Last Updated 25/11/2024 published 17/08/2023 by Hans Smedema
First AI GPT 4 Blog Summary by Merlin!
The first Merlin summary!
1. Horrifying 40+ year crime involving Royals in the Netherlands:
– Details of the unbelievable crimes against the author and his girlfriend/wife since 1971
– Involvement of Royals and top leader Secretary-General Joris Demmink in a cover-up and conspiracy
– The author’s investigation pointing to Joris Demmink as the predator
– Refusal of the Dutch Crown and State to investigate and prosecute Demmink
2. Asylum requests in America and corrupt blocking by KLM co-pilot King Willem Alexander:
– Multiple asylum requests by the author in America, including detention periods
– Offer of asylum in 2017 by Judge Rex J. Ford, but blocked by King Willem Alexander
– Corruption and unfair trial upon arrival in the Netherlands
3. Special procedure before UNHRC and lack of information:
– Case of the Hans Smedema Affair brought before the UNHRC
– Possible blocking of the case after President Trump’s withdrawal from the UNHRC
– Limited response from Prof. Nils Melzer UN Special Rapporteur
4. Denied petition to the EU Parliament due to lack of legal assistance:
– Inadmissibility of the author’s petition by the EU Parliament
– Difficulty in obtaining legal assistance since 2000
– Positive impact of raising awareness without legal help
5. Unbelievable grounds for asylum and secret government control:
– Five grounds for asylum recognized by Judge Rex J. Ford
– Secret government control and violation of human and civil rights
– Lack of ability to file charges or have official investigations
6. Victim of Mutilation and Torture:
– The author claims to have been subjected to mutilation and torture for decades, resulting in severe brain damage and disability.
– The alleged perpetrators include a specific teacher, a neighbor, and a corrupt psychiatrist who administered drugs against the author’s will.
7. Denied Legal Help:
– The author states that they have been denied legal help from lawyers and victim support organizations.
– This is said to be due to a special order from the Royal Dutch government.
8. Manipulation of Evidence:
– The author claims that all evidence of their case has been manipulated or deleted by the Ministry of Justice.
– They allege that investigations have been forbidden and state security has been used against them.
9. Seeking Redress:
– The author calls for redress and compares their situation to the oppression described in the American Declaration of Independence.
– They specifically mention seeking help from America.
10. Stateless and Betrayed:
– The author states that they are de facto stateless, similar to Anne Frank.
– They accuse the Dutch government of betrayal and reveal similarities to historical cases like the Albert Dreyfus Affair and Kafka’s ‘The Trial.’
11. American Heroes:
– The author expresses gratitude towards several American individuals and institutions who have supported them throughout their ordeal.
12. Silence from America:
– The author questions why America has remained silent about their case.
– They speculate on potential reasons, including intimidation by the Dutch government and the abuse of bilateral justice treaties.
13. Injustice and Corruption:
– The author reveals allegations of corruption and child trafficking within the Dutch Ministry of Justice.
– They mention specific individuals involved in the abuse of power and obstruction of justice.
14. Joris Demmink is likely the Mole-X and involved in sex trafficking:
– Joris Demmink is highly likely to be the Mole-X and involved in sex trafficking, based on evidence linking him to the distribution of rape videos.
– His friend rapist Jan van Beek claimed Demmink sold the rape videos, including those with animals, to the USA through Prague.
15. Corrupt individuals, including members of the Dutch Royals, protect the criminals:
– Corrupt individuals such as Hans Smedema’s brother, Johan Smedema, and others from the criminal Omerta Org have received financial rewards for betraying Hans Smedema and protecting the criminals involved.
– The corrupt Dutch Royals have been blocking all investigations and prosecutions related to Hans Smedema’s case, leaving him and his wife defenseless.
– Authorities, politicians, and judges have violated their duties, overriding the rights of Hans Smedema and acting maliciously to protect their own interests.
16. University research reveals gross violations by authorities:
– University research comparing Hans Smedema’s case to that of Dutch whistleblower Fred Spijkers concludes that authorities, including Ministers of Justice and various investigators, have grossly violated their political responsibilities and natural duties towards Hans Smedema.
– Members of the Royal Family, ministers, and state secretaries of Justice and Home Affairs have failed to inform Hans Smedema about the injustices committed in 1972 or 1975.
17. Judiciary and psychiatrists have failed in their duties:
– The judiciary and psychiatrist Prof. dr. RJ Robert van den Bosch have violated their duties in handling Hans Smedema’s case, including shaming his legitimate expectations and failing to recuse when required.
– Authorities, including police judge Jeroen van Bruggen, have disregarded constitutional principles and procedures in order to protect their own interests or those of the Royal Family.
18. The Netherlands Ministry of (In)Justice has suppressed information about Hans Smedema:
– The Netherlands Ministry of (In)Justice has forced to delete most of Hans Smedema’s posts from search results, but using Google outside Europe or DuckDuckGo allows access to the information.
– Contact information for Hans Smedema is provided for complaints or crucial information.
19. Hans Smedema is in exile due to persecution by the Dutch Crown:
– Hans Smedema is currently in exile in Spain as a result of the horrifying persecution by the Dutch Crown (Royals and Government).
– Contact details are provided for communication with Hans Smedema.
Great first(!) Merlin summary of my/this Blog! Will have more later.
Earlier ChatGPT 3.5 summary: ChatGPT – What is the Hans Smedema Affair?
Hans Smedema B. Sc. living in forced exile from the Netherlands Crown in beautiful El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain