American Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) request about Hans Smedema!
On Oct 20th, 2024 I sent a request for all information about my 3 Asylum-Only requests in 2009, 2013/14 when 2009 was reopened and 2016/17!
After President Obama himself issued me a special pardon just before leaving Office Jan. 2017, I was offered Asylum on March 15th, 2017 in the air above Montana by Judge Rex J. Ford Miami DOJ Immigration Court!
But which was corruptly blocked by KLM Co-Pilot Dutch King Willem Alexander abusing his power legally in America by not relaying the fact that I accepted that Asylum-offer 3 times in front of several top-level witnesses!
Very fast reaction! See further below! They split my request in 3 parts to speed it up. In 30 days an answer.
My EOIR FOIA Request
Request 1: All of the files and documents of my Asylum-only request A087-402-454 before DOJ Miami Immigration Court Judge Rex J. Ford in 2009 during his court Asylum only sessions at the Broward Transitional Center and his investigations ordered by the FBI , CIA and others like US Embassies Netherlands and Spain involved in my case. My Attorney in BTC, Florida was Chandler R. Finley from Finley & Bologna International, 150 SE 2nd Avenue, Suite 1010, Miami, FL 33131 who sent his documents to US District Counsel, 3900 Powerline Road Pompano Beach, FL 33079. BTC Broward Transitional Center where I was for 7 months during the investigation proceedings.
2. And also all records of his(Rex J. Ford) investigation of my case at Krome Detention Center Florida when he reopened(!) Jan 2014 the 2009 case after finding too many mistakes, in 2013/14 and maybe later during my 2nd Asylum request to Hidalgo, Texas Port Isabel Detention Center and moved into his jurisdiction in Buffalo Detention Center, Batavia, NY. From where I was deported again to the Netherlands.
3. Same during my 3th Asylum request San Diego, CA in 2016/17 in Otay Mesa Detention Center when I canceled that CA request after my Counsel Fermin Vargas from the Immigration Justice Project of San Diego (IJP) showed me a document of his FOIA request about my case in which the 2009 case, the Krome 2014 investigation case and more were mentioned! He also had contact with Rex J. Ford.
So specific the dossier about Rex J. Ford/DOJ offer of my Asylum during(!) my deportation flight on March 15th, 2017 when I entered his(Rex J. Ford) Jurisdiction from LA to Amsterdam Schiphol in the air above Montana, and when I accepted that Asylum 3 times, but KLM Co-Pilot King Willem Alexander, who together with his Mother Queen Beatrix and even Queen Juliana was secretly(!) involved in my 50 year persecution since 1972 and refusing to stop it, corruptly(!) blocked that offered(!) Asylum by refusing to give the information that I had accepted his(Rex) offer, causing me to be put in innocent(victim since 1972) detention in the Netherlands for 13 months total, directly on arrival at Schiphol! An American Diplomat on his way from LA to Rome via Amsterdam-hub was a crucial planned(!) witness on the left chair next to me of all this corrupt action by the Dutch King and King WA’s retired Pilot/man ‘Sjon’ on the right chair next to me. This information should be in the files.
4. Also I ask for the full large dossier the DOJ has prepared after a ´Special Pardon’ by Pres. Obama himself half Jan. 2017, and was the complaint by State America against State Netherlands about my decades-long persecution and 3 asylum requests, which was submitted to UNCAT or most likely a Special Procedure at UNHRC(?). That will most likely be done via DOS? But the dossier itself must be from the DOJ and therefore available by this request? I never heard anything about that claim! Only suddenly many questions in the Netherlands around May 2017 when they found out while I was still in detention. Most likely when Pres. Trump in 2018 took America out of the UNHRC it suddenly stopped? What happened? How can I start that up again?
5. Also during all the asylum only court sessions the big problem seemed to be the Bilateral Judicial treaty between America and the Netherlands in which apparently the protection of the Dutch Royals was above the law and more important than my suffering and asylum requests! If America would simply give me asylum, the American FBI, CIA would have to block all my efforts to fight and prove the Dutch persecution by cover-up and conspiracy since 1972! De facto creating the same problem I faced in the Netherlands. I hope this treaty-text is also in the files and would like to have a copy.
Very fast reaction Oct 22nd, 2024!
Dear Hans Smedema,
We have detected multiple ROPs located in different locations. In the interest of providing your documents in the speediest manner, we have split your request into three parts, each with its own FOIA number. You will receive a similar acknowledgment letter for each part.
This response acknowledges receipt of your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) dated 10/20/2024 and received 10/21/2024. Your request has been assigned control number xxxx-xxxxx and pertains to records located in SND from 10/02/2016.
… and pertains to records located in PIS from 11/26/2013.
… and pertains to records located in KRO from 04/22/2009.
The FOIA requires an agency to respond within 20 working days after receipt of the request, and EOIR endeavors to meet this standard. The FOIA permits a ten-day extension of this time period, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(6)(B), based on unusual circumstances. Your request involves “unusual circumstances,” and EOIR is extending the time period to respond by an additional 10 working days because your request requires the collection of records from field offices, or involves a search, collection, and review of voluminous records, or requires consultation with another agency or two or more agency components.
FOIA Intake
Three separate requests to speed it up!
So I submitted my request on Sunday 20th, first reaction Monday 21st, and the split requests the next day Tuesday 22nd! Who are already sent to 3 different places! And that should be done in 30 working days max!
So around 15 December I should have more information and evidence about my Hans Smedema Affair!
Declassification Request to President Joe Biden!
So far this is again a great help from America which has always been kind to my case during my 3 asylum-only requests! But a lot will be classified, so I also requested declassification and a Pardon if necessary like President Obama did Jan 2017! See…
Declassification request Asylum Case Hans Smedema A087-402-454
Compare that to the ‘Dutch ‘Freedom of Information Act’ called ‘WOO’
Dutch Ministry of General Affairs(Royals), Internal Affairs(Secret Service AIVD), and Justice handling the Royal Omerta Criminal Organisation, deny that there are any Records about Hans Smedema! Impossible!
Not sure is yet if all my 5 requests can be answered by those three. I do not think so. And a lot is secretly classified because of the involvement of the Dutch Royals, like the State America against the State of the Netherlands around May 2017 which was not public Judge Rex J. Ford told me. Only the result will be published!
As soon as I get results I will publish about that here unless it is classified or too personal.
Results EOIR FOIA requests
All 3 requests for EOIR records arrived today Dec 3, 2024
Gmail – DOJ-EOIR FOIA Request # 2025-04731 (1)
Gmail – DOJ-EOIR FOIA Request # 2025-05132-combined
Gmail – DOJ-EOIR FOIA Request # 2025-05134
But as I was afraid, the first from 2009 stopped(!) in May 2009 when the real in-depth Asylum-only hearings started! So all FBI/CIA investigations and DNA conformations like children not mine, my persecution and much much more during 7 months total, are left out. So everything is just what I already knew!
The others of 2013 and 2016 are the same! Only the official stuff is mentioned with copies of my documents. So I have proof I was there, but the crucial FBI/CIA investigations ordered by Judge Rex J. Ford is missing. Also the Asylum offered in the air above Montana is not in the files. That is in other classified files with other agencies which I without legal help can never find. So that leaves my declassification request at the Pardon Office and President Biden. They gave up on me and do not want any trouble anymore. All the criminals go free because I have no access to legal help, and more importantly all the evidence will be lost! Only America has that evidence, Rex refused to give me any evidence to take with me back to the Netherlands at all. What I told him would make getting legal help impossible!
Result FBI FOIA request: Also denied!
I should not have added the Privacy Act, that puts an extra more difficult layer to my question! I did not say I am an American Citizen of course, but there are possibilities to be equal. I will have to investigate that without a Lawyer. But my Counsel who had contact with my asylum-only judge Rex J. Ford showed me a page from my FOIA case with the ‘Prison-Krome’ where Rex was working around 2013/14! So he could find the FBI investigations! Possibly an American Lawyer could easily find those and would be allowed to do so. Without a specialist who knows how to navigate the complex legal FOIA systems like retired Judge Rex. J. Ford himself, or the Counsel I had in San Diego, I will not succeed in getting independent evidence. Trying to contact him was not answered.
All the evidence I found during my investigation since March 2000 is only available in America. Another fourth asylum request is not possible anymore due to my age at 76 now. Rex always refused to give some evidence to take to the EU. Always pointing to the bilateral judicial treaty and his wrong claim I signed something! Not even what I signed according to him. He had enough proof to prosecute Jaap Duijs he told me, and enough to start the UNCAT(or UNHRC) procedure.
See my Post about Results FBI/CIA investigation told to me by Judge Rex J. Ford:
Results of US FBI Investigation into Hans Smedema Affair
Therefore I already asked President Biden to declassify everything and if needed pardon me or the whole safe part of the case. And asked FBI FOIA also. Will try more agencies, but will most likely fail too.
Hans Smedema B. Sc., living in forced exile in beautiful ‘El Albir’, Costa Blanca, Spain.