Smedema’s Accusations: The Alleged Roles of Demmink and Duijs

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Smedema’s Accusations: The Alleged Roles of Demmink and Duijs

The sources, which are primarily composed of Smedema’s blog entries, position Joris Demmink and Jaap Duijs as key figures in the alleged conspiracy against Smedema. The sources portray Demmink as the architect and mastermind behind the conspiracy, while Duijs is presented as his primary operative, responsible for carrying out Demmink’s directives and enforcing Smedema’s isolation.

Joris Demmink: The Alleged Mastermind

According to the sources, Demmink’s alleged involvement began in 1972 when he was a trainee with the Dutch intelligence service (BVD). Smedema accuses Demmink of participating in the rape and torture of his then-girlfriend, who later became his wife. Smedema believes that this initial crime triggered the subsequent decades-long cover-up to protect Demmink and other alleged perpetrators.

Smedema claims that Demmink strategically rose through the ranks of the Dutch Ministry of Justice, ultimately becoming Secretary-General, a position he held from 2002 to 2013. Smedema contends that Demmink used his authority and influence within the Ministry to:

  • Obstruct Justice: Demmink allegedly interfered with police investigations, intimidated witnesses, blocked legal proceedings, and ensured that Smedema was denied legal assistance [1-18]. Smedema cites examples of individuals who attempted to help him, including a police officer and a chief public prosecutor, being silenced or removed from their positions by Demmink [2, 4, 7, 8, 10].
  • Manipulate and Falsify Evidence: Smedema accuses Demmink of deleting or altering crucial documents, including medical records and intelligence files, to erase evidence of wrongdoing and maintain the illusion of Smedema’s mental instability [2, 6, 9, 19]. This alleged manipulation of evidence, according to Smedema, was designed to discredit him and protect those involved in the alleged cover-up.
  • Establish and Enforce the “Omerta”: Demmink is accused of establishing and maintaining a system of secrecy and silence known as the “Omerta” [3, 5, 14, 20-25]. This “Omerta” allegedly involved a network of individuals within the Dutch government, police, and even Smedema’s family, who were bribed, intimidated, or otherwise coerced into complying with the cover-up [3, 5, 6, 11, 13, 20, 23, 24, 26-38].
  • Exploit “State Security” as a Shield: Smedema alleges that Demmink used the excuse of “state security” to shield himself and his alleged accomplices from prosecution [6, 13, 28, 36, 39-41]. He contends that Demmink convinced the Dutch government that any investigation into the alleged crimes would threaten national security and the Dutch Royal Family [5, 28, 30, 39-41].

Smedema believes that Demmink’s primary motivation was self-preservation, protecting himself from the consequences of his alleged crimes and maintaining his position of power within the Dutch justice system [13, 42]. Smedema argues that Demmink’s actions had a devastating impact on his life, leading to financial ruin, social isolation, and severe psychological trauma [42].

Jaap Duijs: The Alleged Operative

Smedema describes Duijs, a French teacher, as Demmink’s “boots on the ground” operative [16, 17, 31, 34, 43-53]. He claims that Duijs was appointed by Demmink in 1977 as a “secret Justice Official” and strategically placed as Smedema’s neighbor to enforce the “cordon sanitaire” and control Smedema’s life [31, 34, 45-48, 53].

Smedema accuses Duijs of:

  • Daily Micromanagement: Smedema alleges that Duijs engaged in pervasive micromanagement of his life, sabotaging his attempts to find work, gather evidence, or expose the alleged conspiracy [31, 34, 44, 46, 47, 50, 54-56]. Smedema provides numerous examples of this alleged micromanagement, including:
  • Swapping Smedema’s passport with his wife’s, causing him to miss a crucial meeting with a human rights lawyer in Geneva [46, 50, 54, 55].
  • Sabotaging Smedema’s clothes before a job interview in America [46, 54, 55].
  • Destroying photographic evidence that could support Smedema’s claims [46, 54, 55].
  • Interfering with Smedema’s work as CEO of IHN Leeuwarden by planting a listening device in his office, spreading negative information, and exploiting his wife to sabotage his career [57-59].
  • Mind Control and Conditioning: Smedema alleges that Duijs, in collaboration with Professor Dr. Onno van der Hart, used mind control techniques and electroshock torture to influence his behavior and make him docile [60-67].
  • Exploiting Smedema’s Wife: Smedema accuses Duijs of manipulating and exploiting his wife, whom he believes was also a victim of the alleged conspiracy [32, 49, 60-62]. Smedema alleges that Duijs directed his wife to destroy evidence, obstruct his efforts, secretly administer drugs, and even engage in sexual acts with others [32, 33, 67].

Smedema claims that Duijs was motivated by financial rewards and protection from prosecution offered by Demmink [31-34, 47, 49, 53, 61, 68]. He alleges that Duijs received a “de facto free Villa” financed by Demmink, a monthly allowance, and protection from prosecution for his alleged sexual assaults against underage girls [31-34, 47, 49, 53, 61, 68].

The Alleged Symbiotic Relationship Between Demmink and Duijs

The sources portray Demmink and Duijs as having a symbiotic relationship in the alleged conspiracy against Smedema. Demmink, as the alleged mastermind, provided the authority, resources, and protection, while Duijs acted as his operative, carrying out his directives and ensuring Smedema’s isolation and silence.

It’s essential to remember that these accusations are based on Smedema’s personal narrative, presented on his blog and in his ebooks, and have not been independently verified. The sources provided consist solely of excerpts from his blog and do not offer corroborating evidence or perspectives from other individuals or institutions. The Dutch government has consistently denied any involvement in the alleged conspiracy.

The Cancellation of Hans Smedema’s Legal Expenses Insurance

Hans Smedema cancelled his legal expenses insurance weeks before he needed it in early 2004, an action he attributes to mind control by Jaap, his wife’s “therapist”. Smedema states that this cancellation was completely illogical, as he was a company director at the time and was involved in a legal case, and would normally never have made such a decision [1]. He connects this decision to the influence of Jaap and his sister Klazien, both of whom he believes used ketamine to control his mind and convince him he was crazy [1].

Smedema specifically cites the following:

  • Jaap, while allegedly exerting mind control over Smedema via ketamine, suggested that Smedema should cancel his legal expenses insurance [1].
  • Smedema initially refused this suggestion, as he recognized it was illogical [1].
  • Later, Klazien, Jaap’s sister, allegedly used ketamine in Smedema’s coffee to convince him that he was crazy and should cancel the insurance [1].
  • Smedema, under the alleged influence of ketamine and pressure from Klazien, cancelled his insurance weeks before he needed it for a legal matter in early 2004 [1].

Smedema believes this was a crucial event that led to twenty years of difficulty in finding a lawyer [1]. He highlights the fact that he would normally have had continuous legal representation from 2000 onward, which would have mitigated years of hardship [2]. The lack of legal support and the difficulty in securing representation is a recurring theme in Smedema’s account of his experiences.


Google NotebookLM Insights,

Not 100% correct yet, but the essence is! Amazing! Changed my whole life.

based on his legal binding Statements in this Blog and ebooks by Victim-Author:

Hans Smedema B. Sc., in forced exile surviving in beautiful El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain