Smedema vs. AIVD: Allegations of Conspiracy and Cover-Up

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Smedema vs. AIVD: Allegations of Conspiracy and Cover-Up

Hans Smedema’s distrust of the Algemene Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst (AIVD), the Dutch General Intelligence and Security Service, stems from his belief that the agency is actively involved in a decades-long conspiracy to silence him and cover up crimes against him and his wife [1-3]. He accuses the AIVD of manipulating information, obstructing justice, and prioritizing the protection of the Dutch Royal Family over the pursuit of truth [3, 4]. He believes the AIVD is a key player in a broader effort to discredit him and suppress his claims [1-5].

Smedema’s Accusations Against the AIVD

Smedema implicates the AIVD in several specific actions that contribute to his distrust:

  • Surveillance and Harassment: Smedema believes his communications were monitored, his movements tracked, and his attempts to seek help sabotaged by the AIVD [1, 5, 6]. He claims his phone and emails were tapped, ensuring his isolation and hindering his attempts to expose the truth [1, 5, 6]. Smedema describes a “cordon sanitaire” established around him to control information and isolate him from legal help and information [5, 6].
  • Information Manipulation: Smedema accuses the AIVD of manipulating information to discredit him and protect the alleged conspiracy [1, 5, 6]. He suggests the Landsadvocaat relies on information from the Ministry of Justice, which he believes is compromised by corrupt individuals like Joris Demmink, and that the AIVD may have manipulated information portraying him as mentally unstable [7].
  • Obstruction of Justice: Smedema claims the AIVD has interfered with police investigations into his allegations, ordering officers not to investigate and even causing the deletion of crucial files [8]. He also alleges the AIVD has manipulated legal proceedings against him, ensuring he was denied legal representation and witnesses were prevented from testifying [8].
  • Suppression of Evidence: Smedema alleges the AIVD erased crucial files, including a 30+ page dossier about him and his wife found by the 97th General Army Hospital in Frankfurt around 1983 [8]. He believes this file contained evidence of the conspiracy and the involvement of high-level officials and was erased within three days of its discovery [8, 9].
  • Psychological Manipulation: Smedema alleges the AIVD has used psychological tactics to discredit him and make him appear delusional [8]. He claims this includes spreading false information about him and manipulating people around him to believe he is mentally ill [8].
  • Delay and Non-Responsiveness: Smedema points to the AIVD’s extended silence and refusal to respond to his inquiries as further evidence of their complicity [10, 11]. He speculates they are strategically delaying their response until Donald Trump potentially reclaims the US presidency, hoping to avoid accountability regarding an alleged UNCAT complaint filed against the Netherlands during Barack Obama’s presidency [10].

AIVD’s Alleged Motives

Smedema believes the AIVD’s actions are motivated by a desire to protect the Dutch Royal Family and high-ranking officials within the Ministry of Justice [3, 4, 12]. He argues these entities fear the exposure of their alleged involvement in the conspiracy, believing an independent investigation could lead to negative publicity, legal repercussions, and potential damage to their reputation [4, 12]. He claims the AIVD is prioritizing the protection of the Dutch Royal family over the pursuit of truth [3, 4].

Impact on Smedema’s Life

Smedema believes the AIVD’s actions have had a devastating impact on his life, leading to:

  • Financial Damage: Smedema claims the AIVD’s actions have caused him significant financial damage, including the loss of his business and a substantial decrease in his income [13, 14].
  • Social Isolation: Smedema feels the AIVD’s attempts to discredit him have isolated him from his family and friends [13-15]. He alleges they have convinced people around him that he is delusional, making it impossible for him to get support or assistance [13-15].
  • Forced Exile: Smedema claims he was forced to flee the Netherlands and seek asylum in Spain due to the persecution he faced from the AIVD and other parties involved in the alleged conspiracy [13, 14, 16, 17].
  • Psychological Trauma: Smedema describes experiencing severe psychological distress due to the AIVD’s alleged actions [13, 14]. He mentions feeling betrayed, helpless, and constantly under threat [13, 14].

Smedema’s Perspective

Smedema consistently interprets the AIVD’s actions, or lack thereof, through the lens of his alleged conspiracy [11, 18]. He views any delay, non-responsiveness, or lack of transparency as further evidence of their efforts to suppress the truth and protect those in power [11, 18]. He believes the AIVD is attempting to run out the clock, hoping external factors, such as political changes in the US, will allow them to evade accountability [11].

Limitations and Challenges

It is important to acknowledge the challenges in verifying Smedema’s claims against the AIVD [19, 20]. The primary source of information is Smedema’s personal accounts, without independent confirmation from official investigations, legal documents, or corroborating testimonies [19, 20]. The Committee reviewing Smedema’s allegations stated that Smedema was not sure if it was the AIVD or another service who were involved with the withholding of information, and that Smedema was not able to prove that the AIVD has knowledge [21].

The absence of external validation necessitates approaching his claims with caution [19, 20]. However, Smedema uses the AIVD’s alleged actions as a cornerstone of his narrative, arguing they demonstrate the lengths to which the Dutch government will go to silence him and protect the alleged conspiracy [5].

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based on the legal written statements on this Blog and eBooks by the victim Author:

Hans Smedema B. Sc., in forced exile surviving in beautiful ‘El Albir’, Costa Blanca, Spain