Smedema’s Allegations of Dutch Government Conspiracy

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Last Updated 12/02/2025 published 26/12/2024 by Hans Smedema

Smedema’s Allegations of Dutch Government Conspiracy

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Hans Smedema alleges a complex and multifaceted conspiracy to suppress his case, involving a range of methods allegedly employed by individuals and institutions within the Dutch government. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the alleged suppression tactics based on the sources and our conversation history:

1. Legal Obstruction and Manipulation

  • Denial of Legal Representation: Smedema repeatedly emphasizes the systematic denial of legal representation, a key tactic in his alleged isolation and silencing. He claims that, starting in 2000, lawyers were either intimidated or explicitly instructed not to take his case due to the alleged involvement of the Dutch Royal family and the classification of his case as a “State Secret” [1-7]. He cites numerous instances where lawyers, after initially expressing interest, abruptly withdrew their services, citing pressure from unnamed sources [3, 8]. Smedema points to Ad Speksnijder as a prime example, alleging Speksnijder was pressured by the Ministry of Justice to withhold assistance [4, 9, 10]. He further claims that the Dutch Bar Association and disciplinary board for lawyers were complicit in denying him representation [11]. This alleged obstruction left him navigating a complex legal system without proper guidance, undermining his ability to pursue justice effectively [3].
  • Blocking the Filing of Charges and Investigations: Smedema asserts that his attempts to formally report alleged crimes were consistently thwarted [1, 3, 6, 12-15]. He claims police officers, acting under orders from the Ministry of Justice, refused to document his accusations, preventing formal investigations [1, 3, 9, 16]. This alleged inaction ensured that his allegations never reached a point of serious examination, effectively protecting those in power [3].
  • Manipulation and Suppression of Evidence: Smedema accuses the Dutch government of systematically manipulating, suppressing, or destroying evidence [3, 12, 13, 16-20]. He alleges that crucial documents, including medical records, police files, and intelligence reports, were altered, deleted, or made inaccessible [3, 17, 18]. He points to inconsistencies in official records, missing files, and altered medical reports as proof [3, 17, 21]. For example, he claims that a scar related to his alleged forced sterilization was dismissed as “normal skin damage” in his medical records, despite a police photographer documenting it, a procedure usually done when a crime is suspected [3, 17]. He also claims 50 files related to his case were deleted by the Ministry of Justice and AIVD [18]. A “Frankfurt Dossier,” allegedly containing incriminating information, was allegedly erased within three days of discovery [22]. This alleged tampering aimed to discredit him and uphold the alleged cover-up [3].
  • Exploitation of Legal Procedures and Loopholes: Smedema accuses the Dutch government of using legal technicalities and loopholes to obstruct his pursuit of justice [3, 23, 24]. He claims they manipulated procedures to secure unfavorable rulings, denied him due process, and used legal technicalities to dismiss his complaints [3]. He highlights the alleged misuse of a bilateral judicial treaty between the Netherlands and the US to prevent him from gaining asylum [3, 23]. This alleged exploitation of legal mechanisms highlights the alleged systemic nature of the suppression efforts.
  • Creating a False Narrative of Mental Instability: Smedema claims that the alleged conspirators orchestrated a campaign to portray him as delusional or mentally ill [12, 19, 20, 25-28]. He alleges that he was subjected to forced medical interventions, including drugging with antipsychotics and unnecessary electroshock therapy [12, 19, 29]. This alleged manipulation aimed to discredit his claims and justify dismissing his accusations [12, 19]. Smedema recounts instances where medical professionals labeled him paranoid or schizophrenic despite lacking evidence [12, 26]. He believes that these diagnoses were used to invalidate his accusations and undermine his credibility [12, 19].

2. Exploiting “State Security” as a Shield

Smedema contends that “State Security” was repeatedly invoked to justify the suppression of evidence and the blockage of investigations [1, 30-32]. He alleges that Demmink convinced the government that investigating his claims would threaten national security, effectively preventing scrutiny [30]. Smedema claims that this justification was used to deny him access to information, prevent the filing of charges, and silence potential witnesses [30, 31]. He cites specific instances where legitimate concerns, such as his report of a listening device planted by Jaap Duijs, were dismissed using “State Security” as a reason [31]. This alleged exploitation of “State Security” highlights the alleged abuse of power and the lengths the alleged conspirators were willing to go to silence him.

3. Financial Buyouts and Incentives

Smedema claims that he was offered 5 million Euros on two separate occasions in exchange for his silence [5, 33]. He interprets these offers as attempts to buy his silence and prevent him from pursuing legal action or publicly disclosing potentially incriminating information [5, 33]. These alleged buyouts reinforce his claims of a cover-up, implying that powerful individuals had something to hide and were willing to use significant financial resources to prevent exposure [33].

