Horrifying Gaslighting after Decades of Betrayal by Family and Friends!

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Horrifying Gaslighting after Decades of Betrayal by Family and Friends!

Here are only a few of all the evidence in audio-files I have of all the Gaslighting, or reality-manipulation, done to me by my own family and friends! And that was after(!) I told them that I was now certain since December Christmas 2003 that I was not suddenly mentally sick and delusional as everyone was trying to make believe. But my brain, after stopping with the fake vitamin pills, at last was able to fight back at the cover-up and conspiracy from the secret(!) Omerta Organisation led by my corrupt brother Johan, who was manipulated by rapist-traitor Joris Demmink. Who needed to protect himself and others from legal investigations and prosecution!

The true crime audio files are so realistic that NotebookLM started to believe I was mentally very sick, needed treatment and should stop harassing my poor wife and family!

Unique Evidence of Gaslighting!

To counter that I made this whole Blog into 2 large pdf files and fed that to NotebookLM as 2 sources, giving more space to more sources. And to explain that the Dutch(!) audio mp3 files are all fake and organised by the Omerta!

I publish them because they are unique evidence of gaslighting!  Not many will exist like the original audio files I have! I also have some in readable text. They are all fake and organised by the Omerta!

Here are the current names of audio files I used as a source in NotebookLM:

  • rinoverzicht20904                 (Zuster Rinneke belt met Wiesje)
  • tjitteoverzicht20904               (Zwager Tjitte belt me Wiesje)
  • ruud                                           (Broer Ruud belt met Wiesje)
  • ineke                                           (Schoonzus Ineke belt met Wiesje)
  • klazienalleshans12082004      (Schoonzus Klazien belt met Wiesje)
  • bettyheleverhaal17904            (Schoonzus Betty belt met Wiesje)
  • ansschuhheleverhaal22904    (Ans Schuh belt met Wiesje)
  • paulschuh91105onzin              (beste vriend Paul Schuh belt Wiesje)
  • wiesbruinsmaonderzoek         ( Wiesje belt Politie Bruinsma)

All the above mentioned audio files are FAKE and Evidence of Gaslighting!

Other audio files as evidence

Not gaslighting but because of the gaslighting and betrayal Police of course thought that I was indeed insane or delusional! Here is the Dutch audio file I secretly took.

Verhoor16913      My official hearing at Police which I also uploaded.

For the audio links see my post:

Afgeluisterde telefoongesprekken Hans Smedema affaire!

Maybe more later…

Hans Smedema B. Sc., in forced exile surviving in beautiful ‘El Albir’, Costa Blanca, Spain