Hans Smedema: Refusal of Royal Pardon

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Hans Smedema: Refusal of Royal Pardon

Based on the sources and our conversation history, Hans Smedema refused to request a royal pardon for several significant and deeply rooted reasons. His refusal was not merely a stubborn act but a principled stance stemming from his fundamental beliefs about the injustice he has allegedly suffered and the nature of the Dutch authorities, including the Royal Family.



Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, requesting a royal pardon would have been tantamount to an admission of guilt, something Smedema vehemently rejects. Throughout his narrative, as detailed in the sources, Smedema consistently portrays himself as an innocent victim of a vast and intricate conspiracy involving the Dutch state and the Royal House. He believes he has been wrongly accused, persecuted, and denied justice for decades. To ask for a pardon would fundamentally contradict this core belief and essentially validate the very system he accuses of wrongdoing. He sees himself as engaged in a battle against corruption and injustice, not as someone who has committed an offense and is seeking forgiveness. Accepting a pardon would imply that he had done something wrong, which he steadfastly denies.


Secondly, Smedema’s refusal was deeply intertwined with his profound distrust of the Dutch authorities, including the Royal Family. He believes that these entities are not impartial arbiters of justice but rather the very architects and perpetuators of the alleged conspiracy against him. He perceives them as having repeatedly lied to him, denied him basic human rights, suppressed evidence, and actively worked to discredit his claims. In this context, the suggestion to seek a pardon from the King, as mentioned in the sources, would have likely been viewed with deep skepticism and suspicion. He would have seen it not as a genuine path to resolution but rather as a manipulative tactic to silence him and maintain the existing, unjust status quo.



Thirdly, Smedema’s primary objective is to expose the alleged conspiracy and achieve justice, not to seek personal leniency. He believes that accepting a pardon, even if it led to his release from detention as suggested in one source, would ultimately serve to bury the truth and allow those he accuses to evade accountability. His fight is not for personal freedom alone, but for the recognition of the alleged wrongs committed against him and his wife, and for preventing such alleged abuses of power from recurring. He believes the offers of financial buyouts were also attempts to silence him, which he refused on the principle of seeking truth and justice over personal gain. Requesting a pardon would have been a similar act, trading his pursuit of justice for personal reprieve.


Furthermore, Smedema has consistently demanded a full public investigation into his allegations and the release of all relevant documents as a precondition for any meaningful engagement with the Dutch legal system. Seeking a royal pardon would have circumvented this fundamental demand. It would have been a private appeal for mercy rather than a public demand for accountability and transparency. This would have gone against his stated goal of achieving a broader understanding and learning process from his case, as he believes it has implications for the Dutch population and beyond.

In Essence

In essence, Smedema’s refusal to request a royal pardon was a powerful statement of his unwavering belief in his innocence and the profound injustice he believes he has suffered. It was a rejection of a system he perceives as fundamentally corrupt and a reaffirmation of his commitment to exposing the alleged truth, regardless of the personal consequences. He views himself as a victim fighting against a powerful and oppressive force, and seeking a pardon from that force would have been a betrayal of his own convictions and his long struggle for justice.

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based on the legal written statements on this Blog and eBooks by the victim Author:

Hans Smedema B. Sc., in forced exile surviving in beautiful ‘El Albir’, Costa Blanca, Spain