Last Updated 12/02/2025 published 16/01/2025 by Hans Smedema
Smedema’s Accusations Against the Dutch Royal Family
Hans Smedema accuses the Dutch Royal Family of being complicit in a vast conspiracy to silence him and protect high-ranking officials allegedly involved in crimes against him and his wife. He portrays the Royal Family as actively participating in the alleged cover-up, motivated by self-preservation and a desire to safeguard their reputation, even at the expense of justice [1-3]. However, the sources, primarily consisting of Smedema’s personal accounts and interpretations, offer limited concrete evidence to directly support these accusations [1]. The evidence he presents relies heavily on his own analysis of events, interpretations of conversations, and claims of actions taken by individuals he believes to be acting on behalf of the Royal Family [1].
Here is a breakdown of his accusations:
The “Royal Special Decree”:
Smedema’s most significant accusation against the Royal Family is his claim of a “Royal Special Decree,” allegedly issued by Queen Juliana around 1972/73, which he believes granted immunity to individuals involved in the alleged crimes against him and his wife [4-18]. This decree, he contends, was enacted under the guise of “State Security” to suppress information and protect the reputation of the Royal House [5, 16, 19]. He believes this decree was likely influenced by his brother, Johan, who allegedly collaborated with Joris Demmink to manipulate Queen Juliana into signing it [16, 20].
Smedema argues that this alleged decree has been upheld by subsequent monarchs, including Queen Beatrix and King Willem-Alexander, demonstrating a systemic effort within the monarchy to perpetuate the alleged cover-up and protect its image [18, 21, 22]. He believes the decree’s existence explains the persistent refusal of authorities to investigate his claims, the difficulty he faces in securing legal representation, and the consistent blocking of his attempts to file charges or access information related to his case [1, 7, 15, 22-26].
However, Smedema provides no documentation or official confirmation of this decree’s existence [23]. His claims rely on his interpretations of conversations, the reactions of individuals he interacted with, and his understanding of the Dutch legal system [22]. He has not presented a copy of the decree or any evidence directly linking it to specific actions taken by the Royal Family [23].
King Willem-Alexander’s Alleged Interference in Asylum Request:
Smedema cites a specific incident involving King Willem-Alexander as direct evidence of the Royal Family’s active involvement in silencing him and obstructing justice [2, 21, 23, 27-31]. He claims that on March 15th, 2017, while the King was serving as co-pilot on a KLM flight from Los Angeles to Amsterdam, he personally intervened to block Smedema’s asylum request [28-33].
Smedema claims that US asylum judge, Rex J. Ford, had prepared his asylum request and contacted King Willem-Alexander to confirm it [23, 29, 30]. However, Smedema alleges that King Willem-Alexander lied to Judge Ford, stating that Smedema did not want asylum [23, 29, 30]. As a result, Smedema was forced to return to the Netherlands, where he was detained [23, 29, 30].
Smedema views this alleged incident as a blatant abuse of power, a betrayal of the King’s oath to protect the Dutch people, and concrete proof that the Royal Family is actively involved in the alleged cover-up [2, 30, 33]. He suggests that the King’s motivation was panic, stemming from the fact that President Obama had filed a complaint against the Netherlands with the UNCAT (United Nations Committee Against Torture) in January 2017 [30, 33].
However, Smedema does not provide any documentation, recordings, or witness statements beyond his own account to corroborate this incident [24]. He has not presented any evidence to confirm that Judge Ford contacted the King, that the King misrepresented Smedema’s wishes, or that this alleged incident directly led to the denial of his asylum [24].
The “Frankfurt Dossier”:
Smedema repeatedly points to the “Frankfurt Dossier” as crucial evidence supporting his accusations against the Royal Family [25, 34-43]. This dossier, according to Smedema, was a 30+ page Dutch intelligence file allegedly containing incriminating information about him, the alleged conspiracy, and the Royal Family’s involvement [41, 43-45]. He claims that the dossier was discovered during his screening at the 97th General Army Hospital in Frankfurt in 1983 and was erased within three days of being found [38, 43-45].
