Smedema Family Conspiracy Allegations

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Smedema Family Conspiracy Allegations

Hans Smedema alleges that his family played a significant role in the conspiracy against him, with various members participating in different ways to maintain the cover-up and silence him [1-3]. Smedema claims their involvement stemmed from a desire to protect themselves and maintain a facade of normalcy, leading them to engage in deceit, manipulation, and obstruction of justice [4, 5].

Johan Smedema: The Alleged Architect and Leader

Smedema accuses his brother, Johan, of being the primary architect and initial leader of the family’s involvement in the conspiracy, referring to him as the “Godfather” of the “Omerta Organization” [3, 5-8]. Johan, a lawyer, allegedly used his legal expertise to manipulate legal proceedings and provide cover for the Omerta’s operations, actively working against Smedema’s interests [1, 3, 5-7, 9-12]. He is accused of collaborating closely with Joris Demmink to ensure the smooth execution of the alleged cover-up [3, 13]. Smedema claims that Johan used his connections within the Dutch justice system to orchestrate the cover-up and manipulate events [3, 14]. Johan allegedly employed a justice official part-time in his real estate office to lend legitimacy to their illegal activities [7, 15]. Smedema also claims that Johan pressured other family members to participate in the conspiracy, creating a united front against him [16].

Tjitte de Jong: The Alleged Successor and Ruthless Participant

Smedema alleges that his brother-in-law, Tjitte de Jong, eventually took over leadership of the family’s involvement in the alleged conspiracy, succeeding Johan [1, 8, 13, 17, 18]. He accuses Tjitte of obtaining a video from him under false pretenses, which was then used against him [1, 18]. Smedema describes Tjitte as acting with ruthless disregard for his and his wife’s suffering, allegedly allowing the abuse to continue while maintaining a façade of piety as a devout churchgoer [1, 15, 18]. Tjitte is also accused of misleading private investigators hired to investigate the case [15].

Rinske Smedema: Alleged Complicity

Smedema implicates his sister, Rinske, in the conspiracy, alleging that she, along with Tjitte, attended church regularly while ignoring his and his wife’s suffering [4, 15, 19]. Though her specific role is less detailed than those of Johan and Tjitte, Smedema suggests she was complicit in the cover-up and aware of the alleged abuse [4, 15].

Children: Falsified DNA Tests and Early Involvement

Smedema alleges that his three children, including Arne, actively participated in the conspiracy by falsifying DNA paternity tests in 2003 with the help of his in-laws, the Snieders family [4, 8, 20-26]. This act suggests that the children were aware of the conspiracy from at least that point onward [23]. Smedema claims that his daughter Ilse admitted the children falsified the 2003 DNA test [27]. Smedema suggests that the children were entangled in the web of deceit from a young age and may have been manipulated into participating in the cover-up [24, 25, 28, 29].

Klazien Jansma: Deception and Manipulation

Klazien Jansma, Smedema’s sister-in-law, is accused of being complicit in the conspiracy against him and his wife [15, 30-32]. She is portrayed as a key figure in the Omerta Organization, helping to maintain the “cordon sanitaire” around Smedema [30, 31]. Smedema alleges that Klazien actively participated in the cover-up of his wife’s alleged abuse, choosing to protect the perpetrators and preserve the family’s reputation at her sister’s expense [30]. She is also accused of lying to Smedema about the paternity of his children, remarking on their resemblance to him despite knowing the truth [30, 31]. Smedema believes Klazien was involved in bringing Wies into her alternate personality state in order to remove evidence from Hans’s house [31]. She is further accused of having close ties to Johan and working with Pieter to drug Smedema [31].

Betty: Evidence Destruction

Betty, a sister of Wies, is accused of destroying key evidence, including photos of Wies’s alleged abuse [15, 31]. Her actions suggest a willingness to actively participate in the cover-up [15].

Wies Smedema: Double Personality and Manipulation

Smedema alleges that his wife, Wies, was also actively involved in the conspiracy against him [33, 34]. He claims that she was manipulated by individuals like Jaap Duijs and was directed to destroy evidence and even secretly administer drugs to him [33, 35, 36]. Smedema believes that she was a victim of mind control, and had been since 1972, and that she was directed by Duijs to destroy evidence, obstruct his efforts, secretly administer drugs, and even engage in sexual acts with others [35-37]. Smedema claims that she has a “double personality”, making it difficult for him to trust her and build a case against his alleged abusers [11, 33].

Motivations for Family Involvement Smedema suggests several reasons for his family’s alleged participation in the conspiracy:

  • Financial Gain: Smedema claims that his siblings and their families benefited financially from his silence and received substantial sums for their participation in the alleged cover-up [16, 21, 34, 38]. He alleges that exposure of the truth would have threatened their social standing and financial stability [16, 38].
  • Protection of Reputation: Smedema believes his family was motivated by a desire to protect their reputation and avoid the shame and scandal that would come with exposing the alleged crimes [4, 5, 16, 21].
  • Fear of the Omerta Organization: Smedema suggests that his family members were afraid of the repercussions from the alleged Omerta Organization, leading them to participate in the cover-up [4, 21, 28, 34].
  • Desire to Protect Wies: Smedema states that his children may have falsified the DNA tests to protect their mother from further harm and public scrutiny, knowing her fragile mental state [21, 28].
  • Early Indoctrination: Smedema suggests that his children were entangled in the web of deceit from a young age, accepting the falsified narrative as reality, unable to fully grasp the implications of their actions [24, 25, 28].

Methods of Family Involvement Smedema accuses his family of using various methods to participate in the alleged conspiracy:

  • Manipulating Legal Processes: Smedema claims that his brother Johan, as a lawyer, used his legal expertise to manipulate legal proceedings to Smedema’s detriment [5, 7].
  • Spreading False Information: Family members are accused of maintaining a false reality around Smedema, reinforcing the narrative that he was mentally unstable [31, 39].
  • Destroying Evidence: Family members, like Klazien and Betty, are accused of destroying evidence that could support Smedema’s claims [15, 31].
  • Administering Drugs: Smedema claims his wife, under the influence of Duijs, secretly administered drugs to him [31, 35, 36].
  • Psychological Manipulation: Smedema claims that his family participated in the psychological manipulation of his wife, contributing to his isolation and undermining his efforts to expose the truth [34].
  • Falsifying DNA Tests: Smedema’s children allegedly falsified DNA tests with the assistance of his in-laws [4, 8, 20-27].
  • Obstructing Investigations: Smedema claims that his family members misled investigators and refused to cooperate with his efforts to gather information [15].

Impact of Family Involvement

Smedema believes that the actions of his family significantly contributed to his isolation, financial ruin, and psychological distress [34, 40, 41]. The alleged betrayal by those closest to him amplified the emotional impact of the alleged conspiracy and made it difficult for him to challenge it or find support [16, 42, 43]. Smedema expresses deep distrust and feelings of betrayal towards his family, and highlights instances where they prioritized protecting the alleged conspirators over supporting him [42, 44-46].

It is important to note that these are Smedema’s allegations, and the sources lack independent verification. However, the consistent and detailed nature of his accusations, along with the alleged involvement of various family members, presents a picture of a conspiracy that reaches deep within his personal life and contributes to his sense of betrayal and isolation.

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based on the legal written statements on this Blog and eBooks by Victim-Author:

Hans Smedema B. Sc., in de facto forced exile surviving in beautiful ‘El Albir’, Costa Blanca, Spain