4. Witness Intimidation and Silencing

Smedema recounts several instances where individuals attempting to help him were allegedly silenced or removed from their positions [16, 30, 34]. He cites the alleged targeting of a police officer and a chief public prosecutor who attempted to assist him [30, 34]. He claims that these actions, allegedly orchestrated by Demmink, were intended to create a climate of fear and deter anyone from coming forward to support him [30, 34]. This alleged silencing campaign, combined with the alleged manipulation of legal processes, effectively isolated him and limited his options for seeking justice.

5. Enforcing the “Omerta” – A System of Secrecy and Silence

Smedema describes a system of secrecy and silence, which he refers to as the “Omerta,” that allegedly involved a network of individuals within the Dutch government, police, and even his family [30, 35]. This network, according to Smedema, was designed to maintain a unified front against him, ensuring compliance with the alleged cover-up [30, 35]. He contends that individuals within this network were either bribed, intimidated, or coerced into participating and that anyone who threatened to break the silence faced severe consequences [30]. This alleged network, operating under a veil of secrecy, effectively silenced potential witnesses, obstructed investigations, and protected those responsible for the alleged crimes against him.

6. Media Control and the “Cordon Sanitaire”

Smedema describes a deliberate strategy employed by the alleged conspirators to isolate him from support and manipulate his social environment, which he calls the “Cordon Sanitaire” [27, 36-38]. This alleged strategy involved manipulating individuals close to him, including his wife, family members, friends, and professional contacts, to reinforce the narrative that he was delusional and discredit his accusations [37].

He claims this isolation campaign extended beyond his personal life, encompassing legal professionals, victim support organizations, and media outlets, making it impossible to gain any traction in his fight for justice [37]. This alleged control over information and social networks effectively silenced him, making it difficult to build a credible case or gain support from those who might have believed him.

7. Psychological Manipulation and “Mind Control”

Smedema alleges that he was subjected to various forms of psychological manipulation and “mind control” as part of the broader effort to silence him [39-43]. These alleged tactics aimed to control his actions, suppress his memories, and discredit his accusations, reinforcing his sense of powerlessness and hindering his pursuit of justice. These alleged methods, detailed extensively in our previous conversations, include:

  • Ketamine Drugging: He claims long-term, low-dose ketamine administration, allegedly orchestrated by his wife and Jaap Duijs, significantly impaired his cognitive function, rendered him docile and submissive, and induced memory loss and amnesia [43-45].
  • Electroshock Therapy/Torture: Smedema alleges that he was subjected to electroshock therapy, which he characterizes as torture, on multiple occasions [41, 43, 46-48]. He claims that this therapy, allegedly administered by Prof. Onno van der Hart, was intended to repress memories of his wife’s abuse and condition him into submission [43, 46, 48].
  • Hypnosis and Conditioning: Smedema describes experiences with hypnosis and conditioning, claiming that Jaap Duijs used these techniques to manipulate his behavior and make him more susceptible to control [45].
  • Antipsychotic Drugging and “Gaslighting”: He alleges that he was secretly drugged with antipsychotic medication, disguised as “baby aspirin,” to impair his cognitive function, make him appear delusional, and undermine his ability to fight back against the alleged conspiracy [29, 41, 49-51]. This drugging, combined with the constant labeling of him as delusional by medical professionals, created an environment of “gaslighting” that made him doubt his sanity [12].

These alleged “mind control” tactics, combined with the other methods of suppression, effectively isolated him, distorted his perception of reality, and undermined his credibility, making it exceedingly difficult to challenge the alleged conspiracy.

8. International Interference and Treaty Exploitation

Smedema claims that the Dutch government used its influence internationally to obstruct his attempts to seek justice outside of the Netherlands [23]. He alleges that they exploited a bilateral judicial treaty between the Netherlands and the US to prevent him from obtaining asylum [23]. This alleged manipulation of international agreements highlights the lengths to which the alleged conspirators were willing to go to silence him and prevent international scrutiny of their actions.

Smedema’s accusations paint a chilling picture of a systematic and calculated effort to silence him and prevent him from exposing the alleged truth. The alleged tactics employed, the individuals and institutions involved, and the duration of this alleged campaign suggest a deliberate and coordinated effort to protect those in power and maintain the alleged cover-up.

It is crucial to remember that these accusations, while presented in great detail by Smedema, have not been independently verified. The absence of official documentation or corroborating testimonies from individuals other than Smedema makes it challenging to assess the validity of his allegations objectively.

Google NotebookLM Insights,

legally based on this blog and eBooks by Victim-Author:

Hans Smedema B. Sc., in forced exile surviving in beautiful El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain

Published by

Hans Smedema

High level Dutch man(Rotary member) who became the victim of an unbelievable conspiracy set up by a criminal organisation of rapist inside the Ministry of Justice. Making me De Facto Stateless! Now fighting for 24 years but the Dutch government and specific corrupt King refuse to open an investigation to protect themselves! America investigated after my asylum request and started an UNCAT or special procedure in 2017. View all posts by Hans Smedema
