Mind Control and Mental Hostage in the Hans Smedema Affair

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Last Updated 12/02/2025 published 29/11/2024 by Hans Smedema

Mind Control and Mental Hostage in the Hans Smedema Affair

The sources, primarily Smedema’s blog posts and ebooks, describe his experience as a victim of mind control and mental hostage-taking as part of a larger conspiracy involving the Dutch government, royal family, and various individuals. Smedema alleges that this psychological manipulation, along with other forms of abuse and sabotage, aimed to silence him and discredit his claims of corruption and sexual abuse.

Mind Control Techniques and Alleged Perpetrators:

  • Ketamine: Smedema repeatedly claims he was drugged with ketamine, starting in 1973, to induce a hypnotic state and make him docile and submissive [1-9]. He alleges this drug was administered daily, hidden in vitamin pills or wine, by his wife at the behest of Jaap Duijs [5, 6, 9]. He further claims that the Drachten Police supplied the ketamine to Duijs [4]. The effects of this long-term ketamine drugging, Smedema asserts, lowered his IQ and made him behave “like a dog” [4, 9].
  • Electroshock Therapy/Torture: Smedema alleges he was subjected to electroshock therapy, which he characterizes as torture, every 5-6 years beginning in 1972 [2, 10-19]. He accuses Professor Onno van der Hart of administering this therapy to repress his memories of his wife’s alleged abuse and condition him into a submissive state [11-19]. Smedema claims that his wife would often drug him before these sessions, enabling Van der Hart and others access to their home [16, 19].
  • Hypnosis and Conditioning: Smedema recounts experiences of hypnosis and conditioning dating back to 1971, involving incidents where his parents allegedly had him hypnotized to continue his relationship with his then-girlfriend [20]. Smedema accuses Duijs of using mind control techniques, honed through his association with Jan van Beek, to manipulate Smedema into detrimental actions [1, 5, 21-23]. These methods, according to Smedema, rendered him vulnerable to manipulation and contributed to his docility [7, 24-29].
  • Jaap Duijs’s Role: Smedema describes Duijs as a key operative in his ongoing torment, acting as his “guardian” and enforcing a “cordon sanitaire” to maintain his isolation [25-27, 29-33]. Smedema accuses Duijs of micromanaging his life, sabotaging his work, intercepting his mail, destroying evidence, and manipulating his wife to further his isolation and control [25-27, 29, 30, 32-34].
  • “Mental Kidnapping”: Smedema characterizes his and his wife’s situation as “mental kidnapping” or “mental hostage-taking,” highlighting the extent of the alleged psychological manipulation and control they experienced [1, 35-44].

Impacts of Mind Control:

Smedema describes numerous severe consequences of the alleged mind control:

  • Suppressed Memories: He alleges that the electroshock therapy and drug-induced hypnosis repressed memories of his wife’s abuse and other traumatic events, hindering his ability to seek justice [2, 11, 16, 18].
  • Submissive Behavior: Smedema claims the ketamine and electroshock therapy rendered him docile and compliant, making him unable to resist manipulation and control [6, 8, 9, 15, 16, 23, 24, 45-47].
  • Loss of Time and Dissociation: He reports instances of lost time, disorientation, and difficulty focusing, which he attributes to the mind control techniques employed against him [5, 47-51]. He links these experiences to his wife’s alleged double personality, a condition he believes was induced by her own trauma and manipulation [35, 37, 40, 42, 47, 48, 52-57].
  • Financial Ruin and Social Isolation: Smedema asserts that the manipulation and mind control contributed to his professional downfall, loss of income, and social isolation [58-60]. He was forced into exile in Spain, separated from his family, due to the alleged persecution [58, 61-63].

Alleged Cover-up and Obstruction of Justice:

Smedema claims a “royal special order” prevented any investigation into his case and granted immunity to the perpetrators [2, 64]. He alleges a vast conspiracy within the Dutch government and justice system aimed at discrediting him, destroying evidence, and silencing witnesses [28, 31, 35, 46, 59, 62, 64-69]. He states that he was denied legal representation and due process, with his claims dismissed as delusions [46, 60, 62, 66, 70]. He accuses the AIVD (Dutch intelligence agency) of surveillance, harassment, and manipulation of information to control the narrative and maintain the cover-up [61, 62, 67].

