Last Updated 18/02/2025 published 18/02/2025 by Hans Smedema
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Hans Smedema: Alleged Deprivation of Rights and Control
Hans Smedema asserts that several events indicate a secret deprivation of his civil rights around the end of 1972 or the beginning of 1973, before his marriage on February 23, 1973 [1, 2]. According to Smedema, this alleged secret removal of rights enabled the Omerta organization to control his life and make critical negative decisions affecting him [1, 3, 4]. He also believes that the court case on February 9, 2009, was secretly a pro-forma court case [5].
Events and assertions that support Smedema’s claim:
Family Discovery of Amnesia and Suppression:
Smedema states that his family discovered towards the end of 1972 that he and his girlfriend (later his wife) both had amnesia and severe suppression resulting from abuse and trauma [6-8]. He says that this discovery led the family, along with physicians and the Justice Department, to decide to cover everything up, because Smedema and his girlfriend both denied knowing anything and suppressed everything instantly with selective amnesia [7, 9]. Smedema asserts they married without being told his wife could be raped at will without knowing afterwards, meaning she could not file charges or fight against it [7, 9].
Secret Government Control:
Smedema claims he was secretly placed under government control based on fraud, lies, and betrayal by a special ruling by Queen Juliana around 1973/1975 [1, 4]. According to Smedema, the rapist simply blamed him [1, 4]. He believes a secret Omerta organization was controlling his life [1, 4].
Removal of Human and Normal Rights:
Smedema alleges his human and normal rights were secretly taken away from him in 1973 [1, 4]. He also claims a secret organization, led by his corrupt brother Johan Smedema and protected by Justice officials, ensured he remained unaware that the girlfriend he married on February 23, 1973, was a defenseless, mentally ill (dissociation DIS) sex slave, due to a huge Omerta that is still at work [1, 4].
Marriage Certificate Signed by Justice Employees:
Smedema says that during his wedding on February 23, 1973, two Justice employees signed the certificate afterwards [2, 10-12]. He interprets this as evidence that the Justice Department was already arranging their lives [2, 10]. Smedema believes his brother arranged this without informing him, and he never received the marriage certificate [2].
Forced Marriage:
Smedema claims he was de facto forced to marry because all evidence of his girlfriend’s abuse and work as a sex worker in 1972 was hidden [13]. He alleges he was brainwashed by electroshock by traumatologist Onno van der Hart into submission and forced to suppress all sexual abuse of his girlfriend, making him defenseless against the rapist who hired and bribed Hart [13].
Secret Court Case in Zwolle:
Smedema repeatedly mentions a court case in Zwolle that allegedly took place shortly after his marriage on February 23, 1973 [5, 14]. He believes this court case stripped him of his civil rights and placed him under the control of the “Omerta Org,” which he alleges has ties to the Dutch Ministry of Justice [14].
Inability to File Charges:
Smedema indicates that his rights were secretly taken away, specifying that he was not allowed to file charges against his enemies [15]. He adds that police were not allowed to officially file his charges and prosecution investigations were not allowed due to a Royal special order [15].
Brainwashing and Torture:
Smedema claims that every five to six years, he was secretly brainwashed or tortured into submission and suppressed anything he saw, by corrupt bribed individuals [15]. He says this effectively mutilated his brain through torture and electroshock [15].
Administration of Ketamine and Anti-Psychotics:
Smedema believes he was given daily ketamine or anesthesia since 1973, making him half a zombie and severely weakened [15]. Additionally, he claims that since 2003, he received a wrong antipsychotic, Risperdal, hidden as baby aspirin, against his will until the end of 2016, further impairing his ability to defend himself [15].
Omerta Organization and Control:
Smedema asserts that a secret Omerta organization, led by his brother Johan Smedema, has been controlling his life since 1972, making crucial negative decisions [3, 4]. He claims this organization has been responsible for gaslighting him, hiding and denying the many cases of sexual abuse, and forcing him to marry his wife while keeping him unaware of the dangers surrounding them [16, 17].
Legal Obstruction:
Smedema alleges that legal help has been denied to him, preventing him from having legal representation in his criminal case since he found out about the cover-up in 2000 [3, 18]. He also suggests that the Dutch Crown blocks all legal help and that lawyers refuse his main case because his human and civil rights were secretly taken away [11].
Conservatory Seizure of Houses:
Smedema says that in 2009, Judge Rex J. Ford organized a conservator seizure of the houses of most of those involved, causing them to panic [19, 20]. He alleges he was lured out of his home during a meeting of the Omerta organization and denied entry [19, 20].
Pro-Forma Court Case:
Smedema believes the court case on February 9, 2009 was secretly a pro-forma court case [5].
These events, according to Smedema, suggest a coordinated effort to deprive him of his civil rights and control his life through a secret organization, with significant negative consequences.

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based on the legal written statements on this Blog and eBooks by the victim Author:
Hans Smedema B. Sc., in forced exile surviving in beautiful ‘El Albir’, Costa Blanca, Spain