Smedema states that the dossier contained information about his then-girlfriend’s involvement in the porn industry, medical treatments she received, and evidence of a special ruling by Queen Juliana and the Dutch State Security to cover up evidence and protect the perpetrators [43]. He claims this dossier is proof that the Dutch government was aware of his case and was actively working to silence him [43]. Smedema believes that the erasure of the dossier is further proof of the cover-up and the lengths to which the Dutch government would go to protect itself and the Royal Family [25].
However, Smedema provides no evidence to support the existence of the “Frankfurt Dossier” other than his own account [25].
Smedema’s Language and Tone:
Smedema’s language, when discussing the Dutch Royal Family, is consistently accusatory, emotionally charged, and reveals a deep sense of betrayal and anger [46-49]. He frequently uses negative descriptors, portraying them as corrupt, criminal, heartless, and actively harmful to Dutch citizens [46, 48]. For example, he refers to Queen Juliana’s actions as “backward and Kafkaesque,” calling her and the ministerial council “dogs” [48]. He also states that the Dutch people will “NEVER be truly free” while the monarchy is in power [48].
While this language reflects Smedema’s emotional state and his belief in the Royal Family’s culpability, it does not constitute concrete evidence [27].
Smedema’s language also reveals a sense of frustration and helplessness at the perceived impunity enjoyed by the Royal Family [49]. He frequently criticizes the Dutch legal system and the media, accusing them of being complicit in the cover-up and protecting the monarchy from scrutiny [49]. He uses phrases like “above the law,” “immune,” and “untouchable” to describe the Royal Family’s perceived status, emphasizing his belief that they operate outside the reach of justice and accountability [49]. He laments the lack of support from the legal system and the public, further fueling his anger and frustration [49].
Other Accusations:
Protection of Joris Demmink:
- Smedema’s allegations against Joris Demmink, the former Secretary-General of the Dutch Ministry of Justice, are closely intertwined with his accusations against the Royal Family [3, 13, 19, 27, 50-52]. Smedema alleges that Demmink, through secret decrees and political pressure, protected Demmink from prosecution and allowed him to rise through the ranks of the Ministry of Justice [3, 12, 19, 27]. He believes the Dutch government and Royal family are involved in a conspiracy against him and that the Ministry of Justice is helping the rapists by hiding and manipulating evidence to make sure his case never gets investigated [1, 10-12, 14, 19, 21, 24, 25, 33, 35, 36, 45, 47, 53-64].
Smedema’s Exile and Denial of Legal Assistance:
- Smedema believes that his forced exile in Spain, the consistent denial of his asylum requests, and the difficulty he faces in securing legal representation are all orchestrated by the Royal Family to silence him and prevent him from accessing justice [1, 23, 27, 28, 65, 66].
Financial Buyouts and the Omerta Organization:
- Smedema claims that he was offered substantial sums of money on multiple occasions to remain silent about his accusations [27, 66-68]. He interprets these offers as an attempt by the “Omerta Organization,” which he believes acts on behalf of the Royal Family, to buy his silence and protect the alleged conspiracy [66, 68].
Smedema’s accusations against the Dutch Royal Family are serious and, if true, represent a significant breach of public trust and a violation of the rule of law [2]. However, the evidence he presents in the sources is largely circumstantial, based on his own interpretations, and lacking independent verification [2].
While Smedema’s narrative is compelling and raises important questions about the potential for abuse of power within institutions like the monarchy, it is essential to recognize the limitations of relying solely on his personal accounts and interpretations [2]. Without access to official documentation, witness testimonies, or evidence that can be corroborated by independent sources, it is difficult to assess the objective validity of Smedema’s accusations against the Royal Family [2]. His claims warrant further investigation and scrutiny, but until more concrete evidence emerges, they remain largely unsubstantiated [2].
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legally based on this blog and ebooks by Victim-Author:
Hans Smedema B. Sc., in forced exile surviving in beautiful El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain