mind Control by Omerta Official

He claims Duijs abused Wies through mind control for many years. Smedema alleges that Duijs was appointed as a “secret Justice Official” in 1977, ostensibly to further control and manipulate their lives as part of a “cordon sanitaire” designed to isolate Smedema and suppress the truth.

Facilitated and Covered up by a Vast Conspiracy

Smedema’s narrative suggests that the abuse of Wies was not merely the act of individuals but was facilitated and covered up by a vast conspiracy involving the Dutch government, high-ranking officials like Joris Demmink, and potentially even the Royal Family. He claims that the Dutch government actively obstructed justice to protect those involved in Wies’s abuse. This alleged obstruction included denying Smedema legal representation, blocking investigations, manipulating and suppressing evidence, and spreading misinformation to discredit him.

Key Evidence ‘Frankfurt Dossier’

A key piece of evidence in Smedema’s narrative regarding the abuse of Wies is the alleged “Frankfurt Dossier”. He claims this Dutch intelligence file contained incriminating information about the conspiracy, including details of Wies’s alleged abuse and the involvement of high-ranking officials. Smedema alleges that this crucial dossier mysteriously disappeared shortly after its discovery, further fueling his suspicions of a high-level cover-up.

Systematically Thwarted by King Willem Alexander

Hans Smedema’s efforts to expose the alleged crimes against his wife and the subsequent cover-up have been met with significant resistance and what he perceives as further victimization. He alleges that his attempts to seek justice through the Dutch legal system were systematically thwarted. He also claims that his efforts to gain asylum in the United States, where he hoped to expose the truth, were actively obstructed by the Dutch government, potentially even involving direct interference from King Willem-Alexander.



Smedema believes that individuals he accuses of involvement in the abuse of Wies and the subsequent cover-up have been protected by a “Royal Special Decree,” allegedly issued by Queen Juliana, granting them immunity from prosecution. He points to instances where individuals he accuses, such as Rieks Perdok and Professor Onno van der Hart, allegedly received Royal medals of honor, viewing this as further evidence of a culture of impunity and a deliberate effort to mock justice and discredit his claims.

Devastating Impact

The sources highlight the profound and devastating impact of these alleged crimes and the subsequent obstruction of justice on both Wies and Hans Smedema. Smedema describes their lives as being ruined by the alleged actions of the Dutch state and the individuals involved. He portrays a decades-long struggle against powerful institutions, marked by betrayal, manipulation, and a relentless pursuit of justice and recognition of the alleged crimes against his wife.

Consistently Denied

It is crucial to consistently bear in mind, as highlighted in the sources, that these are primarily allegations made by Hans Smedema and reflect his perspective, often lacking independent verification within the provided documents. The Dutch government has consistently denied these accusations. However, the consistency and detail of Smedema’s narrative across various sources underscore the gravity of his claims and the need for critical examination, even in the absence of independent corroboration within these specific documents.


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based on the ‘legal-written-statements’ on this Blog and eBooks by the victim Author:

Hans Smedema B. Sc., in forced exile surviving in beautiful El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain

Published by

Hans Smedema

High level Dutch man(Rotary member) who became the victim of an unbelievable conspiracy set up by a criminal organisation of rapist inside the Ministry of Justice. Making me De Facto Stateless! Now fighting for 24 years but the Dutch government and specific corrupt King refuse to open an investigation to protect themselves! America investigated after my asylum request and started an UNCAT or special procedure in 2017. View all posts by Hans Smedema
