The Schuhs and the Smedema Cover-Up

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Last Updated 12/02/2025 published 31/01/2025 by Hans Smedema

The Schuhs and the Smedema Cover-Up

Paul Schuh, along with his wife Ans, is portrayed as a friend of Hans Smedema who had knowledge of crucial information regarding Smedema’s wife, Wiesje, but did not reveal the full truth to him [1, 2]. Paul and Ans Schuh warned Smedema about Wiesje’s sexual behavior before their marriage in 1973 [1, 2]. Specifically, Ans questioned Smedema about his decision to marry Wiesje, stating “Are you sure you want to marry Wiesje? She is not your type at all!” [1, 2]. However, the sources suggest that they withheld crucial details from Smedema [1, 2].

The sources indicate that Paul and Ans Schuh knew that Wiesje was hiding a boyfriend with whom she had been having sex since she was 14 years old [1, 2]. This boyfriend was reportedly hidden in her room, under her bed, or in the attic when Smedema came to visit [1, 2]. This information is presented as “absurd behavior” while Smedema was treated “like a dog” [1, 2].

Smedema alleges that Paul and Ans were aware of a cover-up and had been since 1972 [3]. He claims they concealed that his three children were fathered by rapists because both he and his wife were seriously ill with repression [3]. In 2004, Smedema also characterized Ans as “malicious” for claiming to know nothing about the story, even though she had been aware of it since 1972 [3]. Smedema further alleges that Ans contacted his wife in 2005 to inquire about his plans, and that Paul was also aware of the cover-up [3].

In 2005, Smedema states that Paul and Ans Schuh were his good friends from Alphen a/d Rijn, who had been aware of the cover-up since the end of 1972, but always concealed that all three of their children were fathered by rapists because they were both seriously ill with their repression [3]. Smedema notes this behavior is “chilling” [3].

In another account, Smedema recounts a conversation he had with Paul Schuh where Paul said “I’m not supposed to say anything about it” when Smedema asked if Paul had spoken to his brother, Johan [4].

Smedema states that Ans Schuh was a freelance journalist and was a member of the Omerta Org, receiving 20,000 guilders via a civil contract in 1972, and that she was a perfect witness since 1971 [5]. He also claims she is aware of the entire story [3].

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based on the legal written statements on this Blog and eBooks by Victim-Author:

Hans Smedema B. Sc., in de facto forced exile surviving in beautiful ‘El Albir’, Costa Blanca, Spain

Published by

Hans Smedema

High level Dutch man(Rotary member) who became the victim of an unbelievable conspiracy set up by a criminal organisation of rapist inside the Ministry of Justice. Making me De Facto Stateless! Now fighting for 24 years but the Dutch government and specific corrupt King refuse to open an investigation to protect themselves! America investigated after my asylum request and started an UNCAT or special procedure in 2017. View all posts by Hans Smedema