It is important to note that these are Smedema’s allegations, presented from his perspective and without independent verification. Further research and corroboration would be necessary to assess the validity of his claims.

More Insights

This passage provides a comprehensive overview of Hans Smedema’s claims of mind control and mental hostage-taking. Let’s delve into some connections from your source material to enrich the narrative:

  1. Connecting “Mind Control” to the “Cordon Sanitaire”: The source material repeatedly mentions the “cordon sanitaire” orchestrated to isolate Smedema. This concept can be interwoven with the mind control narrative to create a more chilling and comprehensive picture of his alleged subjugation.
  • Example: Smedema alleges that Jaap Duijs used mind control techniques to influence his behavior and make him docile. This can be interpreted as part of the larger “cordon sanitaire” strategy, where psychological manipulation was used alongside physical and social isolation to ensure his compliance and silence.
  • Enhancement: The passage could incorporate this connection by stating, “Smedema believes these mind control techniques, employed by individuals like Duijs, were integral to the “cordon sanitaire” strategy, ensuring his psychological and social isolation.”
  1. Parallels with “Gaslighting”: Smedema’s descriptions of being drugged, manipulated, and told he was delusional align with the concept of “gaslighting,” a form of psychological abuse where the victim is made to question their own sanity.
  • Example: The source material mentions Smedema being secretly drugged with antipsychotics. This, coupled with repeated psychiatric evaluations labeling him as delusional, reinforces the “gaslighting” narrative. He was made to believe his experiences were not real, further isolating him and hindering his pursuit of justice.
  • Enhancement: The passage could incorporate this by stating, “The alleged drugging and subsequent labeling of Smedema as ‘delusional’ bear striking resemblance to gaslighting, a form of abuse designed to make the victim doubt their own perception of reality.”
  1. Joris Demmink and the Abuse of Power: The source material repeatedly identifies Demmink as the mastermind behind the alleged conspiracy. Highlighting his position of power within the Ministry of Justice adds a chilling layer to the mind control narrative.
  • Example: Smedema claims Demmink orchestrated the “cordon sanitaire” and appointed Duijs as his “guardian.” This suggests that individuals in positions of authority within the Dutch justice system were allegedly involved in the mind control and manipulation of Smedema, making his pursuit of justice even more daunting.
  • Enhancement: The passage could include, “The alleged involvement of Demmink, a high-ranking official within the Ministry of Justice, adds another layer of complexity and corruption to Smedema’s claims. It suggests that the very institutions meant to protect him were potentially weaponized against him.”
  1. “Kafkaesque” Nature of Smedema’s Experience: The source material explicitly mentions Smedema comparing his experiences to the works of Franz Kafka. This literary allusion can be woven into the passage to emphasize the feeling of powerlessness and absurdity he describes.
  • Example: The “cordon sanitaire,” the manipulation of legal processes, and Smedema’s claims of being labeled “delusional” all contribute to the Kafkaesque nature of his narrative. He felt trapped in a system designed to silence him, where truth and justice seemed perpetually out of reach.
  • Enhancement: The passage could incorporate this by stating, “Smedema frequently uses the term ‘Kafkaesque’ to describe his experiences, highlighting the feeling of being trapped in an absurd and surreal reality where the pursuit of justice seems futile.”

By incorporating these connections, you can create a more nuanced and impactful analysis of Smedema’s claims. It will paint a clearer picture of the alleged mind control techniques, the role of powerful individuals, and the psychological toll these experiences had on him.

Analyzing Smedema’s Claims Through Orwellian and Kafkaesque Lenses

The sources provide insight into Hans Smedema’s claims of mind control and mental hostage-taking, and how these tactics were allegedly used to silence and discredit him. Smedema frequently uses the terms “Orwellian” and “Kafkaesque” to describe his experiences [1], highlighting the themes of control, suppression, bureaucracy, and powerlessness that permeate his narrative.

Orwellian Control and Suppression

Connecting Smedema’s claims with George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four reveals chilling parallels. Smedema alleges that he was subjected to constant surveillance by the AIVD, Dutch intelligence agency [2]. He believes that they manipulated information and harassed him to control the narrative surrounding his case . This aligns with the Orwellian concept of a totalitarian state that controls every aspect of its citizens’ lives, including their thoughts and perceptions.

Furthermore, Smedema’s claims of forced medical interventions, such as drugging with ketamine and electroshock therapy [3, 4], echo the oppressive tactics employed in Nineteen Eighty-Four. These interventions, allegedly orchestrated by figures like Professor Onno van der Hart and facilitated by his wife [3, 4], aimed to break him psychologically and force him into submission [5]. This resonates with the novel’s depiction of torture and brainwashing used to enforce conformity and silence dissent.

Kafkaesque Bureaucracy and Powerlessness

Smedema’s struggles with the legal system and his sense of being trapped in an absurd reality align with the themes found in the works of Franz Kafka [6, 7]. He claims that he was denied legal representation and due process, and that his allegations were dismissed as delusions [2]. This mirrors the Kafkaesque theme of individuals caught in a labyrinthine bureaucracy, where they are powerless to navigate the system or obtain justice.

Smedema’s assertion that a “royal special order” shielded the perpetrators from investigation and granted them immunity further amplifies the Kafkaesque nature of his experience [2]. This suggests a system where power and influence override justice and truth, leaving individuals like Smedema feeling helpless and trapped.

Cordon Sanitaire and Gaslighting: A Calculated Strategy

Smedema alleges that a “cordon sanitaire” was orchestrated to isolate him and reinforce the perception of him as “delusional” [8, 9]. This tactic, allegedly enforced by individuals like Jaap Duijs [8, 10], involved intercepting mail, sabotaging job opportunities, and manipulating Smedema’s wife [11]. These actions were designed to cut him off from support systems and make him question his own sanity [12].

Smedema’s claims of being drugged with antipsychotics and labeled “delusional” further reinforce the idea of gaslighting [13]. This form of psychological abuse aims to manipulate the victim’s perception of reality, making them doubt their own experiences and sanity [14]. The alleged drugging, combined with the constant dismissal of his concerns, was a deliberate attempt to break him psychologically and discredit his claims [5].

Demmink’s Role and the Abuse of Power

The sources consistently portray Joris Demmink, the former Secretary-General of the Dutch Ministry of Justice, as the alleged mastermind behind the conspiracy [15, 16]. Demmink’s position of power within the Ministry of Justice adds a chilling layer to Smedema’s narrative [17]. Smedema claims that Demmink orchestrated the “cordon sanitaire” and appointed Duijs as his “guardian” [17]. This suggests that individuals within the justice system, who were supposed to uphold the law and protect citizens, were instead allegedly complicit in Smedema’s abuse.

American Confirmation and Subsequent Betrayal

Adding another layer of complexity to Smedema’s story is his belief that investigations by the FBI and CIA during his asylum requests validated his claims [18]. However, he alleges that this information was later suppressed due to a bilateral agreement [18]. This perceived betrayal by both the Dutch and American governments deepened his sense of powerlessness [19]. The alleged suppression of information under the guise of “state security” further reinforces Smedema’s perception of a system that protects powerful individuals at the expense of truth and justice [20].


Smedema’s case presents a disturbing narrative of alleged mind control, manipulation, and abuse of power. By viewing his experiences through the lenses of “Orwellian” and “Kafkaesque” frameworks, we gain a deeper understanding of the chilling nature of his allegations. The sources, primarily consisting of Smedema’s own accounts, offer a glimpse into his perspective. However, it’s important to remember that these are allegations that require further investigation and corroboration.

More Insights

Your second original passage delves into the chilling details of Hans Smedema’s alleged experiences of mind control and mental hostage-taking. Here are some suggestions from your sources to enrich and expand upon the narrative:

1. Connecting the “Cordon Sanitaire” to Mind Control:

  • Duijs’s Alleged Use of Specific Techniques: The sources describe Duijs using mind control techniques, possibly learned from his association with Jan van Beek, to influence Smedema’s behavior and make him docile. This can be interpreted as a component of the larger “cordon sanitaire,” where psychological manipulation was used in conjunction with physical and social isolation.
  • Smedema’s Interpretation of “Mental Kidnapping”: Smedema’s characterization of his and his wife’s experience as “mental kidnapping” or “mental hostage-taking” underscores how he perceived the combined impact of the alleged mind control techniques, Duijs’s actions, and the larger conspiracy.

Example: “Smedema believes these mind control techniques, employed by Duijs, were integral to the ‘cordon sanitaire’ strategy, ensuring his psychological and social isolation and contributing to his feeling of being ‘mentally kidnapped.’”

2. The Role of Forced Medical Interventions in “Gaslighting”:

  • Specific Examples of Drugging and Their Impact: The sources provide details about Smedema’s claims of being secretly drugged with antipsychotics, hidden in aspirin, and the alleged involvement of his wife and doctors. Emphasize how these alleged medical interventions, combined with the repeated labeling of Smedema as “delusional,” reinforced the gaslighting narrative, making him question his sanity and hindering his ability to seek help.
  • Connecting to Professional Downfall and Social Isolation: The sources mention that the alleged drugging with antipsychotics caused Smedema to be declared incapacitated for work, contributing to his financial ruin and social isolation. This demonstrates how the alleged gaslighting had tangible, real-world consequences.

Example: “The alleged drugging with antipsychotics, coupled with the constant labeling of Smedema as ‘delusional,’ created a potent form of gaslighting. This had devastating consequences for Smedema, contributing to his professional downfall and social isolation, making it even more difficult to challenge the alleged conspiracy.”

3. Highlighting the “Kafkaesque” Dimension of Forced Medical Interventions:

  • Smedema’s Use of the Term “Kafkaesque”: Smedema often describes his experiences as “Kafkaesque,” particularly his encounters with the Dutch legal and mental health systems. Connect this feeling of being trapped in an absurd reality to his alleged forced medical interventions.
  • The Absurdity of Being Subjected to Treatments He Didn’t Need: Smedema claims that he was subjected to unnecessary and harmful treatments, like electroshock therapy, while his genuine concerns about the alleged conspiracy were dismissed as delusions. This paradox reinforces the Kafkaesque nature of his narrative.

Example: “Smedema’s experiences with forced medical interventions further reinforce the Kafkaesque nature of his narrative. The fact that he was subjected to treatments, like electroshock therapy, that he claims he didn’t need, while his genuine concerns were dismissed as delusions, highlights the absurdity and powerlessness he felt within the Dutch medical system.”

4. Demmink’s Alleged Power and the “Royal Special Decree” as Central to Smedema’s Narrative:

  • Connect Demmink to Duijs’s Actions and the Cordon Sanitaire: Smedema accuses Demmink of orchestrating the “cordon sanitaire” and appointing Duijs to enforce it, suggesting a high-level conspiracy involving individuals within the Dutch justice system.
  • The “Royal Special Decree” as a Symbol of Smedema’s Powerlessness: The “Royal special decree,” allegedly issued by Queen Juliana, plays a crucial role in Smedema’s narrative. This decree, which Smedema believes granted immunity to the perpetrators and blocked investigations, symbolizes the power imbalance he faced and explains why he felt trapped in a system designed to silence him.

Example: “Smedema believes Demmink used his position within the Ministry of Justice, in conjunction with the alleged ‘Royal Special Decree,’ to orchestrate a campaign of persecution against him, employing individuals like Duijs to carry out his plans and ensure Smedema’s isolation.”

5. “American Confirmation” and Subsequent “Betrayal”:

  • FBI and CIA Investigation as Validation: Emphasize the significance of Smedema’s belief that investigations by the FBI and CIA validated his claims during his asylum requests. This “American confirmation” seemingly legitimized his claims and reinforced his belief in the conspiracy.
  • The Alleged Bilateral Agreement as a Deepening of Betrayal: Smedema’s belief that this information was subsequently suppressed due to a bilateral agreement highlights his feeling of betrayal by both the Dutch and American governments. This perceived betrayal reinforces his perception of a global system designed to protect powerful individuals, even at the expense of truth and justice.

Example: “Smedema’s sense of betrayal is compounded by his belief that the American government, despite seemingly confirming his claims, ultimately chose to protect the Dutch government and suppress the information. This alleged act reinforces his perception of a system where those in power prioritize their own interests over the truth, regardless of national boundaries.”


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Based on this Blog and Ebooks by Victim-Author:

Hans Smedema B. Sc., in forced exile surviving in beautiful ‘El Albir’, Costa Blanca, Spain


Published by

Hans Smedema

High level Dutch man(Rotary member) who became the victim of an unbelievable conspiracy set up by a criminal organisation of rapist inside the Ministry of Justice. Making me De Facto Stateless! Now fighting for 24 years but the Dutch government and specific corrupt King refuse to open an investigation to protect themselves! America investigated after my asylum request and started an UNCAT or special procedure in 2017. View all posts by Hans Smedema
