Last Updated 14/03/2025 published 31/12/2024 by Hans Smedema
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Smedema’s Allegations Against the Dutch Government
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Hans Smedema believes he is entitled to free legal aid in Spain paid for by the Dutch government. He argues that the Dutch government has been persecuting him for decades and that this persecution has forced him into exile in Spain [1, 2]. He cites the fact that Joris Demmink, a high-ranking Dutch official whom Smedema considers his enemy, had his legal fees of €150,000 covered by the Dutch government when facing criminal charges related to Smedema’s case [1]. This, Smedema argues, is evidence of a double standard in the Dutch legal system, where those in power receive preferential treatment while victims like himself are denied basic rights [1].
Secret Omerta Organisation
Smedema believes that the Dutch government, through a clandestine organization he refers to as the “Omerta Organization,” is pressuring the Spanish authorities to cooperate in his alleged persecution [3]. He interprets several events in Spain as evidence of this pressure, suggesting a coordinated effort to silence him even outside Dutch borders [3]. He argues that Spain, motivated by its relationship with the Dutch Crown, is prioritizing political and diplomatic considerations over his well-being as a victim [1, 3]. This alleged complicity by Spain, he contends, effectively makes Spain a participant in the cover-up orchestrated by the Dutch Omerta Organization [3].
Systemic Corrupt Legal Silencing
Smedema further contends that the Dutch legal system is riddled with systemic failures and corruption that have hindered his pursuit of justice [1, 4-7]. He alleges the existence of a “Royal Special Decree” that shields powerful figures from accountability and silences him [4, 5]. This decree, he believes, allows the Dutch government to manipulate legal proceedings, deny him access to evidence, and obstruct his attempts to secure legal representation [4, 5].
Filing Charges blocked
He claims that his attempts to file police reports were repeatedly denied, his court cases were dismissed due to alleged lack of evidence, and he was denied legal representation [1, 8]. He believes that judges in the Netherlands prioritize the prosecution’s narrative, dismissing his claims and accepting charges against him based on flimsy evidence [7]. He cites Professor Wagenaar’s critique of the Dutch justice system, which highlights the systemic flaws that have allegedly hindered his pursuit of justice [7]. He argues that his experiences with prominent Dutch lawyers, such as Bram Moszkowicz, exemplify the power dynamics, intimidation tactics, and alleged conspiracy that have obstructed his access to justice and reinforced his belief that he is being deliberately silenced [6].
Contrast US Government Investigations and Dutch Government Consistent Refusal
Adding to Smedema’s frustration is his perception of a stark contrast between the US government’s initial acknowledgment of his allegations and the Dutch government’s steadfast refusal to investigate his claims [9]. He claims that Judge Rex J. Ford in the US confirmed elements of his story [8] and that a seven-month FBI and CIA investigation initiated by President Obama substantiated many of his allegations [5]. He specifically mentions the investigation’s findings regarding the non-paternity of his children, which he sees as evidence of forced sterilization, and the validation of his persecution claims [5]. He believes that the Dutch government is violating international, Dutch, and EU laws by failing to initiate an investigation under UNCAT (United Nations Convention Against Torture) rules [10].
Dutch Authorities Concealing the Truth
This perceived discrepancy in the responses of the US and Dutch governments fuels Smedema’s belief that the Dutch authorities are actively working to conceal the truth and obstruct justice in his case [5, 9]. This belief further underpins his argument for legal aid in Spain, as he sees it as a necessary step to counter the alleged Dutch conspiracy and pursue justice outside the allegedly compromised Dutch legal system.
Based on these arguments, Smedema believes that the Dutch government should be held accountable for the alleged harm inflicted upon him and that providing him with legal aid in Spain is a step towards achieving that accountability. However, it’s important to note that Smedema’s claims, while detailed and passionately presented, lack independent verification.

Google NotebookLM Insights,
based on the true-crime chronologically in 24 horrifying years ‘legal written statements’ with slowly increasing insights in the complex unbelievable conspiracy on this Blog and eBooks by Victim-Author:
Hans Smedema B. Sc., in forced exile surviving in beautiful El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain