Last Updated 12/02/2025 published 14/12/2024 by Hans Smedema
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Mastermind Joris Demmink’s Perfect Crime: No Legal Help for his Victim Hans Smedema Allowed since 1972!
The horrifying Omerta! Throughout the whole ‘Hans Smedema Affair’ case the strange and even absurd answers to questions from me about why everybody is deliberately(!) lying, keeping silent or telling me they are not allowed to tell me, is the main crucial narrative! This must have been one of the brilliant actions from rapist-traitor Joris Demmink as the brain-mastermind of my ordeal. Brilliantly making sure I could never find out about the huge Cover-up and Conspiracy he simply designed to hide the sexual abuse and deliberate(!) torture into a sex-slave with an extra or emotional personality(DID) he did to my girlfriend and even partly to me, during the year 1972 and decades later. Nobody questioned or controlled him. He could easily do that starting in 1972 because of his education and work inside the Dutch Intelligence Service(BVD/AIVD) where he was able and allowed(!) to do so, and promoted fast to more and more high level positions where he could manipulate this/his case even more to prevent being prosecuted himself. According to Jan van Beek he used mind control techniques he learned from Jan, to simply drug his evaluators with a low dose of ketamine and so force his own promotions. Sometimes Google NotebookLM makes the mistake to think Joris Demmink was the father of her/our daughter, but that was Jan van Beek her landlord in 1972 who planned that for himself by making me secretly infertile after drugging me.
KCOM = Omerta
Earlier in this huge Blog with now over 500+ chronological(!) Posts about my life and this Omerta Org case, I used the stupid KCOM or in full ‘Koninklijke Criminele Organisatie Mengele’ name, but I didn’t like that name at all. So that name has been later changed to the ‘Omerta’ alone, or ‘Omerta Org’ which everybody immediately understands from the famous Maffia and Godfather stories and movies.
KCOM = Omerta!
Joris Demmink’s brilliant manipulations and falsifications!
How on earth did he do that? Because his actions were absurd like in Kafka’s The Trial!
- He had at first the opportunity to black-mouth me Hans as being involved in the abuse of his girlfriend Wiesje! He was a rapist and friend of Jan van Beek, while working for the Secret Intelligence Service. And nobody checked those absurd accusations legally with me. Jan van Beek brainwashed my girlfriend to believe every client was having sex with me, Hans. So repeatedly she told me and her Family she had sex with me, while I was in Dordrecht or in Leeuwarden. I never understood those accusations. She never(!!!) told us about her abuse and being forced to work as a hooker for her Pimp Jan van Beek while being in Leeuwarden almost every weekend! So Joris could simply exploit that to accuse me like all criminals always accusing others.
- He was of course involved directly or indirectly with preparing the secret Decree or Ruling by Queen Juliana which he brilliantly suggested to my brother Johan. Who arranged both Parents to request that end of 1972 without of course involving me. Making sure no prosecution would ever happen, so he and Jan van Beek would be suddenly immune like the Dutch Royals themselves!
- Somehow he must have included a brilliant text into the Decree, or into the Blanc paper I was forced to sign by my brother end of 1972, or into the secret Court Session in Zwolle hidden by my own wife Wiesje 1973 or so. What apparently forbids anyone to help me legally or in another way when Wiesje was involved(?), what apparently would make it Unlawful-Interference!
- Unlawful-Interference was mentioned by poor unaware neighbor victim Teun Keuzenkamp working for Military Intelligence who saw or understood what happened, but was forced to sell his house and move to another town asking me why I didn’t help him! My Wiesje apparently hid all the letters from his Lawyer and Teun like she always did. Keeping me like her dog out of the systemic conspiracy while being secretly for me, a member of the Omerta Org secretly led by brother Johan from before(!) our marriage on 23-02-1973 where two Officials from Justice had to sign our Marriage certificate secretly too.
- And was mentioned by my Nephew Jack Rijkspolitie from Duiven who had help from the Police Union as the reason of him being fired from Rijkspolitie after on my request making sure there was a crime going on, as he was legally obliged to do! Absurd! He was legally obliged to report crimes, but in this case he was fired for doing so! Apparently legally? Kafkaesque and Orwellian.
- My forced lawyer Ad Speksnijder who wanted to help me, but was ordered not to help me, secretly told me the same: He was not allowed to help me with even someone from Justice planting openly a recording device in the room where we were talking, and waiting outside! Again Joris Demmink legally made it (fraudulent) Unlawful-Intervention by Ad Speksnijder. Legally?
Examples of his evil manipulation and outright block of any help for his victim!
Ilse’s 2014 confession of falsifying DNA-Paternity tests!
Daughter Ilse in 2014 confessed that she, Arne and Jorrit together with my wife Wiesje committed fraud by falsifying the crucial 2003 DNA Paternity tests I sent to GeneTree in America to make sure the Conspiracy against me would have to involve America. They immediately(!) without any hesitation agreed to do so out of free will! While lying I was insane and delusional. What indeed happened when Asylum-Only Miami Immigration Court/DOJ Judge Rex J. Ford in 2009 ordered the FBI to investigate my claim of falsified DNA tests. Result: GeneTree did not make any mistakes, so it must have been done in the Netherlands! But confirmed to me that her 3 children were from 3 different fathers with Rieks Perdok the father of the youngest son Jorrit.
Conversation Ilse: We falsified the DNA tests by swapping the swabs with those of Renier’s Family!
Hans: Why, that cost me my defense during the 2009 court case! And I had to pay 6000 euro to my enemy Jaap Duijs and others and will face jail!
Ilse: We thought you wanted that yourselves!
Hans: Me? Why would I ask for a DNA test if I wanted it to be falsified? Stupid thought, and why didn’t you ask me about that?
Ilse: We are not allowed to do that.
Hans: Why not?
Ilse: We are not allowed to tell you that!
Hans: Why not, who told you that? What documents are behind that?
Ilse: We are not allowed to tell you that either!
Hans: Do you know I had to spend 7 months in 2009 between Immigrants in detention with court cases and lots of trouble? And just back from Texas for another 2,5 months? You stupid idiots! And sent her home when she asked me if I could release their house from the conservator seizure Rex Ford put on it through UN Geneva. I can only help you when you start being honest like I always am. See my Dutch post:
Kinderen vervalsten zelf hun eigen vrijwillige DNA-test!
My best Friend Paul Schuh Warning me end 1972!
Before our Marriage 23-02-1973 Paul and Ans Schuh warned me about Wiesje and her sexual bad behavior!
Ans during a meeting with me and with other friends Roland and Tea present: “Are you sure you want to marry Wiesje? She is not your type at all!”
Hans: Why not? But as always they did not release the full truth. Nor did Roland and Tea, who even left when I accused them of hiding crucial information from me. Tea knew Wiesje was hiding her boyfriend with whom she had sex since she was 14 years old! Her parents allowed that he slept with her in her room every night. Hiding him in her room under her bed, or in the attic when I came to visit her! Absurd behavior while treating me like a dog.
Another meeting with Paul and Ans with Wiesje present: ΅Go for a walk with Paul, I will talk with Wiesje”. They tried to warn me for something!
Paul: Are you sure you want this thing with your brother(Johan)? I would never want a thing like that!
Hans: “What are you talking about? What ‘thing’ would you never do?”
Paul: “I am not allowed to tell you that!”
Hans: “Why not, that is apparently crucial information for me! You should make sure you warn me! I know nothing about my brother Johan arranging something! He can do nothing without my approval! So I will wait for that.”
If only he would have told me that my corrupt brother was going to betray and gaslight me, together with the Ministry of Justice, and even have me tortured through Electroshock! I would have had a chance, now I did not. I still thought they would need my approval as the Police told me. But he got 20.000 guilders! Who would say no to such a huge offer in 1972?
Court case Feb 9, 2009
Warning by a woman from the Court Leeuwarden when I asked to see the charges against me: This case is a follow-up from the Court case in Zwolle! Hans: But I don’t know anything about a Court case in Zwolle! I would know and remember that! Apparently my wife and brother Johan arranged that and were hiding all the letters and documents about it! I remember my wife asking for several signatures to improve them she lied. She must have used them to falsify my approval to secretly appoint the Omerta Org to control my life! And I was secretly drugged daily with ketamine since our Marriage! Not able to think straight anymore. Nothing in the charges against me pointed to that fact, only a number in the left top corner! No sentence, only that secret number with no explanation at all. Only because she told me, I knew about it.
This was a Pro Forma case I was told at the entrance! Where are your guards?
Judge Jeroen van Bruggen: Who told you that? Implying that they were not allowed to tell me that crucial fact!
He was biased during the whole session and declared me insane or delusional openly at the end! I was there without a Lawyer who all refused my case, most likely in hindsight because of the fact that I was secretly(!) placed under a special Government control and secretly(!) declared incompetent! Nobody bothered to inform me about something so crucial as that. If there were letters or documents my wife could easily hide and intercept those! Like later Jaap Duijs who intercepted crucial letters from the Postman on my driveway! And my wife did the same, also with emails! I was drugged with ketamine and acted like a dog.
Bram Moszkowicz Advocaten in Appeal case 2011/12
They must have known I was secretly declared incompetent, but never told and warned me! That could explain the fact that they only accepted the defamation case, but NOT the main Cover-up and Conspiracy crucial context case. And would explain the strange sudden cancellation of my appointment with his brother David in Maastricht without any explanation! The context is crucial in any defamation case! I mentioned the Pro Forma case and about the number pointing to the Zwolle case and asked to find out what happened in Zwolle! But I never heard an explanation.
So they were hiding that crucial information for me also! Absurd and Kafkaesque! Later when in detention for a new defamation case 2016 without a Lawyer or me present, Arnoud Comans came in 2017 to P.I. Schiphol and could get me out of detention in weeks if only I would ask King Willen Alexander for ‘Gratie’. Which I refused without first seeing the underlying documents of my case! In May of 2015 my brother Johan mentioned the same to me and I refused to talk to him without the underlying documents.
Google NotebookLM:
- Prior to their relationship: Before he began dating Wies, Smedema states that he was warned about her by two people he met at Bar 69 in Leeuwarden. They referred to her as a “slut” and advised him against pursuing a relationship with her. Smedema also claims Wies initially lied about being a virgin, later stating she had misunderstood the meaning of the word.
- During their early relationship (1972): Smedema recounts multiple instances where he felt something was amiss with Wies’s behavior, particularly regarding her landlord, Jan van Beek. Smedema’s suspicions about a possible relationship between Wies and Jan led him to directly ask her about it on several occasions, though she consistently denied any involvement. Smedema also recalls Wies asking him if he’d been with her one night during her first week at Jan’s apartment. He interpreted this, along with other unusual behaviors and physical symptoms, as signs that she was being abused, even before the full extent of the alleged conspiracy became clear to him. Additionally, he notes that Wies inquired about the last time they had sex after visiting her old apartment, which he found suspicious due to the presence of more sperm than usual.
- The Rabobank incident (post-marriage): After their marriage, when Wies supposedly went to work at the Rabobank, a receptionist informed Smedema that she wasn’t employed there. A colleague then advised him to check Jan van Beek’s apartment, implying something was amiss.
- Warnings from others: Smedema recalls warnings from various individuals, often vague and delivered with hesitation. These warnings often alluded to Wies’s supposed promiscuity or strange behavior, but the full implications were rarely articulated. A construction worker warned Smedema not to leave Wies alone at the construction site of their house, suggesting she was being used for sex without Smedema’s knowledge. An anesthetist mentioned a rumor about Wies having an affair with a neighbor. A colleague at Consulting Bureau Cleassens made a comment implying Wies “wanted it.” The financial director, Albert Tiemersma, made a suggestive comment and asked about their PR lady, whom Smedema believes was later raped.
- Jaap Duijs’s confession: While not a direct warning, Jaap Duijs eventually confessed to Smedema about his long-term sexual relationship with Wies, claiming he began abusing her shortly after she moved into Jan van Beek’s apartment. Duijs claimed that Wies would comply after being “roughed up a bit.”
End NotebookLM Insights ***************
There are many more of course during my decades-long ordeal.
Hans Smedema B. Sc., in forced exile surviving in beautiful El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain