Analyse and discuss how my nephew Jack from Duiven did his duty as Rijkspolitie and on my specific request alerted his superiors about my case!

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Analyse and discuss how my nephew Jack from Duiven did his duty as Rijkspolitie and on my specific request alerted his superiors about my case!

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According to the sources, your nephew, Jack, a member of the Rijkspolitie, played a crucial role in your narrative by attempting to bring the alleged crimes against you to the attention of authorities around 1990. You specifically requested his help in reporting these crimes, driven by the belief that “knowledge of crimes must be reported”. However, instead of leading to an investigation, Jack’s actions allegedly resulted in his dismissal from the Rijkspolitie, further solidifying the “cordon sanitaire” around you.
Here’s an analysis of how Jack tried to fulfill his duty as Rijkspolitie and the consequences he faced:
  • Jack’s Reporting of Criminal Acts: The sources consistently describe Jack’s actions as reporting “criminal acts” against you. Although the specific nature of these reported acts remains unclear in the sources, they are repeatedly framed as legitimate concerns that warranted official investigation. Your emphasis on Jack’s reporting being done “at [your] urgent request” underscores the claim that he was acting in response to genuine victimization.
  • Allegations of “Unlawful Interference”: The sources state that Jack was accused of “unlawful interference” for reporting these crimes. You vehemently contest this accusation, arguing that reporting criminal actions against a victim cannot be construed as unlawful. This alleged mischaracterization of Jack’s actions is presented as a deliberate tactic to silence him and obstruct justice.


  • Exclusion from Legal Proceedings: You claim that you were deliberately excluded from the legal proceedings related to Jack’s dismissal, further highlighting the alleged “cordon sanitaire” that prevented you from participating in matters directly related to your case. This exclusion, you argue, was orchestrated by your wife under the influence of Jaap Duijs and Joris Demmink. This alleged manipulation underscores your claims of being systematically silenced and marginalized.
  • Jack’s Conviction and Dismissal: The sources state that Jack was ultimately “convicted completely innocently and dismissed” due to his attempt to help you. You attribute this outcome directly to the actions of Duijs, acting under the alleged influence of Demmink. This dismissal serves as a stark example of the alleged consequences faced by those who attempted to investigate or expose the alleged conspiracy.
  • Connection to the “Cordon Sanitaire”: Jack’s experience is presented as a prime example of how the alleged “cordon sanitaire” operated to isolate you and prevent any investigation into the alleged crimes. By silencing and punishing those who tried to help you, the alleged perpetrators aimed to maintain their control and ensure the alleged cover-up remained intact.
The sources frame Jack’s actions as an attempt to fulfill his duty as Rijkspolitie by reporting what he believed were genuine criminal offenses. However, his efforts were allegedly met with accusations of “unlawful interference,” leading to his unjust conviction and dismissal. This incident, according to your narrative, exemplifies the power and reach of the alleged conspiracy, which sought to silence anyone who dared to investigate or challenge the alleged cover-up, even those within law enforcement.

Give related insights to the last note about Jack

The narrative surrounding Jack’s dismissal from the Rijkspolitie highlights the far-reaching impact of the alleged “cordon sanitaire” and the lengths to which the alleged conspirators went to silence anyone who attempted to help you. This alleged silencing extended to family members, law enforcement officials, and even individuals in positions of authority. Jack’s case, as presented in the sources, serves as a microcosm of the broader alleged conspiracy, showcasing the alleged manipulation, abuse of power, and systematic obstruction of justice that you claim to have faced.
Here are some related insights that delve deeper into the significance of Jack’s experience and its connection to your broader narrative:
Jack’s Allegiance to Duty and Justice: By emphasizing Jack’s position as a member of the Rijkspolitie, the sources underscore his commitment to upholding the law and protecting citizens. His decision to report the alleged crimes against you, even at the risk of jeopardizing his career, reinforces the narrative that these were legitimate offenses that deserved investigation. This challenges the alleged perpetrators’ attempts to portray you as delusional or unreliable, suggesting that even law enforcement officials recognized the validity of your claims.
The Perversion of “Lawful Interference”: The accusation of “unlawful interference” against Jack is presented as a particularly egregious example of the alleged conspirators’ twisting of legal concepts to serve their agenda. By labeling Jack’s attempt to report crimes as “unlawful,” they effectively turned the concept of law enforcement on its head, transforming it into a tool of oppression and silencing. This alleged perversion of justice is a recurring theme in your narrative, highlighting the alleged systemic corruption that you claim to have faced.
The Isolation of the Victim: Your exclusion from the legal proceedings related to Jack’s dismissal reinforces your claims of being systematically isolated from any process that could potentially expose the alleged truth. This alleged tactic aimed to prevent you from providing evidence, challenging accusations, or even knowing the full extent of the alleged actions taken against those who tried to help you. This alleged isolation, you argue, contributed to the perception of you as powerless and marginalized, making it easier for the alleged perpetrators to discredit your claims.
The Ripple Effect of Silencing: Jack’s dismissal, according to your narrative, had a chilling effect on others who might have considered helping you. Witnessing the consequences faced by someone within law enforcement who attempted to intervene sent a clear message: challenging the alleged conspiracy would be met with swift and severe repercussions. This alleged silencing extended to lawyers, journalists, victim support organizations, and anyone who might have potentially investigated or exposed the alleged crimes.
The Unjust Conviction and Dismissal: The fact that Jack was allegedly “convicted completely innocently and dismissed” emphasizes the alleged corruption within the legal system itself. You present this outcome as evidence that the alleged conspiracy had infiltrated the judiciary, ensuring that anyone who challenged the alleged cover-up would face unjust consequences. This alleged manipulation of the legal system reinforces your claims that you were denied a fair trial and that the institutions meant to protect citizens were instead used against you.
The Psychological Impact of Betrayal: Beyond the legal and professional consequences, the alleged betrayal by individuals like Duijs and Demmink, who allegedly orchestrated Jack’s downfall, likely had a profound psychological impact on both you and Jack. The feeling of being betrayed by those in positions of authority, especially within law enforcement, can lead to a deep sense of distrust, disillusionment, and despair. This alleged betrayal likely reinforced your sense of isolation and made it even more challenging to trust anyone or seek help.
The events surrounding Jack’s dismissal, as presented in the sources, expose the alleged multi-layered nature of the alleged conspiracy you describe. It allegedly involved not only the direct silencing of victims but also the manipulation of legal processes, the abuse of power by individuals in positions of authority, and the creation of a climate of fear that discouraged anyone from challenging the alleged cover-up. This alleged multifaceted approach, you argue, allowed the alleged perpetrators to maintain their control and continue their alleged crimes with impunity.
By analyzing the specific details of Jack’s case and connecting it to the broader themes of your narrative, you can highlight the alleged systematic and pervasive nature of the alleged conspiracy you claim to have faced. Jack’s experience serves as a stark reminder of the alleged high personal cost paid by those who dared to challenge the alleged cover-up and the alleged lengths to which the alleged perpetrators went to protect their alleged secrets.
Do you want to focus on connecting specific events in Jack’s timeline to other alleged instances of obstruction, or would you prefer to explore the potential legal avenues that Jack could have pursued to challenge his dismissal?

Give the timeline of Jack’s case in the last 2 notes

The sources do not provide a specific timeline for Jack’s case. The information available suggests the following sequence of events, primarily occurring around 1990:
Initial Reporting of Crimes: Jack, serving as a member of the Rijkspolitie, receives information from you about alleged criminal acts. The sources do not specify the precise timing of this disclosure, but it likely occurred before any formal action was taken.
Jack’s Approach to Superiors: Motivated by a sense of duty and your request, Jack reports the alleged crimes to his superiors within the Rijkspolitie. The sources do not mention the specific individuals Jack approached or the nature of his report.
Allegations of “Unlawful Interference”: Instead of initiating an investigation into your claims, Jack’s superiors accuse him of “unlawful interference.” The sources do not elaborate on the specific grounds for this accusation or the evidence presented against him.
Exclusion from Legal Proceedings: You are deliberately excluded from participating in any legal proceedings related to Jack’s case, preventing you from providing evidence or defending Jack. This exclusion, you argue, was orchestrated by your wife under the influence of Jaap Duijs and Joris Demmink, highlighting the alleged “cordon sanitaire” surrounding you.
Jack’s Conviction and Dismissal: Despite his attempts to defend himself, Jack is ultimately convicted based on the allegations of “unlawful interference” and dismissed from the Rijkspolitie. You attribute this outcome directly to the influence of Duijs and Demmink, who allegedly manipulated the legal process to silence Jack and protect themselves.
The lack of specific dates and details in the sources makes it difficult to construct a precise timeline. However, the available information suggests that Jack’s case unfolded relatively quickly, potentially within a year or two. The swiftness of his dismissal, despite his position within law enforcement, reinforces your claims of a powerful and well-coordinated conspiracy working to suppress any investigation into the alleged crimes against you.
Now, would you like to explore potential legal avenues that Jack might have pursued to challenge his dismissal, or would you prefer to delve deeper into connecting specific events in Jack’s case with other instances of alleged obstruction in your narrative?

Explore potential legal avenues that Jack might have pursued to challenge his dismissal, and how to get justice now

Given the information in the provided sources, analyzing potential legal avenues for Jack to challenge his dismissal is challenging due to the limited details surrounding the specific charges and legal processes involved in his case. However, some potential avenues can be explored, acknowledging that these are hypothetical and based on general legal principles:

1. Appealing the Conviction:

Grounds for Appeal: Jack could have appealed his conviction on several grounds, including:

Lack of Evidence: Challenging the sufficiency of evidence presented to support the charge of “unlawful interference.” If the prosecution failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Jack’s actions were unlawful, his conviction could be overturned.
Procedural Errors: Identifying any procedural errors or irregularities during the trial that might have prejudiced the outcome. This could include errors in the admission of evidence, jury instructions, or the conduct of the judge or prosecutor.
Violation of Rights: Arguing that Jack’s fundamental rights, such as the right to a fair trial or the right to freedom of expression, were violated during the proceedings.


Access to Information: The alleged “cordon sanitaire” and your exclusion from the legal process would have made it difficult for Jack to gather evidence and build a strong appeal. He might have lacked access to crucial documents, witness testimonies, or legal expertise needed to challenge his conviction effectively.
Intimidation and Pressure: The alleged influence of Duijs and Demmink within the legal system could have intimidated potential witnesses or discouraged lawyers from representing Jack effectively.
Limited Legal Resources: Without adequate legal representation and financial resources, mounting a successful appeal would have been a significant challenge.

2. Filing a Complaint with Oversight Bodies:

Rijkspolitie Internal Review: Jack could have filed a complaint with the Rijkspolitie’s internal affairs department, alleging wrongful dismissal and violation of his rights. This avenue would have allowed him to present evidence of procedural irregularities, abuse of power, or retaliation for reporting the alleged crimes.
National Ombudsman: The National Ombudsman in the Netherlands investigates complaints against government agencies, including allegations of misconduct, maladministration, or violation of fundamental rights. Filing a complaint with the Ombudsman could have brought external scrutiny to Jack’s case and potentially led to recommendations for his reinstatement.
Lack of Independence: Given your allegations of a widespread conspiracy, it’s possible that these oversight bodies might also have been influenced or compromised, making it difficult to achieve an impartial investigation.
Limited Powers: The powers of these bodies often focus on investigation and recommendation rather than direct legal action. While they could have issued critical reports or urged the Rijkspolitie to reconsider Jack’s dismissal, they likely couldn’t have forced his reinstatement or imposed penalties on those responsible for his dismissal.

3. Seeking Legal Representation and Civil Action:

Employment Lawsuit: Jack could have pursued an employment lawsuit against the Rijkspolitie, alleging wrongful termination and seeking reinstatement, back pay, and damages for the harm caused by his dismissal.
Human Rights Lawsuit: If Jack’s fundamental rights were violated during the legal process or his dismissal was motivated by retaliation for whistleblowing, he could have considered a human rights lawsuit against the Rijkspolitie and those responsible for his dismissal.
Statute of Limitations: The statute of limitations for employment and human rights lawsuits can vary, potentially posing a barrier to pursuing legal action years after the dismissal occurred.
Proof of Conspiracy: While Jack’s case might have highlighted potential irregularities or misconduct, proving a larger conspiracy and the direct involvement of individuals like Duijs and Demmink in his dismissal would have been significantly more challenging.

Getting Justice Now:

Given the passage of time, pursuing legal avenues directly related to Jack’s dismissal might be hampered by statutes of limitations and the difficulty of gathering evidence after so many years. However, if Jack is still alive and willing to participate, he could contribute valuable testimony to support your ongoing efforts to expose the alleged conspiracy and seek justice for the alleged crimes against you and your wife.
Here are some potential steps to consider:
Document Jack’s Experience: Work with Jack to create a detailed and accurate account of his experience, including specific dates, names of individuals involved, and any evidence he might have preserved. This documentation could strengthen your overall narrative and provide valuable corroboration of your claims.
Connect with Legal Experts: Consult with lawyers specializing in human rights, conspiracy cases, and employment law to explore potential legal avenues that remain viable. They can assess the strength of Jack’s case and advise on the best course of action given the current legal landscape and available evidence.
Engage with Investigative Journalists: Sharing Jack’s story with investigative journalists could bring public attention to the alleged conspiracy and pressure authorities to re-examine the case. Media exposure can be a powerful tool for accountability and can potentially lead to new witnesses coming forward or the uncovering of additional evidence.
Incorporate Jack’s Testimony in Ongoing Complaints: If you are pursuing complaints with international human rights organizations or other legal avenues, include Jack’s testimony as evidence of the alleged conspiracy’s reach and the systematic silencing of those who tried to help you.
By combining Jack’s testimony with other evidence you have gathered, you can create a more compelling case that highlights the alleged systemic nature of the injustice you claim to have faced. Jack’s willingness to come forward and share his experience could be a powerful force for truth and accountability, potentially leading to long-overdue justice for both of you.
While pursuing legal avenues specifically related to Jack’s dismissal might be challenging after all these years, his story remains a crucial piece of the puzzle. By documenting his experience, seeking legal expertise, and strategically incorporating his testimony into ongoing efforts, you can keep his experience from being forgotten and potentially use it to advance your quest for justice.
Now, would you like to explore ways to document Jack’s experience effectively, or would you prefer to discuss strategies for connecting with legal experts and investigative journalists who might be interested in your case?


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based on this Blog and eBooks by Victim-Author:

Hans Smedema B. Sc., in forced exile surviving in beautiful El Albir, Costa Blanca, Spain